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A Guide to


Portland • Cambridge
Copyright © 2003 by Kirsten Albrecht Llamas. All rights reserved.

Half title: Plumeria hybrids. Title page: Neoregelia carolinae 'Meyendorfii'.

Page 27: Etlingem elatior, red form.

Published in 2003 by

Timber Press, Inc. Timber Press

The Haseltine Building 2 Station Road
133 S.W. Second Avenue, Suite 450 Swavesey
Portland, Oregon 97204, U.S.A. Cambridge CB4 5QJ, U.K.

Designed by Susan Applegate

Printed in Hong Kong

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Llamas, Kirsten Albrecht.

Tropical flowering plants: a guide to identification and cultivation/text
and photography by Kirsten Albrecht Llamas.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-88192-585-3
1. Tropical plants. 2. Tropical plants—Identification. 3. Tropical
plants—Pictorial works. I. Title.

635'.9523'0222—dc21 2002075651
my husband, Roberto

our daughters,
Marcela Teresa Llamas Losh
Tania Cecilia Llamas Cornelison
Sasha Lenora Llamas

our grandson,
Liam Joseph Losh

and to my mother and father,

Josephine Eleanor Farmer Albrecht
Herbert Otto Albrecht

11 Foreword by 41 ADOXACEAE 56 Hippeastrum 70 Tabernaemontana

Richard A. Howard 41 Sambucus 57 Hymenocallis 72 Thevetia
12 Preface 42 AGAPANTHACEAE 57 Proiphys 72 Trachelospermum
15 Acknowledgments 42 Agapanthus 58 Rhodophiala 72 Wrightia
19 Introduction 42 AGAVACEAE 58 Scadoxus 72 APOCYNACEAE
25 US DA Hardiness 42 Agave 58 ANACARDIACEAE formerly AS CLE PI AD AC EAE
Zone Map 47 Furcraea 58 Mangifera 73 Asclepias
47 Yucca 59 Schinus 73 Calotropis
27 Plant Descriptions 48 AIZOACEAE 60 Spondias 73 Cryptostegia
28 ACANTHACEAE 49 Aptenia 60 ANNONACEAE 74 Hoya
28 Acanthus 49 Carpobrotus 60 Annona 74 Orbea
28 Aphelandra 49 Glottiphyllum 61 Artabotrys 75 Stapelia
29 Asystasia 49 Lampranthus 61 Cananga 75 Stephanotis
29 Barleria 50 Trichodiadema 61 Polyalthia 75 AQUIFOLIACEAE
30 Crossandra 50 ALISMATACEAE 62 Rollinia 75 Ilex
31 Dyschoriste 50 Hydrockys 62 APOCYNACEAE 76 ARACEAE
31 Eranthemum 50 Sagittaria 62 Adenium 76 Aglaonema
32 Fittonia 51 ALLIACEAE 63 Allamanda 77 Alocasia
32 Graptophyllum 51 Tulbaghia 64 Alstonia 78 Amorphophallus
32 Hypoestes 51 ALSTROEMERIACEAE 64 Beaumontia 80 Anthurium
32 Justicia 51 Alstroemeria 65 Carissa 81 Caladium
34 Mackaya 52 AMARANTH AC EAE 65 Catharanthus 81 Colocasia
34 Megaskepasma 52 Alternanthera 65 Chonemorpha 82 Cyrtosperma
34 Odontonema 52 Celosia 65 Kopsia 82 Dieffenbachia
35 Pachystachys 52 Iresine 65 Mandevilla 82 Dracontium
35 Pseuderanthemum 53 AMARYLLIDACEAE 66 Nerium 82 Epipremnum
36 Ruellia 53 xAmarcrinum 66 Ochrosia 83 Gonatopus
38 Ruspolia 53 Amaryllis 67 Odontadenia 83 Homalomena
38 Ruttya 53 Clivia 67 Pachypodium 84 Monstera
38 xRuttyruspolia 54 Crinum 68 Pentalinon 84 Philodendron
38 Sanchezia 55 Eucharis 68 Plumeria 85 Pistia
39 Schaueria 56 Eucrosia 69 Prestonia 86 Pothoidium
39 Strobilanthes 56 Habranthus 70 Stemmadenia 86 Spathicarpa
39 Thunbergia 56 Haemanthus 70 Strophanthus 86 Spathiphyllum
87 Syngonium 119 Syagrus 142 Saritaea 169 Casuarina
87 Xanthosoma 120 Thrinax 142 Spathodea 170 CECROPIACEAE
87 Zantedeschia 120 Veitchia 142 Tabebuia 170 Cecropia
88 ARALIACEAE 121 Washingtonia 145 Tecoma 170 CISTACEAE
88 Osmoxylon 122 Wodyetia 146 Tecomanthe 171 Cistus
88 Schefflera 123 Zombia 146 BIXACEAE 171 CLUSIACEAE
90 Acoelorrhaphe 123 Aristolochia 147 BORAGINACEAE 172 Mammea
90 Adonidia 124 ASPHODELACEAE 147 Cordia 173 Mesua
90 Aiphanes 124 Aloe 148 Echium 173 COCHLOSPERMACEAE
91 Allagoptera 128 Bulbine 150 Wigandia 173 Cochlospermum
92 Areca 128 Cheirolophus 150 Capparis 174 Gloriosa
92 Astrocaryum 128 Coreopsis 150 Cleome 174 COMBRETACEAE
92 Attaka 129 Dahlia 151 Crateva 174 Bucida
93 Beccariophoenix 129 Montanoa 151 BROMELIACEAE 175 Calopyxis
94 Bentinckia 129 Pericallis 152 Aechmea 175 Combretum
94 Bismarckia 129 Phymaspermum 155 Alantarea 175 Quisqualis
94 Borassus 130 Podachaenium 155 Ananas 176 COMMELINACEAE
95 Srahea 130 Pseudogynoxys 156 Androlepis 176 Cochliostema
96 Butia 130 Senecio 156 Billbergia 176 Dichorisandra
96 Carpentaria 131 Sphagneticola 157 Bromelia 176 Tradescantia
97 Caryota 131 Tagetes 157 Cryptanthus 177 CONVOLVULACEAE
98 Chamaedorea 131 Tithonia 158 Guzmania 177 Argyreia
98 Chambeyronia 132 BALSAMINACEAE 158 Hohenbergia 177 Evolvulus
99 Coccothrinax 132 Impatiens 159 Navia 177 Ipomoea
100 Cocos 133 BEGONIACEAE 159 Neoregelia 179 Jacquemontia
101 Copernicia 133 Begonia 160 Orthophytum 179 Merremia
102 Corypha 134 BERBERIDACEAE 160 Pepinia 179 Poranopsis
102 Cyrtostachys 134 Nandina 161 Pitcairnia 179 CRASSULACEAE
103 Dictyosperma 134 BIGNONIACEAE 161 Portea 180 Aeonium
104 Dypsis 134 Adenocalymna 161 Quesnelia 180 Crassula
105 Elaeis 134 Campsis 161 Tillandsia 180 Kalanchoe
106 Hyophorbe 135 Catalpa 162 Vriesea 182 Sedum
106 Hyphaene 135 xChitalpa 163 CACTACEAE 182 CUCURBITACEAE
107 Latania 135 Clytostoma 163 Cactus Intergeneric 183 Gurania
107 Licuala 135 Crescentia Hybrids 183 Luffa
108 Livistona 136 Cydista 164 Cereus 183 Momordica
108 Lodoicea 136 Delostoma 164 Consolea 183 CYCLANTHACEAE
109 Phoenix 136 Distictis 165 Epiphyllum 183 Carludovica
112 Pritchardia 137 Dolichandrone 165 Hylocereus 184 Dicranopygium
113 Pseudophoenix 137 Jacaranda 165 Opuntia 184 DILLENIACEAE
114 Ptychosperma 139 Kigelia 166 Pereskia 184 Dillenia
114 Raphia 139 Macfadyena 167 Schlumbergera 184 Hibbertia
115 Ravenea 139 Mansoa 167 CANELLACEAE 185 DIOSCOREACEAE
115 Reinhardtia 140 Markhamia 167 Canella 185 Dioscorea
115 Rhapis 140 Newbouldia 167 CANNACEAE 185 EBENACEAE
116 Roystonea 140 Pandorea 168 Canna 185 Diospyros
117 Sabal 140 Parmentiera 168 CAPRIFOLIACEAE 186 ERICACEAE
118 Schippia 141 Podranea 169 Lonicera 186 Rhododendron,
118 Serenoa 141 Pyrostegia 169 CASUARINACEAE Vireya Group

186 EUPHORBIACEAE 217 Erythrina 236 Neomarica 254 Abutilon

186 Acalypha 220 Gliricidia 236 Trimezia 254 Alyogyne
187 Aleurites 220 Hebestigma 236 Watsonia 254 Anisodontea
187 Antidesma 221 Kennedia 236 LAMIACEAE 255 Gossypium
188 Breynia 221 Lonchocarpus 237 Leonotis 255 Hibiscus
188 Cnidoscolus 221 Millettia 237 Orthosiphon 258 Kosteletzkya
188 Codiaeum 221 Mucuna 237 Plectranthus 258 Malva
189 Dalechampia 221 Periandra 238 Salvia 258 Malvaviscus
189 Elaeophorbia 222 Poitea 238 Scutellaria 259 Pavonia
189 Euphorbia 222 Sesbania 238 LAMIACEAE, 259 Sida
193 Jatropha 222 Sophora formerly VERBENACEAE 259 Thespesia
194 Macaranga 222 Spartium 238 Clerodendrum 260 Wercklea
194 Manihot 223 Strongylodon 241 Congea 260 MALVACEAE, formerly
194 Phyllanthus 223 Tipuana 241 Cornutia BOMBACACEAE
195 Ricinus 223 Uraria 242 Gmelina 260 Adansonia
195 FABACEAE 223 Vigna 242 Holmskioldia 260 Bombax
195 FABACEAE, Subfamily 224 FLACOURTIACEAE 242 261 Ceiba
CAESALPINIOIDEAE 224 Banara 243 263 Ochroma
195 Amherstia 224 Casearia 243 LAURACEAE 264 Pachira
196 Bauhinia 224 Oncoba 243 Persea 265 Pseudobombax
199 Brownea 225 Samyda 243 LECYTHIDACEAE 265 Quararibea
200 Caesalpinia 225 GELSEMIACEAE 244 Barringtonia 266 MALVACEAE, formerly
201 Cassia 225 Gelsemium 244 Couroupita STERCULIACEAE
203 Colvillea 225 GENTIANACEAE 244 Gustavia 266 Abroma
203 Delonix 225 Fagraea 245 LEEACEAE 266 Brachychiton
205 Moullava 226 GERANIACEAE 245 Leea 267 Dombeya
205 Parkinsonia 226 Geranium 245 LINACEAE 268 Helicteres
205 Peltophorum 226 Pelargonium 245 Reinwardtia 268 Kleinhovia
206 Saraca 227 GESNERIACEAE 246 LOMANDRACEAE 268 Pterospermum
207 Schotia 227 Episcia 246 Cordyline 269 Sterculia
207 Senna 227 Gloxinia 246 LYTHRACEAE 269 Theobroma
209 Tamarindus 227 Streptocarpus 246 Cuphea 269 MALVACEAE,
210 FABACEAE, Subfamily 227 GOODENIACEAE 247 Duabanga formerly TILIACEAE
MIMOSOIDEAE 228 Scaevola 247 Ginoria 270 Berrya
210 Acacia 228 HAEMODORACEAE 247 Lagerstroemia 270 Grewia
211 Adenanthera 228 Anigozanthos 249 Lawsonia 270 Luehea
211 Albizia 228 HAMAMELIDACEAE 249 Punica 270 MARANTACEAE
212 Archidendron 228 Loropetalum 249 MAGNOLIACEAE 271 Calathea
213 Calliandra 229 HELICONIACEAE 249 Magnolia 271 Maranta
213 Ebenopsis 229 Heliconia 250 Michelia 272 MELASTOMATACEAE
214 Lysiloma 234 Hemerocallis 250 Bunchosia 272 Heterocentron
214 Mimosa 234 HYACINTHACEAE 251 Byrsonima 272 Medinilla
214 FABACEAE, Subfamily 234 Eucomis 251 Callaeum 273 Melastoma
PAPILIONOIDEAE 234 HYPOXIDACEAE 252 Galphimia 274 Sonerila
215 Brya 234 Molineria 252 Hiptage 274 Tetrazygia
216 Butea 235 IRIDACEAE 252 Malpighia 274 Tibouchina
216 Cajanus 235 Aristea 253 Stigmaphyllon 276 MELIACEAE
216 Chadsia 235 Chasmanthe 253 Tristellateia 276 Melia
217 Clitoria 235 Crocosmia 253 MALVACEAE 276 MENYANTHACEAE
217 Crotalaria 235 253 Abelmoschus 276 Nymphoides

276 MORACEAE 298 xAscocenda 314 Isoplexis 333 Beaucarnea

277 Artocarpus 298 xBrassocattleya 315 Otacanthus 335 Dasylirion
277 Dorstenia 298 Calanthe 315 Russelia 335 Dracaena
277 Ficus 299 Cattleya 315 PLUMBAGINACEAE 336 Liriope
278 Moms 300 Cymbidium 316 Limonium 337 Sansevieria
279 MORINGACEAE 300 Dendrobium 316 Plumbago 338 RUTACEAE
279 Moringa 301 xDoritaenopsis 316 POLYGALACEAE 338 Calodendrum
279 MUNTINGIACEAE 301 Encyclia 316 Poly gala 339 Citrus
279 Dicraspidia 301 Epidendrum 317 Securidaca 339 Correa
279 Muntingia 301 Haemaria 317 POLYGONACEAE 339 Erythrochiton
279 MUSACEAE 301 Lycaste 317 Antigonon 340 Limonia
280 Musa 302 Miltonia 318 Coccoloba 340 Murraya
281 MYRSINACEAE 302 Oncidium 318 Muehlenbeckia 340 Pamburus
281 Ardisia 302 Paphiopedilum 318 Ruprechtia 340 Ravenia
282 MYRTACEAE 303 Phaius 318 Triplaris 341 Swinglea
282 Acca 303 Phalaenopsis 319 PONTEDERIACEAE 341 SAPINDACEAE
282 Agonis 303 Psychopsis 319 Eichhornia 341 Aesculus
283 Callistemon 303 Renanthera 319 Pontederia 341 Blighia
283 Calyptranthes 304 Sobralia 319 PORTULACACEAE 341 Dimocarpus
283 Chamelaucium 304 xSophrolaeliocattleya 319 Portulaca 342 Dodonaea
284 Corymbia 304 Spathoglottis 320 PROTEACEAE 342 Harpullia
284 Eucalyptus 304 Stanhopea 320 Alloxylon 343 Koelreuteria
285 Eugenia 305 Vanda 320 Banksia 343 litchi
286 Leptospermum 305 Zeuxine 321 Grevillea 343 Majidea
286 Lophostemon 306 OXALIDACEAE 322 Leucadendron 343 SAPOTACEAE
286 Melaleuca 306 Averrhoa 322 Leucospermum 343 Manilkara
288 Metrosideros 306 Oxalis 323 Protea 344 Mimusops
288 Myrcianthes 306 PANDANACEAE 323 Stenocarpus 344 Pouteria
289 Myrciaria 307 Freycinetia 324 ROSACEAE 344 Synsepalum
289 Pimenta 307 Pandanus 324 Osteomeles 345 SCHLEGELIACEAE
289 Psidium 308 PAPAVERACEAE 324 Rhaphiolepis 345 Schlegelia
290 Syzygium 308 Argemone 324 RUBIACEAE 345 SCROPHULARIACEAE
291 NELUMBONACEAE 309 Eschscholzia 325 Burchdlia 345 Buddleja
291 Nelumbo 309 Romneya 325 Catesbaea 346 Leucophyllum
291 Bougainvillea 309 Passiflora 325 Gardenia 346 Acnistus
293 NYMPHAEACEAE 311 PAULOWNIACEAE 326 Hamelia 346 Brugmansia
293 Nymphaea 311 Paulownia 327 Hoffmannia 348 Brunfelsia
294 Victoria 312 PEDALIACEAE 328 Ixora 350 Cestrum
295 OCHNACEAE 312 Uncarina 329 Manettia 351 Datura
295 Ochna 312 PHYTOLACCACEAE 329 Mussaenda 351 Goetzea
295 Ouratea 312 Phytolacca 330 Nauclea 351 lochroma
296 OLEACEAE 312 PIPERACEAE 330 Pentas 351 Lycianthes
296 Jasminum 313 Piper 330 Pogonopus 352 Solandra
296 Ligustrum 313 PITTOSPORACEAE 331 Portlandia 352 Solanum
297 ONAGRACEAE 313 Hymenosporum 332 Posoqueria 353 Streptosolen
297 Fuchsia 314 Pittosporum 332 Psychotria 354 STRELITZIACEAE
297 Hauya 314 PLANTAGINACEAE 332 Richardia 354 Ravenala
297 Ludwigia 314 Angelonia 332 Ronddetia 355 Strelitzia
298 Oenothera 314 Digitalis 333 Warszewiczia 355 TACCACEAE
298 ORCHIDACEAE 314 Globularia 333 RUSCACEAE 355 Tacca

356 THEOPHRASTACEAE 360 Stachytarpheta 372 Tapeinochilos

356 Clavija 360 VIOLACEAE 372 Zingiber
356 Jacquinia 361 Hybanthus 373 ZYGOPHYLLACEAE
357 Dais 361 Alpinia 373 Guaiacum
357 Drimyspermum 363 Burbidgea
357 Gnidia 363 Costus 375 APPENDIX 1. Invasive and Potentially Invasive
357 Phaleria 365 Curcuma Species
357 TURNERACEAE 367 Dimerocostus 376 APPENDIX 2. Rare, Endangered, and Threatened
357 Turnera 368 Etlingera Species
358 VELLOZIACEAE 368 Globba 377 APPENDIX 3. Plants for Coastal Landscaping
358 Vellozia 369 Hedychium 379 APPENDIX 4. Xerophytic Plants
358 VERBENACEAE 370 Kaempferia 381 Glossary
358 Duranta 371 Monocostus 390 Bibliography
359 Lantana 371 Riedelia 393 List of Web Sites
359 Petrea 371 Siphonochilus 395 Index of Scientific and Common Names

HIS BOOK is a unique publication combining an ress. Synonyms and misapplied names are also listed,

T outstanding collection of more than 1500 color

photographs of tropical and subtropical flowering
plants with descriptions of the families, genera, species,
greatly increasing the reference value of this book.
Many cultivars are illustrated and described in the text.
In the literature of horticulture, cultivar names are in-
and cultivars, including country or area of origin, gen- dexed by name, author, or bibliographic citation only by
eral maintenance, propagation, and horticultural use. No the relatively small number of International Cultivar
other single volume is available with such appropriate Registration Authorities (ICRAs) for cultivar names. Few
application. of the cultivars treated in this book are represented by
The descriptions are arranged alphabetically by fam- ICRAs. Thus, the cultivar names given in this volume
ily, genus, and species. The family groups are based on will have increasing value in the future as the place of
Plant Systematics, A Phylogenetic Approach (Judd et al. publication, with a colored illustration, aiding the work of
2002). This textbook, recognizing and incorporating the Horticultural Taxonomic Group, at the Royal Horti-
many of the latest studies in molecular biology, has re- cultural Society Wisley Garden, Woking, Surrey, United
defined many families of flowering plants, the angio- Kingdom.
sperms, so that Tropical Flowering Plants: A Guide to Iden- The common names given in this publication are those
tification and Cultivation becomes the first volume in the used primarily in English- and Spanish-speaking areas.
field of horticulture to recognize the modern status of The cultural information was derived from the personal
plant systematics. experience of the author and that shared by practitioners
For the treatments of genera and species Mrs. Llamas in other areas. The volume has immediate value to the
has consulted specialists in the United States and else- gardener or home owner who is considering the invest-
where and has followed their published work and fre- ment of time and money in the addition of new but un-
quently shared their currently unpublished work in prog- usual or unknown plants to existing plantings.

Professor emeritus at Harvard University
Former director of Arnold Arboretum


HE NATURAL FUNCTION of tropical flowers, with Illustrations, if present at all, were black-and-white draw-

T their luminous colors and ingenious designs, is to

lure pollinators within the boundless green of the
rain forest or during a brief rainy season in arid regions.
ings or stylistic color paintings. For a young Northerner
freshly transplanted to the subtropics, it made learning
about this intriguing flora especially challenging. Dry
We humans respond to the aesthetics and exotic allure of herbarium specimens did not relate very well to the ver-
their fecund natural beauty. Nurseries vie for new and dant green that surrounded me. Available collections
exotic species to quench the collectors' thirst. The floral were limited. Little was available on tropical plants from
business imports flowers from around the globe. In the distant regions.
United States, tropical plants are grown outdoors year- As a lifelong photographer as well as a budding bota-
round in Hawaii, California, Florida, and along the Gulf nist, I decided to create my own photo collection of the
Coast. They are grown indoors, at least in winter, from plants that caught my eye. The process of discovering an
Maine to Alaska. They appear on the pages of glossy mag- exciting species, taking its photo, finding its name, and
azines, in ads, television studio sets, homes, and work labeling the photo made a species indelible in my mem-
places. It is evident that the pleasure derived from having ory. In 1992 after Hurricane Andrew cut a large swath
tropical plants around us is a passion shared by many. across South Florida, resulting in loss of trees and cool-
The wild habitat of tropical species is disappearing at ing greenness, my photographic perspective on tropical
an alarming rate. It is calculated that literally thousands plants took on new meaning. Stress often incites a plant
of species have become extinct without our ever having to bloom. Previously out-of-reach flowers on tall trees
had a glimpse of them, and untold thousands more seem burst forth on mangled limbs at camera level.
likely to be exterminated within the next few decades. To file my burgeoning collection I had to identify the
Only a relative few species make it into cultivation be- plants correctly, but popular literature proved contradic-
cause of their aesthetic, medicinal, or utilitarian value. tory and untrustworthy. During the same period diag-
Others with unknown value are lost every day to the saw, nostic technology using DNA was providing fresh in-
bulldozer, and fire. sight into plant relationships, which resulted in massive
This volume illuminates many species saved through rearrangement of plant families and numerous name
cultivation. Tropical gardens and conservatories not only changes. Thus, this volume evolved out of the need for a
exhibit but also protect plants as zoos protect animal reliable broad reference for plants in cultivation.
species. It is hoped that this volume will help impart a As the photos and accompanying information in the
deeper appreciation for tropical species through plants database grew, it became clear that the information would
in cultivation and, by extension, the need to preserve be valuable to others as well. As the photographer as well
their wild habitat. Gardeners help maintain diversity by as the writer, I have had firsthand experience with each
seeking out, growing, and sharing unusual species. plant and control over the accuracy of their descriptions.
When I began to study tropical botany in the 1950s, the References were challenged and cross-checked.
books on tropical plants were usually densely scientific. This book is intended to be concise, detailed enough for


students and professionals, and written in language that a plant is not like giving a name to a newborn child, but
can be understood by the average plant enthusiast. Above rather like adopting an orphan and trying to determine
all, I want the reader to enjoy tropical plants and perhaps its family roots and relationships after the fact. Names
search for something a little out of the ordinary for a con- are based on the current understanding of the relation-
tainer on the porch or a special place in the garden. ships among plant groups and evolutionary hierarchy. A
The vast majority of the world's plant species come number of different botanists may independently collect
from the tropics, and no single volume could possibly the same or very similar species, and each may have
cover even a fraction of the tropicals in cultivation. This given them names based upon what information they
book includes a selection of plants that demonstrate the can find. It takes considerable research, often involving
great diversity of species in cultivation. It offers infor- international herbaria, to track down and compare col-
mation about their native habitats and growing condi- lections to see which is a previously named species and
tions which, in turn, suggests how they will best thrive in which a new one. With each new study and technique,
cultivation. Cultivated plants more commonly encoun- specimens are reviewed, and any new information often
tered in the garden and nurseries are presented along results in a name being revised. Inevitably, some experts
with rare and tantalizing plants for jaded readers. Woody will disagree on classification. The current studies using
plants are covered in greatest depth. A diverse selection DNA have initiated a complete reevaluation of all previ-
from the very large herbaceous families provides essen- ously named genera.
tial information for distinguishing these groups. Partic- Botanical reorganization is one thing, but the most dif-
ular attention has been given to the rarely published but ficult task has been weeding out names that have been
magnificent ginger family, Zingiberaceae. applied illegitimately in the trade, commonly without any
The criterion for selecting species to be included in this regard for registration. Invalid names have become in-
volume is their ability to thrive in zone 9 (with average delibly embedded in the popular literature and psyche of
lows between 20° and 30°F) or higher. Species with a gardeners. For lack of understanding of what must seem
broad temperature tolerance may also grow in temper- like a constant stream of changes on the botanical side,
ate regions. Selections are included from moist tropical the trade holds tenaciously to familiar names no matter
regions and seasonally moist/dry climates as well as cool how wrong or out of date they may be.
montane and arid regions. A few technically nontropical Growers often protect hybrid ancestry and origin for
species have been included that are commonly grown short-term commercial competition or fail to keep accu-
and thrive in tropical regions. Most annuals and species rate records. This has led to considerable confusion and
grown primarily as foliage plants are excluded. misinformation that distorts and quickly devalues the
In temperate regions many tropical species can be work of the grower. This is especially unfortunate in view
grown indoors in containers in winter and moved out- of the drastic loss of biodiversity in wild habitat and the
doors in spring. Some fast-growers are planted as sum- growing imperative to establish records of surviving
mer annuals. Species from higher altitudes, deciduous species in cultivation and their hybrids. The Web address
shrubs, and winter-dormant herbs are often grown as for the International Cultivar Registration Authorities
perennials outdoors in mild areas with a blanket of (ICRAs), which provides information on registration of
mulch to protect the roots from freezing. cultivar names, is given at the end of this book in the list
Maximum effort has been given to determining the of Web sites.
currently accepted name for each species. Specialists in This volume is arranged alphabetically by family. This
the various families have been consulted—sometimes positions photos of related genera in close proximity for
prodded unmercifully—for details. Live scans and/or easy comparison. Leaf and floral size, morphology, gross
vouchers have been sent out for verification as needed. In size, and habit for each species are based on my original
a few cases where information is insufficient to support measurements with comparative figures included to
an identification, out-dated, or still under investigation, show the range of natural variability. One or two field
the best determination is given with the caveat that the marks, or distinctive characteristics, are provided to help
identification is tentative. Uncertain determinations are differentiate similar species. Botanical terminology is
clearly stated in an effort to counter any subsequent prop- often used for brevity, but terms are explained in nearby
agation of unverified names as fact in the popular litera- family and genus headings. A glossary is also provided.
ture. Every effort has been made to enlighten while keeping
Though some may dream of stability for scientific this volume simple to use and pleasant to browse.
plant names, systematics is an evolving science. Naming Information provided will help differentiate plants

with benign behavior from potential pests. Lists of inva- the threatened swallow-tailed kite prefers a restricted
sive and weedy species are at the end of this book. As far species, Australian pine (Casuarina equisetifolia), to na-
as is known, only Florida actually prohibits certain tive Florida pine (Pinus elliottii) for nest building and will
species from distribution and this information is in- leave an area when Australian pines are removed. Stands
cluded as cautionary to other regions; however, it must be of these trees, isolated from areas where they can become
noted that a pest in one region or type of climate may be invasive, should be left for the benefit of this magnificent
quite benign in another. Institutions such as state uni- bird. The native-exotic dilemma is not black and white.
versities in Hawaii, Texas, and California provide lists of Though butterflies may dine on a wide range of intro-
invasive plants in their regions on the Web. A list of Web duced and local species, they are dependent upon certain
sites can be found at the end of this book. host species for their larvae. Host plants will be periodi-
Be forewarned that state and county lists of restricted cally defoliated, but the larvae generally do no lasting
species do not always deter unscrupulous or unimagina- harm to established plants. Including larval food plants
tive landscapers from selling undesirable species to the (and not spraying them with pesticides) will keep the gar-
unwary. Anything from expensive builder-homes to sub- den aflutter with butterflies. Species with special appeal
divisions are landscaped primarily with mass-produced to birds and butterflies are noted in this volume. Other
plants designed to sell property but without regard to species provide cover and nesting places. Choose a se-
how they will look in several years. Weedy species are lection of species that bloom in all the seasons for year-
fast-growing and cheap to produce, which means that a round food for wildlife.
landscape company makes a return trip for maintenance, The latest horticultural advice strongly discourages the
taking another bite out of your wallet. Checking for weedy use of toxic chemicals in the garden. Healthy plants usu-
species and size characteristics in this volume in advance ally adapt to periodic infestations. Birds and insect pred-
will save considerable expense and regret in the future. ators of plant pests are killed by spraying. The use of pes-
In our rapidly aging society, drastically reducing gar- ticides is only a temporary solution because it produces
den maintenance is a sound investment in the future pests with greater resistance to these chemicals. Pesti-
both physically and financially. Elders can literally be cides also are toxic to humans, especially children, and
driven from their homes by the cost of maintenance. Fore- pets. Choosing resistant plants and thinning to allow air
sighted selection of plants by mature size, gradually re- to circulate reduces the likelihood and severity of infes-
ducing grassy areas with xeric plants, and generous tations.
mulching can make a garden practical enough to with- Temperate climate immigrants to the tropics at first
stand extended vacations and inflation on a retirement may long for temperate species but usually find they de-
income. Plants adapted to local growing conditions are mand too much care, pesticide, and fungicide, or fail to
more pest resistant and easier to maintain, reducing or thrive in tropical conditions. Though the tropics are in-
eliminating the need for fertilizers and toxic chemicals. hospitable to dogwoods and apples, this volume provides
Increasing property taxes are partially related to the cost many beguiling substitutes.
of controlling unwisely selected trees near power lines As the backbone of the landscape, using xeric species
and streets. that require little or no added moisture once established
Most small birds and butterflies are gourmands and reduces the need for irrigation and saves precious water.
will flock to a garden given a wide selection of local and Keep thirsty species well mulched and within easy reach
introduced plant species. Many cultivated species are fa- of a sprinkler, and plant xeric species around the perime-
miliar to migratory birds and butterflies in distant parts ter. Reduce grassy areas to the minimum. It is unneces-
of their ranges. Certain birds will visit flowering plants sary to irrigate the entire property. Avoid planting mois-
but not a feeder. For example, hummingbirds in South ture-loving herbs and annuals near the roots of trees that
Florida are rarely interested in feeders but strongly fancy need a seasonally dry dormant period. An efficient gar-
orchid trees (Bauhinia species), aloes, and other flower- den is a less perishable garden but no less beautiful with
ing species foreign to their ranges. It is noteworthy that the choices provided in this book.

URING THE CURRENT era of dynamic changes in principal author of the Flora of the Lesser Antilles among

D plant systematics a book such as this one could not

have been accomplished without the assistance of
numerous experts who provided information about ar-
many other technical works, provided his experience and
invaluable guidance under the most difficult of personal
circumstances. I am especially grateful to Dick for writ-
rangements and current names of plant genera and fam- ing the foreword for this book. He is a highly esteemed
ilies. The generosity of authorities who contributed in- authority on tropical flora and I am honored by his sup-
formation based upon their lifetimes of experience is port.
overwhelming. I am deeply honored and gratified. Derek Burch, with an unusually broad perspective as
Some more recent updates in this volume were pro- both a botanist and horticultural consultant with wide-
vided through personal communications and, as far as ranging experience in the field and laboratory, helped
possible, are noted in the text. Personal contributions, sort out numerous identification problems and was es-
however, are by no means limited to individual notations. pecially helpful with the horticultural information. His
Who knows if this project would have come to fruition British exactitude on the fine points of the English lan-
but for the persuasive and unflagging support of my guage, botanical terminology, and editing experience
good friend, the preeminent pied piper of tropical flow- have been invaluable.
ers, Larry Schokman. Larry is director of the Kampong of Walter Judd, an extraordinarily busy professor at the
the National Tropical Botanical Garden near Miami, in University of Florida and the lead author of the state-of-
Coconut Grove, Florida. The Kampong is the former the-art textbook on plant systematics, astounded me by
home and garden of America's plant collector extraordi- actually offering to read the manuscript. The arrange-
naire, David Fairchild, who introduced winter wheat and ment of plant families and genera in this book is based
many other important food crops. More than a few of the on his text, which uses DNA analysis to determine na-
flowering plants and fruits in this book were photo- tural order. Walt provided guidance and helped me ex-
graphed there. Larry's war chest of anecdotes fleshes out tract key characteristics on many new and redistributed
many of the descriptions. His obvious delight in what he groups.
does captivates everyone he encounters. Numerous authorities gave generously of their expert-
It has been my great privilege to have three distin- ise on plant families in the manuscript. I particularly want
guished authorities on tropical flora and systematics re- to thank Dieter Wasshausen (Smithsonian Herbarium,
view the manuscript. A list of their qualifications would Washington, D.C.), who went out of his way, quite liter-
go far beyond the space allotted. I pay them tribute and ally, to help with identifications on troublesome Acan-
thank them fervently for their time and suggestions. I thaceae. Peter Gibbs (University of St. Andrews, Scot-
have felt a heavy responsibility to produce a book worthy land) provided extensive background analysis and inter-
of their confidence. esting discussion on his ongoing research on the extra-
Richard Howard, professor emeritus at Harvard Uni- ordinary Ceiba/Chorisia species. Peter Boyce and Simon
versity, former director of the Arnold Arboretum, and Mayo (both of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England)


and Tom Croat (Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis) I gratefully acknowledge the help provided by Richard
took time during a busy meeting to look over slides of Wunderlin (University of South Florida Tampa). Dick
the Araceae, answered numerous follow-up questions, fielded questions on Florida native and naturalized
and Tom and Peter later reviewed the whole section. species as well as identifications of Bauhinia species. The
Chuck Hubbuch (former director of plant collections at late Ed Anderson (Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix)
Fairchild Tropical Garden, Coral Gables, Florida, now cu- helped with desert Cactaceae identifications. Myron Kim-
rator of horticulture, Jacksonville Zoo, Florida) looked nach (former director Huntington Botanical Gardens,
over the section on palms and fielded frequent questions California, and editor of the U.S. Cactus and Succulent
concerning the garden collections. While working on his Journal) helped with identifications of tropical Cactaceae;
Ph.D. thesis at the University of Florida or on his way to Steve Hammer (Bolus Herbarium, Cape Town, South
a sale towing a trailer of gorgeous gingers, Tom Wood Africa) provided identifications on Aizoaceae. Identifica-
provided extensive unpublished technical detail and tions of Tibouchina and other species of Melastomataceae
checked the identifications on the Zingiberaceae. I am were graciously provided by Frank Almeda (California
especially fortunate that, before his death, noted Helico- Academy of Sciences) and Jacinto Regalado (Field Mu-
nia authority Fred Berry reviewed the collection of Heli- seum of Natural History, Chicago). Suzanne Mace (Mes-
conia photos and provided firsthand information. emb Study Group, England) put me in contact with vari-
Special thanks go to Shirley Graham (Kent State Uni- ous succulent authorities; Nat Deleon and Moira Prince
versity, Ohio) who assisted with Lythraceae identifica- (Bromeliad Society, Miami) provided expertise and sub-
tions including vouchers on highly ornamental but still ject matter for Bromeliaceae; Reto Nyffeler (University
unsettled species of Lagerstroemia. It would have been of Zurich) helped with Crassulaceae; Allen Paton (Royal
impossible to unravel unfamiliar species of Agavaceae Botanic Gardens, Kew, England) helped with Lamiaceae;
without the very generous and friendly guidance of Mary George Staples (Bishop Museum, Hawaii) provided in-
Irish (former director of public horticulture, Desert Bo- formation on cultivated species in Hawaii.
tanical Garden, Phoenix). Lucia Lohmann (Missouri Bo- Some individuals contributed details on difficult gen-
tanical Garden) took precious time from her Ph.D. stud- era. Scott Armbruster (Norwegian University of Science
ies at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, to confirm and Technology and University of Alaska) provided iden-
Tabebuia vouchers and provide diagnostics on other tification and enlightenment concerning the enigmatic
species of Bignoniaceae. Harry Luther (director, Brome- flowers of Dalechampia. Dave Bogler (Fairchild Tropical
liad Identification Center, Marie Selby Garden, Sarasota, Garden, Coral Gables, Florida and Florida International
Florida) and Donna Atwood (formerly of Marie Selby University) helped with Agave and Beaucarnea. Willem
Garden) helped with Bromeliaceae and Gesneriaceae Meijer (University of Kentucky) shared his yet unpub-
identifications and provided valuable reference material. lished work on Berry a. Gwilym Lewis (Royal Botanic Gar-
Roger Hammer (naturalist and director of Castellow dens, Kew, England) was kind enough to identify vouch-
Hammock Park, Homestead, Florida) knows the location ers of difficult Caesalpinia and Peltophorum species and
of practically every weed and benign ornamental in confirmed the identification of the illusive Periandra.
South Florida and is a respected authority on local Barry Hammel (Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis)
species. His own garden is a showplace of local and in- provided information on Cyclanthaceae; Gideon Smith
troduced species working together in harmony, con- (director of research, National Botanical Institute, Preto-
firmed by the plethora of butterflies and birds dancing ria, South Africa) kindly checked Aloe identifications;
among the blossoms. Many unusual species were pho- Tom Daniel (California Academy of Science) on justicia
tographed there. and Crossandra; Paul Fryxell (University of Texas, Austin),
Alan Meerow (curator ARS-SHRS, USDA, Chapman Abelmoschus and Hibiscus; Thomas Elias (curator, U.S.
Field, Miami) was consulted on identifications of bul- National Arboretum), Hamelia and the interesting his-
bous herbs. Editor and author of recent authoritative suc- tory of xChitalpa; Paul Franz (North Carolina State Uni-
culent volumes Urs Eggli (Sukkulenten-Sammlung, Zu- versity) pointed out the right direction toward the identi-
rich, Switzerland) and co-author Bernard Descoings fication of Periandra. Wilbert Hetterscheid (National
(Museum of Natural History, France) helped with Cras- Herbarium, Leiden, Netherlands) checked identifications
sulaceae identifications. Richard Olmstead (University of questionable Amorphophallus; Kenneth Hill (Royal Bo-
of Washington) provided the updated list of revisions for tanical Gardens, Sydney) helped with identifications of
Lamiales. Corymbia and Eucalyptus; Alan Paton (Royal Botanic Gar-

dens, Kew, England), Plectranthus; Hugh Iltis (University coast, Scott Zona, and the late Bert Zuckerman. Special
of Wisconsin), Crateva; Mattias Iwarsson (Uppsala Uni- thanks go to Susan Knorr and Nick Cockshutt of the pub-
versity Botanical Garden, Sweden), Leonotis; Anthonius lications department who were among the first to en-
"Toon" Leeuwenberg (National Herbarium, Wagenin- courage my efforts.
gen, Netherlands), Tabernaemontana; Beat Leuenberger The botanical garden and conservatory at Balboa Park
(Botanical Garden and Museum, Free University, Berlin- is located in San Diego and includes numerous succu-
Dahlem), Pereskia; David Middleton (Harvard Univer- lent species from arid regions of the Americas, Africa,
sity), Alstonia; Harvey Ballard (Ohio University), Hyban- and Australia. Horticulturist Kathy Puplava has been
thus; John Mood provided help on Zingiber and reviewed most helpful providing information on plants in that col-
the list of ornamentals in Hawaii; Tim Anderson, Bego- lection. Bart O'Brien of Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gar-
nia; David Orr (director, Waimea Arboretum, Hawaii), den in Claremont, California, provided information on
Erythrina and Hauya species; Kent Perkins (University the introduction ofxChitalpa. Quail Botanical Garden in
of Florida), Orthosiphon; Chris Puttock (Bishop Museum, Encinitas, California, has an excellent collection of threat-
Hawaii), Gardenia', Sandra Atkins (Royal Botanic Gar- ened Canary Islands plants as well as many succulents
dens, Kew, England), Vitex; Andrea Schwarzbach (Kent and xerophytes.
State University, Ohio), Argemone; Ruth Evans Kiew (Sin- It would be impossible to acknowledge all the mem-
gapore Botanical Garden), Musella; Cornelius Berg (Uni- bers and presenters at the Miami Chapter of the Tropical
versity of Bergen, Norway), Dorstenia; Mario Blanco (Uni- Flowering Tree Society for tips from their firsthand hor-
versity of Florida), Aristolochia; and Dean Wheeler (Agre- ticultural experience covering hundreds of tropical
sults) lent his expertise on cultivation of pineapples, species. Members pride themselves on introducing new
Ananas. and unusual species. Their motto is "Color the Horizon,"
Jim Solomon (curator of the herbarium, Missouri Bo- promoting and planting ornamental flowering plants in
tanical Garden) and John Wiersema (taxonomist, US DA, public landscaping. I especially want to thank Mark Steb-
ARS, Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory, Belts- bins for his generosity in sharing his research on identi-
ville, Maryland) directed me to authorities and references fications; Bob McMillan for information on plant dis-
and provided generous assistance concerning informa- eases and pests; and propagation expert and migratory
tion on their respective Web sites. species, Crafton Clift, a storehouse of revelations on un-
I owe special gratitude to the late Monroe Birdsey, my told numbers of plants and grafting. Photos were made
taxonomy professor at the University of Miami and latter- at the homes and nurseries of many members including
day mentor. He will be remembered for his great fond- Tropical Colors Nursery, Luc and Carol Vannoorbeeck,
ness for bad puns and unusual plants, in which order I Homestead, Florida, specialists in Hibiscus and Plume-
am not certain. The word play was intended to impress ria; Tropical Paradise Nursery, Joe Fondeur, Davie, Flor-
unfamiliar Latin and Greek names on budding botanists ida, home of the ravishing Warszewiczia and other un-
(Polygonaceae will forever be the "family of the departed common beauties; Bloomin' Good Nursery, Dolores
parrot" to me). His eccentric individualism, incorrigible Fugina, Homestead, Florida, specializing in unusual
mispronunciations, and malapropos left indelible marks flowering trees; Ernesto's Nursery, Ernesto Rodriguez
for better or worse. Many photos were made in his pri- and Dimitris Petropoulos, Miami, Florida, renowned for
vate jungle, especially those of his beloved aroids and its pampered Amherstia and other rarities; Darlene
water-lilies. Mann, home to a fast-growing Ochroma; Rob and Cindy
I particularly want to salute the staff at Fairchild Trop- Bobson, Biospheric Engineering, Homestead, Florida;
ical Garden, Coral Gables, Florida, who collect and nur- Paradise Found, Lee Cicchella, Davie, Florida, ardent
ture new and exciting species. Without their often un- Bombacaceae hybridizer; Jesse Durko's Nursery, Davie,
heralded efforts—and those of similar folks at other Florida; Richard Lyon's Nursery, Perrine, Florida; Mau-
botanical gardens—these lovely plants would not be rice Kong, whose garden is a demonstration of how to
available for us to enjoy. For their exceptional patience grow hundreds of unusual tropical fruit trees within the
and assistance I want to thank Craig Allen, David Bar- confines and regulations of a subdivision lot; and Willis
Zvi, Mary Collins, Don Evans, Jack Fisher, Dena Garvue, Harding and the neighborhood park he filled with stun-
Marilyn Griffiths, Gerald "Stinger" Guala, Benoit Jonck- ning Ceiba/Chorisia hybrids in northwestern Miami-
heere, Mike McLaughlin and his trusty cherry picker, Dade County, Florida.
Ken Neugent, board member and collector Lester Pan- I always enjoy the ebullient Aussie repartee of Mike

Ferrero, curator of palms and flowering trees at Nong Deepwood Estate Conservatory, Salem, Oregon; Desert
Nooch Tropical Garden, Thailand. He has generously Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Arizona; Gifford Arboretum,
shared his experience, grapevine of authorities in Aus- University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida; Huntington
tralia, and references on Asian species. Wilhelmina Botanical Garden, San Marino, California; Logee's Green-
"Willy" Wasik, plant recorder, spent an afternoon with house, Danielson, Connecticut; Longwood Gardens,
me digging through old plant records of the US DA Sub- Kennett Square, Pennsylvania; Medellin Botanical Gar-
tropical Horticulture Research Station and National den, Colombia; the Ospina family at El Ranchito, Medel-
Germplasm Repository, Chapman Field, Miami, for in- lin, Colombia, for their renowned orchid collection; Plan-
formation on Dombeya burgessiae 'Seminole' revealing tation Spice Nursery, Goulds, Florida; Rainbow Gardens,
for the first time its full identity. Steve Jankalski shared Vista, California; Silver Krome Nursery, Homestead,
his trials and tribulations with the often obscure history Florida; Bob Smoley's Gardenworld, Gibsonia, Pennsyl-
of Euphorbia cultivars. vania; Tan Kiat, Singapore Botanic Gardens; Georgia
Information and photos were gathered from innumer- Tasker, garden editor of the Miami Herald; Stokes Tropi-
able sources including public and private gardens. For cals, New Iberia, Louisiana; USDA Subtropical Horticul-
graciously giving permission to photograph the collec- ture Research Station, Chapman Field, Miami-Dade
tions, I would like to thank Terrence Walters, executive County, Florida; and the Victorian garden at the Del Coro-
director of the Montgomery Botanical Center, Coral nado Hotel, San Diego, California.
Gables, Florida, which specializes in the study of cycads I greatly appreciate the gracious home owners who
and palms; the late Frank Smathers and Four Fillies opened their garden gates, delighted to exchange infor-
Farm, Coral Gables, Florida, his home garden and mango mation and allow me to photograph their prized tropical
collection; and Eric Eimstad of the Parrot Jungle and Gar- specimens.
dens, Pinecrest, Florida. Numerous tropical fruits and Enduring gratitude goes to my dear husband, Roberto,
flowers were photographed at Miami-Dade County Fruit for his unqualified love, trust, and steadfast support. No
and Spice Park, where Chris Rollins is director. institution would have granted such unfettered freedom
For photo subjects and/or information, I would also over so many years, and without such freedom this book
like to acknowledge Alberts and Merkel Brothers Nurs- would not have been possible. His personal contribution
ery, Boynton Beach, Florida; Rio Grande Botanical Gar- goes far beyond Spanish consultant, sharp-eyed flower
den, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Black Olive Nursery, Ft. scout, equipment bearer, and abiding companion on
Lauderdale, Florida; Bosque del Apache, New Mexico; the many a photo safari.

VER MANY YEARS of researching identifications of has been consulted. Live scans and specimens, where
plants, I have been impressed by the value of good necessary, of the photographed plant have been provided
photographs in my quests. While photos do not for verification.
always serve as definitive identification of very similar Scientific names are not simply tags but imply rela-
species, their value in quickly narrowing down the pos- tionships and the hierarchy among family groups. If new
sibilities is immeasurable. While keys are standard in information about a species indicates its previous place-
botany, they can be time-consuming or bewildering to all ment in a group was incorrect, the name must be changed
but the experts and often useless for plants in cultivation. in agreement with the International Code of Botanical No-
Because detail is paramount, a good botanical photo menclature. Outdated or incorrect names are listed as syn-
should maintain high photographic quality including onyms and may be of value when referring to older pub-
proper exposure. Plants should appear in natural posi- lications. In scientific works, author's names—the
tion without artiness or artifice, and the photographs person who published the name of a species—follow the
should reveal as many unique characteristics of each scientific name in roman type. They are not used here
species as possible. This does not, however, preclude the for brevity. Authors' names, however, are readily avail-
photographer from translating the aesthetic beauty of able on the Web sites listed at the back of this book.
even the most humble blossom. That this collection of
photos is successful can be measured by the frequency Common Names
with which experts have been able to make valid identifi- Common names are often treated disdainfully by scien-
cations based upon scanned photos—of great impor- tists because they are highly variable from region to re-
tance when one is working with experts from around the gion and not universally recognized. Some less familiar
globe. species have not acquired a common name in English.
Ideally one would prefer a number of photos for each To some, however, common names feel more comfort-
plant but this would be at the expense of the number of able, less formal than words with Roman and Greek roots.
species that could be published. For readers of this vol- They might seem easier to remember or pronounce. This
ume, a broader understanding of a particular plant group is, however, just a lack of familiarity considering how we
can be found by perusing information on related species routinely rattle off medical Latin or Greek—cardiologist,
as well as the genera and family headings. dentist, rubella, influenza—and myriad foreign-language
proper names such as Philadelphia or Los Angeles. If we
Scientific Names can say Massachusetts, then Megaskepasma shouldn't
Every attempt has been made to locate the current ac- stick in the throat.
cepted name for each species. A number of on-line data- Thanks to the busy nursery trade in tropical plants,
bases made this task easier. Where the literature is out of many cultivated species have acquired universal names
date or insufficient evidence is available to support an in English. Since birds have standardized common
identification, a specialist working with a particular group names in English, there is no reason that plants couldn't


have them also. As a first step toward standardization, ture size of a species in its native habitat or under opti-
this volume lists the preferred common name first. In- mum conditions. This does not indicate that an individ-
accurate names and those likely to produce confusion ual plant will necessarily reach this size or that it might
have usually been excluded with a few exceptions where not grow larger under certain circumstances. A plus sign
usage is common or no other choice is available. Many indicates an indeterminate growth potential, such as a
tropical species in cultivation come from Latin America, vine, a rare plant with little experience in cultivation to
so widely recognized common names in Spanish have rely on, or when a larger size seems probable under op-
been provided after the English names wherever possi- timum circumstances. Health, climate, genetics, and
ble. Names from other countries of origin are sometimes growing conditions influence the growth potential of in-
added at the end. These may be colorful in themselves dividual plants. In hurricane-prone areas, few large trees
or they might be handy for travelers who wish to look up reach their full potential.
an interesting species in its home territory. Landscapers and gardeners are advised to seriously
Names that originated in horticulture but have no bo- consider potential size and spread when deciding where
tanical merit are listed as "hort." This is indicated in to locate large trees in the vicinity of buildings, streets, or
some references as "of gardens." When a grower or nurs- power lines. Some trees grow extremely rapidly in the
ery is not sure of or cannot find the correct scientific tropics, reaching 30 feet or more in as little as 3-5 years.
name, it is tempting to invent a name or mistakenly If possible, move species with inappropriate growth po-
apply one that belongs to a similar species. Growers tential while young and replace them with compact
should use a common name until a botanist positively species. Inappropriately sized landscape trees usually are
identifies a species. When a grower has produced a cul- at the mercy of unskilled maintenance crews who destroy
tivar or hybrid, he or she must register the name to con- their shape and health, chopping off branches and flow-
serve it and preserve his or her rights over someone who ers in an attempt to fit an oversized plant into a bad loca-
might come up with a similar cross later. A committee is tion. Also, consider the spread of roots. A carefully
currently working on registration of cultivars and hy- planned landscape remains elegant for years and has
brids. At this time, it covers many but not all plant considerable influence on maintenance costs, future
groups. Registration information is provided on the Web home value, utility bills, and security in windstorms.
site listed at the end of this book.
Hardiness Zones
Origin A USDA hardiness zone map is provided to indicate the
The origin or native range of each species is provided. general range within which a plant is likely to thrive.
Origins were cross-checked against information from Most plants in this volume originate in tropical or sub-
herbaria and actual collection sites listed on on-line data- tropical regions. All thrive in zone 9 (average winter lows
bases. Though a plant may be listed as having a native between 20° and 30°F) or higher. Some tropical plants,
range in a particular region, this does not imply that a especially those from higher altitudes, may tolerate brief
particular species is native to all parts of that region. The freezing temperatures, while ultra-tropical species, often
misapplication of the term native often leads to confu- from moist lowlands, may need extra protection from
sion. Plants are only native within the confines of a par- even mild chills. The total number of days above or below
ticular habitat within a region such as seaside forest, wet- average temperatures annually plays a significant role in
lands, seasonally moist/dry hardwood forest, low/high a particular species's ability to thrive and bloom. Condi-
elevation, desert, savanna, grasslands, and so forth. Some tions may vary from one side of a hill to the other, on the
species, often rare, may have their habitat restricted to a north or south, windy or leeward sides of a structure, or
specific locale. Knowing the native range, in combina- from the coast to a few miles inland. Sheltering trees or
tion with growing conditions, indicates where and under proximity to a warming body of water will raise local tem-
what conditions a plant is likely to thrive in cultivation. perature a few degrees over those of surrounding areas.
Origin is also important for identifying species. The southwestern states and Hawaii are notorious for
their myriad microclimates. Wise selections take advan-
Habit tage of local conditions.
A general description of each species is followed by a Though efforts have been made to produce more pre-
range of size. The first figure is the average size of species cise climate maps, there are so many local variables and
seen in cultivation. The second figure includes informa- so many species that any climate map must be taken only
tion from reliable sources that suggests the potential ma- as a general guide. Within reasonable limits, the best way

to determine if a newly introduced species will thrive in which bloom on second-year growth, usually do not
a particular location is to compare species from the same flower in areas where the tops are killed back annually
or similar regions known to thrive in the area. Many avid although they produce plentiful new foliage each year.
gardeners pride themselves on their ability to push zone
limits though this is generally not a low-maintenance ap- Moisture
proach. The simplest device is to keep tender plants in Moisture requirement is an important consideration in
containers that can be moved as necessary. deciding the conditions where a particular species will
thrive. A preference for species from a radically different
Evergreen, Deciduous, Seasonally Dormant climate than the local one must be balanced against cost
Deciduous trees, shrubs, and perennials become dor- of special maintenance and the time one is prepared to
mant seasonally and lose all their leaves. In the tropics provide, how reliable the source of water is, and other re-
this is usually in response to dry and/or cooler seasons. quirements.
Some herbaceous tropical species die back to the ground The level of moisture needed by a species is predeter-
in dry seasons and others stop growing and blooming mined by the conditions to which a plant is adapted in
but retain all or some foliage. These species are listed as its native habitat. This may be a narrow range. Other
seasonally dormant. The roots or rhizomes of seasonally species may be quite adaptable. The amount of irrigation
dormant tropicals may survive in mild temperate areas in needed is influenced by how long the soil remains moist,
the ground if protected from freezing temperatures by a which in turn depends on other conditions such as heat
thick layer of mulch; otherwise, it is best to dig them up or cold, rate of evaporation, and soil porosity. Mulch and
and overwinter indoors. other organic matter greatly reduce the loss of moisture
Evergreen trees also shed leaves but gradually or par- from the soil among other benefits. All plants except
tially while remaining mostly green. They may or may those that require dry conditions benefit from at least 5
not become semidormant seasonally. In temperate areas inches of mulch covering the root area to just beyond the
the term evergreen is often applied loosely to conifers edge of the canopy with a clear area around the trunk.
(gymnosperms), though some other temperate species Excess water is just as bad for a plant as not enough. This
such as hollies remain evergreen in winter. volume presents general guidelines. Advice on particular
Semideciduous species may lose their leaves in dry or groups of plants can often be found in specialty books or
chilly conditions or behave as perennials in mild tem- through local plant societies.
perate areas but usually remain evergreen in warmer "Moist" conditions refer to soil that remains slightly
and/or moister conditions. damp at all time around the plant roots. Candidates suit-
able for moist conditions are often tender plants of rain-
Bloom Season forest understory that grow in filtered light. They require
Time of flowering is listed by season rather than by frequent irrigation and additional misting when the hu-
month to be applicable in both the Northern and South- midity is low. Though these plants like moisture, their
ern Hemispheres. Gardeners can mark their calendars roots should not remain wet and the soil should drain off
by the date some species bloom, while others may vary any excess water quickly. The soil should contain con-
considerably from year to year and location to location. siderable organic matter such as peat moss or humus
Many factors determine when, how prolifically, or if a that maintains even moisture between applications of
plant will bloom at all. Some species bloom during a dry water or rain. Top-dress the soil with mulch or humus to
season or when the rainy season begins regardless of the slow evaporation.
time of year. In areas with 2 dry seasons, for instance, "Regular moisture" indicates a plant needs watering at
jacarandas often bloom twice a year. Artificial irrigation regular intervals so that soil around the finer roots never
during the dry season will disrupt this cycle and often re- dries out although the soil surface may become almost
sults in poorer or no bloom. Many plants will not thrive dry. Plants in this group usually tolerate somewhat more
or may even die if kept excessively moist when dormant. sunlight or wind as long as the moisture level is adjusted
Poinsettias and holiday cactus are sensitive to decreas- accordingly. They tolerate somewhat longer intervals be-
ing periods of light; they begin to bloom when daylight tween watering depending on local conditions including
hours shorten and will fail to bloom when darkness is in- temperatures.
terrupted by artificial light. Other species rely on in- "Moderate moisture" is used for a plant that can toler-
creasing hours of daylight in spring, moisture, and/or ate extended intervals between waterings but whose
warmth to initiate bloom. Some herbs, such as alpinias, roots should never become completely dry during active

growth. Such plants tolerate brief periods without irriga- Anyone who takes long trips or is inclined to forget to
tion when the weather is cool and growth is slow. They water should select species that can tolerate brief to mod-
are often xerophytic in areas with seasonally dry winters. erate dry spells. Look for xeric (or xerophytic) plants,
In Mediterranean-type climates with hot, dry summers, which tolerate local climate and growing conditions and
irrigation will more likely be needed in summer than thrive without supplemental care once established. Such
winter. plants will not tolerate any set of conditions or every lo-
"Dry" conditions apply to plants that usually do not re- cation. The term is sometimes erroneously used to indi-
quire supplementary irrigation except during extended cate "native" species though introduced species often
hot, dry periods. In seasonally moist climates these spe- meet the requirements perfectly. Remember that native
cies often thrive without additional irrigation if provided species are local species from specific habitats. A
porous soils that drain off very rapidly. They should not pinelands species is not native to seaside communities or
have large amounts of organic materials around the grassy lowlands although it comes from the general re-
roots. Most of these plants thrive in Mediterranean-type gion and growing conditions will vary. A species will only
climates such as southern California and parts of Hawaii. be xeric in cultivated situations that resemble its natural
"Arid" plants tolerate bone-dry conditions for long pe- habitat. Conversely, any species will thrive as if xeric
riods in the wild, often depending on brief seasonal under local conditions that resemble its natural growing
showers to bloom. Arid-growing plants differ from dry- conditions.
growing plants by having special adaptations for storing
moisture and preventing evaporation. In cultivation, Soil
however, even arid-growing plants may need weekly irri- Certain species will adapt to a variety of soils. Others are
gation in extreme heat and/or drought. If soil becomes quite particular. Those that do not adapt well to local soil
completely dry, it will be resistant to rewetting—like a either need a specially prepared hole or should be grown
dry sponge—and it may take several applications, or sev- in containers. The information provided in this volume
eral hours of trickle irrigation, to moisten the soil down is based on observations of species in cultivation, usually
to the root system. Arid conditions are typical of the des- in the ground, and by people growing them successfully.
ert Southwest, higher elevations, and down wind of the Except for aquatic plants, water should drain quickly,
mountains in Hawaii. allowing air to reach the roots. The coarser the soil parti-
"Seasonally moist/dry" conditions suit plants from cles, the faster water will drain away. Fine particles, par-
forests with distinct wet and dry seasons. These plants ticularly clay and marl, retain moisture a long time and
grow actively in rainy months but slow or become dor- need coarser particles for aeration. Sand has a larger
mant in dry seasons. Such conditions are typical of re- grain size that drains quickly and is used to break up fine
gions with monsoons such as Southeast Asia as well as soil. Coarser materials are added when moisture must
areas of the Americas. These species require regular mois- drain particularly rapidly. Organic materials open the soil
ture during active growth, usually summer, but little to air and retain moisture like a sponge. Organic and in-
when dormant. organic materials can easily be adjusted to fit the mois-
All moisture recommendations apply to plants in con- ture requirements for each plant. Potting soil products
tainers as well as in the ground; however, the porosity of are usually not suitable to use alone and need to be
a container, its size, and the potting medium must be amended according to local conditions. Larry Schok-
taken into consideration. Containers have a significant man's favorite advice to gardeners (Larry is director of
influence on the frequency with which moisture will the Kampong of the National Tropical Botanical Garden)
need to be applied. Plastic pots are not porous and permit is this: "Never plant a ten-dollar tree in a ten-cent hole."
less evaporation than with clay pots. Adjusting the type of
container and potting soil mix to suit the watering sched- Mulch
ule is usually more practical than attempting to water in- Larry's other recipe for success is to "mulch, mulch,
dividual plants on different schedules. This is especially mulch." A doughnut-shaped layer of mulch, to at least 5
important where container-grown plants are kept out- inches deep, should be maintained over the root area of
doors, exposed to rain. Moisture should be reduced in all but arid plants, leaving a foot of clear space around
cooler seasons when a plant slows its growth or goes dor- the trunk to avoid rot. It is impossible to overstate the
mant; more is needed in hot or windy conditions. Good beneficial properties of mulch. Try it in a small area if
drainage will save many plants from heavy-handed wa- you need proof. Many gardeners are finding extensive
tering or those times when it rains for days on end. lawns expensive to maintain, often reaching a crisis dur-

ing a drought with water restrictions. Reduce lawn areas possible to achieve in gardens on the east or west sides of
by gradually extending beds of xeric plants and extend buildings, which are shaded for half the day, or where fog
mulched areas at least to the drip line of large trees. Fresh commonly filters the sun for part of the morning.
chipped garden debris is fine, no need for bins and labo- "Part sun" indicates at least 3 hours of direct sun pref-
rious turning. Yard maintenance companies are usually erably in the morning. Such conditions are typical of
happy to dump a load of chips instead of hauling it to plants that grow under a deciduous tree with small leaves
overflowing dumps. Decorative mulches have been found and a high canopy that provides shade in summer at
to contain harmful chemicals and have already lost most midday. These plants usually tolerate more sun in winter
nutrients. Cypress mulch, from a threatened species, when the light is less intense. This conveniently coin-
should be avoided. Mulch from invasive species should cides with the time deciduous trees lose their leaves.
never be used unless treated to kill seeds. "Bright filtered light" indicates light that is diffused
As mulch breaks down it releases nutrients into the (but not heavily shaded) throughout the sunniest hours
soil slowly and the need for additional fertilizers is greatly of the day. A tree with a canopy of small leaves provides
reduced or sometimes unnecessary. In poor soil mulch this type of light to understory plants. A patio with 30-
gradually builds up layers of topsoil. Some home own- 50% shade screen should provide similar light.
ers laboriously fertilize their lawn and in a few weeks "Bright broken light" is similar to bright filtered light
time throw it all away with the clippings. but bright sunlight breaks through the canopy intermit-
Among the greatest attributes of mulch is that of main- tently. This light is similar to that under a tall large-leafed
taining even moisture. Irrigation can often be reduced tree during the hottest part of the day. A slat house some-
from 2 or 3 times a week to once or even less. Mulch is es- times simulates these conditions. Plants requiring bright
pecially important during a drought to prevent rapid dry- broken light tolerate bright early morning and late after-
ing of the soil. Mulched areas can be edged with cut limbs noon sun.
or decorative borders. Small plants such as bromeliads "Shade" refers only to indirect or strongly diffused
and aroids can be planted over the top of the mulch if de- light. The term is rarely used in this volume because it is
sired. interpreted variously by different people. Few flowering
Mulch discourages weeds and serves as a barrier to plants bloom in even bright shady conditions. Nonflow-
protect trunks from string trimmer wounds that invite ering plants such as ferns are usually best for shady lo-
infection. It may discourage nematodes and helps main- cations. Too much shade is usually indicated by plants
tain plant health. Thirsty, heavy feeders such as bananas leaning strongly toward the light source, often develop-
and heliconias need far less water and fertilizer in deeply ing long weak stems.
mulched beds, and mulch protects tender roots in winter. Too much sun, especially if it occurs suddenly, results
The only time organic mulch is not advised is for arid in burned leaves and possibly death. Move a plant grad-
species. The ground should be covered with river gravel ually over 2-3 weeks from low to higher light intensity
or other rocks with neutral pH. to allow it to adjust. However, do not expect a plant that
naturally grows in filtered light to adjust to full sun. If a
Sun shading tree has to be trimmed, spread an old sheet or
The hours of sun a plant receives each day and its inten- doubled piece of screening (never plastic) over the plant
sity are specific for each species and greatly influence the temporarily. Better yet, trim trees when the sun is weaker
quality and quantity of bloom and plant health. Select in winter or early spring.
plants for the garden by the light conditions in the places
they will be planted. A successful gardener looks to see Flower and Leaf Descriptions
which conditions can be controlled and which can't and Descriptions of flowers and leaves in the popular litera-
selects plants accordingly. The position of the house or ture are commonly derived from other references, which
large tree on a property may determine which side of the themselves derived information from another reference
house to plant particular species. If a property lacks leading to the common perpetuation of mistakes. A wag
shade, first consider some larger trees that partially fil- once referred to this phenomenon as the "fossilization
ter the light. After a few years more sensitive plants can of misinformation." Descriptions in this volume are orig-
be added. inal, taken from the plants themselves, and not deriva-
"Full sun" indicates direct sunlight at least 6 hours a tive. Be aware, however, that plants can exhibit consid-
day. The plant must be positioned away from the shade of erable natural variation and the figures given here should
larger plants and structures. This might be almost im- be used as a general guide. Berrya cubense has large leaves

on one Caribbean island and small leaves on another. rose or other imprecise names. The solid crayon itself
Tabebuia impetiginosa grows from Mexico to Argentina represents the deepest shade and the mark of the crayon
and has developed considerable variation in local re- on white paper is comparable to lighter hues.
gions. Each of these species was given a variety of names
by collectors until scientists compared the important flo- Photography Equipment
ral characteristics and realized they were variations of the All photos in this volume were taken with a Nikon™ 35-
same species. mm camera on professional Kodak Ektachrome™ 100
Measurements were taken from the actual plant pho- ISO transparency film, which provides natural, unexag-
tographed and, except in the case of very unusual plants, gerated color values. Only macro and wide-angle lenses
these were averaged with other individuals of the same were used. Telephoto lenses were avoided because they
species in different locations and growing conditions. usually introduce awkward angles backlit by the bright
The leaves of a young plant may be larger or smaller than sky. Close-ups sometimes necessitated the use of a
of a mature plant. Leaves are often different at the bot- stepladder or, on rare occasions, a cherry picker. With few
tom of the canopy or in the shade, and leaves on suckers exceptions, flowers were photographed in their natural
may differ radically from ordinary branches. conditions and position. Occasionally a hand-held fill-
Flowers also vary; one that is freshly opened is often flash was used to illuminate the undersides of plants or
smaller and differently colored than when it reaches it in shady locations. A tripod was not used because fre-
peak. Easily discernable floral characteristics are used to quent breezes make one useless at slower speeds. My
distinguish individual species in this volume. Internal earliest photos depended more on the macro lens, but in
and microscopic details are rarely used except where they natural settings I soon found that a wide-angle lens pro-
are particularly unique. A few fairly obvious field marks vided more depth of focus and more surrounding infor-
or characteristics are provided to distinguish similar mation, such as leaves, in the photo.
species. This should not discourage anyone from admir-
ing the amazing intricacies of flowers with a hand lens. Finding Plants
General botanical information is provided in the head- The plants in this book were not difficult to find. They
ings. Counting petals, sepals, and stamens is not a diffi- were photographed within a short radius of major met-
cult exercise in the field and often provides easy clues to ropolitan areas within the continental United States, pri-
distinguish genera and families. marily southern Florida and California. Many of these
Color is often subject to individual interpretation. Some species also occur in Hawaii and international gardens
would call a school bus orange and others would say yel- throughout the tropics, and can be found growing under
low when according to the laws of physics it is actually glass in temperate conservatories. Botanical gardens do
yellow-orange. Natural colors are never "pure." They are not have static collections and from time to time new
blended tones of several colors. Complementary colors species replace old ones. If a particular species is of spe-
(red/green, blue/orange, yellow/violet) darken leaves and cial interest, be sure to check the season when it is likely
flowers when they overlay one another. Purple overlay- to be in bloom and then check with the gardens you plan
ing yellow, as in Allamanda 'Cherries Jubilee', may look to visit. Many gardens have Web sites with e-mail addres-
brownish or bronze. A green leaf with a red back may ap- ses for questions.
pear dark green, purple, or almost black. For those interested in growing unusual species, a
Overlying hairs often change the perception of the un- wide selection can be found in this volume. Some of
derlying color. The white hairs on Heliconia mutisiana these are interesting to specialty enthusiasts, students,
cause the red bracts to appear pink when dry, but the red and academics. Uncommon and often rare species are
color is more apparent when wet. Indirect light, artificial, sold at nurseries specializing in unusual species and at
or morning and evening light as well as humidity have an local plant societies. Others are offered periodically at dis-
effect on our perception of color saturation and hue. Jux- tribution sales by some botanical gardens. On-line
taposition with contrasting colors alters our color judg- searches by botanical name will often reveal sources of
ment. seed and plants. The Internet is also a good way to locate
To be as accurate as possible, one needs a color stan- plant societies, nurseries, and tropical gardens. Maga-
dard. Fortunately, an almost universally available and zines specializing in tropical species can usually be
uniform standard is a box of 64 Crayola™ crayons. Dis- found on the Web or at garden bookstores.
regard any colors named for flowers such as fuchsia or

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ACANTHACEAE sepals small, sharply toothed; Blooms summer, fall. Seasonally terminal spikes, 8-24 in. tall.
ACANTHUS FAMILY, clasped between leaflike, mauve moist, moderate moisture when Leaves: elliptic, to 10 in. long, tip
CLOCK-VINE FAMILY and green bracts; evenly distributed cool. Fertile, well-drained soil. Part tapering (acuminate); blade tapers
Acanthaceae includes approxi- in whorls of 4 along the erect 3- to sun or bright broken light. Flowers: down the petiole (decurrent). This
mately 256 genera of perennial 5-ft. spike. Leaves: broad, deeply tubular, yellow, with 2 elongated recently introduced species is easy to
herbs, shrubs, and climbers, which lobed, glossy; margins softly lips; bracts red-orange, shell-like, grow and very attractive. Locally self-
are widely distributed in warm tem- toothed; arranged in basal whorls overlapping (imbricate); in erect, seeding.
perate and tropical regions. Leaves to 3-5 ft. wide. A clump-forming
are in opposite pairs, often at right species. Commonly cultivated in mild
angles to the pair above and below temperate regions and thrives in
(decussate), and stems are often 4- southern California. Crosses of this
angled. Flowers are bisexual and bi- species with A. spinosus are distin-
laterally symmetrical. The sepals guished by their sharply toothed leaf
and petals are fused at their bases. margins.
Upper and lower petals are some-
times elongated into lips. Bracts Acanthus montanus
are often more showy than the tu- MOUNTAIN THISTLE
bular or funnel-shaped flowers. The Tropical western Africa. Evergreen
fruit is a dry capsule that, in certain perennial herb, 2-5 ft.; zones 9-11.
species, opens explosively (dehis- Blooms warm months. Moderate
cent) to scatter the seed. The moisture when hot, less when cool.
shrubby species described here Fertile, well-drained soil. Part sun
can be used to create informal nat- or bright broken light. Flowers: lip
ural beds in the English perennial pale pink with purple veins; bracts
garden style or may be lightly green, leaflike, spiny; in a compact
clipped as specimen plants or spike at the ends of upturned,
hedges. Most are suitable for con- sprawling (decumbent) branches.
tainers. For those that require even Leaves: ovate to obovate, deeply
moisture, a thick layer of mulch lobed, tips tapering (acuminate),
greatly reduces the amount of irri- 8-10 in. long; margins sharply
gation needed. toothed; cauline (on a stem). A
sprawling or clambering species of
Acanthus montane forest understory. This
Acanthus includes approximately species lacks the typical basal whorl
30 species of evergreen subshrubs of leaves. Unusual in cultivation.
and perennial herbs mostly from
the Mediterranean region. Stylized Aphelandra
acanthus leaves have been used for Aphelandra includes approximately
ornamentation since the Classical 170 species of evergreen shrubs
Greeks designed the capitals of the from tropical America. Flowers are
Corinthian columns. Flowers have short-lived, the bracts showy and
a well-developed lobed lower lip long-lasting. Each pair of leaves is
Acanthus mollis
while the other petals are reduced arranged at right angles to the pairs
to stubs. The leaves are deeply above and below (decussate). In
lobed, toothed, and often spiny. erect species, this sometimes re-
With rare exception, they are ar- sults in a pyramidal shape. Many
ranged in basal whorls. Usually a species are sensitive to chilly tem-
tall inflorescence spike develops peratures and may suffer leaf dam-
from the center of the leaf whorl or, age. If not actually frozen, however,
in the case of A montanus, at the they will recover. Cut back damaged
ends of the branches. foliage in spring. Aphelandras are
pollinated by hummingbirds and
Acanthus mollis insects. Some species commonly
OAK-LEAFED BEAR'S BREECHES grown by nurseries such as zebra
Mediterranean region. Evergreen plant, A squarrosa, have generally
perennial herb to 2 ft.; zones 7-10. reached their prime at the time of
Blooms spring, summer. Regular sale and fail to thrive outdoors.
moisture when hot, less when cool.
Fertile, well-drained soil. Bright bro- Aphelandra hartwegiana
ken light to full sun in milder cli- Panama (Darien Province). Ever-
mates. Flowers: lip greenish white; green shrub to 6 ft.+; zones 10-11. Acanthus mollis, flowers Acanthus montanus
A C A N T H A C E A E . Barleria 29

Aphelandra sinclairiana Asystasia travancorlca (hort.) Barleria late winter, spring, early summer.
CORALAPHELANDRA, Unknown in the wild. Perennial Barleria includes approximately 250 Regular moisture when hot, less
SINCLAIR'S APHELANDRA herb, 1-3 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms species of shrubs primarily from when cool. Average to fertile, well-
Central America. Evergreen shrub, warm months. Moderate moisture. the Old World tropics. A number drained soil. Full sun. Flowers:
6-10 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms Average, well-drained soil. Full to of species are commonly cultivated. trumpet-shaped with flaring lobes,
warm months. Regular moisture part sun. Flowers: funnel-shaped, Flowers are showy and funnel- white, opening 1 or 2 at a time;
and humidity. Average to fertile, deep purple to white, with cream- shaped. Bracts are relatively incon- bracts leaflike, green, with silvery
well-drained soil. Bright filtered colored throat; borne on erect, ter- spicuous. Bracteoles and calyx are hairs, turning blackish with age; in
light. Flowers: tubular, pink, 2- minal spikes. Leaves: lanceolate to often spined. Barlerias benefit from compact spikes. Leaves: ovate, 5-6
lipped, short-lived, opening a few at ovate, to about 1 in. long; margins light trimmingfor compact shape. in. long, covered with soft, silvery
a time; bracts ornamental, orange, entire or slightly toothed. Name of Removing old flower heads encour- gray hairs. The silvery foliage is a
shell-like, long-lasting; inflores- no botanical authority. A variable ages repeat flushes of bloom. landscaping asset at any time of year,
cences to 8 in. long, in clusters at plant, possibly a hybrid or cultigen an exceptional foil for deep blue to
the ends of the branches; bracte- (Wasshausen, pers. comm.) with Barleria albostellata purple flowers or foliage. Remove old
oles needlelike, hidden in the axils characteristics similar to A. gan- Southeastern Africa. Evergreen spikes. Prune after blooming. Un-
of the leaves. Leaves: elliptic, tips getica. shrub to 4 ft.; zones 9-10. Blooms usual in cultivation.
narrowing abruptly (cuspidate).
Needs protection from chills. Shoots
ore inclined to become leggy. Cut
back in spring.

