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The Great 20-minute Debate

English Only vs. Bilingual Education

VIDEO VERSION (16-22 minutes)
3 students per side (student A, B, & C)

Session 1
EO A & B opening statement (2-3 minutes)
BE A & B opening statement (2-3 minutes)

Session 2
BE C cross-examine EO A & B (4-5 minutes)
EO C cross-examine BE A & B (4-5 minutes)

Parting Shots
EO C (with A & B) closing statement (2-3 minutes)
BE C (with A & B) closing statement (2-3 minutes)

English only:
1. Emilie Tronoski (Student A)
2. Liz Tolley (Student B)
3. Cyan Scarduzio (Student C)

Bilingual Education
1. Danielle Remy (Student A)
2. Sarah Breen (Student B)
3. Lauren Seitz (Student C)

EO A & B opening statement (2-3 minutes)

English only education is a form of education in which English speaking students and non-
english speaking students are placed in the same classroom. All of the instruction is taught in the
english language which allows for the total immersion of the non-english speaking students.
There are also pull out services for ELL students to better accommodate their needs. It has
helped millions succeed and is most seamless way of introducing them into english education.
Many bilingual education programs stop once the student reaches high school due to the
difficulty of content.
Children who are raised in a bilingual household risk not mastering either language
because the languages are not consistent between home and school
English Only education allows ELL students to learn English quicker because they are
fully immersed into the language. They do not take the extra time to learn a second
language, they just learn throughout class
o Do not need to train teachers to be bilingual
This can be costly as well as extremely difficult
o School does not need to purchase instructional materials in a second language
o English only helps and forces students to learn the english language fast to stay at
pace with peers
o Allows them to be more social with peers
o Children also do not learn the discourse and what is socially acceptable of each
language (idioms, phrases) ~ socially they are left behind and on the outside of
their peers
o Being able to speak two languages fluently can improve job status
Why not to use Bilingual Education
o Bilingual education reduces focus on other things
So much focus on learning a new language, what about other
Some children may not respond well to learning another language and
make them reject learning and school altogether
o Lack of qualified teachers
Teachers are busy enough, they dont have the time to learn how to teach a
new language or integrate it into the curriculum
o Builds barrier between ELL students and native english speaking students
Can lead to further emotional problems for ELL students

Due to these reasons, we believe the English Only approach should be used in all schools as it is
overall a more reasonable and effective method of education for English Language Learners.

BE A & B opening statement (2-3 minutes)

Bilingual education is education in an English-language school system in which students with
little fluency in English are taught in both their native language and English. There are two types
of bilingual education models
Transitional bilingual education, which involves education in a child's native language,
typically for no more than three years, to ensure that students do not fall behind in
content areas like mathematics, science, and social studies while they are learning
And dual language immersion, or two way bilingual education, which is designed to help
native and non-native English speakers become bilingual and biliterate by teaching
content in two languages. In this model, teachers do not repeat or translate the subject
matter in second language but strengthen concepts taught in one language across the two
languages in a spiral curriculum in order to provide cognitive challenge.
These have many benefits on the brains of those who are in the program. These benefits include:
o Better attention skills
"[Bilinguals] can pay focused attention without being distracted and also
improve in the ability to switch from one task to another," --Antonella
Sorace, researcher at the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland.
o Another benefit is that bilingial students show more empathy.
Young children being raised bilingual have to follow social cues to figure
out which language to use with which person and in what setting. As a
result bilingual children have demonstrated a head start on tests of
perspective-taking and theory of mind both of which are fundamental
social and emotional skills. (Sorace)
o Reading in English is improved
Jennifer Steele at American University conducted a four-year, randomized
trial and found that these dual-language students outperformed their peers
in English-reading skills by a full school year's worth of learning by the
end of middle school, showing that that learning two languages makes
students more aware of how language works in general, aka
"metalinguistic awareness."
o More success and engagement in school
In studies covering many states and districts, they have found that dual-
language students have somewhat higher test scores and are happier in
school. Attendance is better, behavioral problems fewer, parent
involvement higher.
o There is more integration and diversity in the classroom
The classrooms are less segregated because native English-speaking
students are placed together with recent immigrants. The classrooms tend
to be more socioeconomically balanced this way.
This can improve students' sense of belonging and increase parent
involvement in their children's education because families feel like their
native or home language is being heard.

