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A Story That You Never Heard Of

At home, on December 30, 1998, the sky is black as coal. People cannot see at all.
The main characters are me and Tania. The rest are Mom, Pedro, Ruby, Cooper the
Hacker, and Alex the Ghost. Immediately, the ghost pushes us around the house really
fast and he pushes us in a very small bathroom with a urinal, a sink, and toilet paper.
The room has cold air conditioning and no windows or lights. The Hacker is extremely
EVIL like hell. He scares people and pets. Also, he can hypnotize dogs, acting like they
have rabies. The Ghost is flicking all the lights repeatedly. When the lights flicker, it
makes loud noises. Outside, it thunders, but it's not raining. People inside the house
were scared because there were sharp objects being thrown at their faces. They felt the
house shaking and spinning. My family will fear that they will get killed. Hacker and
Ghost kept on scaring them.
As I was trapped, my teeth chattered loudly. I had no water, food, or sweater. I
had to drink water from the sink. I told the ghost to let me go to the bathroom because
the room I got stuck in, had no toilet. My parents and siblings are calling my name for
help. I told him to let me go to my room to get my phone to call my brother because he is
a cop. But I lied to him, I was trying to call the cops to save us. Later, they came and
tried to save us. Suddenly, they got stuck with us. Ghost and Hacker took away the cops'
item belts. So, there is no way to call backup.
After the cops were stuck in the bathroom. I was as cold as a freezer, and I was
sitting in the bathroom and rocking, but then I had an idea! Hidden in the safe was a
television and a videophone.
I thought, "YES, this mean I can call the ghost to bring the family into the room!"
I asked the ghost to bring them in and he said yes. Secretly, I told them to be
quiet. I called my good ghost and she will pretend to be a bad ghost. But she is three
times more powerful than a regular bad ghost. Then, she came and destroyed as many
ghosts as she could. After, she hid in her office with a walk-in closet. In the walk-in it
has security cameras everywhere in the house. Next, I went into the closet and it had a
speaker with a microphone. I checked the footage. On the screen, my family was still
stuck in the room. They are bawling their eyes out, yelling HELP! HELP! Then I found
a closet in the security room.
The next day, the ghost and the hacker are still fighting us. My family and I
realize that today is New Years Eve. This time, we plan to be wearing a disguise. We
wear clothes and makeup, Goth clothes. It is more like a punk style. We ran outside the
hall and pretended to party around. Alex and Cooper did not notice us until they
recognized our voices. Until 11:50 in the evening, we were getting ready for the
countdown for 1999. Finally, outside the house we heard a woman screaming loudly. We
went to check on her. She had no idea she was pregnant. Shockingly, we saw two babies
leg sticking out of from between her legs. We went on to help her deliver her babies and
rushed her to the emergency room. At the ER, the doctor said that one of the babies
blood pressure was low, but it is stable. After giving birth, we cuddled, hugged, and
kissed them on their cheeks.

