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Name : Fehni Dolongseda

NRI : 13011104082
Class : A2

Task 1.
Mr. Catchart, Peter Catchart come to the hospital and I am is the one who take care of him. His reason
for admission is excessive ketone production leading to suspected ketoacidosis. This is potentially life
threatening condition. With symptoms abdominal pain, vomiting, rapid breathing, extreme tiredness,
After get Mr. Catchart assessment, the implementation that I take is monitoring his blood sugar level,
give insulin injections. And then make a collaboration with dietician to discuss diet. After that I show
to Mr. Catchart how to Self-Monitoring Blood Glucose (SMBG) and how to read SMBG stripe. After
that I have to make sure that Mr. Catchart know how to do it. We really need to emphasize importance
of monitoring blood sugar levels every morning to Mr. Catchart and keeping record of the result to take
to GP.

Task 2.
Miss TM, 17 years old come to the hospital because she vomited. She felt hot and cold about 2 weeks
before she come to the hospital, not only that she also felt a headache. Doctor say that she had thypoid
fever. Doctor give her a paracetamol, vosedon,and mefinter. And for her vital sign, the result is her
blood pressure 110/70 mmHg, temperature 39oC, Respiration rate 30x/minute, and her pulse rates

Fever because infection of salmonella is the diagnose for Miss TM. And for the intervention is
observed her vital signs, give her a compress with a warm water, to tell Miss TM drink a lot of water,
and then collaboration with doctor about the drugs that she needed. The implementation is to assess her
vital signs, the result is 120/70 mmHg, Temperatures 37,5oC, Respiration rates 25x/minute, and Pulse
rates 72x/minute.

The result for evaluation that needed to reach is Miss TM temperature back to normal or at least went
down, she said that she doesnt felt a headache anymore. And if the problem havent done miss TM
need to take an drugs Therapy from doctor.

Task 3.

When I start my duty at the hospital, I come to the hospital in emergency room to prepare my self. My
first duty is to take a patient from emergency room to the maria room, after that I observed how to use
an Electrocardiograph. After that I check vital signs of miss BE, 24 years old, her results the blood
pressure 110/70 mmHg, Respiration rate 30x/minute, temperatures 39o C and pulse rates 64x/minute.
With the diagnose is thypoid fevers.

After that I observed how to use a kateter and how to clean a wound. How to use a dIsinfectant to make
steril everything that I use to take care a patient. And then in a free time, when there is no patient we
practice how to take a blood sample from one and another friend. And then I need to check Mr. AB's
vital sign, with blood pressures 180/40 mmHg, Temperatures 36oC. Mr. AB is 42 years old and
doctor diagnosis is Febris.
In the end of my shift I need to clean everything that I use. Clean my self before I went to home.

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