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Cameron Quarterman

Richards(3rd Block)

Summary Report

15 August 2016

Summary on A lesson in hate

In the essay A lesson in hate the author , David Van Drehe, explains his opinion about

why islamistic extremist Sayyvid Qutb hates america.

Presence Of Mind

Before Qutb became a member of Jihad he was a egyptian writer he belonged to a small college

on The Great Plains. He came to the U.S to study our culture. When he seen some unpleasing

things such as simple as a haircut he was displeased. He didn't find anything to be upfront and

good of the 1950s.

Due to his dislikes of america he caused a influence to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Disrespect

of democracies also gave him a outrage he thought we were terrible because they way we treat

one another. He gave off the impression of hate because of his belief and studies and his culture

did not approve of ours. Qutb did not have a problem with politics but only our life choices.

America makes people think money equals happiness which some associate the american dream

with. He thought americans spent too much time working and not praising their god.The

execution did not accept of secular egyptians. Qutb says america is not what greenly was. He left

america and returned to egypt in 1951 after Hassan al-banna was assassinated. In 1966 from

further on in life Qutb himself was executed , the same year the philosopher was put to death.

Then Osama Bin Laden comes in the whole entire equation. Although Qutb's ideas were extreme

he is still considered a major figure in the modern eastern , Qutb declared is not an example for

the world as one to follow. To conclude Qutb was a man who stuck strongly with his belief and

studies. Not only that he left with a impact with 9/11. Before all of this he was a nice gentleman

who read all of the Koran. But Qutb never had a very valid reason to hate America. Overall there

was no rational reason to hate america.

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