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The following workouts are circuit workouts designed to test your muscular and cardio
endurance. Each workout will be done as 3 separate circuits. After the first circuit, you will rest
for 60 seconds, on heavier days 2 minutes, then continue with the second circuit, rest 60
seconds and finish with the last.

The reasoning behind the circuits is this: the first circuit is designed to elevate the heart rate,
warm the muscles. The second circuit is designed to fatigue the muscles, bring your heart rate to
its optimal level and start to fatigue the mind. The last circuit is designed to test your will to
survive and to teach you to drive past your pain thresh hold. In a fight you will experience all of
this in a short amount of time. Training this way will help you push past what you believe is a
point of no return, make your mind stronger letting you know you can always push it one step
farther, and last, lets you know the power of your mind, NEVER QUIT!

These exercises also build strength in those muscles involved in a fight, muscles you will use to
run after a suspect, make an arrest, or even when traversing over an obstacle. Each one will be
explained in class as to its purpose.

Exercise! Why perform the exercise?

How will it improve performance?
Sets/Reps Rest Time between sets
Power Cleans Trains the body to recruit a maximal # of muscle fibers of the hip and legs in
the minimal amount of time. Improves speed strength and acceleration.

Decreases the time it takes to close short distances or create distance, improving the ability to get to
cover and get out of the line of fire.
3-4 sets of 5-6 reps

Dumbbell Split Squat Jumps Develops lower body power and the ability to rapidly change
body positions. Improves the ability to quickly reposition from a kneeling or low squat position without
compromising body mechanics, which can affect the ability to stay on target
3 sets of 5 reps 2 minutes rest

Overhead Squat Develops core strength, shoulder stability, lower body strength and
flexibility. Trains the body to stay upright and on target in low squat positions with a heavier firearm.
Develops flexibility and strength to move in and out of ranges of motion often encountered in law
enforcement tactical situations.
3-4 sets of 10-12 reps 2 minutes

Dumbbell Lunge Develops lower body power and improves lower body
flexibility. Enhances the ability to rapidly change from a low kneeling position to
a standing position. Develops the ability to safely and quickly decelerate after rapid
2-3 sets of 10-12 rep
DB Clean and Press Develops a full range of power utilizes all muscles from the toes up to the
shoulders. This will increase overall strength and power and will assist in situations where an officer may
have to move an injured person either carrying them or dragging them.

KB Swings This exercise is great for building the core and helps to reduce strain on the lower back. This
also builds strength in the legs, shoulders, and back as well as increases strength endurance.

Pull-ups: Great for building upper body strength in the back and arms. Will improve the officers ability to
climb over fences, climb onto a balcony, or perform any patrol function where you might have to get onto
a roof of a house or building.

These are just a few of the basic weight training exercises that will improve tactical
performance. This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but these seven exercises are a
good starting point for most officers to work from.
The human body adapts in highly specific ways in response to the type of physical
fitness training imposed upon it.

The important concept for all law enforcement officers to remember is this: “You get
what you train for.” Specific exercise programming = specific exercise results = specific
impact on job related performance. If you are going to
spend time training, why not perform exercises and follow routines that will have a
positive impact on police performance?

These workouts presented during the academy are designed with these goals in mind.

KB= Kettlebell
DB= Dumbell

Into Combat Circuit 1

24 Body Squats
12 Lunges ea. Leg
12 Skiers ea. Leg
12 Jump squats
20 Superman situps
20 Burpees/Updowns
20 Mt. Climbers
10 KB Swings
25 Pushups

rest 60 seconds, repeat, rest 60 seconds repeat

Into Combat 2

20 Jump squats
12 ea. Reverse lunges
15 leg lifts
15 crunches
15 2 count Russian twist
20 mini burpees
10 wrestler sit outs
5 ea. Db snatch
25 pushups

Follow same rest scheme as above

The Next Level

10 Divebomer Pushups
10 side to side power squats
20 V-up situps
10 Cling/Press each arm w/ Kettlebell (KB)/or (DB)
20 Hip Bridges
20 Floor touch Squat Jump
10 Diamond Pushups
10 Dumbell (DB) Curl
5 ea. Arm DB Deadlift

Complete first circuit rest 2 min, second circuit, rest 2 min, 3rd circuit

Feeling It

10 High Rise Pushups (Pike Pushup)

10 American KB Swings
30 bicycle situps
5 ea. Arm DB Deadlift DB= Dumbell KB= Kettle Bell
5 ea. American KB Swing
20 Mt. Climbers
5 KB or DB curl to shoulder press
10 ea. wrestler sit-outs
Follow same format for rest cycles as above


5 ea. Arm KB cling and press

5 ea. Arm KB Squat and Press
5 ea. Arm KB Squat to high pull or upright row
30 bicycle situps… two count =1,
5 ea. Side to side walking pushup
5 ea. Power up pushups
10 static hold push up
10 diamond pushup
10 dumbell ext.
10 Hammer curl

Complete first circuit rest 60 seconds, second circuit rest 60 seconds, last

Plyo Cardio- Designed for overall health, strength endurance, and cardio
enhancement. 1-2 times through 2 min break

50 (3)count jumping jacks

20 pushups with knee to armpit. 10 each side to = 20
30 DB row
10 planks bringing knee to arm pit
10 squat jumps or bench jumps
10 side to side squat hops
10 pike pushups
20 DB side laterals
10 russian kicks
10 burpees touching sky
10 KB swings
15 diamond pushups
10 DB curl
10 pike pushups
20 KB American swings
20 mt. climbers
20 russian twist
10 lunges each leg
100 calf jumps
These workouts will test your will to survive and drive through your pain
threshold as well as give you strength endurance and cardio endurance
needed for your job.

Temple High School Track Workout

Circuits set up at 20 yard intervals.

1. 25 pushups
2. Upright Rows
3. KB Swings
4. 50 Body Squats
Run across field
5. 30 second plank
6. KB double hand press or medicine ball press overhead 30 reps
7. 100 jumping jacks single count
8. Sand Bag Squat/ kettle bell squat 25 reps
9. 30 crunches with legs up 45 degrees
10. Sand bag overhead alternating press 20 reps

Rest Get Water.

Around the track 100 yard Dash intervals with excercises.

1. 10 sprawls with a jump then sprint to next station.

2. 2 handed Kettle Bell Cling and Press 5 each side. Sprint to next
3. Spider man crawl 15ft up 15ft back Sprint to next station
4. Prison Squats 25 Sprint to finish

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