Some other reasons why we believe Bilingual Education Should Be Mandatory include
o Bilingual Children have an Academic Advantage
Bilingual children are able to focus more intently on the topics at hand and
avoid distractions from academic pursuits
They are also able to demonstrate higher levels of cognitive flexibility, or
the ability to change responses based on environment.
o Bilingualism Improves Life-Long Learning Skills
The more that children can take advantage of new concepts the more
intune their brains will be to all learning throughout life/
Employment rate is higher in adults with bilingual capabilities.
o It Helps Remove international Language Barriers
Students who come from spanish-speaking homes can lend their language
expertise to friends from english-speaking homes and vice versa.
Language barriers should come down with help from the K-12 education
o It Leads to Collaborative Learning
Dual language programs show students a broader world-view and lead to
greater opportunities for collaborative learning.
o Early Bilingual Education Increases Fluency in Later Years
88 percent of children that were introduced to English at an early age
described themselves as strong English speakers. (Pew Hispanic Center
For these reasons, bilingual education is a method that should be used in all schools because of
the growing number of students coming into the country that have little to no background
knowledge of the english language. It also applies an extensive number of benefits that the
method proves to have on student.

BE C cross-examine EO A & B (4-5 minutes)
Do you think saving money is more important than a quality education for an ELL
o Just because students are placed in classrooms where the students only speak
English, does not mean that they wont have support along the way. There are still
pull out services in which students will get help from a specialist. There may be
one class the student is excelling in, this means the student can take the time out
of the day to train in the English language. The student will learn the language
and have the opportunity to ask questions.
o Instead of having a lot of specialists for almost every classroom, there is one or
two that can help the whole school and be just as effective. Students can also look
to their peers in order to learn the language.
o Teachers use peer learning to teach subject such as vocabulary. Why not use it to
teach ELL students as well? Using students to teach the language is just as
effective if not more because the ELL student will be able to relate to their friends
more than a specialist. By having one or two specialists on staff and also peer
tutoring students are getting the same amount of education just at a less expensive

Studies have shown that students who speak two languages are more well rounded, do
you believe this is true?
o Students that are able to speak two languages does make them more well-
rounded. However, English-Only education is not asking the students to abandon
their native language and only speak English. Instead, students are just fully
immersing themselves into the English language in order to learn English. At
home they are able to speak their native language, just at school they are asked to
speak english. This way they can speak English fluently as well as their native
language. When going to job interviews or even high education, students will be
able to communicate easily. If students are going into business, English is usually
the prefered language spoken. If they can fluently speak English, they will be able
to communicate with more people and then also with those who speak their native
language. In the long run, this is more beneficial.

