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Ever since the 1970s the energy crisis and the determined high levels of energy prices,
especially in oil prices, have impacted the economic activity for several developing economies.
Even though the relationship between energy consumption and output growth has been a well-
studied topic over the past three decades, the evidence is still contentious. The literature has
extensively evaluated the nature of temporal causality between energy consumption and
economic growth or employment. However, empirical evidence of these studies is mixed,
ranging from bi-directional or unidirectional causality to no causality. These studies in the
literature generally have no consensus judgment due to different countries or different time
within the same country.
Several researchers have since joined the debate, with some who have either confirmed or
contradicted Kraft-Krafts results. There are cases where unidirectional Granger causality was
found to be running from energy use to economic growth.
In some recent studies, the authors have used a multivariate co integration test to investigate
the relationship between economic growth and energy consumption (e.g., Stern, 1993, 2000;
Ghali and El-Sakka, 2004). The multivariate methodology is important because of the ongoing
change in energy use is countered by the substitution of some factors of production. The results
often lead to an insignificant comprehensive impact on local output (Stern, 2000)
Environmental violations are another area of concern. The communities living around the oil and
gas producing fields often complain that the companies operations pollute their natural resources
and cause severe damage to the ambient environment. Some of the companies are operating in
environmentally sensitive areas where environmental examinations and impact assessment are a
legal requirement. However poor regulatory systems on the part of government and non
professional consultants leave enough space for companies to temper with environmental
obligations. Local communities have to pay the price of poor governance in the country.
The present energy crisis in the country calls for better domination of oil and gas sector
and sensible sharing of profits accruing from the oil and gas resources of the provinces. Unless
all benefits are shared sensibly, the conflict on the right over natural resources may become a
serious issue in the coming years.
Now a days energy crises have been affected not only on the economic sector as well as on the
education sector of Pakistan, both on public sector and private sector. As due to shortage of
petrol, oil, diesel and gas many students are unable to reach to their school on time. Electricity is
also not available sufficiently so the performance level of the student in their studies has also
been affected.

Literature review
The long-run sustainability between real GDP and disaggregate energy consumption are re-
examines when the relationship is considered as a non-linear framework. The empirical
methodology makes use on recent developments on the multivariate opening co incorporation
test that consider the possibility of a non-linear dynamic process between output and
disaggregated energy consumption. The analysis was applied to the case that had recently gifted
consolidation in macroeconomic and energy policies. Its result indicates that would be in favor of
non-linear co incorporation except for real GDP and oil consumption. With these types of
nonlinear frameworks, policy makers are able to identify the potential mechanism of energy
dependencies of economic growth.

The utilization of energy will be ambitious by proceed with economic growth and demographic
trends. The credible incapability of many undeveloped countries to meet burgeoning energy
demands causes a threat to their energy security. U.S. policy in Asia force the capacity of South
Asian countries to increases their energy security. Energy security is the connection between
national security and the accessibility of natural resources for energy consumption. Access to
cheap energy has become necessary to the carrying out of modern economies. It is value
considering that renewable energy is the biggest single source of domestically generated energy
in that country. Renewable energy refers to energy sources that can be reproduced, inclusive of
wind and solar energy, small scale hydroelectric energy, and substitute fuels (Lawerence Saez,

Demand for energy has grew speedily increase at an average rate of 5% in the 1980s and 12% in
2009 surpassing the grade domestic product growth 5% and 3% over the equivalent period. To
identify sustainability between energy consumption and economic performance during the past
three decades by applying ordinary least square Engel-Granger Dynamic ordinary keas square,
the finding expose that there is a bidirectional co-integration effect between total energy
consumption and economic performance. Energy consumption limit with 57% speed of
adjustment to reach long run equilibrium caused short run shocks in economic performance of
country. (Longanathan, 2010)

The important goals for assuming energy crisis are based on different factors contributing on
economy of country in many ways. First, it aimed to assess the effectiveness of active
International Law institute and passive International Law Institute. Second, is to examine the role
that OLR self- efficacy and OLR anxiety play in authority ILI learning outcomes and the
acceptance of OLRs. To achieve the goals, a theoretical model was developed that integrates
research on ILI outcomes and technology acceptance. It makes several important contributions
to theory. And it give these results, first, the findings from the analysis of the structural equation
model confirm that the Technology Acceptance Model is an appropriate tool for studying the
adoption of OLRs. Second, the findings indicate that amount of ILI is not a significant predictor
of the adoption of OLRs. Third, though the amount of ILI was not found to be a predictor of
OLR self-efficacy or OLR anxiety in the quantitative analysis, results from the qualitative
analysis suggests that ILI increases self-efficacy and reduces anxiety. Fourth, the findings
suggest that OLR self-efficacy and OLR anxiety are significant determinants of the acceptance of
OLRs where OLR self-efficacy was the strongest determinant of the acceptance of OLRs. Last,
consistent with Banderas social cognitive theory, OLR self-efficacy and OLR anxiety were
found to be significantly negatively correlated; a partial mediation effect of OLR anxiety on the
relationship between OLR self-efficacy and the perceived ease of use of OLRs was
supported.(Lome .D 2011)
To distinguish the dynamic casual chain rather than in the structural sense. The methodology
employed uses various unit root tests and Johansens cointegration test followed by vector error

correction modeling, variance decompositions and impulse response functions in order to capture
both the within sample and out of sample granger casual chain among macro-economic activity.
The granger casual chain employed by over evidence that real output more often predominantly
leads money supply and the other three endogenous variables is consistent more with the recent
real business cycle (RBC) theory than with the other two major macroeconomic paradigms such
as the Keynesian and the monetarist. The clear policy implications for any accommodative or
excessive monetary expansion is likely to be dissipated in terms of relatively higher than nominal
variables such as prices exchange rates or interest rates rather than real output for the small
developing economy like Indonesia in the context of a relatively unstable macroeconomic

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