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Technical Writing

To: Professor French

From: Adolfo Carrillo
Subject: The Use of Alignment in the Micron Data Flyer
Date: October 19, 2017

The purpose of this memo is to analyze the effectiveness and use of alignment in the
Micron data flyer.

Overall the alignment of the flyer was effective in its task of showing clear
relationship between major headings and respective information, but could have been
used to further divide the page in order to improve accessibility.

The flyer has two distinct alignment levels. The first containing the title of the flyer,
the two headings of the information block, and the labeling of the figure of the
Micron package. The second level is deeply indented, which successfully divides the
page into clearly labeled categories, but contains very large blocks of information.

The existing headings of alignment level one are clear and well used, but because of
the lack of contrast and density of the information blocks in second level, the flyer as
whole is fairly unapproachable.

The second alignment level could be divided into smaller subsections, by adding a
third level, between the first and second. This would make the information easier to
digest by creating smaller chunks of text with relevant, more specific subheadings as
directly above each paragraph adding a greater sense of organization.

Creating a third alignment level by adding subheadings to the Introduction and
Terminology blocks would further differentiate and label subsections while making
information quicker and easier to access.

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