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Jacob Weist many forms of media are multimodal.

A second main idea I got

from the reading was that every part of a multimodal work has a
UWRT 1103-004
specific purpose. For instance, the visual mode of communication
30 August 2017 can be used to grab someones attention with bright colors or an

Weekly Writing 1 interesting graphic design. A third main idea I got was the many
different modes of communication. Linguistic, visual, aural,
My prior knowledge of multimodal composing before
gestural, and spatial are the different modes of communication.
reading chapters one and two in Writer/Designer was minimal. I
The linguistic mode consists of word choice and the delivery of
had not composed any work using more than two or three of the
spoken words, visual consists of color, layout, size and the use of
five modes of communication, at least not knowingly. I have
images. The aural mode is made up of sound such as music, sound
written research papers and created articles for my computer
effects, and background noise. The spatial mode is all about
science class in high school but they were not made up of more
physical arrangement and organization. Finally, the Gestural mode
than three modes. I have seen many multimodal works in my
is all about body language, facial expressions, and hand gestures.
lifetime but until I read these chapters I did not even know what a
These different modes have their own specific purpose in
multimodal work was.
persuasive texts. When you analyze a rhetorical text, you need to
Some of the main ideas I took away from reading the first pay attention to every detail having to do with these modes of
two chapters were that multimodal writing is everywhere, every communication. You also must pay attention to things like context,
part of a multimodal work has a specific purpose, there are many who the author is writing to, and the genre of the work.
different modes of communication, rhetoric is the study of making
Something I am wandering about multimodal composing is
persuasive texts, and the endless things to pay attention to when
how to successfully compose a work that includes all, or nearly all,
analyzing a work. The first main idea I got was that multimodal
of the modes of communication without overwhelming the reader.
writing is everywhere. Its on TV, Twitter, Instagram, and basically
Especially for something like a research paper.
every form of media that you encounter daily. I did not realize how

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