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November 15, 2017

Dr. Cecelia Musselman

Editor in Chief

Subject: Submission of revised literature review, The Fear of Clusters of Holes: A Review of
the Recent Literature on Trypophobia

Dear Dr. Musselman,

I am pleased to submit my revised paper The Fear of Clusters of Holes: A Review of the Recent
Literature on Trypophobia on the agreed deadline of November 16, 2017. I appreciate the detail
and time you and my peer reviewers, Rebecca Hoffman and Kang Min Kim, gave and I have
incorporated the suggestions into the paper to my best ability. The following changes to the
paper are presented below:
1. Added image of a lotus seed head to provide a visual example of a common trigger of
2. Changed the title to better reflect the content of my paper.
3. Sections were bolded to make them more easily readable.
4. Specific Phobia and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders were made into subsections under
the section Contenders in Characterizing Trypophobia.
5. Two tables were added: one to show different comorbidities with disorders and specific
phobias, and one to show common tests used to study trypophobia and the results.
6. The sections were reordered to improve the flow of the paper.
7. The Introduction, Summary, and Future Directions sections were rewritten and
expanded to improve clarity and provide more information.
8. Several reference citation formatting was changed and a reference was added.
9. An abstract was added to the paper.
10. The document was reformatted with 0.75 margins.
Thank you for the opportunity to revise the paper and for your suggestions. I look forward to
hearing from you.


Lulu Zhang
Department of Biology
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts

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