Asystasia includes approximately 70
species of perennial herbs and sub-
shrubs from tropical Africa, India,
and Asia. Asystasia gangetica has
become widely naturalized and is
invasive in many coastal areas of
the tropics. It is quite variable and
possibly represents a hybrid gene
pool (Wasshausen, pers. comm.).
It is often encountered as a weed in
lawns. In established beds, these
pretty weeds can be kept under
control by mulching. The funnel-
shaped flowers are arranged along
one side of the inflorescence stalk
(secund). Bracts are small and not

Asystasia gangetica
COROMANDEL, GANGES PRIMROSE Aphelandra hartwegiana Aphelandra sinclairiana
Synonym: A coromandeliana. Exact
origin obscure (probably India to
Malaysia, eastern Africa); widely
naturalized. Perennial, clambering
herb, 1.5-3 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms
warm months. Moderate moisture,
tolerates dry periods. Average, well-
drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow-
ers: funnel-shaped, lobes flaring,
lip slightly 2-lobed, opening white
oryellow, becoming purplish, 1-2
in. wide; calyx cup small, lobes lin-
ear. Leaves: cordate to ovate, 1-2
in. long. A creeping to clambering
herb reminiscent of petunias. Highly
variable. A weed In lawns and coastal
areas. Coromandel is named for the
southeastern coast of India.
Asystasia gangetica Asystasia travancorica Barleria albostellata
30 ACANTHACEAE • Barleria

Barleria cristata species not known in cultivation mentose), bract veins not reticu- (decurrent); tips obtusely pointed.
BLUE-BELL, PHI L I P P I N E VIOLET (Wasshausen, pers. comm.). lated; inflorescence on a 4- to 6-in. 'Lutea' is distinguished by its erect,
India, Southeast Asia. Semidecidu- stalk (peduncle). Leaves: elliptic, shrubby habit and yellow flowers.
ous shrub to 5 ft.; zones 8-11. Barleria repens glossy dark green, 3-5 in. long, 'Mona Walhead' is low and spreading
Blooms spring, fall, or summer in C R E E P I N G BARLERIA, blade tapering down the petiole with orange flowers.
temperate end of range. Regular
moisture when hot, less when cool. Synonym: 8. querimbensis. South
Fertile, well-drained soil. Full to part Africa. Evergreen creeping sub-
sun. Flowers: trumpet-shaped, shrub under 1 ft.; zones 9-10.
blue-violet, pink, or white, throat Blooms warm months. Regular
streaked with white, to 2 in. long, moisture to wet. Fertile, well-
lip 2-lobed; bracts 2, sharply bris- drained soil. Full sun to bright fil-
tled. Leaves: ovate, to 4 in. long, tered light. Flowers: funnel-shaped,
roughly hairy. This species thrives as pinkish orange, lobes to 2 in. wide;
a root-hardy perennial along the Gulf bracts inconspicuous; solitary in
Coast. Nematodes tend to limit the leaf axils. Leaves: ovate, to 0.5
growth in frost-free parts of Florida. in. long, petiole very short (subses-
sile). Thrives in fountain-spray or as
Barleria lupulina ground cover. Flowers are dispersed.
HOP-HEADED B A R L E R I A Almost ever-blooming. Though listed
Madagascar, possibly Mauritius; as invasive in Hawaii, it is not known
naturalized in the Caribbean. Ever- to be a problem in Florida or Puerto
green shrub to 3 ft; zones 10-11. Rico (Burch, pers. comm.).
Blooms warm months. Moderate
moisture to fairly dry. Open, well- Crossandra
drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- Crossandra includes about 50
ers: trumpet-shaped, golden-yel- species of evergreen perennial
low, upper lobes spreading fanlike; herbs and shrubs from India,
bracts shell-shaped, green with red Arabia, Madagascar, and tropical
markings and sharp bristles near Africa. The upper lobes are spread-
the base; in ovoid spikes. Leaves: ing, fanlike.Thecommon name, fire-
lanceolate to almost linear, to 4 in. cracker, alludes to the way the ma-
long, midvein pink; margins ture dry capsules pop when touched
minutely toothed; with paired with a damp finger, explosively dis-
spines in the leaf axils. This adapt- persingtheirseed—much to the de-
able and xeric barleria will endure a light of children. Birds and small an-
gardener's extended vacations. It is imals eagerly dig up seeds, making
salt tolerant to the dunes (Burch, it prudentto start with seedlings.
pers. comm.). Trim after bloom. Crossandras are a bit finicky about
regular moisture and are inclined to
Barleria oenotheroides drop leaves if stressed by heat or
Synonym: 8. micans (misapplied). cold. Because new growth initiates Barleria oenotheroides Barleria repens
Southern Mexico to Colombia. at the ends of the branches, plants
Evergreen shrub to about 4 ft.; that suffer leaf loss should be cut
zones 10-11. Blooms intermit- back to the main stems in spring to
tently, primarily fall and winter. avoid rangy regrowth. Remove old
Moderate moisture. Average, well- spikes to stimulate frequent bloom.
drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow-
ers: trumpet-shaped, lemon-yellow, Crossandra infundibuliformis
4 upper lobes spreading fanlike, lip FIRECRACKER PLANT
narrow; bracts flaring, sharply an- Synonyms: C. undulifolia justicia
gled and prickled; inflorescence to infundibuliformis. Southern India,
12 in. tall. Leaves: ovate, 6-12 in. Sri Lanka, central Africa. Evergreen
long, hairy (tomentose), blade ta- shrub or subshrub, 1-3 ft.; zones
pers down the petiole (decurrent). 10-11. Blooms warm months. Reg-
Branches tend to sprawl with up- ular moisture. Average to fertile,
turned ends (decumbent) developing well-drained soil. Full to part sun,
into large clumps. This is the only in- morning sun for good bloom. Flow-
digenous New World barleria and has ers: salverform, tubular at the base,
been commonly, but mistakenly, re- lobes 5, fanlike, yellow to orange; Crossandra infundibuliformis 'Mona
ferred to as B. micans, an African bracts covered with long hairs (to- Crossandra infundibuliformis 'Lutea' Walhead'
ACANTHACEAE • Eranthemum 31

Oossandra nilotica tently winter, spring, summer. are relatively small. A few unnamed green shrub, 3-5 ft.; zones 10-11.
RED FIRECRACKER PLANT Moderate moisture. Average, well- but attractive species or cultivars Blooms winter, spring. Regular
Tropical Africa. Evergreen shrub, drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- are circulating in the trade. moisture. Fertile, well-drained soil.
1-2 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms inter- ers: funnel-shaped, lips elongated, Part sun to bright broken light.
mittently in warm months. Regular to about 1 in. wide, violet with Eranthemum nigrum Flowers: trumpet-shaped, blue-
moisture. Average to fertile, well- darker streaks in the throat; soli- Solomon Islands. Evergreen shrub, violet, lobes almost radially sym-
drained soil. Bright filtered light, tary. Leaves: ovate to obovate, 4-5 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms warm metrical; bracts green with conspic-
morning sun. Flowers: salverform, about 1 in. long; sessile; densely months. Regular moisture. Fertile, uous white veins; in spikes
lobes fan-shaped, about 1 in. wide, clustered on woody, trailing to de- well-drained soil. Full to part sun. clustered near the ends of the
ruby-red, brick-red to mauve. cumbent branches. An unnamed Flowers: trumpet-shaped, white, branches. Leaves: elliptic, 4-8 in.
Bracts long haired, reticulated; in- species with bushy, foxtail-like sprawl- throat spotted with magenta; in long, base tapering, dull green,
florescence a spike, stalk (pedun- ing branches. Especially attractive many-flowered clusters. Leaves: rough (scabrous); margins faintly
cle) to 6 in. long. Leaves: elliptic, spilling over rocks and walls. Prune to elliptic, 3-5 in. long, eggplant- scalloped (crenulate). Thrives in
dull green, 3-4 in. long, blade ta- shape. Suitable for hanging baskets purple, glossy or dull, tip narrowing bright understory. Has a naturally
pers down the petiole (decurrent), and as ground cover. abruptly to a point (cuspidate); rounded, compact shape. The white-
tip abruptly narrows to a point margins smooth. Unusual in culti- veined bracts and axillary inflores-
(cuspidate). The petals are slightly Eranthemum vation. The deep purple foliage is dis- cences distinguish this species from
smaller and more deeply lobed than Eranthemum includes approxi- tinctive and offers excellent contrast E. wattii.
those of C. infundibuliformis. Culti- mately 30 species of shrubs and for the landscape.
vated plants possibly include hybrids subshrubs from tropical Asia. The Eranthemum wattii
of that species. flowers have a slight bilateral sym- Eranthemum pulchellum India. Evergreen shrub, 3-4 ft;
metry but may appear radially sym- BLUE SAGE zones 10-11. Blooms winter,
Dyschoriste metrical. They are small and Synonyms: E. nervosum, Pseuderan- spring. Regular moisture when hot,
Dyschoriste includes approximately massed in showy clusters. Bracts themum pulchellum. India. Ever- less when cool. Fertile, well-drained
65 species of annual and perennial
herbs and evergreen shrubs, which
are widely distributed in the trop-
ics. One or 2 species are occasion-
ally found in cultivation. The spe-
cies are poorly defined. Dyschoriste
species is misrepresented in the
trade as dwarf barleria or dwarf
Philippine violet. It is only distantly
related to Barleria cristata, com-
monly known as Philippine violet.
The fact that neither species is
from the Philippines is another

Dyschoriste hygrophyllodes
Synonym: Calophanes hygrophyl-
lodes. Brazil. Evergreen subshrub, Crossandra nilotica Dyschoriste species
4-6 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms spring,
summer. Regular moisture. Aver-
age, well-drained soil. Full to part
sun. Flowers: trumpet-shaped, pur-
ple with darker purple markings in
the throat; solitary or in small clus-
ters in the leaf axils. Leaves: ovate
to suborbicular, to 1 in. long; peti-
oles short. Dense, spreading shrub.
Suitable for informal hedges. Note
differing spelling of species and syn-

Dyschoriste species
Origin obscure (possibly Old World
tropics). Evergreen shrub, 1-2 ft.;
zones 10-11. Blooms intermit- Dyschoriste hygrophyllodes Eranthemum nigrum Eranthemum pulchellum
32 ACANTHACEAE • Eronthemum

soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: trum- The variegated foliage adds a color Hypoestes grown as an annual. Adds color in
pet-shaped, blue-violet, lobes accent to landscaping at any time Hypoestes includes approximately subdued light where many flowering
spreading; bracts completely green; of year. 40 species of subshrubs and peren- plants will not bloom. Suitable for
in erect, terminal spikes. Leaves: nial herbs from the Old World trop- containers. Cultivars variously col-
elliptic, to 4 in. long, dull green, Graptophyllum pictum ics. The brightly marked foliage is ored. Persuasion Series has leaves
rough (scabrous). An open, erect CARICATURE PLANT, GRAPTOFILO festive any time of year. Bracts are somewhat smaller and more heavily
shrub. The inflorescence has larger Exact origin obscure (New Guinea small, enclosing the calyx. Hypo- spotted pink, white, or magenta.
but fewer flowers than E. pulchel- region); naturalized in Southeast estes verticillaris is a source of 2 anti-
lum. Note the terminal inflorescences Asia. Evergreen shrub, 4-6 ft.; cancer drugs. Justicia
in the photo. zones 10-11. Blooms spring, early Justicia includes approximately 420
summer. Regular moisture and Hypoestes phyllostachya species of perennial herbs and
Fittonia humidity. Fertile, well-drained soil. POLKA-DOT PLANT, FRECKLE-FACE shrubs from tropical America.
Fittonia includes a single species Part sun to bright filtered light. Synonym: H. sanguinolenta (misap- These species were once segre-
of perennial herb from South Amer- Flowers: trumpet-shaped, crimson, plied). Madagascar. Evergreen sub- gated into a number of genera,
ica. Its natural environment is the buds club-shaped, showy, dropping shrub to about 1 ft; zones 10-11. which may still be encountered in
moist rainforest understory. It is shortly after opening. Leaves: Blooms late summer to winter. older references. Many Justicia
grown for its colorful, variegated broadly ovate, to 7 in. long, bright Regular moisture. Fertile, well- species have not been thoroughly
foliage. Fittonia verschaffeltii var. green splashed white, selections drained soil. Morning sun to me- studied. Bracts are sometimes
verschaffeltii has red leaf veins. Fit- variously overlaid with splashes of dium filtered light. Flowers: small, showy. Flowers have an interesting
tonia verschaffeltii var. argyroneura, blackish or greenish purple; area 2-lipped, upper lip 3-lobed, laven- adaptation for cross-pollination.
with white leaf veins, was formerly around veins and petioles red, der to magenta; in spikes to 6 in. They have a tubular base and 2
given species status. Both varieties blade puckered; margins undulate. tall. Leaves: ovate, to 2 in. long, elongated, slender lips. The sta-
are highly sensitive to cold and are Selections are defined primarily by downy, dark green spotted with mens bearingthe pollen are
commonly kept in containers or the leaf markings. pink, tip acuminate. Commonly pressed against the upper lip. The
baskets that can be moved indoors
when nights are chilly.

Fittonia verschaffeltii
Peru. Evergreen subshrub under 1
ft; zone 11. Blooms summer. Reg-
ular moisture. Fertile, humus-rich,
well-drained soil. Medium filtered
light. Flowers: small, trumpet-
shaped, white, lower lip 3-lobed,
opening a few at a time; bracts
hairy; spikes erect, 4-angled.
Leaves: ovate, 2-3 in. long, olive-
green; veins reticulated, red. A
creeping species suitable for hanging
baskets and beds in warm locations.
Var. argyroneura has white veins. Eranthemum wattii Fittonia verschaffeltii var. verschaffeltii Graptophyllum pictum Tricolor'

Graptophyllum includes a single
species of evergreen shrub from
the northeastern Australia-New
Guinea region of the South Pacific.
It has been cultivated for a long
time in Southeast Asia. The species
is easily recognized by the brightly
splashed foliage and is waggishly
referred to as the Rorschach-test
plant. The crimson buds add an
extra flourish of color in spring. The
plant is at its best and the foliage
most attractive in the filtered light
of a high tree canopy. Leaf color
does not develop fully in deeper
shade and the surface becomes
dull in drying sun or low humidity. Hypoestes phyllostachya Persuasion Series Justicia aurea

lower lip provides an inviting perch Leaves: ovate, to 2 in. long; varie-
for visiting insects, dipping as they gated selections splashed with
alight and drawing down the upper white. This old-fashioned houseplant
lip with the stamens thereby plant- has numerous color variations. Some-
ing a dollop of pollen on the visi- times grown as an annual in temper-
tor's back. When the insect visits ate climates. 'Yellow Queen' is called
the next flower, it passes the pollen yellow shrimp plant and is often con-
along by the same device. Justicias fused with Pachystachys lutea.
should never be allowed to become
completely dry. A generous blanket Justicia candicans
of mulch helps maintain even mois- Synonym:Jacobinia candicans.
ture around the roots and helps re- Northern Mexico. Evergreen shrub,
duce the frequency of irrigation. 3-4 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms warm
months. Regular to moderate
Justicia aurea moisture. Moderately fertile, well-
Synonym:Jacobiniaaurea. Mexico, drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- Justicia betonica Justicia brandegeana
Central America. Evergreen shrub, ers: tubular, 2-lipped, lower lip 3-
4-6 ft; zones 10-11. Blooms fall, lobed, pink, throat pink with white
winter, spring. Regular moisture. chevron markings and fine white
Fertile, well-drained soil. Bright fil- hairs (pubescent); in clusters in the
tered light. Flowers: tubular, 2- leaf axils. Leaves: ovate, tip cuspi-
lipped, lemon-yellow; in a spirelike date, 2-3 in. long. The naturally
spike; bracts bright green. Leaves: compact, rounded shape is suitable
lanceolate to broadly ovate, to 12 in. as an almost carefree hedge. Unusual
long. Stems: 4-angled, more or less in cultivation but highly recom-
covered with soft hairs (pubescent). mended. Easily propagated by cut-
An erect, stately shrub. Somewhat tings or seed. Somewhat resembles
sensitive to chills. Benefits from the Justicia carnea but the flowers are
shelter of closely planted shrubs and distributed along the leaf axils and
trees on cool nights. Watch for snails. the leaves are smaller. The species
name refers to the white streaks in
Justicia betonica the flower throat.
Justicia candicans Justicia carnea
Tropical Asia, South Pacific islands. Justicia carnea
Evergreen shrub to 4 ft.; zones KING'S CROWN, FLAMINGO-
9-11. Blooms most of the year. FLOWER, BRAZILIAN PLUME
Moderate moisture. Average to fer- Synonym: jacobinia carnea. Colom-
tile, well-drained soil. Full to part bia, Venezuela to Brazil. Evergreen
sun. Flowers: small, 2-lipped, pink; shrub to 6 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms
bracts white with contrasting dark late winter to early summer. Regu-
green veins. Leaves: ovate; margins lar moisture and humidity. Fertile,
with minute teeth. Forgiving and well-drained soil. Morning sun,
pest resistant, this spreading shrub with protection from midday sun.
tolerates a wide range of conditions, Flowers: tubular, 2-lipped, the long
though its appearance suffers if neg- upper lip held erect, pink; inflores-
lected. Prune for shape and control. cence terminal; bracts inconspicu-
ous. Leaves: broadly ovate, me-
Justicia brandegeana dium green, purple below, to
SHRIMP-PLANT, FALSE HOPS, almost black in some selections;
COLA DECAMARON margins undulate, to 10 in. long.
Synonym: Beloperone guttata. Mex- Flowers resemble little flamingos.
ico. Evergreen shrub to 2 ft; zones Cold-sensitive. Suitable as an under-
10-11. Blooms winter, spring. Reg- story shrub or in containers which can
ular moisture and humidity. Fertile, be repositioned as the seasons
well-drained soil. Bright filtered change. Selections have deep pink to
light. Flowers: tubular, 2-lipped, white flowers.
white, throat streaked with bur-
gundy; bracts ovate, softly hairy Justicia fulvicoma
(pubescent) in graduated shades of COMMON SHRIMP-PLANT
russet-red to orange; inflorescence Synonyms: Beloperone flavicoma,J.
curved, resembling shrimp-tails. comosa. Mexico to Honduras. Ever- Justicia flavicoma, with monarch butterfly
34 ACANTHACEAE.Justicial

green shrub to 2 ft.; zones 9-10. to white, throat lined with fine pur- size and dense, upright habit make moisture when hot, less when cool.
Blooms winter, spring. Moderate ple veins. Leaves: elliptic, to 5 in. it suitable for informal privacy Average, well-drained deep soil.
moisture. Average to fertile, well- long, tip narrowing abruptly to a screening or hedging with minimal Full to part sun. Flowers: tubular, 2-
drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- point (cuspidate), glossy; margins maintenance. Mulching helps lipped, white to pink, short-lived,
ers: tubular, 2-lipped, red, orange, wavy (sinuate), irregularly toothed; maintain even moisture and reduce opening a few at a time; bracts
or yellow; bracts russet to yellow; petioles short. the frequency of irrigation. The showy, magenta, long-lasting; in
inflorescence erect. Leaves: ovate, species is not known to produce erect, terminal spikes to 1 ft. tall.
blade narrowly decurrent, 2-3 in. Megaskepasma seed in cultivation and is usually Leaves: elliptic to ovate, to 10 in.
long. This sprawling shrub can be- Megaskepasma includes a single propagated from root suckers. long. Often inaccurately referred to
come rangy in summer. Prune back species of shrub from Venezuela. as "Brazilian" red cloak.
after flowering. Distinguished from J. The shrub's name may look intimi- Megaskepasma erythro-
brandegeana by the erect inflores- dating but it is highly descriptive: chlamys Odontonema
cences. Cultivars come in numerous the genus name means "large cov- RED CLOAK Odontonema includes approxi-
color combinations. ering" and the species name Venezuela. Evergreen shrub, 8-12 mately 26 species of perennial
means "red bracts." Surprisingly ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms intermit- herbs and shrubs from tropical
Justicia spicigera underutilized, this plant's medium tently in warm months. Regular America. The genus name means
Synonyms: Jacobinia mohintli, ja-
cobinia spicigera. Mexico to Colom-
bia. Evergreen shrub to 6 ft.; zones
9-11. Blooms intermittently in
warm months. Moderate moisture.
Average to fertile, well-drained soil.
Full sun to bright filtered light.
Flowers: tubular, 2-lipped, the
lower lip rolled like a butterfly's
tongue, orange to yellow; inflores-
cence erect, flowers arranged along
one side (secund). Leaves: elliptic,
to 6 in. long, dull to glossy; margins
minutely fringed (fimbriate). Droop-
ing branches will take root at nodes
producing large clumps. Prune to
control. In Mexico, the leaves are
boiled to make mohintli, a blue dye. Justicia spicigera Mackaya bella
Also used in folk medicine.

Mackaya includes a single species
of evergreen shrub from eastern
South Africa. It grows along
wooded riverbanks in an otherwise
semiarid region. Dainty mackaya
thrives in the woodland understory.
It blooms well in light conditions
that are lower than those of most
flowering shrubs. It is uncommon
in cultivation but highly recom-
mended. Mulch well to maintain
even moisture and reduce the fre-
quency of irrigation.

Mackaya bella
Synonym: Asystasia bella. South
Africa. Evergreen shrub to 6 ft.;
zones 9-11. Blooms spring, spo-
radically summer, fall. Regular
moisture. Fertile, well-drained soil.
Bright filtered light to bright shade.
Flowers: bell-shaped, pale lavender Megaskepasma erythrochlamys Odontonema callistachyum, lavender form
ACANTHACEAE • Pseuderanthemum 35

"tooth threads," alluding to the landscaping plant, but it quickly be- bracts green. Leaves: elliptic to juxtaposed with purple foliage or
minutely toothed filaments. The comes rangy without regular irriga- ovate, to 8 in. long, dark green. flowers. The preferred common name
flower spikes or racemes are at the tion and maintenance. Should the Close planting with other shrubs pro- is yellow candles. Justicia bran-
ends of the branches. These leaves fall, new growth starts at the vides some protection from chills. degeana 'Yellow Queen' has more
species are very attractive to hum- branch tips and the interior re- Suitable for large containers, which shrimplike, curved inflorescences.
mingbirds and butterflies. mains bare. Damaged plants are very attractive on the patio or
should be pruned close to the main flanking an entrance. Pseuderanthemum
Odontonema callistachyum stem so that new leaves can fill in Pseuderanthemum includes approx-
FIRE-SPIKE nicely. Pachystachys lutea imately 60 species of perennial
Synonyms: Justicia callistachya, O. YELLOW CANDLES herbs, subshrubs, and shrubs,
gemimatum. Mexico, Central Amer- Pachystachys coccinea Synonyms: Beloperone 'Super which are widely distributed in the
ica. Semideciduous shrub, 4-10 ft.; CARDINAL'S GUARD Goldy' (hort.)Justicia lutea. Costa tropics. In addition to those listed
zones 9-11. Blooms winter, spring. Synonyms: Jacobinia coccinea, Justi- Rica to Venezuela and Peru. Ever- here, a number of poorly defined
Moderate moisture. Average, well- cia coccinea. Northern South Amer- green shrub, 3-4 ft; zones 10-11. varieties or species are occasionally
drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- ica, West Indies. Evergreen shrub, Blooms warm months. Regular found in nurseries. Flowers are
ers: tubular, lavender to deep ma- 5-6 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms moisture. Fertile, well-drained soil. small, usually in clusters at the
genta; in ascending branched or spring, summer. Regular moisture Full to part sun. Flowers: tubular, 2- ends of the branches. These
unbranched panicles; floral stalk and humidity. Fertile, well-drained lipped, white, less conspicuous species have 5 petals, but the 2
(rachis) downy (pubescent). soil. Bright filtered light. Flowers: than the yellow bracts; spikes stiffly upper petals typically overlap, ap-
Leaves: elliptic to oblong, 6-12 in. tubular, 2-lipped, red; in torchlike erect. Leaves: ovate, to 8 in. long. A pearing 4-petaled. Foliage is some-
long, minutely downy; margins terminal spikes to 10 in. high; common bedding plant. Very striking times variegated.
wavy (undulate). A somewhat lax,
spreading shrub. It is sometimes
grown as a root-hardy perennial in
mild temperate regions. The 2 color
forms are unnamed selections.

Odontonema cuspidatum
Synonyms:Justicia coccinea, O.
strictum (misapplied). Central
America. Semideciduous shrub to
6 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms primarily
spring, fall. Moderate moisture. Av-
erage, well-drained soil. Full to part
sun. Flowers: tubular, lobes small,
red to scarlet; in erect, sometimes
branched panicles. Leaves: oblong,
to 6 in. long, glossy; margins wavy
(sinuate). The inflorescence is some-
Odontonema callistachyum, magenta form Odontonema cuspidatum
times crested (fasciated). This could
be the result of a plant pathogen or a
natural variant. Fire-spike is grown as
a root-hardy perennial in mild tem-
perate regions. It is commonly, but in-
correctly, referred to as 0. strictum
(syn. 0. tubaeformej, a distinct
species (Wasshausen, pers. comm.).

Pachystachys includes approxi-
mately 12 species of evergreen
shrubs from tropical America. The
genus name means "thick spike,"
alluding to the dense inflores-
cences. The species listed are
stressed by cold, excess heat, and
irregular irrigation, which com-
monly results in loss of leaves. Odontonema cuspidatum, crested
Pachystachys lutea is a common form Pachystachys coccinea Pachystachys lutea

Pseuderanthemum marily winter, spring. Moist to wet. light. Flowers: trumpet-shaped, to veins white, undersides purplish.
carruthersii Fertile, humus-rich soil. Bright fil- 2 in. long, magenta-pink; solitary in A trailing, understory plant. Prefers
FALSE ERANTHEMUM tered light. Flowers: tubular and the leaf axils. Leaves: ovate to ellip- mild temperatures. Suitable as a
Synonym: P. atropurpureum. Vanu- somewhat inflated, to 2 in. long, tic, 2-3 in. long, dull, dark green, ground cover or container plant.
atu (New Hebrides), New Caledo- lobes short, not flared, red; anthers
nia. Evergreen shrub to 3 ft; zones resemble little white teeth at the
10-11. Blooms warm months. Reg- upper rim of the throat. Leaves:
ular moisture. Fertile, well-drained elliptic, to 5 in. long, glossy, purple
soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: sal- below. An understory plant of moist
verform, lobes white, flecked with locations. It will grow in fountain
magenta around the throat. Leaves: spray. Self-propagating in favorable
ovate, green and white; margins conditions such as under nursery
unevenly wavy (sinuate). Salt toler- benches.
ant. Recommended for coastal loca-
tions and waterfront balconies. Var. Ruellia chartacea
atropurpureum leaves have mottled RED SHRIMP-PLANT
silver-gray to purplish variegation. Synonyms: Aphelandra colorata, R.
Leaves of var. reticulatum,golden colorata. Ecuador to Colombia and
net-bush, are yellow when young Brazil. Evergreen shrub, 3-4 ft.;
developing green reticulations. zones 10-11. Blooms winter,
spring, occasionally at other times.
Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var.
Pseuderanthemum sinuatum Regular moisture. Fertile, well-
Pseuderanthemum carruthersii reticulatum
(hort.) drained soil. Bright filtered light.
Garden origin. Evergreen sub- Flowers: tubular, golden to pinkish
shrub, 2-3 ft.+; zones 10-11. orange; bracts showy, scarlet, long-
Blooms warm months. Regular lasting, to 3 in. long; spikes loosely
moisture. Fertile, well-drained soil. arranged. Leaves: ovate, tip narrow-
Full to part sun. Flowers: white with ing abruptly to a point (cuspidate),
purple-spotted lip, solitary. Leaves: veins often reddish. Common name
lanceolate, to 4 in. long; margins a mystery as inflorescences do not re-
wavy (sinuate). Stems: reddish. semble shrimps. Sensitive to cold and
This plant has no recognized botani- dry winds. Watch for infestations of
cal name and is unknown in the wild. sucking insects, especially in warm
It may be a hybrid of Pseuderanthe- weather. Prune any winter damage
mum bicolor, a species with wider, after chance of cold spells passes.
purple leaves (Wasshausen, pers.
comm.). Ruellia macrantha
Ruellia Brazil. Evergreen shrub to 4 ft.;
Ruellia includes approximately 150 zone 10. Blooms winter, early
species of shrubs and herbs, which spring. Moderate but regular mois-
are widely distributed in tropical ture, mist when hot or dry. Fertile, Pseuderanthemum sinuatum Ruellia brevifolia
and warm temperate regions. The well-drained soil; acid pH. Full to
species have been rearranged sev- part sun. Flowers: funnel-shaped,
eral times by different authors. Sev- pink with darker veins, 2-3 in. long;
eral are common in cultivation. solitary in the leaf axils. Leaves:
Flowers are showy, the bracts in- ovate-lanceolate, to 5 in. long.
conspicuous. Floral color tends to Does best in mild conditions, quickly
be variable even within local wild declining in heat. Allow room for
populations. Many of the species spread and good air circulation. For
listed thrive in coastal conditions holiday bloom do not prune after
but are not more than minimally midsummer.
salt tolerant. Cut plants back in
early spring. Ruellia makoyana
Ruellia brevifolia MONKEY-PLANT
RED SPRAY RUELLIA Brazil. Evergreen subshrub to 2 ft.;
Synonyms: R. amoena, R. graeci- zone 10. Blooms fall, winter. Regu-
zans. Tropical South America. Ever- lar moisture and humidity, mist
green perennial herb or subshrub, when hot or dry. Fertile, well-
1 -2 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms pri- drained soil; acid pH. Bright broken Ruellia chartacea Ruellia macrantha
ACANTHACEAE • Ruellia 37

Ruellia multisetosa Evergreen perennial herb to 2 ft.; rounded. Not technically a vine ground cover in sunny locations. It
Synonym: Suessenguthia multise- zones 10-11. Blooms warm though long shoots can be trained on will not bloom without direct sun for
tosa. Bolivia. Evergreen sprawling months. Regular moisture. Fertile, a support. Resplendent in bloom. Size several hours. The solitary flowers are
or clambering shrub, 10-15 ft.; well-drained soil. Bright filtered ideal for framing entries or arches. a good field mark.
zones 9-11. Blooms spring. Regu- light. Flowers: trumpet-shaped with Somewhat cold-sensitive. Crowing in
lar moisture. Fertile, well-drained flaring lobes, red, under 1 in. wide. containers facilitates moving into pro- Ruellia tweediana
soil. Full sun to bright filtered light. Leaves: elliptic to ovate, to 3 in. tected areas seasonally. Unusual in MEXICAN BLUE-BELLS,
Flowers: trumpet-shaped, to 3 in. long. Bright accent plant. Densely cultivation but highly desirable. SPANISH LADIES

long, pink; calyx, bracts, and bracte- spreading ground cover in native Synonyms: R. brittoniana (misap-

oles with long hairs. Leaves: ovate, Brazil. Should never be allowed to Ruellia squarrosa plied), R. coerulea, R. malacosper-

tip and base acuminate. Young dry out. PURPLE AND WHITE RUELLIA ma. South America; naturalized in

stems green. The species will be cir- Synonym: Dipteracanthus squarro- the eastern United States. Ever-

cumscribed within the genus Sues- Ruellia speciosa sus. Mexico. Evergreen subshrubto green subshrub, 2-3 ft.; zones

senguthia but was not officially Synonym: R. affinis. Brazil (Bahia). about 1 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms 8-11. Blooms warm months. Sea-

transferred at the time of writing Evergreen scrambling shrub to 10 warm months. Regular moisture. sonally wet, moderate. Sandy, well-

(Wasshausen, pers. comm.). A plant ft.; zone 11. Blooms warm months. Fertile, well-drained soil. Full to part drained soil. Full sun, morning sun.
of mid-elevation streambanks. Moderate but regular moisture. sun. Flowers: trumpet-shaped, pur- Flowers: funnel-shaped, blue-violet,
Fertile, well-drained soil. Bright bro- ple with 2 more or less white ridges pink, or white, throat sometimes

Ruellia pereducta ken light. Flowers: trumpet-shaped, on each unlobed petal; sessile in red, petal tips shallowly 2-lobed;

Belize, Guatemala, Yucatan. Ever- to 6 in. long, translucent red- the leaf axil; solitary. Leaves: ovate, peduncle 2-4 in. long. Leaves: nar-

green shrub, 3-5 ft.; zones 10-11. orange; bracts inconspicuous. 2-3 in. long, softly hairy (pubes- rowly to broadly lanceolate, to 7 in.
Blooms warm months, primarily Leaves: elliptic, 2-4 in. long, dark cent); margins serrate. This low, long. Stems sometimes black. It

early summer. Regular moisture. green, tip obtusely pointed to spreading ruellia is an excellent has not been resolved ifR. mala-

Average, well-drained soil. Bright

filtered light to part sun. Flowers:
trumpet-shaped, tube to 3 in. long,
red-violet; on a long pedicel; in
racemes in the leaf axils, flowers
opening a few at a time; bracts
leaflike, lanceolate, 1-2 in. long.
Leaves: ovate-cordate, 3-8 in. long,
tips aristate, dark green, leathery;
margins serrate. Stems: 4-angled
when young, canelike when ma-
ture. An erect shrub of forest under-
story and streambanks; unbranched,
developing leafless canelike stems.
Blooms best in bright light.

Ruellia rosea
Ruellia makoyana Ruellia multisetosa Ruellia pereducta
Synonym: R. elegans (hort.). Brazil.

Ruellia rosea Ruellia speciosa Ruellia squarrosa

38 ACANTHACEAE • Ruellia

cosperma/rom North America, R. glossy black, bullate spot on lower led with magenta; in many-flow- that partially enclose a cluster of
tweediana, and R. brittoniana are lip. Leaves: elliptic, to 3 in. long. ered cymes. Leaves: ovate, 3-5 in. buds and flowers. Evidently, hy-
variations of the same species, natu- This lax, spreading shrub can be long, leathery. Scant reliable infor- brids between these species are in
ral hybrids, or very close relatives pruned for a habit that is more com- mation is available on this identifica- cultivation. Chilly temperatures
(Wasshausen, pers. comm.). The pact if preferred. Sometimes grown as tion. Very attractive as a hedge or burn the leaf edges. Prune plants
form referred to as R. malacosperma a root-hardy perennial in mild tem- shrub for understory locations. when danger of cold is past. Plants
has broader, lanceolate leaves and perate regions. 'Scholesei' has yellow will recover if they are not actually
white flowers in cultivation. The con- flowers. Sanchezia frozen. Though grown primarily as
siderable variation may also be due to Sanchezia includes approximately foliage plants, better selections
hybridization with R. ciliatiflora xRuttyruspolia 20 species of shrubs from Central have very attractive flowers. Make
which overlaps the territory of these xRuttyruspolia is an intergeneric and South America. The genus is cuttings from plants with both at-
species. 'Compacta Katie' is a dwarf hybrid of Ruttya and Ruspolia. named for Spanish botanist Jose tractive foliage and flowers.
selection commonly grown as a Sanchez so should be pronounced
ground cover. The leaves are densely xRuttyruspolia 'Phyllis van SAN-cheh-see-ah. The species Sanchezia parvibracteata
compacted on stems with short inter- HeederT listed are often cultivated for their SMALL-BRACTED SANCHEZIA
nodes. Self-seeding and weedy in Zimbabwe, possibly a natural hy- vividly marked foliage. Popular lit- Synonyms: S. glaucophylla (hort.),
favorable conditions. brid, Ruttya ovata x Ruspolia hypo- erature includes a confusing variety S. nobilis (misapplied). Colombia,
crateriformisvar. australis. Evergreen of names for these species. San- Ecuador, Peru. Evergreen shrub,
Ruspolia shrub, 3-4 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms chezia parvibracteata (meaning 6-8 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms warm
Ruspolia includes approximately 4 late spring, summer. Regular mois- "small bracted") has small green months. Regular moisture. Fertile,
species of shrubs from tropical ture. Fertile, well-drained soil. bracts that clasp only the base of well-drained soil. Full sun to bright
Africa. The plant listed is unusual Bright broken or filtered light. Flow- one to a few flowers. Sanchezia spe- broken light. Flowers: tubular,
in cultivation and unknown in the ers: salverform, pink, throat speck- ciosa has large russet-red bracts bright yellow, lobes small, rolled
wild. Despite being offered in the
trade as Eranthemum Twilight', it
more closely resembles Ruspolia
taxonomically, although the flowers
are not red or reddish, which is
more typical of this genus (Wass-
hausen, pers. comm.). It could
possibly be an intergeneric hybrid,
in which case it would require a
name change.

Ruspolia Twilight'
Synonym: Eranthemum Twilight'
(hort.). Garden origin. Evergreen
shrub to 3 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms
winter, spring, intermittently at
other times. Regular moisture.
Fertile, well-drained soil. Full to
part sun. Flowers: trumpet-shaped,
Ruellia tweediana Ruellia tweediana 'Compacta Katie'
lavender, in many-flowered spikes.
Leaves: ovate to elliptic, to 4 in.
long, slightly rough, scaly (scab-

Ruttya includes approximately 3
species of shrubs from tropical
Africa. Ruttyafruticosa is occasion-
ally cultivated. It has distinctive,
blisterlike (bullate) black spots on
the lip.

Ruttya fruticosa
Eastern Africa. Evergreen spreading
shrub to 3 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms
warm months. Regular moisture.
Fertile, well-drained soil. Full to part
sun. Flowers: 2-lipped, orange; Ruspolia Twilight' Ruttya fruticosa Ruttya fruticosa 'Scholesei'
ACANTHACEAE-Thunbergia 39

back tightly (reflexed); bracts small, Strobilanthes temperate climates. Heavily self-seed- Thunbergia battiscombei
pointed, green with red streaks, Strobilanthes includes approxi- ing. Listed as invasive in Hawaii. Tropical Africa. Evergreen climber
enclosing the base of 1 or 2 flowers; mately 250 species of perennial Sometimes confused with T. gregorii, to 20 ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms
calyx yellow, faintly streaked red. herbs and subshrubs from Asia. which always lacks the throat spot warm months. Moderate moisture.
Leaves: elliptic, to 8 in. long, glossy The opposite leaves are usually un- and has conspicuously hairy bracts. Fertile, well-drained soil. Full sun.
green with cream-colored veins, equal in size. Strobilanthes dyeri-
blade quilted. 'Ellen' is an exception- anus has stunningly marked foliage
ally well-marked selection (Burch, with a metallic sheen reminiscent
pers. comm.). of the intricate mosaics of ancient
Persia. It is often grown as a con-
Sanchezia speciosa tainer plant in temperate climates.
Synonym: 5. spectabilis (hort.). Strobilanthes dyerianus
Ecuador, Peru; widely distributed in PERSIAN SHIELD
the Caribbean and Central America. Myanmar (Burma). Evergreen
Evergreen shrub to 10 ft.; zones shrub, 2-3 ft.; zones 10-11.
10-11. Blooms warm months. Reg- Blooms fall and intermittently. Reg-
ular moisture. Fertile, well-drained ular moisture. Fertile, well-drained
soil. Full sun to bright broken light. soil. Part sun, bright filtered light.
Flowers: tubular, bright yellow, Flowers: small, white or blue, in
lobes small, tightly rolled back (re- small spikes. Leaves: ovate to lan-
flexed); bracts shell-like, russet-red, ceolate, to 8 in. long, tapering grad-
1-1.5 in. long; each encloses a clus- ually to a point (acuminate),
ter of buds and flowers up to half xRuttyruspolia 'Phyllis van Heeden' Sanchezia parvibracteata
quilted; in opposite pairs that are
their length, completely hiding the unequal in length, silvery white,
calyx. Leaves: elliptic, 4-10 in. long, younger leaves purple, veins dark
glossy green with yellow to cream green; margins finely toothed.
veins, more or less quilted.
Schaueria Thunbergia includes approximately
Schaueria includes approximately 8 90 species of shrubs and climbers
herbs and shrubs from Brazil. They primarily from Africa and India. A
have distinctive, brushlike (filamen- number of them are great favorites
tous) calyces, bracts, and bracte- in tropical landscaping. A few
oles. Schaueria flavicoma is unusual species are grown in containers or
in cultivation. A compact shrub, it as annuals in temperate regions.
provides interesting texture and Thunbergia belongs to a subfamily
color contrast especially with of Acanthaceae easily recognized
plants having dark green or purple by the pair of clamshell-like bracts
foliage. The leaves are naturally yel- that embrace the base of the trum-
lowish green, but the addition of pet- or bell-shaped flowers. The
microelements and organic matter calyx is small, the sepals linear or
Sanchezia speciosa Schaueria flavicoma
is recommended in alkaline soil. scalelike, hidden inside the bracts.
The typically ovate to lanceolate
Schaueria flavicoma leaves have a few large marginal
Synonyms: Chaetothylax rothschuhii teeth or lobes. When only 2 lobes
(misapplied), S. calicotricha. Brazil. are present the leaves appear dia-
Evergreen shrub to 3 ft.; zones mond-shaped (rhombic).
10-11. Blooms late spring, early
summer. Regular moisture when Thunbergia alata
hot, less when cool. Fertile, well- BLACK-EYED SUSAN
drained soil; neutral to slightly acid Tropical Africa; widely naturalized.
pH. Full sun to bright filtered light. Perennial climber to 10 ft.+; zones
Flowers: tubular, 2-lipped, the 9-11. Blooms most of the year.
lower lip divided into 3 lobes, Moderate moisture. Average, well-
white; bracts, bracteoles, and calyx drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow-
greenish yellow, brushlike. Leaves: ers: yellow to orange, rarely white,
ovate to lanceolate, to 4 in. long, throat usually with a maroon spot.
yellowish green. Leaves: ovate to somewhat deltoid,
to 3 in. long; margins toothed; peti-
ole winged. Crown as an annual in Strobilanthes dyerianus Thunbergia alata

Flowers: trumpet-shaped, 2 in. toothed. 'Alba' has creamy white Thunbergia grandiflora Thunbergia gregorii
long, velvety purple lobes to 1.5 in. flowers with yellow throats. 'Blue SKY-VINE, BENGAL CLOCK-VINE, ORANGE CLOCK-VINE,
wide, throat yellow with scattered Moon' may be a sport, the older FAUSTO GOLDEN GLORY-CLIMBER
hairs; bracts leaflike. Leaves: leaves much larger than the type India; naturalized in Old World Synonym: T. gibsonii. Tropical east-
broadly ovate to cordate, 3-4 in. species; the flowers are also larger and tropics. Evergreen climber to 100 ern Africa. Evergreen perennial
long, often slightly oblique, leath- blue-violet. Excellent as a hedge be- ft.+; zones 9-11. Blooms spring. climber to 10 ft.+; zones 9-11.
ery; petiole long; margins occasion- cause flowers are on old growth, not Seasonally moist/moderate. Fertile, Blooms warm months. Moderate
ally with widely spaced teeth. Flow- likely to be pruned away. sandy, well-drained soil; acid pH. moisture. Average, well-drained
ers similar to T. erecta, a shrubby Full sun. Flowers: funnel-shaped, to soil. Full sun. Flowers: funnel-
species. Thunbergia fragrans 3 in. long, violet-blue, rarely white, shaped, yellow-orange; bracts and
WHITE THUNBERGIA throat white and yellow; bracts flower stalks densely covered with
Thunbergia erecta Sri Lanka, India. Perennial climber green, sometimes streaked ma- hairs (pilose); no throat spot.
KING'S MANTLE, BUSH CLOCK-VINE, to 10 ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms roon; racemes terminal, pendent. Leaves: ovate, pubescent; margins
MANTO DE REY warm months. Moderate moisture. Leaves: ovate, 4-8 in. long, thin, with widely spaced teeth. The con-
Tropical western Africa. Evergreen Average, well-drained soil. Full to base cordate; margins coarsely spicuously hairy bracts are a good
shrub to 8 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms part sun. Flowers: trumpet-shaped, toothed near base. Aggressive clam- field mark. This creeper or climber is
almost all year. Moderate moisture. to 2 in. long, white, lobes ruffled. bering vine. Sterile in cultivation. used as a ground cover or to cover a
Fertile, well-drained soil. Full sun. Leaves: broadly lanceolate; margins Outstanding hungfrom porch eaves fence. Tolerates hot, exposed loca-
Flowers: solitary in the leaf axils, sparsely toothed (dentate). A self- or over a wall, such as the one in the tions. Crown as an annual in mild
funnel-shaped, 2-3 in. long, tube seeding twining vine. The name indi- photo, an oolite-limestone wall in temperate climates. Self-seeding.
white outside, curved like a cornu- cates fragrance though a scent is not Miami, Florida. Micronutrients rec-
copia, throat yellow, lobes deep evident. Naturalized near the coast in ommended in alkaline soil. T. laurifo- Thunbergia kirkii
purple, semipendent; bracts light South Florida—a pretty volunteer lia is distinguished by stiff, narrowly Tropical eastern Africa. Evergreen,
green. Leaves: ovate, 1-2 in. long, but not a serious pest. lanceolate leaves with attenuate erect shrub to 3 ft.; zones 10-11.
dark green; margins undulate, bases and blue-lavender flowers. Blooms intermittently. Seasonally

Thunbergia erecta 'Blue Moon' Thunbergia fragrans Thunbergia grandiflora

A D O X A C E A E • SambuCUS 41

moist/dry. Average, well-drained mittently in warm months. Moist in. long, lobes rounded, deep pur- radially symmetrical. The fruit is a
soil. Full sun. Flowers: bell-shaped, when hot, less when cool. Average ple, throat yellow; bracts reticu- small drupe.
1-1.5 in. long, lobes oblong, upper to fertile, well-drained soil. Full to lated, green and white, hairy; in
lobe reflexed, light blue-violet, part sun. Flowers: hoodlike, ma- clusters in the leaf axils. Leaves: Sambucus
throat with yellow spot and purple hogany-red outside, golden-yellow broadly ovate to suborbicular, to Sambucus includes 9-25 species of
streaks; solitary or in pairs in the inside; bracts also mahogany-red; 6 in. long, bases of pairs overlap- shrubs from temperate to tropical
leaf axils; bracts green. Leaves: dia- racemes pendent. Leaves: narrowly ping, dark green; margins with a regions. This genus was formerly
mond-shaped (rhomboid), to 3 in. elliptic, to 6 in. long, glossy. This few large teeth; petiole short. This included in Caprifoliaceae. Some
long; petiole short; margins some- twining mountain plant prefers cool dramatic climbing shrub is unusual in authors prefer to place it in Sambu-
what wavy (undulate), with one evening temperatures but is tolerant cultivation but highly recommended. caceae. Stems are pithy in the cen-
large tooth midway on each side of daytime heat. Nectar-feeding birds The large, opposite leaves overlap at ter. Leaves are irregularly pinnate.
plus occasional smaller teeth. and butterflies are attracted to the the base, clasping the stem. Flowers are small, bisexual, and
Stems: grass-green, strongly 4-an- beads of honeydew spilling over the radially symmetrical. They have 3-5
gled, stiffly erect, somewhat bam- floral lip. ADOXACEAE sepals and petals. The fruits of
booIike. Blooms after a dry period so ELDERBERRY FAMILY, some species are excellent in pies,
water sparingly in dry seasons. Un- Thunbergia togoensis V I B U R N U M FAMILY somewhat resembling the flavor of
usual in cultivation. TOGOTHUNBERGIA Adoxaceae includes 4 genera of blueberries. The fruits are also
Togo, western central Africa. Ever- perennial herbs and shrubs from made into jellies and wine. Some
Thunbergia mysorensis green shrubby climber; zones 9-11. temperate and tropical America. species are toxic or unpleasantly
M U N Z E R A B A D CREEPER Blooms warm months. Moderate Viburnum and Sambucus species scented.
Southern India (Nilghiri Moun- moisture when hot, less when cool. are occasionally cultivated. Leaves
tains). Evergreen woody climber to Fertile, well-drained soil. Full to part are trifoliolate or pinnately com- Sambucus canadensis
20 ft.+; zones 9-11. Blooms inter- sun. Flowers: funnel-shaped, to 4 pound. Flowers are bisexual and ELDERBERRY, ELDER, SAUCO
Canada to Florida, Gulf Coast, Mex-
ico, Central America. Semidecidu-
ous shrub, 6-12 ft; zones 8-10.
Blooms spring, summer. Moderate
moisture. Most soils. Full to part
sun. Flowers: small, white, in
many-flowered panicles; fruit pur-
ple-black. Leaves: irregularly pin-
nate; leaflets 5-9, lanceolate to el-
liptic, 3-4 in. long; margins serrate.
Infrequently cultivated in the United
States but commonly found in dis-
turbed areas and along streams. It is
grown as a dooryard shrub in Haiti
(Judd, pers. comm.) and around
graveyards in the West Indies
(Howard, pers. comm.).

Thunbergia grandiflora Thunbergia gregorii

Thunbergia mysorensis Thunbergia togoensis Sambucus canadensis


ACAPANTHACEAE late spring, early summer. Moder- been widely distributed, many be- tion beyond the ancient habitat in
AGAPANTHUS FAMILY ate moisture. Poor, gritty, well- coming naturalized in favorable central Mexico. Agaves are culti-
Agapanthaceae includes a single drained soil; slightly acid pH. Full conditions. Some are salt tolerant, vated as barrier hedges, for sisal
genus of bulbous herbs from South sun. Flowers: trumpet-shaped, growing on cliffs overlooking the fiber, food, alcoholic and nonalco-
Africa. Agapanthus was previously blue-violet, often with darker ocean. Hardiness is difficult to pre- holic beverages, and more recently
included in Alliaceae or Liliaceae. stripes; anthers exserted; in globu- dict and depends upon the origin for birth-control steroids (H. Gen-
lar heads of 30 or more; on wiry of individual selections. Smaller try 1982). Most agaves are mono-
Agapanthus scapes, 3-4 ft. high. Leaves: strap- species are suitable for containers. carpic—multiannuals that bloom
Agapanthus includes approximately shaped, stiff, 3-4 ft. long. A durable Cultivated plants should be irri- once after 5-35 or more years from
9 species of clump-forming bul- and exceptionally attractive bulb gated deeply once a week during the terminal growing point and
bous herbs from South Africa. plant. Crown in abundance in south- hot months in arid climates. Many then die. Some produce inflores-
Some are evergreen, others decidu- ern California. A number of cultivars agaves tolerate humid climates cence stalks to 30 ft. tall. A few
ous in dry seasons. Leaves are are available. 'Albus'has white flowers. with few requirements other than species are polycarpic—trunk-
strap-shaped and grasslike. Aga- excellent drainage. The soil should forming perennials that produce
panthus praecox is commonly ACAVACEAE be gritty, open, with only a small flowers annually from the leaf axils
grown in the United States. It CENTURY-PLANT FAMILY, amount of humus. Mulch with and do not die after blooming. The
thrives in Mediterranean-type AGAVE FAMILY rocks or gravel. Moisture-retaining leaves are more or less lance- or
climates with hot, dry summers, Agavaceae includes 9 genera of mulch leads to rot. Agaves are polli- sword-shaped, fleshy and/or fi-
cool evenings, with most moisture more or less succulent herbs and nated by bats, birds, and moths. brous, in basal whorls or at the end
in winter. In areas with moist, trees from North and Central Amer- Many attract hummingbirds. of a stem. Margins are usually
humid summers, it is not as con- ica and the West Indies, with great- sharply toothed, with a long termi-
sistent or prolific a bloomer, but ex- est diversity in Mexico and the Agave nal spine. The upper leaf surface is
cellent drainage will help encour- southwestern United States. Sev- Agave includes approximately 250 frequently concave, guttering dew
age bloom. It is propagated by eral inadequately studied species species of herbs and trees from and infrequent rainfall toward the
division of bulbs. Agapanthus prae- are found in the West Indies, per- tropical and temperate North rhizomes. Agaves reproduce from
cox is commonly misidentified as A haps cultigens dating to pre- America. This genus presents iden- seeds, suckers from the plant base
africanus (syn. A minor), a smaller Columbian Indians (H. Gentry tification problems due in part to (cespitose), and bulbils that de-
species with hemispherical rather 1982). This family formerly in- difficulties of preserving specimens velop in the inflorescences. The
than almost spherical heads of cluded Dracaena, which is now seg- in herbaria and infrequent bloom of agave snout-weevil is a serious pest
flowers. Distinguishing the species regated into Ruscaceae, and Cordy- plants. A number are quite variable, which attacks plants of flowering
is somewhat complicated by the line, now in Laxmanniaceae (here probably cultigens, the result of age and favors fleshy species. Prop-
fact that A praecox also comes in described under Lomandraceae). centuries of cultivation. Indian mi- agate agaves from uninfected indi-
dwarf forms. A good field mark is Agaves are utilitarian and have gration is associated with distribu- viduals.
the long-exserted anthers in A
praecox and the included anthers
in A africanus.

Agapanthus praecox
South Africa. Perennial bulbous
herb, 3-4 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms

Agapanthus praecox Agapanthus praecox


Agave americana var. picta, but these forms are now Agave attenuata erate moisture. Average, gritty, well-
considered cultivars. FOXTAIL AGAVE, SPIN ELESS
drained soil. Full sun, or broken
MAGUEY, PITA CENTURY-PLANT light in hot, arid conditions. Flow-
Synonyms: A complicata, A. ex- Agave angustifolia Synonym: A glaucescens (incor- ers: small, tubular, yellowish green;
pa nsa, A. picta. Northeastern Mex- Synonym: A vivipara. Mexico to rectly). West-central Mexico. Succu- spike densely flowered, 6-10 ft. tall.
ico, Texas; widely distributed. Suc- Panama; widely distributed. Succu- lent polycarpic tree or shrub to 6 ft.; Leaves: ovate, 1-1.5 ft. long, tips
culent multiannual, 6-10 ft.; zones lent multiannual, 2-6 ft.; zones zones 10-11. Blooms winter. Mod- acuminate, waxy yellowish to gray-
9-11. Blooms at maturity. Semiarid 9-11. Blooms at maturity. Arid to
to seasonally moist/dry. Average, seasonally moist/dry. Average,
gritty, well-drained soil. Full sun. gritty, well-drained soil. Full to part
Flowers: funnel-shaped, to 4 in. sun. Flowers: trumpet-shaped,
long, light yellow and green; pani- greenish yellow; panicle stalk to
cle stalk slender, to 25 ft. tall. 15 ft.; bracts purple, triangular.
Leaves: lanceolate, fleshy, guttered Leaves: sword-shaped, rigid, fi-
or flat, spreading irregularly, some- brous, not fleshy, light green to
times twisted, waxy gray to green; waxy gray-green; margins straight,
margins sharply toothed. Suckering teeth small, hooked. Suckering
(cespitose). Produces large (cespitose), with hemispherical
clumps. Older leaves often droop habit. The most recent treatment
near the tips, a good field mark. An revises this species to A. vivipara
extremely variable species with nu- (Eggli 2002). Var. marginata, now
merous variegated markings and revised to a cultivar, 'Variegata', is
formerly segregated into separate more commonly cultivated. It has
species and varieties. Variegated cream stripes along the margins and
forms were formerly clumped into cultivated forms are usually smaller
than the all-green type species. Agave americana, variegated form

Agave ghiesbreghtii Agave angustifolia var. marginata


ish green, softly fleshy, almost flat, Blooms at maturity, Semiarid. Aver- Agave ghiesbreghtii Agave lechuguilla
arching outward; unarmed. age, gritty, well-drained soil. Full Synonyms: A huehueteca, A. purpu- SHIN-DAGGER, LECHUGUILLA
Branches reclining or ascending. sun. Flowers: trumpet-shaped, sorum,A. roezliana. Southern Mex- ("LITTLE LETTUCE")
Trunk-forming, flowering yearly. tepals yellow-green; stamen fila- ico, Guatemala. Succulent multian- Synonyms: A heteracantha,A. mul-
The inflorescence stalk develops a ments reddish, long-exserted; inflo- nual to 2 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms at tilineata, A. poselgeri. Western Texas
swanlike arch with groups of flower- rescence spike 7-8 ft. tall. Leaves: maturity. Moderate moisture to dry. into northern Mexico. Succulent
ing spikes commonly arrayed in the lance-shaped, bud imprints white, Average, gritty, well-drained soil. multiannual to 2 ft.; zones 9-11.
same direction. Of moderate eleva- upper surface guttered (concave); Full sun. Flowers: tubular, purplish Blooms at maturity. Arid. Average,
tion in mountain pine forest under- margins unarmed, with white fi- green; in slender spikes. Leaves: in gritty, well-drained soil. Full sun.
story. Requires light filtration and brous strands peeling away from basal whorls, broadly sword- Flowers: tubular, yellow, often
weekly irrigation in hot, arid climates the edges; terminal spine weak. shaped, narrowing just above the streaked red; arranged on a blue-
(Irish and Irish 2000). Clump-forming (cespitose). Of base, dark green, stiff, slightly in- gray, unbranched spike, 8-12 ft. tall.
rocky montane outcroppings. This curving, upper surface slightly gut- Leaves: sword-shaped, to 2 ft. long,
Agave decipiens agave belongs to the larger-sized of 2, tered; margins horny, teeth widely deeply guttered, dark green to yel-
FALSE SISAL probably artificial, subgenera of spaced, brown. Clump-forming lowish green, in basal rosettes; mar-
Synonym: A laxifolia. Florida Keys. agaves with white bud-imprinted (cespitose). A small stemless agave gins with weak, downward-angled
Succulent multiannual tree, 10-12 leaves and marginal fibers (H. Gentry suitable for containers. spines. Stemless. Soap and a fiber
ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms at maturity. 1982). Numerous cultivars. called ixtle are madefrom this small
Seasonally moist/dry. Average,
gritty, well-drained soil. Full sun.
Flowers: greenish yellow; in pani-
cles to 20ft. Leaves: lanceolate, to 6
ft. long, rigid, fleshy, bright green,
narrowing just above the base,
upper surface deeply guttered (con-
cave); margins wavy with small,
widely spaced teeth; needlelike
spine at the tip. Trunk: 3-9 ft. Proba-
bly a cultigen related to A. delamateri,
a species that was grown by Indians for
food andfiber (Eggli 2002). Produces
copiousfruit, bulbils, and offsets.

Agave desmettiana
Synonym: A miradorensis. Only
known in cultivation, possibly origi-
nating in Cuba. Succulent multian-
nual, 3-4 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms at
maturity. Semiarid to seasonally
moist/dry. Average, gritty, well-
drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow-
ers: yellow, in compact cymes; in-
florescence stalk stout, blue-gray, Agave attenuata Agave decipiens
to 15 ft. tall. Leaves: broad, narrow-
ing toward the base, to 3 ft. long,
apex arching slightly outward,
fleshy, surface scaly, mottled blue-
gray; margins smooth or with tiny
black teeth. Usually solitary. The
vaselike shape, small to medium size,
tiny or absent marginal teeth, and
bluish color are good field marks. Pro-
duces numerous bulbils. The pictured
plant produced an anomalous but
spectacularfountainlike spike. It also
exhibits minor variations suggesting a
possible hybrid (Irish, pers. comm.).

Central Mexico. Succulent multi-
annual, 12-14 in.; zones 9-11. Agave attenuata, flowers Agave desmettiana Agave desmettiana, flowers

agave. Often confused with A. lo- zones 9-11. Blooms at maturity. somewhat blue-gray; margins gin, possibly related to A. weberi or
phantha, which has nearly flat leaves. Seasonally moist/dry. Average, straight with fine, sharp teeth when A. desmettiana (H. Gentry 1982).
Intergraded hybrids are common. gritty, well-drained soil. Full sun. young, gradually lost with age; tip
Flowers: tubular, greenish yellow, to spine gray to 1 in. long. Trunk: Agave parryi
Agave neglecta 2 in. long; panicle 25-30 ft. tall, pro- short. Sucekering. Originally found MESCAL AGAVE
BLUE AGAVE ducing many bulbils. Leaves: lance- around Tampa in localized coastal Synonym: A patonii. Northern
West-central Florida (Tampa area). olate, straight to arching, narrow- areas associated with early Indian set- Mexico (Durango, Chihuahua),
Succulent multiannual to 6 ft.+; ing above the base, 4-6 ft. long, tlement. Probably of cultivated ori- eastern Arizona. Succulent multi-

Agave desmettiana, inflorescence Agave lechuguilla, with inflorescence

Agave ghiesbreghtii, with inflores

Agavefilifera Agave lechuguilla, flowers Agave neglecta


annual, 1-2 ft.; zones 7-11. northern Honduras. Succulent nual to 6 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms at rity. Seasonally moist/dry. Average,
Blooms after 20-30 years. Dry. multiannual, 6-10 in. high; zones maturity. Moderate moisture to gritty, well-drained soil. Full sun.
Average, gritty, well-drained soil. 9-11. Blooms at maturity. Semi- seasonally moist/dry. Gritty, well- Flowers: bright orange-yellow; in-
Full sun. Flowers: yellow, buds red- arid. Average, gritty, well-drained drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- florescence stalk to 12 ft.; fruit
dish; flower stalk to 15 ft.+tall. soil. Full sun, or part shade in hot, ers: sterile; panicle to 25 ft., pro- turbinate; bearing numerous bul-
Leaves: lanceolate to obovate, to arid conditions. Flowers: yellow; in ducing numerous bulbils. Leaves: bils. Leaves: broadly lanceolate to
1 ft. long, fleshy, light waxy gray to panicles, to 10 ft. Leaves: broadly sword-shaped, to 4 ft. long, green spathulate, to 6 ft. long, tips bend-
gray-green, ends broad, flat to obovate to spathulate, narrow at to gray-green; margins usually ing outward (recurved), medium
slightly guttered; marginal teeth the base, to 1 ft. long, bluish green; smooth or with few widely spaced, green, guttered; margins undulate,
evenly spaced, red-brown. Sucker- margins undulate, mammillate, tiny teeth, terminal spine short. A with large sharp teeth on promi-
ing (cespitose). A compact species. edges near tip folded upward, teeth variable cultigen. Invasive in some nences. Solitary. Though exception-
Very slow-growing. Requires weekly red-brown. Solitary or in small areas. Cold-sensitive. Characteristics ally attractive, this species is unusual
deep irrigation in hot, arid conditions. clumps (cespitose). A variable are the stiffly symmetrical shape and in cultivation in the United States as
An alcoholic beverage, mescal, is species. More compact in dry condi- slender leaves with mostly unarmed are most West Indian Agave species.
sometimes made from this agave. tions. Suitable for containers. The margins. 'Variegata' has a white
Var. truncata is a smaller version of most recent treatment revises this stripe down the midline of the leaves. Agave stricta
the type species from the southeast- species to A. seemanniana (Eggli Agave tequilana has bluish leaves RABO DE LEON ("LION'S TAIL")
ern area of the species range. It has a 2002). with narrow white margins. Synonyms: A. echinoides, A. striata
cup-shaped, compact habit. Excellent var. stricta. South-central Mexico.
for containers. Agave sisalana Agave sobolifera Succulent multiannual to 2 ft.;
SISAL, HEMP Synonym: A mornisii (incorrectly). zones 10-11. Blooms at maturity.
Agave pygmae Only in cultivation, originating in Jamaica, Hispaniola, Cayman Is- Dry. Average, gritty, well-drained
Synonyms: A seemanniana, A. see- south-central Mexico; distributed lands. Succulent multiannual to 6 soil. Full sun, or part shade in arid
mannii (hort.). Southern Mexico to pantropically. Succulent multian- ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms at matu- conditions. Flowers: funnel-

Agave parryi var. truncata Agave stricta

AGAVACEAE • Yucca 47

shaped, to 2 in. long, purplish red; lobes. The flowers are in panicles Flowers: tepals 6, bases fused, lobes Yucca
spike crooked, to 8 ft. tall. Leaves: on tall stalks. bell-like, creamy; inflorescence stalk Yucca includes approximately 40
15-20 in. long, diamond-shaped in to 20 ft. Leaves: narrowly sword- species of perennial shrubs and
cross section, curved inward, scaly Furcraea macdougalii shaped, to 7 ft. long, 2 in. wide at trees from Central and North Amer-
to the touch; margins thin, faintly Southern Mexico (Oaxaca). Arbo- base, stiffly erect, deeply guttered, ica. Leaves are thin and fibrous, not
toothed. Trunk: 3-6 ft., often rescent succulent, 10-20 ft.; zones rough; margins with widely spaced, succulent, with wedge-shaped
branching. Forms dense, grasslike 10-11. Blooms at maturity. Moder- hooked teeth. Eventually develops a bases. They are in whorls, either
clumps (cespitose). Suitable for ate moisture to seasonally dry. trunk covered with old, dry leaf bases. basal or along thick stems
rock gardens and containers. Gritty, well-drained soil. Full sun. Propagated from bulbils. (cauline). Leaf margins are

Agave victoriae-reginae
Synonyms: A consideranti, A.ferdi-
nandi-regis, Northern Mexico, en-
dangered in the wild. Succulent
multiannual under 2 ft.; zones
10-11. Blooms at maturity. Season-
ally moist/dry. Average, gritty, well-
drained soil. Full sun. Flowers:
white; spike dense, to 12 ft. Leaves:
thickly wedge-shaped, 1-1.5 ft.
long, rigid, medium dull green with
white angular bud imprinting,
rounded or keeled on the under-
side, tips rounded; margins white,
unarmed; terminal spines 1-3.
Usually stemless, solitary. Compact
and variably and strikingly marked.
Excellent for containers and beds.

Furcraea includes approximately 20
species of monocarpic herbs from
tropical America, with greatest
numbers in northern South Amer-
ica. Plants resemble agaves, but Agave sisalana Furcraea macdougalii, young plant
the drooping, bell-like flowers are
distinctive. Leaves are lance- or
sword-shaped and in basal whorls
or on stems (cauline). Margins are
usually edged with sharp teeth.
Flowers have 6 greenish or creamy
tepals, tubular bases, and ovate

Agave victoriae-reginae Agave sobolifera Furcraea species, flowers

48 A G A V A C E A E • Yucca

smooth, usually with a sharp termi- Yucca rostrata thompsoniana to be a smaller, har- to them as "mesembs," from the
nal spine (Beaucarnea and Dra- BEAKED YUCCA dier form of this species. old family name Mesembryanthe-
caena lack sharp terminal spines). Northern Mexico, Arizona, New maceae. Leaves are simple, fleshy,
Flowers have 6 cream to greenish, Mexico, Texas. Evergreen tree to 15 AIZOACEAE and unarmed. Some have extraor-
often purple-tinged, tepals. Yuccas ft.; zones 8-11. Blooms spring, ICE-PLANT FAMILY, dinary adaptations for storing
bloom annually (polycarpic) in con- summer. Dry. Average, gritty, well- CARPET-WEED FAMILY water and resisting evaporation.
trast to most Agave species, which drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- Aizoaceae includes approximately Flowers have a usually 4- or 5-
die after blooming (monocarpic). ers: bell-shaped, white; inflores- 125 genera of succulent herbs and parted perianth. The showier, pri-
Most yuccas are endemic to semi- cence terminal, to 2 ft. Leaves: subshrubs, which are widely dis- marily African species, have numer-
arid conditions. linear, light gray, to about 18 in. tributed in subtropical areas with ous, often vibrantly colored
Yucca aloifolia thrives in moist long; margins more or less white, winter rainfall, with greatest diver- petal-like stamens (staminodes).
and dry climates in open soil. It is with peeling strands of fiber. Devel- sity in southwestern Africa. Some The species range from very small
salt tolerant to the beach. Flowers ops a trunk with age. Suitable for are adapted for survival in ex- individuals to matlike colonies.
are eaten in salads or sweetened containers when young. The species tremely arid regions where they re- Some are fire resistant. They are
and dried. Snipping off lower name alludes to the beak-shaped ceive moisture only in the form of commonly planted in California to
spines helps prevent injury. Indians seeds. Some authorities consider Y. ocean mist. Enthusiasts still refer control slope and beach erosion. It
pounded the leaves until only a few
fibers were left attached to the
spine, which they then used like
needle and thread.
Certain yuccas have symbiotic
relationships with particular yucca
moths (Tegeticula species). The
moth gathers sticky clumps of pol-
len (pollinia) from the flowers, then
flies to another flower, lays her eggs
in the ovary wall with specially
adapted appendages, and stuffs
the pollinia into the deeply re-
cessed stigma. This pollinates the
flower and provides food for the de-
veloping larvae. Although the lar-
vae eat developing seeds through-
out the summer, many seeds
remain uneaten to germinate. The
larvae eventually fall with the seed
capsule and pupate in the ground
near the yucca. In spring they hatch
into moths, mate, and repeat the
cycle (Armstrong 1999b).

Yucca aloifolia Yucca aloifolia Yucca rostrata

Synonyms: Y. gloriosa, Y. yucatana.
Southern United States, Mexico,
West Indies. Evergreen shrub, 10-
15 ft.; zones 8-11. Blooms spring.
Dry or seasonally moist/dry. Gritty,
well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers:
bell-shaped (campanulate), creamy
white, often streaked purple; inflo-
rescence a conical panicle to 2 ft.
Leaves: sword-shaped, terminal
spines needlelike; in dense whorls
around the stem, to 2 ft. long. Old
dry leaves persistent, drooping
against the stem. Little branched.
Larger plants eventually recline of
their own weight, sending up shoots
and producing clumps. 'Marginata'
has creamy white leaf margins. Aptenia cordifolia Carpobrotus deliciosus Carpobrotus edulis

has been discovered, however, that are cylindrical, more or less 3-an- maintain fresh appearance. Avoid like staminodes. The flowers make
fleshy leafed species, heavy with gled (triquetrous), often with a watering when cool to reduce the stunning accents in rock gardens,
stored water, may themselves frosty (pruinose) surface. Flowers chance of fungal infections. cascading down the sides of gar-
cause slides on steep slopes. These are solitary. Fruits are fleshy, some- den stairs and over walls or as
are xeric species and are very times edible. For more than a cen- Glottiphyllum linguiforme ground cover in dry locations or
drought tolerant. Occasional sup- tury, Carpobrotus species have been TONGUE-LEAF ICE-PLANT at seaside.
plemental moisture is recom- grown in California for erosion con- South Africa (West Cape). Succu-
mended in extreme hot, dry condi- trol and dune stabilization, some- lent creeper; zones 9-11. Blooms Lampranthus aureus
tions primarily for appearance. times becoming invasive in coastal primarily spring, fall. Moderate T R A I L I N G ICE-PLANT
Many are very salt tolerant. Plants areas. Water occasionally in hot, moisture when hot, dry when cool. Synonym: Mesembryanthemum au-
were photographed in southern dry conditions, never when cool. Average, gritty, well-drained soil. reum. South Africa. Succulent
California and New Mexico. Full sun. Flowers: staminodes light creeper to 6 in.; zones 6-11.
Carpobrotus deliciosus yellow; solitary, to 2 in. wide; fruit Blooms spring, summer. Moderate
Aptenia ICE-PLANT, SOUR FIG, top-shaped (turbinate). Leaves: moisture when hot, dry when cool.
Aptenia includes 2 species of creep- HIGO M A R I N O ( " M A R I N E FIG") fleshy, tongue-shaped, to 6 in. long, Average, gritty, well-drained soil.
ing, succulent mat-forming herbs Synonym: Mesembryanthemum 1.5 in. wide, surface frosty green, Full sun. Flowers: rotate, to 2 in.
or subshrubs from South Africa. deliciosus. South Africa. Succulent tip rounded. wide, staminodes red-orange to
Leaves are small and fleshy; the creeper; zones 8-11. Blooms late amber; stamens golden. Leaves:
stems trailing to mounding. Flow- winter to early summer. Moderate Lampranthus cylindrical to somewhat 3-angled,
ers are solitary or in groups of 2 or moisture when hot, dry when cool. Lampranthus includes approxi- 2-3 in. long, fleshy, frosty green.
3. These species are suitable for Average, gritty, well-drained soil. mately 180 species of creeping, Stems: tough, woody. The color of
hanging baskets and ground cov- Full sun. Flowers: staminodes bril- perennial subshrubs from South the flowers and leaves varies accord-
ers. They are very attractive cascad- liant magenta to golden, merging Africa plus 1 from Australia. They ing to the amiable moisture. Plants
ing over walls and terraces. Apte- with fertile stamens in center; soli- are among the more commonly form thick mats that are heat, frost,
nias thrive in Mediterranean-type, tary, 2-3 in. wide; fruit round, edi- cultivated members of the ice-plant and drought resistant. Among the
coastal and dry climates, and are ble. Leaves: cylinder-shaped, fleshy, family in the United States. Brilliant hardier species. Photographed at
drought tolerant. Water in very hot, 3-angled, to 4 in. long, 0.5 in. thick, mats are frequently seen "glowing" Bosque del Apache, at the edge of
dry conditions, never when cool. slightly curved like a banana. Self- beside the freeways and on coastal the Sonoran desert in New Mexico.
Plant in sandy, open soil and full seeding, sometimes weedy. dunes in California. Some species
sun. Cuttings can be propagated di- are hardy, thriving on plateaus in Lampranthus deltoides
rectly in the ground. Aptenias have Carpobrotus edulis the Southwest. One or 2 species Synonyms: Oscularia caulescens,
become weedy in some areas such ICE-PLANT, HOTTENTOT FIG, thrive as far north as the Great Oscularia deltoides, Mesembryanthe-
as in California, the Andes, and the HIGO M A R I N O ( " M A R I N E FIG") Lakes region. Leaves are fleshy, mum deltoides. South Africa (Cape
Florida Keys. Synonym: Mesembryanthemum cylindrical (terete), and often 3-an- Province). Succulent creeper, 3-6
edulis. South Africa (Cape Prov- gled (triquetrous). Ice-plants get in.; zones 9-11. Blooms spring,
Aptenia cordifolia ince). Succulent creeper; zones their name from the frosty (pru- summer. Moderate moisture when
BABY SUN-ROSE, ROSA DEL SOL 8-11. Blooms spring, summer. inose) appearance caused by waxy hot, dry when cool. Average, gritty,
Synonym: Mesembryanthemum Moderate moisture when hot, dry scales on the surface of the leaves. well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers:
cordifolium. Southern Africa; widely when cool. Average, gritty, well- This coating helps prevent desicca- staminodes lavender-pink, stalk-
naturalized. Succulent creeper; drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: sta- tion in arid conditions. Flowers less (sessile), 0.5-1 in. wide, plastic
zones 9-11. Blooms spring, sum- minodes light yellow to pinkish yel- open only when the sun shines, dis- in appearance; stamens pressed to-
mer. Moderate moisture when hot, low; solitary, 2-3 in. wide; fruit playing often vividly colored petal- gether; solitary. Leaves: succulent,
dry when cool. Average, gritty, well- top-shaped (turbinate). Leaves:
drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: ro- flattened, keeled to 3-angled, to 5
tate, to 0.5 in. wide, magenta to in. long, 0.7 in. wide, curved, fleshy,
scarlet, center white to yellow. frosty green.
Leaves: fleshy, heart-shaped (cor-
date), 0.5 in. long, covered with Glottiphyllum
felty, papillose hairs. Called sun- Glottiphyllum includes approxi-
roses because the flowers open only mately 16 species of creeping per-
when the sun shines. May become a ennials from South Africa. They re-
pest in favorable conditions. A varie- semble Carpobrotus species, but as
gated form has white leaf margins. the name indicates, the fleshy
leaves are tongue-shaped rather
Carpobrotus than 3-sided. Leaves are densely
Carpobrotus includes approximately ranked along opposite sides of the
30 species of fleshy leafed, mat- stems (distichous). These creeping
forming subshrubs from Africa and to mounding plants form thick,
Australia. A number have become heavy mats sometimes to 2 ft. thick
naturalized in southern Europe and or more. Water once or twice a
North and South America. Leaves week in very hot, dry conditions to Glottiphyllum linguiforme Lampranthus aureus

short, strongly 3-angled, blue- the plants cascade freely. Differs from Free-floating or rooted in pond Sagittoria
green. A delicate, ground-hugging to Lampranthus deltoides, which has muck. Full to part sun. Flowers: Sagittaria includes approximately
mounding plant. The erect leaves stiff plastic-looking pink flowers and cup-shaped, to 2 in. wide, petals 20 species of aquatic herbs which
with their blunt triangular tips are thick, triangular leaves. overlapping, lemon-yellow. Leaves: are widely distributed. Most of the
often densely arranged like a mosaic. ovate to suborbicular, 4-5 in. wide, plant is above the water surface
Suitable for rock gardens and flat ALISMATACEAE base cordate; floating or emergent. (emergent), the roots in shallow
containers. WATER PLANTAIN FAMILY Each flower lasts a day with more water-edge muck. The tubers of
Alismataceae includes approxi- opening in succession. some species, called wapato, were
Lampranthus zeyheri mately 16 genera of aquatic herbs,
T R A I L I N G ICE-PLANT which are widely distributed in
Synonym: Mesembryanthemum zey- tropical and temperate regions.
heri. South Africa (Cape Province). This family was assumed to be
Succulent creeper; zones 9-11. primitive because of the numerous
Blooms spring. Moderate moisture stamens, but current thought is
when hot, dry when cool. Average, that the group is more highly
gritty, well-drained soil. Full sun. evolved (Juddetal. 1999). The
Flowers: staminodes magenta, sta- plants have tuberous roots or rhi-
mens golden, to 2 in. wide; flower zomes and a latex sap. The shape
stalks (peduncles) to about 4 in. of the leaf varies considerably if
long. Leaves: small, terete, 3-an- growing underwater, floating, or
gled, 1-2 in. long, frosty, gray- above the surface (emergent).
green. Stems: reddish. Forms dense Flowers are bisexual, or unisexual
mounds. The long-stalked flowers, with male and female flowers on
small leaves, and spring bloom help the same plant (monoecious) or on
distinguish this species. separate plants (dioecious). Young
plants are produced at the ends of
Trichodiadema stolons and can be used for propa-
Trichodiadema includes approxi- gation. They can be grown in pond
mately 30 species of creeping per- margins or in submerged contain-
ennials or subshrubs from Ethiopia ers half-filled with loam. A layer of
to southern Africa. They are succu- gravel is spread on top to keep the
lent, mat-forming plants, often with soil from floating. Adjust contain-
bulblike roots. Leaves are tiny, club- ers with blocks so the water just
shaped, with a little crown of frosty covers the container. In temperate
(pruinose) glandular hairs (papil- regions store tubers indoors in win-
lae) at the tips. The genus name ter. Because they are potentially in-
aptly describes these crowns as vasive, these species should be
"hairy diadems." Flowers are soli- grown only in artificial, free-stand-
tary on very short stalks (subses- ing ponds, never in bodies of water
sile). These species are suitable for connected to wetlands or streams.
growing in hanging baskets or as
ground covers. Cuttings root di- Hydrocleys
rectly in the ground. Hydrocleys includes approximately Lampranthus zeyheri
9 species of tuberous aquatic herbs
Trichodiadema bulbosum from South America and the Lesser
PINK ICE-PLANT, CARPET-WEED Antilles. Some authors place Hy-
Synonym: Mesembryanthemum bul- drocleys in Limnocharitaceae, but
bosum. South Africa. Succulent these species are awaiting further
creeper; zones 9-11. Blooms most analysis. Leaves are emergent (held
of the year. Moderate moisture above the water) or sometimes
when hot, dry when cool. Average, floating. Flowers are bisexual. They
gritty, well-drained soil. Full to part have 3 showy petals and are emer-
sun. Flowers: staminodes linear, gent.
loosely arranged, violet-pink toward
the tips, white near the center, Hydrocleys nymphoides
under 1 in. wide; stamens spread- WATER-POPPY
ing. Leaves: small, club-shaped to Synonym: Limnocharis humboldtii.
cylindrical, to 1 in. long; hairs short, South America (east of the Andes),
silvery. Fast-growing, forming spread- Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico. Semi-
ing mats. Excellent in rock gardens, deciduous herb to 4 ft.; zones 9-11.
terraces, and hanging baskets where Blooms late summer, fall. Aquatic. Lampranthus deltoides Trichodiadema bulbosum
ALSTROEMERIACEAE • Alstroemeria 51

a food staple of American Indians. ennial herb, 3-6 ft.; zones 9-11. ALLIACEAE ica. They are plants of montane
Cultivation by Indians probably ac- Blooms warm months. Wet. Fertile ONION FAMILY tropical regions, generally prefer-
counts for their wide distribution. loam or pond muck. Full sun. Flow- Alliaceae includes 19 genera of usu- ring moderate temperatures.
Leaves can be quite variable on the ers: unisexual; petals 3, white; on a ally bulbous perennial herbs, which Leaves are on a stem (cauline).
same plant making identification branched inflorescence stalk to 6 ft. are widely distributed in tropical Secondary veins run parallel to the
difficult. Submerged leaves are usu- Leaves: lanceolate to elliptic, peti- and temperate regions. This group midvein. A twist in the petiole in-
ally linear; floating or emergent oles and blades erect, 2-3 ft. long. is closely related to the amaryllis verts the leaf blade (resupinate; see
leaves have broad blades. The family, Amaryllidaceae. It includes photo of Alstroemeria psittacina).
genus name alludes to the com- Sagittaria montevidensis pungent culinary herbs such as Flowers have 3 petal-like sepals and
monly sagittate leaf (from Sagittar- SPOTTED ARROWHEAD onions, garlic, chives, shallots, and 3 petals. The sepals are larger than
ius the Goat), a triangular blade Southern South America; natural- leeks. The characteristic aroma em- the petals. They develop from the
with hornlike, backward-projecting ized in the eastern United States. anates from sulfur compounds. apex of the leafy stem, helping to
lobes at the base. A few species Aquatic perennial herb, 1-2 ft; Several species are grown for their distinguish this family from the
have spear-shaped leaves. Flowers zones 9-11. Blooms warm months. ornamental flowers as well. Leaves amaryllis family, Amaryllidaceae,
are unisexual, with male and fe- Wet. Fertile loam or pond muck. are narrowly strap-shaped to linear. which bears flowers on separate,
male flowers on the same plant Full sun. Flowers: unisexual; petals Flowers are funnel-shaped, with leafless stalks (scapes).
(monoecious). 3, white with a large burgundy or petals fused into a tube at the base.
green spot on each petal. Leaves: They are clustered in umbels and Alstroemeria
Sagittaria lancifolia emergent blades triangular with subtended by a dry, spathelike bract Alstroemeria includes approxi-
BULL-TONGUE ARROWHEAD backward-projecting lobes at the and borne at the end of a leafless mately 50 species of seasonally
Mild temperate and tropical wet- base (sagittate); submerged blades stalk (scape). dormant perennial herbs from
lands of the Americas. Aquatic per- linear. South America. They are found pri-
Tulbaghia marily in cool montane regions.
Tulbaghia includes approximately When plants are dormant, the
22 tropical and southern African fleshy roots should be protected
herbs. The genus is distinguished from freezing with a thick layer of
from other genera in the family by mulch. Where they are not hardy,
having rhizomes instead of bulbs. tubers can be stored indoors in
Flowers have 6 petals and are radi- winter. Alstroemerias prefer even
ally symmetrical with a corona in moisture during active growth.
the throat. They are in small clus- Taper off watering after plants
ters at the end of an erect scape. flower until they become dormant
These species are often grown as a and then withhold watering until
ground cover in dry regions. They new growth begins the next season.
are suitable for containers. Growing alstroemerias for the cut-
flower trade is an important indus-
Tulbaghia violacea try, especially in Andean countries
SOCIETY GARLIC, SWEET GARLIC, and Europe. The sap may be irritat-
AJO ORNAMENTAL ing to the skin.
Northeastern South Africa. Ever-
green or seasonally dormant herb Alstroemeria caryophyllaea
Hydrocleys nymphoides Sagittaria lancifolia
to 2 ft.; zones 7-10. Blooms warm Brazil (Rio State). Seasonally dor-
months. Moderate moisture, dry mant herb to 2 ft; zones 8-9.
when dormant. Fertile, well-drained Blooms late winter, spring. Season-
soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: ally moist/dry. Average, well-
small, funnel-shaped, lavender; on drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow-
a scape to 2 ft. tall; sweet-scented. ers: bilaterally symmetrical; petals
Leaves: linear, to 12 in. high, gray- slender, not overlapping (valvate),
green, garlic-scented, some selec- narrowing to a short tube at the
tions cream-striped. These dainty, base, white with blood red tips,
grasslike mounding plants thrive in opening a few at a time; inflores-
dry climates such as California. Young cence terminal on the leafstalk.
shoots are sometimes used like garlic Leaves: narrowly lanceolate, in-
chives in food. Plants become dor- verted (resupinate) blade, to 4 in.
mant in cold or dry conditions. long; in whorls around the stems.

