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Section A 3.1.2 Able to write in neat cursive writing with correct spelling.

Write the sentences in cursive writing with the correct spelling.

1. Mowgli left the jungle.

2. Buldeo is an evil man.

3. Kaa fought the monkeys.

4. Baloo is a friend to Mowgli.

5. Shere Khan is a trouble maker.

(10 marks)

Section B 3.1.1 Able to write in a neat, legible print with correct spelling :
(b) sentences

Write appropriate sentences neatly and with correct spelling, based on the table and pictures.

Nora teacher. hospital.

Raju scientist. He works in a police station.
Betty is a policeman. school.
Lee Meng chef. She works in a laboratory.
Danial doctor. restaurant.

1. Nora ___________________________________________________________


2. Raju ___________________________________________________________


3. Betty___________________________________________________________


4. Ah Meng _______________________________________________________


5. Danial__________________________________________________________


(10 marks)

Section C 5.1.2 Able to use pronouns correctly and appropriately :
(a) possessive

Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronouns.

ours his theirs hers mine

1. This is my school uniform. It is ____________________.

2. That is my fathers laptop. It is ____________________.

3. The books on the table are Annies. They are __________________.

4. Those erasers in the box belong to my brothers. They are __________________.

5. My sister and I are playing with dolls. The dolls are __________________.

(5 marks)

Section D 5.1.6 Able to use adjectives correctly and appropriately:

(a) comparative
(b) superlative

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of adjectives in the brackets.

Example : This drink is ____sweeter____ than the juice. (sweet)

1. These shoes are ____________________________ than those shoes. (comfortable)

2. I am the _____________________ girl in the world today. (happy)

3. Asyikah goes to school very ___________________ in the morning. (early)

4. My sister got the _________________ marks for the English quiz. (good)

5. Amran is the __________________ runner in our school. (fast)

6. That building is ___________________ than the one next to it. (large)

7. My grandfather is a _________________ man. (rich)

8. Who is the _____________________ boy in this class? (naughty)

9. That is the __________________________ book I have ever bought. (expensive)

10. My uncle ate __________________ rice than my aunt. (much)

(10 marks)

Section E 5.1.7 Able to use articles correctly and appropriately:
(a) the
(b) zero article (-)

Put in the article the or - .

1. Most boys like to play _______ football.

2. Alexander Graham Bell was ________ inventor of the telephone.

3. She saw a dog lying on _______ road.

4. __________ Japanese people love to eat sushi.

5. Did you go to _________ beach yesterday?

6. Where are ________ scissors you borrowed last week?

7. I do not like to use _______ salt when I am cooking.

8. Can you tell me ________ time, please?

9. Mount Everest is _______ tallest mountain in the world.

10. _______ Mr. Husin is my grandfather.

(10 marks)

Section F 5.1.8 Able to use adverbs correctly and appropriately:

(a) manner

Fill in the blanks with the correct adverbs as provided in the box below.

happily gently hungrily sadly carefully

proudly gracefully softly soundly anxiously

1. The baby slept _______________ in the cot.

2. The ballerina danced ________________ on the stage.

3. The girls talked _________________ in the library.

4. Ben ate ________________ because he has not eaten for two days.

5. The pupils waited _________________ for their UPSR results.

6. Mother served the drinks _______________ so that they will not spill out.

7. Katina cried _______________ when she heard the bad news.

8. The children played _______________ at the birthday party.

9. Sally walked up the stage ______________ to receive the Best Student Award.

10. I held my mothers hand ____________ because she was sick.

(10 marks)

Section G 5.1.8 Able to use adverbs correctly and appropriately:

(b) time

Underline the correct adverb in the brackets.

( Yesterday , Tomorrow ) Sang Kancil could not find anything to eat. I am sure I will find

something good to eat ( then , tomorrow ), said Sang Kancil to himself. This looks like a good place

to sleep ( tomorrow , tonight ), thought Sang Kancil. It slept soundly until the next morning.

( Then , Last week ), Sang Kancil saw many fruit trees on the opposite side of the river. However,

there were many crocodiles. Sang Kancil thought of an idea and said to the crocodiles,

( Now , Yesterday ) I will count all of you, just as the King instructed.

(5 marks)

Prepared by, Checked by,

_____________________ ______________________
(Pn Elinda Nisabury)
Year 4 English teacher,
SK Seksyen 20

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