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We will be working on this in class today in ELA and history.

It is due TONIGHT at midnight

Historical Figure and Moment (as written on your sheet):

Justinian I seizing Roman lands to restore some of the glory of the fallen, Western
Roman Empire

Source #1
Title :
5 Major Accomplishments of Justinian

MLA Source Citation:

1. Visit Easy Bib and fill in all the available information for your souce. Keep in mind, the more source
information you have, the more valid the source usually is.
2. Copy your MLA citation and the link to the source below:

MLA Citation Source Link

5 Major Accomplishments of Justinian.
HRFnd, 13 Jan. 2017, accomplishments-of-justinian/

Summary and Important Facts:

Important Quotes and/or Facts: (REMEMBER: you must have 10 total facts in your paper. These
facts need to be a combination of paraphrased facts and actual quotes from your research.)

1. Justinian Conquered most of Italy, the outreaches of North Africa and Parts of Spain

2. Belisarius was Justinians General who played an important role in reclaiming the
lands of former Western Rome, he is best known for defeating an army twice the size
of his own, using his wits and cunning

3. He had to raise taxes to reclaim the land, which upseted many which caused a riot to
We will be working on this in class today in ELA and history. It is due TONIGHT at midnight

be formed, where Justinian nearly lost his life.

4. He managed to drive out the Vandals (a group of fearsome Germanic tribes) off the
face of Italy

5. He was able to Utilize others such as his wife Theodora with her ideas on politics and
his general Belisarius who was also a military genius

6. Even though he is thought to be one of the greatest Byzantine emperor in history, he

was not very popular at the time. Many people didnt agree with his choice to marry
Theodora since she was a performer and came from a lower class and they didnt like
how Justinian was taking advice from her since she was a woman and they were
ready to tear their hair out ever since she and Justinian promoted more rights for
women. Theodora wasnt just Justinians wife, she was the empress of Byzantine just
as Justinian was emperor.

7. Justin (Justinians uncle) announced that he would be emperor while he was

suffering from a fatal illness and knew he was going to die.
Source #2
Title :
Emperor Justinian and the Byzantine empire

MLA Source Citation:

1. Visit Easy Bib and fill in all the available information for your souce. Keep in mind, the more source
information you have, the more valid the source usually is.
2. Copy your MLA citation, and the link to the source below:

MLA Citation Source Link

Summary and Important Facts:

We will be working on this in class today in ELA and history. It is due TONIGHT at midnight

Important Quotes and/or facts: (REMEMBER: you must have 10 total facts in your paper. These facts
need to be a combination of paraphrased facts and actual quotes from your research.)

1. Justinian managed to reclaim Rome allowing glory to be returned to most of the

fallen Western Roman Empire

2. Belisarius managed to defeat the Gothic king Vitiges who had a greatly superior force
by letting him fall prey to sickness while Belisarius continued to attack with bravery,
Vitiges was later sent to Constantinople where he was locked up.

3. Justinian engaged in a war with Khosrow I the Sassanid king which was not declared
by himself, Khosrow declared war against Justinian when Khosrow claimed that
Justinian was secretly involved with the huns to overthrow the Sassanid empire.





Source #3 (Optional: you are only required to have TWO sources minimum)

Title :

MLA Source Citation:

1. Visit Easy Bib and fill in all the available information for your souce. Keep in mind, the more source
information you have, the more valid the source usually is.
2. Copy your MLA citation, and the link to the source below:

MLA Citation Source Link

Summary and Important Facts:

We will be working on this in class today in ELA and history. It is due TONIGHT at midnight

Important Quotes and/ or facts: (REMEMBER: you must have 10 total facts in your paper. These
facts need to be a combination of paraphrased facts and actual quotes from your research.)







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