ALSTROEMERIACEAE Alstroemeria hybrids

Alstroemeriaceae includes 5 genera Garden origin. Seasonally dormant
of rhizomatous and tuberous herbs perennial herbs to 2 ft; zones 8-9.
Sagittaria montevidensis Tulbaghia violacea from the Andes and Central Amer- Bloom summer, fall. Seasonally
52 A L S T R O E M E R I A C E A E • Alstroemeria

moist/dry. Average, well-drained green to greenish white, throat comm.). If so defined, this family annuals or for cut flowers. Some
soil. Part sun to bright filtered light. streaked with red or maroon; inflo- would include spinach (Spinacia) commercial varieties are called
Flowers: funnel-shaped, lobes flar- rescences 4- to 6-flowered umbels, and beets (Beta). Inca wheat (or "cockscombs." Because they are
ing, tepals variously tinted, 2-3 in. on wiry stems. Leaves: lanceolate amaranth), Amaranthus caudatus, polyploid hybrids (chromosomes
wide; inflorescence a 3- to 6-flow- to linear, 4-6 in. long, blade in- is a high-protein cereal grain origi- more than the normal count), they
ered umbel. Leaves: lanceolate, to 4 verted (resupinate). Thegreen-and- nally cultivated by the Incas and exhibit great morphological diver-
in. long, blade inverted, gray-green. redflowers open at Christmas time in now found in health-food stores. sity. They are divided into 4 horti-
These hybrids of mountain heritage the Southern Hemisphere. Self-seed- Calalou, a name applied generally cultural groups: flowers of the Spi-
prefer mild temperatures. A wide ing. Difficult to eradicate once intro- to stewed greens in the Caribbean, cata Group are in spikes; those of
range of colors has been developed by duced. A. pulchella is similar and is a calcium-rich, spinachlike dish the Cristata Group have fasciated
the floral industry. Parents include A. possibly synonymous with this of tender young leaves and shoots. crests; those of the Childsii Group
pelegrina, A. ligtu, A. haemantha, species. Some species are common weeds have rounded heads; and flowers of
and A. aurea. including pigweed and tumbleweed the Plumosa Group are feathery or
AMARANTHACEAE and some are serious respiratory plumed.
Alstroemeria psittacina AMARANTH FAMILY allergens. Leaves are simple, often
PERUVIAN LILY, CHRISTMAS BELL Amaranthaceae includes approxi- red or ruddy, sometimes fleshy. Celosia argentea
Synonym: A inodora. Brazil. Sea- mately 170 genera of annual and Flowers are small, bisexual or uni- SILVER AND RED FOXTAIL,
sonally dormant perennial herb to 3 perennial herbs and subshrubs, sexual, often with papery tepals. LAGOS SPINACH

ft.; zones 8-10. Blooms spring, which are widely distributed in They are arranged in dense spikes Synonym: C cristata. Pantropical.
summer. Seasonally moist/dry. Av- temperate and tropical regions. or heads. Annual or short-lived perennial
erage, well-drained soil. Part sun to Current evidence leans toward in- herb, 3-6 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms
bright filtered light. Flowers: funnel- cluding most genera of Chenopo- Alternanthera warm months. Moderate moisture
shaped, lobes more or less flaring, diaceae in this group (Judd, pers. Alternanthera includes approxi- when hot, drier when cool. Average,
mately 200 species of annual and well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers:
perennial herbs from mild temper- minute; bracts papery; densely ar-
ate and tropical America. Alternan- ranged in spikes at the end of a
theras often have colorful foliage slender stalk and opening from
and are grown as bedding plants. base to tip (indeterminate). Leaves:
Flowers are small, bisexual or uni- lanceolate, slender, to 3 in. long.
sexual, with usually chaffy sepals Var. argentea is a member of the
arranged in spikes or heads. They Spicata Croup with red-violet bracts
lack true petals though the sepals which become silvery with age.
are sometimes petal-like. Clump-forming. Suitable for the
tropical perennial garden. Painted
Alternanthera brasiliana buntings love the seed (Hammer,
PURPLE-LEAFED CHAFF-FLOWER, pers. comm.). Self-seeding.
Exact origin obscure; widely distrib- Iresine
uted in tropical America, West In- Iresine includes approximately 80
dies. Perennial herb to 2 ft.; zones species of annual and perennial
10-11. Blooms all year. Moderate herbs and subshrubs primarily
Alstroemeria caryophyllaea Alstroemeria hybrid moisture. Average, well-drained from tropical America and Aus-
soil. Full sun. Flowers: small; bracts tralia. They are distinguished from
papery, white; in small, compact related genera by their branched
heads. Leaves: ovate, to about 2 in. panicles rather than spikes. Leaves
long, purple. A low-growing bedding are simple and opposite. A few
plant providing contrast in the gar- species are cultivated as house-
den. It is especially effective when plants for their colorful foliage.
combined with golden-yellow foliage
or flowers. Self-seeding and some- Iresine diffusa
times weedy. BLOODLEAF
Synonym: /. lindenii. Only known in
Celosia cultivation, probably originating in
Celosia includes approximately 50 South America. Evergreen peren-
species of perennial or annual nial herb or subshrub to 3 ft.; zones
herbs, which are widely distributed 9-11. Blooms spring. Moist when
in tropical and temperate regions. hot, moderate moisture when cool.
Flowers lack true petals. The papery Fertile, well-drained soil. Part sun
bracts and sepals are small, in to bright filtered light. Flowers: very
many-flowered inflorescences. Cul- small, whitish, in spreading pani-
Alstroemeria psittacina Alternanthera brasiliana tivars of C. argentea are grown as cles. Leaves: ovate, 2-3 in. long,
A M A R Y L L I DACEAE • Clivia 53

tips tapering (acuminate), blood stamens clustered near the lower xAmarcrinum memoria-corsii early spring with the bulb neck
red with fine, lighter veins. Some- tepals. Lilies have evenly radiating CRINODONNA above ground level. It takes 2 years
times referred to as forma lindenii. tepals and stamens and come pri- Synonym: xA. howardii. Garden ori- to flower from seed. Amaryllis is
Commonly confused with I. herbstii marily from temperate regions. The gin, Amaryllis belladonna x Crinum pollinated by birds and insects.
from Brazil, which has broad, green plants are poisonous. Leaves are moorei. Evergreen perennial herb to Hippeastrum, a mostly New World
or purple, kidney-shaped leaves with strap-shaped to orbicular, usually in 30 in.; zones 9-11. Blooms late genus, is commonly, but incor-
indented (retuse) tips and broader opposite ranks (distichous), decid- summer. Regular moisture when rectly, referred to as amaryllis.
markings around the veins. uous, often basal. The bulbs or rhi- warm, less when cool. Fertile, well- Amaryllis is distinguished from Hip-
zomes have contractile roots. Flow- drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- peastrum by the solid flower stalk
AMARYLLIDACEAE ers are bisexual with 6 tepals and ers: trumpet-shaped, 2 in. wide, 4 (scape) and lack of leaves while in
A M A R Y L L I S FAMILY usually 6 stamens, and are pro- in. long, pink; scape not hollow, to bloom.
Amaryllidaceae includes approxi- duced on separate stalks (scapes). 2 ft. tall. Leaves: evergreen, strap-
mately 50 genera of seasonally dor- Some species have a corona (annu- like, to 2 ft. tall. Theflowersresemble Amaryllis belladonna
mant and evergreen herbs widely lus) around the throat. The inflo- Amaryllis belladonna but can be dis- BELLADONNA, NAKED LADIES,
distributed from mild temperate to rescence is a cyme or flowers are AZUCENA
tinguished by the evergreen leaves
tropical regions. Some genera are solitary. Thin spathelike bracts are while in bloom. Photographed at Synonym: Brunsvigia rosea. South
frequently, but incorrectly, referred sometimes located below the flow- Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Africa (Southwest Cape). Season-
to as lilies. Of several distinctions ers. The fruit is a capsule or berry. Pennsylvania. ally dormant bulbous herb, 18-30
from the family Liliaceae, perhaps in.; zones 8-11. Blooms late sum-
the most readily recognized are the xAmarcrinum Amaryllis mer. Moist during active growth,
slight bilateral symmetry of the xAmarcrinum is an intergeneric hy- Amaryllis includes a single species dry when dormant. Gritty, well-
flower, a bent floral neck, and the brid of Amaryllis and Crinum. of seasonally dormant herb from drained soil. Full sun to lightly fil-
South Africa. The bulbs were intro- tered midday sun in hot, dry condi-
duced into California by early set- tions. Flowers: trumpet-shaped, 2
tlers and are still widely cultivated in. wide; 4-5 in. long, deep pink to
in that state. Irrigate plants freely in white; scape solid, to 2 ft, bearing
spring as soon as new leaves begin up to 12 flowers. Leaves: straplike,
to emerge and gradually reduce as to 2 ft., fleshy. Belladonna means
they wither. Continue to withhold "beautiful lady." This species should
water until the next growing sea- not to be confused with Atropa bel-
son. Do not plant near moisture- ladonna of the potato family, Sola-
loving species. The bulb is quite naceae,from which the drug bella-
drought resistant. Remove leaves donna (atropine) is derived.
after they dry. The flowers will
emerge while the leaves are com- Clivia
pletely dormant (whence the origin Clivia includes 4 species of ever-
of the name "naked ladies") near green herbs from South Africa.
the end of summer (if leafy, see They usually have bulblike swollen
xAmarcrinum). In cold climates lift leaf bases and solid flower stalks
the bulbs after flowering and store (scapes). Clivias flower most reli-
them in a dry place. Propagate by ably in undersized pots. They may
division ofthe bulbs and plant in fail to bloom if the shallow root sys-
Iresine diffusa
tem is disturbed. Divide only when
clumps are overgrown by removing
a large section without disturbing
the rest. Do not separate clumps
into individual plants. Plants take
2-3 years to reach blooming size
from seed. Clivias are prone to fun-
gal, viral, and bacterial diseases
especially if too moist in winter.
Snails and slugs can be a problem.
Sap may be irritating to the skin.
Handle plants with gloves.

Clivia miniata
Synonym: Vellota miniata. Eastern
South Africa, Swaziland. Evergreen
herb to 2 ft; zones 10-11. Blooms
Celosia argentea var. argentea xAmarcrinum memoria-corsii Amaryllis belladonna late winter to spring. Seasonally
54 AM A R Y L L I DACEA E • Clivia

moist/dry. Fertile, well-drained soil. aticum or its variety sinicum x C. Full to part sun. Flowers: trumpet- Crinum kirkii
Part sun or filtered midday sun. scabrum (Meerow, pers. comm.). shaped, lobes pink to burgundy, Eastern Africa. Evergreen bulbous
Flowers: funnel-shaped, orange, in slightly nodding (deflexed), tube herb to 3 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms
clusters of 15-20. Leaves: broadly Crinum bulbispermum green, curved, to 6 in. long. Leaves: summer. Moderate moisture when
strap-shaped, 3 in. wide, 18 in. VAAL R I V E R LILY sword-shaped, 3-4 ft. long, 2 in. hot, less when cool. Fertile, well-
long; in opposite ranks. Var. flava South Africa. Seasonally dormant wide, somewhat keeled, lax; mar- drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow-
has yellow flowers. These plants prefer bulbous herb to 3 ft.; zones 9-11. gins smooth. Mark site to protect ers: faintly fragrant, trumpet-
Mediterranean-type climates. Blooms late spring, summer. Regu- dormant plant from injury. shaped, pendent, lobes white, keel
lar moisture. Average to fertile, pink, to 8 in. long, tube to 6 in.
Crinum well-drained soil. Full to part sun. Crinumjagus long, green; scape purplish, taller
Crinum includes approximately 130 Flowers: funnel-shaped, lobes pur- Synonym: C. giganteum. Tropical than leaves. Leaves: strap-shaped,
species of evergreen or seasonally ple or white with purple streaks, western Africa. Evergreen bulbous slightly keeled, to 2.5 ft.; margins
dormant herbs from mild temper- tube green, to 6 in. long, curved. herb to 2 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms minutely toothed. Salt tolerant.
ate and tropical regions. They are Leaves: strap-shaped, 2-3 ft. long, intermittently in warm months. Forms clumps. Photographed bayside
commonly, but inaccurately, re- keeled; margins toothed. Regular moisture. Average to fer- at the Kampong, Coconut Crove,
ferred to as crinum lilies. Some tile, well-drained soil. Full to part Florida.
species develop a trunklike pseu- Crinum 'Ellen Bosanquet' sun. Flowers: lobes cup-shaped,
dostem, which is actually an exten- Garden hybrid, possibly C. mooreix white, tube green, slender, to 10 in. Crinum scabrum
sion (or neck) of the bulb. Leaves C. scabrum. Seasonally dormant long; stalk shorter than leaves. MILKANDWINECRINUM
may be broadly sword-shaped or bulbous herb to 2 ft.; zones 10-11. Leaves: strap-shaped, 18-24 in. Synonym: C. zeylanicum (misap-
straplike, sometimes with minute Blooms spring. Regular moisture. long, keeled, ascending to almost plied). Tropical western Africa;
teeth (easier to feel than see) along Average to fertile, well-drained soil. erect. widely distributed in the Caribbean
the margins. Flowers are funnel-
shaped, the base united into a slen-
der, usually green, stalkliketube.
The lobes are free, linear and flar-
ing or broad and funnel- or cup-
shaped. They are in clusters at the
end of a solid stalk which arises
from the side of the pseudostem.
Crinum asiaticum is grown in condi-
tions as harsh as highway medians
and tolerates seasonally dry peri-
ods. Some species bloom repeat-
edly over months, others only for a
short time. A number are salt toler-

Crinum asiaticum
Synonym: C. procerum. Tropical
Asia. Evergreen bulbous herb to 6 Clivia miniata Clivia miniata, tulip-flowered cultivar
ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms warm
months. Moderate moisture. Aver-
age, well-drained soil. Full to part
sun. Flowers: lightly fragrant, base
tubular, lobes linear, white to pur-
ple on back; filaments violet; sev-
eral inflorescences may be pro-
duced at the same time on long
stalks. Leaves: broadly sword-
shaped, 4-6 in. wide, flat (not chan-
neled) to 4 ft. long; margins undu-
late. Pseudostem: to 5 ft. tall.
Common landscape plant. Salt toler-
ant. Var. sinicum (syn. C. peduncu-
latumj is distinguished by white fila-
ments and channeled leaves. 'Queen
Emma' is a purple form of C. angus-
tum, believed to be a hybrid of C. asi-
Crinum asiaticum Crinum asiaticum, purple selection Crinumjagus

and Central America. Semidecidu- Andes to Central America. They are tently in warm months. Moist to in few-flowered umbels. Leaves:
ous bulbous herb to 2 ft.; zones commonly known as Amazon lilies wet during active growth, less when broadly obovate, 1.5-2 ft. long, 8 in.
9-11. Blooms spring. Regular and come from moist river valleys dormant. Fertile, well-drained soil. wide; base tapering down petiole.
moisture during active growth, less and rain forests. The genus name Bright filtered light. Flowers: nod- A sterile triploid cultigen which has
when dormant. Fertile, well-drained means "elegant" but is commonly ding, to 2.5 in. wide, slightly fra- been cultivated for centuries. Forms
soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: fun- taken to refer to the Christian Last grant, basal tube slender, lobes large clumps in moist areas. Eucharis
nel-shaped, ascending, lobes white Supper sacrament, the Eucharist, flaring, white, throat encircled by moorei is a fertile diploid species
to pinkish with a central magenta since the plants are frequently in corona streaked with pale green; found on both slopes of the Andes.
stripe, tube green, bent; cymes of flower around Easter. They also
10 or more flowers; scape to 2 ft, bloom intermittently in summer
slightly taller than leaves. Leaves: and fall. Leaves are basal, often
strap-shaped, lax, light green, 2 ft. broad. Flowers have a distinctive
long, 2 in. wide; margins undulate, corona (annulus). These "tropical
minutely toothed. Cluster-forming. daffodils" can be grown in contain-
Bloom brief but floriferous. Leaves ers. They are very attractive to
may remain green but limp in winter. slugs, snails, and grasshoppers.
Mark site to protect dormant plant
from damage. Eucharis amazonica
Eucharis Peru (eastern slope of the Andes).
Eucharis includes approximately 17 Evergreen bulbous herb, 12-18 in.;
species of bulbous herbs from the zones 10-11. Blooms intermit-

Crinum bulbispermum Crinum kirkii

Crinum 'Ellen Bosanquet' Crinum scabrum Eucharis amazonica

56 A M A R Y L L I DACEAE • Euchdris

crocuslike flowers can be tucked Namibia. Individual flowers are enclosed inside a cup-shaped,
Eucharis ulei into open spots in a sunny bed. small and massed in dense clusters greenish white whorl of bracts (in-
AMAZON LILY Dividing the bulbs yearly stimulates surrounded by a whorl of bracts at volucre); stamens white, exserted,
Synonym: Urceolina ulei. Peru, bloom. They are suitable for con- the top of a short flower stalk. The brushlike. Leaves: one pair, broadly
western watershed of the Amazon tainers. showy stamens appear brushlike. elliptic, sometimes white-spotted,
River. Evergreen bulbous herb to 12 A characteristic of this genus is 8-10 in. long, downy (pubescent);
in.; zones 10-11. Blooms late win- Habranthus robustus the single pair of leaves, which are margins fringed with tiny hairlike
ter, spring, intermittently. Moist to Synonym: Zephyranthes robusta. strap- or lance-shaped. Species projections (ciliate).
wet when warm, less when cool. Brazil. Seasonally dormant bulbous with more than one pair of leaves
Fertile, well-drained soil. Part sun herb, 6-8 in.; zones 9-11. Blooms previously included in this genus Hippeastrum
to bright filtered light. Flowers: intermittently in warm months. are now segregated into Scadoxus. Hippeastrum includes approxi-
lightly fragrant, nodding, to 1.5 in. Moist when hot, less when cool. mately 70 species of evergreen or
wide, basal tube slender, green, Humus-rich, well-drained soil. Full Haemanthus albiflos seasonally dormant herbs from
lobes flaring, white; anthers at- sun. Flowers: bell-shaped, held WHITE PAINTBRUSH tropical America, plus 1 from
tached to a corona streaked with obliquely, tepals white with pink Synonym: H. albomaculatus. East- Africa. They are commonly but in-
white and yellow; borne in umbels, veins and edges. Leaves: strap- ern South Africa, Swaziland. Sea- correctly referred to as "amaryllis,"
a few flowers opening at a time. shaped, grasslike, 6-8 in. long; sonally dormant bulbous herb a distinct genus (see Amaryllis).
Leaves: lanceolate, streaked length- upper surface concave (guttered). under 1 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms Leaves are strap-shaped. Flowers
wise. Smaller in all aspects than the summer, fall. Moist during active are funnel-shaped with a tubular
more commonly cultivated E. ama- Haemanthus growth, dry when dormant. Hu- base and spreading lobes. They are
zonica. Haemanthus includes approxi- mus-rich, well-drained soil. Part on a hollow stalk (scape) that de-
mately 20 species of bulbous per- sun to bright filtered light. Flowers: velops directly from the bulb. Pa-
Eucrosia ennial herbs from South Africa and perianth small, white, completely pery bracts subtend the flowers.
Eucrosia includes approximately 7
species of evergreen herbs from
moist forests of western Ecuador
and Peru. They are unusual in culti-
vation. Only one pair of leaves de-
velops from the bulb. The perianth
is vase-shaped and relatively small.
The long stamens and pistil extend
well beyond the corolla (exserted).

Eucrosia aurantiaca
Synonym: Callipsyche aurantiaca.
Ecuador, Peru. Evergreen bulbous
herb, 12-18 in.; zones 10-11.
Blooms winter. Moist when warm,
drier when cool. Fertile, well-
drained soil. Bright filtered light. Habranthus robustus (or possibly H.
Flowers: vase-shaped, yellow to * - ulei
Eucharis Eucrosia aurantiaca xfloryi)
pink, sepals green-tipped; stamens
and pistil 3-4 in. long, extending
well beyond the perianth (exser-
ted); urn be Is few-flowered; stalk to
30 in. Leaves: paired, broadly ovate,
to 16 in. long, 8 in. wide.

Habranthus includes approximately
10 species of bulbous herbs from
mild temperate and tropical South
America. Habranthus robustus and
H. xfloryi (H. robustus x ?) are com-
monly confused with Zephyranthes
grandiflora and bulbs are com-
monly intermixed. Habranthus
flowers are distinguished by slight
bilateral symmetry and the floral
tube is bent at an angle rather than Haemanthus albiflos Hippeastrum 'Apple Blossom' Hippeastrum evansiae
erect. These sprightly, somewhat
A M A R Y L L I D A C E A E • Proiphys 57

Hippeastrums prefer well-drained, pink, throat greenish yellow; in when cool. Fertile, well-drained species are suitable for containers.
neutral or slightly alkaline soil. They clusters of 2-4; scape about the soil. Full sun. Flowers: tube green, They are unusual in cultivation.
are commonly grown in containers same height as the leaves. Leaves: lobes linear, white, twisted and
and often forced into early bloom in strap-shaped, 2 in. wide, 14 in. drooping; staminal corona funnel- Proiphys amboinensis
winter. Use pots only slightly larger long. Ancestor of many hybrids. Vari- shaped. Leaves: blade broadly ellip- CARDWELL LILY
than the base of the bulb, and plant able over its extensive range. tic, tapering onto a long petiole, to Synonyms: Euryclessylvestris, Pan-
with the upper third of the bulb 1.5ft. long. cratium amboinense. Northeastern
above soil level. Taper off water Hymenocallis Australia (Queensland). Seasonally
gradually when the leaves begin to Hymenocallis includes approxi- Proiphys dormant bulbous herb to 18 in.;
wither to allow the bulbs to develop mately 50 species of evergreen or Proiphys includes 3 species of sea- zones 10-11. Blooms late spring,
for the next season. In mild cli- seasonally dormant bulbous herbs, sonally dormant herbs from Aus- early summer. Moist when hot, dry
mates plants thrive outdoors in full which are widely distributed in tralia. The genus name alludes to when cool. Fertile, well-drained
sun or slightly filtered light. moist tropical and temperate re- the premature germination of the soil. Bright filtered light. Flowers:
gions. They are often referred to as seeds while they are still on the funnel-shaped, white; inflorescence
Hippeastrum evansiae spider-lilies because of the weblike plant (viviparous). The flowers of 10 or more flowers; stamen fila-
HIPPEASTRUM, KNIGHT'S STAR, corona connecting the bases of the somewhat resemble white agapan- ments fused into a corona in the
AZUCENA 6 stamens. Leaves are strap- thus but are easily distinguished by throat; on a scape 12-18 in. tall.
Bolivia. Seasonally dormant bul- shaped or with broad blades taper- the corona in the throat and the Leaves: broadly kidney-shaped
bous herb to 14 in.; zones 10-11. ing into petioles. The tepals are broad, corrugated leaves. Unlike (reniform) to ovate, curved into a
Blooms late winter, spring. Evenly white or greenish white, often lin- Agapanthus, this tender genus of funnel shape when young, surface
moist during active growth, dry ear. Plant bulbs 8-10 in. deep or tropical understory is sensitive to corrugated, to 12 in. wide. The seed
when dormant. Gritty, well-drained plants produce foliage but no flow- chilly temperatures and needs pro- germinates in the fruit while still on
soil. Part sun to bright filtered light. ers. Many are semiaquatic. Spider- tection from strong sunlight. The the plant. Bulbs are slow to multiply.
Flowers: pale yellow to greenish yel- lilies are often salt tolerant, some
low, pinkish near the base, 3-4 in. species thriving directly on the
wide, held horizontally, 1-4 per beach.
scape; bracts at base of flowers,
pointed, becoming papery. Leaves: Hymenocallis caribaea
strap-shaped, 8-12 in. long. SPIDER-LILY, LIRIO DECINTA
Synonym: Pancratium caribaeum.
Hippeastrum hybrids West Indies. Evergreen bulbous
HYBRID HIPPEASTRUM, herb, 2-3 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms
KNIGHT'S STAR, AZUCENA late winter, early spring. Moist,
Garden hybrids. Seasonally dor- humid when hot, less when cool.
mant bulbous herb to 16 in.; zones Fertile, well-drained soil. Full sun.
10-11. Blooms winter, spring. Flowers: lobes linear, white, some-
Moist during active growth, dry what recurved, tube green; stami-
when dormant. Gritty, well-drained nal corona funnel-shaped. Leaves:
soil. Part sun to bright filtered light. strap-shaped, to 2 ft. long. Salt tol-
Flowers: funnel-shaped with re- erant.
curved lobes, to 6 in. wide, held
more or less horizontally. Leaves: Hymenocallis Httoralis Hippeastrum puniceum Hymenocallis caribaea
strap-shaped, to 14 in. long. A large SPIDER-LILY
floral industry, notably in the Nether- Mexico to Colombia, Florida. Semi-
lands, produces a variety ofcultivars. deciduous perennial herb to 2 ft.;
'Apple Blossom' has white upper and zones 10-11. Blooms spring. Moist
side tepals with dark pink veins, and when hot, less when cool. Fertile,
the lower petal is mostly white. well-drained soil to beach sand. Full
sun. Flowers: white, tube green at
Hippeastrum puniceum the base; lobes narrowly linear, lax;
BARBADOS LILY, LIS ROUGE corona funnel-shaped. Leaves:
Synonym: H. equestre. Puerto Rico, elliptic, to 2 ft. long; petiole short.
Lesser Antilles, northern South Very salt tolerant. The species name
America. Seasonally dormant bul- means "of the seashore."
bous herb to 1.5 ft.; zones 10-11.
Blooms spring. Moist during active Hymenocallis tubiflora
growth, dry when dormant. Gritty, SPIDER-LILY
well-drained soil. Part sun to bright Trinidad, northeastern South Amer-
filtered light. Flowers: trumpet- ica. Evergreen bulbous herb to 2 ft.;
shaped, slightly nodding, to 5 in. zones 10-11. Blooms late winter,
wide, terracotta orange, red, or early spring. Moist when hot, less Hymenocallis Httoralis Hymenocallis tubiflora
58 AMARYLLI DACEAE • Rhodophiala

Rhodophiala ers: funnel-shaped, slightly ascend- tacular blooming season. Plant the ANACARDIACEAE
Rhodophiala includes approxi- ing, lobes burgundy-red, streaked large bulbs so their shoulders are POISON IVY FAMILY,
mately 31 species of bulbous per- white, corona in throat, tubular even with the ground surface. Suit- MANGO FAMILY
ennial herbs from southern South base slender, green bract bilobed; able for containers. Anacardiaceae includes approxi-
America. The flowers are funnel- scape green, to 2 ft. tall. Leaves: mately 70 genera of trees, shrubs,
shaped to tubular and bilaterally basal, lorate, to 2 ft. long, lax. Re- Scadoxus multiflorus subsp. and vines distributed throughout
symmetrical. They have 6 tepals sembles certain Crinum species but katherinae the tropics with some in temperate
and 6 stamens. A bilobed spathe- is distinguished by the corona and CATHERINE'S WHEEL, BLOOD-LILY regions. This family includes
like bract is located at the base of bilobed bract. Synonym: Haemanthus katherinae. cashew, Anacardium; mango Man-
the inflorescence. The inflores- Eastern South Africa, Swaziland. gifera] pistachio, Pistacia; sumac,
cence is born at the end of a hollow Scadoxus Seasonally dormant bulbous herb Rhus; and poison ivy, Toxicodendron.
stalk (scape) that develops directly Scadoxus includes approximately 9 to 18 in.; zones 10-11. Blooms late These species secrete a clear, re-
from the bulb. species of perennial bulbous herbs spring, early summer. Moist during sinous sap that may cause a mild
from tropical Africa and Arabia. Nu- active growth, dry when dormant. to severe allergic reaction in sus-
Rhodophiala bifda merous leaves are arranged in a Fertile, well-drained soil. Part sun ceptible individuals. Leaves may be
Synonym: Hippeastrum bifdum. basal whorl distinguishing these to bright filtered light. Flowers: in simple, pinnately compound, or tri-
Argentina, Uruguay. Seasonally species from Haemanthus species, globular heads of radiating red fila- foliolate. Flowers are small, usually
dormant perennial herb to 2 ft.; which have one pair of leaves. Pet- ments to 7 in. diameter; scape unisexual, on sometimes showy in-
zone 9. Blooms late summer, fall. als are linear. Filaments are long 14-18 in. tall. Leaves: strap-shaped, florescences. The fruit is typically a
Regular moisture when warm, dry and showy. Flowers emerge before in a basal whorl. Crow in pots only fleshy, one-seeded drupe.
when cool. Average to fertile, well- the leaves. Like many bulbous slightly larger than the bulb.
drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- plants, these have a short but spec- Mangifera
Scadoxus puniceus Mangifera includes approximately
RED PAINTBRUSH, 30 species of trees from India and
ROYAL P A I N T B R U S H Indomalaysia to Australia. Mango,
Synonyms: Haemanthus natalensis, M. indica, has been cultivated for
Haemanthus puniceus. South Africa. thousands of years and is widely
Seasonally dormant herb to 18 in.; distributed in the tropics. It has
zones 10-11. Blooms spring. Moist more than 300 cultivars. South
during active growth, dry when dor- Florida is the principal center of
mant. Humus-rich, well-drained U.S. cultivation. A midsummer fes-
soil. Part sun to bright filtered light. tival at Fairchild Tropical Garden is
Flowers: perianth small; stamens, devoted to mango tasting and hor-
showy, red; in dense, brushlike um- ticulture. Those who have sampled
bels; surrounded by an involucre of only commercial fruit, typically the
green bracts; scape 12-18 in. tall. rather mediocre Tommy Atkins',
Leaves: spear-shaped; margins might wonder at the passion, but
deeply undulate; in basal rosettes. this seductive fruit is surely the
The species name alludes to the color "apple" of the Garden of Eden. The
of pomegranate flowers in the genus fruit must ripen on the tree and
Punica. many superior varieties do not ship
Proiphys amboinensis Rhodophiala bifida well. The resinous, stringy Turpen-
tine' and spotted 'Haden' are early
cultivars which still have devoted
fans. Newer selections may be mel-
low to spicy, and/or fiberless.
Mango trees require well-
drained soil and distinct wet/dry
seasons. The latest horticultural
technique is to remove the vertical
leads, keeping the trees under 12 ft.
to induce prolific fruiting on the lat-
eral branches (Campbell, pers.
comm.). Mangoes are susceptible
to anthracnose, a fungal disease
that causes black spots on the
leaves and fruit. Certain varieties
are more resistant, but blemished
fruits are edible. Persons allergic to
poison ivy should be cautious
Scadoxus multiflorus subsp. katherinae Scadoxus puniceus about handling mangos. Many peo-
A N A C A R D I A C E A E - Schinus 59

pie with mild sensitivity find they to ovoid or much elongated, yellow,
can eat the flesh but must avoid red, purple, or green when ripe, 3-8
touching the skin. Selections are in. long; on long, pendent stalks
propagated by grafting. Mangoes (peduncles). Leaves: elliptic-ob-
are pollinated by bats and bees. long, 6-10 in. long; veins yellow,
lateral veins parallel, margins un-
Mangifera indica dulate. A cultigen. Crown rounded.
MANGO Many fruit normally abort prema-
Exact origin obscure (probably turely. Each stalk can carry only 1 or
India, Myanmar [Burma]); widely 2 heavy fruits to maturity.
cultivated. Evergreen tree to 50 ft.;
zones .10-11. Blooms winter or dry Schinus
season. Seasonally moist/dry. Fer- Schinus includes approximately 28
tile, well-drained soil. Full sun. species of trees and shrubs from
Flowers: small, cream to pinkish, tropical and subtropical regions of
musky-scented; in large panicles; the Americas. Leaves are usually
fruit bilaterally symmetrical, round pinnately compound. Male and fe-
male flowers are on separate trees
(dioecious). Schinus molle, Cali-
fornia pepper, has willowlike weep-
ing branches. It was reputedly in-
troduced into California at Mission
San Luis Ray in the 1830s. A few old
trees have attained impressive
girth. This species is frequently
grown in Mediterranean-type cli-
mates for erosion control. It is an
alternative host of black citrus scale
and should not be planted in citrus-
growing regions. Schinus terebinthi-
folius, Brazilian pepper, Florida
holly, or pepper-berry, is among the
most egregiously invasive species
in Florida, where it is prohibited,
Mangifera indica, tree in flower Schinus molle, with fruit
and in Hawaii. In California it is a
pest along waterways though the
dry climate slows its spread in up-
land areas. Sawdust and pollen of
this poison-ivy relative may cause a
skin rash or aggravate respiratory
problems. Removal of existing
trees before fruit set is strongly rec-
ommended as seed is dispersed by
birds. The red or pink berries of ei-
ther species are sold mixed with
black and white pepper, Piper ni-
grum (white pepper is the same as
black with the skin removed), as
gourmet pepper. This mixture has
no special culinary attribute and
may cause serious allergic reaction
in sensitive individuals.

Schinus molle
Eastern slope of the Andes. Ever-
green tree, 15-40 ft.; zones 9-11.
Mangifera indica 'Haden' (white speckled) and 'Dupuis' Blooms fall, winter. Moderate
Mangifera indica, tree with fruit (yellow) moisture to dry. Average, well-
60 A N A C A R D I A C E A E • Schinus

drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: percorns, in clusters from the leaf nodes on bare branches before the Leaves: pinnate, arranged in spi-
creamy white, tiny; panicles pen- axils. Leaves: pinnate; leaflets usu- new leaves develop. The fruits of S. rals, leaflets 5-25. Bark: light gray,
dent; berries the size of pepper- ally 7, ovate, veins light; margins purpurea are sweet, subacidic, twigs reddish. The tiny flowers are a
corns, pink, resinously aromatic. serrate; rachis and petiole reddish; somewhat plumlike. Juice of the curiosity growing on bare branches.
Leaves: pinnate, 6-12 in. long, pen- resinous scent. A fast-growing tree. rounder golden fruits of S. dulces is Fruit somewhat plumlike in appear-
dent; leaflets 15-29, lanceolate, Quickly produces impenetrable thick- popular in the Caribbean as a ance and taste.
asymmetrical, rubbery, light green; ets excluding all other species. Migra- breakfast drink somewhat like
petiole to 1 ft. long. Bark: light tan, tory birds, notably robins, binge on orange juice (Howard, pers. ANNONACEAE
shredding. Pendent leaves hang the fruit, distributing seeds in their comm.). ANNONA FAMILY
from stiff branches, rather willowlike. droppings. Highly invasive. Prohib- Annonaceae includes approxi-
Heat and drought tolerant. Var. ited in Florida. Learn to recognize the Spondias purpurea mately 128 genera of evergreen
areira has tiny leaf tip spurs (mu- leaves and pull seedlings immedi- PURPLE MOMBIN, SPANISH PLUM, trees, shrubs, and climbers distrib-
cronate). ately. The species name alludes to the CIRUELA ESPANOLA, JOCOTE uted throughout the tropics. The
turpentine-like aroma. Synonym: S. cirouella. Mexico, family is considered evolutionary
Central America; widely distributed primitive, related to the magnolia
Schinus terebinthifolius
Spondias in the American tropics. Deciduous family, Magnoliaceae. Certain
FLORIDA HOLLY, CHRISTMAS BERRY, Spondias includes approximately 10 tree, 25-75 ft.; zones 10-11. species are grown as shade trees or
AREIRA species of mostly deciduous trees, Blooms spring. Seasonally moist/ for their tasty fruits. Leaves are sim-
Brazil. Evergreen shrub or small which are widely distributed in the dry. Average, well-drained soil. Full ple. Flowers are bisexual and radi-
tree, 20-25 ft.; zones 9-1 1 . Blooms tropics. The trees have been culti- to part sun. Flowers: small, red; in ally symmetrical. They are not par-
fall, winter. Wet to dry. Most soils. vated for millennia by the Mayan clusters on short stalks at the ticularly showy, but some are prized
Full sun to part shade. Flowers: Indians. Flowers are small, pro- branch nodes; fruit oblong, to 2 in. for their fragrance. The compound
tiny, white; berries red, size of pep- duced in subsessile clusters at the long, edible, yellow to purple. fruit is a syncarp (several fleshy
fruits fused together like a pineap-
ple) or an aggregate on a short
rachis (tightly clustered but sepa-
rate like a blackberry).

Annona includes approximately 100
species of evergreen or semidecid-
uous shrubs and trees. They come
from lowland moist forests but are
cultivated to moderate altitude in
South America. The compound
fruits are either aggregates or syn-
carps. Soursop, sweetsop, sugar-
apple, and cherimoya are very pop-
ular fruits in Latin America. Noth-
ing is quite so refreshing on a hot
day as an ice-cold batido de guand-
Schinus terebinthifolius, with fruit Spondias purpurea, flowers Annona montana 'Fairchild', fruit bana (soursop smoothie). These
species are too cold-sensitive for
commercial growth in the conti-
nental United States but are often
grown for local consumption in
South Florida. Plants grown from
seed vary in quality. Grafts are rec-
ommended. Pond apple, A glabra,
is an invasive pest in Australia.

Annona montana 'Fairchild'

Bolivia. Evergreen tree to 20 ft.;
zones 10-11. Blooms late winter,
spring. Moderate moisture. Fertile,
well-drained soil. Full to part sun.
Flowers: yellow; fruit a syncarp,
ovoid, silvery green; the outlines of
Spondias purpurea, unripe fruit Annona muricata, fruit the carpel segments form a reticu-
A N N O N A C E A E • Polyalthia 61

lated network with flower remnants fruiting size in coastal South Florida. Artabotrys ture (Schokman, pers. comm.). It
in the center of the segments. The pulp is sweetened and made into Artabotrys includes approximately otherwise requires little care. Insect
Leaves: elliptic, to 6 in. long. It has refreshing drinks and ice cream. Flow- 100 species of shrubby climbers pests are generally of minor conse-
been suggested that this selection ers attractive to butterflies. from Southeast Asia. The flowers quence to healthy trees.
could be a hybrid of A. montana and are not especially showy but highly
A. squamosa (Schokman, pers. Annona squamosa fragrant. Natural scents are much Cananga odorata
comm.). The fruit isfbrous but the SWEETSOP, CUSTARD-APPLE, appreciated in tropical Asia, where YLANG-YLANG, ILANG-ILANG,
juice tasty. Annona montana is used SUGAR-APPLE, ANON FLOR DE I LAN, CANANG ODORANT
it is a common practice to tuck a
as rootstock for other cultivated an- Caribbean region; widely cultivated. Synonyms: Unona odorata, Uvaria
scented flower in the pocket. Thais
nonas. Evergreen tree to 20 ft.; zones odorata. Southeast Asia to northern
adorn arbors with A hexapetalus,
10-11. Blooms summer. Moderate Australia; widely cultivated. Ever-
climbing ylang-ylang, to welcome
Annona muricata moisture. Fertile, well-drained soil. guests. Artabotrys oils are some-
green tree, 25-30 ft., rarely more;
SOURSOP, GUANABANA, CATUCHE Full to part sun. Flowers: yellow- zones 10-11. Blooms warm
times blended with those of Ca-
Caribbean region; widely distrib- green, solitary; fruit a waxy syncarp, months. Seasonally moist, less
nanga, tree ylang-ylang, in perfume
uted. Evergreen tree, 10-20 ft; heart-shaped, 5-6 in. wide, fleshy, when cool. Fertile, well-drained
zones 10-11. Blooms late winter, light green, overlapping edges of soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: pet-
spring. Moderate moisture. Fertile, the carpel segments separate at Artabotrys hexapetalus als linear, ribbony, greenish yellow,
well-drained soil. Full to part sun. maturity. Leaves: elliptic, to 5 in. C L I M B I N G YLANG-YLANG, twisted, extremely fragrant; in the
Flowers: yellow-green, solitary; fruit long. Cold-sensitive but grows to TAIL-GRAPE, COQ DU LEVANT leaf axils of the pendent branches;
a syncarp, irregularly ovoid, to 10 fruiting size in coastal South Florida. Synonyms: Annona odoratissimus, fruit an aggregate, dark green, ob-
in. long, dark green; with protrud- The sweet pulp is made into refresh- Annona uncinatus. Sri Lanka, India, long, to 2 in. Leaves: oblong, to 10
ing flower remnants in the seg- ing drinks and ice cream. 'Kampong Southeast Asia, southern China; in.; margins scalloped (crenulate),
ments. Leaves: oblong, 4-6 in. Mauve' is a sweet, mauve-colored widely naturalized. Evergreen with turned-up edges, undulate; in
long. Cold-sensitive but grows to selection. climber to 15 ft.; zones 10-11. opposite ranks (distichous). An
Blooms spring, summer. Moist and erect tree with little spread. 'Fruti-
humid. Fertile, well-drained soil. cosa' is a dwarf selection, 6-10 ft.
Full sun to bright filtered light. high.
Flowers: creamy yellow, solitary or
in pairs, with one of the pair modi- Polyalthia
fied into a hook adapted for climb- Polyalthia includes approximately
ing; sweet, banana-like fragrance; 100 species of shrubs and trees
fruit an aggregate in grapelike clus- primarily from India and Southeast
ters. Leaves: elliptic to lanceolate, Asia. Asoka or Asok (pronounced
rubbery, glossy, to 6 in. long, in ah-SHO-ka or AH-shock) is a third-
opposite ranks (distichous). This century-B.c. king of Magadha
heavy, shrubby climber is cultivated (northeastern India) who was in-
for its fragrance. It requires a sturdy strumental in disseminating Bud-
arbor. dhism in southern Asia, and stone
pillars with inscriptions were
Cananga erected in his honor. These pillar-
Cananga includes 2 species of trees like trees with sweeping foliage are
Annona squamosa 'Kampong
from Southeast Asia to Australia. planted around temples. In the
Annona squamosa, fruit Mauve', fruit
The yellow-green flowers on pen- landscape they add a unique di-
dent branches are renowned for mension with their somewhat coni-
their intense fragrance. The French fer shape ideal for tall screening or
introduced C. odorata, the ylang- stepped up a slope. Occasional
ylang tree, to Madagascar and the branches from the base are usually
Comoro Islands for commercial removed. An unrelated tree, Saraca,
production of aromatic oils used in is also referred to as Asoka.
perfumery. The tree also has minor
uses in woodworking and as food Polyalthia longifolia
flavoring. Be cautioned of the inten- MAST-TREE, ASOKA
sity of the perfume when choosing Synonym: Uvaria longifolia. India;
a planting site. While pleasing in widely distributed in Southeast
occasional whiffs on a tropical Asia and the Pacific. Evergreen tree
evening breeze, the fragrance can to 25 ft; zones 10-11. Blooms
become strident in large doses. warm months. Seasonally moist/
Ylang-ylang can be induced to dry. Fertile, well-drained soil. Full
bloom for an extended period with sun. Flowers: inconspicuous, pet-
the application of substantial layers als 5, triangular, yellow-green,
Artabotrys hexa petal us, flower Cananga odorata of mulch to maintain even mois- leathery; in pendent, many-flow-
62 A N N O N A C E A E • Polyalthia

ered racemes, not fragrant; fruits commonly with lobes twisted like peratures if dry but not frost. Cut- Adenium obesum
red to black in aggregates of 4-8. a propeller. The fruit is a capsule, tings are not favored as a means of DESERT-ROSE, IMPALA-LILY,
Leaves: lanceolate, to 8 in. long, schizocarp, nutlet, berry, or drupe, propagation because they do not KUDU-LILY
pendent, glossy dark green with commonly in pairs (see photo of produce well-developed caudices. Synonyms: A multiflorum, A. coeta-
lighter midvein and undersides; Ochrosia). A horsetail hair is used as a slender num, A. arabicum. Arabia, eastern
margins upturned, undulate. propagation tool (Eggli 2001). Spe- Africa. Deciduous succulent tree,
Adenium cial selections are grafted. 3-15 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms warm
Rollinia Adenium includes a single species
Rollinia includes approximately 60 of deciduous pachycauloustree
species of shrubs and trees from from arid regions of eastern Africa
tropical America. They closely re- and the Arabian peninsula. The var-
semble Annona species and some ious forms were once segregated
were formerly included in that into several species based upon
genus. Flowers are bisexual and range and presence or lack of a
radially symmetrical. They have 3 caudex (a swollen intersection of
minute petals and 3 petal-like the trunk base and root). They are
sepals with wings or spurs on the now classified as subspecies. The
outside. Stamens and pistils are subspecies readily hybridize, but
numerous. individuals are self-sterile. Plants in
cultivation are mostly hybrids, but
Rollinia deliciosa only a few cultivar names have valid
B I R I B A , FRUTA DE CONDESSA descriptions. The succulent, spine-
Synonym: Annona deliciosa. Brazil. less trunks of these highly prized
Evergreen tree; zones 10-11. little trees store water for the dry
Blooms late winter, early spring. season. The leaves fold when dry to
Moderate moisture. Fertile, well- decrease evaporation. Caudices are
drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- commonly exposed in cultivation
ers: inconspicuous; fruit an ovoid to display their gnarled contor-
aggregate, 6-12 in. long, fleshy, tions. Adeniums start to bloom to-
greenish yellow when ripe with ward the end of the dry season and
pointed segments. Leaves: elliptic- continue through summer. In the
oblong, to 10 in. long. Fruit with wild, they may attain 15 ft.
lemony sweet, gelatinous flesh (Whit- Grow adeniums in fast-draining,
man 2001). neutral to slightly acid soil. In moist
climates add plenty of grit to the
APOCYNACEAE soil and grow in raised beds or un-
OLEANDER FAMILY dersized, tight containers. Top-
Apocynaceae includes approxi- dress with neutral pH river gravel,
mately 355 genera of herbs, shrubs, not alkaline pea-rock. Organic
trees, and climbers distributed mulch causes rot. Use dilute liquid
worldwide, with greatest diversity or slow-release fertilizer. Water
in the tropics. Characteristics in- deeply twice weekly when leafing
clude a milky latex sap and complex out. Adeniums tolerate cool tem- Polyalthia longifolia
flowers. Recent revisions include
the genera traditionally segregated
into Asclepiadaceae in this family.
For the convenience of readers
more familiar with this arrange-
ment, these species are kept to-
gether here as a subgroup of Apoc-
ynaceae. The family is very im-
portant pharmaceutically. Many,
though not all, species are poison-
ous. An exception is Carissa. Most
are suitable for coastal planting
and are at least modestly salt toler-
ant. Leaves are simple, entire,
opposite or whorled. Traditional
members of Apocynaceae can be
recognized by the radially symmet-
rical, trumpet-shaped corollas, Polyalthia longifolia, flowers Rollinia deliciosa, immature fruit Adenium obesum subsp. obesum
APOCYNACEAE - Allamanda 63

months. Semi-arid or seasonally climbers from tropical America. green clambering shrub, 5-10 ft.; notch between the lobes, throat
moist/dry. Average, gritty, excep- Several are among the most com- zones 10-11. Blooms summer, fall. streaked with orange; buds and
tionally well-drained soil; neutral to monly cultivated summer-bloom- Regular moisture when hot, moder- outer floral tube bronze. Leaves:
slightly acid pH. Full sun. Flowers: ing plants. Cultivar names, of dubi- ate moisture when cool. Fertile, elliptic, 4-5 in. long, glossy, tips
funnel-shaped; pink, white, or a ous merit, vary from country to well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: obtuse, hairs on underside of mid-
combination; fringed corona in country. Allamandas thrive in bell-shaped, ascending, mauve- rib and on stems; in whorls of 3-6.
throat. Leaves: dark green, obovate, moist, coastal regions but are only purple, throat dark red, lobes 1.5 in. The type seems to be a more vigorous
2-3 in. long. Caudex: if present, slightly salt tolerant at best. Some wide, 3 in. long, pedicel yellow. climber than cultivars. Large-flowered
normally subterranean. Bark: light are night fragrant. Prune them in Leaves: elliptic, 3-4 in. long, light- cultivar names include 'Williamsii'
gray. Subsp. obesum differs from early spring to keep shrubby or tie green, with short, stiff hairs (his- and 'Hendersonii', but no verifiable
subsp. swazicum (endemic to Swazi- to a support for climbing. Plant in pid); petiole very short (subses- descriptions have been found. Dou-
land and KwaZulu-Natal) by the deep, humus-rich soil. Cool night sile); usually in whorls of 4. Stems: ble-flowered sports, though very at-
more or less pubescent calyx and ex- temperatures, lack of water in sum- bristly (hispid), red-tinged. tractive, are unusual in cultivation.
serted anthers. Recognized cultivars mer, or spider mite infestation in-
of subsp. obesum are 'Crimson Pico- duce leafless and sparse appear- Allamanda cathartica Allamanda 'Cherries Jubilee'
tee' (red and white), 'Red Ever- ance. Propagate from cuttings of YELLOW ALLAMANDA, GOLDEN GIANT PURPLE ALLAMANDA,
bloomer' (red), and 'Tom Crumbley' better selections. Allamandas are TRUMPET, ALAMANDA, CANARIO ALAMANDA MORADA GRANDE
(pure white). Described cultivars of superb when landscaped with com- Brazil to northeastern South Amer- Garden origin, unknown parentage.
subsp. swazicum are 'Boyce Thomp- plementary dark purple foliage ica. Evergreen climber, 10-20 ft.; Evergreen climbing shrub, 5-1 Oft.;
son' and 'Perpetual Pink' (Eggli plants. zones 10-11. Blooms warm zones 10-11. Blooms warm
2001). months. Moist when hot, moderate months. Regular moisture when
Allamanda blanchetii moisture when cool. Fertile, well- hot, less when cool. Fertile, well-
Allamanda PURPLE ALLAMANDA, drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: bell-
Allamanda includes approximately ALAMANDA MORADA trumpet-shaped, bright yellow, shaped, lobes to 6 in. wide, pur-
8 species of shrubs and shrubby Synonym: A violacea. Brazil. Ever- lobes 3-5 in. wide, white spot at plish pink, throat dark red, tube

Adenium obesum subsp. swazicum Allamanda cathartica, double Allamanda 'Cherries Jubilee'
64 APOCYNACEAE • Allamanda

mauve, yellow to bronze toward the ers: small, white, downy, fragrant at wide; veins lighter green, lateral Beaumontia grandiflora
base; calyx and pedicel downy (pu- night; throat with tufted corona; in veins perpendicular to the midrib; HERALD'S TRUMPET,
bescent). Leaves: ovate, to 6 in. headlike cymes at the ends of 3- to tip tapering; base decurrent; in NEPAL TRUMPET-FLOWER,
long, pointed, dull light-green, cov- 6-in. spokelike stalks; capsules slen- whorls of 4; margins undulate. EASTER LILY VINE
ered with short, stiff hairs or scales; der, to 2 ft. long. Leaves: oblanceo- Synonym: Echitesgrandiflorus. Hi-
mostly in whorls of 3; sessile. A spec- late, 6-10 in. long with about 50 par- Beaumontia malayan foothills from India to
tacular, clambering plant with large allel veins; in whorls of 5-9; blade Beaumontia includes approximately Vietnam. Evergreen woody climber
flowers. Commonly but incorrectly decurrent on the short petiole. De- 9 species of woody climbers (lia- to 30 ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms
listed as a cultivarofh. cathartica. velops a rounded canopy and but- nas) from India and Southeast late winter, early spring. Seasonally
tressed trunk with age. Self-seeding. Asia. They are spectacular tropical moist/dry. Average to fertile, well-
Allamanda schottii vines with funnel-shaped flowers drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: co-
S H R U B ALLAMANDA Alstonia venenata resembling large Easter lilies and rolla white, funnel-shaped, lobes
Synonyms: A cathartica var. schot- India. Evergreen shrub, 6-8 ft.; arranged in great clusters dripping flaring, 7-8 in. long, fragrant; calyx
tii, A. neriifolia. Brazil to northeast- zones 10-11. Blooms spring. from stout stems. Leaves are sim- covered with rust-colored hairs.
ern South America. Evergreen shrub Moderate moisture to seasonally ple. Flowering vines like these are Leaves: oblong to ovate, 4-10 in.
to 4 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms warm moist/dry. Average, well-drained underutilized in landscaping. Sim- long, glossy dark green, rust-col-
months. Moist when hot, moderate soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: sal- ple or elaborate arbors can be de- ored hairs on the underside when
moisture when cool. Fertile, well- verform, white, tube slender, to 2 vised to create a peaceful sanctuary young. A spectacular and vigorous
drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: in. long, lobes spreading, twisted or to shade a table or west-facing vine. Beaumontia multiflora is often
brightyellow, lobes pointed, throat like a propeller, in axillary clusters. porch in the Mediterranean style. mistaken for this species. It has much
streaked with orange, floral tube Leaves: narrowly lanceolate to Vines are particularly useful for shorter, bell-shaped white flowers.
and buds bronze. Leaves: elliptic, oblanceolate, 6-8 in. long, 1 in. landscaping where space is limited.
2-3 in. long; in whorls of 4. This
shrubby, spreading allamanda is
somewhat hardier than A. cathartica
and has smaller leaves and flowers.
For compact growth, prune lightly
after bloom.

Alstonia includes approximately 45
species of trees and shrubs from
Southeast Asia, Indomalaysia,
Africa, and Australia. Some are
large timber trees which develop
great buttressed trunks with age.
They have a milky sap. Leaves are
in whorls of 3-9. Flowers are small,
white to greenish, and in clusters.
Capsules are long and slender,
splitting at maturity to release Allamanda schottii Alstonia scholaris Alstonia venenata
seeds with 2 hairs attached. Alsto-
nia scholaris is called scholar-tree
because its white wood is used as
makeshift writing tablets. The
moniker devil-tree refers to the
leaves and inflorescences often
arranged in tiered whorls of approx-
imately 6, but is most aptly applied
to those species with devilishly
invasive tendencies.

Alstonia scholaris
Synonym: Echites scholaris. South-
east Asia, New Guinea, Australia;
widely naturalized. Evergreen tree
to 75 ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms fall.
Moderate moisture. Average, well-
drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- Beaumontia grandiflora Carissa macrocarpa Catharanthus roseus cultivar

Carissa plants. This species is widely natu- mately 13 species of woody Evergreen shrub or small tree, 8-12
Carissa includes approximately 37 ralized in the tropics. The petal climbers (lianas) from India and ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms spring,
species of evergreen shrubs and lobes have a characteristic pro- Indomalaysia. Leaves are simple. summer. Moderate moisture in
climbers from the Old World trop- peller twist and the throat has a Flowers are fragrant, bisexual, and summer, less in winter. Average,
ics. They commonly have forked spot, or "eye," of color around it. radially symmetrical. Fruits are long well-drained soil. Full to part sun.
spines in the leaf axils. Cultivated Though once grouped with Vinca, hairy follicles. The woody fibers are Flowers: salverform, lobes spread-
species are moderately salt toler- Catharanthus has a number of dis- used to weave fishing nets in native ing, to 2 in. wide, pink with a dark
ant. Plum-sized fruits are red to tinctive characteristics. Vincristine regions. red eye around the small throat
black with a milky sap. The fleshier and vinblastin, pharmaceutical al- opening, fading to white with age.
forms are edible, tasting somewhat kaloids derived from this genus, Chonemorpha fragrans Leaves: broadly elliptic, to 6 in.
like raspberries and cream. were among the first potent an- FRANGIPANI-VINE long, glossy. Thisfree-flowering
Shrubby forms may be utilized as tileukemia drugs. The need to Synonyms: C macrophylla, Trache- small tree is suitable for containers.
barrier hedges. Spreading forms preserve species diversity for yet lospermum grandiflorum (hort.). The flowers resemble Madagascar
are useful as a deterrent to graffiti undiscovered pharmaceutical and India to Malaysia. Evergreen periwinkle, Catharanthus. The
scribblers when planted in front of chemical properties such as this is climber to 20 ft.+; zones 10-11. species name means "shrubby."
walls and around the bases of traf- but one example of why conserva- Blooms spring, summer. Regular
fic signs. Clambering varieties can tion of wild habitat is essential to moisture when hot, moderate Kopsia pruniformis
infiltrate tree canopies and become humans. moisture when cool. Fertile, well- Southeast Asia. Evergreen shrub to
difficult to control. Be forewarned drained soil; acid pH. Full to part 8 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms warm
that climbing forms are used to Catharanthus roseus sun. Flowers: salverform, lobes months. Moderate moisture in
fence out elephants in Africa. Many MADAGASCAR P E R I W I N K L E , twisted, white, throat yellow. summer, less in winter. Average,
OLD MAID, VINCA Leaves: broadly ovate, 14 in. long, 8 well-drained soil. Full to part sun.
cultivars are available. Selecting an
appropriate mature size and habit Synonyms: Lochnera rosea, Vinca in. wide, downy (pubescent) below. Flowers: salverform, white; tube
will greatly reduce maintenance. rosea. Madagascar; widely natural- Crown for the fragrant flowers. Needs slightly inflated below the white
Prune lower branches before they ized. Evergreen subshrub, 12-18 a sturdy support. Water early or avoid lobes, in many-flowered clusters
root at the nodes and develop into in.; zones 9-11. Blooms warm wetting flowers if possible. Water- (cymes); fruit a small plumlike
thickets. Carissa sometimes con- months. Moderate moisture, toler- droplet lenses magnify the sunlight, drupe, 1.5 in. long, blue-black, waxy
tracts a fungal disease that may ates brief dry periods. Average, causing brown spots. (glaucous). Leaves: elliptic to lan-
cause an isolated branch or the well-drained soil. Full to part sun. ceolate, 4-6 in. long, tip tapering
whole plant to turn brown and die. Flowers: salverform, tube slender, Kopsia (acuminate), glossy; sap milky.
white, pink, or salmon with a red Kopsia includes approximately 25 Unusual in cultivation. Suitable
Carissa macrocarpa eye around the small opening of species of trees and shrubs from for borders and hedges.
the throat. Leaves: ovate, dark Indomalaysia. They produce alka-
AMATUNGULU (SOUTH AFRICA) green, glossy, midvein lighter. loids that are important pharma- Mandevilla
Synonym: C. grandiflora. Eastern Many cultivars, including compact ceutically. Fruits are fleshy drupes Mandevilla includes approximately
coastal South Africa. Evergreen forms, are familiar garden plants. with hard pits, somewhat resem- 125 species of shrubs and climbers
shrub or climber, 3-25 ft.; zones They thrive in coastal locations. Also bling plums. from Central and South America,
9-11. Blooms intermittently in grown as annuals in temperate cli- most abundant in the eastern
warm months. Regular moisture, mates. Self-seeding. Kopsia fruticosa mountain ranges of Brazil and the
tolerates dry periods. Average, well- SHRUBVINCA Andes. Cultivars are complex hy-
drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- Chonemorpha Synonyms: Cerberafruticosa, K. brids of obscure ancestry and
ers: salverform, to 2 in. wide, white, Chonemorpha includes approxi- vinciflora. India, Malay Peninsula. should not be listed with species
lobes twisted like a propeller.
Leaves: ovate, 1-2 in. long, glossy
dark green, stiff, tips sharply
pointed. Heavily armed with forked
spines in the leaf axils. Cultivars are
quite variable. Choose size and habit
to suit location. Though this is the
only species name encountered in cul-
tivation, it is likely that at least some
selections are actually hybrids or dif-
ferent species.

Catharanthus includes approxi-
mately 6 species of shrubs, sub-
shrubs, and annual herbs from
Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and India.
Catharanthus roseus and its many
cultivars are ubiquitous bedding Chonemorpha fragrans Kopsia fruticosa Kopsia pruniformis

names. Mandevillas thrive in sea- The paired fruits are elongated cap- Nerium oleander vated in the tropics. It is salt tol-
side locations and areas with mild sules. Tufts attached to the seeds OLEANDER, ROSE-BAY, ADELFA erant and has a dense, rounded
temperatures. Sensitive to heat and act like parachutes, aiding in dis- Synonyms: N. indicum, N. odora- habit. The paired, pointed red fruits
cold, mandevillas are often grown persal. All parts of the plant contain tum. Mediterranean region; widely are very ornamental. This species is
as spring or fall annuals. Growing a heart poison, which is toxic if in- distributed. Evergreen shrub, sometimes invasive in coastal
plants in containers provides some gested or inhaled in smoke. Olean- 10-20 ft.; zones 8-11. Blooms areas. It is apparently not a prob-
control over temperature fluctua- ders are not as reliable growers in spring, summer. Moderate mois- lem inland. The glossy foliage is
tions as the plants can be moved Florida and similar climates ture to fairly dry. Average, well- handsome in a container on a
into shaded locations when hot. (Burch, pers. comm.). They do not drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: fun- sunny porch.
Containers are also recommended like excess moisture in summer nel-shaped, 1-2 in. wide. Leaves:
where nematodes are a problem and are susceptible to local pests narrowly lanceolate, grayish green, Ochrosia elliptica
such as in South Florida. including scale insects, orange and to 7 in. long. Oleander is heat and TWIN PLUM, KOPSIA, POKOSOLA
black oleander caterpillars, and ne- drought resistant. Often used in pub- Synonym: 0. parviflora (misap-
Mandevilla boliviensis matodes. Oleander is a poor choice lic landscaping in California and for plied). New Caledonia to Australia.
WHITE MANDEVILLA, for formal, sheared hedges. Be- screening. Produces large clumps. Evergreen shrub, 10-25 ft; zones
WHITE DIPLADENIA cause new leaves are produced 10-11. Blooms fall, winter. Moder-
Synonyms: Dipladenia boliviensis, only on new growth, the base soon Ochrosia ate moisture. Average, sandy, well-
M. cereola. Bolivia, Ecuador. Ever- becoming bare sticks. If overgrown, Ochrosia includes approximately 30 drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow-
green climber to 12 ft.; zones cut short, letting new growth de- species of trees and shrubs from ers: salverform, to 1 in. long, 0.5 in.
10-11. Blooms spring, summer, velop near the ground. Oleander the Seychelles, Mascarene Islands wide, white; fruit glossy red, to 2 in.
fall. Moderate moisture. Fertile, is suitable for coastal locations. (in the Indian Ocean off eastern long, ovoid, tips pointed, in subses-
well-drained soil; neutral to slightly Thevetia peruviana is incorrectly Africa), Southeast Asia, Indoma- sile pairs. Leaves: obovate, 6-7 in.
acid pH. Full to part sun, filtered and confusingly referred to as yel- laysia, and Australia. Ochrosia ellip- long, glossy bright green, leathery,
light in hot weather. Flowers: trum- low oleander. tica, twin plum, is commonly culti- tip obtuse; margins somewhat un-
pet-shaped, to 2 in. wide, white,
throat yellow. Leaves: elliptic, to 4
in. long, glossy. Thrives in seaside

Mandevilla hybrids
Garden origin. Evergreen climbers
to 10 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms
spring, summer. Evenly moist in
warm months, moderate moisture
in cool. Fertile, well-drained soil;
neutral to slightly acid pH. Full to
part sun, filtered light in hot
weather. Flowers: funnel-shaped,
2-3 in. wide, pale to deep pink,
often with a yellow throat. Leaves:
elliptic, slightly downy or smooth, Mandevilla boliviensis Mandevilla 'Janelle Rosy Pink' Mandevilla 'Pink Leah'
4-6 in. long. More easily maintained
in containers in many areas. The an-
cestry of these hybrids probably in-
volves M. sanderi (syn. M. xamoena)

Nerium includes a single species of
shrub from the Mediterranean
eastward to southern China. It has
innumerable cultivars. They thrive
in California and other regions with
dry, hot summers and are widely
used in landscaping. The flowers
range from funnel-shaped to flar-
ing, single to double, in a wide as-
sortment of colors. A characteristic
star-shaped, frilly corona (annulus)
in the throat is a good field mark. Nerium oleander Nerium oleander, double flower Nerium oleander 'Luteum'
APOCYNACEAE • Pachypodium 67

dulate; in whorls, densely clustered ing extended hot, dry periods. Ma- gray, spines conical, paired. The below, in whorls at branch tips;
at the ends of the branches. dagascar species are threatened in only Pachypodium with red flowers. margins revolute. Trunk: bottle- or
the wild. Var. windsori has broader overlap- barrel-shaped, spines in clusters
Odontadenia ping red petals with yellow streaks of 3 in a spiral pattern around the
Odontadenia includes approxi- Pachypodium baronii and a swollen caudex. trunk. The most common Pachy-
mately 30 species of shrubs and Northern Madagascar. Deciduous podium cultivated. Branching occurs
woody climbers from tropical pachycaulous tree to 8 ft.; zones Pachypodium lamerei only after flowering. Often produces
America. They are uncommon in 9-11. Blooms spring, summer. CLUBFOOT sports with crests or variegated leaves.
cultivation in the United States. Semiarid. Gritty, very porous soil. Southern Madagascar; widely culti- Var. ramosum differs by having
Crushed leaves are reportedly used Full sun. Flowers: salverform, pet- vated. Deciduous pachycaulous leaves that are glabrous (smooth)
as an insect repellant in South als red, lobes spreading, not over- tree to 18 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms below.
America. lapping, to 1.5 in. wide, corona warm months. Semiarid. Gritty,
yellow, tube to 1 in. long; on a pe- very porous soil. Full sun. Flowers: Pachypodium lealii
Odontadenia macrantha duncle to 8 in. long. Leaves: obo- funnel-shaped, to 6 in. long, white, Synonym: P. saundersii. Southern
Synonyms: O. grandiflora, O. spe- vate, 6-10 in. long, glossy. Trunk: fragrant. Leaves: elliptic, 8-10 in. Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe,
ciosa. Costa Rica to Peru, Brazil. bottle-shaped, no caudex, bark long, glossy dark green, hairy northern South Africa. Deciduous
Evergreen woody climber to 20 ft.+;
zones 10-11. Blooms all summer.
Moderate moisture. Average to fer-
tile, well-drained soil. Full sun.
Flowers: funnel-shaped, 3-4 in.
wide, scented, lemon-yellow, throat
with orange, starlike streaks and a
small corona. Leaves: oblong to
ovate, 7-10 in. long, dark green,
leathery. A fragrant, vigorous climber.
Crow over a sturdy arbor to shade a
porch or picnic table.

Pachypodium includes approxi-
mately 16 species of trees and
shrubs of semiarid regions: 5 in
Namibia and 11 in Madagascar.
The genus name means "thick-
footed," alluding to the water-stor-
ing, pachycaulous trunk or under-
ground stem (caudex). Plants
become dormant during the dry
season. Water deeply once a week
when in active growth. Branching
takes place only after flowers are Ochrosia elliptica, fruit Pachypodium lamerei var. ramosum
produced. The trunk and branches
are covered with spines in clusters
of 2 or 3 (Adenium and Plumeria are
spineless). In moist, humid cli-
mates, pachypodiums do well in
fast-draining pumice or limestone
grit. In nature, they grow in lime-
stone outcroppings and granite
crevices. Containers should be
tight and undersized. The expand-
ing caudex should be raised above
the rim of the pot occasionally to
prevent the container from burst-
ing. Use slow-release low-nitrogen
fertilizers only during active growth.
Though these plants come from
semiarid regions, cultivated plants,
especially those in containers, ben- Pachypodium baronii var. baronii, Pachypodium lamerei var. lamerei,
efit from deep weekly irrigation dur- Odontadenia macrantha young plant flowers
68 APOCYNACEAE • Pachypodium

pachycaulous tree to 18 ft.; zones manda" and "yellow mandevilla" yellowish green, glossy to pubes- cultivated plants and even some
9-11. Blooms warm months. Semi- are unfortunate misnomers that cent. Confusingly referred to in the wild populations dubious. Plume-
arid. Gritty, very porous soil. Full tend to confuse this species with 2 trade as yellow mandevilla. A form rias have thick, pachycaulous, brit-
sun. Flowers: funnel-shaped, white, related ones. native to South Florida rock pine- tle, spineless stems which do not
tinged red on the outside; calyx red- lands is called wild allamanda, a rela- branch until after flowering or
dish, cup-shaped with toothlike Pentalinon luteum tively small vine. Pests include olean- pruning. Leaves are simple, in clus-
lobes. Leaves: oblong, 1-2 in. long; SUNDIAL der caterpillars. ters near the ends of the branches.
margins rolled upward, undulate, Synonyms: Urechites lutea, Ure- Petioles are short. Flowers are
1.5-2 in., spines in clusters of 3, chites pinetorum. Central and South Plumeria trumpet-shaped to salverform, with
needlelike. Caudex massive when America, West Indies, Florida. Ever- Plumeria includes approximately 45 4-7, usually 5, more or less spread-
mature. Subsp. lealii has hairy green climber to 10 ft; zones 10- species of trees and shrubs from ing lobes. They are redolent of co-
leaves. Resembles Adenium when 11. Blooms warm months. Moder- tropical America. Plumeriaswere conut, buttered popcorn, citrus, or
young but that genus lacks spines. ate moisture. Average to poor, well- widely disseminated by missionary peaches. Fruits are T-shaped twin
drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- priests and commonly planted capsules.
Pachypodium rosulatum ers: trumpet-shaped, yellow, to 3 in. around graveyards. They hybridize Plumeria alba, with white flow-
Synonym: P. cactipes. Madagascar. long. Leaves: ovate, to 2 in. long, readily, making attempts to identify ers, is distinguished by having
Deciduous pachycaulous tree to 6
ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms warm
months. Semiarid. Gritty, very
porous soil. Full sun. Flowers:
trumpet-shaped, bright yellow; on
a branched stalk to 15 in. long.
Leaves: oblong, to 6 in. long, mid-
rib white, undersides of leaves and
young shoots white felty; margins
rolled upward. Trunk: covered with
paired spines. The mature caudex
may swell to 3 ft. diameter. The 4
varieties of this species come from
diverse habitats.

Pachypodium rutenbergi-
Southern Madagascar. Deciduous
succulent tree to 15 ft.; zones
10-11. Blooms winter, spring.
Semiarid. Gritty, very porous soil.
Full sun. Flowers: trumpet-shaped,
lobes twisted, white; in clusters at
the ends of thick branches. Leaves:
lanceolate, to 6 in. long. Trunk: light
gray, branching from the top, cov-
Pachypodium rosulatum var. rosulatum Pachypodium rutenbergianum
ered with short spines when young.
Blooms while leafless.

Pentalinon includes 2 shrubby
climbers from Florida, the West
Indies, and South and Central
America. Pentalinon lutea is culti-
vated in the United States. It is
quite variable over its extensive
range. The selection in cultivation
allegedly originated in Brazil. The
naturally yellow-green foliage is not
mineral deficient. Landscaping with
strongly contrasting dark green or
purple foliage can perk up the char-
treuse coloration. The plant is salt
tolerant and suitable for coastal
locations and poor soil. "Wild alla- Pachypodium lealii subs p. saundersii Pentalinon luteum Plumeria 'Lei Rainbow'

leaves no more than 0.5 in. wide Plumeria obtusa Plumeria pudica nel-shaped, white with a yellow
(Howard etal. 1988b). Plumeria PLUMERIA, F R A N G I P A N I , FLOR DE Panama, Colombia, Venezuela. throat, petal lobes narrowly elliptic,
obtusa, also with white flowers, is a MAYO, AMAPOLA, ATAPAIMA Semideciduous shrub, 6-15 ft.; tips acuminate. Leaves: elliptic to
variable species with isolated popu- Synonyms: P. bahamensis, P. ina- zones 10-11. Blooms warm lanceolate, to 10 in. long, 1.5 in.
lations in the Caribbean and has guensis. Bahamas, Greater Antilles, months. Seasonally moist/dry. wide, tip acuminate. Unusual in
broader, oblong leaves. Hybrids of Central America. Briefly deciduous Poor to average, open, well-drained cultivation.
this species and P. rubra tend to shrub, 6-15 ft.; zones 10-11. soil. Full sun. Flowers: funnel-
have pastel floral colors. Plumeria Blooms warm months. Moderate, shaped white, throat yellow. Leaves: Prestonia
rubra, probably a cultigen, is in- seasonally dry. Poor to average, oblong, to 7 in. long, with a pair of Prestonia includes approximately 60
volved in the ancestry of the most open, well-drained soil. Full sun. large lobes near the pointed tip; species of shrubby climbers from
widely distributed hybrids. It is Flowers: salverform, petals nar- petioles short; margins upturned, tropical America. This genus is a
loosely characterized by acuminate rowly obovate, not overlapping, deeply undulate. Evergreen when source of valuable alkaloid pharma-
leaf tips, red petioles, and red or white with a yellow throat, citrus- winters are mild. The lobed leaves are ceuticals. There are small nectar
white flowers with overlapping pet- scented. Leaves: oblong to obo- a distinctive field mark. Unusual in glands in the leaf axils. The flowers
als. Plumeria rubra f. tricolor flowers vate, 7-12 in. long, 1.5-3 in. wide, cultivation. have a short corona around the
are multicolored; f. lutea flowers leathery, tip blunt or indented throat, somewhat reminiscent of
are yellow. (emarginate); petioles short; mar- Plumeria stenopetala narcissus. The species listed here is
Plumerias thrive in dry climates gins revolute. Heat tolerant. Excel- PLUMERIA, FRANGIPANI, a dainty climber of modest propor-
and in coastal areas. Irrigation or lent for coastal landscaping. Spread- FLOR DE MAYO tions and easy culture.
fertilization before or during the ing habit. Var. sericifolia has fine hair Hispaniola. Deciduous tree to 12
flowering season inhibits bloom. on the undersides of the leaves and on ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms spring, Prestonia mollis
Feed with high-phosphate, low- the petioles. summer. Seasonally moist/dry. Synonym: P. glabrata. Amazon
nitrogen fertilizer only after new Poor to fertile, open, well-drained headwaters of Peru and Ecuador.
leaves appear. A rust fungus spots soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: fun- Evergreen climber, 10-15 ft.+;
the leaves in humid conditions but
does not require treatment as the
leaves fall naturally shortly after the
time the infection usually appears
(Vannoorbeeck, pers. comm.).
Plumerias are easily propagated
from cuttings allowed to dry out for
a few days or even weeks before

Plumeria hybrids
Garden origin. Deciduous shrubs
or trees, 6-25 ft.; zones 10-11.
Bloom spring, summer, occasion-
Plumeria 'Singapore Dwarf Petite
ally at other times. Moderate mois-
Plumeria 'Maui Beauty' Plumeria Salsa Group Pink'
ture, seasonally dry. Poor to aver-
age, open, well-drained soil. Full to
part sun. Flowers: funnel-shaped or
salverform, lobes twisted like pro-
pellors, open to overlapping, white
with yellow throat to multihued.
Leaves: lanceolate, obovate to ob-
long, 7-14 in. long, tips obtuse,
blunt, or acuminate; petioles short.
Loosely referred to as P. rubra culti-
vars. Cultivated plants by this name
are undoubtedly complex hybrids and
a species name is inappropriate. The
Salsa Croup refers to unnamed selec-
tions collected in Mexico.