o Do you think bilingual education would benefit even english only speaking
What is a way that you can aid those who speak not english at all?
o There are millions of immigrants that migrated to America. In order to assimilate
and prosper here, it is helpful to know english. By having students use only
english in the classroom, they will be encouraged to use it at home and can teach
parents and family members English. They can also help create programs and
other helpful tools for those who dont speak English but would like to learn.
EO C cross-examine BE A & B (4-5 minutes)
Do you think bilingual education is a reasonable plan given the limited funding
schools get?
o I believe that bilingual education is reasonable even when given the limited
funding because it benefits english language learners in the long run. If students
begin learning a language at younger age, they have a better chance at being
fluent in their older years. No child should be left behind just because they do
speak English.
o How will the school afford to train teachers and buy supplies in two
Supplies in another language could be as simple as writing the spanish
translation of an item in marker on a piece of printer paper. Schools can
hire teachers who are bilingual, which would be beneficial to all students
by widening english speaking students horizons. There is no disadvantage
to spending money for all types of learners and exposing children to a
different culture.
How do you expect the English Language Learners to develop socially if they are not
immersed in a class with English speaking students?
In dual language immersion, which is one type of bilingual education that
we touched upon in our opening statement, the students are immersed in a
classroom with other students who are learning language as well as
students whose native language is English and are learning other
languages. That being said, being in this program helps students develop
socially because they know more than one language and can identify with
others who speak either on or the other languages.
Students will feel more comfortable in the classroom if they are not
thrown into a classroom that only speaks a language they do not know.
o Do you think students will be left out and not included with their peers?
Bilingual education promotes more interaction between students with
different backgrounds because, like we just talked about, students are
encouraged to interact with those around them that speak either language.
Students love to be exposed to new things, and a new language will be
exciting for them to learn. If an ELL student knows other ELL students in
the building, they are able to confide in those students and share their
experiences. The teachers of the ELL students will also ensure that these
students are socializing with other students and will pair the ELL student
up with English speaking students.
How does bilingual education break language barriers?
o Bilingual education break language barriers because it exposes English speakers
to a different culture and language. If ELL students are taught through a bilingual
education, they are able to break language barriers between teachers and parents
in things like parent-teacher conferences, assignments, and upcoming events.
Students who are English-speakers are also able to assist the students who are
English language learners and vice versa. This would break language barriers by
combining cultures and causing students to help each other and work together.


EO C (with A & B) closing statement (2-3 minutes)
English Only education is the right choice for English Language Learners. In order to assimilate
into this country and lead prosperous and good lives, they need an understanding of the english
language. By having English only in the classroom, students will be fully immersed in the
language that they are learning
o This will push the students to learn the english language faster
o The student will be better connected the English speaking students in their classes
When going to a foreign country, people prefer to immerse themselves completely into the
country. This means learning about the culture, food and most importantly the language. This
logic should also be applied when looking at English Language Learners.
Overall, English Only education is the most effective and realistic education plan for English
Language Learners.

Although it is proven that people who speak multiple languages are said to be better well-
rounded the english only approach is not asking students to completely abandon their native
language. We know that students will not stop talking their native language at home so it would
be impossible to expect them to not talk their native language. Instead, students are fully
immersing themselves in the english only approach to learn English. This will be faster and more
efficient because they will not be able to solely fall back on their native language. At school they
will be asked to speak english and their native language at home. Speaking english only at school
will improve their communication more easily like job interviews, excelling in school, and
talking with peers. The english only approach is helpful because a lot of programs may stop once
the students enter high school or a vocational program.

One of the most important aspects for english only is it is more cost efficient. Schools have
limited funding and will not be able to fund the program while paying teachers and buying
supplies and resources. Teachers also need to go through a lot of training to be qualified to teach
bilingual education. Along with the cost of the training teachers also need to be able to find the
time to do so. Teachers are busy with making lessons, teaching students, and making sure all
students are cared for it would be nearly impossible for them to fit in bilingual education into
their busy schedule.

We believe that English only is the way to go for many reasons. English only is more cost
efficient and better for students. This approach will push students more and give them quicker
access to learning English.

BE C (with A & B) closing statement (2-3 minutes)

Bilingual education is the right choice for English Language Learners as well as students whose
native language is English. It benefits both typess of students by opening up children to different
cultures and widening their horizons. It also benefits all students brains giving them:
Better attention skills,
Assistance in becoming more empathetic
More success and engagement in school
Better "metalinguistic awareness, which again means learning two languages makes
students more aware of how language works in general
And more integration and diversity in the classroom.

Along with this, Bilingual education is the most effective, and right choice because
An ELL Students vocabulary needs to be developed but it is hard to do so using an
unknown language.
Bilingual education breaks language barriers because it exposes English speakers to a
different cultures and languages.
In early stages of learning, ELLs can make progress that is equal to English speakers but
as content gets more challenging there is a need for instructional modifications. ELL
students need to feel a sense of home by using texts with stories or themes from the
students own culture.
These students also need the use of their primary language for clarification and
explanation of lessons so they do not fall too far behind with directions and the class as a

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