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Wood like to meet: The loneliest plant in the world

Handsomest of all Encephalartos 
Meet Encephalartos  woodii. With a crown of bright green leaves, intricately patterned trunk and orange cones, it will certainly
catch your eye. Found in 1895 by John Medley Wood on the edge of the Ngoye Forest in South Africa, he described it as ‘the
handsomest of all’ Encephalartos. For David Cooke, Palm House Supervisor, the story of   E.woodii’s arrival at Kew is what makes it
special. It arrived in 1899 where it was originally in Palm House. It then moved to Temperate House, where it ‘coned for the first time
in 2004.’ Lucy Smith, an artist illustrating the  E.woodii  for Kew’s botanical art collection, calls it ‘delicate’ and ‘elegant’ with ‘beautiful S-
shaped curves.’ And yet, Kew’s Encephalartos woodii has been all alone over 100 years. 
Lonely cycad seeks partner 
It is the only specimen to ever have been found in the wild. Not only does this make the plant now extinct in the wild – it also
means there is little hope of Encephalartos woodii reproducing naturally. While some plants produce seeds in
flowers, Encephalartos woodii is a cycad, and cycad seeds develop in cones. They are also dioecious, with the male and female
plants separate. Pollination (usually by insects) occurs in the wild when a male and female plant of the same species grow close to
each other. But a female Encephalartos woodii has never been discovered. Unless a female plant is found, it won’t be possible
for Encephalartos woodii to be pollinated and naturally reproduce.
Love is in the air 
Don’t give up hope quite yet – there are a few ways our Encephalartos woodii might face a less lonely future: 
1. A female plant may be out there. The area of the Ngoye Forest, where Wood first saw the plant, has not yet been fully surveyed.  
2. In the meantime, a project that involves crossing Encephalartos woodii  with its relation Encephalartos  natalensis could eventually
produce a female very closely resembling an  Encephalartos woodii. This works by successively backcrossing the female hybrid
offspring with male Encephalartos woodii. Currently, the project has created second generation crosses.
E. woodii’s future 
E.woodii  is extinct in the wild. For David Cooke, this is what makes  E.woodii important – because ‘it’s the only one left
of it’s kind.’ There are only around 110 individual male plants in botanical gardens and private collections around the world, grown from
the original E.woodii.  Even so, David Cooke is upbeat about the outlook for   E.woodii. He predicts it will ‘live long for many more years
to come.’ As Lucy Smith points out, E.woodii’s uniqueness ‘reminds us about why it’s so important to look after our habitats, because
it’s so easy to lose species and lose biodiversity.’


Jelaskanlah bagaimana pengaruh distribusi strobilus jantan dan betina yang terpisah dalam individu yang berbeda (berumah dua/
dioecus) terhadap kelangsungan/ kelestarian suatu spesies! Kaitkanlah dengan artikel yang kalian baca diatas yaitu pada kasus
Encephalartos  woodii.

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