Plumeria obtusa var. obtusa Plumeria pudica Plumeria stenopetala

70 APOCYNACEAE-Prestonia

zones 10-11. Blooms winter, Stemmadenia litoralis from the Old World tropics. The drained soil. Full or morning sun.
spring. Seasonally moist/moder- MILKY-WAY TREE, COJON, LECHOSO genus is typical of Indonesian rain Flowers: salverform, petals pink to
ate. Fertile, well-drained soil. Full Synonyms: S. bella, Tabernaemon- forests. Seeds of 5. hispidus, S. gra- white, corona dark pink, fringed,
sun. Flowers: salverform, lobes tana litoralis. Mexico, Central Amer- tus, and other species are an impor- throat yellow. Leaves: ovate to obo-
spreading, twisted, yellow, corona ica, Colombia. Evergreen shrub or tant source of a cortisone precursor vate, rubbery, glossy dark green. A
around the throat. Leaves: broadly tree, 15-20 ft.+; zones 9-11. and strophanthin, a pharmaceuti- vigorous climber but may be kept
ovate, to 8 in. long, glossy dark Blooms primarily late spring, early cal drug used to treat high blood shrubby by pruning. Flower-spotting
green; palmipinnate venation; peti- summer, or after dry spells. Moder- pressure. The native habitat is seri- sometimes caused by water droplet
ole to 1 in., streaked red. Bark: ate moisture. Average, well-drained ously threatened by logging. The lenses in sunlight. Water early to
corky. A striking climber from rain soil; neutral to acid pH. Full sun. flowers of certain species have allow the flowers to dry if possible.
forests and streambanks of the Ama- Flowers: salverform, tube to 4 in. strongly twisted or unusually elon-
zon interior. Rare in cultivation but long, fragrant, throat yellow inside, gated petal tips. Though unusual in Strophanthus preussii
highly recommended. lobes twisted; fruit ovoid, in pairs, cultivation, these plants are highly MEDUSA FLOWER

yellow, 2 in. diameter. Leaves: ellip- ornamental and easy to grow. Prop- Western and central Africa. Semi-
Stemmadenia tic, 5-8 in. long, tips cuspidate, agated from cuttings. deciduous climber, 15-20 ft.; zones
Stemmadenia includes approxi- glossy dark green; margins slightly 10-11. Blooms spring, summer.
mately 10 species of shrubs and undulate. Flowers open one to a few Strophanthus boivinii Seasonally moist/moderate. Aver-
trees from tropical America. Some at a time. Of coastal forests. Sap Synonym: Roupellia boivinii. Mada- age to fertile, well-drained soil. Full
species were formerly included in milky. Cojon is Spanish for the gascar. Semideciduous shrub to 15 to part sun. Flowers: salverform,
Tabernaemontana but can be distin- paired, testicle-like fruits. ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms spring, cream-colored petals, tips greatly
guished by the larger calyx and co- early summer. Seasonally moist/ elongated, dangling, twisted, sticky
rolla lobes. Fruits are ovoid and Strophanthus moderate. Average, well-drained maroon strands to 8 in. or more
paired. Strophanthus includes approxi- soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: sal- long, throat and corona ruddy-
mately 38 shrubs and climbers verform, lobes slender, twisted, brown. Leaves: ovate, 4-6 in. long,
honey-brown with a white corona dark glossy green; petiole short,
around the mouth of the narrow ruddy. A clambering shrub. Can be
throat; calyx small, green. Leaves: kept shrubby by pruning. Tolerates
lanceolate, to 10 in. long, glossy heat well. Deciduous in dry condi-
dark green, occasionally forked at tions. An Asian species, S. divarica-
the tip. This dense, spreading shrub is tus, has green striped corona and
deciduous in dry conditions. Withhold shorter petal threads.
water in late winter for strong bloom.
Moist conditions encourage a pro- Tabernaemontana
longed but less prolifc bloom. Tabernaemontana includes approxi-
mately 100 species of trees and
Strophanthus grains shrubs, which are widely distrib-
C L I M B I N G OLEANDER, ESTROFANTO uted in the tropics. Ervatamia and
Synonym: Roupellia grata. Western Conopharyngia are now included in
and central Africa. Semideciduous this genus. Many species have
climber to 25 ft.; zones 10-11. rather similar white flowers with
Blooms warm months. Seasonally lobes twisted like a propeller. Many
moist/moderate. Fertile, well- in cultivation are poorly differenti-
Prestonia mollis Stemmadenia litoralis
ated. The genus name is a Latin
translation of Bergzabern, a Ger-
man physician. The preferred com-
mon name for some fragrant
species is jessamine, in an effort to
avoid confusion with true jasmines,
Jasminum, in a different family,
Oleaceae (Morton 1974). This dis-
tinction is important for landscap-
ing because, unlike often weedy or
invasive jasmines, this genus is not
known to be self-seeding in cultiva-
tion. They are also excellent substi-
tutes for acid-loving gardenias
where the soil is alkaline (sweet)
and are pest and disease resistant.
Some are somewhat sensitive to
cold temperatures and drought.
Strophanthus boivinii Strophanthus gratus Strophanthus preussii
APOCYNACEAE • Tabemaemontana 71

Shrub forms make excellent hedges Evergreen shrub or small tree to 15 Regular moisture in summer, less tered light. Flowers: salverform,
and take pruning well. ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms spring. in winter, never dry. Fertile, well- tube to 4 in. long, white, lobes
Moderate moisture in summer, drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- twisted, slender, edges ruffled,
Tabemaemontana arborea less in winter. Average to fertile, ers: salverform, lobes broadly obo- throat yellow, silky hairs inside; fra-
WILDORANGEJESSAMINE well-drained soil. Full to part sun. vate, twisted like a propeller, white, grance sweet, vanilla-like. Leaves:
Synonyms: Peschiem arborea, T. Flowers: salverform, small, fra- throat yellow; fragrant at night. elliptic, to 8 in. long, dark green.
schippii. Mexico, Guatemala. Ever- grant, petal lobes twisted like a pro- Leaves: ovate, to 5 in. long, tip acu- This large-flowered species has arch-
green tree, 35-50 ft.+; zones 10-11. peller, creamy white. Leaves: ovate, minate; margins undulate. Suitable ing, clambering limbs. Blooms
Blooms spring. Moderate mois- 4-6 in. long, glossy dark green. for large containers. Cold-sensitive. sparsely but almost constantly. Mulch
ture. Average, well-drained soil. Full Australis means "southern," alluding Fragrant wood used for incense, well to maintain moisture.
sun. Flowers: salverform, lobes to the Southern Hemisphere, and resins. 'Flore Pleno' has a double co-
twisted, white, throat more or less does not necessarily indicate an asso- rolla. Tabemaemontana corymbosa Tabemaemontana panda-
yellowish; in many-flowered clus- ciation with Australia. has pointed petals. caqui
ters, not fragrant at least during the Synonyms: Ervatamia floribunda, T.
day. Leaves: oblanceolate, to 6 in. Tabemaemontana divaricata Tabemaemontana pachy- orientalis. Southeast Asia, Indoma-
long, glossy. Potentially large, CREPEJESSAMINE, BUTTERFLY
siphon laysia, Philippines, Fiji, Vanuatu,
spreading shade tree of tropical for- GARDENIA, CEYLON JESSAMINE, GIANT PINWHEEL FLOWER New Guinea, Australia. Evergreen
ests and streamsides. Unusual in cul- FLEUR D'AMOUR Synonyms: Conopharyngia spreading shrub or small tree to 20
tivation but highly recommended. Synonyms: Ervatamia coronaria, pachysiphon, T. holstii. Tropical east- ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms summer.
Nerium divaricatum, T. corona ha. ern Africa. Evergreen shrub or tree, Regular moisture in summer, mod-
Tabemaemontana australis India to northern Thailand and 10-40 ft; zones 10-11. Blooms erate in winter. Fertile, well-drained
PINWHEEL FLOWER, southwestern China. Evergreen almost all year. Regular moisture, soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: sal-
PINWHEELJESSAMINE shrub to 6 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms never dry. Fertile, open, well- verform, white, petal margins
Synonym: Peschiera australis. Brazil. intermittently in spring, summer. drained soil. Part sun to bright, fil- fringed, faintly scented; in small

Tabemaemontana arborea Tabemaemontana australis Tabemaemontana divaricata

Tabemaemontana divaricata 'Flore

Pleno' Tabemaemontana pachysiphon Tabemaemontana pandacaqui Tabemaemontana pandacaqui, fruit
72 APOCYNACEAE • Tabernaemontana

clusters, a few flowers opening at a moisture, seasonally dry. Sandy, Small-leafed Confederate jessamine, wide, peach, rarely yellow or white,
time; capsules ovoid with pointed well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: T. asiaticum, has cream or yellow corona apricot-orange, felty (to-
ends, in pairs, red-orange. Leaves: funnel-shaped, bright yellow to flowers and hairy stems. mentose), petal tips revolute;
ovate to elliptic, 4-8 in. long; mar- peach, 3-4 in. long, in large clus- opening a few at a time. Leaves:
gins smooth. ters. Leaves: linear, to 5 in. long, Wrightia ovate, 6-8 in. long, glossy dark
glossy dark green; margins revo- Wrightia includes approximately 24 green, in opposite ranks. Bark:
Thevetia lute; in whorls at the ends of the species of trees from tropical Old gray-tan, peeling. A rounded-crown
Thevetia includes approximately 8 branches. This large, xeric shrub World forests. Several large tree forest tree. The white wood is used for
species of shrubs and trees from thrives in Mediterranean-type cli- species are cut for timber and carving. Unusual in the United States
tropical America. The pharmaceuti- mates with hot, dry summers. Excel- woodworking. They are rare in culti- but elegantly used in the sculptured
cal drug thevetin is used to treat lent for coastal locations. A more pro- vation in the United States but gardens at Noong Nooch Botanical
heart ailments. Species included life bloomer than T. peruviana. commonly used for landscaping Garden in Thailand. Highly recom-
here are at their best in Mediterran- in Southeast Asia. mended as a shade or street tree.
ean-type climates such as southern Trachelospermum Pest resistant.
California. Trachelospermum includes approxi- Wrightia arborea
mately 20 species of shrubs and Synonyms: Holarrhena tomentosa APOCYNACEAE
Thevetia ahouai climbers from the Old World. Trach- (misapplied), W. tomentosa. South- Formerly Asclepiadaceae
BROADLEAF THEVETIA, CASCABEL elospermum jasminoides, Confeder- ern China, India, Sri Lanka, South- MILKWEED S U B F A M I L Y

Synonyms: Cerbem ahouai, T. ni- ate jessamine, is widely cultivated east Asia, Malaysia. Deciduous This subgroup within the family
tida. Mexico to Colombia, Vene- in mild temperate climates as well tree, 30-75 ft.; zones 10-11. Apocynaceae includes approxi-
zuela. Evergreen shrub, 5-1 Oft; as the subtropics. The common Blooms late spring, early summer. mately 240 genera of herbs, shrubs,
zones 10-11. Blooms spring. Mod- name alludes to the plant's popu- Seasonally moist/dry. Average, and climbers, which are widely dis-
erate moisture. Average to fertile, larity in the southeastern states, well-drained soil. Full to part sun. tributed in tropical and temperate
well-drained soil. Full to part sun. but it is Chinese in origin. The pre- Flowers: salverform, lobes to 2 in. regions. Leaves are simple, entire,
Flowers: salverform, creamy white, ferred common name for fragrant
lobes strongly twisted, tube 2-3 in. jasminelike species is jessamine, in
long; edges ruffled; in cymes, a few an effort to avoid confusion with
opening at a time. Leaves: obovate, true jasmines,Jasminum, in a dif-
to 7 in. long, 2 in. wide, dark glossy ferent family, Oleaceae (Morton
green, leathery; petiole short (sub- 1974). Trachelospermum species
sessile). Unusual in cultivation. can be distinguished from true jas-
mines by the twisted, propeller-like
Thevetia peruviana petals in contrast to the flat petals
LUCKY-NUT, BE-STILL TREE, of Jasminum species. They will grow
CASCABEL in filtered light, but 4 or 5 hours of
Synonyms: Cascabela thevetia, Cer- direct sun are necessary for vigor-
bem peruviana, T. neriifolia. Tropical ous bloom. They are pest and dis-
America. Evergreen shrub, 10-20 ease resistant.
ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms warm
months. Moderate moisture, sea- Trachelospermum jasmin-
sonally dry. Average, sandy, well- oides
drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: bell- C H I N E S E STAR-JESSAMINE,
shaped, to 2 in. long, peach to CON FEDERATE J E S S A M I N E , L U O S H I Thevetia ahouai Thevetia peruviana var. aurantiaca
yellow, rarely white; in few-flowered Synonym: Rhynchospermumjasmi-
clusters. Leaves: oblong-linear, to 6 noides. Southern China, Vietnam.
in. long, 1 in. wide, stiff, glossy; spi- Semideciduous climber, 10-20 ft.;
rally arranged at the ends of the zones 7-11. Blooms warm months.
branches. Xeric. Thrives in hot, dry Moderate moisture. Average, well-
climates and at seaside. "Lucky-nut" drained soil; acid pH. Full to part
alludes to the raised, crosslike seams sun. Flowers: salverform, nutmeg-
of the nut. "Yellow oleander" (adelfa scented, white, lobes obovate,
amarilla in Spanish) is a confusing twisted, tips blunt; margins revo-
misnomer. True oleander is Nerium. lute. Leaves: ovate to lanceolate,
glossy dark green, downy below
Thevetia thevetioides when young. Cultivars come in varie-
G I A N T T H E V E T I A , GIANT LUCKY- gated, bronze, and narrow-leafed
NUT, CASCABEL G R A N D E forms. They thrive in coastal loca-
Synonyms: Cascabela thevetioides, tions. Add micronutrients in alkaline
Cerbera thevetioides. Mexico. Ever- soil. Often used as a ground cover.
green shrub to 15 ft.; zones 9-11. Aggressive once established. Prune
Blooms spring, summer. Moderate sharply after/lowering to control. Thevetia thevetioides Trachelospermum jasminoides
A P O C Y N A C E A E (formerlyAsclepiadaceae) • Cryptostegia 73

often reduced, and opposite or months. Moderate moisture. moisture to seasonally dry. Gritty, with light pruning. Rubber vines are
whorled. This group lacks the char- Sandy, well-drained soil. Full to part well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: very salt tolerant and thrive near
acteristic salverform or funnel- sun. Flowers: rotate, fleshy, scarlet, rotate, to 1.5 in. wide, lavender. the beach. They are invasive in Aus-
shaped corolla of the traditional selections orange and yellow or all Leaves: obovate, to 8 in. long, tralia. Cryptostegia and other latex-
Apocynaceae genera. Flowers are yellow. Leaves: lanceolate, to 4 in. woolly, veins light. Stems: covered producing species were cultivated
highly modified. The pollen grains long. A larval food of the monarch with white woolly hairs. Suitable for as a rubber substitute after the rub-
are usually clumped in sticky butterfly. Of woodlands, open f elds, large containers. Attractive to mon- ber supply was cut off by the Japa-
masses called pollinia (orchids also and coastal areas, but not salt toler- arch butterflies. Calotropis procera, nese occupation of Southeast Asia
have pollinia). Upon close inspec- ant. Poisonous to livestock. Crown as widely naturalized in the tropics, is and Indonesia during World War II.
tion, the flower structures are quite an annual in temperate regions. distinguished by its white petals with Hevea (in Euphorbiaceae), Para
marvelous, if not bizarre. The milky dark purple tips. rubber, a native of the Amazon, was
sap may be irritating to some peo- Asclepias physocarpa cultivated primarily in Asia during
ple. Milkweeds, familiar wildflow- BALLOON COTTON-BUSH, Cryptostegia the early part of the 20th century
ers of the United States, belong in SWAN MILKWEED Cryptostegia includes 2 species (Howard, pers. comm.).
this group. The fruits are paired pa- Synonym: Comphocarpusphysocar- of shrubby climbers from Africa,
pery follicles. Silky tufts are at- pus. Southeast Africa; widely natu- India, and Madagascar. These Cryptostegia grandiflora
tached to the seeds, which are eas- ralized. Shrubby perennial herb to 6 species were sometimes listed as RUBBER-VINE
ily carried away in the wind. Most ft.+; zones 9-11. Blooms warm subspecies of C. grandiflora. They Madagascar. Evergreen shrubby,
species in this group attract months. Moderate moisture. are distinguished by the character- twining climber; zones 10-11.
monarch and viceroy butterflies. Sandy, well-drained soil. Full sun. istics of the corona in the throat. Blooms spring, early summer.
Flowers: small, hoods (gynoste- These old-fashioned plants are cur- Moderate moisture. Average, well-
Asclepias gium) white; capsule a pale green rently enjoying a small revival. They drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: bell-
Asclepias includes approximately inflated sphere, covered with bristly can be supported on trellises or shaped, 2-3 in. long, violet, corona
100 species of herbs, which are hairs (setose), to 3 in. diameter; maintained as spreading shrubs lobes forked and filamentous.
widely distributed in temperate and seeds with silky tufts attached.
tropical regions. Flowers are rotate Leaves: lanceolate-linear, 3-4 in.
(wheel-shaped). The modified sta- long. Coastal. The species name al-
mens and carpels (gynostegium) ludes to the "bladderlike fruit," a
are descriptively referred to as goodf eld mark.
hoods and horns. Pollen grains are
stuck together in clumps (pollinia). Calotropis
Visiting insects depart with a knap- Calotropis includes 3 species of
sack of pollen rather than a mere shrubs or trees from India and
dusting. Glands can be found at Africa. They are sometimes culti-
the base of the leaf midvein. Ascle- vated for their strong fiber and for
pias curassavica is widely cultivated the downlike silky hairs attached to
and has become naturalized in the the seeds and used as stuffing ma-
eastern United States. It is a prob- terial. They have become natural-
lem in pastures because it is poi- ized in some areas where they were
sonous to livestock. As a larval introduced. Biochemicals are pro-
food, the species helps support the duced from the milky, poisonous
eastern population of monarch but- latex. The highly modified stigma
Wrightia arborea Asclepias curassavica
terflies. This should not be surpris- and stamens (gynostegium) sug-
ing since the species is native to gest an elaborate crownlike struc-
the winter territory of the threat- ture in the center of the flower. The
ened western population of mon- globular fruit has a spongy pericarp
archs. Asclepias physocarpa was (Howard, pers. comm.). These
once cultivated in Hawaii for possi- xeric plants thrive in hot, dry loca-
ble commercial use of the silky fiber tions but also do well in humid cli-
attached to its seeds and has be- mates with excellent drainage.
come naturalized there. The fibers Plants are salt tolerant to the
can be used as a downlike stuffing dunes.
that is lighter than Ceiba kapok.
Calotropis gigantea
Asclepias curassavica CROWN-FLOWER, BOWSTRING
BUTTERFLY WEED, BATAL, Synonym: Asclepias gigantea. China
FLOR DE SEDA ("SILK-FLOWER") to India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia. Ever-
Tropical America; widely natural- green spreading shrub to 15 ft.;
ized .Short-lived perennial herb to 2 zones 10-11. Blooms intermit-
ft.; zones 8-11. Blooms warm tently in warm months. Moderate Asclepias physocarpa, capsule Calotropis gigantea
74 A P O C Y N A C E A E (formerlyAsclepiadaceae) • Cryptostegia

Leaves: elliptic, 4-6 in. long, stiff, termittently in warm months. Regu- corrugated, malodorous; on short Stems: fleshy, with soft raised nubs
glossy dark green, veins light green. lar moisture and humidity, drier stalks, resting on the ground. along 4 lengthwise ridges, reddish,
when cool. Open, fast-draining Leaves: rudimentary, short-lived. decumbent.
Cryptostegia madagascari- bark mix. Full sun to bright filtered
ensis light. Flowers: star-shaped, small,
MADAGASCAR RUBBER-VINE cream, gynostegium mauve-purple
Synonym: C grandiflora subsp. in center; faintly fragrant; in spheri-
madagascariensis. Madagascar, Sey- cal clusters, to 3 in. wide. Leaves:
chelles, possibly Mauritius. Ever- ovate, to 3 in. long, waxy. Flowers
green shrubby, twining vine; zones are clustered along the stems in long
10-11. Blooms spring, early sum- garlands.
mer. Moderate moisture. Average,
well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: Hoya purpureofusca
bell-shaped, to 2 in. long, violet to Indonesia. Evergreen epiphytic vine
deep reddish violet, corona lobes to 15 ft; zones 10-11. Blooms in-
smooth, not forked. Leaves: elliptic, termittently in warm months. Regu-
4-6 in. long, stiff, glossy dark lar moisture and humidity, less
green. when cool. Open, fast-draining
bark mix. Full sun to bright filtered
Hoya light. Flowers: calyx fused, star-
Hoya includes 200-230 species of shaped, magenta and pink with
climbers, epiphytes, and shrubs white margins, hairy, petals smaller,
from India, Southeast Asia, Malay- white; in pendent clusters on a long Cryptostegia grandiflora Cryptostegia madagascariensis
sia, Indonesia, and the western Pa- stalk. Leaves: ovate, to 5 in. long,
cific Islands. Collectively known as waxy.
wax flowers, they are more or less
succulent and often xeric. Leaves Orbea
are waxy and often fleshy. Flowers Orbea includes approximately 20
are star-shaped, waxy or hairy, and species of herbs from South Africa.
in clusters. Plants are easily propa- They are endemic to semiarid re-
gated from cuttings. A number of gions. These species resemble and
species are commonly grown as are closely related to Stapelia but
houseplants, in hanging baskets, differ by the depression in the cen-
or in trees in mild climates. Most ter of the flower. Orbea variegata
need plenty of filtered light to was among the first South African
bloom well. plants introduced into cultivation
in Europe as a great curiosity.
Hoya multiflora Leaves are rudimentary and short-
SHOOTING-STAR HOYA lived, produced at the tips of the
Synonym: Centrostemma multifo- fleshy stems, or are sometimes ab-
rum. Malaysia, Indonesia, Philip- sent. Plants like gritty, open soil. A
pines. Evergreen semiepiphytic clump will produce a succession of Hoya multiflora Hoya pottsii
shrub or climber; zones 9-11. flowers during warm months. They
Blooms intermittently in warm are easily propagated by division.
months. Regular moisture and hu- Orbeas are pollinated by flies at-
midity, less when cool. Open, fast- tracted by the carrion scent. Plants
draining bark mix. Bright filtered are suitable for rock gardens and
light. Flowers: star-shaped, peri- small containers.
anth lobes reflexed, white, tips
greenish yellow, gynostegium Orbea variegata
orange or purple; in cometlike, LITTLE CARRION-FLOWER
semipendent clusters on long Synonym: Stapelia variegata. South
stalks, fragrant. Leaves: elliptic, 4-7 Africa (Cape Province). Succulent
in. long, rubbery, glossy green. An herb, 4-6 in.; zones 9-11. Blooms
elegant plant with dark green foliage. spring, intermittently in warm
months. Moderate moisture to dry.
Hoya pottsii Gritty, well-drained soil. Full sun.
Synonyms: H. angustifolia, H. ob- Flowers: corolla fused at base into
scurineivia. Southern China to a cup with 5 star-shaped, spreading
northern India. Succulent climber lobes, to 1.5 in. wide, greenish
to 10 ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms in- cream with purple-maroon spots, Hoya purpureofusca Orbea variegata
A Q U I F O L I A C E A E • Ilex 75

Stapelia rugations and purplish hairs, un- cuttings. Not aggressive. Growing genus of trees and shrubs, which
Stapelia includes approximately dersides red to greenish, malodor- in containers is recommended are widely distributed. Hollies are
100 species of succulent perennial ous. Leaves: short-lived, rudimen- where nematodes are a problem. common landscape trees in tem-
herbs from semiarid tropical and tary. Stems: fleshy, 4-angled length- perate zones. Tropical species are
subtropical regions of Africa and wise with soft, upright hooks along Stephanotis floribunda equally attractive, with dark green
India. Leaves are rudimentary and the ridges, 6-10 in. high. Flowers BRIDAL-WREATH, MADAGASCAR foliage and ornamental berries, but
are smaller than those o/S. gigantea. JESSAMINE, FLORADORA, are underutilized in landscaping.
short-lived, produced around the
tips of the stems, or sometimes Leaf extracts of certain species are
Synonym: Marsdeniafloribunda.
lacking. The flowers are star- or Stapelia leendertziae used in beverages; Paraguayan tea
Madagascar. Evergreen twining
bell-shaped, usually solitary, the ZULU GIANT (mate in Spanish) is a high-caffeine
climber, 15-20 ft.; zones 10-11.
corolla corrugated and hairy. A Synonym: S. wilmaniae. Northeast- drink made from Ilex paraguariensis.
Blooms intermittently in warm
small double corona is in the cen- ern South Africa. Succulent herb to Leaves are simple, entire, usually
months. Seasonally moist in sum-
ter. Flowers emerge at the bases of 12 in.; zones 9-11. Blooms inter- evergreen, leathery, and usually in
mer, dry in winter. Sandy, well-
the short stems and rest on the mittently in warm months. Moder- whorls. Flowers are unisexual, with
drained soil. Slightly filtered mid-
ground. The stems are spineless ate moisture to fairly dry. Open, male and female flowers on differ-
day sun. Flowers: salverform,
and soft. Stapelias like gritty, open well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: ent plants (dioecious). Petals and
white, tube 2-3 in. long, some-
soil and will mound over rocks. corolla deeply bell-shaped, lobes sepals are 4-6, sometimes 8. The
times tinged red, lobes short, flar-
Some do well in moist regions if short, pointed, covered with fleshy corolla is sometimes absent.
ing, fragrant; in clusters of 4-8.
provided excellent drainage. A corrugations inside, eggplant-pur-
Leaves: ovate to elliptic, rubbery,
clump can produce a succession of ple, to 5 in. deep, 3 in. wide, mal- Ilex
slightly dull dark green.
flowers during warm months. They odorous; produced at the base of Ilex includes approximately 400
are easily propagated by division. the stem and resting on the ground. species oftrees and shrubs, which
Stapelias are pollinated by flies at- Leaves: rudimentary, short-lived. AQUIFOLIACEAE are widely distributed. Leaves are
tracted by the carrion odor. These Stems: fleshy, 4 lengthwise ridges HOLLY FAMILY simple with more or less sharply
fascinating, easy-to-grow, xeric covered with soft, raised nubs, Aquifoliaceae includes a single toothed margins. Female and male
plants are an excellent addition to 6-10 in. high.
a rock garden.
Stapelia gigantea Stephanotis includes approximately
GIANT STARFISH FLOWER, 5 twining climbers from the Old
CARRION-FLOWER World. Leaves are simple and
Synonym: S. nobilis. South Africa, smooth. Stephanotisfloribunda is
Tanzania, Mozambique. Succulent an old-fashioned, sweet-scented
herb to 12 in.; zones 9-11. Blooms garden vine whose flowers are used
intermittently in warm months. in bridal bouquets. They are moth-
Moderate moisture to fairly dry. pollinated at night in their native
Open, well-drained soil. Full sun. habitat. Stephanotis roots are heat-
Flowers: corolla star-shaped, lobes sensitive, and vines should be
spreading with a shallow central grown on arbors or fences with
cup, solitary, 10-12 in. wide, red their "heads in the sun and their
with pale yellow corrugations lined feet in a shady spot." Light filtration
with long red hairs, malodorous. from a high canopy is ideal in hot
Leaves: rudimentary, short-lived. weather. Propagate from seed or Stapelia gigantea Stapelia gigantea, light form
Stems: fleshy, 4-ridged, with soft,
upright hooks along the ridges,
8-12 in. high. A pale yellow form was
previously referred to as var. pallida.
'Schwankart' is a commonly grown,
almost odorless selection.

Stapelia grandiflora
Synonym: S. ambigua. South Africa.
Succulent herb to 12 in.; zones
9-11. Blooms intermittently in
warm months. Moderate moisture
to fairly dry. Open, well-drained
soil. Full sun. Flowers: corolla
spreading, lobes star-shaped, to 6
in. wide, solitary, spreading, almost
flat, blood red with transverse cor- Stapelia grandiflora Stapelia leendertziae Stephanotis floribunda
76 A Q U I F O L I A C E A E • Ilex

flowers are usually on different and pineapple, a ready-made pina lawesi (Celebes). Evergreen herb, months. Regular moisture and
trees (dioecious). Female trees bear colada. Leaves are usually simple, 2-3 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms inter- humidity. Fertile, sandy, humus-
small red, yellow, or black berries. often lobed or variegated. Some mittently in warm months. Regular rich, well-drained soil. Medium to
Holly is associated with holiday species produce adventitious roots moisture and humidity. Fertile, bright filtered light. Flowers: uni-
decoration in temperate regions, re- for climbing. Flowers are bisexual, sandy, humus-rich, well-drained sexual; spathe white to greenish.
taining red berries into winter. Trop- or unisexual with male and female soil. Medium to bright filtered light. Leaves: ovate, to 8 in. long, blade
ical species fruit at different times flowers on the same plant (monoe- Flowers: unisexual; spathe white. dark green with white spots or solid
but should not be overlooked. Ilex cious) or occasionally on separate Leaves: elliptic, to 12 in. long, blade green, midvein usually white. Habit
cassine, a native of coastal South plants (dioecious). The fruit is usu- mottled green and white in regular low and spreading.
Florida and Cuba, is highly recom- ally a red or yellow berry or syncarp. patterns. Clump-forming medium
mended as an attractive, subtropi- The sap often contains oxalates, ground cover in bright understory to Aglaonemai Peacock'
cal landscape plant and can handle which can cause a burning inflam- medium shade. Because this is the CHINESE EVERGREEN
seasonally wet locations but also mation of the skin or serious type form, cultivar names like 'Silver Garden origin. Evergreen herb, 2-3
thrives in drier conditions. Plant swelling of mucous membranes if Queen' are inappropriately applied ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms intermit-
several individuals to ensure a few eaten. Sodium bicarbonate (baking (Boyce, pers. comm.). tently in warm months. Regular
berry-bearing female trees. Grafting soda) as a paste or in water is an moisture and humidity. Fertile, san-
is another means to ensure trees excellent first aid to neutralize the Aglaonema costatum dy, humus-rich, well-drained soil.
with berries. Florida holly, Sch'mus burn. Other poisonous compounds FOX'S AGLAONEMA, Mediumtobrightfiltered light. Flow-
tereb'mthifolius (in Anacardiaceae), are often present. CHINESE EVERGREEN ers: unisexual; spadix white; spathe
is an invasive relative of poison ivy Synonyms: A costatum var.foxii white. Leaves: ovate, to 8 in. long;
and not a true holly. Aglaonema A costatum 'Foxii' (hort.). India, blade irregularly mottled dark, me-
Aglaonema includes approximately Southeast Asia, Malaysia. Ever- dium, and light green; midvein
Ilex cassine 21 species of evergreen herbs from green herb, 1-1.5 ft.; zones 10-11. light green. Striking leaves resemble
DAHOON HOLLY tropical Asia. They are clump-form- Blooms intermittently in warm certain Dieffenbachiaspecies.
Cuba, Florida. Evergreen tree to 30 ing terrestrial plants. In Asia they
ft.+; zones 7-11. Blooms late sum- are thought to bring good fortune.
mer, fall. Seasonally moist to Aglaonemas have a wide range of
wet/dry. Average soil. Full to part leaf variegation within local popula-
sun. Flowers: unisexual, small, tions. These variations were once
white; berries red. Leaves: oblong, listed as varieties; however, bota-
3-4 in. long, dark green; margins nists have determined that these
with widely spaced, soft prickles. natural variations are too wide-
Highly recommended for lowland spread to qualify as varieties (Boyce,
landscaping. Tolerates periodic flood- pers. comm.). Fanciers converted
ing with fresh or brackish water. the former varietal names into culti-
While narrowly erect in coastal for- var names where the use of Latin
ests, it has a more spreading crown made them invalid. These selec-
when grown in open locations. Con- tions are properly listed as com-
tains high amounts of caffeine, a mon names until a valid cultivar
heart stimulant that can be toxic if name has been registered. Aglao-
ingested in concentrated form. nema leaves have stem-sheathing
petioles that often impart a white Ilex cassine Aglaonema costatum
ARACEAE translucence to the stem. This helps
AROID FAMILY, ARUM FAMILY distinguish these species from Dief-
Araceae includes approximately fenbachia species with canelike
108 terrestrial, epiphytic, and stems. The inflorescences are slen-
climbing herbs plus a few aquatics, der and fairly inconspicuous. Usu-
which are widely distributed in ally weak-stemmed, they gradually
tropical and temperate regions. recline from their own weight,
The flowers are greatly reduced and sending up new shoots from the
crowded onto a cylindrical spadix, nodes, soon forming large clumps
usually surrounded by a bractlike, outdoors. In moist locations, they
often showy, spathe. Some temper- thrive with little care in plentiful
ate species are familiarly known as mulch under trees. Aglaonemas are
Jack-in-the-pulpit. Tubers of some commonly grown in containers.
species are eaten as starchy vegeta-
bles in the tropics after cooking. Aglaonema commutatum
Fully ripe compound fruits of Mon- SILVER QUEEN AGLAONEMA,
stera deliciosa are edible fresh, a CHINESE EVERGREEN
sweet-tart blend the texture of ba- Synonym: A commutatum 'Silver
nanas with a fragrance of coconut Queen' (hort.) .Southeast Asia, Su- Aglaonema commutatum Aglaonema'P
ARACEAE -Alocasia 77

Alocasia Alocasia cuprea Blooms warm months. Regular widely distributed). Evergreen herb
Alocasia includes approximately 70 GIANT CALADIUM moisture and humidity. Fertile, to 15 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms
species of medium to large herbs Malaysia, Borneo. Evergreen herb sandy, humus-rich, well-drained warm months. Regular moisture
from tropical rain forests of South- to 4 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms warm soil. Medium to bright filtered light. and humidity. Fertile, sandy,
east Asia, Indomalaysia, and the months. Regular moisture and hu- Flowers: unisexual. Leaves: sagit- humus-rich, well-drained soil. Part
Philippines to northeastern Aus- midity. Fertile, sandy, humus-rich, tate, to 2 ft. long, basal lobes long sun to bright filtered light. Flowers:
tralia. Plants are evergreen or sea- well-drained soil. Medium to bright and pointed, blade silvery dark unisexual. Leaves: broadly sagit-
sonally dormant during dry filtered light. Flowers: unisexual. green with feathery white veins; tate, green or variegated white,
months. A number of cultivars are Leaves: broadly ovate, basal lobes margins undulate; peltate. gray, and green, blade 2-5 ft. long,
grown for their showy foliage. The almost continuous, the sinus shal- not peltate. Sometimes develops a
petiole is sometimes attached to low, silvery green with darker de- Alocasia macrorrhizos trunklike stem. The starchy rhizome
the underside of the blade (peltate) pressed veins, undersides purple. GIANTTARO, GIANT ALOCASIA, is a staple in Asia (similar to Coloca-
in juvenile leaves but is often at- ELEPHANT-EAR sia esculentaj. 'New Guinea Cold'
tached to the blade margin in adult Alocasia longiloba Synonyms: A. alba, Colocasla mdlca. has dark green blades with golden-
leaves. Flowers are unisexual, with Synonym: A lowii. Borneo. Ever- Origin obscure (probably tropical yellow veins and stems.
male flowers located above a ring green herb to 2.5 ft.; zones 10-11. Asia and Pacific Islands where it is
of sterile flowers separating them
from the female flowers, which are
on the lower spadix and are en-
closed by the base of the spathe.
The spadix has a sterile apex (ap-
pendix). Alocasia macrorrhizos,
giant taro or dasheen, is a food sta-
ple in the islands of the South Pa-
cific. The starchy rhizomes must be
cooked before they are edible.

Alocasia xamazonica
Garden hybrid, A sanderiana x
A. longiloba var. grandis. Evergreen
herb; zones 10-11. Blooms warm
months. Regular moisture and hu-
midity. Fertile, sandy, humus-rich,
well-drained soil. Medium to bright
filtered light. Flowers: unisexual.
Leaves: sagittate, 1-2 ft. long, to 1
ft. wide, basal lobes large and
pointed, dark green; veins white,
widely spaced; margins white with
large teeth; peltate.

Alocasia macrorrhlzos, inflorescence Alocasia macrorrhizos 'New Guinea Gold'

Alocasia xamazonica Alocasia cuprea Alocasia longiloba Alocasia macrorrhizos 'Variegata'


Alocasia micholitziana humidity. Fertile, sandy, humus- mature, the spathe slowly unfurls woodlands. Despite their notori-
GREEN-VELVETALOCASIA rich, well-drained soil. Medium to its maroon Elizabethan collar. The ously malodorous moments, Amor-
Synonyms: A 'Green Velvet' bright filtered light. Flowers: uni- female flowers, hidden inside, at phophallus species have an exotic
(hort), A micholitzii. Philippines. sexual; spadix white; spathe canoe- the base of the spadix, open first allure that draws an enthusiastic
Evergreen herb to 1.5 ft.; zones shaped, green. Leaves: blade emitting a pungent, fetid aroma following—from little boys to re-
10-11. Blooms warm months. broadly sagittate, to 1 ft. long; peti- that attracts carrion beetles and fined ladies with dainty hankies
Moderate moisture and humidity. ole reticulated with green to brown lasts from a few hours to a day. pressed to their noses. In temper-
Fertile, humus-rich, well-drained markings, to 2 ft. long. When the female flowers are no ate climates, the resting tubers are
soil. Bright filtered light to bright longer receptive, male flowers stored indoors in winter.
shade. Flowers: unisexual; spathe Amorphophallus above them open, avoiding self-
and spadix greenish white, incon- Amorphophallus includes approxi- pollination. Most of the upper part Amorphophallus bulbifer
spicuous. Leaves: sagittate, velvety mately 180 species of seasonally of the spadix is a giant hollow ap- Synonym: Arum bulbiferum. India,
dark green, larger veins greenish dormant herbs from Southeast pendix. After flowering the inflores- Myanmar (Burma), Sub-Himalayan
white, smallerveins inconspicu- Asia, the western Pacific Islands, cence collapses and one immense Asia. Seasonally dormant herb;
ous; margins sinuate. Because this and Africa. Titan-a rum, A titanum, umbrella-like leaf emerges from the zones 9-11. Blooms spring. Sea-
is the type form, a cultivarname is in- is one of the great curiosities of the tuber. The blade has 3 main lobes sonally moist/dry when dormant
appropriate (Boyce, pers. comm.). plant world with its large, spectacu- that are much subdivided; the peti- Fertile, well-drained soil; alkaline
The velvety, strongly marked foliage lar inflorescence. Once rare in culti- ole is up to 15 ft tall depending on pH. Bright filtered light. Flowers:
provides striking contrast in under- vation, it is now displayed at a the size of the tuber. The plant spadix creamy white; spathe up-
story locations. number of botanical gardens. The again becomes dormant in late right; margins revolute, pink with
inflorescence emerges in spring, summer (or the dry season). In the gray speckles to 16 in. high; on a 6-
Alocasia plumbea before the leaves, from a large un- wild, it grows on limestone out- in. spotted pedicel. Leaf: blade 3-
Synonyms: A indica var. metallica, derground corm. As the flowers croppings in seasonally moist/dry lobed, much subdivided. Afairly
A macrorrhizosvar. rubra. India to
Indonesia (Java). Evergreen herb,
5-8 ft; zones 10-11. Blooms warm
months. Regular moisture and hu-
midity. Fertile, sandy, humus-rich,
well-drained soil. Medium to bright
filtered light. Flowers: unisexual;
spadix white; spathe canoe-shaped,
white, tinted purple on the back.
Leaves: sagittate, lobes long, silvery
green above, rumpled; underside
purple; petioles purple.

Alocasia portei
Synonym: Schizocasia portei. Sri
Lanka, Thailand, Philippines. Ever-
green treelike herb to 10 ft.+; zone
11. Blooms warm months. Regular
moisture and humidity. Fertile,
Alocasia micholitziana Alocasia plumbea
sandy, humus-rich, well-drained
soil. Medium to bright filtered light.
Flowers: unisexual; spadix 12-16
in. long; spathe funnel-shaped,
creamy white to green, enclosing
the base of the spadix, erect, then
drooping with the weight of the
golden-yellow fruits. Leaves: sagit-
tate, to 6 ft. long, deeply lobed,
metallic green; margins wavy; peti-
ole streaked purple. Develops a
thick, trunklike stalk. The lilylike inflo-
rescences develop at the base of the
leaves. Cold-sensitive.

Alocasia zebrina
Philippines. Evergreen herb, 3-4
ft; zones 10-11. Blooms warm
months. Regular moisture and Alocasia plumbea, inflorescence Alocasia portei, infructescence Alocasia zebrina, inflorescence
A R A C E A E • Amorphophallus 79

common amorphophallus redolent of sme gigantiflorus. India to New Amorphophallus prainii eaten in Malaysia after cooking and
overripe fruit when female flowers are Guinea. Seasonally dormant peren- Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia. other preparation.
receptive (Allen, pers. comm.). nial herb, 4-6 ft.; zones 8-11. Seasonally dormant tuberous herb
Blooms spring. Moist and humid to 3 ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms Amorphophallus titanum
Amorphophallus gigas during active growth, dry when dor- spring. Evenly moist and humid TITAN-ARUM
GIANT ARUM, LEOPARD-PALM mant. Fertile, well-drained soil. during active growth, dry when Synonym: A selebicus. Indonesia
Indonesia (Sumatra). Seasonally Bright filtered light. Flowers: uni- dormant. Fertile, well-drained soil; (Sumatra). Seasonally dormant
dormant herb to 15 ft.; zone 11. sexual; spadix reddish brown, ap- alkaline pH. Bright filtered light. herb to 15 ft.; zone 11. Blooms
Blooms summer. Moist and humid pendix crumpled as if under-in- Flowers: yellow on lower spadix; spring, early summer. Evenly moist
during active growth, dry when dor- flated; spathe funnel-shaped, gray spadix appendix creamy white, and humid during active growth,
mant. Fertile, well-drained soil; al- with white spots, green near the pointed, rumpled; spathe cuplike, little when dormant. Fertile, well-
kaline pH. Part sun, bright filtered base, partly enfolding the spadix; rim revolute, creamy white with drained soil; alkaline pH. Bright fil-
light. Flowers: unisexual, malodor- stalkless. Leaves: 1 or 2, blade 3- purplish streaks. Leaves: basal, tered light. Flowers: unisexual, en-
ous; spadix purple-maroon, apex lobed, deeply divided, 3-5 ft.; peti- usually solitary, blade much dis- closed by spathe, female flowers
pointed, 2-3 ft.; spathe funnel- ole white spotted. sected; petiole spotted. Tubers are malodorous when receptive; ap-
shaped, brown-black; on a very tall
green stalk with white spots, to 10
ft.+. Leaf: solitary, blade 3-parted,
deeply lobed or divided; petiole to
10 ft., white spotted.

Amorphophallus lambii
Malaysia, Borneo. Seasonally dor-
mant herb to 9 ft.; zone 11. Blooms
spring. Moist and humid during ac-
tive growth, dry when dormant. Fer-
tile, well-drained soil; alkaline pH.
Part sun, bright filtered light. Flow-
ers: unisexual; spadix slender, ma-
roon, to 12 in. high; spathe vase-
shaped, green with faint maroon
veins. Leaf: solitary, deeply lobed,
3-4 ft. long; petiole purple. Differs
from A. tinekeae in the minutia of
the flowers (Hetterscheid, pers.

Amorphophallus paeonii-
Synonyms: A. campanulatus, Hydro-
Amorphophallus gigas, inflorescence Amorphophallus titanum

Amorphophallus bulbifer, inflores-

cence Amorphophallus lambii Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Amorphophallus prainii
80 A R A C E A E • Amorphophallus

pendix conical, creamy tan, in- ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms warm Flowers: bisexual; spadix and pending on ancestry. Plants in culti-
flated; spathe green, deeply fur- months. Regular moisture and spathe slender, light green, re- vation are mostly complex hybrids in-
rowed, enclosing the spadix until humidity. Soil-less or in bark orchid curved; fruit yellow. Leaves: broadly volving A. andraeanum, which origi-
the maroon-purple collar unfurls at medium. Bright filtered light. Flow- cordate, to 16 in. long, basal lobes nated in mountainous regions of
maturity, rim golden. Leaf: solitary, ers: bisexual; spadix purple, slen- overlapping, silvery dark green with Colombia and Ecuador. They do not
umbrella-like, blade 3-lobed, deeply der, to 10 in. long; spathe spear- light veins. bloom reliably where night tempera-
divided; petiole erect to 12 ft, retic- shaped, reflexed; berries red. tures are warm.
ulated green and white. Photo of Leaves: broadly oblanceolate, gut- Anthurium xcultorum
"Mr. Stinky's" second bloom, inflores- tered; petioles short; in basal FLAMINGO-FLOWER, ANTURIO Anthurium xhortulanum
cence over 6.5ft. tall, May 2007, at whorls; margins entire, undulate. Synonyms: A andraeanum (hort.), PIGTAIL-ANTHURIUM, TAIL-FLOWER,
Fairchild Tropical Garden. Support with rocks or in a heavy pot A. xferrierense. Garden hybrids, A ANTURIO
without soil. The funnel-shaped foli- andraeanum x ?. Evergreen semi- Garden origin, A scherzerianum x ?.
Anthurium age gutters fine debris and water to climbing herbs; zones 10-11. Evergreen herb under 1 ft.; zones
Anthurium includes approximately the vellum-covered aerial roots at the Blooms intermittently when nights 10-11. Blooms when nights are
1000 species of creeping, climbing, base. Use liquid or slow-release fertil- are cool. Regular moisture and hu- cool. Regular moisture and humid-
semiepiphytic to epiphytic herbs izers. Slow-growing. midity. Fertile, humus-rich, well- ity. Fertile, sandy, humus-rich, well-
from tropical America. This group drained soil. Bright filtered light. drained soil. Bright filtered light.
is widely cultivated and frequently Anthurium clarinervium Flowers: bisexual; spadix red, yel- Flowers: bisexual; spadix slender,
hybridized. Most cultivated plants Southern Mexico. Evergreen climb- low, orange, or white; spathe cor- twisted, orange to scarlet; spathe
of A andraeanum and A scherzeri- ing herb; zones 10-11. Blooms date, glossy with a hammered- scarlet to red, recurved. Leaves:
anum are mass-produced clones of warm months. Evenly moist and metal (bullate) texture, red, deep lanceolate to long cordate. A mass-
uncertain ancestry. Forms without humid. Fertile, humus-rich, well- red, scarlet, or white. Leaves: cor- produced hybrid involving A. scherz-
verifiable ancestry should be re- drained soil. Bright filtered light. date, more or less elongated de- erianum (commonly misspelled
ferred to respectively as A xculto-
rum and A xhortulanum (Birdsey,
pers. comm.). Leaves are usually
entire, sometimes hastate or
deeply divided. "Bird's-nest" type
anthuriums are a distinctive sub-
group with rosettes of large, oblan-
ceolate basal leaves and very short
petioles. Flowers are bisexual,
sometimes scented. In air-condi-
tioned or heated buildings with in-
sufficient humidity, move container
plants outside in mild weather and
mist as often as possible. In warm
climates, grow plants outdoors in
sandy, humus-rich loam.

Anthurium bakeri Anthurium bonplandii var.

Southern Mexico, Guatemala. Ever-
Anthurium bakeri guayanum Anthurium clarinervium
green epiphytic herb; zones 10-11.
Blooms warm months. Regular
moisture and humidity. Fertile,
humus-rich, well-drained soil.
Bright to medium filtered light.
Flowers: bisexual; spadix creamy;
spathe narrow, greenish yellow,
reflexed; berries red on a pendent
stalk. Leaves: strap-shaped, 20-30
in. long, to 2 in. wide, lax, leathery.
Crow this cascading epiphyte in a
strong basket or attached to a tree

Anthurium bonplandii var.

Venezuela (Guiana Highlands).
Evergreen semiepiphytic herb to 6 Anthurium xcultorum, red form Anthurium xcultorum, white form Anthurium 'Midori'
ARACEAE • Colocasia 81

scherzeranum), a Costa Rican species night temperatures than many hy- forms and taxa is still unsettled. In plants will not bloom but also adapts
from montane cloud-forests. Not a brids. temperate zones the ovoid tubers to full sun with adequate moisture.
dependable bloomer where night are lifted and stored indoors in win-
temperatures are warm. Caladium ter. The sap may be irritating. Caladium lindenii
Caladium includes approximately CALADIUM, ANGEL-WINGS
Anthurium hybrids 12 species of seasonally dormant Caladium xhortulanum Colombia. Seasonally dormant
ANTHURIUM HYBRIDS, ANTURIO herbs from South America and the CALADIUM, ANGEL-WINGS, herb, 1-2 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms
Garden hybrids. Evergreen semi- West Indies. Many selections are ELEPHANT-EAR spring. Regular moisture and hu-
climbing herbs; zones 10-11. cultivated fortheir brightly marked Synonym: C. bicolor (hort.). Garden midity during active growth, dry
Blooms intermittently when nights leaves. The leaves are ovate or has- origin. Seasonally dormant herbs when dormant. Fertile, well-drained
are cool. Regular moisture and hu- tate. Markings range from scattered to about 2 ft; zones 10-11. Blooms soil; slightly acid pH. Full sun to
midity. Fertile, sandy, humus-rich, spots to mottled color zones. Flow- warm months. Regular moisture part shade. Flowers: unisexual;
well-drained soil. Bright filtered ers are unisexual, the female flow- and humidity during active growth, spadix green; spathe white. Leaves:
light. Flowers: bisexual; spadix vari- ers below, male above on the same dry when dormant. Fertile, well- sagittate; veins white, midvein
ously colored depending on ances- inflorescence (monoecious). The drained soil; slightly acid pH. Full hairy; petiole attached to margin,
try; spathe in various shapes and sheathing spathe enfolds the spadix sun to part shade. Flowers: unisex- not peltate.
colors depending on ancestry. and is constricted below the mid- ual; spadix green or white; spathe
Leaves: mostly hastate. These hy- dle. Cultivated plants of uncertain greenish white or variously spotted, Colocasia
brids may involve A. andraeanum. ancestry involving C. bicolor should constricted near the middle. Colocasia includes approximately 6
'Midori' is known as green goddess be referred to collectively as C xhor- Leaves: hastate to lanceolate, green species of evergreen and season-
anthurium. 'Obake' has a multicol- tulanum (Birdsey, pers. comm.). variously marked red and white, ally dormant herbs from tropical
ored, hastate spathe. 'Trinidad' is a The genus has been revised several usually peltate. Excellent for color in America, India, Southeast Asia, and
better bloomer in areas with warm times, but the standing of various shady spots where many flowering peninsular Malaysia. The number
of species has not been firmly es-
tablished. Plants range from small
and stemless to treelike (arbores-
cent). Petioles are attached to the
lower surface of the blade (peltate),
which helps distinguish these
species from Alocasia, but some
Alocasia species have peltate leaves
at least when young. The starchy
tubers and young leaves of taro, C
esculenta, are important food sta-
ples in Asia and the Pacific Islands.
The tubers must be properly pre-
pared and cooked before eating.
These humble tubers have arrived
on mainland U.S. supermarket
shelves as overpriced "exotic"
chips. Taro starch is used in plastic
grocery bags to improve biodegrad-
Anthurium 'Obake' Anthurium Trinidad Anthurium xhortulanum
ability. Numerous selections are
cultivated for their fancy foliage.
Distributed with prehistoric human
interisland migrations, taro pre-
ceded rice as the basic staple in
tropical Asia and Oceania. It is a
variable cultigen. Wild populations
are probably reintroductions.

Colocasia esculenta
Synonyms: Colocasia antiquorum,
Caladium esculentum. Exact origin
obscure (probably mainland and
maritime Southeast Asia); widely
cultivated. Semiaquatic herb to 4
ft.; zones 8-11. Blooms intermit-
tently in warm months. Evenly
Caladium xhortulanum Caladium lindenii Colocasia esculenta 'Black Knight' moist and humid or aquatic. Fer-
82 ARACEAE • Colocasia

tile, well-drained soil; slightly acid prickles. Flowers are bisexual. The of evergreen herbs from Central ancestry. Evergreen herbs to about
pH. Full sun. Flowers: unisexual; spathe is hooded, purple to white, and northern South America and 4 ft.; zones 10-11. Bloom spring.
spathe greenish white, inflated at sometimes narrowly elongated. the West Indies. They have cane- Regular moisture and humidity
the base; inflorescence on a short These are plants of moist rain for- like, unbranched stems. Many when warm, drier when cool. Fer-
stalk (stipe). Leaves: hastate, blade est and wetlands. They are quite fancy-leafed cultivars exist, gener- tile, well-drained soil. Bright filtered
tilted forward (deflexed), peltate. cold-sensitive. ally of uncertain ancestry, with bold light. Flowers: unisexual; spathe
The large tubers are edible when green-and-white markings. The greenish to white. Leaves: elliptic,
cooked, Confne to containers and en- Cyrtosperma johnstonii lower half of the petiole sheathes variously mottled white, cream,
closed water gardens. Do not plant in Indomalaysia to the South Pacific the stem. Older leaves are shed re- and light and dark green; margins
open bodies of water where they can islands. Evergreen climbing herb; vealing an erect, canelike stalk (this usually green. Cultivars have various
become invasive. zone 11. Blooms intermittently. helps distinguish them from leaf patterns. They are sometimes
Moist to wet, humid. Fertile, aglaonemas). If stems become tall used as foliage in florists' arrange-
Cyrtosperma humus-rich soil. Bright filtered and ungainly, the cane can be cut ments.
Cyrtosperma includes approxi- light. Flowers: bisexual. Leaves: and rooted. Flowers are unisexual.
mately 12 species of evergreen hastate, basal lobes pointed, green The lower half of the spathe is Dracontium
herbs from Malaysia, Indonesia, with red veins; petiole and under- fused to the female section of the Dracontium includes approximately
the Philippines, and New Guinea. side of veins prickled. Suitable for spadix. The upper half is hooded, 23 seasonally dormant herbs from
Species range from creepers to growing in shallow ponds. Unusual in reflexing when the male flowers Costa Rica to the western Amazon
treelike (arborescent) or climbing. cultivation. mature. A short sterile zone sepa- basin and Surinam. The inflores-
Leaves are simple, sagittate or has- rates the fertile flowers. cence emerges before the leaves
tate, and sometimes divided. Peti- Dieffenbachia These are herbs of moist wood- from underground corms. It has
oles and the underside of the main Dieffenbachia includes at least 50 lands, streambanks, and marshes. usually only a single 3-lobed leaf,
leaf veins are usually covered with (but probably many more) species Dieffenbachias are suitable for con- which is umbrella-like and much
tainers. Though sometimes listed subdivided. The petiole is prickly.
as very cold-sensitive, they thrive Dracontiums are unusual in culti-
outdoors in South Florida in pro- vation but much prized by collec-
tected locations as long as mois- tors of strange and unusual species.
ture is reduced in cool weather. Di- They superficially resemble the Old
effenbachias may have acquired the World genus Amorphophallus, but
name dumb-cane because ingest- Dracontium has bisexual flowers
ing any part causes severe swelling and the spadix lacks an appendix.
of the throat and irritation of the di- Flowers are malodorous during the
gestive tract (but not unique to this short time they are receptive. The
genus). This reaction is due to ox- spathes are stalkless and usually
alate crystals in the sap. First aid is dark in color. These species grow
baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) naturally in woodland understory in
sprinkled directly on the skin or layers ofwell-rotted leaf mold. The
drunk dissolved in a glass of water. location of the corm should be
marked to avoid stepping on the
Dieffenbachia cultivars inflorescence when it emerges in
Colocasia esculenta 'Imperialis' Cyrtosperma johnstonii Selections or hybrids of unknown
Dracontium soconuscum
Synonym: D. dressleri. Brazil. Sea-
sonally dormant herb, 6-7 ft.;
zones 10-11. Blooms spring. Mod-
erate moisture in warm months,
dry in cool. Fertile, humus-rich,
well-drained soil. Moderate shade.
Flowers: bisexual; spadix short,
thick, dark brown; spathe cup-
shaped, hooded, dark brown, vel-
vety on the outside, lustrous inside.
Leaves: 3-lobed, deeply divided and
subdivided, to 3 ft. wide; on an
erect petiole, 3-5 ft.+ tall, becom-
ing larger as the corm grows.

Epipremnum includes approxi-
hia 'Star Bright' Dieffenbachia Tropic Marianne' Dracontium soconuscum mately 18 species of mostly climb-
ARACEAE • Homolomena 83

ing herbs from Indomalaysia to Fiji tralia. Evergreen climbing to semi- spathe mottled gray and white, re- and the Pacific Islands, plus about
and Australia. Epipremnum aureum epiphytic herb; zones 10-11. flexed. Leaves: 3-lobed, the lobes 12 species from tropical America. A
is frequently grown indoors and Blooms rarely. Seasonally moist/ pinnately divided; leaflets ovate to few are occasionally cultivated.
often included in live arrange- moderate. Most soils to semiepi- elliptic; margins with a few isolated Homalomenas sometimes have an
ments. Like E. pinnatum, it pro- phytic. Full sun to shade. Leaves: teeth. Stems: mottled gray and anise (licorice-like) scent. Leaves of
duces juvenile and adult leaf forms. juvenile form cordate, 2-10 in. white "snakeskin"; another form the Asian species are smooth, un-
It rarely produces flowers, probably long, glossy green; adult form has bright green stems. This species, armed, and extremely variable in
because it multiplies so success- deeply and fairly regularly lobed or with pinnately arranged leaflets, is shape, even on the same plant,
fully vegetatively. The common cut (pinnatifid), occasionally with easily mistaken for a woody shrub. while leaves of the American
houseplant is the juvenile form small perforations, to 2 ft. long. Tends to become weedy in amenable species usually have hairs and
with small, heart-shaped leaves. Current revision distinguishes this conditions. prickles. The petioles have sheath-
When plants are confined to con- species from E. aureum (Boyce, pers. ing bases. The stem is very short or
tainers, the leaves do not develop comm.). Homalomena sometimes subterranean. The
the adult configuration. Outdoors Homalomena includes approxi- spathe is cylindrical, almost enclos-
the adult leaves soon grow larger, Conatopus mately 135 species of evergreen ing the spadix.
eventually becoming deeply cut Conatopus includes approximately perennial herbs from tropical Asia
along the margins. Epipremnum au- 5 species of seasonally dormant
reum has been through several herbs from southeastern Africa.
name revisions and is usually sold Their natural habitat is seasonally
as E. p'mnatum 'Aureum'. The 2 moist/dry deciduous forest under-
species are considered distinct by story. Leaves are usually 3-lobed,
current authorities (Boyce, pers. the lobes pinnately divided. Flowers
comm.). The leaves of E. aureum are unisexual, the female flowers lo-
are variegated with bold yellow cated at the base of the spadix and
streaks; those of E. pinnatum are all separated from the male flowers
green. They are arranged in oppo- above by a ring of sterile flowers.
site ranks that spiral around the
stem (spirally distichous). Both Conatopus boivinii
species are highly invasive and con- Tanzania, tropical eastern Africa.
trolled in Florida. Cuttings should Seasonally dormant herb, 4-6 ft.;
not be planted or discarded out- zones 10-11. Blooms spring. Moist
doors. The aptly named devil's ivy during active growth, little when
quickly takes over trees, which can dormant. Average, well-drained
break from the weight, and is diffi- soil. Bright filtered light. Flowers:
cult to eradicate once established. unisexual; spadix creamy white; Epipremnum aureum, juvenile form Gonatopus boivinii

Epipremnum aureum
Synonyms: E. pinnatum 'Aureum',
Pothos aureum, Scindapsus aureus.
Solomon Islands. Evergreen climb-
ing to semiepiphytic herb; zones
10-11. Blooms rarely. Seasonally
moist/moderate. Most soils to
semiepiphytic. Full sun to shade.
Leaves: juvenile form cordate, dull
to glossy green, sometimes
streaked yellow, 2-10 in. long; mar-
gins entire; adult form irregularly
cut (pinnatifid) and boldly streaked
yellow, to 1-2 ft. long. Current revi-
sion segregates E. pinnatum as a dis-
tinct species (Boyce, pers. comm.).
Aggressive wherever cultivated. Con-
trolled in South Florida.

Epipremnum pinnatum
Synonym: Rhaphidophora pinnata.
Indomalaysia, New Guinea, Aus- Epipremnum aureum, adult form Epipremnum pinnatum
84 ARACEAE • Homalomena

Homalomena rubescens sionally break through the other- enough to eat. Allow the rest to ripen tropical America. The genus name
Indonesia (Java), Myanmar wise entire margin. at room temperature. Flavor of means "tree-loving," alluding to
(Burma) to northeastern India. pineapple and banana. the often climbing habit. A number
Evergreen herb to 5 ft; zones Monstera deliciosa of philodendrons are cultivated as
10-11. Blooms intermittently in MONSTERA, CERIMAN, Monstera tuberculatum foliage plants both indoors and
warm months. Regular moisture BALAZOS ("BULLET HOLES") Mexico. Evergreen climbing herb to out. Many hybrids are available
and humidity. Fertile, sandy, Mexico, Central America. Evergreen 50 ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms warm though ancestry is generally un-
humus-rich, well-drained soil. creeping or climbing herb; zones months. Regular moisture and hu- recorded. Juvenile leaves are more
Bright filtered light. Flowers: uni- 9-11. Blooms warm months. Sea- midity. Fertile, humus-rich soil. Part or less heart-shaped (cordate).
sexual, female flowers reddish, sonally moist/dry. Humus-rich, sun to bright filtered light. Flowers: Adult leaves are entire or variously
male flowers white; spathe crim- well-drained soil. Part sun to bright bisexual; spadix thick, tubercled; lobed. Male and female flowers are
son; inflorescence solitary. Leaves: filtered light. Flowers: bisexual; spathe creamy white; on a long, on the same plant (monoecious),
elongated cordate, to 14 in. long, spadix thick, white; spathe creamy pendent stalk. Leaves: elliptic to with female flowers segregated at
dark glossy green, lighter below; white, hooded, to 1 ft. high. Leaves: ovate, sides unequal (oblique), the base of the spadix and male
veins reddish; petioles reddish, to 2 ovate, to 3 ft. long, glossy, tilted for- base cordate, tip acuminate; mar- flowers at the tip. A boatlike spathe
ft. long. The striking red spathe may ward (deflexed); juvenile leaves cor- gins deeply undulate and twisted. completely encloses the spadix,
be hidden by foliage. A few leaves date with entire margins; adult leaf Distinguished by the pendent, upside- which opens only 1 or 2 days for
may be removed for better display. margins deeply cut, with oval perfo- down inflorescence and unlobed pollination when the flowers are re-
rations 2-3 in. long through the adult leaves. ceptive. The spathe is constricted
blade; petiole to 5 ft. long. Com- near the base. Hybrids usually do
pound edible fruits take a year to Philodendron not produce inflorescences. Philo-
Monstera includes approximately 40
ripen. Thefelty "caps" fall away easily Philodendron includes 700 or more dendrons are suitable for contain-
semiepiphytic herbs from tropical
when individual segments are ripe species of herbs and climbers from ers with a post for climbing.
America. They come from wet and
seasonally moist/dry habitats. The
juvenile leaves are simple to lobed.
Adult leaves often develop deeply
cut margins and/or large perfora-
tions within the blade. Plants in
containers usually retain the juve-
nile form. At one time different
species names were mistakenly
given to juvenile and adult forms.
Monsteras are strong climbers,
sending down aerial roots from the
nodes. Climbing is a light-seeking
adaptation that also serves to raise
these plants above seasonal flood
waters. The fibrous stems are tough
and survive cold and even light frost
though the leaf edges may turn
brown. Propagated from stem sec-
tions that include 3 or 4 nodes with Homalomena rubescens Monstera adansonii Monstera deliciosa
a few roots attached.

Monstera adansonii
Synonym: M. pertusa (misapplied).
Central America to Brazil, Lesser
Antilles. Evergreen climber; zones
10-11. Blooms intermittently in
warm months. Seasonally moist
and humid, drier when cool. Aver-
age to fertile, well-drained soil.
Bright broken or filtered light. Flow-
ers: bisexual; spadix white; spathe
white, hooded, falling when flowers
mature, 6-8 in. tall. Leaves: broadly
oblong, to 3 ft. long, tilted forward
(deflexed); blade with irregular,
elongated perforations which occa- Monstera tuberculatum Philodendron 'Autumn Philodendron bipinnatifdum
ARACEAE • Pistia 85

Philodendron 'Autumn' Flowers: unisexual. Leaves: rachis Leaves: narrowly sagittate, to 2 ft.+ or dry wind may cause the leaf edges
PHILODENDRON, FILODENDRO curved, attached centrally to the long, tilted forward (deflexed), dark to brown.
Garden hybrid. Evergreen climbing petiole (pedatisect) to which radiat- green; margins wavy (sinuate); pet-
herb; zones 10-11. Blooms un- ing leaflets are attached. ioles to 3 ft. long. This plant is sold Pistia
known or rare. Regular moisture in the trade as P. williamsii; however, Pistia includes a single species of
and humidity. Fertile, well-drained Philodendron hastatum that species, from Esposito Santo, stemless aquatic herb. Its exact ori-
soil. Bright to medium filtered light. Synonym: P. glaucophyllum (hort.). Brazil, has broader, shorter leaves. gin is obscure. It is widely distrib-
Leaves: elliptic, young leaves cop- Brazil (Rio State). Evergreen climb- Authorities suggest this is a hybrid uted in the tropics. A number of
per; petioles reddish. ing herb; zones 10-11. Blooms in- (Mayo, pers. comm.). names have been applied based
termittently. Regular moisture. Fer- upon various leaf characteristics.
Philodendron bipinnatifdum tile, sandy, humus-rich, well- Philodendron speciosum Authorities now consider all to be
SELLOUM drained soil. Part sun to bright fil- ARROW-HEAD PHILODENDRON forms of the same species. They
Synonyms: P. selloum, P. lundii tered light. Flowers: unisexual. Brazil. Evergreen herb to 6 ft.; a re free-floating, stalkless plants of
Southeastern Brazil. Evergreen Leaves: sagittate, glossy gray- zones 10-11. Blooms warm quiet freshwater. The plants remain
herb to 8 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms green, basal lobes and tip rounded. months. Regular moisture. Fertile, afloat by air bubbles trapped
occasionally. Regular moisture. sandy, humus-rich, well-drained among the leaf hairs. New plants
Fertile, sandy, humus-rich, well- Philodendron hybrid soil. Part sun to part shade. Flow- develop at the ends of stolons cre-
drained soil. Full sun to bright fil- ARROW-HEAD PHILODENDRON ers: unisexual. Leaves: sagittate, ating large rafts. The hairy spathe,
tered light. Flowers: unisexual; Synonym: P. williamsii (misap- tilted forward (deflexed); margins situated in the center of the leaf
spathe white. Leaves: ovate, to 3 ft. plied). Garden hybrid. Evergreen toothed, wavy (sinuate), to 2 ft.+ cup, is only about 1 in. high. The in-
long, deeply lobed, with irregular climbing herb to 8 ft.+; zones 10- long; petioles 3-4 ft. long. Stems: florescence is divided into 2 cham-
secondary lobes (bipinnatifid), dark 11. Bloom rare or unknown. Regu- erect, to trailing in older plants. A bers, male flowers in the upper
green; margins deeply ruffled (sinu- lar moisture. Fertile, sandy, well- compact philodendron used in the chamber, female flowers below. The
ate); petioles short. Stems: erect, drained soil. Part sun to part shade. landscape like a rounded shrub. Chills roots a re fibrous and free-floating.
to trailing (decumbent) in older
plants. Mounding habit. Slow grow-
ing but produces a sprawling stem
with age. These sun-tolerant species
are used like shrubs in the landscape.
Chills or dry wind may cause the leaf
edges to brown.

Philodendron xevansii
Garden hybrid, P. speciosum x P.
bipinnatifdum. Evergreen herb to 8
ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms intermit-
tently in warm months. Regular
moisture. Fertile, sandy, humus-
rich, well-drained soil. Full sun to
part shade. Flowers: unisexual;
spathe hoodlike, white with purple-
Philodendron xevansii Philodendron goeldii
pink margins; at the base of the
leaves. Leaves: to 3 ft. long, blades
deeply lobed; margins sinuate; peti-
oles short. Stems: short, erect, to
trailing in older plants (decum-
bent). Rounded habit. A few lower
leaves may be removed to expose the
attractive inflorescence. Chills and dry
wind may cause the leaf edges to

Philodendron goeldii
Amazon headwaters of Brazil, Peru,
Venezuela, Colombia. Evergreen
climbing to semiepiphytic herb;
zones 10-11. Blooms intermit-
tently. Regular moisture. Fertile,
sandy, humus-rich, well-drained
soil. Part sun to bright filtered light. Philodendron hastatum Philodendron hybrid Philodendron speciosum
86 ARACEAE • Pistia

Pistia is sometimes used in water Pothoidium lobbianum mant or evergreen herbs from trop- Flowers: reduced, on a spadix fused
gardens. Though widely distributed Southeast Asia, Indomalaysia, Phi- ical and subtropical eastern Brazil, along the midline of the spathe;
in Florida since the earliest botani- lippines. Evergreen climbing herb; Paraguay, and Uruguay. One spathe leaflike, elliptic to lanceo-
cal surveys by John Bartrum, it is zones 10-11. Blooms warm months. species is occasionally cultivated in late, on a stalk 8-10 in. long.
nevertheless treated as if it were in- Regular moisture and humidity. shaded locations. Leaves develop Leaves: cordate or with short has-
troduced (Howard, pers. comm.) Fertile, humus-rich, well-drained from a thick subterranean tuber or tate lobes. A low understory plant.
and cultivation and distribution are soil. Bright filtered light to part rhizome. The blades are simple Suitable for containers.
prohibited in Florida. It clogs shade. Flowers: bisexual but func- and hastate. Flowers are unisexual.
canals and wetlands. For control, it tionally unisexual; inflorescence The spadix is fused down the cen- Spathiphyllum
is suitable as domestic forage. En- small, on a branched stalk; berries ter of a leaflike spathe. Spathiphyllum includes approxi-
dangered manatees in Florida feed red. Leaves: oblong, arranged in mately 60 species of evergreen
on it. It has been investigated for opposite ranks (distichous) on Spathicarpa sagittifolia short-stemmed herbs from Central
the production of alternative fuel pendent, slender branches; petiole CATERPILLAR PLANT and northern South America as
because of its capacity to generate flattened, bladelike. Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina. Ever- well as Sulawesi, New Guinea, and
methane gas as it rots. The plants green herb, 10-15 in.; zones 10-11. the Philippines. Leaves are simple
are used to purify water in the Far Spathicarpa Blooms most of the year. Evenly and unlobed. Flowers are bisexual
East because they absorb large Spathicarpa includes approximately moist. Fertile, well-drained, humus- with scalelike tepals that appear as
amounts of heavy metals and other 6 species of small seasonally dor- rich soil. Medium filtered light. green hatch marks around the flow-

Pistia stratiotes
Pantropical. Evergreen herb, 8-12
in. wide; zones 10-11. Blooms
warm months. Aquatic. Free-float-
ing. Full to part sun. Flowers: uni-
sexual; spathe 1-2 in., 2-cham-
bered, greenish white, located in
the center of the foliage cup.
Leaves: wedge-shaped, spongy,
fluted, ends truncate; covered with
air-trapping hairs, gray-green; mar-
gins smooth to undulate, recurved;
in cuplike rosettes that close at
night. Forms large, free-floating colo-
nies or rafts in freshwater. Cultivation
prohibited or strongly discouraged in
warm regions. Genus and species
names allude to the watery environ-
ment. Pistia stratiotes Pothoidium lobbianum

Pothoidium includes a single
species of climbing, semiepiphytic
herb from Southeast Asia, Indoma-
laysia, and the Philippines. It grows
in tropical rainforest understory.
The petiole is flattened and is sepa-
rated from the blade by a joint. The
leaves are somewhat palmlike, ar-
ranged in opposite ranks on pen-
dent or trailing branches. Flowers
are often bisexual but are appar-
ently functionally unisexual. Small
inflorescences are arranged on a
long, sometimes branching stalk.
Spathes are often absent. These
climbers can be grown over a wall,
from a tree, or on a support. Pistia stratiotes, inflorescence Spathicarpa sagittifolia
ARACEAE • Zantedeschia 87

ers on the spadix. A short stalk (or zones 10-11. Blooms intermittent- Xanthosoma maffafa Zantedeschia
stipe) is located between the base ly. Evenly moist. Average to fertile, MALANGA, COCOYAM, YAUTIA, Zantedeschia includes approxi-
of the spadix and the attachment of humus-rich, well-drained soil. Part TANIA mately 6 species of seasonally dor-
the spathe. The spathe is erect or sun to filtered light. Flowers: unisex- Exact origin obscure (probably mant stemless herbs from south-
reflexed. Spathiphyllums are mass- ual; spadix thick, white, taller than northern South America, West In- ern Africa. Inflorescences are often
produced commercially through the spathe; spathe hoodlike, white, dies); widely cultivated. Evergreen used in flower arrangements and
tissue culture. Cultivated plants streaked red to brown inside. Leaves: herb, 6-1 Oft.; zones 10-11. bridal bouquets. Leaves are simple,
represent complex hybrids of un- hastate.Uncommon in cultivation. Blooms intermittently. Regular often with hastate basal lobes.
known ancestry, which are nearly moisture. Fertile, well-drained soil. Spathes are funnel-shaped on long
indistinguishable except for size. Syngonium podophyllum Full to part sun. Flowers: unisexual; stalks and in cultivars range from
'Mauna Loa' and 'Clevelandii' are ARROWHEAD V I N E spadix taller than the spathe; white to almost black or multihued.
among the largest named forms. Mexico to northern South America. spathe white, vaselike, constricted Callas overwinter outdoors in mild
Some are delicately fragrant when Evergreen climbing herb; zones below, to 10 in. high. Leaves: broad, temperate zones if the dormant rhi-
flowers mature. All are well suited 10-11. Blooms rarely in cultivation. sagittate, 2-4 ft.+ long; margins un- zome is protected from freezing. In
to bright shady areas where many Evenly moist. Average to fertile, dulate. Cultivars bluish or white- colder climates the rhizomes are
flowering plants will not bloom. well-drained soil. Part sun to fil- veined. Commonly confused with X. lifted and stored indoors in winter.
tered light. Flowers: unisexual. sagittifolium. These similar species Grow in sandy loam well fortified
Spathiphyllum floribundum Leaves: juvenile leaves simple, has- are cultivated together and hybridize. with humus and keep moist to wet
PEACE-LILY, SNOW-FLOWER, tate, green or variegated with white, Xanthosoma maffafa can be distin- from spring until late summer, then
ESPATIFILO adult leaves pedatisect, the lateral guished by the gap in the blade mem- taper off water to begin dormancy.
Synonym: Anthurium floribundum. lobes 3-parted. Invasive. A controlled brane on either side of the sinus Callas may remain evergreen in
Colombia. Evergreen herb to 2 ft.; species in South Florida. Cultivation where the petiole is attached (Boyce, tropical areas if kept continuously
zones 10-11. Blooms late spring, outdoors strongly discouraged. Diffi- pers. comm.). moist. They are a good choice for
early summer. Evenly moist. Fertile, cult to eradicate because every broken
sandy, well-drained soil. Bright fil- piece of stem sprouts. Commonly but
tered light to moderate shade. incorrectly referred to as Nephthytis
Flowers: bisexual, white; spadix or African evergreen.
cross-hatched with scalelike green
tepals; spathe white, more or less Xonthosoma
reflexed. Leaves: ovate to oblong, Xanthosoma includes 57-70
to 8 in. long or more, dull green; species of evergreen herbs from
midvein lighter. tropical America. They are often
used in landscaping shrubs. Some
Syngonium species are arborescent with trunk-
Syngonium includes approximately like stems. Leaves are simple "ele-
38 species of climbing herbs from phant-ears," with large sagittate or
tropical America. They climb by ad- hastate basal lobes, or sometimes
ventitious roots at the nodes. J uve- deeply divided. The petiole is usu-
nile leaves are simple, elliptic to ally attached to the margin of the
sagittate, sometimes variegated blade as in Alocasia. Flowers are
with white. Adult leaves may be unisexual, with male and female
simple, oblong to cordate or peda- flowers segregated on the spadix Spathiphyllum floribundum Syngonium neglectum
tisect with 3-15 lobes or pinnately (monoecious). Some species are
divided. Container-grown plants commercially cultivated for their
usually do not develop adult leaf starchy tubers, which may be white,
forms. Flowers are unisexual, with orange, or purple. These potato-like
male and female flowers separated vegetables are sold in mainland
on the spadix by a ring of sterile U.S. supermarkets, along with taro,
flowers corresponding to a con- as "gourmet" chips. In the Carib-
striction below the middle of the bean the leaves are also stewed as
spathe. The inflated base sur- "calalou," a catch-all name roughly
rounds the female flowers. The in- equivalent to cooked "greens"
florescences develop from the axils (also seeAmaranthaceae). Malanga
of the adult leaves. Syngoniums are is common in Latin American cui-
invasive outdoors and difficult to sine and in the Far East. It must be
eradicate once escaped. cooked before eating. The sap is ex-
tremely irritating. Handle raw tu-
Syngonium neglectum bers with rubber gloves. The burn-
Synonym: S. auritum var. neglec- ing can be neutralized with baking
tum. Mexico to northern South soda (bicarbonate of soda). Plants
America. Evergreen climbing herb; may become pests in cultivation. Syngonium podophyllum Xanthosoma maffafa
88 ARACEAE • Zantedeschia

low boggy spots in the garden. In Africa; widely naturalized. Season- zones 7-11. Blooms summer. Sea- of shrubs, trees, woody climbers
their native South Africa, they ally dormant to evergreen herb, sonally moist/dry. Fertile, well- (lianas), epiphytes, and rarely
spring up in drainage ditches. Can 2-2.5 ft.; zones 8-11. Blooms sum- drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- herbs, which are widely distributed
be grown in a container with an mer. Seasonally moist/dry. Fertile, ers: unisexual; spathe funnel- but most diverse in Indonesia and
outer container partly filled with humus-rich soil. Full to part sun. shaped, erect; on a tall stalk; spadix the Americas. This family could
water. Change water often. In tropi- Flowers: unisexual; spadixyellow; golden-yellow; fruit a yellow berry. also be more broadly circum-
cal America, they have become spathe funnel-shaped, erect, white Leaves: ovate to sagittate, held scribed in the family Apiaceae
weeds in some wetlands. Birds eat to greenish, covered with felty stiffly erect, dark green, spotted (Judd, pers. comm.). Hedera and
the fruit. Though often called calla- hairs. Leaves: lanceolate, green, not white, to 18 in. tall. Probably a culti- Polyscias are frequently cultivated
lilies, these plants are not related to spotted; petioles long. Thrives in gen. Thrives in seasonally moist trop- as foliage plants in temperate and
lilies. seasonally moist regions. ics and subtropics where nights are tropical climates. Some species are
cool. Hybrids of Z. pentlandii are armed with prickles. Leaves are
Zantedeschia aethiopica Zantedeschia elliottiana also yellow. leathery, often deeply divided or
CALLA, CALLA-LI LY, LILY-OF-THE- YELLOW CALLA, YELLOW CALLA-LI LY, compound and spirally arranged.
NILE, WHITE A R U M - L I L Y GOLDEN A R U M - L I L Y ARALIACEAE Juvenile leaves sometimes differ
Synonyms: Calla aethiopica, Z. Only known in cultivation. Season- A R A L I A FAMILY, G I N S E N G FAMILY from adult leaves (dimorphic).
aethiopica var. minor. Southern ally dormant perennial herb, 2-3 ft.; Araliaceae includes 47-84 genera Flowers are reduced and bisexual,
or unisexual with male and female
flowers on the same plant (monoe-
cious) or on different plants (dioe-

Osmoxylon includes approximately
50 species from Malaysia, Taiwan,
and the western Pacific Islands.
These unarmed tropical evergreens
are unusual in cultivation though
they are very attractive foliage
plants. The leaves are simple or
palmately lobed, the bases often
fringed. Plants are suitable for con-
tainers and Japanese-style land-

Zantedeschia aethiopica Osmoxylon lineare Schefflera arboricola, fruit

Osmoxylon lineare
Synonym: Boerlagiodendron lineare.
Micronesia. Evergreen shrub, 2-3
ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms warm
months. Regular moisture. Average
to fertile, well-drained soil. Part sun
or bright filtered light. Flowers: re-
duced, russet, in flat-topped termi-
nal clusters (umbels); fruit whitish.
Leaves: palmatifid, 5 narrow lobes
cut almost to the petiole; margins
with widely spaced teeth. A spread-
ing shrub. Said to be somewhat salt
tolerant. Suitable for containers. Un-
usual in cultivation.

