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trio of Gods ascend from the previous universe,
taking the almighty chains and entering them,
rewriting its cells and molecular make up. With
the trio come Nevaris, a great warrior poet and
philosopher. Knowing his role, he prepares
himself for the newborn universes life. With
great sadness and Love, he sheds a single tear
before becoming the spear of re-writing: Nevaris. The trio
keep his tear safe and sacred as a last memory of their
departed friend. As the trio debate, their opposing ideas are
versed into stars within the great links. Twinkling words
emanate and create without permission or intention, as the
trio is as inexperienced as the child-universe. From the head
of wisdom came blue. From the head of passion came red.
From the head of wonder came yellow. These three, in the
centuries of debate created all colors, blending in the void to
create written records of an ancient argument. Within their
own words did they find power uncontrollable.
Communication was sparse in the coming era, as the trio
searched for the less-expensive language: speech. While they
discovered speech, the newborn universe interacted with
itself, attracting forms of mass in clumps like scar tissue upon
the festering wounds of a bomb-deafened oblivion. The trio
wished to bandage their child-universe, and a single droplet
from the tear of Nevaris was placed upon the wounds. Seas
and oceans fell into the bleeding planets. And so spun the
scars of our universe. Through the water came a breath from
the head of passion, filtered through the hex-helixed genes
contained within the tear of Nevaris. The breath broke off
three of the six helices, allowing a seed to be planted. From
these three helixes spawned life--the first of its kind. We, the
Xanos, were once a parasite of the child-universe, but in our
shared maturity, gained a symbiotic relationship with the
aging chains.
-Holy Scriptures of The Three, Chapter 1: Verse 1-10
The World of Nixclamor boasts an expansive, semi-loose
pantheon of gods and goddesses, providing players with many
choices when it comes to faith. Will you be a nature-loving
druid of Solace, an evil warlock of Dagon, or a cleric
dedicated to The Three?
Deity Alignment Suggested Domain Symbol
The God of Wisdom and Light LG Knowledge, Light A lion or owl reading a book
The God of Passion and Love NG Life, Light An anatomical heart with seven chambers
The God of Peace and Tranquility NG Life, Nature A Dove in mid flight
Kaj, the cat in the library N Knowledge A cat sleeping on a book
Saint Delenar the crafty, god of invention N Knowledge, Trickery Two gears turning
Zelqa, god of intellect and study LN Knowledge A quill and ink bottle
Solace, the goddess of spring NG Nature, Life A tulip surrounded by lace
Zalel, the god of endurance LN Life, Knowledge An infinite Staircase
Luna, the fae moth queen NG Life, Archfey A white moth
Kiruna, the Fae goddess of purity CG Light, Life, Trickery A pair of butterfly wings
Ni, god of volcanoes CE Light, Fiend An erupting volcano
Fortron, divine furnace N Light, Knowledge An Anvil
Charlav, the guiding light NG Light, Knowledge Three lit candles
The Wind Bones N Nature, Tempest A jawbone
Tamsin, the whispering wind of change NG Nature, Life, Death A willow tree
Kirin, protector of the forests LN Nature A Unicorns horn
The Windigo CE Nature, Death A stag skull
Eldag, the wood spirit CN Nature, Life A dogwood flower
Trinseroth, god of the sea LN Tempest A fishing spear or trident
Aquatari, water weaver CG Tempest Rushing rapids
Aurakurv, bear of the North CN Tempest, War A polar bear
Cumulo, god of clouds CG Tempest A raincloud

4. Hunger to learn more, and use your knowledge to enrich

Major Deities of the lives of your brother and sister.
5. Love unconditionally, as we love you.
Nixclamor Worship and rituals vary from culture to culture, but there
While all of the gods in the pantheon are worshiped by their are three festivals common to their faith worldwide: The
respective churches and cults, there are a few that stand festival of Passion, The Feast of Tranquility, and The Week of
above the rest when it comes to history. The Three, Garridan, Enlightenment.
