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Total Body Circuit Fitness

Name: .. Date: Age:.

1. Partner up. One person counts the reps while the other performs as many full range repetitions within 60seconds.
We take 60seconds rest then change over. Record the reps below. We take another 60seconds rest then move
onto the next exercise.
2. Once all exercises are completed half the number of reps. Always round up.

Exercise Reps in 60secs Number of Reps

Press Ups

Squat Jumps


Chest to Floor Burpees

Med Ball Squat & Press

T Back Raises

Power Lunges

Star Jump with Clap

Knee Tuck Crunches

1 Lap Run Outside of Circuit

3. After a short recovery you will perform 3 laps of each circuit as fast a possible. You will perform the Number of
Reps at each station. You will run a full lap of the circuit once you complete the Knee Tuck Crunches.
4. Record your time for 3 laps below.
5. Take 1/3 off your time and this will be your Predicted Goal Time that you will try and beat when we perfom this
test again.

Time for 3 Predicted

Laps 3 Lap Time

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