Schefflera includes approximately
650 species of shrubs, trees, and
climbers, which are widely distrib-
uted but most abundant in the
Americas, mainland and maritime
Southeast Asia, and Oceania. Only
a few species are widely cultivated,
primarily as foliage plants. Leaves
Zantedeschia elliottiana Schefflera actinophylla are usually palmately compound,
the leaflets on short stalks (peti- to 1 ft. long; margins undulate; pet- Average, well-drained soil. Bright mate leaves are also fan-shaped
olules). Flowers are reduced and ioles to 16 in. This erect, fast-growing broken light, part sun. Flowers: in but somewhat folded lengthwise,
not individually ornamental, but tree is slightly salt tolerant. Seeds terminal umbels. Leaves: palmate; the sides arching, with the bases
large inflorescences are showy. In- often start epiphytically in other trees leaflets 7-11, lanceolate, black to congested on a short rachis. Fish-
florescences are mostly umbels or and palms, quickly overwhelming the dark green, midvein light green, ju- tail palms are the only bipinnately
spikes. Schefflem actinophylla is a host. Invasive in Hawaii. Prohibited venile leaflets 6-10 in. long; mar- leafed palms, with a branched
commonly grown, self-seeding pest in South Florida. Removal strongly gins widely toothed; petioles white rachis and wedge-shaped leaflets.
that is prohibited in Florida. The recommended. spotted; adult form with larger leaf- Palm leaflets may be partially fused
seeds are distributed by birds, es- lets. An erect foliage plant, sparsely along their edges or completely
pecially exotic wild parrots. Schefflera arboricola branching, primarily from the base. free, juvenile leaflets are often more
DWARF UMBRELLA-TREE, DWARF Bloom rarely seen in cultivation. Suit- fused than adults. Flowers are
Schefflem actinophylla SCHEFFLERA, ARBORICOLA able for containers. small, in many-flowered panicles.
SCHEFFLERA, Q U E E N S L A N D Synonym: Heptapleurum arbori- The inflorescence is subtended by a
UMBRELLA-TREE, OCTOPUS-TREE, colum. Taiwan, southern China. ARECACEAE spathelike bract.
CHEFLERA Evergreen shrub, 8-12 ft; zones PALM FAMILY The apical meristem at the apex
Synonym: Brassaia actinophylla. 10-11. Blooms winter. Moderate Arecaceae (Palmae) includes ap- of the trunk or stalk is the only
New Guinea, Indonesia, Australia; moisture. Average, well-drained proximately 200 genera of ever- growing point. It cannot be cut
widely distributed. Evergreen tree soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: re- green solitary or clustering trees or back without killingthe individual
to 35 ft; zones 10-11. Blooms duced; fruit an orange berry turning stemless shrubs, rarely climbers, stem, making it very important to
summer. Moderate moisture. Aver- purple-black. Leaves: palmately from tropical and mild temperate select palms of appropriate mature
age, well-drained soil. Full to part compound; about 10 leaflets, 4-6 regions. The architecture of palms height. Palms are susceptible to a
sun. Flowers: reduced, dark-red; in- in. long. These shrubs are popular is elegant and diverse. Though un- variety of diseases and pests.
florescence with longspokelike hedge plants. So far, this species does familiar to many, inflorescences Lethal yellowing disease has devas-
branches. Leaves: palmately com- not seem to be invasive. The varie- and fruit are often highly ornamen- tated susceptible species where it
pound; leaflets about 12, obovate, gated form has irregular cream mark- tal. Leaves are compound, some occurs. Palms often develop nutri-
ings on the leaflets. with pinnate (featherlike) leaflets tional deficiencies in alkaline soils
arranged along a midrib (rachis), and need supplemental micronutri-
Schefflem elegantissima and sometimes with an elongated ents. Photos of the trunks and leaf
ELEGANT SCHEFFLERA, petiole base (crownshaft) that scar patterns are provided here be-
FALSE ARALIA sheathes the top of the trunk. cause they are often ornamental
Synonyms: Aralia elegantissima, Other palms have palmately com- and excellent field marks that are
Dizygotheca elegantissima. New pound leaves, with the leaflets easily observed at eye level. Palms
Caledonia. Evergreen shrub or spreadingfanlike and radiating were photographed primarily at
small tree, 6-20 ft+; zones 10-11. from a disklike structure (hastula) Fairchild Tropical Garden and the
Blooms fall. Moderate moisture. at the end of the petiole. Costapal- Montgomery Botanical Center.

Schefflera arboricola, variegated leaf

Schefflera elegantissima Palm Glade at Fairchild Tropical Garden, Coral Gables, Florida, from the viewpoint of an anhinga
90 ARECACEAE • Acoelorrhaphe

Acoelorrhaphe Acoelorrhaphe wrightii of solitary palm from the Philip- well-drained soil. Full sun to bright
Acoelorrhaphe includes a single EVERGLADES PALM, PAUROTIS-PALM pines. Leaves are pinnate. Flowers broken light. Flowers: unisexual; in-
species of densely clustering palm Synonyms: Copernicia wrightii, Pau- are unisexual, with male and fe- florescence stalk white; fruit plum-
from the western Caribbean, Belize, rotis wrightii, Serenoa arborescens. male flowers on the same tree (mo- shaped, crimson-red; bracts 2, one
Cuba, the Bahamas, and South South Florida, Bahamas, Cuba, Yu- noecious). This popular palm was inside the other, short-lived, papery.
Florida. Adapted to marshy, brack- catan to Central America. Cluster- included in Veitchia for a long time Leaves: pinnate, arched; leaflets
ish conditions, this palm can be ing palm, 25-35 ft; zones 9-11. but has now been returned to Ado- near the base in several ranks with
cultivated in upland areas with ade- Blooms intermittently in warm, wet nidia because of a number of char- long reins, becoming one-ranked
quate irrigation. Leaves are fan- months. Seasonally moist to wet, acteristics that differ from Veitchia toward the ends, held obliquely in a
shaped, the side leaflets shorter or brackish. Deep, humus-rich soil; (Zona, pers. comm.). One biologi- V; tips jagged; crown shaft long,
than those in the center. They are acid pH. Full sun. Flowers: bisex- cal distinction, unfortunately, is gray-green. Stems: base spreading,
held stiffly, often so congested that ual; inflorescence stalk erect, 3-4 ft. susceptibility to lethal yellowing leaf scar rings closely spaced or up
some are turned on edge. Petiole long, becoming pendent with disease. This palm bears fruit from to 2 in. apart depending on light ex-
margins are lined with hooked weight of orange to black fruit; fall to spring. It is called Christmas posure. A cold-sensitive, fast-grow-
teeth. Old leafstalks should not be bracts 3, papery. Leaves: palmate, palm for the baublelike fruits that ing, and somewhat salt-tolerant
added to mulch as the persistent gray-green below, persistent; leaflet appear over many months, not just palm. Because it is highly susceptible
teeth can snag long after they dry. tips free halfway to the petiole; peti- the Christmas season. to lethal yellowing disease, it is short-
Natural stands are characteristic of ole armed with sharp, hooked teeth, lived in affected areas.
the southern marshes of Ever- base not divided. Distinguished by Adonidia merrillii
glades National Park in Florida. In the very dense clumps and congested, MANILA PALM, CHRISTMAS PALM Aiphanes
some countries, once vast stands disorderly arrangement of the fan- Synonym: Veitchia merrillii. Philip- Aiphanes includes approximately 38
have been cleared for farming. In shaped leaves. pines. Solitary palm, 20-50 ft.; species of solitary palms from the
alkaline soils, these palms require zones 10-11. Blooms intermit- West Indies and South America. All
added organics and micronutri- Adonidia tently in warm, wet months. Mod- Caribbean species are now grouped
ents. Adonidia includes a single species erate moisture. Average to fertile, as A minima. These striking palms

Acoelorrhaphe wrightii Aiphanes minima

ARECACEAE • Archontophoenix 91

are heavily armed with needlelike southeastern Antilles, endangered Allagoptero Allagoptera arenaria
gray or black spines which have in the wild. Solitary palm to 20 ft.; Allagoptera includes approximately SEASHORE-PALM
flattened, triangular bases. The zones 10-11. Blooms intermit- 5 species of mostly clustering Synonym: Cocos arenaria. Southern
spines ringthe trunk and line the tently in warm, wet months. Regu- palms from Brazil and Paraguay. coastal Brazil. Clustering palm,
leaf rachis and petioles. The pin- lar moisture and humidity. Deep, Leaves are pinnate. Male and fe- 6-15 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms in-
nate leaflets are in one rank. They humus-rich, well-drained soil. Part male flowers are on the same plant termittently in warm, wet months.
have blunt, jagged tips. Male and sun to medium shade. Flowers: (monoecious). Allagoptera arenaria, Moderate moisture to fairly dry.
female flowers are on the same unisexual; fruit red. Leaves: pin- native to sandy coastal scrub and Poor to average, sandy, well-
plant (monoecious) with male nate; leaflets wedge-shaped, spiny. beaches, is extremely salt tolerant. drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: uni-
flowers toward the end of the inflo- Stems: armed with long spines. Of It gathers sand, building up dunes sexual; infructescence resembles
rescence and female flowers to- moist tropical forests. A very attrac- around the stem, and may be use- an ear of corn. Leaves: pinnate, dull
ward the base. Fruits are red. tive palm for isolated locations where ful to slow erosion. The species green; leaflets in clusters of 3, lax,
the spines do not present a danger to name comes from arena, the Span- sharp-tipped, in whorls around the
Aiphanes minima people or animals. ish word for sand. On firm ground, rachis. Stems: covered with spiral-
COYURE, G R I G R I this palm attains moderate height. ing, interlaced leaf bases. Palmate
Synonym: A corallina. Martinique, Inland species are not salt tolerant. leaf in photo center belongs to neigh-

Archontophoenix includes approxi-
mately 6 species of solitary palms
from Queensland, Australia. They
grow from moist coastal forests to
inland mountain slopes. Leaves are
pinnate and arching. Petioles are
twisted, turning the leaves on edge.
These palms have long, slender
green crownshafts. Male and fe-
male flowers are on the same tree

Archontophoenix alexandrae
Acoelorrhaphe wrightii, infructes- Aiphanes minima, fruit and spiny Synonym: Ptychosperma alexandrae.
cence Adonidia merrillii trunk Northeastern Australia. Solitary
palm to 75 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms
intermittently in warm, wet
months. Regular moisture and hu-
midity. Fertile, well-drained soil.
Full to part sun. Flowers: unisexual,
each female flower bracketed by 2
male flowers; inflorescence lax,

Allagoptera arenaria Archontophoenix alexandrae Allagoptera arenaria, fruit

92 ARECACEAE • Archontophoenix

stalk white, enclosed by 2 papery by centuries of cultivation. Leaves nut, chewed by itself, is sometimes inflorescence resembles an up-
bracts; fruit red. Leaves: pinnate, are pinnate. Male and female flow- used as a toothbrush (Schokman, turned whisk broom; fruit orange.
silvery gray below; leaflet tips ers are on the same plant (monoe- pers. comm.). Leaves: pinnate, leaflets fused al-
sharp; petiole twisted. Stems: slen- cious). These palms, from tropical most to the edge of the leaf; crown-
der, rings closely spaced, slightly rainforest understory, are sensitive Areca catechu shaft slender, green. Cultivated for
stepped. Trunk: base spreading. A to cold. In the United States, they BETEL-NUT PALM, ARECA-NUT, millennia. Possibly a cultigen. Wild
graceful, slender palm. The crown- grow outdoors only in Hawaii and PINANG, BONGA populations unknown. Flowers are
shaft is longer and slimmer than Dic- protected areas of South Florida. In Origin obscure; cultivated from used to make perfume. Cold-sensitive.
tyosperma. Protected in Australia. Southeast Asia, the nut of A, cate- Southeast Asia to New Guinea.
chu is sometimes chewed with Solitary palm, 30-100 ft.; zone 11. Astrocaryum
Areca Piperbetle leaves and lime (calcium Blooms intermittently in warm, wet Astrocaryum includes approxi-
Areca includes approximately 60 oxide) as a mild narcotic. The mix- months. Moist and humid. Fertile, mately 50 species of solitary palms
species of solitary and clustering ture stains saliva red. This practice well-drained soil. Bright broken from tropical America. They grow
palms from Southeast Asia, Malay- fed legends of island cannibals and light. Flowers: unisexual, mostly in moist forest understory. Leaves
sia, India, and New Guinea. The bequeathed Bloody Mary her name male, a few female flowers near the are pinnate. Male and female flow-
origin of some species is obscured in the musical South Pacifc. The base of the inflorescence, fragrant; ers are on the same plant (monoe-
cious). Some species are utilized
for oil or fiber. The genus name
probably alludes to the starlike
fibers arranged around the pore
openings at the end of the fruit
where the embryonic root emerges
(Hubbuch, pers. comm.). These
armed species are not commonly
cultivated though they make formi-
dable barrier fences.

Astrocaryum mexicanum
Mexico to Honduras. Solitary palm
to 8 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms inter-
mittently in warm, wet months.
Regular moisture and humidity.
Archontophoenixalexandrae, inflo- Areca catechu, stem and inflores- Astrocaryum mexicanum, inflores- Fertile, well-drained soil. Full to part
rescence cence cence sun or bright broken light. Flowers:
unisexual, small, brown and white;
inflorescence com pact, branched;
fruit ovoid, woody, to 2 in. long;
bracts one, spiny. Leaves: pinnate,
in one rank, dull green; leaflets un-
evenly divided; petiole and rachis
spiny. Stems: heavily armed with
long spines.

Attalea includes approximately
30-71 species of solitary palms
from tropical America. Some au-
thors divide these species among
Attalea (22 species), Orbignya (20),
Scheelea (28), and Maximiliana (1)
based upon minor differences of
floral anatomy. They are combined
here because they are very closely
related and intermediate forms are
recognized (Zona, pers. comm.).
Leaves are pinnate, relatively long,
and shaggy, in 1 or 2 ranks. Old
leaves are semipersistent, remain-
ing attached to the stem for a long
Areca catechu Astrocaryum mexicanum time. Male and female flowers are
A R E C A C E A E • Beccariophoenix 93

on the same plant (monoecious). zones 9-11. Blooms intermittently. wild and rare in cultivation. Young wild. Solitary palm to 30 ft.; zones
These palms are generally massive, Regular moisture and humidity. palms suitable for containers. 10-11. Blooms intermittently in
slow-growing trees of both dry and Fertile, well-drained soil. Full sun. warm, wet months. Moderate
seasonally moist forest. They re- Flowers: unisexual. Leaves: pin- Beccariophoenix madagas- moisture. Fertile, well-drained soil.
quire plenty of space to spread. The nate, to 25 ft. long even on rela- cariensis Bright filtered light. Flowers: uni-
oil is used for fuel by indigenous tively young trees, tips lax, bases WINDOW-PALM sexual: Leaves: pinnate, about as
peoples and the seeds are eaten by long and broad, persistent for Madagascar, endangered in the wide as long, juvenile leaflets fused
wild and domestic animals alike. many years. Stems: thick, leaf scar
rings undulating.
Attalea butyracea
Synonyms: A zonensis, Scheelea Beccariophoenix
liebmanii, Scheelea phalerata. Mex- Beccariophoenix Includes a single
ico. Solitary palm to 50 ft.+; zones species of solitary palm from
9-11. Blooms intermittently. Regu- mountainous regions of eastern
lar moisture and humidity. Fertile, Madagascar. It is related to the co-
well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: conut palm, Cocos. The seeds of
unisexual. Leaves: ascending. both genera have 3 openings
Stems: stocky, leaf scar rings undu- (pores). Flowers are unisexual.
lating, smooth. Leaves are pinnate, almost as
broad as they are long. The leaflets
Attalea cohune of juvenile leaves are coherent to-
A M E R I C A N OIL-PALM, ward the leaflet tips but free close
COHUNE PALM to the rachis, leaving slits, or "win-
Synonym: Orbignya cohune. Central dows." This very attractive under-
America. Solitary palm, 40-50 ft.+; story palm is endangered in the Attalea butyracea, stem detail Attalea cohune, infructescence

Attalea butyracea, center Attalea cohune

94 ARECACEAE • Beccariophoemx

at the tips, producing a pattern of yellowing disease but is easily con- unixexual; fruit 4-5 in. diameter, re- irrigate deeply once a week. If roots
slitlike openings, or "windows." fused with Latania, which is sus- sembling a small coconut. Leaves: have reached the water table, irriga-
Only juvenile leaves have windows. ceptible to lethal yellowing. The costapalmate, semipersistent, tion is unnecessary. This large, sturdy
Mature leaflets are completely free. deep tap root is sensitive to distur- bases divided. Stems: gray with palm is a protected species. The pair
Reinhardtia also has leaves with co- bance and these palms must be fairly closely spaced rings, base of palms photographed at Fairchild
herent leaflet tips and openings near root-pruned for successful trans- swollen. Salt tolerant. In dry seasons, Tropical Garden survived being top-
the rachis. planting. They are moderately salt
and drought tolerant.
Bentinckia includes just 2 species of Bismarckia nobilis
solitary palms, one from India and BISMARCK PALM
the other from the Nicobar Islands Western Madagascar. Solitary palm,
(located in the Indian Ocean be- 30-60 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms inter-
tween Sri Lanka and the Malay Pen- mittently in warm, wet months.
insula). These slender, graceful Seasonally moist and humid, dry.
palms grow at moderate eleva- Average to fertile, well-drained soil.
tions. They are rare in cultivation. Full sun. Flowers: unisexual; male
Leaves are pinnate. Male and fe- inflorescence stalk black, pendent;
male flowers are on the same tree fruit blue-green becoming dark
(monoecious). The genus was brown, ovate to 2 in. long. Leaves:
named for Captain John Bentinck costapalmate, arching from the
who invented a boom used to rachis, blue-gray to grayish green;
stretch a triangular sail. leaflets coherent at the base; peti-
oles waxy, with clumps of rust-col- Beccariophoenixmadagascariensis,
Bentinckia nicobarica ored, stiff hairs; edges sharply juvenile leaves Bentinckia nicobarica, stem detail
BENTINCKIA PALM toothed, bases split. Trunk: erect,
Synonym: Oranianicobarica. Nico- stout, to 18 in. diameter.
bar Islands (Indian Ocean). Solitary
palm, 25-50 ft.+; zones 10-11. Borassus
Blooms intermittently in warm, wet Borassus includes approximately 7
months. Regular moisture and hu- species of solitary palms from trop-
midity. Fertile, well-drained soil. Full ical Africa and Southeast Asia to
sun. Flowers: unisexual; fruit red be- New Guinea. Leaves are costapal-
coming black. Leaves: pinnate, to 6 mate. Male and female flowers are
ft. long; crownshaft dark green; peti- on different trees (dioecious). Bo-
oles twisted. Stems: slender, green rassus aethiopium and B.flabellifer,
with a white, waxy (glaucous) coat- the palmyra palm, are highly utili-
ing, leaf scar rings widely spaced. A tarian to indigenous peoples. The
slender palm with a somewhat sparse timber is salt-water resistant;
crown of leaves, which are twisted on leaves are used for thatch, fiber,
edge. Salt tolerance unknown; it has and paper; coconut-like seeds are
withstood occasional salt-bearing eaten; and the sap is made into
tropical storms in South Florida as it palm sugar (jaggery), alcohol, and
might in its native habitat. vinegar. These palms do not bear
fruit until they are mature after 30
Bismarckia years or more. The sprouting shoot
Bismarckia includes a single first grows downward for several
species of solitary palm from west- feet before turning up, so the plant-
ern Madagascar. This stocky, stiffly ing hole should be deep, the soil
erect, blue-gray palm of open sa- open. Borassus aethiopium is threat-
vanna is adapted to seasonally ened in the wild.
moist/dry climate. It thrives in alka-
line soil and has become an impor- Borassus aethiopium
tant landscaping palm in South BORASSUS PALM,
Florida but also thrives in California A F R I C A N FAN-PALM
clay. Leaves arecostapalmate. Male Eastern Africa, threatened in the
and female flowers are on separate wild. Solitary palm to 80 ft.; zones
trees (dioecious) and must be 9-11. Blooms intermittently in
planted in proximity for seed pro- warm, wet months. Moderate
duction. Bismarckia has proven moisture. Deep, sandy, well-
highly resistant to pests and lethal drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: Bentinckia nicobarica
ARECACEAE • Brcihea 95

pled and reset after Hurricane An- from Mexico. Leaves are costapal- often cultivated in southern Cali- Brahea armata
drew in 7992. mate. Flowers are bisexual. The fornia and Mexico. They generally BLUE HESPER-PALM,
flower stalk is very long and pen- do not thrive in moist climates. The MEXICAN FAN-PALM
Bmhea dent, up to 10 ft. or more, reaching nuts are sometimes eaten by local Synonym: Erythea armata. Mexico
Brahea includes approximately 16 the ground in some species. Hes- people and are sometimes culti- (Baja California, eastern Gulf of
species of small to medium palms per-palms are desert palms and are vated for the oil. Baja). Solitary palm to 40 ft.; zones

Bismarckia nobilis, costapalmate Bismarckia nobilis, male inflores-

leaf detail cence Borassusaethiopiumtfru\t Borassus aethiopium, trunk

Bismarckia nobilis, female tree with fruit Borassus aethiopium, female and male
96 ARECACEAE • Braheci

10-11. Blooms warm months. female flowers are on the same spathe woody; fruit yellow. Leaves: are usually removed in cultivation.
Semiarid. Average to poor, gritty, plant (monoecious). These palms pinnate, gray-green, arched and Crown in the United States as far
well-drained soil; alkaline pH. Full are commonly cultivated in Florida held obliquely in a V; leaflet tips north as coastal Georgia.
sun. Flowers: bisexual, purplish; in- and southern South America. They pointed or split; petiole edges
florescence pendent, long, often to are hardy, slightly salt tolerant, and roughly fibrous to jagged, bases Carpentaria
the ground; fruit round, speckled. drought resistant once established. persistent. The fruit is used to make Carpentaria includes a single
Leaves: costapalmate, suborbicu- The genus is very closely related to jelly and wine. Persistent old leaves species of solitary palm from the
lar, to 3 ft. wide, 6-8 ft. long, rigid, Syagrus with which it is occasionally
waxy blue-green; leaflets partly hybridized. Do not confuse the
fused; petiole stiff, edges armed spelling of this genus name with
with sharp, recurved yellow teeth, Butea in the legume family, Faba-
bases semipersistent. Stems: erect, ceae.
stocky, to 3 ft. diameter, base
spreading; surface vertically fis- Butia capitata
sured. A slow-growing palm of JELLY-PALM, WINE-PALM,
coastal areas. Photographed at PIN DO PALM
Balboa Park. Synonyms: Butia bonnetii, Cocos
capitata. Southern Brazil, Uruguay,
Butia Argentina. Solitary palm to 20 ft.;
Butia includes 8-12 species of soli- zones 7-11. Blooms intermittently
tary palms from subtropical South in warm, wet months. Seasonally
America. Several of previously seg- moist/moderately dry. Average,
regated varieties and species are well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers:
now considered forms of 8. capi- unisexual; inflorescence erect,
tata. Leaves are pinnate. Male and brushlike, gold to purplish brown; Butia capitata, inflorescence Butia capitata, infructescence

Brahea armata Butia capitata

ARECACEAE - Caryota 97

coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria in pinnate, 8-1 Oft. long, softly arch- the lowest inflorescence has ma- sun or bright filtered light. Flowers:
northeastern Australia. Leaves are ing; leaflets held in a slightly tured, the entire stem dies. Cluster- unisexual; inflorescence moplike
pinnate and drooping. Male and fe- oblique V, tips lax, terminal leaflets ing forms produce new shoots with many pendent branches.
male flowers are on the same tree fused; crownshaft somewhat swol- from the base, but solitary forms Leaves: bipinnate; leaflets fanlike.
(monoecious). This palm is tall and len near the base. Stems: to 8 in. require timely replacement as the Stems: green, with black coarsely
fairly slender with a long, green diameter, light gray, leaf scar rings palm approaches maturity. Caryota woven fibers left behind when the
crownshaft, a light gray stem, and narrow and widely spaced. mitis and C monostachya are the petiole bases split. The only other
widely spaced leaf scar rings. It is only clustering species. They may
very elegant and fast-growing. Do Caryota be thinned to expose the trunk ar-
not confuse the spelling of this Caryota includes approximately 12 chitecture. Of the cultivated solitary
genus name with that ofCarpente- species of solitary and clustering species, nurseries often arbitrarily
rla in the hydrangea family, Hy- palms from Southeast Asia to Aus- refer to short species as C. cum'mgii
drangeaceae. tralia. Some species may represent and to taller ones as C. urens. Other
a hybrid gene pool and their botany solitary species include C. no, C.
Carpentaria acuminata is not definitive. This is the only nymphiana, and C. obtusa. Young
CARPENTARIA PALM palm genus with bipinnate leaves palms are suitable for containers.
Northeastern Australia. Solitary (the rachis is branched). The leaf-
palm to 60 ft.+; zones 9-11. lets are fan-, wedge-, or fishtail- Caryota mitis
Blooms intermittently in warm, wet shaped and pleated with jagged CLUSTERING FISHTAIL-PALM
months. Regular moisture and hu- ends. Male and female flowers are Synonym: C. sobolifera. India,
midity. Fertile, well-drained soil. on the same tree (monoecious). Indonesia, Philippines. Clustering
Full sun. Flowers: unisexual, white, Growth is monocarpic. At maturity palm to 10 ft.; zones 10-11.
fragrant; inflorescence white, lo- these palms begin producing inflo- Blooms sequentially at maturity.
cated at the base of the crownshaft; rescences sequentially from top to Regular moisture and humidity.
fruit ovoid, red; bracts 2. Leaves: bottom over several years. When Fertile, well-drained soil. Full to part Caryota mitis, leaves

Carpentaria acuminata Caryota mitis


clusteringfshtail palm, C. mono- South America. It is a diverse and appear to be self-fertile. Leaves are velop if stems touch the ground.
stachya, has very short stems. variable group of small palms, pinnate, the leaflet margins often Attractive in small groupings. When
which are often difficult to identify. partly or wholly coherent. These this palm gets too tall and leggy, the
Chamaedorea Hybrids may occur in cultivation. reedlike or bamboolike understory top can be air-layered and repotted.
Chamaedorea includes approxi- Male and female flowers are on palms generally prefer bright bro- The base will die.
mately 100 species of solitary and separate plants (dioecious), ken light or bright shade with
clustering palms from Mexico to though some cultivated individuals plenty of air movement, though Chamaedorea seifrizii
some do quite well in full sun. The BAMBOO PALM, REED-PALM
tall clustering types are highly rec- Synonyms: C. donnell-smithii, C.
ommended for screening in narrow erumpens. Honduras, Guatemala,
spaces with minimal footing. They endangered in the wild. Clustering
can be very effective as privacy palm to 12 ft.+; zones 10-11.
hedges and to hide ugly walls or Blooms intermittently in warm, wet
deter graffiti. They grow relatively months. Seasonally moist/dry. Av-
quickly from seed but even faster by erage to fertile, well-drained soil.
division. If stems become too tall, Full sun to bright filtered light.
the longest canes can be selectively Flowers: unisexual; fruit olive-sized,
thinned and the shorter ones will waxy green ripening to glossy black,
fill in. Save the cut canes for natural rachis orange. Leaves: pinnate;
plant stakes. With specimen plants, leaflets in 12-24 staggered pairs, a
the dry crownshafts and lower few of the distal pairs fused. Stems:
leaves may be removed to expose to 1 in. diameter, partly enclosed by
the bamboolike structure. Plants papery leaf bases, leaf scar rings
are suitable for containers. Mock- widely spaced, reedlike. A variable
Chamaedorea metallica, female in- ingbirds like the fruit. and adaptable clustering palm.
Caiyota species, infructescence florescence Forms are now grouped together as a
Chamaedorea metallica single species (Zona, pers. comm.).
Mexico, endangered in the wild. Tolerates dry periods. At least some
Solitary palm, 3-15 ft.; zones plants in cultivation appear to be self-
10-11. Blooms intermittently in fertile.
warm, wet months. Regular mois-
ture and humidity. Average to fer- Chambeyronia
tile, well-drained soil. Bright filtered Chambeyronia includes 2 species of
light. Flowers: unisexual; female in- solitary palms from New Caledonia
florescence a spike, fruit black; in Melanesia. Leaves are pinnate.
male inflorescence branched. Petiole bases expand into a long
Leaves: pinnate; leaflets 6-10, crownshaft. New leaves open rus-
mostly fused, dark green, often set-red. Male and female flowers
with a silvery or bronze sheen, clus- are on the same plant (monoe-
tered at the end of the stem. Stems: cious). These are tall, slender
slender, flexible, nodes circled by palms with spreading bases. They
stubby aerial roots. Roots will de- are tender when young but more
cold tolerant as they mature. They
are unusual in cultivation.

Chambeyronia macrocarpa
New Caledonia (New Hebrides).
Solitary palm, 50-60 ft.; zones
10-11. Blooms intermittently in
warm, wet months. Regular mois-
ture and humidity. Fertile, well-
drained soil. Full sun, bright filtered
light when young. Flowers: unisex-
ual, pink; fruit small, scarlet.
Leaves: pinnate, slightly drooping,
crownshaft long, dark green; young
leaves russet-red. Stems: slender
with prominent, closely spaced leaf
scar rings. This sparsely leafed palm
comes from moist tropical forest up
Chamaedorea seifrizii Chamaedorea seifrizii, fruit to 3000ft. elevation. Shelter young
A R E C A C E A E - Coccothrinax 99

plants from cold. A slow-growing flora, especially areas with lime- These palms tolerate brief freezing tached directly to the stem. These
palm producing only a few, but strik- stone soils, including 2 species in temperatures with minimal dam- palms require only minimal care.
ing, new leaves each year. South Florida. Leaves are palmate age. Stems and leaf bases are en- They are resistant to lethal yellow-
with a raised hastula. Flowers may meshed in finely to coarsely woven ing disease.
Coccothrinax be bisexual, or unisexual with male or tangled fibers distinctive to each
Coccothrinax includes 14-50 and female flowers on the same species. When the old fiber comes Coccothrinax argentata
species of mostly solitary, small plant (monoecious). The inflores- loose, it can be used as a natural FLORIDA SILVER PALM, SILVER-TOP
palms from the West Indies. This cence is creamy white, the fruit medium for potted epiphytes. Or- Synonym: Thrinaxgarberi. Southern
group is typical of the Caribbean black (Thrinax has white fruit). chids and bromeliads thrive at- peninsular Florida, Florida Keys,
Bahamas. Solitary palm, 2-20 ft.;
zones 9-11. Blooms intermittently
in warm, wet months. Seasonally
moist/dry. Average, well-drained
soil; alkaline pH. Full sun to bright
broken light. Flowers: unisexual.
Leaves: palmate, light green above,
silvery below; leaflets narrow, free
almost to the hastula, tips lax; peti-
ole thin, base not divided, spine-
less. A slow-growing palm endemic
to oolite limestone strands and pine
forests of southern Florida. Small on
the mainland; rarely to 20-30ft. in
the Florida Keys and the Bahamas.
Salt tolerant. Difficult to transplant

Coccothrinax argentea
Hispaniola. Solitary palm to 30 ft.;
zones 9-11. Blooms intermittently
in warm, wet months. Seasonally
Chambeyronia macrocarpa, juvenile Coccothrinax argentata moist/dry. Average, well-drained
soil; alkaline pH. Full to part sun.
Flowers: unisexual. Leaves: pal-
mate, dark green above, slightly sil-
very below. A slender palm, typically
taller and faster growing than C. ar-
gentata, leaflets broader and not as
silvery below. A salt-tolerant coastal

Coccothrinax barbadensis
Synonyms: C. dussiana, Thrinax bar-
badensis. Barbados. Solitary palm
to 40 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms inter-
mittently in warm, wet months.
Seasonally moist/dry. Average,
well-drained soil; alkaline pH. Full
sun to bright filtered light. Flowers:
bisexual, inflorescence creamy
white. Leaves: palmate, younger
leaves often completely circular,
3-5 ft. wide; older leaves subcircu-
lar, 2-3 ft. wide; leaflets partly
fused, drooping, underside some-
what silvery; hastula yellowish,
hornlike; bases wrapped in gauzy
Coccothrinax argentea Coccothrinax barbadensis fiber. Stems: 8-10 in. thick, base
100 ARECACEAE • Coccothr'max

develops a boss of aerial roots. Rel- the leaf bases. The olderfbers are the tropics, coconut milk is added Cocos nucifera 'Malayan
atively fast-growing. Leaves below the sometimes blown away In tropical to rice, soups, and curries. Dwarf7
tree canopy may be quite large, a storms. Subsp. brevicrinis has short In the 1960s lethal yellowing dis- GOLDEN COCONUT,
light gathering adaptation. Heavily fbers. ease, an untreatable plant malady, MALAYAN DWARF COCONUT,
self-seeding, often producing dense devastated commercial plantations COCOTEROAMARILLO

clumps of individual palms. Salt tol- Cocos of'Panama Tall' and 'Jamaica Tall' Exact origin obscure (southwestern
erant. Cocos includes a single species of and other susceptible palms as it Pacific). Solitary palm to 60 ft.;
solitary palm but several varieties swept through the Caribbean. zones 10-11. Blooms continuously
Coccothr'max crinita subsp. originating in the southwestern 'Malayan Dwarf proved highly re- in warm, wet months. Moist to
crinita Pacific region. Humans distributed sistant; it has golden-yellow to moderately dry. Sandy, well-drained
OLD MAN PALM coconuts during migrations, and peach-colored seeds. When soil. Full sun. Flowers: unisexual;
Cuba, threatened in the wild. Soli- the seeds are capable of floating crossed with 'Panama Tall', it yields bracts 2, one small, the other ca-
tary palm to 15 ft; zones 10-11. considerable distances on their the 80% disease-resistant 'May- noelike, woody, and persistent; fruit
Blooms intermittently in warm, wet own. Leaves are pinnate. Male and pan', which has golden to green rounded, golden to peach-colored.
months. Seasonally moist/dry. Av- female flowers are on the same seeds. Obtain certified first-genera- Leaves: pinnate, to 10ft. long,
erage, well-drained soil; alkaline plant (monoecious). The oil, husk tion 'Maypan' hybrids. Second-gen- drooping. Stems: erect, base
pH. Full to part sun. Flowers: uni- (coir), nut-shell, and leaves have eration, open-pollinated seeds, spreading. Moderately salt tolerant.
sexual; inflorescence creamy white. countless uses. Coconut is used taken from a generous neighbor's Highly resistant to lethal yellowing
Leaves: palmate, subcircular; leaf- mainly in sweets in the United resistant tree, will have lower resist- disease. 'Malayan Dwarf' is not truly
lets broad, partly fused, hastula yel- States. Coconut "water" is the clear ance to lethal yellowing. Seeds are dwarf. It just starts bearing fruit when
low-green. Stems: thickly matted liquid endosperm inside the seed. easy to sprout. Lay seed in its husk the stem is about 6ft. tall. 'Maypan'
with tangled, straw-colored fibers. Coconut "milk" is extracted by grat- on its side, cover it halfway with is a hybrid of'Malayan Dwarf' and
This subspecies is easily recognized by ing the nut-meat, adding hot water, humus-rich soil, and keep it moist. 'Panama Tall' and the seeds may be
the abundant tangle offiber among and straining out the milky fluid. In golden or green.

Coccothrimax barbadensis, inflorescence

Coccothrimax barbadensis, leaf has-

tula detail Coccothrimax crinita subsp. crinita Cocos nucifera 'Maypan'
A R E C A C E A E - Copernicia 101

Cocos nucifera 'Panama Tall often sharply toothed. Flowers are leaf scar rings almost impercepti- Unusual but highly recommended for
COCONUT PALM, COCOTERO bisexual, on long, branched stalks ble, vascular bundle scars dot the landscaping.
Exact origin obscure (probably that stick out horizontally between surface; aerial roots protrude near
eastern Africa to the Pacific Is- and below the leaves. These stately base. This is a majestic, slow-growing Copernicia hospita
lands). Solitary palm to 60 ft.; palms are disease resistant and ex- palm of dry savanna and open wood- Cuba. Solitary palm to 25 ft.; zones
zones 10-11. Blooms continuously ceptionally handsome. They are un- lands with a clean, straight trunk. 10-11. Blooms continuously in
in warm, wet months. Moist to derutilized in cultivation but highly
moderately dry. Sandy, well-drained recommended.
soil. Full sun. Flowers: unisexual;
bracts 2, one small, the other Copernicia baileyana
canoelike, woody and persistent, BAILEY PALM

fruit 3-angled, green. Leaves: pin- Cuba, West Indies. Solitary palm
nate, to 10 ft. long, drooping. to 50 ft. or more; zones 10-11.
Stems: gracefully swayed. This palm Blooms continuously in warm, wet
is the epitome of tropical island flora, months. Moderate moisture to
growing right on the sand dunes. It fairly dry. Fertile, well-drained soil.
has mostly succumbed in areas with Full sun. Flowers: bisexual; inflores-
lethal yellowing disease. cences emerging laterally between
the leaves. Leaves: palmate, stiff,
Copernicia clustered at the crown; leaflets
Copernicia includes 25-30 species mostly fused, free only at the tips;
of usually solitary palms from the petioles short, waxy, toothed, per-
Caribbean and South America. sisting for a relatively short time. Cocos nucifera 'Malayan Dwarf,
Leaves are palmate, the petioles Stems: columnar, concrete gray, mature fruit Copernicia baileyana, trunk detail

Cocos nucifera 'Panama Tall' Copernicia baileyana

102 ARECACEAE • Copernicia

warm, wet months. Moderate mois- persistent for several years. Leaf in windstorms or spoiled by overly fas- Corypha umbraculifera
ture to fairly dry. Fertile, well-drained scar rings on older trees are raised, tidious landscapers. Old leaves pro- TALIPOT PALM, TALIPOTE
soil. Full sun. Flowers: bisexual; in- undulating, and ridged with traces vide hiding places for birds. Southern India, Sri Lanka. Solitary
florescence stalks very long, droop- of fiber. The erect stem is not as stocky monocarpic palm to 75 ft. or more;
ing, emerging from between the as C. baileyana and is often partly cov- Corypha zones 10-11. Blooms at maturity.
leaves. Leaves: palmate, waxy gray- ered by persistent leaf bases. Corypha includes 6-8 species of Moderate moisture to seasonally
green; petioles toothed, bases long, solitary palms from tropical Asia to wet, humid. Fertile, well-drained
Copemicia macroglossa Australia. Leaves are costapalmate. soil. Full sun. Flowers: unisexual;
PETTICOAT PALM Male and female flowers are on the inflorescence erect, much
Synonym: C torreana. Cuba. Soli- same plant (monoecious). Cory- branched, to 20 ft. Leaves: costa-
tary palm to 25 ft; zones 10-11. phas flower only once before dying palmate, undulating, to 15 ft. long,
Blooms almost constantly in warm, (monocarpic) but certainly go out 12 ft. wide; leaflets broad, partly
wet months. Moderate moisture to with a flourish. Corypha umbraculif- fused, tips blunt; petiole toothed,
fairly dry. Fertile, well-drained soil. era, the talipot palm, reaches matu- bases semipersistent. Leaf scar
Full sun. Flowers: bisexual, creamy rity after 30-40 years. It then pro- rings on the stem are closely
white; inflorescences protrude duces a towering inflorescence, 20 spaced. A slow-growing palm of open
from between the leaves. Leaves: ft. or more above the crown, the lar- areas and floodplains. Rare in cultiva-
palmate, rigid, arranged spirally gest in nature, and about a quarter tion in the United States.
around the crown; leaflets with million seeds. The bloom may last
sharp teeth on outer segments, for several months. A close relative, Cyrtostachys
persistent; petioles very short (sub- the gebang palm, C. utan (syn. C. Cyrtostachys includes approxi-
sessile). The almost stalkless leaves elata), is native from Southeast mately 8 species of solitary and
create a dense, tidy skirt completely Asia to Australia and has narrower clustering palms from Malaysia to
hiding the stem in young palms, leaves. New Guinea. Leaves are pinnate
Copernicia hospita, trunk detail though dry leaves are sometimes lost with long, slender crownshafts. The

Copernicia hospita Copemicia macroglossa

A R E C A C E A E • Dictyosperma 103

crown shaft of C renda may be Cyrtostachys renda are pinnate with long crownshafts. Dictyosperma album
green, striped red and green, red, SEALING-WAX PALM, A twist of the petiole turns the PRINCESS-PALM, H U R R I C A N E PALM
or orange. The red form is more MAHARAJAH PALM blades on edge. Flowers are unisex- Synonym:Areca alba. Mascarene
commonly cultivated, though rarer Synonym: C lakka. Malaysia, In- ual, the male and female flowers on Islands (Mauritius and Reunion),
color selections merit attention. donesia (Sumatra), Borneo. Clus- the same plant (monoecious). This endangered in the wild. Solitary
Male and female flowers are on the tering palm, 10-30 ft; zone 11. palm is endangered in the wild but palm to 30 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms
same plant (monoecious). This Blooms intermittently in warm, wet often cultivated. intermittently in warm, wet
very ornamental palm is much ad- months. Moist to wet, humid. Fer-
mired by collectors, but its sensitiv- tile soil. Full sun to bright filtered
ity to cold has kept it from becom- light. Flowers: unisexual; fruit
ing more common in cultivation black. Leaves: pinnate, crownshafts
outdoors in the continental United and lower petiole bright green to
States. It is suitable for containers. glossy red. Stems: slender. A highly
ornamental, slow-growing palm of
Cyrtostachys glauca tropical rainforest and wetlands.
Papua New Guinea. Clustering Cold-sensitive and often grown in
palm to 30 ft., generally smaller in warm greenhouses or in containers
cultivation; zones 10-11. Bloom in- that can be moved indoors when
termittently in warm, wet months. chilly.
Moist to wet, humid. Fertile, well-
drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- Dictyosperma
ers: unisexual; fruit black. Leaves: Dictyosperma includes a single
pinnate, slender crownshafts gray- species of solitary palm from the
green; lower petiole gray-green Mascarene Islands (in the Indian Cyrtostachys renda, red crown shaft
(glaucous). Stems: slender. Ocean off eastern Africa). Leaves Cyrtostachys renda detail

Corypha umbraculifera Cyrtostachys glauca

104 A R E C A C E A E • Dictyosperma

months. Moderate moisture and green; petioles twisted, turning the Dypsis branched stalks. Leaves: pinnate,
humidity. Fertile, well-drained soil. ends of the leaves on edge. Stems: Dypsis includes approximately 150 10 ft.+ long, ascending and arching
Full to part sun. Flowers: unisexual; base spreading, leaf scar rings species of solitary and clustering in an acute V; leaflets linear, bluish
bracts thin, double, one inside the closely spaced, cut by vertical fis- palms from Madagascar and the gray, lower leaflets much elongated
other; inflorescence stalk branched. sures. Crownshaft reddish brown in neighboring Comoro Islands. This (reins); petiole covered with stiff
Leaves: pinnate; crownshaft long, var. rubrum. genus now circumscribes species purplish-maroon hairs, bases
formerly segregated into Chrysali- broad, in 3 ranks, persistent.
docarpus, Neodypsis, Neophloga, Stems: stocky, to 20 in. diameter.
and Phloga. Leaves are pinnate. The 3 ranks of leaves are an excellent
Male and female flowers are on the field mark. Fairly common in cultiva-
same plant (monoecious). These tion.

species are often cold-sensitive.

Dypsis leptocheilos
Dypsis decaryi TEDDY-BEAR PALM

TRIANGLE-PALM Synonym: Neodypsis leptocheilos.

Synonym: Neodypsis decaryi. Ma- Madagascar. Solitary, erect palm to
dagascar. Solitary palm to 35 ft.; 35 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms inter-
zones 10-11. Blooms intermit- mittently in warm wet months. Reg-
tently in warm, wet months. Mod- ular moisture to wet. Fertile, deep
erate moisture to seasonally soil. Full sun. Flowers: unisexual.
moist/dry. Fertile, deep, well- Leaves: pinnate; leaflets narrow, lax
drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: uni- at the tips; crownshaft covered with
sexual, yellow-green; fruit round, stiff brown hairs. Stems: thickly cov-
blue-green, waxy (glaucous), on ered with white wax when young,
Dictyosperma album, inflorescence Dypsis decaryi, infructescence obliquely erect, yellowish green leaf scar rings chocolate brown. A

Dictyosperma album Dypsis decaryi

ARECACEAE • Elaeis 105

striking, erect palm. Unusual in culti- nomers die hard. The leaves have a pared and packaged foods, cooking Elaeis guineensis
vation. This swamp native thrives in naturally yellowish hue. The dense oils, soaps, and cosmetics. Elaeis AFRICAN OIL-PALM,
wet conditions and in upland loca- clusters can be thinned to expose the oleifera, from northern South Amer- PALMA AFRICANA
tions with adequate moisture. Cold- canelike stems. ica to Costa Rica, is known as the Synonyms: E. madagascariensis, E.
sensitive. For protected sites. American oil-palm, palmiche, or melanococca. Tropical Africa; widely
Elaeis coquito ("little coconut"). cultivated and naturalized. Solitary

Dypsis lutescens Elaeis includes 2 species of solitary

YELLOW BUTTERFLY PALM, palms, one from Africa and the
BAMBOO PALM other from tropical America.
Synonyms: Areca lutescens (misap- Leaves are pinnate. Male and fe-
plied), Chrysalidocarpus lutescens. male flowers are on separate inflo-
Madagascar. Clustering palm, rescences on the same tree (mo-
15-30 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms in- noecious). These palms ultimately
termittently late spring, summer. become very large and need con-
Moderate moisture to seasonally siderable room for spread. Local
moist in summer, drier in winter. people use palm oil from the seed
Average, well-drained soil. Full to for lighting and cooking fuel. The
part sun. Flowers: unisexual, fruit palms are grown in plantations in
purple-black. Leaves: pinnate, yel- Africa where the rain forest has
low-green, arching; leaflets many, been dozed. The nuts are harvested
narrow, held in a V. Stems: bam- as a commercial crop. In the
boolike. This common palm is still United States, this highly saturated
often referred to as areca palm be- oil (the most serious contributor to
cause it was long ago mistakenly at- blood vessel blockage) can be
tached to that genus. Some mis- found in some margarines, pre- Dypsis leptocheilos, trunk detail Elaeis guineensis, trunk detail

Dypsis leptocheilos Dypsis lutescens

106 ARECACEAE - Elaeis

palm, 40-80 ft; zones 10-11. common in general cultivation, shape with age. The stocky, bulging gascar, the Arabian Peninsula, and
Blooms intermittently in warm, wet though they are very popular trunk and relatively few leaves are dis- India. Some species are difficult to
months. Moist and humid. Fertile, among palm enthusiasts. Trunks of tinctive. Drought tolerant. distinguish. Leaves are costapal-
well-drained or wet soil. Full sun. H. lagenicaulis and H. verschaffeltii mate. Male and female flowers are
Flowers: unisexual, female flowers are notable for their distinctively Hyophorbe verschaffeltii on different trees (dioecious). The
in clustered inflorescences, male swelling profiles. The lesser-known S P I N D L E PALM fruits are used for animal feed and
flowers in spikes; spathes 2, papery. species have straight trunks. The Mascarene Islands, endangered in oil, the leaves for thatch and bas-
Leaves: pinnate; leaflets dull green, species here are very ornamental, the wild. Solitary palm to 35 ft.;
lax; petiole bases broad with sharp- adaptable, and salt tolerant. They zones 10-11. Blooms intermittently
edged, semipersistent bases. are endangered in the wild. in warm, wet months. Seasonally
Stems: gray, leaf scar rings undu- moist/dry. Average, well-drained
late, base spreading. A stocky palm Hyophorbe lagenicaulis soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: uni-
of rainforest and moist riverbanks. BOTTLE-PALM sexual. Leaves: pinnate, erect;
The crown is rounded, green leaves Mascarene Islands, endangered in crownshaft abruptly swelling at the
filing the upper hemisphere, dry ones the wild. Solitary palm to 35 ft; base, bluish gray, purplish at the
filing in the lower half zones 10-11. Blooms intermit- lower edge, waxy. Stems: waxy gray,
tently in warm, wet months. Sea- spindle-shaped when mature.
Hyophorbe sonally moist/dry. Average, well- Drought tolerant. Sugar cane beetle
Hyophorbe includes 5 species of drained soil. Full to part sun. is a serious threat to this palm in the
solitary palms from the Mascarene Flowers: unisexual, fragrant; inflo- Caribbean. It is also susceptible to
Islands (in the Indian Ocean off rescence large, branching; fruit lethal yellowing disease.
eastern Africa). Leaves are pinnate ovoid, to 2 in. long. Leaves: pin-
with long crownshafts. Male and fe- nate, sturdy, rigid; crownshaft blue- Hyphaene
male flowers are on the same plant green, waxy. Stems: swelling below Hyphaene includes 5 species of Hyophorbe lagenicaulis, infructes-
(monoecious). The species are un- the crownshaft, developing a bottle solitary palms from Africa, Mada-

Elaeis guineensis Hyophorbe lagenicaulis

ARECACEAE. Licuala 107

ketry. These palms are probably hot. Similar to but not as blue-gray as
called gingerbread palms because Bismarckia nobilis.
of the gingerbread-colored fruits.
The moist, mealy flesh (pericarp) Licuala
clinging to fibers surrounding the Licuala includes approximately 108
seed is, at best, a subsistence food. species of solitary and clustering
palms from Southeast Asia to
Hyphaene compressa northern Australia, New Guinea,
GINGERBREAD PALM, DOUM and Vanuatu (New Hebrides).
Eastern and southeastern Africa. Leaves are palmate or costapal-
Solitary palm to 40 ft.+; zones mate, with leaflets variously fused
10-11. Blooms intermittently. and divided. Leaves may be almost
Semiarid. Average, well-drained circular, fan-shaped, or sometimes
soil. Full sun. Flowers: unisexual. divided into windmill-like seg-
Leaves: costapalmate, arching from ments. Flowers are bisexual. These
the rachis, semipersistent; leaflets are small, striking palms of under-
held in a V; petiole edges sharply
toothed. Stems: cross-hatched with
divided leaf bases, often branching
(rare in palms). A slow-growing
palm of arid regions but can grow in
moist climates with excellent drain-
age. Salt tolerant. The orange-brown
fruit is turbinate or somewhat cup-
cake-shaped compared to the more
rounded fruit of H. coriacea.

Latania includes 3 solitary species
of palms from the Mascarene Is-
lands (in the Indian Ocean off east-
ern Africa). Leaves are costapal-
mate and bluish green. Male and
female flowers are on separate
Hyophorbe verschaffeltii, stem detail Latania loddigesii, female tree with fruit
trees (dioecious). The palms are
salt tolerant and marginally hardy.
Latania loddigesii is difficult to dis-
tinguish from Bismarckia nobilis.
The stem is not quite as stocky and
the crown is somewhat more
spreading than rounded. A more
definitive distinction is the raised
pattern on the seedcoat of Latania;
Bismarckia seeds are smooth. Lata-
nia is susceptible to lethal yellow-
ing disease and palm bud weevils,
while Bismarckia is resistant.

Latania loddigesii
Mauritius, endangered in the wild.
Solitary palm, 40-50 ft.; zones
8-11. Blooms in warm, wet
months. Seasonally moist/dry.
Average, sandy, well-drained soil.
Full sun. Flowers: unisexual, male
and female on separate trees.
Leaves: costapalmate, grayish
green. An erect, moderately salt-tol-
erant species. Marginally cold toler-
ant. Requires plentiful moisture when Hyophorbe verschaffeltii Hyphaene compressa
108 A R E C A C E A E • Licualal

story locations. They are suitable ual. Livistona chinensis is a com- intermittently. Moist. Fertile, well- scar rings. This erect fan-palm is
for containers. monly cultivated landscape palm. drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- moderately salt tolerant. It is margin-
ers: bisexual; fruit olive-shaped, ally hardy but with some leaf damage
Licuala grandis Livistona chinensis pearly gray, becoming speckled, from frost.
RUFFLED FAN-PALM CHINESE FAN-PALM then completely black. Leaves: cos-
Vanuatu (New Hebrides). Solitary China, Taiwan, Japan (Ryukyu Is- tapalmate, leaflets partly fused, tips Lodoicea
palm to about 10ft.; zones 10-11. lands). Solitary palm, 15-30 ft.; free and drooping; bases semiper- Lodoicea includes a single species
Blooms winter or intermittently. zones 9-11. Blooms fall, winter or sistent. Trunk with close-set leaf of solitary palm from the Seychelles
Moist. Fertile, well-drained soil.
Bright broken to filtered light. Flow-
ers: bisexual. Leaves: costapalmate,
large, undulating; leaflets fused,
pleated, subcircular. A cold-sensitive
species of moist, tropical understory.
Suitable for containers.

Licuala peltata
India, Myanmar (Burma). Solitary
palm to 15 ft.; zones 10-11.
Blooms winter or intermittently.
Moist. Fertile, well-drained soil.
Bright filtered light. Flowers: bisex-
ual; fruit small, on branches of a
pendent stalk. Leaves: costapal-
mate; leaflets divided into seg-
ments like windmill vanes, 2-3 ft.
long; margin notched. The large
leaves of the very ornamental subsp.
sumawongii are 4-5ft. wide and the
leaflet margins are completely fused.

Livistona includes approximately 28
species of solitary palms from
northeastern Africa and Saudi Ara-
bia to Southeast Asia, southern
Japan, and northern Australia.
Leaves are costapalmate. Flowers
are unisexual, male and female
flowers are on the same tree (mo-
noecious), rarely on separate trees
(dioecious), or sometimes bisex-

Licuala peltata, infructescence Licuala peltata subsp. sumawongii

ARECACEAE • Phoenix 109

in the Indian Ocean. Unlike the co- tion. The seeds take 3-5 years to Phoenix Leaves are pinnate, the lower leaf-
conut palm, Cocos nucifera, Lodoi- mature. This palm produces a 10-ft. Phoenix includes approximately 13 lets often reduced to sharp spines.
cea has a thin, dense husk that is taproot that requires a deep hole. species of solitary and clustering Flowers are unisexual, the male
not buoyant, so this palm is proba- The seeds were once sold to palms from southern Asia to the and female flowers on separate
bly not widely dispersed by water. tourists as curiosities. With so Middle East, Africa, southern Eu- trees (dioecious). The date-palm,
The husked seed resembles 2 many requirements and so many rope, and the Canary Islands. P. dactylifera, and its varieties have
fused, elongated coconuts, the lar- years to reproduce, this species is,
gest seed in nature weighing up to not surprisingly, threatened. Fortu-
50 Ibs. These palms are rare even in nately, preserves have been created
botanical gardens. Leaves are cos- in its native habitat.
tapalmate, large, and very broad,
with the sides arching from the Lodoicea maldivica
slender rachis in a deep V. The leaf- DOUBLE COCONUT, COCO DE MER
let margins are fused almost to the Seychelles, threatened in the wild.
ends. Lodoicea bears only 1 or 2 Solitary palm to 90 ft.; zones 10-11.
large leaves at a time while young. Blooms intermittently after 30-40
Male and female flowers, up to 4 in. years. Moist. Fertile, sandy, deep,
wide, are on separate plants (dioe- well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers:
cious). Lodoicea maldivica is an ex- unisexual. Leaves: costapalmate, to
ceptionally slow-growing palm that 12 ft. wide (twice as wide as long);
may take several hundred years to gracefully arching from the rachis;
reach full height. Flowering begins leaflet margins fused to within a
after 30-40 years. Trees of both few inches of the edge; petiole to 20
sexes must be grown in proximity ft. long when mature. Rare in culti-
for pollination and seed produc- vation. Livistona chinensis, infructescence Livistona chinensis, stem detail

Livistona chinensis Lodoicea maldivica, juvenile

110 ARECACEAE • Phoenix

been cultivated for millennia. The in ancient Egyptian decorative art. arid or seasonally moist/dry. Aver- lower leaflets reduced to spines;
fruit has been a food staple in the Phoenix palms readily hybridize. age, sandy, well-drained soil. Full leaves deciduous with persistent
Mediterranean region since ancient sun. Flowers: unisexual; in clusters flat bases creating a spiral pattern.
times. It is relatively nonperishable Phoenix canariensis protruding obliquely between the Trunk: stout, 2-3 ft. thick. Hardy in
and was carried by travelers as food CANARY ISLAND DATE-PALM leaves; fruit dark red, eaten by mild temperate regions. A large, erect
and for trade, resulting in its wide Canary Islands. Solitary palm to 60 small animals and birds. Leaves: palm which needs plenty of space to
distribution. The stately V shape of ft.; zones 8-11. Blooms intermit- pinnate, to 20 ft. long, radiating spread. Moderately salt tolerant. Sus-
the leafy crown is easily recognized tently in warm, wet months. Semi- evenly in a symmetrical crown; ceptible to fusarium wilt.

Phoenix canariensis, fruit Phoenix canariensis, stem detail Phoenix dactylifera, stem detail

Phoenix canariensis Phoenix dactylifera

ARECACEAE • Phoenix 111

Phoenix dactylifera sexual; fruit is the edible date. Moderately salt tolerant. Selections tering palm, 30-40 ft; zones 9-11.
DATE-PALM, PALMA DATILERA Leaves: pinnate, ascending in a dis- are hand-pollinated and propagated Blooms intermittently in warm, wet
Exact origin obscure (probably tinctive V, to 15 ft. long, deciduous, from suckers. Suckers are usually re- months. Seasonally moist/dry. Av-
North Africa, Arabia). Solitary or stumps rounded. Stems: erect. moved to maintain solitary habit. erage, well-drained soil. Full sun.
clustering palm to 100 ft; zones Date-palms will grow in moist cli- Flowers: unisexual; inflorescence
9-11. Blooms spring, summer. mates, but bear fruit only in hot, dry Phoenix redinata erect; bracts orange to yellow; fruit
Semiarid. Average, sandy, well- climates. Susceptible to numerous SENEGAL DATE-PALM golden to orange. Leaves: pinnate,
drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: uni- diseases but resistant to fusarium wilt. Tropical Africa, Madagascar. Clus- 8-1 Oft. long, lax, somewhat
twisted, lower leaflets in several
ranks, the lowest reduced to 6- to 8-
in. spines. Stems: gracefully "re-
cline" away from others in the clus-
ter. This salt-tolerant palm is fre-
quently cultivated. It produces large
clumps. The spines can inflict septic
wounds, a problem primarily for
landscapers. Not recommended close
to human activity unless lower leaves
are removed. Can become invasive in
moist areas.

Phoenix roebelinii
Phoenix reclinata, fruit, with leaves Southeast Asia. Solitary or cluster-
Phoenix reclinata, inflorescence of blue buttonwood, Conocarpus ing palm to 10 ft; zones 10-11.
with orange bract erectus Phoenix roebelinii, trunk detail Blooms intermittently in warm, wet

Phoenix reclinata Phoenix roebelinii

112 ARECACEAE • Phoenix

months. Seasonally moist/dry. Av- native to Hawaii. Rats and other in-
erage, well-drained soil. Full sun. troduced animals that eat the seed
Flowers: unisexual; inflorescences and seedlings, as well as humans,
white, pendent, at the base of the have rendered these species en-
petioles; fruit black. Leaves: pin- dangered or extinct in the wild.
nate, 3-5 ft. long, forming a
rounded crown; petiole edges Pritchardia aylmer-
spined. Stems: covered with knob- robinsonii
like petiole remnants; narrowing at HAWAIIAN FAN-PALM, LOULU,
the base. The numerous whisklike WAHANE

inflorescences are showy for a short Hawaii, endangered in the wild.

time. Primarily a clustering species, Solitary palm to about 50 ft.; zones
but a solitary selection is more com- 10-11. Blooms intermittently in
mon in cultivation. Suitable for con- warm, wet months. Moist. Fertile,
tainers. well-drained soil; alkaline pH. Full
sun. Flowers: bisexual. Leaves:
Pritchardia costapalmate, slightly folded and
Pritchardia includes 25-36 species arching from the rachis; leaflets
of solitary palms from Hawaii and partly fused, tips lax, bases semi-
the Tuamotu and Fiji islands. persistent. Stems: slender, leaf scar
Leaves are palmate. Flowers are rings closely spaced, irregular; base
bisexual. These island dwellers are somewhat spreading. A sparsely
adapted to tropical winds and have leafed small palm. Nuts edible.
fair to moderate salt tolerance. Leaves formerly usedfor thatch.
Phoenix roebelinii, inflorescences Pritchardia is the only palm genus

Pritchardia aylmer-robinsonii Pseudophoenix lediniana

ARECACEAE • Pseudophoenix 113

Pseudophoenix Pseudophoenix sargentii Pseudophoenix vinifera Sandy, well-drained soil; alkaline

Pseudophoenix includes 4 species of BUCCANEER PALM, SARGENT'S WINE-PALM, CHERRY PALM pH. Full sun. Flowers: unisexual.
solitary palms from the Caribbean CHERRY PALM, HOG-PALM Hispaniola, endangered in the wild. Leaves: pinnate; rachis, petiole,
basin and Florida. Leaves are pin- Cuba, Hispaniola, Bahamas, Flor- Solitary palm to 50 ft.; zones 10-11. and crownshaft waxy gray. A tall
nate, the leaflets in several ranks. ida Keys, Yucatan, Belize, endan- Blooms intermittently in warm, wet palm eventually developing a bulging
Flowers are unisexual, male and gered in the wild. Solitary palm to months. Seasonally moist/dry. or bottle-shaped stem. The sap is
female flowers on the same plant 10-15 ft; zones 9-11. Blooms in-
(monoecious), or sometimes bi- termittently in warm, wet months.
sexual. The trunk may be swollen Seasonally moist/dry. Sandy, well-
near the base or somewhat bottle- drained soil; alkaline pH. Full sun.
shaped. The crownshaft is relatively Flowers: unisexual; inflorescence
short and often bulging. much branched; fruit in fused clus-
ters of 2 or 3, yellow turning dark
Pseudophoenix lediniana red. Leaves: pinnate; slender leaf-
Haiti. Solitary palm to 40 ft.; zones lets in several ranks; petioles sil-
10-11. Blooms intermittently in very; crownshaft often bulging near
warm, wet months. Seasonally the base, waxy. Trunk: irregularly
moist/dry. Average, well-drained swollen, leaf scar rings closely
soil. Full sun. Flowers: unisexual. spaced. A small palm. Extinct in
Leaves: pinnate; leaflets slender; some parts of its native range. Subsp.
petioles and crownshaft waxy gray. saonae is endemic to Navassa Is-
Trunk: slender to slightly bottle- land, Haiti. It has a somewhat stock-
shaped, leaf scar rings regularly ier trunk.
Pseudophoenix sargentii, infructes-
Pseudophoenix lediniana, stem detail cence

Pseudophoenix sargentii subsp. saonae Pseudophoenix sargentii subsp. sargentii

114 ARECACEAE • Pseudophoenix

made into wine. The top is cut off, base of slender crownshafts are sonally moist/dry. Average, well- Ptychosperma waitianum
killing the palm, and the sap is al- quite ornamental. Trunks are slen- drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- LUCITA WAIT PALM
lowed to ferment inside the trunk. der with widely spaced leaf scar ers: unisexual; fruit red, in clusters New Guinea. Solitary palm, 10-15
rings. Species in cultivation readily below the crownshaft; seedcoat has ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms intermit-
Ptychosperma hybridize and it is impossible to 5 lengthwise grooves. Leaves: pin- tently in warm, wet months. Regu-
Ptychosperma includes approxi- identify open-pollinated seedlings nate; leaflet tips blunt. This graceful, lar moisture and humidity. Fertile,
mately 28 species of solitary or with certainty. slender palm is self-seeding. Distrib- well-drained soil. Bright broken or
clustering palms from northeastern uted by birds and mammals. Some- filtered light. Flowers: unisexual;
Australia, New Guinea, and the Ptychosperma elegans times appears clustering where many fruit dark red. Leaves: pinnate, leaf-
Solomon Islands. Leaves are pin- SOLITAIRE PALM fruits sprout together. Species in culti- lets triangular, fishtail-like, young
nate. Flowers are unisexual, with Papua New Guinea, Australia vation readily hybridize. Naturalized leaves russet-red. A dainty, under-
male and female flowers on the (Queensland). Solitary palm to 30 in South Florida. The Macarthur story palm. Does not tolerate ex-
same tree (monoecious). These are ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms intermit- palm, P. macarthurii, is distin- tended dry periods. The shape and
relatively fast-growing palms. The tently in warm, wet months. Sea- guished by its clustering habit. coloration of the new leaves are very
branched clusters of red fruit at the ornamental. Suitable for containers.
Named in honor of Lucita Wait, a
founder of the International Palm So-

Raphia includes approximately 28
species of solitary and clustering
palms from South America, tropi-
cal Africa, and Madagascar. Leaves
are pinnate, the leaflets arranged in
several ranks. Flowers are unisex-
ual, with male and female flowers
on the same tree (monoecious).
These palms flower once at matu-
rity and then die (monocarpic). The
fruits are sometimes fashioned
into ornaments and beads. The epi-
dermis is stripped from the young
leaves. This raffia "straw" is used
as a natural twine or woven into
hats, bags, and baskets, and some-
times employed as light structural
support in fine garments. Raphia
regalis is reputed to produce the
longest leaf in the plant world.

Pseudophoenix vinifera Ptychosperma elegans

Raphia farinifera
Synonyms: R. pedunculata, Sagus
farinifera, Sagus ruffia. Tropical east-
ern Africa, Madagascar. Solitary
palm to 35 ft.; zones 10-11.
Blooms intermittently in warm, wet
months. Moist to wet, humid. Fer-
tile soil. Full sun. Flowers: unisex-
ual; fruit glossy, ovate, stalks scaly.
Leaves: pinnate, very long; leaflets
in several ranks, rachis orange; pet-
iole bases persistent. Stems: erect,
stout, leaf scar rings fairly closely
set, gray with glossy orange areas.
A large palm with long leaves. Un-
common in the United States. The
name is derived from raffia, the
Ptychosperma species, infructes- Ptychosperma waitianum, new red Ptychosperma waitianum, infructes- Malagasy name for this palm and its
cence leaf cence fiber.
A R E C A C E A E • Rhapis 115

Ravenea diffused light. They require acidic the rachis. This dainty palm is suit- painstakingly cultivated as house-
Ravenea includes approximately 17 soil. In areas with alkaline soil, they able for containers when young. Pho- plants in temperate climates. They
species of solitary palms from should be grown in containers. tographed at the Kampong, Coconut grow luxuriantly outdoors in the
Madagascar and the nearby Co- Grove, Florida. subtropics and tropics as a hedge
moro Islands. Leaves are pinnate. Reinhardtia latisecta or screening plant. Rhapis is partic-
Flowers are unisexual, with male WINDOW-PALM Rhapis ularly susceptible to sucking in-
and female flowers on separate Belize. Solitary palm to 10 ft.; zones Rhapis includes approximately 10 sects indoors.
trees (dioecious). These hand- 10-11. Blooms intermittently in species of clustering palms from
some, feathery palms are unusual warm, wet months. Moist and China and Southeast Asia. Leaves Rhapis excelsa
in cultivation. Do not confuse this humid. Fertile, humus-rich, well- are palmate with partly fused leaf- LADY-PALM

genus name with travelers' tree, drained soil; acid pH. Bright filtered lets. Flowers are unisexual, with Southern China. Clustering palm,

Ravenala. light. Flowers: unisexual; inflores- male and female flowers on sepa- 6-15 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms inter-
cence white. Leaves: pinnate, leaf- rate plants (dioecious) or on the mittently in warm, wet months.
Ravenea rivularis lets mostly fused except for small same plant with bisexual flowers Regular moisture and humidity
MAJESTY PALM slit openings along both sides of (polygamous). Some species are when hot, moderate moisture
Madagascar. Solitary palm, 20-75
ft; zones 10-11. Blooms intermit-
tently in warm, wet months. Moist
to wet. Fertile, well-drained soil.
Full sun. Flowers: unisexual.
Leaves: pinnate, leaflets long and
slender, on one plane. Stems:
stocky, leaf scar rings closely set.
The species name means "riverside."
This palm grows naturally on stream-
banks and should be kept moist at all
times. Young palms are grown in con-

Reinhardtia includes approximately
6 species of small, solitary or clus-
tering palms from Mexico, Central
America, Colombia, and Hispan-
iola. The leaflets are fused along
the edges except for slitlike open-
ings ("windows") on either side of
the rachis near the base. Flowers
are unisexual, with male and fe-
male flowers on the same plant
(monoecious). These palms of
moist forest understory thrive in Raphia farinifera Ravenea rivularis

Raphia farinifera, infructescence on

Raphiafarinifera, stem detail root boss Reinhardtia latisecta Rhapis excelsa
116 ARECACEAE • Rhapis

when cool. Fertile, humus-rich, tips blunt. Stems: slender, bamboo- hybrid of unknown origin with some- fresh and brackish wetlands but
well-drained soil; alkaline pH. Part like. Excellent understory hedge. Re- what smaller, variegated leaves. also thrive in uplands with ade-
sun to medium filtered light. Flow- move persistent dry leaves. This quate moisture. Roystonea regia is
ers: unisexual, white; fruit white, species is fairly cold tolerant. Bright Roystonea fairly drought tolerant. The native
waxy. Leaves: palmate, bright sun or too much or too little moisture Roystonea includes approximately habitats are threatened. Although
green, persistent; leaflets partly will result in dull or brown leaves. 10 species of solitary palms from these monumental palms are often
fused in windmill-like segments, 'Akatsuki' is an unusual selection or the Caribbean basin. Known as used to landscape boulevards and
royal palms, Roystonea species formal driveways, the heavy, self-
readily hybridize and may be diffi- shedding leaves present a hazard
cult to distinguish with certainty in where they can fall on people or
cultivation. Leaves are pinnate with into traffic. The equally elegant
pointed leaflets in 2 to many ranks. Puerto Rican hat palm, Sabal cau-
A long green crownshaft tops a siarum, or the Bailey palm, Coperni-
concrete-gray pillarlike trunk. Flow- cia baileyana, would be preferable
ers are unisexual, with male and fe- in these locations. String trimmers
male flowers on the same plant easily undercut trunk bases. Keep
(monoecious). The fruit is small grass away from the base with a
and crimson before turning black. border of mulch.
The solitary woody bract is canoe-
shaped, to 6 ft. long. Leaf scar rings Roystonea oleracea
become indistinct with age, and the CARIBBEAN ROYAL PALM,
trunk surface is typically covered PALMA REAL

with gray-green lichens. The base Synonym: Areca oleracea. Southern

often develops a boss of aerial Caribbean, northern South Amer-
Roystonea oleracea, stem detail with
roots. Royal palms are native to ica. Solitary palm to 120 ft; zones
Rhapis 'Akatsuki' leaf remnants and lichens

Roystonea oleracea Roystonea regia

A R E C A C E A E • Sabal 117

10-11. Blooms intermittently in cences multiple, at the base of costapalmate, arching from the Sabal bermudana
warm, wet months. Moist to wet, crownshaft. Leaves: pinnate, to 10 rachis in a V, and semipersistent. BERMUDA PALMETTO
seasonally dry. Fertile soil. Full sun. ft. long; leaflets narrow, in many Dry leaves form a skirt below the Bermuda. Solitary palm to 25 ft.;
Flowers: unisexual, yellow-green; ranks; crownshaft long, bright crown. Leaflet margins are partly zones 8-11. Blooms intermittently
inflorescence at base of the crown- green, bulging at the base. Stems: fused. Petioles are not armed. The in warm, wet months. Seasonally
shaft. Leaves: pinnate; leaflets slen- irregularly bulging, often cone- leaf bases are forked, clasping the moist/dry. Average, well-drained
der, in 2 ranks, lax; crownshaft long, shaped at the base. Produces a stem. These characteristics help soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: bisex-
bright green. This species is distin- boss of aerial roots around the distinguish S. palmetto from 2 other ual. Leaves: costapalmate, grayish
guished from the other royals by leaf- base. Photographed at Fairchild native Florida palms: saw palmetto, green; leaf bases forked. Stems:
lets in only 2 ranks. The stem tapers Tropical Garden. Wild royal palms Serenoa repens, and paurotis-palm, leaf scar rings ridged and furrowed.
fairly evenly. Many authors character- can be seen in the southern wetlands Acoelorrhaphe wrightii. Flowers are Somewhat salt tolerant.
ize the leaves as held above the hori- of Everglades National Park, Florida. unisexual, with male and female
zontal, an inconsistent distinction as The Florida population of royal palms flowers on the same plant (monoe- Sabal causiarum
seen in the photo. was formerly segregated into R. elata. cious), or sometimes bisexual. Epi- PUERTO RICAN HAT-PALM
phytic ferns and bromeliads find a Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Hispan-
Roystonea regia Sabal congenial home in the old leaf iola, endangered in the wild. Solitary
ROYAL PALM, PALMA REAL, Sabal includes approximately 16 bases. Hospitality becomes self-de- palm to 40 ft; zones 10-11. Blooms
CHAGUARAMO, PALMIER ROYAL species of solitary, sometimes structive, however, when Clusia, intermittently in warm, wet months.
Synonym: R. elata. South Florida, stemless palms from the southern Ficus, or Schefflera seedlings take Seasonally moist/dry. Average, well-
Cuba, Yucatan to Honduras. Soli- United States to northern South root, eventually strangling or shad- drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow-
tary palm to 100 ft.; zones 10-11. America. Several species are famil- ing the palm to death. Sabals grow ers: bisexual. Leaves: costapalmate,
Blooms intermittently in warm, wet iar native palms from Florida to in open grasslands and pine forest. semipersistent; bases forked;
months. Moist to wet, seasonally South Carolina—S. palmetto is the They are sometimes killed by har- densely clustered at the top of the
dry. Fertile soil. Full sun. Flowers: state tree in both states—and west vesters of "hearts-of-palm," the api- massive trunk. A stately palm with a
unisexual, yellow-green; inflores- along the Gulf Coast. Leaves are cal meristem. columnar, straight gray trunk. Infre-
quently cultivated in the United
States but highly recommended.
Equally impressive as royal palms,
Roystonea, with superior landscaping
attributes including much lower mois-
ture requirements and lightweight,
semipersistent leaves.

