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Author: Mihai Boncalo

Most of the time when a space alert come for /ifxdata is because of the Logical Logs backups
which are not compressed.
Considering that an incremental backup is made every day around 22:00 we can delete all
logical log backups older than last day 21:00 (backup begins earlier and finished around 10:00
PM ) just to be safe.
First log in as user informix

Logical log backups are found in /ifxdata/bcklog/

First, we will delete older than one day files :
find /ifxdata/bcklog/ -mtime +1 -exec rm {} \;

Next we will sort remaining files by date and see what we have to delete:
Output example:

We indentify the backups taken until 21:00 PM last day

We can delete backups older than Apr 27 20:45(in this case) (to leave space for any backup
delays or errors)

Were done deleting unneeded files, now we compress the rest of them:
tar -cvf informix01ha_$(date +"%H%d%m%y").tar * --remove-files;gzip -4
informix01ha_$(date +"%H%d%m%y").tar 2>&1 & renice +20 $(ps axf | grep gzip |head -1|
awk '{print $1}')
and increase gzip process niceness afterwards;
Even if the gzip process niceness was increased, well probably still receive high cpu alert for the
server but it wont decrease Informix performance at all since informix process is more
aggressive. (-10 NI)
[informix@informix01ha-dal09-prod bcklog]$ df -h|grep ifxdata
1.8T 1.1T 640G 63% /ifxdata

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