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Sydnee Chollett

Professor Moore

English 1301

November 2 2017

Story of Lucy

Family is important, no matter what happens in life, family will always there for support.

In the Windex commercial they showed a couple that is married and they have a baby named

Lucy and throughout the story she grows up and ends up getting married and has a baby of her

own. The message portrayed in the Windex commercial is that no matter what happens in life

family will always be there and nothing can separate family. To a lot of people, family is

everything and this commercial is heartwarming, heartfelt and a tear-jerker. The people who

made this commercial used pathos which means a quality that evokes pity or sadness; they used

pathos by using a heartwarming story about a family to evoke emotion from the viewers. The

family, setting and music of the commercial come together and show the audience that family is

important and by using Windex it can help connect family.

In the commercial, they use family as a way to evoke emotions from the viewers. They

use a story about a little girl who grows up to have a family of her own which many people can

relate to the story. The commercial shows that not all families are perfect but they will always

love each other. Even though the family there was no dialogue, the message that they were trying

to convey was powerful. The story also shows that no matter where you go or what happens in

life you will always have your family. Thorough out the story the dad goes off to work on a boat

in the ocean; every time he comes home Lucy get older but their bond stays the same. At the

beginning of the commercial the father looking through the glass into the room where his new
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born baby girl is, and at the end that same little girl is with her husband and her new born baby

behind glass showing her parents the baby. The only text besides the Windex symbol says "

what's between us, connects us" meaning that nothing can separate family.

The setting is a big part of a commercial, there are multiple settings in this story. It starts

off in the hospital where Lucy was born, her father runs through the hospital to get to her. The

next place was the car when they were taking her home, which is the main setting of the

commercial. Eventually the father goes off to work on a boat in ocean. Another setting is at the

beach where her dad teaches her how to find stars, and then she moves away with her boyfriend

and work in a place looking at stars. The final two settings are in a car after she gets married and

in the hospital after she had her baby. The setting is a very important part of a commercial, it

helps convey the story. Without a setting, the meaning of the commercial will be hard see.

Consumers tend to avoid commercials because the find the advertisement repetitive and boring

(Sameti, Ardalan and Hamidreza Khalili 2). With many different settings it makes the

commercial interesting, the story being told makes viewers want to know more.

The song used in the commercial is called Beautiful Things by Grace VanderWaal, it is a

soft and beautiful song. The song goes well with this commercial because it is about a

relationship and how the two people are comfortable with each other. The commercial tries to

portray a family and how they are there for each other through thick and thin. In the song she

says " we're a beautiful thing together even when the weather is low" meaning that even if things

get hard they will get through it. Since there is no dialogue for the story, the makers of the

commercial had to choose a song that fit the story and they did. When listening to music, most

people want to listen to songs that make you feel something and Beautiful Things is one of those

songs. In the song it says " we make hours turn into seconds together, the weight of the world fell
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like a feather, cause we're holding it right in our hands" meaning when they are together nothing

in the world matters as long as they are together nothing else matters. With family, you can be

yourself and not worry about being judged and it says that in the song, the song says " something

inside you is triggering it makes me myself, it makes me funny you're a beautiful thing".

Shakespeare once said that when words fail music speaks and that is true because a lot of people

have a hard time expressing their feelings but when they listen to music they can relate to it.

The family, setting and the music bring this commercial together and helps tell the story

well. The family in this is like a regular family, they argue at times but will always love each

other. The setting of a commercial is important, viewers do not want to see a basic and boring

setting. In the commercial there is multiple settings that brings the story together. The music is

also important, since there is no talking the song has to tell the story. The song chosen for the

commercial fits the story well. Pathos is use in the commercial by using family and the heartfelt

song. The meaning of the commercial is that nothing can come in-between family.
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Work Cited

Elliot, Andrew J. and Markus A. Maier. "Color Psychology: Effects of Perceiving Color on

Psychological Functioning in Humans." Annual Review of Psychology, vol. 65, 2014, pp. 95-120.

EBSCOhost, doi:10.1146/annurev-psych-010213-115035.

Geuens, Maggie and Patrick De Pelsmacker. "Planning and Conducting Experimental

Advertising Research and Questionnaire Design." Journal of Advertising, vol. 46, no. 1, Jan.

2017, pp. 83-100. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/00913367.2016.1225233.

Sameti, Ardalan and Hamidreza Khalili. "Influence of In-Store and Out-Of-Store Creative

Advertising Strategies on Consumer Attitude and Purchase Intention." Intangible Capital, vol.

13, no. 3, Sept. 2017, pp. 523-547. EBSCOhost, doi:10.3926/ic.986.

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