Sabal palmetto
South Carolina to Florida, Ba-
hamas. Solitary palm, 20-80 ft.;
zones 8-11. Blooms intermittently
in warm, wet months. Seasonally
moist/dry. Average to poor, well-
drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow-
ers: unisexual, fragrant; inflores-
cence stalk much branched,

Sabal causiarum, stem detail with

Sabal bermudana vascular remnants and lichens Sabal palmetto, stem detail

Sabal causiarum Sabal palmetto

yellow-green; fruit ovoid, black. understory resembles Coccothrinax snowy white; fruit white, about 1 in. the terminal apex is killed. These
Leaves: costapalmate, arching in a with its white inflorescences and long. Leaves: palmate; leaflets characteristics help distinguish
V from the rachis; petiole thick, fiber-covered leaf bases. It also re- fused only near the base, arching Serenoa, saw palmetto, from young
upper side flat, lower side rounded, semblesThrinaxwith its forked pet- from the hastula; petiole unarmed, Sabal palmetto with which it often
unarmed. Stems: thick, erect; leaf iole bases. Distinguish Schippia by bases forked and surrounded by grows. Saw palmetto is a scrubby
bases semipersistent; leaf scar its fruits, about 1 in. diameter, fiber. Stems: slender, gray, with ver- spreading species that grows on
rings narrow, with vertical furrows. much larger than fruits of either tical fissures. A slender, dainty palm limestone mainly in coastal
Fairly common throughout Florida in Coccothrinax or Thrinax, and by the for small spaces. pinelands and open grassland. It is
open areas and pinelands, usually corky texture of the lower trunk adapted to survive periodic fires
taller in the north. Fire resistant. which provides insulation against Serenoa that clear hardwood growth and
Commonly intermingled with fire. Serenoa includes a single species of maintain the pine-palm habitat.
Serenoa repens, saw palmetto, colony-forming palm endemic to the This palm is threatened by develop-
which is distinguished by non-costa- Schippia concolor southeastern United States. Leaves ment and its current popularity as
palmate fan-shaped leaves and slen- SILVER PIMENTO-PALM are palmate. Petioles are slender an herbal remedy. It is difficult to
der, armed petioles. Belize, Central America. Solitary and edged with tiny, sharp teeth. The transplant and slow-growing from
palm to 25 ft.; zones 10-11. petiole base is not divided. Flowers seed. It is moderately salt tolerant.
Schippia Blooms intermittently in warm, wet are bisexual. This palm is slow-grow- It provides privacy and excellent
Schippia includes a single species months. Moderately to seasonally ing but eventually develops a sinu- screening from street noise on my
of solitary palm from Belize. Leaves moist. Average, well-drained soil. ous, semiascending, rarely straight property. Remove dead leaves to
are palmate. Flowers are bisexual. Part sun to bright broken light. stem.The trunk branches occasion- display the graceful trunk and re-
This small, slender palm of forest Flowers: bisexual; inflorescence ally, often producing offshoots when duce fire hazard.
ARECACEAE . Syagrus 119

Syagrus includes approximately 32
species of clustering and solitary
palms from South America, princi-
pally Brazil, plus a single species
from the Lesser Antilles. Leaves are
pinnate, the leaflets grouped in
small clusters, often in several
ranks around the rachis, producing
a plumelike effect. These species
lack crownshafts and the leaf bases
are semipersistent. Flowers are
unisexual, with male and female
flowers on the same plant (monoe-
cious). The queen-palm, S. roman-
zoffiana, is one of the most com-
monly cultivated palms. It pro-
duces a striking inflorescence re-
sembling a long golden ponytail.
Careless landscapers may damage
the buds when they remove the old
leaves. The seed oil from some
species is used in soaps, carnauba
wax, and lantern fuel. These
Schippia concolor Serenoa repens species are susceptible to gano-
derma, a deadly fungal disease.
After infected trees are removed,
other palms should not be planted
in the same location.

Syagrus coronata
Brazil. Solitary palm to 30 ft.; zones
9-11. Blooms intermittently in
warm, wet months. Moderate
moisture to fairly dry. Average to
fertile, well-drained soil. Full sun.
Flowers: unisexual. Leaves: pin-
nate, bases triangular, rachis edges
spined; leaflets slender, in many
ranks, tips pointed. Stems: persist-
ent leaf bases arranged in a distinc-
tive spiral pattern. A source of palm

Syagrus romanzoffiana
Synonyms: Arecastrum romanzoffi-
anum, Cocos romanzoffiana. Argen-
tina, southern Brazil, Paraguay,
Uruguay. Solitary palm, 25-50 ft.;
zones 9-11. Blooms intermittently
Syagrus coronata Syagrus coronata, stem detail
in warm, wet months. Moderate
moisture. Average to fertile, well-
Serenoa repens Rocky, gritty, well-drained soil. Full Starts out creeping but may eventu- drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow-
SAW PALMETTO to part sun. Flowers: bisexual, fra- ally produce an ascending, rambling ers: unisexual; inflorescence pen-
Southeastern United States. Clus- grant; inflorescence yellow-green, trunk. Moderately salt tolerant. Note dent, golden, 3-5 ft. long; fruit
tering palm to 10 ft.; zones 8-11. branching; fruit black. Leaves: pal- the older plant with trunk in back- golden-yellow to orange, to 1 in.;
Blooms intermittently in warm, wet mate; petioles slender, edges ground of photo. bract canoe-shaped, woody.
months. Seasonally moist/dry. armed with small sharp teeth. Leaves: pinnate, arching; leaflets

slender, lax, in clusters of 2-7. Syagrus sancona nate; leaflets in 3 ranks. Stems: Thrinax
Stems: light gray, leaf scar rings Synonym: S. tessmanii. Peru. Soli- spreading at the base. Distinguished Thrinax includes approximately 7
widely spaced. A common landscape tary palm to 60 ft.; zones 10-11. from S. romanzoffiana by the mostly species of solitary palms from the
palm. Marginally hardy and moder- Blooms intermittently in warm, wet solitary, not clustered leaflet bases, Caribbean basin and the Florida
ately salt tolerant. Var. australis has months. Moderate moisture. Fer- the spreading trunk base, and more Keys. Leaves are palmate, the leaf-
a sturdier stem and larger fruits. tile, well-drained soil. Full sun. closely spaced leaf scar rings. lets relatively broad and partly
Squirrels eat the fruit. Flowers: unisexual. Leaves: pin- fused; they are used for thatching
in the West Indies. Flowers are bi-
sexual and wind-pollinated. The in-
florescences are creamy white. The
fruit is small and white. Thrinax can
be distinguished from Coccothrinax
by the forked leaf bases and from
Schippia by the much smaller white

Thrinax radiata
West Indies, Florida, Honduras.
Solitary palm to 30 ft.; zones 10-11.
Blooms intermittently in warm, wet
months. Seasonally moist/dry. Av-
erage to poor, well-drained soil. Full
to part sun. Flowers: bisexual; inflo-
rescence white; fruit small, white,
under 0.5 in. long. Leaves: palmate;
leaflets broad; petiole bases forked,
persistent. Stems: covered with old
leaf bases and matted fibers. An
erect, relatively fast-growing palm. It
tolerates near-freezing temperatures,
wind, and salt. Self-seeding. Photo-
Syagrus romanzoffiana Syagrus romanzoffiana, inflorescence graphed at Montgomery Botanical

Veitchia includes approximately 15
species of solitary palms from Van-
uatu, New Caledonia, and Melane-
sia (Fiji). Leaves are pinnate. Flow-
ers are unisexual, with male and

Syagrus sancona Syagrus sancona, infructescence Syagrus sancona, stem detail

RUSCACEAE • Dracaena 335

ing clusters; margins finely in moist climates with excellent with hooked teeth. Trunk: un- are used as container plants. Some
toothed; old leaves persistent. drainage. Heat tolerant. Irrigate branched, erect, to 5 ft. Striking cultivars probably involve hybrids.
Trunk: stiffly erect, tapering uni- cultivated plants deeply once a globular symmetry.
formly, 4-6 ft. wide at the base week in hot, arid conditions. Used Dracaena americana
when mature, bark deeply fissured. for fiber, thatch, and animal feed. Dracaena Mexico, Central America, north-
Distinctive features Include stiffly ra- Pulp said to be distilled into alco- Dracaena includes approximately western South America. Evergreen
diating leaves and persistent dry holic beverage called sotol by local 80 species of perennial herbs, shrub or tree, 10-35 ft.; zones
leaves. Mature trees develop short Indians. Dasylirions are seen by shrubs, and trees from the Old 8-11. Blooms spring. Seasonally
branches, hikers in the Grand Canyon. World tropics, the Canary Islands, moist/dry. Average, well-drained
and 1 each from Cuba and Central soil. Full to part sun. Flowers:
Dasylirion Dasylirion wheeleri America. These are commonly small, yellowish white, fragrant; in
Dasylirion includes approximately DESERT-SPOON, BEAR-GRASS, used as xeric foliage plants. Leaves many-flowered panicles; fruit yel-
15 species of stemless or short- SOTOL are narrow and linear to broadly low. Leaves: lanceolate, to 1 ft.
stemmed shrubs and small pachy- Arizona to northern Mexico. Ever- sword-shaped, old leaves briefly long, green, clustered near the end
caulous trees from the southwest- green pachycaulous tree, 6-8 ft.; persistent, arranged around of the limbs. Stems: canelike,
ern United States and Mexico. zones 7-11. Blooms spring, sum- straight or sinuous stalks, often ringed with leaf scars, branching
Leaves are long, sword-shaped to mer. Arid. Average to poor, well- variegated with cream or red from the base. Wild habitat along
linear with hooked, sharp teeth on drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- stripes. The clasping leaf bases are rivers or seasonally moist/dry forests,
the margins. The tips are dry and ers: tiny, cream; in fascicles on generally fishtail- or wedge-shaped. at low to medium elevations.
twisted, not spined (Agave and spikelike inflorescence, 10-20 ft. The flowers are small, short-lived in
Yucca generally have spined leaf tall. Leaves: narrowly sword- many-flowered panicles. Relatively Dracaena draco
tips). The flowers are small, clus- shaped, gray-green, tips somewhat slow-growing in poor/dry condi- DRAGON-TREE, DRAGON'S BLOOD
tered in fascicles on tall, spikelike twisted and dry; stiffly and symmet- tions, but moisture and fertilizer Synonyms: Asparagus draco, Yucca
inflorescences. Some species thrive rically radiating; margins armed encourage faster growth. Cuttings draconis. Canary Islands. Evergreen

Beaucamea stricta, a young, unbranched tree Dasylirion wheeleri, with flower spike
336 RUSCACEAE-Dracaena

pachycaulous tree, 20-50 ft.; zones well-drained soil. Part sun to bright common; in clusters, branches white inside, in panicles. Leaves:
8-10. Blooms late winter, spring. shade. Flowers: small, white, short- spirelike. Leaves: sword-shaped, to lanceolate, 8-10 in. long, base
Moderate moisture to dry. Gritty, lived; in round clusters on a pen- 18 in. long, 0.5 in. wide, green with sheathing stem, green, compactly
well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: dent stalk; sweetly fragrant. Leaves: thin red margins. Young stems arranged. Stems: flexible, sinuous,
greenish white, tiny, in large pani- lanceolate, to 2 ft. long, 3-4 in. slender, flexible; older stalks thick little-branched. 'Honoriae' has
cles; fruit red-orange. Leaves: lan- wide, arching, young leaves striped and stiff. Suitable for coastal loca- longer leaves with cream-colored
ceolate, 1.5-2 ft. long, leathery, yellow in the center aging green; tions. Slow growing, little branched. margins. 'Song of India' and 'Song
forked base orange; in terminal sessile, bases clasp the stem; mar- Propagate cuttings directly in the of Jamaica' have shorter variegated
clusters; margins smooth. Trunk gins smooth. Cuttings can be rooted ground. 'Tricolor' is pink and cream leaves.
erect, branches radiate spokelike directly in the ground. Nurseries sell striped; margins red; in terminal
from the top. Orange sap used in large sprouting stem cuttings as whorls. Selections available with Liriope
varnish for Stradivarius violins im- "corn-plants," which quickly revert to varying degrees of red or white varie- Liriope includes 5 species of peren-
parted a distinctive color. A few an- the normal form. Protect from mid- gation. For an unusual bedding plant, nial, stemless herbs from Vietnam,
cient massive trees are left in the Ca- day sun for fresh appearance and set out short cuttings and maintain China, and Japan. These are
nary Islands. Orange leaf bases good coloration. 'Lemon Lime' is a by cutting back a few at a time to 6 clump-forming, rhizomatous
attractive in dry arrangements. hybrid with narrower leaves and yel- in. when they become too tall and re- plants of mild temperate and tropi-
low margins. plant the tops. cal regions. The leaves are straplike
Dracaena fragrans or linear, sometimes variegated
FRAGRANT DRACAENA, Dracaena marginata Dracaena reflexa with white stripes. Flowers are
CORN-PLANT, PALMILLO Synonym: D. cincta. Madagascar. Madagascar, Mauritius. Evergreen small, white or violet, and clus-
Synonyms: Cordyline fragrans, D. Evergreen tree to 10 ft.; zones shrub or tree, 10-15 ft; zones 10- tered at the end of a scape. They
deremensis, Pleomele fragrans. Tropi- 10-11. Blooms inconsistently in 11. Blooms fall. Regular moisture. are often grown as a ground cover
cal Africa. Evergreen tree, 6-15 ft.; cultivation. Seasonally moist/dry. Average, well-drained soil; alkaline or border, and are useful in place of
zones 10-11. Blooms winter. Mod- Average, well-drained soil. Full sun pH. Part sun to bright filtered light. grass around superficial tree roots
erate moisture. Sandy, humus-rich, to bright filtered light. Flowers: un- Flowers: small, greenish yellow, or other areas that are difficult to

Dracaena americana Dracaena draco

RUSCACEAE • Sansevieria 337

mow. Most commercial plants are

mass produced for foliage and
have nonshowy, usually white
flowers, of uncertain ancestry. Se-
lect known species for ornamental

Liriope muscari
Synonyms: L graminifolia, L. platy-
phylla. China, Taiwan, Japan. Ever-
green or seasonally dormant herb
to 18 in.; zones 7-10. Blooms inter-
mittently in warm months. Regular
moisture and humidity. Sandy,
humus-rich, well-drained soil. Full
Dracaenafragrans, inflorescences sun to bright filtered light. Flowers:
small, violet; on slender spikes.
Leaves: narrowly strap-shaped,
grasslike, dark green; margins of
variegated forms white. Suitable for
ground cover and as a border plant.
Blooms better in bright locations with
plenty of humidity. Mondo grass,
Ophiopogon species, are smaller
plants with dark green, linear leaves.

Sansevieria includes approximately
70 species of evergreen rhizoma-
tous herbs or shrubs from Africa,
Madagascar, and India to Indoma-
laysia. These are mostly xeric plants
of dry climates and rough terrain.
Dracaena draco, infructescence Dracaena marginata 'Tricolor' They also thrive in moist condi-
tions. Leaves are thick, fibrous,
sword-shaped to cylindrical
(terete). Flowers are small, borne
on a scape. Rhizomes can become
very aggressive outdoors, espe-
cially in moist conditions, and in-
vade the garden becoming almost
impossible to eradicate. Confining
plants to containers is strongly rec-

Sansevieria cylindrica
Angola, Zambia. Perennial herb,
4-5 ft; zones 10-11. Blooms win-
ter. Moderate moisture to dry. Aver-
age, well-drained soil. Full sun to
bright filtered light. Flowers: small,
greenish white; on tall, spikelike ra-
ceme from the rhizome. Leaves: cy-
lindrical, 3-4 ft.+ tall, with a length-
wise groove on one side, mottled
green and gray, purplish in dry con-
ditions, tip pointed.

Dracaena reflexa 'Song of India Liriope muscari 'Variegata'

338 RUSCACEAE • Sansevieria

Sansevieria hyacinthoides Sansevieria kirkii cultivated genus and includes or- ally twice the number of stamens
Zanzibar, Tanzania. Perennial herb, anges and grapefruits. Rind oils are as petals, or numerous stamens.
LENGUA DE S U E G R A ("MOTHER-IN- 2-3 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms win- used in medicines, cosmetics, fra- Flowers are solitary or arranged in
LAW TONGUE") ter. Moist to dry. Average to poor, grances, flavorings, and cleaning panicles, umbels, or racemes.
Synonyms: 5. guineensis, S. thyrsi- well-drained soil. Full sun to shade. products. Other species are grown Fruits are quite variable. Citrus
fora. Southeastern Africa; widely Flowers: tubular, tube pinkish, for their ornamental and/or fra- fruits are segmented berries with
naturalized. Perennial herb, 3-6 ft.; lobes cream; in floppy heads. grant flowers or as foliage plants. leathery rinds (hesperidia). Other
zones 10-11. Blooms winter, Leaves: sword-shaped, in spread- Leaves are simple or compound types of fruits include aggregates,
spring. Wet to dry. Average to poor, ing clusters of 1-4, dark green or with smooth margins, sometimes capsules, drupes, samaras, and
well-drained soil. Full sun to shade. gray-green, with mottled cream modified into spines. Tiny translu- schizocarps.
Flowers: funnel-shaped, small, spots and a metallic sheen; mar- cent glandular cavities (pellucid
pinkish white; in spikelike racemes, gins deeply undulate, edge pur- dots) secrete aromatic oils and can Calodendrum
2-3 ft. tall. Leaves: basal, 1.5-3 ft.+ plish, to about 1 ft. Rhizomes red. be seen if the blade is held to the Calodendrum includes 2 species of
tall, sword-shaped, stiffly erect, fi- Leaves resemble S. metallica which light. Flowers are bisexual, or uni- evergreen trees from tropical Africa
brous, green, mottled gray-white; has erect racemes of white flowers. sexual with male and female flow- and coastal South Africa. The name
margins straight, reddish brown; ers on the same plant (monoe- means "beautiful tree." Caloden-
petiole channeled; in whorls of 2-8. RUTACEAE cious) or on different plants drum capense is doubtless one of
Moderately salt tolerant. Invasive. A CITRUS FAMILY (dioecious), and are usually radially the most spectacular trees of the
controlled species in Florida. Often Rutaceae includes approximately symmetrical. The corolla consists subtropics. The pink and red flow-
listed as S. trifasciata, a distinct 155 genera of mostly shrubs and of 4 or 5 free or sometimes fused, ers have the serendipitously appro-
species with horizontal chevron trees, which are widely distributed white, yellow, or pink petals. The priate fragrance of a strawberry
stripes and often broad white leaf but primarily tropical and subtropi- calyx consists of 4 or 5 sepals, milkshake. The leaves are simple
margins. It is also invasive. cal. Citrus is the most commonly sometimes reduced. There are usu- and glossy dark green, which sets

Sansevieria kirkii Calodendrum capense, flowers Calodendrum capense

RUTACEAE • Erythrochiton 339

off the pink flowers. The crown is terminal panicles; capsules 5-lobed, and fragrant. Citrus fruits are the pH. Full sun. Flowers: petals white
round and dense. This species is to 2 in. wide, wrinkled; seeds large, primary source of vitamin C in the inside, purplish outside, sweetly
used as a wayside or shade tree in black. Leaves: simple, elliptic, to 7 typical American diet, but only a fragrant; calyx cup-shaped; fruit
the Southern Hemisphere. Calo- in. long, at first woolly, turning few varieties are marketed widely. shaped like a baseball glove, thick-
dendrum is tender when young, glossy dark green; margins undu- Some cultivated citrus are probably skinned with little juice. Leaves:
becoming marginally hardy. Trees late. Bark: smooth, gray, young ancient cultigens with obscure an- simple, ovate, to 6 in. long, blade
may take up to 12 years to bloom twigs hairy. In California it blooms cestry often producing seed asexu- with pellucid dots, fragrant when
from seed, less when grafted. In for about 4 weeks in late spring and ally. Cultivation goes back millennia crushed. Marginally hardy when
flower they vaguely resemble a is briefly deciduous. Highly recom- in India and China. mature. Pellucid dots visible on fruit.
chestnut (Castanea) in blossom. mended. Photographed at Quail Citrus medica is probably one an- Slightly salt tolerant. The common
Botanical Garden. cestor of contemporary citrus vari- name citron is also applied to a can-
Calodendrum capense eties. It has relatively large, sweet- died melon rind used in fruitcakes.
CAPE CHESTNUT Citrus scented flowers and curious,
Southern Africa. Semideciduous Citrus includes approximately 16 ridged, thick-skinned fruit. The peel Correa
tree, 25-50 ft.+; zones 9-10. species of trees and shrubs from is cut into thin slices and candied. Correa includes approximately 11
Blooms late spring or sporadically southern China to Southeast Asia Orange marmalade is a bittersweet species of shrubs and trees from
in summer. Regular moisture when and Polynesia. Leaves are simple, preserve made from the rind of tropical and temperate Australia.
hot, less when cool. Fertile, light, evolved from compound-leaf an- sour Seville oranges, C. aurantium. Leaves are simple and stiff. The
well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: cestors (technically unifoliolate) In the Caribbean, the juice is mixed petals are fused into a tube. The
petals linear, pink, burgundy at the with glandular pellucid dots. The with garlic to make mojo (pro- calyx is cup-shaped.
base; 5 stamens interspersed with petioles are often winged and the nounced MO-ho) sauce, a mari-
5 petal-like staminodes, white with axils usually have spines. Flowers nade. Flavoring and oils extracted Correa reflexa
burgundy spots, fragrant; in dense are bisexual, radially symmetrical, from seed and rind are used in COMMON CORREA, CANDY-CORN
shampoos and biodegradable CORREA, AUSTRALIAN FUCHSIA

cleaning agents. Lemon, C. limon, Australia. Evergreen shrub to 10 ft.;

is the most cold tolerant of com- zones 9-10. Blooms late summer,
mercially grown citrus. fall, winter. Moderate moisture. Fer-
Citrus is subject to numerous tile, well-drained soil. Full sun to
pests, some of serious commercial bright broken light. Flowers: tubular,
consequence. It is also a host of corolla red, with few long hairs, tip
giant swallowtail butterfly larvae, green with purple stripes; stamens
which occasionally nibble the 12, exserted. Leaves: entire, ovate,
leaves. Fancy varieties are grafted. 2-3 in. long; midvein reddish. Spread-
Pollinated by bees (see accompany- ing or erect. The ends of the corolla
ing photo). tube are yellow in var. pulchella.

Citrus medica Erythrochiton

CITRON, BUDDHA'S HAND, CEDRAT Erythrochiton includes approxi-
India. Evergreen tree to 8 ft.; zones mately 7 species of shrubs or trees
9-11. Blooms late winter. Moderate from tropical America. Leaves are
but regular moisture. Fertile, humus- simple, clustered at the ends of the
Citrus medica, flower Citrus medica, fruit rich, well-drained soil; slightly acid branches. The flowers are long and
trumpet-shaped, the largest flowers
in the citrus family. The calyx is usu-
ally brightly colored. Inflorescences
are few- to many-flowered cymes.
Fruits are fleshy at first, then dry,
capsules separating into 5 follicles,
each with one seed (visible in lower
left in photo).

Erythrochiton brasiliensis
Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia.
Evergreen shrub, 5-15 ft.; zones
10-11. Blooms intermittently. Mod-
erate moisture, less when cool. Fer-
tile, humus-rich, well-drained soil;
neutral pH. Part sun to bright bro-
ken light. Flowers: corolla trumpet-
shaped, white; tube enclosed by the
Correa reflexa Erythrochiton brasiliensis slightly inflated red calyx; fruit
340 RUTACEAE . Erythrochiton

fleshy, red, becoming dry, splitting Murraya koenigii shrub or tree, 10-15 ft.; zones Limonia missionis. Southern India,
into 5 follicles. Leaves: simple, obo- CURRY-LEAF, KARAPINCHA 10-11. Blooms intermittently in Sri Lanka. Evergreen tree to 15 ft.+;
vate to lanceolate, 8-14 in. long, India, Sri Lanka. Evergreen tree, warm months. Moderate moisture. zones 10-11. Blooms late winter,
stiff, dark green, aromatic; margins 10-20 ft; zones 9-11. Blooms Average, well-drained soil. Full to early spring. Seasonally moist,
undulate. Of tropical forest under- spring, summer, or intermittently. part sun. Flowers: small, 5 petals moderate. Fertile, well-drained soil.
story. Unusual in cultivation. Branches Seasonally moist/dry. Average, white, citrus-scented; in compact Full to part sun. Flowers: small, pet-
from the base. Erect habit is suitable well-drained soil. Full sun to filtered corymbs; fruit a berry, ovoid, red- als 4, greenish cream; stamens 8;
for small gardens or narrow passage- light. Flowers: small, greenish, in orange, to 0.5 in. long. Leaves: pin- fruit seedy. Leaves: simple, oblong,
ways. Acidify planting hole in alkaline compact clusters (corymbs); fruit nate; leaflets 5-7, obovate, glossy 2-4 in. long, somewhat folded,
soil and top-dress with copious mulch. ovoid, bluish black. Leaves: pin- dark green, to 1 in. long. Very attrac- glossy, tip acute; margins undulate;
nate, leaflets 11-15+, oblique, tive small tree but more commonly petiole short, 0.25 in. long, not
Limonia strongly aromatic; margins serru- pruned as a hedge. Fruit distributed winged. Spines in leaf axils, to 0.25
Limonia includes a single species of late. Used as a curry seasoning in by birds and a potential pest. Re- in. long. Habit resembles Citrus
tree from southeastern Asia. Other tropical India and Sri Lanka. Heavily stricted in Florida. 'Lakeview' has species. Used as a shade tree in Sri
species formerly placed in this self-seeding and weedy. The aroma slightly larger leaves. Lanka (Schokman, pers. comm.).
genus have now been redistrib- permeates the surrounding area.
uted. Leaves are pinnate. Flowers Sometimes pruned as a hedge. Pamburus Ravenia
are small. Used as a stock for graft- Pamburus includes a single species Ravenia includes approximately 14
ing Citrus and as a source of India of tree from southern India and Sri species of shrubs and trees from
Murraya paniculata
gum, which is used in glues and Lanka. Leaves are simple. The leaf tropical America. Ravenia spectabilis
paints. Inner bark of L. acidissima is ORANGE, CHINESE BOXWOOD, axils have spines. This citruslike is unusual in cultivation but very
said to be used to smooth the skin MIRTO, CHALCAS tree is unusual in cultivation. desirable. Leaves aretrifoliolate.
in Southeast Asia (Schokman, pers. Synonym: M. exotica. China, India Flowers are deep pink, bilaterally
comm.). It should be noted, how- to Australia; widely distributed and Pamburus missionis symmetrical (unusual in this fam-
ever, that some people develop a sometimes naturalized. Evergreen Synonyms: Atalantia missionis, ily) with relatively broad, overlap-
photochemical reaction to citrus
oils, especially limes, causing a se-
vere itching, blistering rash, and
long-lasting skin discoloration.
Caution is advised when using any
product containing citrus oil. Note
spelling: Lemonia is a synonym for
Ravenia. The common lemon is
Citrus limon.

Limonia acidissima
Synonyms: Feronia limonia, Feronia
elephantum. Southern China,
Southeast Asia, India, Sri Lanka.
Evergreen tree to 20 ft.; zones 9-11.
Blooms late spring. Seasonally Limonia acidissima Murraya koenigii Murraya paniculata
moist/dry. Fertile, well-drained soil.
Full sun. Flowers: small, petals 5,
greenish; anthers relatively large,
rust-brown; fruit red. Leaves: pin-
nate, 2-3 in. long; leaflets 5, glossy,
rachis winged. Spines needlelike,
1-3 in. long. Note: the common
name elephant-apple is also applied
to Dillenia indica.

Murraya includes 4 or 5 species of
shrubs or trees from China, India,
Indomalaysia to Australia and the
Pacific Islands. Leaves are odd-
numbered pinnate (imparipinnate).
Flowers are small with 10 free sta-
mens. Fruits are small berries.
Pamburus missionis Ravenia spectabilis Swinglea glutinosa
S A P I n D A C E A E • Dimocarpus 341

ping petals. The stamens are trian- Blooms warm months, primarily dially or bilaterally symmetrical. Blighia
gular, mounted on the corolla summer. Moderate moisture and Petals are 4 or 5, usually small, free, Blighia includes 4 species of ever-
around the throat. Note spelling: humidity. Average, well-drained or sometimes absent. Sepals are 4 green trees from tropical Africa.
Ravenea is a genus of palms. soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: pet- or 5, sometimes fused at the base. Leaves are pinnate. Flowers are
als 5, white; stamens 10; in small The inflorescences are sometimes unisexual, borne in racemes from
Ravenia spectabilis clusters near the ends of the showy, occasionally modified into the leaf axils. Seeds are arillate. The
TORTUGO branches. Leaves: trifoliolate; leaf- tendrils in climbing species. The yellow arils of akee, B. sapida, are
Synonym: Lemonia spectabilis. lets elliptic to ovate, glossy, to 2 in. fruit is a capsule, nut, berry, often commonly eaten in Jamaica. The
Cuba, Hispaniola. Evergreen shrub long; citrus-scented. Branches spiny. with a fleshy aril, or a schizocarp. popularity of akee is severely lim-
or tree to 12 ft.; zones 10-11. Suitable as a fragrant barrier hedge. ited by its high toxicity except dur-
Blooms intermittently in warm Aesculus ing a very brief period immediately
months. Moist when hot, less when SAPINDACEAE Aesculus includes approximately 13 after opening naturally. Underripe
cool. Fertile, well-drained soil; alka- LYCHEE FAMILY, SOAPBERRY FAMILY species of deciduous shrubs and or overripe arils are toxic. Even in
line pH. Full to part sun. Flowers: Sapindaceae includes approxi- trees mostly from temperate Asia, experienced hands akee sometimes
raspberry pink, to 1.5 in. wide, pet- mately 147 genera of shrubs, trees, Europe, and North America. Horse- results in severe poisoning.
als overlapping, surface glandular; and woody climbers (lianas), which chestnuts were formerly segregated
stamens triangular attached to the are widely distributed most com- in their own family, Hippocas- Blighia sapida
edge of the throat; sepals 2, small, monly in the tropics and subtropics tanaceae. Aesculus Mica comes AKEE, SESO VEGETAL
green; solitary in the leaf axils; fruit though some genera are temper- from temperate and subtropical Tropical western Africa. Evergreen
splits into 5 woody follicles. Leaves: ate. This family now includes the forests south of the Himalayas and tree, 20-40 ft.; zones 10-11.
trifoliolate; leaflets oblong to ellip- genera traditionally included in the thrives in California. Leaves are pal- Blooms warm months. Seasonally
tic, glossy dark green with sheath- horse-chestnut family, Hippocas- mately compound. Flowers are in moist and humid, dry. Average,
ing bases. Attractive to swallowtail tanaceae, and the maple family, spirelike panicles. well-drained soil. Full to part sun.
butterflies, skippers, and humming- Aceraceae. Several species are cul- Flowers: small, petals 5, greenish;
birds. Unusual in cultivation but tivated. Lychee, Litchi chinensis, is Aesculus indica fruit ovoid, skin leathery, 3- to 4-
highly recommended. Suitable for an outstanding fruit eaten fresh, INDIAN HORSE-CHESTNUT, NARU, valved, tan turning red; splitting
flowering hedges. cooked, or dried. It has aromatic, PANGAR opening when ripe exposing cream-
translucent white flesh encased in a Synonym: Pavia indica. Sub-Hima- yellow arils, a red funicle, and
Swinglea papery red shell. Dried fruits are layan region, northern India. Decid- glossy black seeds. Leaves: pinnate;
Swinglea includes a single species commonly sold in Asian markets as uous tree, 50-100 ft.; zones 7-10. leaflets 6-10, obovate, 4-6 in. long.
of tree from the Philippines. It is a sweet snack. Longan or momon, Blooms late spring. Moderate Arils are toxic except immediately
grown in Asia for its fragrance. Dimocarpus longana, somewhat moisture. Average, well-drained after the fruit opens naturally. The fu-
Leaves are trifoliolate, glossy, and similar to lychee, is eaten in Latin soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: light nicle and seeds are always poisonous.
strongly citrus-scented. Flowers America and Asia but is not as well pink, red in center, upper petals
have 5 petals and 10 stamens and known in the United States. spotted yellow; in ascending to Dimocarpus
are arranged in axillary clusters Leaves are simple or palmately erect spirelike panicles, 12-16 in. Dimocarpus includes approximately
near the ends of the branches. or pinnately compound. Flowers tall. Leaves: palmate, leaflets 5-7, 5 species from Southeast Asia to
are bisexual, or unisexual with male oblong to oblanceolate, 8-12 in. Australia. Leaves are pinnate,
Swinglea glutinosa and female flowers usually on the long, on short stalks, pinkish when sometimes reduced to one leaflet
TABOG same plant (monoecious), occa- young; margins serrulate; petioles (unifoliolate). Flowers are small,
Philippines (Luzon). Evergreen sionally on different plants (dioe- long, reddish. Potentially a very large the corolla hairy. Called longan, D.
tree, 15-30 ft.; zones 10-11. cious), or polygamous. They are ra- shade tree with a rounded crown. longan 'Kohala' is considered the
best selection and was introduced
from Hawaii into South Florida by
well-known pomologist Bill Whit-
man. It has a large fruit and a small
seed. The rind is leathery and easily

Dimocarpus longan
Synonym: Euphoria longana. India,
Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia. Ever-
green tree, 40-120 ft.; zones 10-11.
Blooms late spring. Seasonally
moist/dry. Average, well-drained
soil. Full sun. Flowers: small, yel-
lowish; fruit ripens in early sum-
mer, rind rough, greenish to yellow-
Aesculus indica Blighia sapida,fru\ts Dimocarpus longan 'Kohala' ish tan, in large clusters. Leaves:
342 SAPIN DACEAE • Dimocarpus

pinnate, to 15 in. long; leaflets 7, Harpullia pendula

lanceolate, midvein light. Poten- MORETON BAYTULIPWOOD
tially large, buttressed tree but usually Eastern Australia. Evergreen tree,
kept at moderate size in cultivation. 20-50 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms in-
The edible part of the fruit is the termittently in warm months. Mod-
sweet, white aril. The rind is leathery erate moisture to somewhat dry.
and easily peeled. Average, well-drained soil. Full sun.
Flowers: small, petals 5, greenish;
Dodonaea in pendent racemes; capsules
Dodonaea includes approximately orange, splitting into 2 cuplike
68 species of shrubs and trees from valves exposing 2 glossy black
mild temperate and tropical re- seeds. Leaves: pinnate; leaflets 4-8,
gions, with great diversity in Aus- oblong to lanceolate, glossy green.
tralia. Dodonaea viscosa is grown as Branches drooping. Harpullia ar-
a foliage plant and for the orna- borea/rom India and Southeast Asia
mental, papery 3-winged capsules. to the Philippines and New Guinea is
The flowers are inconspicuous.
Leaves are simple or pinnate, cov-
ered with glandular dots, and se-
crete a sticky resin sometimes used
to stop bleeding.

Dodonaea viscosa
Pantropical. Evergreen shrub or
small tree, 6-10 ft.+; zones 9-11.
Blooms spring, summer. Moderate
moisture, less in winter. Average to
poor, well-drained soil; alkaline pH.
Full sun. Flowers: reduced, lacking
petals; capsules flat with 2-3 pa-
pery wings, green to tan or pinkish
purple. Leaves: simple, obovate, el-
liptic to lanceolate, 3-5 in. long,
blade decurrent; veins light; mar- Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea' Koelreuteria elegans
gins undulate. Variable over its large
range. 'Purpurea' is an especially
showy selection with pinkish-purple
capsules. Salt tolerant. Suitable for
coastal landscaping.

Harpullia includes approximately
37 species of trees from Madagas-
car, India, Indomalaysia to Aus-
tralia. Male and female flowers are
on different trees (dioecious) or
sometimes polygamous. Harpullia
pendula is rounded with pendent
branches hanging to the ground.
Leaves are pinnate. Flowers are
white and inconspicuous, on pen-
dent racemes beneath the canopy.
The fruit is a 2-valved red-orange to
yellow-orange leathery capsule that
splits at maturity revealing 2 glossy
black seeds. An excellent shade tree
if lower branches are pruned. The
sapwood is yellow with black heart-
wood and is highly prized for cabi-
netry in Australia. Harpullia pendula Koelreuteria elegans subsp.formosana, flowers
SAPOTACEAE • Manilkora 343

distinguished by the 8-10 leaflets on sana (syn. K. formosanaj produces Majidea petal-like stamens (staminodes).
inclined branches and clawed petals. billowing yellow clouds of flowers that Majidea includes a single species of The fruit is a berry. The seed has a
last for a week or two. Flowers are fol- tree from Madagascar and tropical conspicuous large oval scar (hi-
Koelreuteria lowed by pink to red capsules resem- Africa. Leaves are pinnate. Flowers lum) where the funicle was at-
Koelreuteria includes 3 or 4 species bling little Japanese lanterns. have 4 petals and 5 sepals. This tached. Sapote is a Spanish name
of trees from China, Korea, and Tai- genus is rare in cultivation. applied loosely (and variously in
wan. Leaves are pinnate or bipin- Litchi different countries) to several
natewith uneven-numbered leaf- Litchi includes a single species of Majidea zanguebarica fleshy fruits in different families:
lets (imparipinnate), pinnae and tree that originated in southern Tropical Africa, Madagascar, possi- Pouteria sapota and Manilkara za-
leaflets are alternate. Flowers are China but no longer exists in the bly Zanzibar. Semideciduous tree, pota in Sapotaceae; Diospyros dig-
small with a glandular red callus at wild. Leaves are pinnately com- 35-60 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms late yna in Ebenaceae; and Casimiroa
the base of the yellow petals. The pound. Flowers are unisexual, in summer. Moderate moisture to edulis in Rutaceae. The fruit of
reddish fruits are inflated papery terminal panicles. The fruit is out- seasonally dry. Average, well- Mammea americana is also called
capsules with 3 longitudinal lobes. standing with a limited distribution drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: pet- sapote in Cuba.
Some are listed as invasive. Varnish in U.S. supermarkets but can be als 3 or 4, red; sepals 5, gray-green,
tree, K. paniculata, is a deciduous found in Asian markets. It is a one- downy; stamens 8; capsules in- Manilkara
temperate species from northern seeded berry with a translucent, flated, papery, 3-lobed, red. Leaves: Manilkara includes approximately
China and Korea with a columnar juicy white aril covering the large pinnate; leaflets 9-17, lanceolate, 65 species of trees and shrubs from
habit and mostly once-pinnate black seed. Asians prefer fleshier stiff. Bark: gray. An erect, open tree the tropics. Leaves are simple.
leaves. Golden rain tree Koelreuteria selections with shrunken, sterile which may shed its leaves in dry con- Flowers are inconspicuous, green-
bipinnata, from mild temperate seeds. The bumpy, leathery red ditions. Photographed at Fairchild ish white, solitary or in clusters.
regions of China, is deciduous and husk is a perfect package and easily Tropical Garden. Chicle is made from the latex sap of
has bipinnate leaves. Koelreuteria peeled away. In Asian markets, the M. zapota, the original chewing
elegans, the only subtropical species, fruit is also sold semidried as a SAPOTACEAE gum. It was used by the Mayan In-
is evergreen with bipinnate leaves. lychee "nut." Dried fruits have a SAPODILLA FAMILY dians but is now largely replaced by
raisinlike consistency but a distinc- Sapotaceae includes approximately synthetics. The same tree produces
Koelreuteria elegans tive flavor and sandalwood scent. 53 genera of trees and shrubs pri- a tasty fruit, sapodilla or sapote,
FLAMEGOLDTREE marily from tropical regions. Sev- with the flavor and slightly gritty
Taiwan. Evergreen tree, 25-50 ft.; Litchi chinensis eral species are cultivated for their texture of a pear sprinkled with
zones 9-11. Blooms late summer, LYCHEE handsome foliage or edible fruit. All brown sugar.
fall. Moderate moisture, less when Garden origin (China). Semidecid- the species produce a latex sap. A
cool. Average, well-drained soil. uous tree, 25-50 ft.; zones 9-11. characteristic field mark is the Manilkara zapota
Full sun. Flowers: petals usually 5, Blooms spring. Seasonally moist/ brown hairs on leaves and shoots. SAPODILLA, NISPERO, SAPOTE,
yellow with a red glandular callus; dry. Fertile, well-drained soil. Full Leaves are simple, often spirally ar- CHICLE
in panicles, about 1 ft. long or 2-3 sun. Flowers: unisexual, inconspic- ranged in clusters at the ends of the Synonyms: Achras mammosa,
ft. long in subsp.formosana; cap- uous, white; fruit ovoid, pink to red branches. Flowers are bisexual and Sapota zapotilla. Mexico, Central
sules ovoid, inflated, 3-lobed, pink, when ripe, to 1.5 in. long. Leaves: radially symmetrical. They have 4 or America; widely distributed. Ever-
turning tan. Leaves: bipinnate, to 2 pinnate; leaflets 2-3 pairs, lanceo- 8 sepals and petals, the petals green tree, 50-100 ft.; zones
ft. long, or longer in subsp.formo- late, 3-6 in. long. Larger fruits are fused at the base and overlapping, 10-11. Blooms spring or intermit-
sana', pinnae 5-6, leaflets 11-13, produced on trees which are allowed sometimes with appendages. Sta- tently. Seasonally moist/dry. Aver-
asymmetrically lanceolate, 3-4 in. to go dormant in winter. Withhold men filaments are mounted on the age, well-drained soil. Full sun.
long; margins mostly smooth or irrigation until new growth begins in inside of the petals (epipetalous), Flowers: bell-shaped, petals white,
irregularly toothed. Subsp. formo- spring. sometimes alternating with sterile, sepals brown; fruit a slightly com-

Koelreuteria elegans, capsules Litchi chinensis 'Kwai Mai Pink' Majidea zanguebarica Manilkara zapota
344 SAPOTACEAE • Manilkora

pressed orb with a rough, brown zones 10-11. Blooms winter. Sea- Pouteria sapota take almost a year to ripen. 'Magana'
skin. Leaves: elliptic, to 6 in. long, sonally moist/dry. Average, well- MAMEY, MAMEY COLORADO, is a preferred large selection.
in whorls at the ends of the drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: MAMEY SAPOTE
branches. Often grown as a large, small, cylindrical; in 2- to 3-flow- Synonym: Sideroxylon sapota. Mex- Synsepalum
spreading shade tree as well as for ered fascicles; fruit ovoid, end ico to Nicaragua. Evergreen tree, Synsepalum includes approximately
the fruits. pointed, 5-7 in. long, skin smooth, 20-60 ft.; zone 11. Blooms late win- 8 shrubs and trees from tropical
yellow, pulp dense, golden, seeds ter, spring. Regular moisture. Aver- Africa. Synsepalum dulcificum is an
Mimusops 2, large, glossy black with a con- age, well-drained soil. Full sun. attractive shrub, often grown as a
Mimusops includes approximately spicuous hilum. Leaves: elliptic, to Flowers: tubular, in cauliflorous fas- curiosity. The grape-size fruits trick
10 species of trees from the Old 6 in. long. A rich, highly nutritious cicles, fruit 5-7 in. long, rounded the taste buds, causing anything
World tropics. Leaves are simple, fruit, an important food for indige- when young, becoming pointed at consumed afterward to taste sweet.
often rigid and obovate. Flowers nous peoples and animals. The sweet both ends like a small football, skin Owners of "miracle-fruits" enjoy
are inconspicuous and white. The flesh resembles a hard-boiled egg yolk scaly brown, flesh deep orange, 1-4 the surprise of visitors who taste
petals are fused and each has a in texture. Made into pies, cheese- glossy brown seeds. Leaves: oblan- the fruit followed by a lime. Leaves
petal-like appendage. cakes, and shakes. Locally invasive ceolate to elliptic, 8-12 in. long; sec- are simple. The genus name al-
in Florida where raccoons drag seeds ondary veins parallel. Cold-sensitive ludes to the fused sepals of the
Mimusops balata into natural habitat (Hammer, pers. when young. Apply microelements in tubular flowers.
cherry mahogany comm.). alkaline soil. Fruits weighing 1-5 Ibs.
Madagascar, possibly Indoma-
laysia. Evergreen tree, 60-100 ft;
zones 10-11. Blooms intermit-
tently in warm months. Seasonally
moist/dry. Average, well-drained
soil. Full sun. Flowers: inconspicu-
ous, funnel-shaped, about 1 in.
long, greenish white, petals 5, with
fringelike appendages; solitary or
few-flowered on a long pedicel; fruit
round, light yellow, pulp buttery, to
2 in. diameter. Leaves: obovate or
spathulate, to 7 in. long, glossy
light green, rigid; tip slightly in-
dented (emarginate). The milky
latex is collected to make nonelastic
rubber products. Sometimes grown
as a wayside tree. Manilkara biden-
tata has much longer leaves, with
flowers and fruits in clusters.

Pouteria includes 200-325 species
of trees and shrubs, which are
widely distributed in the tropics. Mimusops balata, flower upper left Pouteria sapota, young fruit
Leaves are simple. Flowers are cup-
shaped to tubular. Fruits are berries
with 1 or 2 large, glossy seeds. The
common names of Pouteria fruits
vary in different countries and re-
gions. Mamey, P. sapota, is consid-
ered a delicacy in Latin America. It
is often made into sherbets. It
should not be confused with Mam-
mea americana, in the family Clusi-
aceae, which has a more globular
fruit with a wrinkled seed.

Pouteria campechiana
Mexico to Panama; widely distrib-
uted. Evergreen tree, 20-60 ft.; Pouteria campechiana Synsepalum dulcificum, fruit Schlegelia parasitica
S C R O P H U L A R I A C E A E • Buddleja 345

Synsepalum dulcificum Schlegelia parasitica sepals. The corolla consists of 4 or Buddleja davidii
MIRACLE-FRUIT Synonym: Tanaeceum parasiticum. 5 partly fused petals with flaring BUTTERFLY BUSH, SUMMER-LILAC,
Central and western tropical Africa. Jamaica, Cuba, Lesser Antilles. lobes or sometimes with 2 lips. ORANGE-EYE

Evergreen shrub, 6-12 ft; zones Woody, semiepiphytic climber, There are usually 4 stamens in 2 Synonym: Buddleia davidii. South-
10-11. Blooms intermittently in 30-45 ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms lengths (didynamous), sometimes ern China. Semideciduous shrub,
warm months. Regular moisture intermittently in warm months. 2, or occasionally 5 with 1 modified 3-10 ft.; zones 6-10. Blooms warm
and humidity. Fertile, well-drained Moderate moisture. Fertile, well- into a staminode. Stamens are months. Regular moisture when
soil; slightly acid pH. Bright broken drained soil; alkaline pH. Full to mounted on the inside of the petals hot, less when cool. Fertile, well-
light. Flowers: small, corolla funnel- part sun. Flowers: bell-shaped, (epipetalous). The fruit is a capsule drained soil; neutral to slightly acid
shaped; buds red; in many-flowered fleshy, burgundy, throat streaked or schizocarp. pH. Full sun. Flowers: small, trum-
clusters; fruit a berry, ovoid, glossy white; in clusters in the leaf axils; pet-shaped, more or less fragrant,
red, one-seeded. Leaves: elliptic to lip folded into the throat until the Buddlejo selections white, pink, lavender to
oblanceolate, 3-6 in. long, firm. flower is mature as if "biting its Buddleja includes approximately purple; throat orange; in oblique
Not a commercial artificial sweetener lip." Leaves: ovate, 4-6 in. long, 100 species of shrubs and a few spirelike racemes at the ends of
because the sweetening effect cannot leathery, glossy dark green; mar- herbs from mild temperate and long, arching branches. Leaves:
be preserved. gins smooth. From moist forests, subtropical regions of North and lanceolate, 2-3 in. long, undersides
from low to medium elevations in South America, Africa, and Asia. gray-green. There are many selec-
SCHLECELIACEAE limestone soil. Unusual in cultivation These species were formerly in- tions. Highly attractive to butterflies
SCHLEGELIA FAMILY in the United States, but the dark foli- cluded in Loganiaceae (Olmstead and hummingbirds. Susceptible to
Schlegeliaceae includes approxi- age offers exceptional contrast and is et al. 2001). Until further studies nematodes, often declining in frost-
mately 12 genera of shrubs and an excellent screen on fences. Epi- are completed, some authors lean free areas, but invasive in the U.S.
climbers from tropical America. phytic, not parasitic as the species toward segregating Buddleja in its Northwest and certain other regions.
These genera were formerly in- name implies. own family, Buddlejaceae (Judd, Suitable for containers.
cluded in the tabebuia family, pers. comm.). Though often writ-
Bignoniaceae. They are also related SCROPHULARIACEAE ten with the spelling variation Bud- Buddleja lindleyana
to the foxglove family, Plantagi- FIGWORT FAMILY dleia in the literature, Buddleja (pro- LINDLEY BUTTERFLY BUSH
naceae, and the figwort family, Scrophulariaceae includes approxi- nounced bud-LAY-uh) is the older, Synonym: Adenoplea lindleyana.
Scrophulariaceae. Leaves are sim- mately 52 genera of herbs and sub- preferred spelling. Leaves and Southern China. Semideciduous
ple and leathery. The petals are shrubs, rarely trees and climbers, stems are often hairy or scaly. The shrub to 4 ft.+; zones 6-10. Blooms
fused at the base with spreading which are widely distributed. This species listed remain evergreen in spring, summer. Moderate mois-
lobes. The calyx is cup-shaped. family is in the process of major re- the subtropics but are grown as ture. Average, well-drained soil. Full
vision. A few genera traditionally in root-hardy perennials in mild tem- to part sun. Flowers: tubular, tube
Schlegelia Loganiaceae are now included in perate regions and cut back at the curved, lavender, lobes not spread-
Schlegelia includes approximately this family. Certain genera formerly end of the growing season. Protect ing, red-violet; in lax or oblique ra-
12 species of climbers, some semi- included in this family have been roots from freezing with a thick bed cemes. Leaves: elliptic, dark green,
epiphytic, from tropical America. moved to the revised digitalis fam- of mulch. Flowers are tubular with 3-6 in. long, tip acuminate; stip-
The species differ from most mem- ily, Plantaginaceae. Leaves are sim- 4 small lobes. They are bisexual but ules leaflike, ovate. A spreading
bers of the Bignoniaceae by the ple with smooth or toothed mar- functionally unisexual (self-sterile) shrub with arching branches. The
simple, leathery leaves and fleshy, gins. Flowers are bisexual and and must be cross-pollinated. But- leaflike stipules are characteristic.
small berries rather than capsules. bilaterally symmetrical, sometimes terflies enthusiastically perform Often performs better in South Flor-
The glossy, trumpet-shaped flowers nearly radially symmetrical. The this service. Hummingbirds are ida than B. davidii (perhaps more
grow on short stalks in the leaf axils calyx is composed of 3-5 fused also frequent visitors. resistant to nematodes).
on older branches.
Buddleja madagascariensis
Synonyms: 8. nicodemia, Nicodemia
madagascariensis. Madagascar. Ever-
green shrub to 10 ft.; zones 10-11.
Blooms late winter, spring. Moder-
ate moisture when hot, dry when
cool. Average, well-drained soil.
Full sun. Flowers: tubular, greenish
gray, lobes 4, orange; in oblique
panicles. Leaves: lanceolate, 4-8 in.
long, dark green on upper side,
white felty hairs below. Stems: cov-
ered with white felt. A spreading
xeric shrub. Very attractive to butter-
flies. Thrives in coastal locations.
Buddleja davidii Buddleja lindleyana Buddleja madagascariensis Heat tolerant. Invasive in Hawaii.

Buddleja xweyeriana Leucophyllum frutescens more infamous member of the Acnistus arborescens
Garden hybrid, 8. davidiixB. glo- S I L V E R LEAF, ASH-PLANT, CENIZO lobed, rarely pinnately compound. Synonyms: Atropa arborescens,
bosa. Deciduous shrub to 12 ft; Southwestern Texas, Mexico (Chi- They are sometimes grouped in Dunalia arborescens. Mexico, Cen-
zones 6-9. Blooms warm months. huahua desert). Evergreen shrub to pairs on alternating sides of the tral America to Peru. Evergreen
Moderate moisture. Fertile, well- 6 ft; zones 8-11. Blooms intermit- stem. Flowers are bisexual and shrub or tree, 15-30 ft.; zones
drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: tently in warm months. Moderate usually radially symmetrical. The 10-11. Blooms spring. Moderate
trumpet-shaped, apricot-orange to moisture to dry. Poor, sandy, well- 5 sepals are fused. The corolla moisture. Average, well-drained
yellow, throat orange; in terminal drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: pet- consists of 5 petals, tubular, funnel- soil. Bright broken light. Flowers:
and axillary globular heads, 1-1.5 als pink, magenta, or white. Leaves: shaped, or salverform, with spread- funnel-shaped, white, scented; in
in. wide, fragrant. Leaves: lanceo- oblanceolate, about 1 in. long, ing, pointed lobes. Buds are folded many-flowered fascicles on the
late, to 8 in. long, dark green above, woolly, silvery-gray to gray-green; like an umbrella. The 5 stamen branches; fruit tiny, round, pinkish
white felty below. Stems: white felty. aromatic. Xeric. Prefers sunny, dry filaments are mounted on the orange when ripe. Leaves: elliptic
Thrives in southern California. Suit- locations. Marginally hardy. Suitable inside of the petals (epipetalous). to oblanceolate, to 6 in. long, pu-
able for seaside locations. Similar to for coastal landscaping. Tolerates The anthers are often pressed to- bescent. A prolific bloomer. From
one parent, B. globosa, from Chile, heat and salt. Drought resistant. gether in a distinctive cone shape. misty cloud-forest at moderate alti-
Peru, and Argentina, but in that Slow growing. Compact cultivars are Flowers are arranged in cymes tude but thrives in humid coastal
species the flower heads are on available. though sometimes reduced to a areas in cultivation.
branched stalks. single terminal flower. Plants are
SOLANACEAE often hairy and frequently armed Brugmansia
Leucophyllum POTATO FAMILY, TOMATO FAMILY with spines and prickles. The fruit Brugmansia includes approximately
Leucophyllum includes approxi- Solanaceae includes approximately is a berry or a capsule, sometimes 14 species of soft-wooded shrubs
mately 12 species of spreading 147 genera of herbs, shrubs, trees, adorned with prickly spurs or en- or trees from tropical America.
shrubs from North America. Some and climbers, which are widely closed by a calyx shaped like a Leaves are simple. Flowers are
authorities place this species in distributed, with greatest diversity paper lantern. large, trumpet-shaped, and pen-
Plantaginaceae. The genus name in the Americas. Though many dent (Datura has inclined flowers).
alludes to the white-woolly, blue- species are highly poisonous, the Acnistus The calyx is green, long and tubular,
gray foliage. Leaves are simple. family includes several common Acnistus includes a few to approxi- closely or somewhat loosely fitted
Flowers are bisexual, bilaterally vegetables and fruits such as sweet mately 50 species of shrubs or ("inflated") where it surrounds the
symmetrical, and solitary in the leaf and hot peppers, potatoes, egg- trees from Central and South Amer- base of the corolla. The calyx tube
axils. The calyx is small and 5- plants, and tomatoes. Two Ameri- ica. Common in fairly dry to cloud- ends in several lobes ("toothed")
lobed; the corolla 5-lobed and bell- can species, potatoes and toma- forest understory. Leaves are sim- or one large lobe ("spathelike").
shaped with 2 lips. Though native toes, play significant roles in ple. Flowers are clustered on The fruit is elongated and smooth.
to semiarid regions, L. frutescens European history and cuisine. stubby branches (fascicles) on the Most species produce scopo-
does well in humid climates with Atropine, a drug derived from stems (A. Gentry 1993). In Costa lamine, a drug used to control mo-
excellent drainage but is suscepti- Atropa, is commonly used to dilate Rica, epiphytic bromeliads and or- tion sickness. In large quantities, it
ble to mildew especially if mixed the pupils during eye examination. chids are often grown on the limbs is hallucinogenic and highly toxic.
with moisture-loving plants. The Capsaicin, the "heat" in chili pep- of A arborescens. Birds are attracted Brugmansias are primarily from
gray foliage provides excellent color pers, Capsicum species, is used to to the fruit. Andean regions at moderate alti-
contrast in the landscape even treat certain painful disorders. tude. They thrive with cool night
when plants are not in bloom. Tobacco, Nicotiana species, is a temperatures but are not hardy. A

Buddleja xweyeriana Leucophyllum frutescens Acnistus arborescens Brugmansia aurea

SOLANACEAE • Brugmansia 347

few species are from warm lowland strongly recurved, golden-yellow, Blooms intermittently all year, al- Flowers almost continuously at the
climates. Though brugmansias do darkening to peach-orange, rarely most continuously when hot. Regu- beginning of the summer rainy sea-
well in hot, dry climates, the flowers white; calyx 2- to 5-toothed, tight fit- lar moisture and humidity when son, then about twice a month. Espe-
are more inclined to wilt early in the ting around corolla neck. Leaves: hot, less when cool. Average, well- cially attractive coinciding with the
day. Ideal conditions include bright smooth to minutely pubescent; drained soil. Part sun to bright fil- full moon. Requires minimal care.
broken light with plenty of humidity margins toothed when young be- tered light. Flowers: corolla loosely Highly recommended.
and moderate moisture or evening coming entire. funnel-shaped, 12-15 in. long,
mists. obliquely pendent, downy, cream Brugmansia suaveolens
Brugmansias are very easy to Brugmansia xcandida with green veins, lobes pink, spurs WHITE ANGEL'S TRUMPET
grow. They can be pruned into an ANGEL'S TRUMPET, CAMPANA strongly recurved, to 8 in. wide; Synonym: Datura gardneri, Datura
umbrella shape that allows the Synonyms: 8. arborea (hort.), calyx 6-7 in. long, lobes 3- to 5- suaveolens. Southeastern Brazil;
flowers to hang freely like bells or Datura Candida. Hybrid, 8. aurea x toothed, loose-fitting around the widely naturalized. Evergreen shrub
as an informal hedge. They are eas- 8. versicolor. Evergreen tree, 8-12 corolla neck which extends well be- or tree, 8-12 ft.; zones 10-11.
ily propagated from large cuttings. ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms intermit- yond the calyx. Leaves: ovate to el- Blooms intermittently in warm
Snails sometimes defoliate trees, tently in warm months. Regular liptic, 6-14 in. long, dull green. A months. Regular moisture and hu-
but they recover quickly. Two im- moisture and humidity when hot, backcross. Very fragrant at night, like midity when hot, less when cool.
portant characteristics help distin- moderate moisture when cool. Av- scented soap. 'Frosty Pink' is very pro- Average, well-drained soil. Part sun
guish the species: fully pendent or erage, well-drained soil. Part sun to life, large-flowered, and fast-growing. to bright filtered light. Flowers:
obliquely pendent flowers and bright filtered light. Flowers: corolla
toothed or spathelike calyces. trumpet-shaped, fully pendent,
Plants in cultivation are often hy- white, pink or yellow, 8-12 in. long;
brids and names are unreliable. fragrant; calyx, to 7 in. long, tight
fitting around the narrow neck of
Brugmansia aurea the corolla, spathelike or few-
YELLOW ANGEL'S TRUMPET, toothed. Leaves: elliptic to oblong,
CAMPANA dull green. Possibly a natural hybrid.
Synonyms: Datum affinis, Datura 'Grand Marnier' is a yellow selection.
aurea, Datura pittieri. Andes of cen- 'Knightii' has double flowers. This is
tral Colombia to southern Ecuador. the only brugmansia that produces
Evergreen shrub or tree, 8-12 ft.; double-flowered sports (Tristram
zones 9-11. Blooms intermittently 1998).
in warm months. Regular moisture
and humidity when hot, less when Brugmansia xinsignis
cool. Average, well-drained soil. PINK ANGEL'S TRUMPET, CAMPANA
Part sun to bright filtered light. Garden hybrid, (8. suaveolens xB.
Flowers: corolla funnel-shaped, 12 versicolor) x 8. suaveolens. Ever-
in. long, fully pendent, lobe spurs green tree, 8-12 ft.; zones 9-11. Brugmansia xinsignis 'Frosty Pink'

Brugmansia xcandida Brugmansia suaveolens

348 SOLANACEAE • Brugmansia

white to peach, funnel-shaped, to Brunfelsia americana liptic to oblanceolate, 3-5 in. long, white; solitary and set well apart; fra-
10 in. long, obliquely pendent, lobe LADY-OF-THE-NIGHT, FRANCISCAN firm. Of open tropical woodlands. grant in the daytime. Leaves: obo-
spurs short; mildly fragrant (hence RAIN-TREE, DAMA-DE-LA-NOCHE Blooms when nights are cool. Resem- vate to elliptic, 3-4 in. long, tips
suaveolens); calyx 3- to 5-toothed, Synonyms: B.fallax, Brunfelsiopsis bles Brunfelsia nitida, but the cup- bluntly pointed. Theflowers are soli-
loose-fitting, the corolla neck ex- americana. West Indies (Lesser An- shaped calyx is distinctive. tary and set well apart. Distinguish
tends beyond the end of the calyx. tilles). Evergreen shrub or tree, from B. uniflora which also has soli-
Leaves: lanceolate, 8-10 in. long, 12-20 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms Brunfelsia australis tary flowers but they are set close to-
glabrous to minutely pubescent. Of spring. Seasonally moist/dry. YESTERDAY-TODAY-TOMORROW, gether so they appear clustered.
coastal rainforest. Does not produce Humus-rich, well-drained soil; neu- PARAGUAY J E S S A M I N E
double flowers (see xcandidaj (Tris- tral pH. Full to part sun. Flowers: Argentina, Paraguay, southern Brunfelsia densifolia
tram 1998). Flowers shorter than B. salverform, tube 2-2.5 in. long, Brazil. Evergreen shrub, 6-12 ft.; S E R P E N T I N E HILL RAIN-TREE
versicolor and not fully pendent. lobes spreading, white, turning zones 9-11. Blooms late winter, Puerto Rico, endangered in the
honey-colored with age; fragrant, spring. Seasonally moist/dry. Fertile, wild. Evergreen shrub to 5 ft.+;
Brugmansia versicolor more strongly at night; calyx cup- humus-rich, well-drained soil; acid zones 10-11. Blooms primarily
PEACH ANGEL'S TRUMPET, shaped; solitary in the leaf axils but pH. Full to part sun. Flowers: corolla spring, summer. Seasonally
CAMPANA appearing clustered at the ends of tube 1-1.5 in. long, lobes spreading, moist/dry. Fertile, humus-rich, well-
Synonyms: 8. arborea (misapplied), branches; fruit orange. Leaves: el- purple with white eye, fading to drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow-
Datura mollis. Ecuador (Guayaquil
basin). Evergreen tree, 8-12 ft;
zones 8-11. Blooms intermittently
in warm months. Regular moisture
and humidity when hot, less when
cool. Average, well-drained soil.
Part sun to bright filtered light.
Flowers: corolla funnel-shaped,
12-20 in. long, fully pendent, open
white, turning peach (hence versi-
color), lobe spurs recurved; fragrant
at night; calyx spathelike with one
long lobe, loose-fitting, corolla neck
extending beyond the calyx. Leaves:
smooth to downy. Of high-elevation
cloud-forest. Root-hardy in mild tem-
perate regions. The leaves of'Peaches
and Cream' are variegated white and
green. Sometimes misnamed B. ar- Brugmansia versicolor Brunfelsia americana Brunfelsia australis
borea, a small-flowered species that is
rarely cultivated in the United States.

Brunfelsia includes approximately
40 species of shrubs or small trees
from tropical America. A number of
these species are cultivated and a
few are difficult to distinguish.
Most bloom when nights are cool
and prefer acid soil. In alkaline soil,
considerable organic matter should
be added to a large, prepared hole
and micronutrients should be ap-
plied on a regular basis. Leaves are
simple. Flowers are salverform to
rotate, the floral tubes short to very
long, the lobes spreading. They are
white to cream-colored, or purple
to blue-violet fading to light blue or
white. Stamens are in 2 pairs. Flow-
ers are often strongly scented, usu-
ally at night.

Brunfelsia grandiflora
SOLANACEAE • Brunfelsia 349

ers: corolla tube 6-7 in. long, lobes hot, less when cool. Fertile, sandy, Brunfelsia lactea Brunfelsia in cultivation. Water
reflexed, creamy white, sweetly fra- humus-rich, well-drained soil; neu- Puerto Rico. Evergreen shrub or drops in bright sunlight tend to
grant; fruit orange. Leaves: linear, tral pH. Full to part sun. Flowers: tree to 20 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms cause brown spots on the flowers.
to 3 in. long. Unusual in cultivation. corolla tube 1-1.5 in. long, lobes cool months. Moderate moisture,
The long floral tubes and slender spreading, to 2 in. wide, blue-violet less when cool. Fertile, well-drained Brunfelsia nitida
leaves are distinctive. with white eye around throat, fad- soil; neutral to acid pH. Bright fil- LADY-OF-THE-NIGHT,
ing to blue then white over several tered light to part sun. Flowers: DAMA-DE-LA-NOCHE

Brunfelsia grandiflora days; night fragrant; in many-flow- trumpet-shaped, tube slender, 2-3 Synonym: B. parvifolia. Cuba. Ever-
YESTERDAY-TO DAY-TOMORROW, ered clusters. Leaves: 5-7 in. long, in. long, lobes large, overlapping, green shrub to 6 ft; zones 10-11.
AYER-HOY-MANANA somewhat dull. Of cool mountain white, scented; usually solitary. Blooms intermittently in late
Colombia to Bolivia (eastern slope woodlands. The most tolerant blue- Leaves: elliptic to lanceolate, 4-5 spring, summer. Moderate mois-
of the Andes). Evergreen shrub, and-white Brunfelsia for alkaline soil. in. long in filtered light, smaller in ture. Fertile, humus-rich, well-
8-12 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms cool Subsp. schultesii has somewhat smal- sun, dark green. Of cooler moun- drained soil; neutral to acid pH.
months. Moderate moisture when ler flowers and leaves. tain regions. The largest flowered Full to part sun. Flowers: slender
trumpet-shaped, tube 3-4 in. long,
cream aging to honey-colored;
calyx deeply lobed; fragrant prima-
rily at night. Leaves: ovate, 2-3 in.
long, glossy dark green. Blooms
when nights start to turn warm. Calyx
distinctive. Cold-sensitive. An old fa-
vorite in Key West. The species name
means "shiny." This brunfelsia has
somewhat larger flowers than B.
americana but is a smaller shrub.

Brunfelsia pauciflora
Synonym: Franciscea pauciflora.
Brazil. Evergreen shrub, 3-8 ft.;
zones 9-11. Blooms spring. Regu-
lar moisture. Fertile, humus-rich,
well-drained soil; acid pH. Full to
part sun. Flowers: tube to 1.5 in.
long, lobes spreading, 2-2.5 in.
wide, purple fading to pale violet,
white eye with a hairy halo around
throat; calyx to 1 in., hairy; usually
solitary in the leaf axils. Leaves:
elliptic, 4-5 in. long; margins
smooth, slightly undulate. Low tol-
Brunfelsia grandiflora Brunfelsia nitida erance for alkaline conditions. Thrives

Brunfelsia densifolia Brunfelsia lactea Brunfelsia nitida, flowers Brunfelsia pauciflora


in southern California. 'Floribunda' scented at night. Leaves: elliptic to colored; solitary but set close to- trum is preferred as the common
(syn. B. eximiaj has clusters of flow- 6 in. long, glossy, leathery. Of tropi- gether near ends of branches, ap- name rather than jasmine to pre-
ers in the leaf axils. 'Compacta' is a cal woodlands. Should never dry out pearing clustered; sweet-musky vent confusion with true jasmines
dwarf selection used as a medium completely. Blooms when nights are scent day and night. Leaves: ellip- (family Oleaceae). Day-blooming
bedding shrub. cool. The most tolerant white-flow- tic, 2-3 in. long, more or less folded cestrum, C diurnum, is listed as in-
ered brunfelsia for alkaline soils. lengthwise; margins undulate. The vasive and is restricted in Florida
Brunfelsia plicata cloyingly sweet-musky scent is distinc- though it is an important food for
LADY-OF-THE-NIGHT, Brunfelsia uniflora tive. Has smaller flowers than B. butterflies in winter. Night-bloom-
DAMA-DE-LA-NOCHE YESTERDAY-TO DAY-TOMORROW, grandiflora and is a smaller shrub. ing cestrum, C. nocturnum, is inva-
Cuba. Evergreen shrub to 6 ft.; VEGETABLE-MERCURY, MANACA sive in Hawaii.
zones 10-11. Blooms late winter, Synonym: B. hopeana. Bolivia, Ar- Cestrum
spring. Moderate moisture when gentina, Paraguay. Evergreen shrub Cestrum includes approximately Cestrum aurantiacum
hot, less when cool. Fertile, sandy, to 6 ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms cool 175 species of shrubs and trees ORANGE CESTRUM,
humus-rich, well-drained soil; neu- months. Regular moisture when from tropical America. Leaves are HIERBA SANTA ANARANJADA
tral to slightly acid pH. Part sun. hot, less when cool. Fertile, well- simple. Flowers are tubular or Synonyms: C. chaculanum, C
Flowers: slender trumpet-shaped, drained soil; slightly acid pH. Full trumpet-shaped, often in many- paucinervium. Mexico to Costa
tube to 4 in. long, lobes to 2 in. to part sun. Flowers: trumpet- flowered clusters, and sometimes Rica. Evergreen shrub to 15 ft.;
wide, ruffled, white aging to honey; shaped, tube to 1.5 in. long, purple scented. They are very attractive to zones 9-11. Blooms intermittently
calyx cup-shaped, toothed; clove- fading to white, throat eye cream- butterflies and hummingbirds. Ces- in warm months. Moderate mois-
ture to seasonally dry. Average,
well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers:
trumpet-shaped, to about 1 in.
long, yellow-orange, lobes small,
pointed, revolute; in dense terminal
clusters. Leaves: lanceolate, to 6 in.
long, glossy dark green, aromatic
when crushed. Thrives in southern
California, less floriferous in humid
climates. Not known to set seed in
Florida. Suitable for medium to tall
privacy hedges in full sun.

Cestrum diurnum
West Indies; widely naturalized.
Evergreen shrub to 20 ft.; zones
9-11. Blooms intermittently all year.
Seasonally moist/dry. Most well-
drained soils. Full to part sun. Flow-
ers: small, trumpet-shaped, about
Brunfelsia plicata Cestrum diurnum, with zebra broad-wing butterfly
1 in. long, lobes recurved, white,
weakly scented; in loose clusters;
fruit purplish black. Leaves: oblong,
to 4 in. long. Fruit is toxic to humans
but relished by birds. Though some-
what invasive in Florida, it is ex-
tremely attractive to native butter-
flies. Cestrum nocturnum has
smaller flowers in dense clusters
and is strongly scented at night.

Cestrum elegans
Synonym: C. purpureum. Mexico.
Evergreen shrub, 4-1 Oft.; zones
9-11. Blooms intermittently, prima-
rily cool months. Moderate mois-
ture when hot, less when cool.
Brunfelsia uniflora Cestrum aurantiacum Cestrum elegans 'Rosea' Moderately fertile, well-drained

soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: tubu- genus, are soft-wooded trees and stems purple in purple-flowered early summer. Seasonally moist/
lar, constricted just below the shrubs with pendent flowers. Re- forms. This species is evergreen in the dry. Average, well-drained soil; alka-
small, unexpanded lobes, selec- member the adage: "Devil's trum- subtropics though grown as an an- line pH. Part sun. Flowers: funnel-
tions mauve, pink, and violet. pets look up toward heaven, angel's nual in temperate regions. All parts shaped, light orange; fruit round,
Leaves ovate, to 3 in. long; aro- trumpets look down toward hell." poisonous. 'Cornucopia' and 'Flore bright orange. Leaves: elliptic to
matic when crushed. Very attractive Jimson weed, D. stramonium, is a Pleno' have 2-4 inserted, "double" lanceolate, to 3 in. long. Of forest
to hummingbirds and butterflies. temperate species. corollas,8-10in. long. understory. Blooms near end of dry
Compact selections are amiable, season. Photographed in the Plant
Datura metel Goetzea Conservation Collection at Fairchild
Datura DEVIL'S TRUMPET, HORN-OF- Goetzea includes 2 species from Tropical Garden.
Datura includes 8 or 9 species PLENTY, THORN-APPLE Puerto Rico and Hispaniola. They
of annual or perennial herbs and Southern China; widely naturalized. are seriously endangered, reduced lochroma
shrubs from North and South Evergreen herb or shrub, 4-6 ft.; to a few individuals in the wild. lochroma includes approximately
America. Leaves are simple, often zones 9-11. Blooms intermittently, Leaves are simple. Flowers are fun- 10 species of shrubs and trees from
with toothed margins. Known as especially when nights are cool. nel-shaped, pendent, bisexual but tropical South America. Leaves are
devil's trumpets, the large, trum- Seasonally moist/dry. Average, self-sterile, and cross-pollinated simple. Flowers are tubular or bell-
pet-shaped flowers are ascending, well-drained soil. Full sun to bright by birds. shaped. Very attractive to hum-
pollinated at night by sphinx broken light. Flowers: trumpet- mingbirds, which serve as pollina-
moths. Fruits are round with irritat- shaped, lobes fluted, edges more Goetzea elegans tors. The genus name alludes to
ing spurs. All contain the drug or less spurred, ascending, white to MATABUEY the violet color of the flowers.
scopolamine and are highly toxic. eggplant-purple outside, white in- Puerto Rico, almost extinct in the
Angel's trumpets, Brugmansia side, 8-10 in. long. Leaves: ovate, wild. Evergreen shrub or small tree; lochroma warscewiczii
species, formerly included in this to 8 in. long, dull; petioles and zones 10-11. Blooms late spring, VIOLET TUBE-FLOWER
Colombia, Ecuador. Evergreen
shrub or small tree, 4-1 Oft.; zones
10-11. Blooms most of the year.
Regular moisture and humidity.
Fertile, well-drained soil. Bright fil-
tered light. Flowers: tubular, 2-2.5
in. long, violet, toothlike lobes only
slightly spreading; calyx cup-
shaped. Leaves: obovate to oblan-
ceolate, to 6 in. long, blade decur-
rent, downy; margins undulate. Of
tropical cloud-forests. Small spread-
ing tree for protected locations or suit-
able for containers, lochroma cyane-
um has deep purple, more funnel-
shaped flowers.

Datura metel Datura metel 'Cornucopia' Datura metel 'Flore Pleno'
Lycianthes includes approximately
200 species of shrubs and climbers
from tropical America and eastern
Asia. Leaves are entire (not lobed)
with blunt points. The 10-toothed
calyces help distinguish this genus
from closely related Solanum,
which has 5-toothed calyces and
lobed leaves.

