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Lesson Plan Preparation

Elementary Education

*Historical Perspective Lesson

Name: Alexa Nicole Atchison

Title: Making Moves with Money
Grade: Second Grade
Concept/ Topic: Economics- Saving and Spending Money
Time Needed: 30 Minutes

Identified Desired Results/ Learning Outcome/ Essential Question:

Apply an understanding of how needs and wants are met and created by members of a
community and the businesses within.

Understand that money can be earned, spent, and saved as people choose.

Make choices with money based on needs and wants.

Standards and Assessment:

State Standards:
2.E.1 Understand the basic economic concepts

2.E.1.5 Explain how money is used for saving, spending, borrowing and giving.

Assessment Plan:
Throughout the lesson students will participate in formative assessments in the form of whole
class discussions and small think-pair-shares. The students understanding of the concept of
saving will be assessed through their responses to the final journal entry.

Lesson Plan:

Materials/ Resources:
Smart Board
Copies of the elected Bill from the previous day
Class Piggy bank ( Can be substituted as Jar or box)
The Hard Times Jar by Ethel Footman Smothers
If I Had a Million Dollars - Barenaked Ladies
If I had a Million Dollars : Final Journal WS

Lesson Development:
1. The Hard Times Jar read aloud
a. Read The Hard Times Jar
b. Have students help retell and summarize main events from the story
c. Discuss how Emma choice to save her money ( Need v wants )
d. Talk about the the perspective and experience of Emma and her family as
immigrants to the country. ( Historical Perspectives)
e. Discuss how sometimes people have a Scarcity of money and need to make
hard choices about what to spend their limited resources on.
2. What is saving?
a. Define new academic language related to the unit as well as unfamiliar words
from the text
b. Make a Saving v Spending Anchor chart with this new vocabulary
3. Where can we store money?
a. What can we do with the money we earn discussion
i. Spend or Save
ii. Save; in Piggy bank, wallet, bank .( Have students suggest ideas)
4. Money Decision Making
a. Discuss how we have the opportunity to make choices about what we do with
our money and that it is important to make smart decisions with our money
b. Class Piggy Bank; have the students think of one thing that they would want to
save money for and place their selection into the class piggy bank.
c. Draw popsicle sticks to select students to share
5. If I had a million dollars..
a. Remind the students about the concept of scarcity discussed earlier in the
lesson and then introduce the concept of surplus.
b. Play the song If I Had a Million Dollars have the students listen for the
different spending choices in the song
c. Discuss the different things the students heard and have think think about what
they would do with a million dollars
d. Had out a journal sheet with the sentence frame If I had a million dollars i
would buy______ and a space below for them to draw a picture
e. Have the students fill in the sentence along with a sentence explaining why
they chose to spend their money this way and an illustration.
f. This will assess the students learning from the day.

New Vocabulary:

Bank- a business where people keep their money, borrow money, etc., or the building
where such a business operates

Scarcity- a very small s

upply : the state of being scarce ;ex. there was very little food;
there was not enough f ood

Surplus- an amount (such as an amount of money) that is more than the amount that is

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