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Date Night Activities!

1. A Remembering Night- Pull out old photos such as wedding pictures/videos,

and mementos from when you first started dating

2. Go to a gym or do a workout routine together

3. Bake a dessert together

4. Go to a flea market and choose the most meaningful, but least expensive gift
you can find for each other

5. The $20 date: the goal is to not spend more than $20

6. Go for a drive, anywhere

7. Relive your first date

8. Turn the music up and dance together!

9. Get dressed up and go to dinner

10. Grab your camera, go to town, act like tourists and get as many people as you
can to take your picture kissing or doing romantic poses

11. Craft a photo album together

12. Grab the keys, a deck of cards, and head to the coffee shop

13. Go to Target and fill your cart with items that begin with each letter of the
alphabet. Then, put it all back.

14. Volunteer together (Local soup kitchen, animal shelter, ARF, etc.)

15. Cook a meal together

16. Test drive your dream car

17. Go for a bike ride together

18. Get out the snacks/popcorn, cuddle up on the couch, and have a movie night

19. Have a game night (with or without other couples)

20. Borrow or buy a cheap kiddie pool, fill it up with water and lots of bubbles,
light some candles, put on romantic music, and have a spa night in the
21. Write each other love notes/letters

22. Make hot cocoa, snuggle up together, and read to each other

23. Have a 15-minute phone date from separate locations to build the
anticipation of seeing one another

24. Pack up your finest tableware and go on a picnic

25. Spend the week writing down nice things you do for one another and then
read them out loud over a quiet dinner

26. Find a list of dream homes for sale and attend open houses together

27. Swap hobbies. Spend time doing something she loves doing. Then, spend
time doing something he loves doing.

28. Make a fancy dinner, sit on the floor, and feed each other with your hands

29. Set up a tent in the backyard and camp out

30. Paint each others portraits (Think Dr. Seuss-ish if your not talented)

31. Check out a cheap romance novel from the library and read it, substituting
your own names for the couples

32. Visit a farmers market

33. Make a time capsule and bury it in the backyard or hide it somewhere in the
house. Do not open it until 10 years from now.

34. Write uplifting words on sticky notes and place them in random places
around the house
35. Go on a Penny Walk. Each time you come to a corner, flip a penny to see
which way you go.

36. Play hide-and-seek in the dark

37. Go star gazing

38. Go to a public place and people watch. Make up stories about a random
persons life.

39. Rake up all of the leaves in the yard, make a huge pile, and jump in them.

40. Winter Activity: Go sledding

41. Winter Activity: Have a snowball fight

42. Plan a date based on quarters. Think of all the things you can do that use
quarters such as: play a juke box, wash the car, take your picture together at
a photo booth, play video games at an arcade, etc.

43. Fall Activity: Go through a corn maze

44. Fall Activity: Go through a haunted house

45. Summer Activity: Go swimming/skinny dipping

Activities for Baby!

1. Sensory Bubble Wrap Activity: Take two sheets of bubble wrap and tape
them together, leaving one side open. Place drops of paint inside the bubble
wrap. Tape the last side closed and let baby discover new sounds and
2. Blowing Bubbles: Buy bubbles and a wand. Blow bubbles at and around baby.
3. Tummy Time Finger Painting: Place different colors of paint on a piece of
paper. Slide paper inside of Ziplock baggy. Let baby squish the paint around.
The best part is theres no mess!
4. Drum/Music Circle: Get out some pots, pans, and wooden spoons. Let baby
discover new sounds and feelings!

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