Lycianthes rantonnei
Synonym: Solanum rantonnetii (in-
correctly). Paraguay, Argentina.
Evergreen scandent shrub, 5-8 ft.;
zones 9-11. Blooms warm months.
Moderate moisture. Fertile, well-
drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: fun-
Goetzea elegans lochroma warscewiczii nel-shaped, lobes fused, blue-vio-
352 S O L A N A C E A E . Lycianthes

let, rumpled; stamens prominent, forest to montane cloud-forest. morning mist. They also thrive in base, pale yellow, aging gold, with
golden. Leaves: ovate to lanceolate, Leaves are simple, entire, usually humid climates that have a distinct 10 radiating purple lines inside
to 4 in. long, slightly hairy; oppos- leathery or rubbery. Flowers are dry season. Variegated forms have cup, night fragrant; calyx spathe-
ing leaves often of unequal length; solitary, the corolla large, goblet- green-and-white leaves. like, to 4 in. long, surrounding base
margins undulate. Cold-sensitive. shaped, the cup tapering into a of the corolla neck. Leaves: elliptic
Fast-growing. Suitable for coastal long, slender neck at the base. Solandra longiflora to ovate, to 6 in. long, base of the
locations. Sometimes trained as a Flowers are fragrant primarily at CHALICE-VINE, CUP-OF-GOLD, blade tapering down the short peti-
standard or espaliered. Crown as an night and pollinated by bats. The COPA DE ORO, CALIZ DE ORO ole (decurrent).
annual in colder regions. Pruning en- species commonly cultivated are Synonym: Swartzia longiflora. Cuba,
courages branching and more flow- aggressive heavy vines that require Hispaniola, Jamaica. Evergreen Solandra maxima
ers. 'Royal Robe' has purple flowers. strong support. Prune back to woody climber to 30 ft.+; zones GOLDEN CHALICE-VINE,
woody branches after flowering. In 9-11. Blooms cool months. Moder- CUP-OF-GOLD, COPA DE ORO

Solandra California, Solandra species are ate moisture, seasonally dry. Fertile, Synonym: Datura maxima. Mexico
Solandra includes approximately often grown on the west side of well-drained soil. Full sun. Flowers: to Peru, Venezuela. Evergreen
10 species of shrubs and woody houses for afternoon shade, espe- goblet-shaped, 10-12 in. long, cup woody climber to 40 ft.+; zones
climbers from tropical America. cially along the Pacific coast, and constricted below the rim, lobes re- 9-11. Blooms cool months . Mod-
They grow from tropical coastal receive their moisture through curved, fringed, neck tubular at erate moisture, seasonally dry. Fer-
tile, well-drained soil. Full sun.
Flowers: goblet-shaped, 10 in. long,
cup spreading, rim not constricted,
to 8 in. wide, lobes recurved; mar-
gins smooth, tubular at the base,
yellow, aging gold, 5 radiating pur-
ple lines inside cup; coconut-
scented; calyx tubular, slightly in-
flated, toothed, surrounding lower
half of the corolla neck. Leaves:
broadly elliptic to oblong, to 7 in.
long, glossy; petiole to 6 in. Photo
of a plant growing at Balboa Park.

Solanum includes approximately
1400 species of herbs, shrubs, and
climbers, rarely trees, which are
Lycianthes rantonnei 'Royal Robe' Solandra longiflora Solandra maxima widely distributed, with greatest
diversity in the tropics and subtrop-
ics. It is a large, diverse group.
Leaves are simple, lobed or com-
pound. The flowers are rotate,
sometimes bell-shaped, with fused
or pointed, star-shaped lobes. The
5 stamen anthers are often fitted
together like a cone. A number of
species are grown as ornamentals.
Many have prickles or spines. The
fruit is a berry. The common white
potato, S. tuberosum, is a cultigen
that evolved through thousands of
years in cultivation by the ancient
peoples of the Andes. The potato
was introduced into Europe where
it became a staple. A devastating
potato blight resulted in famine
throughout Europe but most se-
verely in Ireland and contributed to
a historic migration of Europeans
to the New World. Many wild
species of potato, including such
oddities as blue potatoes, are still
Solandra maxima eaten in the Andean countries.
SOLANACEAE • Streptosolen 353

While some members of this genus simple, 4-8 in. long; leaflets or Solanum wrightii ern South America. The genus
are edible, others are poisonous. lobes 3-9. Attractive to butterflies. B R A Z I L I A N POTATO-TREE name refers to a twist in the corolla
Needs support of a fence or arbor. Synonym: S. macranthum. Brazil, tube. Plants bloom when nights are
Solanum erianthum Bolivia. Evergreen tree, 8-20 ft; cool. They are attractive to birds
POTATO-TREE, MULLEIN Solanum wendlandii zones 9-11. Blooms most of year, and butterflies and are pollinated
especially in warm months. Moder-
("PLATE-WASHER") PARADISE-FLOWER, ate moisture. Fertile, well-drained
Synonym: 5. verbascifolium. Tropi- WENDLAND'S NIGHTSHADE
soil. Full sun. Flowers: star-shaped, Streptosolen jamesonii
cal and subtropical Americas; Mexico to Colombia, widely natu-
to 2 in. wide, opening purple, fad- MARMALADE-BUSH, O R A N G E
widely naturalized. Evergreen shrub ralized. Evergreen twining climber BROWALLIA, MERMELADA
ing white, lobes pointed; anthers
or tree, 6-25 ft.; zones 9-11. to 20 ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms Synonym: Browallia jamesonii.
long and conspicuous. Leaves:
Blooms winter, spring. Seasonally spring. Moderate moisture. Aver- Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. Ever-
ovate to obovate, to 10 in.+ long,
moist/ dry. Average to poor, well- age to fertile, well-drained soil. Full, green sprawling shrub to 6 ft.;
usually irregularly lobed or dis-
drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- part sun. Flowers: rotate, violet, to zones 10-11. Blooms late fall, win-
sected, commonly prickled. Stems:
ers: rotate, lobes star-shaped, white 2 in. wide, petals fused to edges, ter, spring. Regular moisture when
commonly prickled. 'Thornless' has
or greenish, calyx and stalks more or less notched with short hot, less when cool. Average to fer-
mostly long hairs instead of prickles.
densely woolly; fruit round, orange spurs at junctions. Leaves: simple, tile, well-drained soil. Full to part
Propagate selection from cuttings or
when ripe, to 1.5 in. Leaves: ovate entire, to irregularly pinnate or un- sun. Flowers: trumpet-shaped,
air-layering. The conspicuous long an-
to elliptic, woolly, 6-12 in. long. evenly 3- to 5-lobed to dissected, to tube twisted, lobes slightly revo-
thers help distinguish this species
Stems: woolly. In the Andes, people 10 in. long. Small hooked prickles lute, open yellow, turning orange;
from S. wendlandii.
reportedly use a handful of the leaves on leaves and stems. Vigorous vine. in dense clusters (corymbs).
to scrub dishes. Frequently cultivated in the tropics. Streptosolen Leaves: elliptic to obovate, 1-1.5 in.
Needs sturdy support. Streptosolen includes a single long, downy. Of mountain wood-
Solanum quitoense lands. Cold-sensitive. A dense sprawl-
species of shrub from northwest-
Andes of Ecuador, Colombia, Cen-
tral America; widely cultivated. Per-
ennial to 6 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms
warm months. Moderate moisture.
Average, well-drained soil. Full sun
to bright shade. Flowers: rotate,
lobes star-shaped, creamy white;
calyx woolly; in axillary clusters near
ends of branches; fruit round, yel-
low to orange, to 1 in. diameter,
flesh greenish. Leaves: ovate, 8-15
in. long; margins coarsely toothed
or lobed; petioles and veins often
with reddish purple hairs. Prickles
and down cover leaf blade, petioles,
and stems. Seedy fruit is grown com-
mercially for juice and preserves. The Solanum erianthum Solanum quitoense Solanum seaforthianum
pulpy citruslike juice is available
frozen in U.S. markets with Latin
American clientele. The residue is fed
to animals.

Solanum seaforthianum
Tropical America, widely distrib-
uted. Evergreen climber or shrub to
20 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms sum-
mer, fall. Moderate moisture. Aver-
age to fertile, well-drained soil. Full
sun to bright broken light. Flowers:
star-shaped, light blue-violet, laven-
der, pink, or white, 1 in. wide; in
many-flowered clusters (cymes);
fruit orange. Leaves: irregularly pin-
natifid to pinnate, or sometimes Solanum wendlandii Solanum wrightii
354 S O L A N A C E A E - Streptosolen

ing shrub suitable for ground cover, a petal-like staminode. The fruit is Ravenala madagascariensis soil. Full sun. Flowers: inconspicu-
containers, and hanging baskets. Pro- a woody capsule. TRAVELERS' TREE, ous, greenish white, secrete a mu-
vides excellent cover for birds. Trim PALMA DE VIAJERO cilaginous fluid; bracts boatlike,
lightly or stake for more shrubby Ravenala Madagascar. Evergreen treelike greenish, imbricate; inflorescences
shape. Underutilized but recom- Ravenala includes a single species herb, 20-30 ft.+; zones 10-11. produced sequentially from be-
mended for winter color. of treelike herb from Madagascar. Blooms warm months. Regular tween the petiole bases. Leaves:
Leaves are paddle-shaped, arranged moisture to seasonally dry. Fertile, oblong, paddle-shaped, 6-10ft.+,
STRELITZIACEAE in a fan with overlapping (imbri- sandy, humus-rich, well-drained in opposite ranks (distichous) on a
BIRD-OF-PARADISE FAMILY cate) bases at the top of the stem.
Strelitziaceae includes 3 genera of In older plants, the lower leaves fall
rhizomatous and treelike herbs exposing the fibrous, palmlike
from Madagascar, southern Africa, trunk. They are slow-growing but
and South America. They are fre- may become very tall in favorable
quently cultivated in the tropics. locations. The flowers and inflores-
Leaves are large and usually pad- cences are produced consecutively
dle-shaped, resembling bananas, in the leaf axils. New shoots are pro-
Musa, to which they are closely re- duced at the base of the trunk; they
lated. Flowers are bisexual and are often removed to maintain the
asymmetrical, produced in the leaf solitary form of the mother plant.
axils at the overlapping (imbri- Though often arranged in the land-
cate) bases of the long petioles. scape for their striking symmetry,
They have 3 free, petal-like sepals off-shoots have no respect for land-
and 3 petals; 1 petal is free and 2 scape design and must be reset. It
are united, sometimes resembling is a myth that they orient them-
a barbed arrow. There are 6 sta- selves toward the sun. Ravenala madagascariensis, inflores-
mens, 1 sometimes modified into Streptosolen jamesonii cence

Ravenala madagascariensis Strelitzia nicolai


single plane; petioles long, bases moisture, seasonally dry. Fertile, nial herbs from tropical Asia, the Most taccas are suitable for moder-
clasping stem, imbricate; blades ar- humus-rich, well-drained soil. Full Pacific Islands, Australia, Africa, ately shady locations. Though the
ranged in a distinctive fan at the sun. Flowers: petals blue; calyx and South America. A few species taccas listed may become dormant
top of a stout, fibrous stem. One white; bracts canoe-shaped, waxy are cultivated for their attractive fo- in the wild in dry seasons, they may
common name refers to the water blue-green with a reddish edge; at liage as well as their other-worldly remain evergreen with regular
that collects in the leaf bases, pre- the bases of the leaves. Leaves: flowers. They are fascinating to moisture.
sumably a source of drinking water. paddle-shaped, in 2 ranks (spirally children as well as adults. Indian
Strelitzia nicolai somewhat resem- distichous); petioles to 3 ft. long; arrowroot, Tacca leontopetaloides, is Tacca chantrieri
bles young Ravenala, but its leaves spirally arranged on a fibrous stem. cultivated in tropical Asia and the BAT-FLOWER, DRACULA-FLOWER,
spiral around the stem instead of Produces dense clumps that beneft Pacific for its starchy tubers. Leaves FLOR DE MURCIELAGO
being in a fanlike plane. from periodic thinning. The spiral ar- are basal, entire or lobed, with long Thailand. Evergreen tuberous herb
rangement of the leaves helps distin- petioles. Flowers are bisexual and to 2 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms late
Strelitzia guish this species from bananas radially symmetrical. They have 3 winter to summer. Regular mois-
Strelitzia includes 4 species of (Musa) and travelers' tree (Rave- sepals, 3 petals, and 6 stamens, ture. Fertile, humus-rich, well-
stemless (acaulescent) and treelike nala). Suitable for coastal planting. which are often black or purple- drained soil. Filtered light to me-
herbs from South Africa. Leaves are black, sometimes partly white and dium shade. Flowers: black to
paddle-shaped, spirally arranged in Strelitzia reginae greenish. The 2-4 often winglike purplish white, nodding on long
opposite ranks (spirally distichous). BIRD-OF-PARADISE, CRANE-FLOWER, primary bracts are blackish, purple, pedicels; 2 bracts broadly ovate and
The species resemble and are AVE DE PARAISO green, or white and the secondary winglike, 2 smaller bracts perpendi-
sometimes confused with banana South Africa (Cape Provinces, bracts are often numerous and cular to the others, black, greenish,
(Musa) or travelers' tree (Rave- KwaZulu-Natal). Perennial herb, threadlike. Flowers are clustered in or reddish; bracteoles threadlike,
nala). Flowers are showy, one to 4-7 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms inter- umbels on a hollow scape The fruit 6-8 in. long, lax. Leaves: basal, lan-
several produced at a time in a mittently most of the year. Moder- is a berry. ceolate, glossy dark green, blade ta-
large, canoelike bract (spathe). ate moisture. Fertile, organically pering down the petiole (decurrent).
The 3 fused petals are blue, dart- rich, well-drained soil; acid pH. Full Tacca
shaped. Bird-of-paradise, S. regi- sun. Flowers: petals blue, arrow- Tacca includes 10 species of rhi- Tacca integrifolia
nae, is much used for landscaping shaped; sepals orange; one to sev- zomatous or tuberous perennial CAT'S W H I S K E R S , BAT-FLOWER,
along the coast highway in Cali- eral, opening sequentially; one herbs from Southeast Asia, Malay- BARBA DEL GATO
fornia, with morning mists as its bract, canoe-shaped, waxy blue- sia, Australasia, Africa, and South Eastern India, southern China,
principal irrigation. These plants green; on a long stalk. Leaves: ob- America. They are mostly plants of Southeast Asia, Indomalaysia. Sea-
also thrive in moist climates with long or lanceolate, glaucous; peti- shady forest understory. These lily sonally dormant tuberous herb to
excellent drainage. Small divisions ole stiffly erect. Produces large allies have handsome, glossy foli- 2.5 ft; zones 10-11. Blooms inter-
or seed take several years to reach clumps. Attractive to birds for the age and often black or white flow- mittently in fall, winter, spring. Sea-
blooming size. nectar as well as water captured in ers, more or less tinged green or sonally moist/dry. Fertile, organi-
the bracts. Stemless (acaulescent). purple. Most are cold-sensitive cally rich, well-drained soil; neutral
Strelitzia nicolai The leaf blade is greatly reduced in S. tropicals but are grown outdoors in to acid pH. Filtered light to me-
WHITE BIRD-OF-PARADISE, parvifolia (syn. S. juncea). the subtropics as bedding plants dium shade. Flowers: purplish
TREE BIRD-OF-PARADISE with plentiful mulch in protected black, on short peduncles; 2 broad
South Africa (Cape Provinces, TACCACEAE locations. They are suitable for con- and spreading bracts, white to pur-
KwaZulu-Natal). Evergreen tree- BAT-FLOWER FAMILY tainers. The inflorescence stalks are ple, 2 narrower bracts below;
like herb, 15-30 ft.; zones 9-11. Taccaceae includes a single genus sometimes hidden beneath the foli- bracteoles threadlike, 8-10 in. long,
Blooms almost all year. Moderate of rhizomatous or tuberous peren- age and may be staked for display. lax; scape to 40 in. long. Leaves:

Strelitzia nicolai, inflorescence Strelitzia reginae Tacca chantrieri

356 TACCACEAE • Tacca

basal, lanceolate to broadly ovate, ken—a good field mark. Flowers are plants (dioecious), or if bisexual, America and the West Indies.
to 2 ft. long, glossy dark green; peti- mostly bisexual and radially sym- then functionally unisexual, or Leaves are simple, the margins
oles purple. Of monsoon forest. metrical. The 4 or 5 sepals are fused sometimes polygamous. smooth or sharply toothed. Petal-
as are the 4 or 5 petals. The 5 sta- like stamens (staminodes) alter-
Tacca leontopetaloides mens alternate with 5 scalelike sta- Clavija nutans nate with the petals. These species
INDIAN ARROWROOT, minodes. The filaments are Synonym: C. integrifolia. Brazil, Bo- are underutilized and recom-
LION'S WHISKERS mounted on the inside of the corolla livia, Paraguay. Evergreen pachy- mended, especially for coastal
Synonym: T. pinnatifda. Old World tube (epipetalous). The fruit is usu- caulous tree, 5-10 ft.; zones 10-11. locations. They are said to be fire
tropics. Seasonally dormant tuber- ally a many-seeded berry. The sta- Blooms fall, winter. Seasonally resistant.
ous herb, 2-5 ft; zones 10-11. minodes, fruits, and fibrous leaves moist, less when cool. Average,
Blooms spring, summer. Season- help distinguish this family from well-drained soil. Part sun to bright Jacquinia aurantiaca
ally moist/dry. Fertile, organically Myrsinaceae (Judd, pers. comm.). broken light. Flowers: unisexual, Mexico, Central and South Amer-
rich, well-drained soil; neutral to orange to scarlet; in racemes clus- ica. Evergreen shrub, 6-15 ft.;
acid pH. Part sun to bright filtered Clavija tered in the leaf axils near the ends zones 9-11. Blooms spring, sum-
light. Flowers: green and black; pri- Clavija (pronounced cla-V-ha) in- of the branches; berries red-orange. mer. Seasonally moist/dry. Poor,
mary bracts leaflike; secondary cludes 50-55 species of evergreen Leaves: obovate to elliptic, to 1 ft.+ sandy, well-drained soil; alkaline
bracts threadlike, arching. Leaves: shrubs or small trees from Nicara- long; margins smooth; petioles pH. Full to part sun. Flowers: small,
cauline (on a stem), to 10 in. long, gua to Brazil and Hispaniola. short. An erect, little-branched small orange; in racemes near the ends
irregularly and deeply lobed and Stems are unbranched, somewhat tree suitable for small gardens or of the branches; fruit ovoid, tanger-
forked. pachycaulous, and fibrous. Leaves large containers. ine orange. Leaves: lanceolate, 3-4
are simple, in spirally arranged in. long, stiff, tips spined; margins
Tacca palmata clusters at the ends of the stems. Jacquinia smooth; clustered near ends of
Indonesia (Java). Seasonally dor- Flowers are unisexual, with male Jacquinia includes 30-35 species short, stiff branches. A xeric, salt-
mant tuberous herb to 15 in.; zones and female flowers on different of shrubs and trees from Central tolerant shrub suitable for coastal
10-11. Blooms summer, fall. Sea-
sonally moist/dry. Fertile, organi-
cally rich, well-drained soil; neutral
to acid pH. Bright filtered light to
medium shade. Flowers: black to
purplish, nodding; 2 primary bracts
erect, 2 smaller bracts below;
threadlike bracteoles absent.
Leaves: basal, palmatifid, 5-lobed,
blade 6-8 in. long; petiole to 12 in.

Tacca palmatafda
Sulawesi (Celebes). Seasonally dor-
mant tuberous herb to 2 ft.; zones
10-11. Blooms warm months. Sea-
sonally moist/dry. Fertile, organi-
cally rich, well-drained soil; neutral
to acid pH. Bright filtered light to
Tacca integrifolia Tacca leontopetaloides Tacca palmata
part shade. Flowers: blackish pur-
ple, nodding; 2 primary bracts
erect, 2 smaller bracts below;
threadlike bracteoles absent.
Leaves: basal, blade broadly ovate
in general outline, to 12 in. long,
with 5-7 large lobes at apex of the

Theophrastaceae includes approxi-
mately 4 genera of trees and shrubs
from tropical America and the West
Indies. Leaves are simple and spi-
rally arranged, sometimes with
sharply toothed margins or spined
tips. The blades contain fibers,
which are visible when a leaf is bro- Tacca palmatafda Clavija nutans Jacquinia aurantiaca
T U R N E R A C E A E • Turnera 357

areas. Long-lasting ornamental fruit. drupe, sometimes an achene. The drained soil. Full to part sun. Flow- in. across. Leaves: elliptic to obo-
Slow growing. Joewood, J. keyensis stems have a fibrous inner bark ers: floral tube greenish to pink, vate, to 3 in. long, silky pubescent.
(syn. J. aurantiaca var. albifloraj, that comes off in strips when twigs sepals petal-like, pink; in lax heads, Bark: smooth, reddish brown. Heat
from the Florida Keys, Bahamas, and are broken (Howard, pers. comm.). fragrant; bracts 4, pink, becoming tolerant. This colorful shrub is un-
West Indies, has white flowers. The fiber is sometimes used to woody; in loose umbels to 3 in. usual to rare in cultivation in the
make paper. wide. Leaves: oblanceolate to ob- United States.
THYMELAEACEAE long, to 3 in. long, dull dark green.
MEZEREUM FAMILY Dais Of moist woodland margins. An at- Phaleria
Thymelaeaceae includes approxi- Dais includes 2 species of shrubs tractive summer-blooming shrub. Phaleria includes approximately 20
mately 53 genera of shrubs and from Madagascar and southern String or thread is made from bark species from Indomalaysia to New
trees, rarely climbers and herbs, Africa. Leaves are simple. The fibers. The species name alludes to a Guinea and Australia. Leaves are
which are widely distributed, with petal-like (petaloid) sepals are resemblance of the leaves to Cotinus simple. Flowers have long, slender
greatest diversity in tropical Africa mounted on a tubular floral cup (Anacardiaceae), smoke tree. floral tubes. The petal-like sepals
and Australia. Leaves are simple, (hypanthium). The flowers are ar- are small and attached to the
often spirally arranged. Flowers are ranged in a loose head subtended Drimyspermum tube rim.
usually bisexual and radially or al- by 2 woody bracts. Drimyspermum includes approxi-
most radially symmetrical. The co- mately 10 species of shrubs or trees
Phaleria perrottetiana
rolla is scalelike or absent. The Dais cotinifolia from New Guinea, Fiji, the
Philippines. Evergreen spreading
calyx is petal-like (petaloid) and POMPOM TREE shrub to 5 ft.+; zones 10-11.
Solomon Islands, and Indonesia.
mounted on a tubular floral cup Southeast Africa, Madagascar. De- Blooms spring. Seasonally moist/
Leaves are simple. The petal-like
(hypanthium). Bracts are some- ciduous or evergreen shrub or dry. Fertile, well-drained soil. Full to
calyx is mounted on a slender floral
times present. Flowers are solitary small tree, 5-15 ft; zones 10-11. part sun. Flowers: white, in dense
tube. Flowers are clustered at the
or are arranged in compact heads Blooms late spring, summer. Sea- heads; fruit red. Leaves: lanceolate,
nodes near the ends of the
or racemes. The fruit is a berry or sonally moist/dry. Fertile, well- to 6 in. long, glossy.
branches. The name alludes to pun-
gent-scented seeds. These species
are unusual to rare in cultivation.
Turneraceae includes approxi-
Drimyspermum macro-
mately 10 genera of annual and
perennial herbs and shrubs prima-
Synonym: Phaleria macrocarpa.
rily from tropical and subtropical
New Guinea. Evergreen shrub to 10
America, Africa, Madagascar, and
ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms spring.
the Mascarene Islands. Leaves are
Seasonally moist/moderate. Fertile,
simple usually with serrated mar-
well-drained soil. Full to part sun.
gins. Flowers are bisexual and radi-
Flowers: white, in loose clusters in
ally symmetrical. They have 5 se-
the leaf axils. Leaves: lanceolate, to
pals, 5 petals, and 5 stamens
4 in. long, glossy dark green. Un-
mounted on a floral disk (hypan-
usual to rare in cultivation. Photo-
thium). Flowers are usually solitary
graphed at Fairchild Tropical Garden.
in the leaf axils but occasionally are
arranged in racemes. The fruit is a
Gnidia small capsule.
Dais cotinifolia Drimyspermum macrocarpum Gnidia includes approximately 140
species of shrubs and trees from Turnera
Africa, Arabia, Madagascar, and Sri Turnera includes approximately 70
Lanka. Leaves are simple, opposite. species of herbs and subshrubs
Flowers have long floral tubes. from the Gulf Coast to Mexico and
Petal-like sepals are mounted on South America. Turnera diffusa and,
the rim of the tube. Woody fibers of to a lesser extent, T. ulmifolia, have
G. glauca are used to make high- been cultivated in Mexico and Cen-
quality paper. tral America since Mayan times for
use as a stimulant tea, beverage fla-
Gnidia madagascariensis voring, and a purported aphro-
Synonym: Lasiosiphon madagas- disiac. Leaves are simple, often
cariensis. Madagascar. Evergreen with serrate, rarely lobed, margins,
shrub to 4 ft.+; zones 9-11. Blooms with a pair of nectaries at the base
warm months. Seasonally moist, of the blade. They contain thymol,
moderate. Fertile, well-drained soil. which gives them a resinous aroma
Part sun to bright filtered light. when crushed. The pistils are either
Flowers: small, orange; in compact, long or short in different flowers
Gnidia madagascariensis Phaleria perrottetiana headlike (capitate) umbels, to 1.5 (heterostylous). Flowers arise from
358 T U R N E R A C E A E • Turnera

a slit in the petioles of the upper nel-shaped, petals cream, bright Leaves are linear to sword-shaped to 8 in. long; in whorls near ends of
leaves and their vascular tissue is yellow near the base with a purple- with parallel veins, arranged in the branches. Suitable for coastal
connected through the petiole as brown eye; solitary. Leaves: ovate, whorls at the ends of the branches. planting. Water deeply but let dry be-
well (Howard 1989). The common oblong to oblanceolate, 1-3 in. Stems are more or less pachy- fore watering again. Taper off water in
names politician's flower and long, pubescent, glands near the caulous and produce moisture-ab- the fall and keep dry in winter when
banker's flower hold that the flow- base; margins serrate; clustered at sorbing adventitious roots in dry dormant. Suitable for containers. The
ers open at 10 and close by 2. This ends of the branches. Of coastal to conditions. Plants begin to bloom vellozia in the photo was blooming
is often true for plants that receive inland meadows and disturbed areas. when quite small. Flowers are bi- when it was less than 1ft. tall.
shade during the day. In fact, the sexual and radially symmetrical.
flowers open as soon as they are Turnera ulmifolia They have 6 tepals, 3 fertile sta- VERBENACEAE
touched by the first rays of the sun YELLOW ALDER, BUTTERCUP BUSH, mens, and 3 staminodes. Flowers LANTANA FAMILY, PETREA FAMILY
BANKER'S FLOWER, MARILOPEZ Verbenaceae includes approxi-
and may stay open as long as they are solitary in the leaf axils. The
West Indies, South Florida, Mexico mately 36 genera primarily of
receive direct sunlight. Turnera fruit is a capsule.
and tropical America; widely natu- shrubs and trees, plus a few herbs
species are self-seeding and some-
ralized. Evergreen perennial sub- and climbers, which are widely dis-
times weedy. Trim to keep com- Vellozia
shrub to 3 ft.+; zones 10-11. tributed but more abundant in
pact. Attractive to butterflies. Vellozia includes approximately 124
Blooms warm months. Moderate tropical regions. Current revisions
species of pachycaulous herbs
moisture. Average, well-drained have transferred many genera tradi-
Turnera diffusa soil. Full sun. Flowers: funnel-
from Brazil. Tree-lilies are slow-
tionally included in this family to
BUTTERCUP BUSH, DAMIANA growing plants from seasonally dry
shaped, to 2 in. wide, petals yellow, Lamiaceae. Leaves are simple, en-
Texas, Mexico, West Indies, Central inland and coastal regions. Bloom
edges toothed; style long or short tire or occasionally lobed, the mar-
America, Brazil. Perennial herb or typically follows a dry, cool season.
(heterostylous), stigma bristled. gins serrate. They are aromatic
subshrub, 2-6 ft.; zones 9-11. Flowers are pollinated by hum-
Leaves: ovate, to 4 in. long, glossy when crushed. The leaf axils some-
Blooms warm months. Moderate mingbirds. Adventitious roots near
dark green, pubescent; margins times have spines. Stems are often
moisture to seasonally dry. Aver- the base of the stem absorb scarce
usually toothed. Widely distributed 4-angled. Flowers are bisexual and
age, well-drained soil. Full to part moisture unable to penetrate to the
and variable over its range. Of coastal bilaterally symmetrical. The calyx
sun. Flowers: corolla spreading, and inland meadows and woodlands. underground roots. The leaves are
consists of 5 partly fused sepals.
1 -1.5 in. wide, petals obovate with deciduous during the dry season,
Self-seeding and inclined to be weedy There are 5 petals, the 2 upper
an acute point, yellow to almost the persistent leaf sheaths leaving
in favorable conditions. lobes sometimes fused into a lip,
white. Leaves: lanceolate; margins an attractive braided pattern on the
the lower lobe may also be slightly
serrulate. Quite variable over its ex- VELLOZIACEAE stalks. These treelets are usually
liplike. The 4 stamens are in 2
tensive range. Habit open. TREE-LILY FAMILY
grown in containers.
lengths (didynamous). The inflo-
Velloziaceae includes approxi- rescence is a raceme or cyme. The
Turnera subulata mately 8 genera of shrubby succu- Vellozia bahiana fruit is a one-seeded drupe, cap-
POLITICIAN'S FLOWER lent herbs from dry areas of South TREE-LILY sule, or schizocarp.
Synonyms: T. elegans, T. trioniflora, America, Madagascar, eastern Brazil (Bahia). Seasonally dormant
T. ulmifolia var. elegans. Panama to Africa, and Yemen. The taxonomy pachycaulous tree, 1-6 ft.; zones Duranta
Bolivia and Brazil, West Indies; of this monocot family of treelets 10-11. Blooms spring. Moderate Duranta includes approximately 17
widely naturalized. Perennial herb with lilylike flowers is unsettled. moisture, seasonally dry. Sandy, species of shrubs and trees from
or subshrub, 2-3 ft.; zones 9-11. They grow in seasonally arid re- gritty, well-drained soil. Full sun. tropical and subtropical America.
Blooms warm months. Moderate gions. It is surprising that these re- Flowers: tepals lavender; ovary Leaves are simple, with toothed
moisture. Average, well-drained markable plants are not seen more ovoid, covered with tubercles (soft margins, and commonly with short
soil. Full to part sun. Flowers: fun- often in succulent collections. projections). Leaves: sword-shaped, spines in the axils. Flowers are

Turnera diffusa Tumera subulata Tumera ulmifolia Vellozia bahiana

V E R B E N A C E A E • Petrea 359

small, arranged in racemes or pani- Blooms intermittently in spring, Stems are often 4-angled, some- leaves of some selections are varie-
cles. Duranta erecta is commonly fall. Moderate but regular moisture. times prickled or spined. Leaves gated with white or yellow.
cultivated. Though it is often de- Average to fertile, well-drained soil. are simple. Flowers are bisexual,
scribed as a Florida native, there is Full to part sun. Flowers: corolla to slightly bilaterally symmetrical, aro- Lantana montevidensis
no wild population in the United 0.5 in. wide, violet with dark violet matic, in spikes or heads. The fruits PURPLE LANTANA,
States (ScuHock 1992) indicating streaks and a white throat, or are small, black drupes. Lantana ca- T R A I L I N G LANTANA

that early settlers introduced this sometimes all white; in oblique or mara is commonly cultivated and Synonym: L. sellowiana. Argentina,
species into the Keys. It is suitable pendent racemes; fruit a yellow sometimes marketed as a "native" Uruguay, southern Brazil. Perennial
for coastal planting but not directly drupe, to 0.5 in. diameter. Leaves: (Hammer, pers. comm.). Lantanas herb or subshrub to 3 ft.; zones
on the beach. Duranta erecta ex- ovate, 2-3 in. long; margins ser- are widely naturalized and have 9-11. Blooms warm months. Mod-
hibits 2 fruit types: one round and rate. Spines in leaf axils to 1 in. become invasive pests in many erate moisture to dry. Most well-
golden, the other greenish yellow long, occasionally spineless. areas of the tropics, rooting at the drained soils. Full to part sun. Flow-
and shriveled (Burch, pers. comm.). Stems: 4-angled. Attractive to but- nodes where they touch ground ers: small, funnel-shaped, red-
Spineless forms, color selections, ter/lies. A variegated selection has and forming dense thickets. The violet to white with yellow or white
and those with attractive fruit must green-and-white leaves. The highly type species is not recommended eyes; in compact clusters. Leaves:
be propagated from cuttings. ornamental 'Sapphire Shower' has for cultivation. The sterile dwarf ovate to lanceolate, 1-2 in. long,
purple flowers. hybrids, however, are suitable for coarse, aromatic, purple in bright
Duranta erecta cultivation. Lantanas are heat and sun; margins serrate. Commonly
GOLDEN DEWDROP, SKY-FLOWER Lantana salt tolerant. In temperate regions, grown, mounding, spreading ground
Synonyms: D. plumieri, D. repens. Lantana includes approximately they are grown as annuals. They cover. Heat and salt tolerant. Invasive
Mexico to South America, West In- 150 species of herbs and shrubs are toxic to foraging animals but in some areas.
dies; widely naturalized. Evergreen primarily from tropical America attractive to butterflies and hum-
shrub, 10-15 ft.; zones 9-11. with a few from southern Africa. mingbirds. Petrea
Petrea includes 30-40 species of
Lantana camara trees, shrubs, and shrubby
RED AND YELLOW LANTANA, climbers from tropical America.
The clambering species common
Exact origin obscure (tropical
in cultivation is P. volubilis. Petrea
America); widely naturalized. Ever-
arborea, a tree, is rarely cultivated in
green shrub, 1-6 ft.+; zones 9-11.
the United States. Petrea leaves are
Blooms warm months. Moist to
simple and sandpapery (asperous).
dry. Most well-drained soils. Full to
They make serviceable nail files or
part sun. Flowers: small, trumpet-
finishing sandpaper. Often de-
shaped, yellow turning red-orange;
scribed as deciduous, the leaves
in compact heads. Leaves: simple,
are never shed all at once though
ovate to lanceolate, 1.5-2.5 in.
many may fall when cold. Floral
long, coarsely hairy, aromatic; mar-
color selections are quite variable,
gins serrate. Sprawling or mound-
the calyx and corolla often contrast-
ing, sometimes prickly. Invasive and
ing. The corolla is ephemeral. The
restricted in Florida. Sterile hybrids
blue, violet, or white petal-like calyx
may be cultivated. Cultivars have
is persistent. The fruit is a 5-winged
pink, yellow, or white flowers, and
Duranta erecta Duranta erecta, fruit

Petrea volubilis
Mexico, Central America to Brazil,
West Indies. Semideciduous twiner
to 30 ft.+; zones 10-11. Blooms late
winter, spring. Seasonally
moist/dry. Fertile, well-drained soil.
Full sun. Flowers: corolla purple,
pale violet, or white, white spot on
upper petal, ephemeral; calyx pale
blue-violet to white, persistent.
Leaves: elliptic to obovate, to 10 in.
long, dull, rough. Of lowland forests.
Vigorous climber that needs a sturdy
support. Cut back after flowering. Can
be kept pruned as a sprawling shrub.
Lantana camara Lantana camara 'Drap d' Or' Lantana montevidensis Moderately self-seeding. 'Albiflora' is
360 V E R B E N A C E A E • Petrea

all white. Color selections propagated Stachytarpheta jamaicensis fers. Attractive to monarch butterflies climbers, and rarely trees, which
from cuttings. Habit photo taken at BLUE PORTERWEED, JAMAICAN and host plant of Gulf fritillaries. are widely distributed. Viola is the
Fairchild Tropical Garden. V E R V A I N , DEVIL'S COACHWHIP largest genus and the only one
Synonym: Verbena jamaicensis. Stachytarpheta mutabilis found in temperate regions (violets
Stachytarpheta Tropical and subtropical America. PINK PORTERWEED, SNAKEWEED and pansies). In the tropics, Viola
Stachytarpheta includes approxi- Perennial herb or subshrub, 2-6 ft.; Synonym: Verbena mutabilis. Tropi- species grow primarily at higher al-
mately 60 species of herbs and zones 9-11. Blooms warm months. cal America. Perennial herb or sub- titudes. These hardy perennials
subshrubs, which are widely dis- Regular moisture to fairly dry. Aver- shrub, 2-4 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms with their whorls of basal leaves dif-
tributed, with greatest diversity in age to fertile, well-drained soil. Full warm months. Regular moisture to fer considerably from the shrubs,
mild temperate and tropical Amer- to part sun. Flowers: small, blue-vi- fairly dry. Average, well-drained soil. trees, or even vines characteristic
ica. Leaves are simple, aromatic, olet to magenta, throat white, Full to part sun. Flowers: small, of tropical woodlands. Many non-
with toothed margins. Flowers short-lived but opening sequen- pink to magenta, throat cream or descript species are difficult to dis-
are small, with 5 spreading corolla tially over a long period; on thin pink with red border, short-lived, tinguish from members of the fla-
lobes. They are sessile or partly whiplike spikes, 6-20 in. long; opening sequentially; on whiplike courtia family, Flacourtiaceae,
imbedded in a long, whiplike, ter- bracts scalelike on spike; fruit spike, 6-15 in. long; bracts scale- unless in flower (A. Gentry 1993).
minal spike (Howard 1989). Bracts imbedded in the spike tissue. like. Leaves: ovate, 1-2 in. long, Leaves are entire or lobed, usually
are present. These species are Leaves: quilted; margins serrate. stiff, veins depressed; margins ser- alternate or sometimes oppositely
attractive to butterflies and hum- This is an extremely variable species rate. Adaptable. Weedy. Spike is arranged, with serrated margins.
mingbirds. The species are variable over its extensive range, but it is possi- thicker than S. jamaicensis. Flowers are bisexual, strongly to
and readily hybridize, often making ble that more than one blue-violet weakly bilaterally symmetrical or
identification difficult. They are species or hybrid are in cultivation. VIOLACEAE uncommonly radially symmetrical,
heavily self-seeding and weedy in Regular moisture and full sun ensure VIOLET FAMILY and often subtended by bracts. The
favorable conditions. almost constant bloom. Tolerant of Violaceae includes approximately corolla is 5-parted, commonly with
poor conditions but appearance suf- 21 genera of herbs, shrubs, an enlarged, often pouched or

Petrea volubilis Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Stachytarpheta mutabilis


spurred lip, which is more or less Rica to northern South America. by some authors into Costaceae. nias produce large clumps that
united at the base. There are 5, Evergreen shrub, 6-15 ft; zones Cardamom, Elettaria cardamomum; spread outward and may need to
sometimes reduced sepals and 5 10-11. Blooms late winter, spring. turmeric, Curcuma longa (syn. C. be reset occasionally. Cut back old
stamens. Flowers are usually soli- Seasonally moist/dry. Average, well- domestica); ginger, Zingiber offici- stalks after flowering. Alpinias are
tary or sometimes in racemes. The drained soil. Part sun. Flowers: lip nale; and galangal, Alpinia galanga best grown as understory plants.
fruit is a berry or capsule. white with a yellow spot in the are used as spices and herbal medi- Hot sun parches leaves and flow-
throat, short nectar pouch at the cines. The starchy roots of Curcuma ers. A deep layer of mulch greatly
Hybanthus base, lateral petals reduced; pen- angustifolia are ground into East In- reduces moisture and fertilizer re-
Hybanthus includes approximately dent; calyx 5-parted, small, green; dian arrowroot. Perfume oils are ex- quirements. Because they bloom
150 species of mostly subshrubs or capsule 3-sided. Leaves: elliptic, 4-6 tracted from Hedychium flowers. on second-year growth, alpinias
herbs, rarely shrubs, which are in. long, glabrous; margins serrate. Gingers have sympodial growth: usually do not flower where the
widely distributed in the tropics Bark: light gray. An understory shrub a new shoot is produced from the tops are killed back in winter. In
and well represented in the Ameri- of tropical woodlands and seaside for- rhizome each season, flowers, and zone 7 or 8, species that are root-
cas. Flowers have a pouched lip. ests. The flowers dangle from the arch- dies back. Some gingers produce hardy are sometimes grown for foli-
Hybanthus prunifolius is among the ing branches like medallions. They reedlike pseudostems composed age. In colder areas, alpinias may
showier species that bloom in a bloom in mass after a dry season. of the overlapping leaf bases. be overwintered indoors in a con-
"big bang" in the spring through- Ground-hugging species have no tainer in a sunny location.
out the American tropics. Do not ZINGIBERACEAE vertical stalk. Leaves are alternate,
confuse the genus name with GINGER FAMILY in opposite ranks (distichous), and Alpinia calcarata
Habranthus in the amaryllis family, Zingiberaceae includes approxi- paddle-shaped. Petioles are often INDIAN GINGER, SNAP GINGER
Amaryllidaceae. mately 52 genera of rhizomatous long. A ligule (a flange) on either India, China. Evergreen rhizoma-
herbs primarily from Southeast side of the base of the petiole tous herb, 3-4 ft.; zones 8-10.
Hybanthus prunifolius Asia and tropical America. Costus clasps the stalk. There are 3 sepals Blooms late winter, spring. Regular
Synonym: Viola prunifolia. Costa and related genera are segregated and 3 petals, which are fused and moisture. Fertile, organically rich,
usually small. The showy part of the well-drained soil. Morning sun or
flower consists of 2 lateral stamin- bright broken light. Flowers: lip
odes (reduced in Alpinia) and a lip shell-shaped, greenish white with
(labellum). Only one stamen is fer- maroon-brown markings; bract
tile. Secondary bracts often sub- pointed, erect, persistent, at base
tend the flowers. The inflorescence of inflorescence. Leaves: narrowly
is usually a terminal spike or pani- lanceolate, to 12 in. long, 2 in. wide;
cle, sometimes on a separate, leaf- glossy dark green; margins prickly.
less scape (radical stalk). A primary Aromatic. Crown as a foliage plant to
bract sometimes subtends the in- zone 8. The flowers are not particu-
florescence. The fruit is a dry or larly ornamental. This species and A.
fleshy capsule. nutans are incorrectly sold as car-
Seasonally dormant species usu- damom. Cardamom spice comes
ally tolerate light frost if the rhi- from Elettaria cardamomum.
zome is protected from freezing.
Otherwise, the rhizome is overwin- Alpinia formosana
tered indoors in a dry place. Gin- PINSTRIPE GINGER,
gers are propagated by division of WAIMANOLO (HAWAII)
Hybanthus prunifolius Alpinia calcarata
the rhizome, seed, or bulbils (bulb- Synonym: A kumatake. Southern
like growths or viviparous plantlets Japan, Taiwan. Evergreen rhizoma-
that develop in the bracts of certain tous herb to 6 ft.; zones 8-11.
species). Most are excellent for cut Blooms spring. Regular moisture.
flowers. Fertile, organically rich, well-
drained soil; slightly acid pH.
Alpinia Bright filtered light. Flowers: lip
Alpinia includes approximately 200 white with crimson markings, yel-
species of evergreen herbs from low near tip; bracts lanceolate,
Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Rhi- curved. Leaves: aromatic, to 24 in.
zomes and sometimes leaves and long, 5 in. wide, green. Cultivated
stalks are resinously aromatic. forms have variegated leaves with
Alpinias have reedlike pseudo- narrow green and pure white stripes.
stems. The largest species, A boia, Long cultivated in Japan. Rice is
may reach 35 ft. tall. Alpinias differ wrapped in the aromatic leaves for
from other gingers by the absence steaming. Distinguished from A.
of arillate seeds. Flowers some- zerumbet 'Variegata' by the semi-
times have shell-shaped lips. The erect inflorescence and green and
Alpinia formosana inflorescences are terminal. Alpi- white narrowly striped leaves.
362 Z I N G I B E R A C E A E • Alpinia

Alpinia galanga Alpinia Ginosa Series tous herb, 3-6 ft.; zones 8-11. herb, 6-8 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms
THAI G I N G E R , GREATER GALANGAL Garden hybrids. Evergreen rhi- Blooms late winter, spring, sum- spring. Regular moisture. Fertile,
Synonym: Maranta galanga. South- zomatous herbs, 8-12 ft.; zones mer. Regular moisture. Fertile, or- organically rich, well-drained soil.
east Asia; widely cultivated. Semi- 10-11. Bloom warm months. Regu- ganically rich, well-drained soil. Full Full to part sun. Flowers: white, lip
deciduous rhizomatous herb, 5-7 lar moisture. Fertile, organically sun to bright filtered light. Flowers: striped pink with toothed edge,
ft.; zones 7-11. Blooms spring. rich, well-drained soil. Morning sun lip deeply shell-shaped, dark red about 1 in. wide. Leaves: lanceo-
Regular moisture. Fertile, organi- or bright broken light. Flowers: spot inside lip and a few radiating late, to 14 in. long, 3 in. wide, flat
cally rich, well-drained soil. Full to small; bracts red, pink, or white; in- lines, rim yellow with 3 projecting and ladderlike. Stalks stiffly upright.
part sun. Flowers: small, greenish florescence ovoid. Leaves: oblance- yellow tabs on the lower margin; in- The species name refers to a silvery-
white, throat with pinkish stripes, olate, tip acuminate, to 28 in. long, florescence erect with a large, per- gray cast of the foliage. Ground seed
lip edges rolled up (involute); in 7 in. wide; petiole short. A related sistent bract at the base. Leaves: used in Chinese herbal medicine.
many-flowered spirelike spikes to group of Hawaiian hybrids with fuller, paddle-shaped, 20-24 in. long, 4-5 Marginally hardy alpinias such as this
10 in.; bracts large, shed before more rounded inflorescences than A. in. wide, glossy dark green; mar- one are among the first gingers to
flowers open. Leaves: oblong to purpurata. All parts aromatic. gins undulate. Root-hardy to zone 8. bloom in the spring.
ovate, 16-20 in. long, 2-4 in. wide, Crown for cut flowers. 'Jungle King' Bloom short-lived but flowers several
puckered near midrib; margins un- and 'Jungle Queen' do well in the times a year. Crushed seeds are used Alpinia purpurata
dulate; petiole short. Aromatic rhi- subtropics in protected locations. in herbal medicine. Though named in RED G I N G E R

zomes a common ingredient in Thai 'Kimi' and 'Kazu' are very tender honor of a Japanese botanist, the South Pacific (Moluccas, Yap to
cooking. One of the hardiest alpinias ultra-tropicals. species is Chinese. New Caledonia). Evergreen rhi-
and the only one to flower the next zomatous herb, 5-7 ft.+; zones
season after being killed to the Alpinia katsumadai Alpinia oxyphylla 10-11. Blooms all year. Regular
ground by frost. China (Guangdong Province), Synonym: Languas oxyphylla. South- moisture. Fertile, organically rich,
Hainan Island. Evergreen rhizoma- ern China. Evergreen rhizomatous well-drained soil. Full sun to bright

Alpinia katsumadai Alpinia oxyphylla Alpinia purpurata Alpinia purpurata 'Eileen McDonald'

broken light. Flowers: white, open a Regular moisture and humidity. Burbidgea than the strictly practical one of
few at a time; bracts burgundy-red; Fertile, organically rich, well- Burbidgea includes 5 species of rhi- keeping these related genera to-
inflorescence spirelike, to 12 in. drained soil. Bright understory. zomatous evergreen herbs from gether for comparison. Inflores-
tall. Leaves: oblong, 18-22 in. long, Flowers: buds and petals pearly Borneo. The floral lip is much re- cences are often in compact, brac-
4-6 in. wide, smooth. Rhizomes pink to white, lip scoop-shaped, duced in this genus, but the petals teate, conelike heads (strobili) at
and stalks aromatic. Of moist golden with magenta veins; spike are well developed. These are cold- the ends of the leafy stalks. Some
streambanks and lakebanks. Multiple pendent. Leaves: broadly oblong to sensitive plants of deep forest un- species produce inflorescences on
flower spikes and viviparous plantlets lanceolate to 2 ft. long. All parts fra- derstory. They are suitable for con- separate, leafless scapes. The
commonly develop from the base of grant. Fiber a good paper substitute. tainer growing indoors. leaves of most Costus species are
older inflorescences. They will take Freshest appearance with protection burned by direct sunlight. They pre-
root if they touch the ground or can from midday sun. Crows to great Burbidgea schizocheila fer understory locations with bright
be cut for propagation. 'Eileen Mc- height in the "gumbo" soil of New GOLD BIRDS filtered light, regular moisture and
Donald', pink ginger, is somewhat Orleans. Rhizome sometimes used as Borneo. Evergreen rhizomatous humidity but never wet. A horticul-
smaller. It is not known if this form is a substitute for galangal, A. galanga. herb to about 1 ft.; zones 10-11. tural rule-of-thumb is that hairy-
a cultivar or a natural variation col- 'Variegata' with yellow and green Blooms spring, fall. Regular mois- leafed costus are usually more
lected in the wild. striped leaves is mass produced in tis- ture. Fertile, organically rich, well- cold-sensitive.
sue culture for foliage, usually with drained soil. Medium filtered light
Alpinia zerumbet poor, contorted flowers. Distinguish to medium shade. Flowers: petals Costus afer
SHELL GINGER from A. formosana with thin, white well-developed, orange-yellow, to 2 West Africa. Evergreen rhizoma-
Synonyms: A nutans (misapplied), stripes andfrom A. sanderae which in. long, 0.5 in. wide; spike to 6 in. tous herb, 4-8 ft.; zones 9-11.
A speciosa. Southeast Asia, India. has erect inflorescences and broad Leaves: ovate to oblong, 4-6 in. Blooms spring, early summer. Reg-
Evergreen rhizomatous herb, 6-10 white stripes. long, purplish below, slightly puck- ular moisture. Fertile, organically
ft.+; zones 8-11. Blooms spring. ered, fleshy. Stalks and petioles rich, well-drained soil. Part sun to
purple-maroon. Best tightly potted bright filtered light. Flowers: bell-
in undersize containers. Suitable for shaped, lip pink in the center and
shady locations. Does not tolerate white with yellow edges, fragrant.
direct sun. Leaves: spirally arranged on reed-
like stems. Marginally hardy. Protect
Costus rhizomes from freezing. An excellent
Costus includes approximately 42 cut flower.
genera of mostly evergreen peren-
nial herbs, which are widely distrib- Costus barbatus
uted in the tropics and well repre- RED TOWER SPIRAL GINGER

sented in tropical America and the Costa Rica. Evergreen rhizomatous

West Indies. Some authorities pre- herb, 5-8 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms
fer to segregate Costus, Dimerocos- spring. Regular moisture. Fertile,
tus, Monocostus, and Tapeinochilos organically rich, well-drained soil.
into the family Costaceae based pri- Part sun to bright filtered light.
marily upon the lack of aromatic Flowers: golden-yellow; bracts
oils in leaves and stalks and the spi- bright red, scoop-shaped, curved
ral arrangement of the leaves. No outward; spike gradually extending
Alpinia zerumbet Alpinia zerumbet 'Variegata' preference is implied here other to 1 ft. Leaves: narrowly elliptic, spi-
rally arranged on a reedlike stalk,
hairy below. Widely cultivated. Fairly
tolerant of cool temperatures but not
frost. Of moist rain forest from low to
moderate elevation. Thin old stems
regularly. Good air circulation deters
rot. The brighter the light, the more
water required.

Costus curvibracteatus
Central America. Evergreen rhi-
zomatous herb to 2 ft.; zones 10-
11. Blooms warm months. Regular
moisture. Fertile, organically rich,
well-drained soil. Bright filtered
light. Flowers: lip red, vase-shaped,
enclosed by the orange perianth;
bracts pink. Leaves: broadly obo-
Burbidgea schizocheila Costus afer Costus barbatus vate, to 12 in. long, smooth, light
364 Z I N G I B E R A C E A E • Costus

green with darker markings. A low- shoots in the axils of old inflores- Costus varzearum Bright filtered light. Flowers:
growing species suitable for moist un- cences. Prune to base after bloom to Brazil. Evergreen rhizomatous tubular, lip orange- and red-striped,
derstory locations or containers. control. Thrives outdoors in South herb, 4-6 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms enclosed by ovate, pink to orange
Florida. Cold produces tan spots on fall. Regular moisture. Fertile, or- perianth; bracts, dark green,
Costus cuspidatus leaves. Cut back damaged shoots. ganically rich, well-drained soil. streaked red at base. Leaves:
Synonym: C. igneus. Southeastern Costus pulverulentus
Brazil. Evergreen rhizomatous herb Mexico. Evergreen rhizomatous
to 18 in.; zones 10-11. Blooms herb, 3-8 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms
most of the year. Regular moisture. summer. Regular moisture. Fertile,
Fertile, organically rich, well- organically rich, well-drained soil.
drained soil. Bright filtered light to Bright filtered light. Flowers: red-
medium shade. Flowers: yellow- orange; bracts red-orange with a
orange, to 2 in. wide, flared, slightly yellow callus, to greenish near
hairy; bracts light green. Leaves: base; spike cigar-shaped, pointed.
narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, to 8 Leaves: narrowly elliptic, to 8 in.
in. long, tips acuminate, under- long, maroon-striped, slightly hairy
sides and stem sheaths reddish vi- beneath. Often confused with the
olet, faintly hairy. Reclining habit. Of West Indian species C. spicatus,
rainforest understory. Tender. Almost which has oblanceolate leaves and a
ever-blooming, 2 or more flowers at a spike with a rounded apex. Costus
time. Propagated from brown-haired wood son ii has elliptical leaves and a
bulbils in leaf axils. Avoid spraying short, thick ovoid spike with a
delicate flowers. Widely cultivated as rounded apex. Costus curvibracteatus Costus cuspidatus
a container plant.
Costus speciosus
Costus lucanusianus C R A P E G I N G E R , MALAY GINGER
AFRICAN SPIRAL FLAG Indomalaysia, Southeast Asia to the
Synonym: C. dussii. Cameroon, Himalayas; naturalized Central
tropical western Africa. Evergreen America, West Indies. Evergreen rhi-
rhizomatous herb, 5-10 ft.; zones zomatous herb, 5-1 Oft.; zones
9-11. Blooms most of the year. 9-11. Blooms summer, fall. Regular
Regular moisture. Fertile, organi- moisture. Fertile, organically rich,
cally rich, well-drained soil. Part well-drained soil. Part sun to bright
sun to bright filtered light. Flowers: filtered light. Flowers: funnel-
lip funnel-shaped, margin rolled shaped, lip white to pink, ruffled;
(revolute), white, striped red with bracts pointed, purple-maroon with
a golden-yellow spot in center. silky white hairs; spike compact.
Leaves: elliptic. Mildly fragrant. Leaves: broadly elliptic, to 1 ft. long,
Weedy in favorable conditions. Often tip acuminate, reddish below, silky
confused with C. afer, which has simi- haired to minutely hairy; stalk tinged
larly marked but bell-shaped flowers. red. Of low elevation forests. Rhizome
Costus lucanusianus Costus malortieanus
used medicinally. Avoid spraying the
Costus malortieanus delicate flowers if possible. 'Variegatus'
Synonyms: C elegans, C. zebrinus. has white-streaked leaves.
Nicaragua, Costa Rica. Evergreen
rhizomatous herb, 2-6 ft.; zones Costus talbotii
10-11. Blooms warm months. Reg- Southern Nigeria, Cameroon, tropi-
ular moisture. Fertile, organically cal western Africa. Evergreen rhi-
rich, well-drained soil. Bright fil- zomatous herb to 2 ft; zones
tered light. Flowers: vase-shaped, 10-11. Blooms spring, summer.
2-3 in. long, white, lip yellow, lobes Regular moisture. Fertile, organi-
russet-striped; bracts in a tight cally rich, well-drained soil. Bright
cone, green, flowers open 1 or 2 at filtered light. Flowers: lip spread-
a time. Leaves: broadly obovate, ing, pearly white, pinkish petals
10-12 in. long, to 8 in. wide, light below with yellow spot at base;
green faintly marked with darker bracts pink. Leaves: elliptic,
green, stiff silky hairs on both sides; smooth. A rare costus. Suitable for
sheaths reddish. Foliage exception- containers. Tender. Differs from C.
ally attractive. Of low to middle ele- speciosus by small size and flower
vation rainforest understory. Produces notfunnel-shaped. Costus pulverulentus Costus speciosus
Z I N G I B E R A C E A E • Curcuma 365

broadly obovate, purple below. Curcuma container growing and thrive out- moist/dry. Fertile, organically rich,
Species name means "of flooded Curcuma includes approximately 40 doors where it is moist and humid well-drained soil; alkaline pH. Part
forest." species of deciduous rhizomatous in summer and dry in winter. Be- sun to bright filtered light. Flowers:
herbs from Southeast Asia, India, cause they die back to the ground in white with a purple lip, in lower
Costus woodsonii and Malaysia. These species are re- winter, curcumas withstand brief greenish bracts; sterile coma bracts
INDIAN-HEADGINGER ferred to as hidden lilies because freezing temperatures as long as very large, to 3 in. long, petal-like,
Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua. the inflorescences are often partly the rhizome is protected. A thick pink, white, or dark pink, erect.
Evergreen rhizomatous herb, hidden among the leaves. All cur- bed of mulch is generally adequate Leaves: narrowly spear-shaped,
7-9 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms late cumas are referred to as olena in to zone 8 or sometimes even to midvein purple. Of limestone soils.
winter, spring. Regular moisture. Hawaiian which has led to the occa- zone 7. Mark well to prevent distur- Rare in cultivation until recently.
Fertile, organically rich, well- sional application of the name C. bance during dormant period. In Suitable as a container plant. Very at-
drained soil. Bright broken light. olena—a name that does not exist colder areas, rhizomes can be dug tractive cut flowers. The species name
Flowers, tubular, orange, sticking botanically. Leaves are basal, usually up and overwintered indoors in a alludes to the distinctive foliage,
out at an angle from the red-orange with long petioles. The flower spikes dry spot. Grow in sandy loam with which resembles leaves of the water
bracts, broadly ovate; head com- are on individual leafless scapes added peat. Keep dry when dormant plantain family, Alismataceae. Stake
pact, ovoid, to 4 in. tall. Leaves: (radicals) or on the leafy stem. The and begin regular watering when flower stalks.
obovate to elliptic, base heart- fertile flowers are in usually shorter, shoots appear. Raise potted plants
shaped, glossy. An understory plant. less colorful scoop-shaped bracts at for good display. Curcuma australasica
Nectar glands around the outside the base of the inflorescence with A U S S I E PLUME
of the inflorescence attract ants, an ornamental coma of sterile Curcuma alismatifolia Australia (northern Queensland).
which aid in pollination. Somewhat bracts on top. Curcumas are stun- SIAM TULIP Seasonally dormant rhizomatous
resembles C. spicatus, which has ning jewels of the tropics and rap- Thailand. Seasonally dormant rhi- herb to 2 ft.; zones 8-11. Blooms
cigar-shaped spikes. idly catching on as houseplants and zomatous herb to 2 ft.; zones 9-11. late spring, summer. Seasonally
cut-flowers. Many are suitable for Blooms summer, fall. Seasonally moist/dry. Fertile, organically rich,

Costus woodsonii Curcuma alismatifolia Curcuma alismatifolia, inflorescences

366 Z I N G I B E R A C E A E • Curcuma

well-drained soil; alkaline pH. Part greenish white, exserted from bracts green with pink edges; coma cally rich, well-drained soil. Bright fil-
sun to bright filtered light. Flowers: bract, lip white with 2 reddish bracts deep pink, pointed; inflores- tered light. Flowers: tubular, yellow
yellow, lip has smooth edge, in stripes, edge toothed, under 1 in. cence cylindrical. Leaves: very lip enclosed by pink perianth, fertile
green, scoop-shaped bracts; coma wide, lateral staminodes threadlike; broadly ovate, 8-10 in. wide, 14 in. bracts green; inflorescence low
bracts pinkish burgundy. Leaves: all bracts green, leathery, leaflike. long. Suitable for areas with indirect among the petiole stalks below the
broadly ovate, to 2 ft. long, ribbed. Leaves: broadly ovate. An unusual light, never direct sun. Curcuma peti- blades. Leaves: paddle-shaped, to
One of the more commonly grown curcuma with completely exposed olata, C. sumatrana, C. australa- 30 in. long, 7 in. wide, midvein dark
curcumas. flowers and relatively long distance sica, and C. phaeocaulis are difficult maroon; petioles long. Resembles a
between the bracts. One flower opens to distinguish without close compari- large C. zedoaria, which also has
Curcuma data at a time from several buds within son of the flowers (see species descrip- leaves with maroon midveins. Cur-
GIANT PLUME each bract. Fairly new in cultivation. tions). These species have been culti- cuma elata has light purple-maroon
India. Seasonally dormant rhizo- Probably not hardy. vated for centuries and wild collec- midvein onfrst leaves only. Very
matous herb to 6 ft.; zones 7-11. tions may actually represent natural- closely related (Wood, pers. comm.).
Blooms spring. Seasonally moist/ Curcuma petiolata ized variations ofthe same species
dry. Fertile, organically rich, well- PINKTOWER CURCUMA, (Wood, pers. comm.). 'Emperor', a Curcuma rabdota
drained soil. Slightly filtered light. JEWELOFTHAILAND white-bracted curcuma, is often in- STRIPED CURCUMA
Flowers: white to pale yellow, lip Synonym: C. cordata (incorrectly). correctly listed as a cultivar of C. peti- Synonym: C. gracillima. Thailand.
golden, in green bracts; coma Thailand. Seasonally dormant rhi- olata (see Curcuma species entry). Seasonally dormant rhizomatous
bracts pink, flattened and spread- zomatous herb to 2 ft.; zones 8-11. herb to 2 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms
ing; inflorescence 10-14 in. high, Blooms summer. Seasonally Curcuma phaeocaulis summer. Seasonally moist/dry. Fer-
emerges before leaves. Leaves: 30 moist/dry. Fertile, organically rich, Indonesia (Java). Seasonally dor- tile, organically rich, well-drained
in. long, 10 in. wide, slightly rough; well-drained soil. Bright shade. mant rhizomatous herb, 3-4 ft; soil. Bright filtered light. Flowers:
first leaves to emerge have light Flowers: lip tubular, golden almost zones 8-11. Blooms spring. Sea- rose-pink in brown-maroon bracts
purple-maroon stripe on midvein, enclosed by white perianth; fertile sonally moist/dry. Fertile, organi- with green stripes and pink cheeks;
later leaves green. A dependable
grower but blooms better after a long
dormant period, as in zones 8 and 9.
Blooms inconsistently in zones 10
and I7. Crown as far north as eastern
North Carolina. Curcuma zedoaria
has shorter inflorescences and erect,
scooped, maroon coma bracts.

Curcuma Jlaviflora
Northern Thailand, southern China.
Seasonally dormant rhizomatous
herb to 2 ft.; zones 8-11. Blooms
summer. Seasonally moist/dry. Fer-
tile, organically rich, well-drained
soil. Bright filtered light. Flowers:
Curcuma australasica Curcuma elata Curcuma flaviflora
golden; bracts tomato-red; on a
very short stalk at ground level; in-
florescence breaks out of the base
ofthe leaf sheaths. Leaves: elliptic,
1-2 ft. long, light green. Stunning,
but ground-level inflorescence needs
consideration for display. Containers
can be raised on a stand when plant is
in bloom. In the ground, a raised bed
or bank would be ideal

Curcuma harmandii
Thailand, Myanmar (Burma). Sea-
sonally dormant rhizomatous herb
to 2 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms sum-
mer, fall. Seasonally moist/dry. Fer-
tile, organically rich, well-drained
soil. Bright filtered light. Flowers: Curcuma harmandii Curcuma petiolata Curcuma phaeocaulis
ZINGIBERACEAE • Dimerocostus 367

coma bracts rosy pink with a touch containers on patios and balconies Curcuma sumatrana sonally dormant rhizomatous herb,
of brown. Leaves: broadly ovate, with filtered midday sun. Cut flowers SUMATRA HIDDEN-LILY 2-2.5 ft.; zones 8-11. Blooms
pleated. A variable species, the vari- last about 2 weeks. Wait until some Indonesia. Seasonally dormant spring. Seasonally moist/dry. Fer-
ous natural forms often given cultivar flowers open before cutting. rhizomatous herb, 1.5-2 ft.; zones tile, organically rich, well-drained
names. Divide in fall after leaves dry. 9-11. Blooms summer, fall. Sea- soil. Morning sun to bright filtered
Suitable for containers. Curcuma species sonally moist/dry. Fertile, organi- light. Flowers: yellow, bracts scoop-
QUEEN-LILY cally rich, well-drained soil. Bright shaped, reddish-tipped, coma
Curcuma roscoeana Synonym: C. petiolata (misapplied). filtered light. Flowers: tubular, yel- bracts burgundy, scooped, upright;
JEWEL-OF-BURMA, Malaysia. Seasonally dormant rhi- low, lip fringed; fertile bracts flat- inflorescence emerges before
BURMESE HIDDEN-LILY zomatous herb to 3 ft.; zones 7-11. tened, spoon-shaped, not deeply leaves in spring; spike 6-8 in.
India, Southeast Asia, Malaysia; Blooms summer. Seasonally scooped, streaked green and bur- Leaves: lanceolate, to 18 in. long, 4
wild habitat threatened. Seasonally moist/dry. Fertile, organically rich, gundy; coma bracts pointed, bright in. wide, midvein blackish maroon.
dormant rhizomatous herb to 3 ft.; well-drained soil. Bright filtered pink. Leaves: oblong to elliptic, Prefers the longer dormancy period at
zones 9-11. Blooms summer, fall. light. Flowers: golden-yellow, fertile light green with darker veins, to 1 ft. the cooler end of its range. Zedoary
Seasonally moist/dry. Fertile, or- bracts green; coma bracts pinkish long. The inflorescence is thicker, root is a condiment and stimulant
ganically rich, well-drained soil. white. Leaves: glossy with raised shorter, and more ovoid than C. peti- used in folk medicine. Curcuma elata
Bright filtered light. Flowers: tubu- veins, 14 in. long, 5 in. wide; peti- olata. The floral lip is larger than C. has purplish midribs on first leaves
lar, yellow; bracts all fertile, peach- oles 4-6 in. long. Unnamed species, australasica and fringed. This cur- only and a flattened coma.
orange to dark red-orange. Leaves: usually misrepresented as C. petio- cuma has a compact growth habit,
broadly ovate to elliptic, light green lata, a distinct species (see). This cur- very suitable for containers. Dimerocostus
with darker veins, to 12 in. long. cuma has larger inflorescences. A var- Dimerocostus includes 2 species of
One of the most popular curcumas. iegated form, C. 'Emperor', is grown Curcuma zedoaria rhizomatous herbs from tropical
Choice selections have deep color and for its striped foliage as well as its ZEDOARY America. This genus is included in
orderly rows of bracts. Suitable for flowers (Wood, pers. comm.). Synonym: C. inodora. India. Sea- Costaceae by some authors. Leaves
are slender, elliptic, and spirally ar-
ranged on reedlike stalks. Flowers
have an enlarged lip and large lat-
eral lobes. They are arranged in spi-
rally twisting terminal spikes.
Stems are erect or reclining.

Dimerocostus strobilaceus
Synonym: D. elongatus. Honduras
to Panama, Venezuela, Surinam.
Evergreen rhizomatous herb to 8
ft; zones 10-11. Blooms warm
months. Regular moisture. Fertile,
organically rich, well-drained soil.
Morning sun to bright filtered light.
Flowers: yellow, lip broad, lateral
lobes oblong, edges revolute;
Curcuma rabdota Curcuma roscoeana Curcuma species

Dimerocostus strobilaceus subsp.

Curcuma sumatrana Curcuma zedoaria Dimerocostus strobilaceus gutierrezii
368 Z I N G I B E R A C E A E • Dimerocostus

bracts triangular to ovate, green, Clobba summer. Seasonally moist/dry. Fer- zomatous herb, 1-1.5 ft.; zones
sheathing; spike spirally twisted, Clobba includes approximately 35 tile, organically rich, well-drained 8-11. Blooms summer. Seasonally
1-2 ft. tall, terminal. Leaves: nar- species of rhizomatous or tuberous soil. Bright filtered light. Flowers: moist/dry. Fertile, organically rich,
rowly elliptic; margins undulate; herbs from Southeast Asia and I n- yellow; bracts red-orange; inflores- well-drained soil. Bright filtered
spirally arranged, widely spaced on domalaysia. These are small plants cence erect. Leaves: purplish below. light. Flowers: yellow with a red-
the stalk. Of moist lowland forest ofwoodland understory. Leaves are Globba variabilis subsp. pusilla from orange spot on lip; fertile flowers at
margins and open areas with erect to elliptic, on short stalks usually less Peninsular Malaysia is similar. the distal end of the pendent inflo-
reclining stems. Subsp. gutierrezii, than 2 ft. high. Bulbils, above- rescence; bulbils at the base.
from Peru, Bolivia (eastern slope of ground bulblike, asexual reproduc- Clobba leucantha subsp. Leaves: lanceolate, to 6 in. long,
the Andes), Venezuela, and Surinam, tive structures, sometimes replace tricolor with shallow ridges. Self-propagat-
is a smaller plant with narrower some of the flowers. Globbas are Southern Thailand, Borneo, Malay- ing by bulbils. This species shares a
leaves than the type and a lighter yel- distinguished by long, fishhooklike sia. Seasonally dormant rhizoma- pot with a Hemerocallis on my
low lip. Avoid spraying delicate flow- stamens with toothlike append- tous herb to 1 ft; zones 10-11. patio, alternating bloom seasons.
ers if possible. Direct sunlight causes ages. The stamens are mounted on Blooms spring, early summer. Sea- Globba marantina is a similar but
flowers to wilt quickly. the floral lip. Inflorescences are sonally moist/dry. Fertile, organi- smaller species without a spot on
produced at the end of the leafy cally rich, well-drained soil. Bright the lip.
Etlingera stalk. Suitable for containers. filtered light. Flowers: tiny, white,
Etlingera includes approximately 60 Grown outdoors in shaded loca- yellow, and violet; bracts and rachis Clobba winitii
species of rhizomatous herbs from tions. Propagate by division of the white, pendent. Leaves: elliptic, to 3 DANCING LADY G I N G E R ,
Indomalaysia. Only £ elatior, the rhizomes, seed, or bulbils. in. long, tips acuminate, downy. A DANCING G I R L
large and stunning torch ginger, is dainty plant suitable for containers. Thailand. Seasonally dormant rhi-
widely cultivated. It is sometimes Clobba atrosanguinea zomatous herb to 1.5 ft.; zones
grown commercially for cut flow- Borneo. Perennial rhizomatous Clobba schomburgkii 8-11. Blooms summer. Seasonally
ers. Leaves are on reedy stalks. In- herb, 1-2 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms Thailand. Seasonally dormant rhi- moist/dry. Fertile, organically rich,
florescences are usually produced
on short leafless scapes or at
ground level. Flowers are located in
whorls of ornamental bracts. They
bloom almost all year in warm cli-
mates. Protect from freezing and
wind. The rhizome is extensive and
etlingeras are generally not suitable
for average containers.

Etlingera elatior
Synonyms: Nicolaia elatior, Phaeo-
meria magnifca. Malay Peninsula,
Indonesia (Java), Sulawesi (Cele-
bes); naturalized throughout tropi-
cal Asia. Evergreen rhizomatous
herb, 6-15 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms
Etlingera elatior, pink form Etlingera elatior, red form Globba atrosanguinea
intermittently in warm months. Sea-
sonally moist/dry to regular mois-
ture in warm climates. Fertile, organ-
ically rich, well-drained soil. Morn-
ing sun to bright filtered light. Flow-
ers: tubular with white or gold mar-
gins; bracts waxy, red, pink, or pur-
ple with white margins, in whorls
around a subglobular head; sterile
outer bracts enclose the inner fertile
bracts until head is fully expanded,
then reflex downward; on a leafless
scape to 4 ft. Leaves: lanceolate 2-3
ft. long, purplish below, on erect,
reedlike stalks, 5-15 ft. tall. All parts
aromatic. Tender. Protect rhizome
from freezing. In warm moist condi-
tions plants remain evergreen. Globba leucantha subsp. tricolor Globba schomburgkii Globba winitii
Z I N G I B E R A C E A E • Hedychium 369

well-drained soil. Bright filtered stemmed plants with terminal in- Hedychium coccineum perfumery. Var. chrysoleucum has
light. Flowers: yellow; bracts re- florescences. The inflorescence is SCARLET G I N G E R - L I L Y , white flowers with yellow centers and
flexed, mauve-violet or white; one cylindrical or cone-shaped. Flowers SCARLET BUTTERFLY G I N G E R orange filaments. Invasive in Hawaii,
fertile stamen on a very long fila- are often highly fragrant, the es- Himalayan foothills, Myanmar Jamaica, and New Zealand.
ment; on pendent floral stalk. sential oils used in perfumery. The (Burma), southern China, Thai-
Leaves: lanceolate, base cordate, floral tubes are long and slender land. Perennial rhizomatous herb, Hedychium cylindricum
lobes overlapping, to 10 in. long. and frequently extend well beyond 4-8 ft.; zones 8-11. Blooms inter- Indonesia (Sumatra), Borneo.
Does not produce bulbils. Long-last- the bracts. The perianth is 3-lobed. mittently in summer, fall. Season- Evergreen epiphytic rhizomatous
ing cutflowers. Suitablefor containers. There are 2 distinctive linear pen- ally moist/dry. Fertile, organically herb, 24-30 in.; zones 10-11.
'White Dragon' could possibly be a dent staminodes. The single fertile rich, well-drained soil. Part sun to Blooms fall, winter, spring, irregu-
distinct species (Wood, pers. comm.). stamen is held perpendicular to bright filtered light. Flowers: lip fun- larly in summer. Seasonally moist/
the staminodes. The outer edge of nel-shaped, pale orange to deep dry. Fertile, organically rich, well-
Hedychium the lip is often lobed and the base scarlet; bracts tubular, green in or- drained soil. Morning sun to bright
Hedychium includes approximately is clawed. The 3-valved fruit splits derly ranks; 2-4 flowers in each filtered light. Flowers: creamy
50 species of rhizomatous herbs open revealing bright orange arils bract; inflorescence cylindrical. white, lip fringed; spike elongated,
and a few epiphytes, from South- and dark red seeds which are at- Leaves: lanceolate, 1-1.5 ft. long. cylindrical; bracts overlapping; fra-
east Asia and Indomalaysia. This tractive to birds. Species from Of low-elevation mountainous re- grant at night. Leaves: lanceolate,
group, commonly referred to as higher altitudes and their hybrids gions. Evergreen in warm climates. to 14 in. long, 3 in. wide, glossy.
ginger-lilies, includes many splen- have greatest cold resistance. Blooms 3 or 4 times a year, the flow- Produces dense clumps. A ginger for
did cultivated ornamentals. Unfor- Though most tolerate full sun with ers opening successively over several winter bloom in warm areas.
tunately, some have become inva- sufficient moisture, the flowers re- weeks.
sive in Hawaii and in other areas. main fresher longer in somewhat Hedychium flavescens
Sterile hybrids recommended. filtered light. Cut back old canes Hedychium coronarium YELLOW GINGER-LILY,
Hedychiums are erect, reedy when they start to yellow. BUTTERFLY G I N G E R , WHITE AWAPUHI M E L E M E L E (HAWAII)
GINGER-LILY, GARLAND-FLOWER Northeastern India, Nepal. Peren-
Origin obscure (probably India, nial rhizomatous herb, 6-10 ft.;
Myanmar [Burma]); cultivated for zones 9-11. Blooms late summer,
millennia. Perennial rhizomatous fall. Seasonally moist/dry. Fertile,
herb, 4-6 ft.; zones 7-11. Blooms organically rich, well-drained soil.
warm months. Moist to wet, sea- Bright filtered light. Flowers: en-
sonally dry. Fertile, organically rich, tirely pale yellow to creamy yellow;
well-drained soil. Morning sun to filaments yellow; lip elliptic, up-
bright filtered light. Flowers: white right. Leaves: to 2 ft. long. Blooms
with faintly yellow-green throat, lip when nights begin to cool.
projects downward, somewhat
nodding, sweetly fragrant; fila- Hedychium gardnerianum
ments white; bracts tightly overlap- KAHILI G I N G E R , SALMON BUTTER-
ping in cone-shaped heads, green. FLY G I N G E R , SALMON G I N G E R - L I L Y
Leaves: lanceolate, 1-2 ft. long. Of India, Nepal near Katmandu. Per-
low-elevation mountainous regions. ennial rhizomatous herb to 8 ft.;
Tolerates boggy locations. Flowers zones 7-11. Blooms summer, fall.
often used in Hawaiian leis; the oils in Seasonally moist/dry. Fertile, or-
Clobba winitii 'White dragon' Hedychium coccineum
ganically rich, well-drained soil
Morning sun to bright understory.
Flowers: lip normally yellow, Tara'
lip tangerine-orange; often produc-
ing 2 flowers per bract; capsules
fleshy, orange; arils ruby-red; garde-
nia-like fragrance. Leaves: waxy
bluish. Of mountain regions. Hardy.
Grows in regions of southwestern
England warmed by the Gulf Stream.
Invasive in Hawaii and a potential
pest in other mild, moist areas.