Tyyl-gorest, Solace, Kaj, and Dagon have all left profound
impressions on Nixclamor. Solace
The Three Solace is the goddess of Spring, fertility, and she is the
The Three boast a trio of gods: The God of Wisdom and protector of the seasons. She is the patron goddess of many
Light, The God of Passion and Love, and the God of Peace druids and nature domain clerics, as well as farmers, hunters,
and Tranquility. These three beings are credited with the and fisherman. Unlike most deities, she has reported
creation of the universe, and are widely worshiped across sightings in the material plane; those that claim to have seen
nearly all civilized cultures. The God of Passion is usually her describe her as an exceptionally tall, fair skinned woman
depicted as seven spinning wheels covered in eyes, centered with rich brown hair that touches the ground. She has a pair
around an anatomical heart. The God of Peace is often seen of large antlers, and those that have seen her up close say
as seven pairs of connected wings with eyes on each joint. that she smells of honey and pollen, and her body hair is
The God of Wisdom is commonly seen as a lion with feathers made of small flowers.
for a mane, and seven eyes. Her tenants are:
Their Tenants are: 1. Preserve the circle of life, let it not become unbalanced.
1. Love your brother and sister, and do not forsake them. 2. Dwell in the hidden meadows and elven glades of old;
2. Protect the innocent and weak; provide for those less respect and love nature.
fortunate. 3. Work hard in the winter season of life so that you may
3. Remain calm in all things; do not let your emotions have a bountiful harvest come summer.
control your actions. 4. Give back to nature a portion of what it has given you. Be
thankful for the blessings it provides.
5. Treasure all life, no matter what role it may play.
Pantheon (Continued)
Deity Alignment Suggested Domain Symbol
Kryatt, the god of thunder LE Tempest A lightning bolt on a shield
Rada, child of Ni CN Trickster, light A pair of flaming eyes
Ridarre the cunning CN Trickster A dagger wrapped in silk
Vernath, god of good fortune N Trickster, Knowledge A coinpurse
Hephias the hidden CE Trickster A finger silencing lips
The Fox of Time N Trickster, Knowledge, Nature A fox chasing its tale
The Council of Judges LN War, Nature A dozen human figures in a semicircle
Gurkah, red orc of strength CE War A pair of tusks
Boet, god of justice and vengeance LN War Crossed Blades
Hermatep, the blood soaked NE War, Death, Great Old One A drop of blood
Dagon the destroyer CE War, Death, Fiend N/A
The Goddess of wandering souls N Death, Life A Harp
Azrael, Angel of Death LE Death A Scythe
Felinek, The cursed cat CE Death A cat skull
Tyyl-gorest, the Lich king LE Death N/A
Cannicoust the flesh eater CE Fiend, Death A full set of canines
Zelphir, the devil of deals NE Fiend A deck of cards
Nyrlayotep NE Great Old One A Mask
Shub niggorath CN Great Old One, Life Goat horns
Monarchi the Sunset Bringer CN Archfey A Monarch butterfly
Grune, the unchanged LN Archfey A grub or caterpillar
Garridan, Aspect of the Bat NE Archfey A Bat with yellow eyes
Garridan, Aspect of the Octopus NE Great Old One, Knowledge An Octopus with yellow eyes
Garridan, Aspect of the Dragon LE Fiend, War A Dragon with yellow eyes
Garridan, Aspect of the Raven NE Archfey, Trickery, Death A raven with yellow eyes
Garridan, Aspect of the Spider CE Great Old One A spider with yellow eyes
Garridan, Aspect of the Scorpion LE War, Life, Fiend A scorpion with yellow eyes

Worshiping Solace is often done in sacred groves preserved Kaj, the cat in the Library
by her followers, where incense is burned and seeds are
planted in her honor. Maternity is considered a blessing, and While most gods have a set of followers that believe in direct
in many ways worship, of Solace. There is a Festival held influence over their lives in some way, Kaj is different.
with every first harvest of the crops: The Festival of First Surprisingly little is known about the deity, and some even
Fruits. During this festival, a feast is held in a place of her speculate if it even exists. Kaj is the patron of many wizards
worship. A portion of these crops are left in the groves and and scholars, being cited as the most intelligent deity in
hollows, in hopes that Solace will take them as tribute and existence. This belief stems from those that claim to have
multiply them. visited his realm, The Library of Kaj. The library is an
infinitely large study with millions upon millions of books on
every subject. The library is organized into halls and rooms,
each covering different topics. The library is eerily quiet, and
those that have visited say that it is a lonely, though
enlightening, experience. There are no librarians; the only
being that has ever been seen inside is lazy tabby cat.
