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Technological Institute of the Philippines

College of Engineering


Plant Visits and Seminars Individual Reflective Essay for SO G
Course and Section: ___________ SY: _________

Technical/Non Technical Seminar/Plant Visit ________

Name: _______________________________________________ Section: ________________

Title of Seminar:
Speaker: Date: ____________________ Venue: ______

Instruction: Discuss your reflective essay based on the guide questions/statements.

1. Briefly discus the topic that was presented in the plant visit/seminar or narrate the details of all the
activities performed. Provide pictures with captions for reference.
2. Based on the seminar or the activities during the plant visits/seminar what are the effect of
professional engineering solution to society and environment? Explain each.
3. Propose possible professional engineering solutions to address social and environmental
4. Give possible professional engineering solutions in solving societal issues towards sustainable

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