After we left the hospital and arrived home, we noticed the twins faces were
turning a green and red-ish color. I realized it was evil twins. Therefore, I called an
expert named Schowz. Schowz is very good at making special technology, like a pen
blower or a brain washer. A pen-blower is a kind of tool that blows people into the air. If
you click a button on the pen barrel, it will throw people in the air. A brain washer is a
tool that erases some of peoples' memory. For example, when people kidnap kids, the
expert will use the tool to wash away their memory. There are many tools to protect
themselves also. We had to find a time machine to go back to the 1700s to find a special
cure that would change the twins back to normal. It is hard to find the cure. The place
looked like it had so many clues to find the cure, like an escape room. We found tons of
clues to get the cure and changed the twins back to normal.
Nineteen years later, my good ghost came to the house to destroy more ghosts.
But really, my good ghost is an EVIL ghost!
And Im like, What the hell?
Then I saw a thing coming towards me and I thought, Oh hell, it was a giant
I ducked down for three seconds and I was safe. I took a shower got dressed and
then to eat breakfast in the kitchen. After we ate breakfast, I was tied up around the big
pole. I begged them to stop, but they refused. My family begged too.
It is almost Valentine's Day and we prayed that we would be free. We are
dehydrated. We asked for water and food. We drank, drank, and drank. Finally, we are
alive! It is almost lunch time. Alex and Cooper let us out of the room, but if we talk about
something behind their backs, they will send us back to the hell hole. We ate sandwiches
with mayonnaise, tomatoes, cheese, ham, avocadoes, onion, turkey, and sliced cheese.
We went to the bathroom and suddenly the floors just started to crack, crack, and crack.
I fell all the way down to the hardwood floors. I was taken to the trauma emergency
room. The doctor said I have a skull fracture. It takes 1-4 months to heal. I cried. The
next thing I know, BOOM! My appendix explodes. I told my doctor that I am AB
positive. They did a lot blood transfusion on me. Luckily, I am alive. Thank Jesus! Praise
the Lord.
Whoa! Today is Mother's Day! I woke up in the morning, took a shower, got
dressed, and ate breakfast. My mother is coming from Mexico. She was working on Deaf
Education internships from Fresnillo Area Deaf School (Escuela para Sordos Del rea
de Fresnillo en Zacatecas). She will be graduating next month. This is so exciting, my
mom becoming a deaf teacher.
The next 3 months, I went home with headaches. I relaxed on my bed and
watched TV. I asked the ghost to bring me some pizza. I ate. I went to sleep all night
and morning. The next morning, I had to go to the doctor for a check-up for my head. I
took an x-ray and the doctor said it had healed well. I was so happy. Also, the doctor said
if I fell again, there was ninety percent chance I would be brain dead. A year later, the
hackers and ghosts are completely dried out.
I exclaimed, "Yes, finally, we are free!"
On the next day, I wanted to get breakfast, so I called my employees to help me
get down to the kitchen. This is because I am in a wheelchair. When I got down into the
kitchen, I couldn't feel my legs, hands, or my feet. I called my mother and told her. My
family took me to the hospital and the doctor told me I have multiple sclerosis. The
disease is only temporary. It lasts about 3 months. Finally, after three months, I got
Suddenly, the ghosts and hackers came back to my house, but they all invisible. I
can't even see them walking or see them faces. I only see objects moving around the
house. All of my family is trapped in the room except me. They want to get revenge on
I thought, "Okay, fine, I just have to fight with you."
So, I grabbed all my weapons. I use my pen zapper against all the criminals. I
called the cops, they took them to jail. Then, all of the sudden I heard gunshots. It shot
into my right thigh. I was taken to the hospital. The doctor said that I will be perfectly
fine. 4 weeks later, I am much better, now. The doctor said I can go home. At home, I
want to rest on the bed. I sept for like 4-5 hours. Later, I heard an explosion. It came
from 2 blocks away. I called the fire department. They came and put out the fire.
Later that night, my wife and I watched some movies and ate some popcorn. We
went to bed. The next day, we had omelets for breakfast. 6 months later, on Christmas
Eve, we celebrated the birth of Jesus and Virgin Mary's birthday. We sang Mexican
songs in front of Jesus and his mother. My whole family and I were eating tamales and
Mexican sweet bread. Around 1-2 in the morning they went home and I went to bed. The
next morning, Surprise!! I got presents. I got a MacBook Pro, an iPhone 8 Plus, and an
iPad Pro. I downloaded a lot of apps. I enjoyed playing with it.
AGAIN! The house starting spinning, I'm like, "What the hell?" It is constantly
spinning. I got really dizzy and then it stopped. I thought it was something strange, so
I'm think, "hmm, I going to ignore it." In late January, I asked my mom to activate my
phone with the phone carrier and she said yes. I asked for Verizon. She said yes. Later in
the afternoon I opened up my computer and installed everything and then I went to
sleep all day. The next morning when I woke up, there was blood leaking all over the
wall my room. I called my mother to come to the 3rd story, she screamed and called 911.
The police came and I described everything. It was so horrifying! The police are finished
with investigation. There was nothing they could do. Suddenly, at the station the whole
building started to flicker. Later that night, my wife and I kissed goodnight. It was late.
Then we heard a storm coming. It was a really bad storm.
God said, "Run like hell!" We hid in an 18-foot story cellular.
Then suddenly, it's over.
This is a new year! 2019 is coming up! We spent many years trying to defeat the
ghosts and hackers. BUT suddenly, the ghosts came back to this world. I really wish this
would go away. I have no chance to kill them, but I can convince them to be good ghosts.
Looking back at the ghosts, I thought they were hideous and horrifying. Ghosts
are crooked and evil. It felt like 5 knives stabbing in your chest and stomach. I can

imagine hurting. The next day before Thanksgiving, when I woke up, I started the
renovation of the house and SLIT! Something hit my right arm.
A month later, my body is healed. So far, my life is totally fine. Magically, the
ghosts and hackers WILL never come back. Ever. Ever. Ever. Later,my mother passed
away in her sleep. I was bawling my eyes out. I thought I wanted to kill myself, but God
told me to keep on living with your life.
I said "Okay."

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