Kajs Tenants are: Tyyl-gorest, the Lich King
1. Knowledge is power. The Lich Kings name has been struck from historical
2. Endeavor to learn, and do not ignore your studies. records, but that did not stop his popularity from being
3. Share your knowledge with the world so that others may revived among cults and necromancers. Tyyl-gorest was
expand upon it. supposedly the first Lich, becoming undead via a terrible
4. Keep no secrets from your fellow learner; let all be known. ritual that removes one soul and places it in an arcane
5. All knowledge is worthy of learning. Do not turn your nose phylactery. His elven name is lost to the ages, but it is known
up due to disinterest. that Tyyl once ruled over an ancient kingdom, but grew
His worshipers are seen as less dedicated than those that jealous of the immortal nature of the gods. He mastered
follow other faiths. Kajs faith lacks any complex rituals, as necromancy, and eventually defeated death itself. The
simply learning, sharing and applying knowledge is seen as a horrendous atrocities that he committed have been removed
form of worship. Some cities celebrate a festival dedicated to from the records, but his well-deserved banishment was
Kaj, where all bookstores have sales and academies offer free carried out by a group of heroes know as The Founders.
classes to the public. Some say his phylactery still exists on the material plane, but
this isnt widely accepted. Most believe he ascended to
Garridan something akin to a god, and in his godhood opened up the
death magics of necromancy to the material plane.
Garridan. The Nightmare. The dreamer. The Raven-head. Adventurers seek a series of artifacts that Tyyl left behind:
These names all refer to the ancient, unknowable enemy of The staff of the Raven, the Skull of Tyyl, Pure Grave Dust, and
the universe. There is no public church to this being, only the Crown of the Lich King.
obscure cults. Garridan is a fragment of some nigh-
unthinkable entity of the previous universe, and followed The Dagon
Three into this one only to destroy it. Fortunately, when
Garridan entered the universe, it fell into a deep slumber, Dagon is the mad god of change and destruction. He is one of
unable to directly harm the new creation. From its dreams the dream-spawn of Garridan, and from his own chaotic mind
manifested the outer gods: Cthuhlu, Nyarlayotep, Yog came the races of old: The Elder Things, the Yith, and
Sothoth, Dagon, and Shub Niggoroth. Cultists worshiping Illithids. Dagon governs a plane of pure chaos, said to
Garridan often choose a specific aspect that they admire. At resemble a deep ocean that is constantly being barraged by
least six aspects exist, and each is represented by a specific storms and unpredictable currents. Great horrors lurk in the
animal. depths of this ocean, and some have been spotted in the seas
The Aspects: of the material planes. Deep in the oceans there are portals
that connect the two planes, allowing leviathans and krakens
1. The Bat: Wisdom, caution, and dwelling in the shadows. to swim freely between them. The Tenants of Dagon:
2. The Dragon: Strength, domination, and conquering the
weak. 1. Change is valuable, and not to be feared.
3. The Octopus: Intellegence, adaptability, and secret plots. 2. Every being is of their own will, not to be subjugated.
4. The Raven: Charisma, mimicry, and scheming. 3. No authority is worth bowing to.
5. The Scorpion: Constitution, endurance, accomplishing 4. Provide to the depths of the ocean and what dwells there.
ones goals patiently. 5. Remain spontaneous.
6. The Spider: Dexterity, opportunism, and spinning Cults of Dagon are responsible for the corruption and
elaborate plans. sacrifice of countless sailing vessels, coastal communities
The cultists that serve Garridan have unknown motives. and fishing villages. When an entire fleet of ships goes astray,
Their knowledge is protected by many elaborate webs of there is a saying: Dagon must have been hungry.
political relationships, secret codes, and deep conspiracies.
They are credited with many destructive acts, assassinations,
and even events that started wars.


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