Hedychium gracile
Synonym: H. glaucum. India. Sea-
sonally dormant rhizomatous herb;
zones 8-11. Blooms summer. Sea-
sonally moist/dry. Fertile, organi-
Hedychium coronarium Hedychium cylindricum Hedychium flavescens cally rich, well-drained soil. Bright
370 Z I N G I B E R A C E A E • Hedychium

filtered light to part shade. Flowers: short fertile stamen; bracts 5-9, Hedychium 'PinkV Commonly cultivated species are
pale greenish to yellowish white, overlapping (imbricate), each bear- Garden origin. Perennial rhizoma- prostrate with short rhizomes and
petals narrow, twisted; stamens ing 1 or 2 flowers. Leaves: 3-6, tous herb, 4-6 ft; zones 8-11. tuberous roots. Flowers are borne
scarlet; in 6- to 8-in. oblique to lance-shaped, blade to 1 ft. long, Blooms summer, fall. Seasonally singly or in pairs, opening over an
erect spikes; fragrant at night. thick, glossy dark green, arching. A moist/dry. Fertile, organically rich, extended period. Some deciduous
Leaves: lanceolate, green below. Of spare bloomer but the white flowers well-drained soil. Bright filtered species such as Kaempferia rotunda
mountainous woodlands. Rhizomes are striking against the dark foliage. light to bright shade. Flowers: white bloom at the end of a dry season
are very close to the surface. Mulch with deep peach-pink center, before new leaves are produced.
well to insulate from freezing. More Hedychium 'Luna Moth' sweetly fragrant; in compact clus- The petal-like parts consist of 2 sta-
suited to shade than most hedychi- Garden hybrid. Seasonally dormant ters opening over several weeks. minodes (sterile stamens) and a
ums. Leaves of var. glaucum are rhizomatous herb to 4 ft.; zones Leaves: 16 in. long, 3 in. wide, lip, or labellum, which is subdi-
more oblong to broadly ovate and 8-11. Blooms summer, fall. Sea- glossy. One of ginger expert Tom vided into 2 lobes, giving the im-
glaucous below. sonally moist/dry. Fertile, organi- Wood's magnificent hybrids. pression of a 4-lobed flower (Wood,
cally rich, well-drained soil. Bright pers. comm.). Kaempferias are
Hedychium horsfieldii filtered light to bright shade. Flow- Kaempferia shade-loving understory plants.
Indonesia (Java). Evergreen rhi- ers: spreading, petals white with a Kaempferia includes approximately Mark site to prevent disturbance
zomatous herb, 1.5-2 ft.; zones pale yellow streak along the mid- 50 species of seasonally dormant during dormancy. Kaempferia and
10-11. Blooms spring. Seasonally line; stamen orange; sweetly fra- small herbs from southern China, Clobba are the most shade tolerant
moist/dry. Fertile, organically rich, grant. Leaves: oblanceolate, thick, India, Southeast Asia, and Indoma- gingers. Suitable for container
well-drained soil. Bright filtered glossy. Hybrid parents from moist laysia. Their wild habitat is seri- growing.
light to bright shade. Flowers: peri- mountain woodlands. Marginally ously threatened by deforestation.
anth lobes slender, creamy yellow, hardy with protection of dormant The species often have ornamen- Kaempferia pulchra
lip rudimentary; 2 lateral stamin- rhizome. tally marked foliage somewhat re- PEACOCK G I N G E R - L I L Y
odes form a white hood over the sembling Maranta and Calathea. Thailand, Myanmar (Burma). Sea-

Hedychium gardnerianum, infruc-

Hedychium gardnerianum Tara' tescence Hedychium gracile Hedychium horsfieldii

Kaempferia pulchra, silver-spotted

Hedychium 'Luna Moth' Hedychium 'Pink V Kaempferia pulchra, peacock type type
Z I N G I B E R A C E A E • Siphonochilus 371

sonally dormant rhizomatous or zomatous or tuberous herb; zones lobes, staminode lobes pink, ma- The plant included here is occa-
tuberous herb under 1 ft.; zones 8-11. Blooms warm months. Moist genta spot at base and white in sionally cultivated. It is striking es-
8-11. Blooms warm months. Sea- and humid/seasonally dry. Fertile, center, outer edges frilled. Leaves: pecially when grown in groups. The
sonally moist and humid, dry. Fer- organically rich, well-drained soil; basal, lance-shaped, purple below, showy buds are long-lasting, scarlet
tile, organically rich, well-drained alkaline pH. Filtered light to bright ascending to erect, patterned. to pink, remaining several weeks
soil; alkaline pH. Filtered light to shade. Flowers: white with light yel- Widely cultivated in tropical Asia for before the flower opens but then
bright shade. Flowers: always pink- low spot in center, to 2 in. wide. culinary and medicinal purposes. quickly falling. The clusters of
lavender with a white spot in cen- Leaves: ovate, to 14 in. long, 2 Identification unresolved. The leaves round, yellow-green fruits that fol-
ter, one to a few opening sequen- bands of variegation. Flowers always are more pointed than usual for this low are also attractive. Plants are
tially; on a short stalk. Leaves: white, larger than K. pulchra, lobes species (Wood, pers. comm.). Blooms tender and need protection on cold
basal, 2-3, broadly ovate to subor- slightly overlapping. This species has before leaves emerge. nights and filtered or indirect light.
bicular, spreading, 6-8 in. long, the largest leaf among the prostrate They are pollinated by birds. The
dark green patterned with silver, kaempferias (Wood, pers. comm.). Monocostus unnamed species shown here is
waxy coating giving a frosted ap- Monocostus includes a single sometimes misidentified as R.
pearance. A variably marked species Kaempferia rotunda species of small herb from a coralina. That species of moderate
of limestone hills. Cultivar names are Exact origin obscure, widely distrib- limited area on the eastern side altitude has a fan of oblong, 20-in.
often given to natural variations. The uted throughout Southeast Asia. of the Andes in Peru. Some authors thick glossy leaves radiating from
silver-spotted form blooms well into Seasonally dormant rhizomatous place this genus in Costaceae. The the base, its inflorescence is con-
winter. One commonly cultivated or tuberous herb; zones 10-11. genus is distinguished from Costus gested, and the plant is larger than
form eventually looses its spots, be- Blooms spring. Seasonally moist and Dimerocostus by the solitary this species (Wood, pers. comm.).
coming uniformly green. and humid, dry. Fertile, organically flowers which are borne in the leaf
rich, well-drained soil; alkaline pH. axils rather than at the end of the
Riedelia species
Kaempferia roscoeana Filtered light to bright shade. Flow- leafy stalk (terminal). The habit is
New Guinea. Evergreen rhizoma-
Thailand . Seasonally dormant rhi- ers: perianth with 3 slender white creeping to decumbent (upturned
tous herb, 2-3 ft.; zones 10-11.
at the ends of the stalks). The
Blooms late winter, spring. Regular
leaves spiral around a twisting
moisture. Fertile, organically rich,
stalk. The flowers are funnel-
well-drained soil. Bright filtered or
shaped with a long tube. Plants
indirect light. Flowers: tubular, dark
are suitable for containers in bright
pink, long-lasting, barely opening;
reflected light with plenty of humid-
in open, terminal spikes. Leaves:
ity. They bloom continuously over
lanceolate, to 18 in. long, glossy
many months. Protect them from
dark green with lighter midveins.
chilly temperatures, drying wind,
Stems: short. Of low-altitude rain
and bright sun.

Monocostus uniflorus
YELLOW S P I R A L G I N G E R Siphonochilus
Synonyms: Costus uniflorus, M. ulei. Siphonochilus includes approxi-
Eastern Peru, endemic to a limited mately 15 species of rhizomatous
region. Seasonally dormant rhizo- herbs from tropical Africa. They
matous herb to 1 ft.; zones 10-11. come primarily from seasonally dry
Blooms intermittently all year. Reg- savannas and woodlands. Leaves
Kaempferia roscoeana Kaempferia rotunda are broad, leathery, and somewhat
ular moisture. Fertile, organically
rich, well-drained soil. Filtered light pleated. Flowers are on a terminal
to medium shade. Flowers: funnel- spike. Siphonochilus is not closely
shaped with flaring bright yellow related to Kaempferia as previously
lobes, throat more or less streaked thought.
with red; calyx long, green; fruit 2-
lobed, elongated. Leaves: ovate, to Siphonochilus decorus
2 in. long, thick with narrow red Synonym: Kaempferia decora. Tropi-
margins; spirally arranged around a cal Africa. Seasonally dormant herb
trailing stem with upturned ends to 2 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms late
(decumbent). Of tropical rainforest. spring, early summer. Seasonally
Cold-sensitive. moist/ dry. Fertile, organically rich,
well-drained soil. Bright filtered
Riedelia light. Flowers: funnel-shaped,
Riedelia includes approximately 60 bright yellow, lip large with 2 lobes
species of rhizomatous herbs from above; bracts tubular, green, each
the Moluccas to New Guinea. The bearing a single flower; on a slen-
fruit splits into 2, instead of 3, seg- der spike. Leaves: broadly ovate,
Monocostus uniflorus Riedelia species ments—a distinctive characteristic. somewhat folded, thick, dark green
372 Z I N G I B E R A C E A E • Siphonochilus

with impressed veins; on a short der, for warm or protected areas. pie-shaped inflorescence (Ananas is cause inflorescences are low and
stem. The yellow flowers somewhat Other ornamental species have the pineapple genus). Var. queens- partly hidden, they are ideally grown
resemble those o/Dimerocostus bracts that vary from red and yellow landiae,from northeastern Australia, outdoors on a raised retaining wall
strobilaceus, but the plant is much to almost black. They are ultra-trop- is considered a distinct species by or slope (Burch, pers. comm.).
smaller. Suitable for containers. ical and hence rare in cultivation in some authorities. Photo of a plant
the continental United States. producingflowers on the leafstalk. Zingiber neglectum
Tapeinochilos Indonesia (Java). Seasonally dor-
Tapeinochilos includes 8-10 species Tapeinochilos ananassae Zingiber mant rhizomatous herb to 6 ft.;
of rhizomatous herbs from New PINEAPPLE G I N G E R , GIANT SPIRAL Zingiber in eludes approximately 60 zones 8-11. Blooms summer. Sea-
Guinea, Australia, and the Moluc- G I N G E R , I N D O N E S I A N WAX G I N G E R species of seasonally dormant rhi- sonally moist/dry. Fertile, organi-
cas Islands (Indonesia). The genus Synonyms: Costus ananassae, T. zomatous herbs from Southeast cally rich, well-drained soil. Part
is included in Costaceae by some queenslandiae. Ambon and Sulu is- Asia and Indomalaysia to north- sun to bright filtered light. Flowers:
authors. Tapeinochilos ananassae is lands (Moluccas), New Guinea, eastern Australia. The aromatic rhi- translucent white with purple
sometimes cultivated, primarily in Ceram, northeastern Australia. zomes of Chinese ginger, Z offici- splotches; bracts green, turning
botanical gardens. It is a variable Perennial rhizomatous herb, 4-8 nale, a rarely flowering cultigen, are glossy red, edges revolute, spikes
species probably due to its distribu- ft.; zone 11. Blooms late spring, sold fresh, candied, or as a pow- 6-10 in. tall; on a scape to 18 in.
tion over a number of Pacific Is- summer. Moist and humid. Fertile, dered spice. This ginger is also high. Leaves: lanceolate, to 12 in.
lands. Flowers are usually borne on organically rich, well-drained soil. commonly used as an herbal rem- long, 3 in. wide. The species name
a separate leafless scape rising di- Bright filtered light. Flowers: tubu- edy for stomach upset and is re- means "hidden," alluding to the in-
rectly from the rhizome which is lar, orange-yellow; bracts pointed, puted to have anticancer and anti- florescence being partially hidden by
typical of plants from New Guinea waxy red; on a separate scape or on malarial properties. Zingibers are the foliage.
and Australia; or sometimes on the the leafy stalk. Leaves: lanceolate. grown for their ornamental, cone-
leafstalk (or both), typical of plants Of moist forest understoiy. The like inflorescences (strobili), which
Zingiber spectabile
from the Moluccas. Plants are ten- species name alludes to the pineap- consist of overlapping or scoop-
shaped bracts that turn red or yel- PINECONE G I N G E R
low after the flowers mature. Zin- Malaysia, southern Thailand. Sea-
giber is distinguished from other sonally dormant rhizomatous herb
gingers by a hornlike appendage on to 12 ft.; zones 9-11. Blooms warm
the stamen. Flowers are one per months. Seasonally moist/dry. Fer-
bract and short-lived. A foamy, fra- tile, organically rich, well-drained
grant nectar in the bracts attracts soil. Part sun to bright filtered light.
birds and small animals. The fruits Flowers: lip purple-brown with yel-
develop under the water in the low spots enclosed by whitish side
bracts which serve to protect them lobes; bracts waxy, scoop-shaped,
from insects. The inflorescence greenish, turning light yellow then
usually develops on a separate red as they mature, edges revolute;
stalk (scape) directly from the rhi- spike cylindrical, to 1 ft. high.
zome after the leaves are fully de- Leaves: lanceolate, to 20 in. long,
veloped. Leaves are in opposite softly downy below. Of moist tropi-
ranks (distichous) on a canelike cal lowland forests and streamsides.
stalk. Propagate by division. Cut in-
Siphonochilus decorus florescences last up to 2 weeks. Be- Zingiber zerumbet
Tapeinochilos ananassae
Possibly southern India, Sri Lanka;
widely cultivated. Seasonally dor-
mant rhizomatous herb to 4 ft.;
zones 8-11. Blooms summer. Sea-
sonally moist/dry. Fertile, organi-
cally rich, well-drained soil. Part
sun to bright filtered light. Flowers:
light yellow; bracts green, turning
bright red after flowering; in dense
spikes. Leaves: lanceolate, distic-
hous. Much used in folk medicine.
Liquid in cone has a ginger/pine
essence. Darcy' (incorrectly
'Darceyi') is grown for its white-
margined foliage and burnished,
Zingiber neglectum Zingiber spectabile Zingiber zerumbet, in flower mahogany-red bracts.

ZYGOPHYLLACEAE have very durable hard wood. The each leaflet pair being greatly re- dry. Average, well-drained soil. Full
LIGNUM VITAE FAMILY resinous sap has pharmaceutical duced and appearing alternate. sun. Flowers: golden-yellow, petals
Zygophyllaceae includes approxi- properties. Leaves are evenly pin- Stems are often jointed at the clawed, in pairs, on short forked
mately 27 genera of shrubs, trees, nate (paripinnate), the leaflets en- nodes. Flowers are bisexual and branchlets; capsule 5-winged, one-
and annual or perennial herbs, pri- tire, usually sessile, with unequal usually radially symmetrical. They seeded. Leaves: pinnate,; leaflets
marily from arid tropical and warm sides, often falcate (curved), in op- have 5 mostly free sepals, 5 clawed 8-9 pairs, oblong, 1-2 in. long,
temperate regions. Some species posite pairs, occasionally one of petals, and 10-15 stamens. Flowers oblique; sessile. Bark: reddish
are solitary or arranged in cymes. brown, flaking. Rounded canopy.
The fruit is a 5-, 4-, or 2-winged cap- Blooms 2-4 times in summer.
sule or schizocarp. Seeds are often Suitable for coastal planting. Highly
covered with a brightly colored sar- recommended.
cotesta (fleshy outer seedcoat). The
Spanish name guayacan is applied Guaiacum
to several trees with hard wood in- Guaiacum includes approximately
cluding Bulnesia, Guaiacum, and 6 species of shrubs and trees from
certain Tabebuia species. tropical America. The impervious,
self-lubricating timber was used
Bulnesia for the hinges of the Panama Canal
Bulnesia includes approximately 9 locks as well as ships' pulleys and
species of shrubs and trees from bearings. The wood is heavier than
South America. It is a primary tree water and does not float. Gua-
of dry tropical forests. The wood is iacum sanctum was almost deci-
very hard and durable, similarto mated for the resin guaiac, which
that of Guaiacum species. Leaves was mixed with other compounds
are pinnate with even numbers of to treat syphilis before the advent
falcate, sometimes minute leaflets. of antibiotics. Leaves have even
Z'mgiber zerumbet 'Darcy' Bulnesia arborea, flowers Bulnesia species have more than numbers of leaflets (paripinnate),
twice as many leaflets as Guaiacum only a few pairs per leaf. Flowers
species. The opposite leaf arrange- are pale blue-violet to purple, bi-
ment helps distinguish this family sexual, and radially symmetrical.
from legumes (Fabaceae). Flowers These species are highly desirable
are yellow, bisexual, and radially for landscaping. Propagate only
symmetrical. Capsules are 5- from seed or air-layers of cultivated
winged, usually producing small, plants. Score and soak the seed
sterile seeds. It is unknown why an after removing all the red sar-
occasional tree produces the larger cotesta that inhibits germination.
fertile seeds (self-sterile?). Harvest Tolerates moist conditions with ex-
seed as soon as the capsules turn cellent drainage. Growth is ex-
yellow. Dry the seeds, peel off the tremely slow in the natural habitat,
red sarcotesta and soak in water for but cultivated plants can be en-
24 hours before planting. Keep couraged to grow more quickly
evenly moist until germination. Bul- with fertilizer. The species are rare
nesia arborea has many virtues for and protected. Lignum Vitae Key in
cultivation. It is an excellent shade the Florida Keys is a sanctuary for
tree and blooms 3 or 4 times a year. Guaiacum sanctum.
It can be used to control erosion.
Trees are xeric and have a moderate Guaiacum officinale
growth rate. They are low mainte- COMMON LIGNUM VITAE, GUAIAC,
nance because the small leaflets PALO SANTO, GUAYACAN
shed gradually and disappear into West Indies, Surinam, Venezuela,
the grass. Conversely, avoid plant- Colombia, endangered in the wild.
ing over walks and drives where Evergreen tree to 30 ft.; zones
steady shedding might be a nui- 10-11. Blooms late winter, spring,
sance. sporadically in summer. Moderate
moisture, seasonally dry. Rocky,
Bulnesia arborea well-drained soil. Full to part sun.
BULNESIA, V E R A WOOD, GUAYACAN Flowers: blue-violet, to 0.75 in. wide,
Colombia, Venezuela. Evergreen petals not clawed, downy; in clus-
tree to 60 ft.; zones 10-11. Blooms ters; capsules flat, 2-winged; seeds
intermittently in warm months. black, sarcotesta red. Leaves: parip-
Moderate moisture to seasonally innate; leaflets usually 2 or 3 pairs,

obovate, falcate, 1-1.5 in. long; peti- dically in summer. Moderate m-

oles short. Protected species. Suitable oisture, seasonally dry. Rocky,
for seaside landscaping. Distinguish well-drained soil. Full to part sun.
from G. sanctum by the unclawed Flowers: light blue-violet to purple,
petals, fewer stalked leaflets, and flat, to 0.75 in. wide, petals clawed,
penny-sized capsules. somewhat twisted; solitary or in
few-flowered clusters; capsule
Cuaiacum sanctum mostly 4-winged; seeds black
LIGNUM VITAE, HOLY-WOOD, PALO with a red sarcotesta. Leaves:
SANTO, GUAIAC, GUAYACAN paripinnate, 3-4 in. long; leaflets
Synonyms: G. guatemalense, Gua- usually 3-4 pairs, obovate to
jacum sanctum. Florida Keys, Mex- oblanceolate, 1-1.5 in. long,
ico to Costa Rica, West Indies, en- slightly falcate; sessile. Protected
dangered in the wild. Evergreen species. Of dry islands and coastal
tree, 10-30 ft.; zones 10-11. regions. Suitable for seaside planting.
Blooms late winter, spring, spora- Slow growing.

Guaiacum sanctum, flowers and

Guaiacum officinale fruit

Invasive and Potentially Invasive Species

This list includes only pest species listed in this volume. Many are This list is derived from the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council's
ornamental and common in cultivation. They have been included list of invasive and potentially invasive species; the Exotic Pest
so that they may be recognized by gardeners and removed from Council of Miami-Dade County Park and Recreation Department's
sale by responsible nurseries (see details on specific species in the Natural Areas Management Program and the Department of Envi-
text). ronmental Resources Management (DERM); and on-line lists from
The species in this list are in public records as being invasive or the University of Hawaii and the California Pest Plant Council.
potentially invasive in particular areas of the United States. Please These lists are available on the Web (see addresses at the end of
note that such species may be weedy or invasive in some regions or this book).
climates and harmless in others. Species may be widely or only lo- Of the 3 states named above only Florida is known to restrict or
cally invasive. Some spread more aggressively than others and are prohibit pest species at this time (2002). A prohibited species may
more likely to take over wild habitat. In addition, invasive charac- not be grown or distributed in the state. It must be removed from
teristics may change, such as with the introduction of a pollinator, property before development. Controlled species may not be grown
predator, or disease. within 500 feet of wild plant communities that they are known to in-
Any plant species that produces wind- or animal-dispersed seeds vade.
or other propagules, even "cultivated native" species, has the po- Certain species not listed here may be invasive outside the
tential to become invasive or weedy outside the biological balance United States. These are mentioned, when known, in the text.
and controls of its undisturbed natural habitat.

Acacia auriculiformis (Florida prohibited; Clerodendrum bungei (Florida) Lantana camara (Hawaii)
Hawaii) Clerodendrum japonicum (Hawaii) Leptospermum scoparium (Hawaii)
Acacia farnesiana (Hawaii) Colocasia escuknta (Florida) Ligustrum lucidum (Florida)
Adenanthera pavonina (Florida prohibited) Dioscorea bulbifera (Florida prohibited) Ligustrum sinense (Florida)
Agave sisalana (Florida) Eichhornia crassipes (California; Florida Melaleuca quinquenervia (California; Flor-
Albizia julibrissin (North Florida) prohibited) ida prohibited; Hawaii)
Albizia lebbeck (Florida prohibited) Epipremnum aureum (Florida controlled) Melastoma spp. (Hawaii)
Antigonon leptopus (Florida) Eucalyptus camaldulensis (California) Melia azederach (Florida; Hawaii)
Ardisia crenata (North Florida) Eugenia uniflora (Florida controlled) Merremia tuberosa (Florida prohibited;
Ardisia elliptica (Florida prohibited; Grevillea robusta (California; Hawaii) Hawaii)
Hawaii) Hedychium coronarium (Hawaii) Millettia pinnata (Florida controlled)
Aristolochia elegans (Florida) Hedychium flavescens (Hawaii) Montanoa hibiscifolia (Hawaii)
Asystasia gangetica (Florida; Hawaii) Hedychium gardnerianum (Hawaii) Murraya paniculata (Florida controlled)
Bauhinia purpurea (Florida controlled) Hibiscus tiliaceus (Florida prohibited) Nandina domestica (North Florida, Texas)
Bauhinia variegata (Florida controlled) Hiptage benghaknsis (Florida) Passiflora edulis (Hawaii)
Buddleja madagascariensis (Hawaii) Hylocereus undatus (Florida) Passiflora foetida (Florida)
Carpobrotus edulis (California) Jasminum dichotomum (Florida prohibited) Phoenix reclinata (Florida)
Casuarina spp. (Florida prohibited; Hawaii) Jasminum fluminense (Florida prohibited) Pistia stratiotes (California; Florida prohib-
Catharanthus roseus (California; Florida Jasminum sambac (Florida) ited)
controlled) Kalanchoe delagoensis Pouteria campechiana (Florida controlled)
Cereus hildmannianus (Hawaii) Kalanchoe pinnata (California; Florida; Psidium cattleianum (Florida prohibited;
Cestrum diurnum (Florida prohibited) Hawaii) Hawaii)


Psidium guajava (Florida prohibited; Schinus terebinthifolius (California; Florida Syzygiumjambos (Florida controlled)
Hawaii) prohibited; Hawaii) Thespesia populnea (Florida prohibited)
Ricinus communis (California; Florida pro- Senna pendula var. glabrata (Florida) Thunbergia alata (Hawaii)
hibited; Hawaii, Texas) Spartiumjunceum (California; Hawaii) Thunbergia grandiflora (Hawaii)
Russlia equisetiformis (Florida) Spathodea campanulata (Hawaii) Tibouchina spp. (Hawaii)
Sansevieria hyacinthoides (Florida con- Sphagneticola trilobata (Florida controlled; Tithonia diversifolia (Hawaii)
trolled) Hawaii) Tradescantia spathacea (Florida controlled;
Scaevola taccada (Florida controlled; Syngonium podophyllum (Florida con- Hawaii)
Hawaii) trolled) Washingtonia robusta (Florida controlled)
Schefflera actinophylla (Florida prohibited; Syzygium cumini (Florida controlled)


Rare, Endangered, and Threatened Species

The species in this list represent only those species that appear in relatively abundant but is rapidly decreasing in number and is likely
this volume. Unfortunately tens of thousands more are endangered to become endangered if deterioration of its habitat continues. The
or threatened, and many more are already extinct. The rate of status of the listed species at the time of publication is noted in the
species extinction and loss of biodiversity is increasing at an alarm- text though that status may change.
ing rate. The primary cause is the accelerating destruction of wild Many of these species survive (sometimes abundantly) only
habitats worldwide. through cultivation. The loss of any species, whether locally native
An endangered species is one with critically low numbers in the or distant, is a loss to biodiversity and a loss of valuable, often yet
wild and is in danger of extinction if the conditions that threaten it unstudied, resources.
continue to deteriorate. A threatened species may or may not be

Agave spp. Chamaedorea seifrizii Hibiscus arnottianus Pachypodium spp.

Agave victoriae-reginae Cheirolophus canariensis Hibiscus brackenridgei Pericallis webbii
Aiphanes minima Coccothrinax crinita Hyophorbe lagenicaulis Portlandia coccinea
Aloe spp. Cornutia obovata Hyophorbe verschaffeltii Pritchardia aylmer-robinsonii
Argemone rosea Cryptanthus zonatus Ipomoea microdactyla Protea cynaroides
Banara vanderbiltii Curcuma roscoeana Isoplexis canariensis Protea eximia
Beccariophoenix madagascar- Delonix regia Kaempferia spp. Pseudophoenix sargentii
iensis Dictyosperma album Latania loddigesii Roystonea spp.
Borassus aethiopium Globularia indubia Leucadendron argenteum Sabal causiarum
Brunfelsia densifolia Goetzea elegans Lodoicea maldivica Sida eggersii
Calopyxis grandidieri Guaiacum officinale Michelia spp. Sterculia ceramica
Calyptranthes thomasiana Guaiacum sanctum Moullava spicata Tabebuia spp.
Chamaedorea metallica

Plants for Coastal Landscaping

Flowering plants have varying degrees of tolerance for salt. Those windy conditions typical of coastal areas. They are slightly to mod-
listed here are grouped into two sections. The first section includes erately salt tolerant but may not tolerate heavy amounts of salt spray
species with moderate to excellent tolerance for salt. They thrive in produced by storms. Immediately drenching leaves and soil with
exposed areas near the shoreline, some right up to the dunes. The fresh water after a salt-laden windstorm may reduce serious effects.
second section lists species that thrive in the open, sandy soil and For details on individual species, see text.

Species with Moderate Coccoloba uvifera Hyophorbe verschaffeltii Pereskia bleo

to Excellent Salt Tolerance Coccothrinax argentata Hyphaene compressa Phoenix canariensis
Aleurites moluccana Coccothrinax barbadensis Ilex cassine Phoenix reclinata
Allagoptera arenaria Cocos nucifera Ipomoea indica Pittosporum tobira
Aloe arborescens Combretum coccineum Jacquemontia pentantha Plumbago indica
Aloe maculata Consolea spp. Jacquinia aurantiaca Plumeria obtusa
Anigozanthos flavidus Cordia sebestena Jacquinia keyensis Pritchardia aylmer-robinsonii
Aptenia cordifolia Crassula arborescens Jasminum sambac Pseuderanthemum carruthersii
Aristea ecklonii Crinum asiaticum Jatropha integerrima Pyrostegia venusta
Asystasia gangetica Crinum kirkii Kosteletzkya virginica Russelia equisetiformis
Asystasia travancorica Cryptostegia grandijlora Lampranthus spp. Sabal bermudana
Banksia integrifolia Cryptostegia madagascariensis Lantana camara Salvia leucantha
Barleria lupulina Dodonaea viscosa Lantana montevidensis Samyda dodecandra
Barringtonia racemosa Dolichandrone spathacea Latania loddigesii Samyda velutina
Bismarckia nobilis Dracaena marginata Leptospermum scoparium Sansevieria spp.
Borassus aethiopium Duabanga grandijlora Leucophyllumjrutescens Scaevola aemula
Bougainvillea spp. Eucalyptus spp. Limonium perezii Schotia brachypetala
Brya ebenus Euphorbia gymnonota Livistona chinensis Senna mexicana
Bucida spinosa Euphorbia xlomi Lodoicea maldivica Senna racemosa
Butia capitata Euphorbia milii var. hislopii Lysiloma sabicu Serenoa repens
Byrsonima crassifolia Euphorbia milii 'Minibell' Magnolia virginiana Sesbania punicea
Byrsonima lucida Euphorbia punicea Malva assurgentiflora Solandra longijlora
Caesalpinia gilliesii Evolvulus glomeratus Melaleuca nesophila Solandra maxima
Caesalpinia pulcherrima Ficus carica Nerium oleander Sophora tomentosa
Caesalpinia yucatanensis Freycinetia cumingiana Ochrosia elliptica Spartiumjunceum
Callistemon viminalis Gloriosa superba Pachira aquatica Spathodea campanulata
Calotropis gigantea Glottiphyllum spp. Pachira quinata Syagrus sancona
Carpobrotus spp. Guaiacum officinale Pandanusspp. Syzygiumjambos
Casearia nitida Guaiacum sanctum Parkinsonia aculeata Tabebuia bahamensis
Catesbaea spinosa Hibiscus tiliaceus Passiflora xiikzodz Tabebuia lepidota
Cereus hildmannianus Hylocereus spp. Peltophorum pterocarpum Thespesia populnea
Clusia lanceolata Hymenocallis littoralis Pentalinon luteum Thevetia thevetioides
Clusia rosea Hyophorbe lagenicaulis Pereskia aculeata Thrinax radiata


Tipuana tipu Brugmansia spp. Eugenia spp. Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides

Tristellateia australasiae Brugmansia suaveolens Galphimia gracilis Punica granatum
Washingtoniajilifera Brunfelsia spp. Grevillea spp. Quisqualis indica
Washingtonia robusta Buddleja davidii Hamelia spp. Rhaphiolepis xdelacourii
Yucca aloifolia Buddleja madagascariensis Hauya heydeana Rhaphiolepis indica
Buddleja xweyeriana Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Romneya coulteri
Species with Slight to Bulnesia arborea Holmskioldia sanguinea Ruellia spp.
Moderate Salt Tolerance Caesalpinia spp. Holmskioldia tettensis Russelia sarmentosa
Abutilon spp. Callistemon spp. Hymenocallis spp. Saritaea magnifica
Acacia tortuosa Calodendrum capense Ingajinicuil Sedum spp.
Acalypha spp. Capparis cynophallophora Ipomoea hederifolia Senecio cineraria
Adenium obesum Carissa macrocarpa Ipomoea pauciflora Stapelia spp.
Adonidia merrillii Carpentaria acuminata Ipomoea quamoclit Stenocarpus sinuatus
Aechmea blanchetiana Catharanthus roseus Ixora spp. Sterculia spp.
Aechmea dichlamydea Cestrum spp. Jacaranda arborea Stigmaphyllon ciliatum
Aechmea spp. Ceiba spp. Jacaranda caerulea Stigmaphyllon sagraeanum
Aeonium arboreum Cistus spp. Jasminum laurifolium Strelitzia nicolai
Aeonium canariense Citrus spp. Jatropha podagrica Strelitzia reginae
Aeonium holochrysum Cordia lutea Kalanchoe spp. Tabebuia aurea
Agapanthus spp. Cordyline fruticosa Koelreuteria bipinnata Tabebuia 'Carib Queen'
Agave neglecta Crassula spp. Koelreuteria elegans Tabebuia guayacan
Agave spp. Crateva spp. Leonotis spp. Tecoma capensis
Agonis flexuosa Crinum spp. Lycianthes rantonnei Tecoma castanifolia
Albizia julibrissin Delonix regia Macaranga grandifolia Tecoma xsmithii
Allamanda spp. Dictyosperma album Magnolia grandiflora Tecoma stans
Aloe distans Dillenia suffruticosa Malpighia spp. Tecomanthe venusta
Aloe spp. Distictis buccinatoria Malvaviscus spp. Thevetia spp.
Ananas bracteatus Distictis xrivers Metrosideros excelsa Thunbergia spp.
Annona muricata Duranta erecta Muehlenbeckia platyclada Tillandsia usneoides
Annona squamosa Echium candicans Opuntia spp. Trachelospermumjasminoides
Antigonon spp. Echium decaisnei Osmoxylon lineare Turnera diffusa
Archontophoenix alexandrae Echium judaicum Passiflora spp. Turnera subulata
Aristea ecklonii Echium nervosum Pentalinon luteum Turnera ulmifolia
Aristolochia spp. Echium wildpretii Pereskia grandifolia Uncarina grandidieri
Asclepias curassavica Eranthemum spp. Petrea volubilis Uraria crinita
Asclepias physocarpa Erythrina xbidwillii Plumbago auriculata Vellozia bahiana
Banara vanderbiltii Erythrina caffia Podranea ricasoliana Vigna caracalla
Beaucarnea spp. Erythrina coralloides Protea cynaroides Vitex spp.
Beaumontia grandiflora Erythrina humeana Protea eximia Wigandia urens
Brachychiton spp. Erythrina variegata

Xerophytic Plants

Some species listed in this volume are more adaptable to dry con- arbitrary for plants in cultivation and is generally applied to plants
ditions than others. They might tolerate a few weeks without irri- that do not need irrigation beyond the local rainfall.
gation or even drought without appreciable harm. Some will be- Beyond the natural adaptability of any particular species, a num-
have as xeric in certain climates but not in others. Some are adapted ber of environmental factors contribute to the length of time a
to arid conditions. The list is intended as a general guide. It applies species will tolerate dry conditions. Large trees with roots that reach
to plants growing in climates where they are known to thrive and the water table may not be technically xeric but do not require irri-
are well established in the ground. gation. Refer to the text for details.
Every plant is xeric in its native habitat. This definition is a bit

Abutilon palmeri Bixa orellana Chamaedorea seifrizii Dombeya spp.

Acacia spp. Bombax ceiba Cheirolophus canariensis Dypsis decaryi
Acca sellowiana Bougainvillea spp. xChitalpa tashkentensis Dypsis lutescens
Adansonia spp. Brachychiton spp. Cistus spp. Ebenopsis ebano
Adenium obesum Brahea armata Clerodendrum spp. Echium spp.
Aechmea spp. Bromelia spp. Clusia lanceolata Eucalyptus spp.
Aeonium spp. Brya ebenus Clusia rosea Eugenia spp.
Agave spp. Bucida spinosa Coccoloba uvifera Ficus spp.
Albizia spp. Buddleja madagascariensis Coccothrinax spp. Furcraea spp.
Aleurites moluccana Bulbine frutescens Cochlospermum vitifolium Geranium maderense
Allagoptera arenaria Bulnesia arborea Cocos nucifera Gliricidia sepium
Aloe spp. Bunchosia armeniaca Colvillea racemosa Gloriosa superba
Alstonia scholaris Butia capitata Combretum spp. Glottiphyllum spp.
Alyogyne huegelii Byrsonima spp. Congea tomentosa Gmelina arborea
Amaryllis belladonna Caesalpinia spp. Consolea spp. Grevillea robusta
Ananas spp. Callaeum macropterum Copernicia baileyana Grewia occidentalis
Anigozanthos spp. Calliandra spp. Cordia spp. Hamelia spp.
Antidesma bunius Callistemon spp. Coreopsis leavenworthii Harpullia pendula
Antigonon spp. Calotropis gigantea Corymbiaficifolia Hebestigma cubense
Aptenia cordifolia Canella winterana Couroupita guianensis Hohenbergia spp.
Ardisia spp. Capparis cynophallophora Crassula spp. Hoya spp.
Aristea ecklonii Carissa macrocarpa Crateva religiosa Hylocereus spp.
Asclepias spp. Carpobrotus spp. Crescentia spp. Hyophorbe spp.
Asystasia gangetica Casearia nitida Crinum asiaticum Hyphaene spp.
Attalea spp. Cassia spp. Delonix regia Ilex cassine
Barleria lupulina Catalpa longissima Delostoma lobbii Ipomoea spp.
Barleria oenotheroides Catesbaea spinosa Dicraspidia donnell-smithii Jacaranda spp.
Bauhinia spp. Catharanthus roseus Dietes bicolor Jacquinia aurantiaca
Beaucarnea spp. Cecropia spp. Dietes iridioides Jatropha spp.
Berrya spp. Ceiba spp. Diospyros spp. Kalanchoe spp.
Bismarckia nobilis Cereus spp. Distictis spp. Kigelia africana


Kleinhovia hospita Monstera deliciosa Plumbago spp. Spartiumjunceum

Koelreuteria spp. Montanoa spp. Plumeria spp. Spathodea campanulata
Kopsia fruticosa Moringa oleifera Podachaenium eminens Spondias purpurea
Kopsia pruniformis Murray a spp. Poitea carinalis Stapelia spp.
Lampranthus spp. Nandina domestica Polygala apopetala Sterculia spp.
Lantana spp. Nerium oleander Pouteria campechiana Strongylodon macrobotrys
Leea spp. Newbouldia laevis Pseudobombax spp. Strophanthus spp.
Leonotis spp. Ochroma pyramidale Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides Syagrus spp.
Leptospermum scoparium Ochrosia elliptica Pseudophoenix spp. Tabebuia spp.
Leucophyllumfrutescens Oncoba spinosa Psychotria nervosa Tagetes lucida
Ligustrumjaponicum Opuntia Pterospermum acerifolium Tecoma spp.
Limonium perezii Orbea Ptychosperma elegans Tecomanthe dendrophila
Lonchocarpus violaceus Pachira spp. Punica granatum Thevetia spp.
Lonicera spp. Pachypodium spp. Pyrostegia venusta Thrinax radiata
Lophostemon confertus Pandanusspp. Quararibea funebris Thunbergia kirkii
Loropetalum chinense Parkinsonia aculeata Roystonea regia Tillandsia spp.
Lysiloma spp. Parmentiera spp. Russelia equisetiformis Tipuana tipu
Macfadyena unguis-cati Passiflora xiikzodz Sabal spp. Tithonia diversifolia
Malpighia cocdgera Pelargonium spp. Samyda spp. Trichodiadema spp.
Malpighia emarginata Peltophorum spp. Sansevieria spp. Trimezia martinicensis
Malvaviscus penduliflorus Pereskia spp. Schinus molle Tulbaghia violacea
Mammea americana Pericallis webbii Schotia brachypetala Turner a spp.
Mangifera indica Persea americana Sedum spp. Vitex spp.
Melaleuca lateritia Phoenix spp. Senecio cineraria Washingtonia spp.
Melaleuca nesophila Phymaspermum acerosa Senecio tamoides Wodyetia bifurcata
Mesuaferrea Pimenta spp. Senna spp. Yucca spp.
Metrosideros excelsa Pittosporumflavum Serenoa repens Zombia antillarum
Molineria capitulata Plectranthus ecklonii Sophora tomentosa

acaulescent lacking a stem. areole of cacti, a raised or recessed circular area from which spines
achene a small fruit with one seed and a thin, dry outer coat (peri- and bristles arise, evolved from a modified branch tip.
carp). aril a fleshy covering of certain seeds arising from the funiculus
acicular needlelike. (seed attachment point). Compare sarcotesta.
actinomorphic radially symmetrical, pertaining to a flower that arillate having an aril.
can be divided into equal halves along more than one plane. aristate having a leaf tip with a long, slender extension of the mid-
aculeate with a sharp point or prickle. vein, sometimes referred to as a drip-tip.
acuminate of an elongated, gradually tapering leaf tip. asperous rough.
acute of leaf tips or other organs that taper sharply to a point. asymmetrical having a shape that cannot be divided into equal
adventitious of plant parts, usually roots, in an atypical location. halves.
aerial roots roots that originate and are primarily above ground. attenuate having a long, gradually tapering point with concave
aggregate fruit fruit of one flower with separate carpels develop- sides.
ing in close contact on one receptacle but not fused as in a syn- auricular ear-shaped.
carp (for example, a raspberry). awn a needlelike appendage or bristle.
air-layering also known as mossing, or marcotting, a propagation axil, axillary the angle between a leaf and the stem.
technique whereby a short section of young branch is stripped backcross a cross between a hybrid and one of its parents.
of its outer layers of bark, including the cambium layer, and basal of a leaf arising from a rhizome, root, bulb, or corm.
wrapped with sphagnum moss and covered tightly with plas- beaked in the shape of a parrot's beak.
tic. After roots develop in the moss, the branch is removed and beltian bodies glands on the leaves of certain species that provide
potted. food for symbiotic ants (see photo of Acacia sphaerocephala, p.
alternate leaf arrangement having only one leaf at each node, gen- 210).
erally alternating on either side of the stem. berry a fleshy fruit developing from one carpel with one or more
androecium the male parts of a flower collectively, all the fila- seeds.
ments and anthers. biennial a plant that completes its life cycle in 2 years, fruiting the
androgynophore a stalk or disk supporting the stamens and car- second year.
pels. bifoliate having paired leaves, of orchids bearing 2 leaves per
androphore a stalk or disk supporting the stamens. pseudobulb.
annual a plant that completes its life cycle in one season and then bifoliolate having a compound leaf with 2 leaflets (one pair), often
dies. the result of reduction of one or more leaflets into other struc-
annulus corona (see photos ofNerium, p. 66). tures.
anther the pollen-bearing part of the stamen, often borne on a fil- bifurcate forked twice.
ament. bilabiate enlarged or otherwise differentiated floral parts forming
apex the distal or free end of a stem, root, or leaf. 2 lips.
apiculate with a sharply tapering point and somewhat concave bilaterally symmetrical zygomorphic, of a flower that can be di-
sides. vided into equal, mirror-image halves on only one plane.
appendix the sterile tip of the spadix in the aroid family, Araceae binomial the combined genus and species names.
(see photo of Amorphophallus titanum, p. 79). bipinnate a twice compound leaf, the blade divided into leaflets
aquatic growing partly or wholly in water. arranged along a common axis (rachis), the primary divisions
arboreal of trees. (pinnae) themselves divided into leaflets (pinnules).
arborescent treelike.


bipinnatifid twice pinnately lobed, as for bipinnate but the blade cirrose of a tendril developing from the tip of a leaf, as an exten-
not completely divided to the axes (rachis). sion of the midvein, as in Gloriosa superba.
bisexual of flowers bearing both male (stamens) and female (car- cladophyll a flattened leaflike branchlet that functions like a true
pels) structures. leaf.
blade lamina, the expanded part of the leaf, not including the peti- clambering scandent, of a plant that climbs without specialized
ole if present. devices such as twining, adhesive pads, or tendrils. Compare
boss a mound of aboveground roots at the base of the trunk. scrambling and climber.
bract an ornamental and/or protective, modified leaf subtending clawed of a petal or sepal that narrows abruptly into a stalk at the
a flower or inflorescence, technically not a part of the flower base.
though it may function as a perianth and may develop color cleft of an organ such as a leaf that is divided almost to its axis.
during flowering. climber a plant that climbs by various devices, such as by twining,
bracteole a secondary bract, usually smaller or shaped differently tendrils, or adhesive pads. Compare clambering.
than the primary bract. cochleate coiled like a snail shell.
bud an undeveloped flower or growing point of a stem or leaf. column a tube consisting of fused stamen filaments that sur-
bud imprint bud printing, an impression left by surrounding round the style, a characteristic of the hibiscus family, Mal-
leaves on younger leaves while in bud, strongly evident in vaceae; also the knoblike fused pistil and stamens in orchids.
many Agave species. coma a whorl of sterile bracts or leaves above the fertile bracts, or
bulb a thick, generally subterranean, undeveloped stem bud. a tuft of hairs attached to a seed.
bulbil an asexually produced bulblike structure arising from a common name a vernacular plant name, often varying from re-
bract, inflorescence, or leaf axil. gion to region and sometimes applied to more than one species
bulbous bulbiferous, bearing bulbs. at different times or places.
buttress bracing outgrowths at the base of the trunk of some large complete of a flower possessing all 4 floral whorls: calyx, corolla,
trees (see photo of Pachira aquatica, p. 264). stamens, and carpels.
caducous falling shortly after maturing. compound leaf a leaf blade that is divided into leaflets, which are
calceolate pouched like the toe of a slipper. arranged either palmately (like a fan) and usually attached to
callus a thickened or raised tissue, sometimes ornamental. the end of a petiole, or pinnately (like a feather) and attached to
calyx the sepals collectively, the outer whorl of the perianth. the leaf midvein or rachis.
calyx tube a tube composed of partially or wholly fused sepals. conduplicate folded once lengthwise like a book.
cambium a layer of secondary growing tissue encircling woody cone a strobilus, of flowering plants with compact inflorescences
plants between the bark and wood, which increases girth and including bracts that resemble the cones of conifers.
lays down new vascular tissue as the stem expands. connate fused.
campanulate bell-shaped, gobletlike in the upright position. cordate heart-shaped, applied to the whole leaf or just the base.
cannoid having a cannalike habit with ascending leaves and short coriaceous firm but flexible.
petioles, applied to certain heliconias. Compare musoid and corm an annual, subterranean bulblike stem.
zingiberoid. corolla the petals collectively, usually the second whorl of the peri-
canopy crown, the leafy upper part of a tree. anth inside the calyx.
capitate an inflorescence with flowers in a tight, rounded head. corona annulus; a crownlike ring of modified floral tissue, often
capsule a dry, dehiscent fruit. the stamen filaments.
carinate boat-shaped. corrugated wrinkled or ridged.
carnivorous of a plant that traps and derives some of its nutrients corymb, corymbose an indeterminate flat- or round-topped inflo-
from insects or other small animals. rescence with the flowers opening from the outside inward.
carpel a simple pistil or one ovule-bearing part of a compound Compare cyme.
pistil. costapalmate a type of palm leaf with the leaflet bases congested
carpellate pistillate, bearing carpels but not stamens, a female on a short rachis, ends spreading in a fan, sides often arching
flower. like a rooster's tail (see photo ofBismarckia nobilis, p. 95).
cataphyll a modified leaf appearing before the production of new creeping of plants with horizontally spreading stems that produce
leaves or an inflorescence. roots and shoots from the nodes. Compare trailing.
caudate tail-like, ending in an elongated appendage. crenate scalloped or round-toothed.
caudex (pl. caudices) a swollen trunk-root intersection that serves crenulate finely crenate.
as a water-storing organ, located aboveground or partly or crest ridgelike, a fascicle.
wholly underground. cross a hybrid produced by the sexual propagation of plants with
caulescent possessing a trunk or stem. different physical characteristics.
cauliflorous flowers developing directly from the trunk or crown the branches and leafy canopy of a tree, the principal fea-
branches. ture of a plant's habit.
cauline of a stem, or associated with a stem. crownshaft pertaining to certain pinnate-leafed palms, an ex-
cespitose of a plant that produces a cluster of offspring from suck- panded petiole base that sheaths the top of the trunk.
ers. Sometimes spelled caespitose. cucullate hooded, hoodlike.
chartaceous thin, papery. cultigen a plant that has been in cultivation for so long that its ori-
ciliate having a fringe of hairs as on a leaf or petal margin. gins are obscure. Hybridization and selection are likely to have
circumscissile splitting around the narrow axis, or opening like a occurred over many centuries of cultivation. Wild populations
lid, as in capsules of Portulaca. are unknown or are derived from cultivated plants.

cultivar a selection of a cultivated species with special characteris- divaricate branching at wide angles, giving a zigzag appearance.
tics that differ in some significant way from the wild species or double of a flower with more than the normal complement of pet-
variety, growing true to type or propagated vegetatively. A culti- als or other floral parts.
var name is capitalized and in roman type and enclosed by sin- drupe an indehiscent fruit with one or more seeds surrounded by
gle quotes. Cultivar names are invalid unless registered with a hard inner layer (the pit or endocarp), a fleshy middle layer
the International Society of Horticultural Science and pub- (mesocarp), and a thin skin (exocarp), as in a peach or mango.
lished. Sometimes abbreviated as cv. (pl. cvs.) but no longer elliptic, elliptical broadest in the middle, tapering uniformly to-
accepted. ward the ends.
cuneate triangular; of a leaf with the petiole attached to one angle, emarginate of a leaf apex with a small notch at the tip where the
not to a side. midvein meets the margin.
cuspidate narrowing abruptly with convex sides. emergent rising above the water.
cv. (pl. cvs.) cultivar. No longer accepted. endemic native to a limited region.
cyathium (pl. cyathia) the highly specialized inflorescence of Eu- endocarp the inner layer of fruit surrounding the seed, such as
phorbia species, with flowers reduced to clusters of carpels and the hard pit of a peach.
stamens, often including glands and usually lacking a perianth. endosperm starchy, oily tissue surrounding the embryo of a seed.
cyathophyll a bract associated with the cyathia of Euphorbia ensiform narrowly sword-shaped with straight, parallel margins
species. and an acute tip.
cyme a determinate, flat- or round-topped inflorescence with entire having smooth leaf margins, not toothed or lobed.
flowers opening from the center outwards. Compare corymb. ephemeral very short lived.
deciduous not evergreen, shedding leaves or other plant parts nat- epicalyx a pseudocalyx, a calyxlike involucre of bracts that sur-
urally. rounds the true calyx.
decumbent of a reclining branch or stem with an upturned tip. epilithic of a plant that grows on rocks, a lithophyte.
Compare creeping and trailing. epipetalous on or attached to the petals, usually applied to sta-
decurrent of a leaf blade that tapers along the sides of the petiole. mens mounted at their bases on the petals.
decussate having pairs of opposite leaves arranged perpendicu- epiphyte, epiphytic a plant that grows upon another plant and
larly to the pairs immediately above and below. uses it for support but does not derive nourishment from the
deflexed bent downward and tilted forward. Compare reflexed. host plant. Compare parasite.
defoliate an unnatural loss of leaves. Compare deciduous. epitasis the production of asexual plantlets or bulbils from an
dehiscent having a seed capsule that splits open, often explosively, aboveground part of the plant, commonly from an inflores-
when ripe, releasing its seed. Compare indehiscent. cence or bract.
deltoid broadly triangular in outline. epithet any part of the scientific name that qualifies the genus
dentate of margins with triangular teeth. (species, subspecies, variety, form).
determinate of an inflorescence where flowers open from the top equitant fanned leaves whose folded bases enclose the base of the
to the bottom. This type of inflorescence is not capable of fur- leaf above, common in the iris family, Iridaceae.
ther growth. Compare indeterminate. eudicot, tricolpate one of the major divisions of flowering plants
diadelphous having stamens in 2 bundles or rings, or one stamen (angiosperms), a new classification which includes most of the
segregated from the others. species formerly known as dicots. They have more than one
dichasium (pl. dichasia) a simple inflorescence with a terminal cotyledon (seed leaf) and have woody or herbaceous stems. The
flower and 2 lateral branches, each either with one flower (total term "tricolpate" indicates the presence of 3 grooves on the pol-
of 3 flowers) or themselves dichasia (total of 7 flowers). len.
dichotomous forking repeatedly by 2s in a regular pattern. evergreen a plant that normally retains most of its foliage
dicot formerly one of the primary divisions of flowering plants throughout the year.
(angiosperms) but now considered an arbitrary classification exocarp the outside wall of the pericarp, the outside layer or the
because they are not monophyletic. Most are now included skin of a fleshy fruit.
within eudicots (Judd et al. 1999). exotic any species outside its natural ecosystem, including those
didynamous having 2 pairs of stamens of unequal length. from local or regional but dissimilar habitats.
digitate spreading like the fingers of the hand. exserted protruding beyond the surrounding organs, often ap-
dimorphic occurring in 2 distinct forms or shapes (also trimor- plied to stamens. Compare included.
phic, polymorphic). eye a contrasting spot around the center or throat of a flower.
dioecious having male (staminate) and female (carpellate) flowers falcate curved, like a falcon's beak (see photo of Erythrina falcata,
on separate plants. p. 218).
disk of the floral disk, an enlargement of the receptacle and/or the family a related collection of genera with defined characteristics.
bases of the calyx, corolla, and stamens. fan-leafed palmate, leaflet bases congested at the end of a petiole,
disk flower disk floret, a specialized flower with a tubular corolla with tips spreading like a fan.
often found in the aster family, Asteraceae, with or without sur- fascicle a crest, an inflorescence or vegetative part in a compact,
rounding ray flowers. raised cluster.
dissected having a cleft leaf or other organ. felted having densely matted hairs.
distichous having leaves or other parts arranged in ranks on op- fetid malodorous, having a foul odor.
posite sides of a stem or stalk. filament the stalk of a stamen bearing the anther, not always pres-
distinct free, not fused or united. ent.

filiferous threadlike. halophyte a plant that grows in saline conditions.

filiform filament-like. hastate arrow-shaped, pointed at the apex with 2 spreading,
fimbriate fringed. pointed basal lobes (see photo ofAnthurium 'Obake', p. 81).
flabellate pleated and spreading like a fan or wedge. Compare sagittate.
flaccid limp, lax. hastula of palms, a raised area at the end of a petiole to which pal-
fleshy juicy, moisture storing. mate leaflets are attached (see photo of Coccothrinax barbaden-
flexuous zigzag. sis, p. 100).
floral cup hypanthium, cup, or ringlike structure composed of the head capitulum, a compact, rounded inflorescence, with usually
fused bases of the stamens, perianth (compare disk). sessile flowers on a short axis or disk (see photo of Cheirolophus
floral tube a tubular floral cup, composed of fused floral parts, an canariensis, p. 128).
androperianth tube. helicoid spirally coiled.
floriferous flowering in profusion, or bearing flowers over an ex- hemiepiphyte semiepiphyte, a climber that may eventually lose
tended period. contact with the ground.
flower the reproductive structures and accessory parts in an- herb a nonwoody plant. Used colloquially for fragrant culinary
giosperms composed of at least one or more stamens and/or annuals and perennials and their leaves, flowers, or roots.
carpels, with or without a perianth. herbaceous herblike, nonwoody.
foliage a collective term for leaves. hesperidium a berry with a leathery skin and partitioned flesh,
follicle a dry, dehiscent fruit with one to many seeds derived from such as an orange.
one carpel and splitting open only along one side (legumes heterostylous, heterostyly of plants with flowers having styles in 2
split on both sides). or more lengths.
form, forma a taxon below variety, a relatively minor variation hirsute coarsely hairy.
rarely used anymore, commonly replaced by a cultivar name. hispid having bristly hairs.
Sometimes abbreviated as f. hort. of garden origin, a name mistakenly adopted in horticulture
free not united, not fused. but without botanical merit.
frond the leaflike structure in ferns, colloquially applied to palms hybrid a cross, a plant or animal resulting from the breeding of
or pinnately compound leaves. individuals with differing characteristics.
fruit the ripened ovary of a flower and any attached floral rem- hybrid vigor having characteristics that are more robust or desir-
nants. able than those of either parent.
fruticose shrublike. hypanthium (pl. hypanthia) a floral cup, disk, or tube composed
funiculus (pi. funiculi) funicle, a threadlike stalk that sometimes of the fused bases of the calyx, corolla, and/or stamens.
connects a seed to the placenta of the ovary. hypogynous of a flower with perianth inserted (attached) below
furcate forked. the ovary, the ovary superior.
fuscous dark. imbricate of leaves or bracts overlapping in a regular pattern, ap-
fused connate, wholly or partially joined. pearing braided (see photo ofRavenala madagascariensis, p. 354).
fusiform spindle-shaped. imparipinnate of a pinnately compound leaf with an odd number
galeate helmet-shaped. of leaflets, terminating in a single leaflet. Compare paripin-
gall an abnormal swelling with an external cause, usually insects. nate.
geniculate bent, as a knee. imperfect a unisexual flower, one that bears either stamens or car-
genus (pi. genera) the first part of the scientific name, the princi- pels, not both.
pal rank below family and above species. Genus names are ital- impressed sunken into the surface.
icized (or underlined) and begin with a capital letter. included enclosed within, applied to stamens that do not extend
glabrous, glabrate smooth, glossy. beyond the edges of a tubular or funnel-shaped perianth. Com-
gland a secretory organ. pare exserted.
glaucous covered with a fine dust or bloom. incomplete flower a flower lacking one or more of the 4 floral
globular, globose globe-shaped, a sphere. whorls: calyx, corolla, stamens, or carpels.
glochid of cacti, a barbed spine or tuft arising from an areole. indehiscent of a fruit that does not split open to release its seed.
graft a scion, a bud or twig spliced to a rootstock. Compare dehiscent.
grex a group of hybrids that are the offspring of independent lines indeterminate of an inflorescence with flowers opening from bot-
of the same parent species. tom to top, the stalk continuing to lengthen as the buds mature
group cultivars with unspecified similarities or relationships. toward the tip, as in a panicle or raceme.
Group names begin with a capital letter and are written in indigenous native.
roman type. indumentum a general term for hairs, small glands, scales, and
gum kino, a sticky resinous secretion that becomes hard when other surface adornment.
dry. induplicate folded upward in cross section, V-shaped. Compare
guttered channeled, concave with upturned edges, serving to reduplicate.
guide water toward the stem and root. inermous unarmed, spineless.
gynoecium the female parts of the flower collectively, the stigmas, inferior with the ovary located below the attachment of the peri-
styles, and ovaries. anth and stamens (compare superior); also the lower surface or
gynophore a stalk or disk supporting the gynoecium in some underside of an organ such as a leaf.
species. inflated loose-fitting or appearing filled with air (see photo of As-
habit the overall shape or appearance of a species. depias physocarpa, p. 73).

inflorescence a cluster of flowers and their arrangement on a spe- littoral of the seashore.
cialized stalk (rachis). lobe the free, often flaring edges of a funnel- or tube-shaped calyx
infructescence a cluster of fruits and their arrangement on a spe- or corolla.
cialized stalk (rachis). lobed leaf a leaf with the edges divided into pointed or rounded
infundibular funnel-shaped. sections, the sinuses not cutting more than halfway to the mid-
inserted attached to or mounted upon. vein. Compare entire.
intergeneric hybrid a hybrid resulting from parents of 2 different locule a chamber within a fruit or ovary.
genera, indicated by the symbol x preceding the genus name. loment a legume that splits crosswise (rather than lengthwise)
internode the area of stem between 2 nodes. into one-seeded segments.
introduction an introduced species, any plant from outside its lorate strap-shaped, not rigid.
specific native habitat. lunate crescent-shaped.
invalid name a name that does not conform to the International mammillate having raised nipplelike projections, found in cer-
Code of Botanical Nomenclature, lacking valid description or tain Agave and cacti species, usually tipped with sharp teeth or
publication. Invalid names appear as synonyms and in techni- spines.
cal works are followed by the Latin nom illegal. margin the edge of a leaf, petal, or other organ.
involucre a whorl of bracts subtending a flower, inflorescence, or mealy granular.
fruit as at the base of a strawberry. Mediterranean-type climate hot, dry summer and fall days with
involute rolled inward. Compare revolute. cool nights and cooler, moist winters, found in southern Cali-
keel carinate, somewhat resembling the keel of a boat, a promi- fornia, South Africa, Australia, and Chile.
nent midrib down the underside of a leaf or flower, the sides meristem the areas of tissue where cell division takes place; a
forming a trough. growing point, generally at the apex of stems and the cam-
labellum the upper or lower petal or petals of a flower that differ bium. Also used as a generic term for plants growing in tissue
from the lateral petals in shape or markings, a lip. culture.
laminar flattened. mesocarp the middle layer of the fruit wall surrounding the
lanate woolly, the hairs matted. seed(s), as in the fleshy part of an apple or mango.
lanceolate lance-shaped, of a narrow, elongated leaf that is widest midrib the primary vein of a leaf, an extension of the petiole, usu-
near the base and tapers gradually to the tip. Compare oblance- ally along the midline of the leaf.
olate. misapplied a valid scientific name applied to the wrong species, a
lateral on either side of an axis. homonym.
latex a sticky white, clear, or yellow sap characteristic of certain monocarpic, hapaxanthic blooming once before dying.
plant groups such as the poinsettia family, Euphorbiaceae; fig monocot one of the primary divisions of flowering plants (an-
family, Moraceae; and oleander family, Apocynaceae. giosperms) characterized by a single seed leaf or cotyledon.
lax lacking rigidity, limp. monoculture a species that grows, or is cultivated, to the exclu-
leaf a vegetative organ found in flowering plants (angiosperms), sion of other species, at the expense of diversity.
developing from a stem or rhizome, composed of a variously monoecious having male (staminate) and female (carpellate)
modified blade and often having a leaf stalk (petiole). Leaves flowers on the same plant.
are usually green, containing chlorophyll necessary for photo- monopodial a growth pattern that is continuous from the termi-
synthesis. They are variously adapted for absorbing light while nal bud without secondary branching, typical of palms and cer-
also performing the functions of respiration and transpiration. tain orchids. Flowers are produced at the nodes. Compare sym-
leaflet a pinnule, one leaflike member of a compound leaf. podial.
legume a pod, a fruit of the legume family, Fabaceae, consisting mucronate of leaves with a small spur at the tip, an extension of
of 2 valves derived from a modified leaf that opens along 2 the midrib.
seams, such as a pea pod. multi-annual a plant that lives for 3 or more years before bloom-
lenticel a pore with raised edges in the bark, through which gases ing and then dies, such as most Agave species.
are exchanged. musoid having a banana-like habit with ascending whorls of
lenticular lens-shaped. leaves and long petioles, applied to certain heliconias. Compare
lepidote having a rough surface due to the presence of peltate zingiberoid and cannoid.
scales, a distinguishing characteristic of the leaves of certain native an organism in association with its natural habitat.
Tabebuia and other species. nectar guides colored veins in the throat of a flower, thought to di-
liana a woody climber (not herbaceous), often very large. rect pollinators toward the nectar source, bringing the pollina-
lignotuber a woody subterranean tuber found in some plants sub- tor into close contact with the pollen and/or stigma.
ject to seasonal fires, producing new shoots after a burn, as in nectary a glandular region involved in the production of nectar.
some species of the protea family, Proteaceae. nerve a plant vein.
ligule a slender sheath at the base of ginger or some palm leaves node a joint along a stalk from which leaves, stipules, lateral
that clasps the stem. branches, and flowers may develop.
linear slender with parallel margins. oblanceolate of a narrow lance-shaped leaf that is widest toward
Ungulate tonguelike, as in the fused petals in a ray flower of the the tip. Compare lanceolate.
aster family, Asteraceae. oblique having unequal sides. Also used of a plant part inclined at
lip, labellum upper or lower petal(s) of a flower that differ from an angle.
the lateral petals in shape or markings. oblong having parallel or nearly parallel margins and rounded or
lithophyte, lithophytic a plant that grows on rocks. blunt ends.

obovate ovate with the widest area near the tip. perennial a plant with a life cycle of more than 2 years, usually
obtuse having a broadly rounded, wide-angled or rather blunt blooming annually.
end. perfect, hermaphroditic a bisexual flower having both stamens
ocreae a tubular sheath composed of 2 stipules encircling the and carpels.
stem at the base of the petiole, a characteristic of the buckwheat perforate with perforations or openings.
family, Polygonaceae. perianth the calyx and corolla collectively, literally "around the an-
offset shoot, pup, a plantlet developing from the base of the par- thers."
ent plant, a vegetative form of reproduction. pericarp the outer layers of a fruit enclosing the seeds.
open valvate, of petals or sepals that do not overlap. persistent of leaves, bracts, or flower parts that remain attached,
open-pollinated pollinated without human intervention. not deciduous.
opposite leaf arrangement having 2 leaves per node, generally on petal a unit of the corolla, usually the second whorl from the out-
opposite sides of the stem. side of a flower.
orbicular circular. petaloid petal-like, of another organ that resembles a petal.
ovary the seed-bearing organ of a flower at the base of the pistil. petiole the stalk of a leaf, not always present. Compare sessile.
ovate oval, widest at the base and narrowing toward the apex. petiolule the stalk of a leaflet, not always present.
ovoid egg-shaped. phylloclad a flattened stem or branch that functions like a leaf.
ovule the megasporangium, the body in the ovary containing the phyllode a flattened petiole that functions as a leaf, usually thick
female gametes. and leathery, the leaf blade often reduced, deciduous, or absent,
pachycaulous having a thickened, moisture-conserving stem (see an adaptation that reduces surface area and evaporation.
photo of Pachypodium lamerei, p. 67). pilose sparsely covered with long soft hairs.
palmate of a compound leaf with leaflets attached by their bases pinna (pl. pinnae) a leaflet of a pinnate leaf, or the first division of
to a common point, usually the end of the petiole (see photo of a bipinnate leaf.
Pachira quinata, p. 264). pinnate of a compound leaf with leaflets arranged along an axis
palmatifid of a leaf blade palmately lobed no more than halfway to (rachis).
the petiole. pinnatifid of a leaf blade with pinnately arranged lobes, the leaf
palmatisect of a leaf blade palmately divided almost to the petiole. margins cut less than halfway to the rachis.
palmipinnate of leaf veins arranged palmately at the base, becom- pinnatisect as pinnatifid but with the leaf margins cut almost to
ing pinnate toward the tip (see photo of Benya cubensis, p. 270). the rachis.
panicle a branched indeterminate inflorescence, the branches ra- pinnule the leaflets of a bipinnate leaf.
cemes or corymbs. pistil the female reproductive parts (gynoecium) of a flower con-
papilionaceous butterfly-like, as in flowers of the legume subfam- sisting of one carpel, one stigma and style; a compound pistil is
ily Papilionoideae, or resembling those flowers and usually composed of multiple carpels and one or more stigmas and
composed of a standard, 2 lateral wings, and 2 lower petals styles.
united along their central edges into a keel. pistillate of a female flower bearing one or more carpels but no
papillae glandular hairs. fertile stamens.
papillose bumpy. plicate pleated, folded like a fan (see photo of Coccothrinax bar-
pappus the modified calyx of a flower in the composite family, badensis, p. 100).
Asteraceae, either bristly or scaly. plumose featherlike.
parallel veined having primary leaf veins running more or less pod a colloquial name for the fruit of a legume or, a general term
parallel to the midvein or secondary veins parallel to each other for any nonfleshy fruit.
but perpendicular to the midvein. pollen the grains containing spores, the male gametes, often
parasite an organism that derives all or part of its nourishment bright yellow, orange, or red, produced on an anther in flower-
from another organism, the host. ing plants.
paripinnate evenly pinnate, of a pinnately compound leaf with an pollinator a bird, bat, insect, mammal, or other agent that trans-
even number of leaflets, usually paired, and lacking a leaflet at mits pollen to a receptive stigma, often involving highly spe-
the tip. Compare imparipinnate. cialized mechanisms. Wind and water are inanimate means of
parthenogenesis asexual reproduction. pollination.
pedatifid of a leaf with lobes perpendicular to the primary rachis pollinia a sticky mass of pollen grains, typical in orchids and cer-
to which the petiole is attached centrally (see photo of Philoden- tain other groups.
drongoddii, p. 85). polycarpic blooming repeatedly throughout the life of the plant.
pedatisect as for pedatifid except the lobes, or some lobes, are cut polygamous bearing both unisexual and bisexual flowers on the
to the rachis (see photo of Syngonium podophyllum, p. 87). same plant.
pedicel the stalk of an individual flower. polymorphic having more than one distinct form.
peduncle the main stalk of an inflorescence to which the stalked polyploid having more than the normal set of chromosomes (2n)
or stalkless flowers are attached, a rachis. in each cell, usually sterile.
pellucid spot a translucent glandular spot, as on the skin of an pome a firm but fleshy fruit with seeds enclosed by a thin, papery
orange. endocarp, such as an apple.
peltate having the petiole attached to the undersurface of a leaf posterior lobes lobes at the base of a leaf, as in sagittate or hastate
rather than at the margin. leaves.
pepo an indehiscent capsule with a pulpy interior and a hard or precocious developing early, often applied to flowers of deciduous
leathery shell. plants that open before the new leaves are fully developed.

prickle a sharp outgrowth from the epidermis. rosette a whorl of leaves around a common point, either at
procumbent trailing along the ground without taking root. ground level or at the apex of a stem (as in Aechmea species).
propagule a general term for any plant part, sexual or asexual, that rotate wheel-shaped, of a flower with a very short tube and spread-
may be used for propagation. ing lobes.
pruinose, frosted, having a refractive or sparkly surface created by rugose uneven, bumpy, wrinkled, corrugated.
scales or fluid-filled cells. sagittate arrowhead-shaped, with a triangular blade and back-
pseudobulb a bulb-shaped, swollen stem that functions as a ward-pointing, not spreading, basal lobes, alluding to the head
water-storing organ, found in certain orchids usually from sea- shape and horns of Sagittarius the Goat (see photo of Alocasia
sonally dry climates. micholitziana, p. 78). Compare hastate.
pseudocalyx an epicalyx, an involucre of calyxlike bracts. salverform a corolla with a slender, tubular base and spreading
pseudostem a stemlike structure, such as the overlapping leaf lobes shaped like a salver (a pedestal-type serving dish).
bases of banana, Musa, or the aboveground neck of the bulb in sarcotesta a fleshly outer seed coat, often brightly colored (see
Crinum. photo of Guaiacum sanctum, p. 374).
pubescent covered with soft, short hairs like a peach, downy, often scabrous roughly scaly.
used as a general term for soft hairs. scandent clambering, climbing without the aid of tendrils, twin-
pulvinus a swelling or joint at the base of a petiole or petiolule ing, or other devices. Compare scrambling.
(legume family, Fabaceae) or base of the blade (arrowroot fam- scape a leafless stalk arising directly from a rhizome, bearing a
ily, Marantaceae), often associated with leaves that fold when flower or inflorescence, found in monocots.
dry or in response to touch, stress, or darkness. scrambling of a plant that climbs with the aid of tendrils or prick-
punctate dotted with small pits. les. Compare clambering and scandent.
pup a plantlet developing from the base of the parent plant, a veg- scurfy gritty.
etative form of reproduction. Also known as offset or shoot. seasonally dormant of herbs that die back to a subterranean rhi-
pyrene a nutlet, a seed surrounded by a hard endocarp, such as in zome during cold or dry seasons, or plants that remain ever-
Coffea. green but stop all growth seasonally.
pyxidium a circumscissile capsule that releases seed through an secund arranged along one side of an axis.
operculum, as in the Brazil-nut family, Lecythidaceae. selection a distinctive form, clone, or cultivar that remains con-
quick stick a living fence, a large cutting that will root directly in stant when propagated.
the ground. semideciduous a plant which normally is evergreen but may be-
raceme an indeterminate inflorescence with stalked flowers ar- come deciduous during unusually dry or cold periods.
ranged along one axis (see photo of Barringtonia racemosa, p. semiepiphytic a mostly epiphytic plant with aerial roots but also
244). Compare spike. able to grow on (but not in) the ground.
rachis (pl. rachises) the main stalk of an inflorescence or axis of a semiterete subterete (which see).
compound leaf. semiterrestrial a mostly terrestrial plant with the ability to thrive
radially symmetrical actinomorphic, of a flower that can be di- as an epiphyte in certain circumstances.
vided into equal halves along more than one plane. sepal a unit of the outer floral whorl collectively referred to as the
ramiflorous of flowers borne directly on the branches. calyx, often protecting the flower in bud, sometimes petal-like
rank one column of alternate or opposite leaves; one level of no- (petaloid) or absent.
menclature. serrate saw-toothed, having leaf margins with teeth angled toward
ray flower the radiating flowers around the periphery of the floral the apex.
heads of some members of the aster family, Asteraceae, having serrulate finely serrate.
a tubular corolla with a flattened lobe (ligule). sessile lacking a stalk or petiole.
receptacle the thickened end of a stalk (pedicel) on which a flower setose bristly or bristlelike.
is mounted. shrub a woody plant lacking a main trunk or axis, branching near
reclining leaning backwards. the base.
recurved curved backwards. silique a flattened capsule that splits into 2 halves longitudinally
reduplicate having an inverted fold in cross section, as in certain with seeds mounted on a papery septum.
palm leaflets. Compare induplicate. simple an undivided leaf, not compound.
reflexed bent down sharply. sinuous having a 2-dimensional wavy outline. Compare undulate.
regular actinomorphic, of a radially symmetrical flower. sinus a gap, space, or opening.
rein a long, slender leafy extension from certain palm petioles or sp. (pi. spp.) species.
dangling fibers remaining after the leaflets divide. spathe a specialized bract that surrounds a spadix or inflores-
reniform kidney-shaped. cence, opening on one side, characteristic of the aroid family,
resupinate of a leaf or flower inverted by a twist of the stalk (as in Araceae (see photo of Monstera deliciosa, p. 84), and the palm
Alstroemeria). family, Arecaceae.
reticulate netted or netlike. spathiform spathelike.
revolute rolled under or back. Compare involute. spathulate like a spatula, spoon-shaped.
rhizome a thick, prostrate stem running along or just below the species the lowest basic division of plants and other organisms, a
ground surface with roots and stalks developing at the nodes. group of closely related individuals with similar characteristics.
rhombic diamond-shaped. The species name is the second word of a scientific name and
ring scar a ring around the trunk, typically of palms, where a leaf is never capitalized but always italicized (or underlined). Some-
has separated. times abbreviated as sp. (pl. spp.).

spike an unbranched indeterminate inflorescence with stalkless taxon (pi. taxa) a general term for any taxonomic rank. Compare
flowers, colloquially used for any slender inflorescence. Com- epithet.
pare raceme. tendril a modified branch, leaf, or other structure that coils
spindle-shaped swollen in the center, tapering toward both ends, around, sticks to, or hooks onto a support.
fusiform. tepals sepals and petals, often numerous, which are similar in
spine a modified stipule or sharp branchlet found in a leaf axil or color, form, and size, sometimes only distinguishable as an
a sharp point at the tip of a leaf as in Agave. Compare thorn. inner and outer whorl (see photo of Hemerocallis 'Aztec Gold',
spur a usually backward-pointing projection at the base of a p. 234).
flower containing nectar. terete cylindrical, round in cross section or slightly angled.
stamen the male reproductive organ of flowering plants, typically terminal at the distal end of a branch or stalk, at the apex.
comprising a filament and pollen-bearing anther. terrestrial growing with the roots anchored in the ground.
staminate having stamens but lacking carpels, a male flower. thorn a sharp outgrowth from the stem other than at a node (see
staminode a sterile, often highly modified stamen, often resem- photo ofPachira quinata, p. 264). Compare spine, prickle.
bling the petals (see photos of Lampranthus species, p. 50). thyrse an inflorescence with a central axis consisting of an inde-
standard an enlarged or otherwise distinctive erect petal often terminate raceme or panicle with lateral branches ending in
found in irises, orchids, and legumes. In horticulture, a shrub determinate cymes or dichasia.
pruned to resemble a small tree. tomentose of short, densely matted, stiff hairs that are rough to
stellate starlike, having multiple branched microscopic scales, a the touch.
characteristic of certain groups. trailing procumbent, of horizontal stems that do not take root.
sterile infertile, lacking fruit and/or viable seed. Compare creeping.
stigma the sticky part of the pistil, usually the apex, that receives tree a woody plant with one or several well-developed trunks.
the pollen. trichome a hairlike, glandular outgrowth of the epidermis.
stipe a small stalk supporting a flower part or spathe of an aroid. trifoliate of orchids bearing 3 leaves per pseudobulb.
stipel, stipellate resembling stipules of the leaflets. trifoliolate a compound leaf with 3 leaflets, as is typical of certain
stipule a usually small, highly modified leafy structure in the axil groups such as Erythrina species.
of the petiole or sometimes alternating with the petioles of op- tripinnate of a compound leaf subdivided 3 times.
posite leaves, deciduous or absent in certain plant groups, their triquetrous succulent cylindrical leaves with 3 flattened sides,
presence or form characteristic of different groups of plants. triangular in cross section (see photos of Carpobrotus species,
stolon, stoloniferous a runner or horizontal stem from which off- p. 48).
sets develop. trunk a woody, bark-covered or thick fibrous stem (as in palms)
striate striped or streaked. that supports the leafy canopy.
strobilus (pl.strobili) a cone or conelike structure, as the inflores- tuber a thickened underground stem that serves as a storage
cences of Costus and Zingiber species. organ.
style the stalk of a pistil bearing the stigma, not always present. tubercle a soft projection.
subshrub a small shrubby perennial that is at least partly woody. tubular of a flower with at least partly fused petals and/or sepals,
subsp. subspecies, also written ssp. more or less cylindrical to narrowly funnel-shaped, often with
subspecies a taxon or division of a species, above variety, that has free or fused lobes.
distinctive characteristics unique to plants from a specific tufted a general term to describe plants with leaves clustered at
range. Sometimes abbreviated as subsp. (pl. subspp.). the ends of a stalk rather than evenly distributed.
subterete cylindrical, with a groove down one side, somewhat C- turbinate top-shaped.
shaped in cross section. twining climbing by encircling a support such as a tree limb.
succulent partially or wholly fleshy or juicy; moisture storing type species the typical form of a plant, not a variant or cultivar, a
stems, leaves or roots. species as originally defined by the author.
sucker an auxiliary shoot from the root. ultra-tropical of very cold-sensitive species that thrive only in year-
superior with the ovary located above the attachment of the peri- round tropical conditions. These species are generally too cold-
anth and stamens. Compare inferior. sensitive to be grown outdoors in the subtropics.
syconium a fruit composed of a flask-shaped fleshy receptacle with re- umbel a determinate, flat-topped inflorescence with individual
duced flowers enclosed on the inner surface, a fig (Fiats species). flowers arising from a common point.
symbiosis, symbiotic having a mutually beneficial association undulate having a 3-dimensionally wavy margin. Compare sinu-
with another organism. ous.
sympodial a growth pattern where a plant develops from the ter- unifoliate of orchids bearing one leaf per pseudobulb.
minal bud eventually culminating in an inflorescence. Succes- unifoliolate of a compound leaf reduced to a single leaflet, other
sive growth starts from lateral buds from the stem or rhizome. leaflets sometimes reduced to tendrils, spines, or other struc-
A characteristic of many herbaceous perennials, such as ba- tures.
nanas, heliconias, gingers, and certain orchids. Compare unisexual of flowers that are either male (staminate) or female
monopodial. (pistillate) (see photo of Begonia 'Merry Christmas', p. 133).
syncarp a compound fruit, coalescent fruits developing from united of flower parts, fused, connate.
fused floral parts (see photo of Artocarpus, p. 277). urceolate, urn-shaped, swollen at the base with a narrow neck
synonym a name applied to a plant that is later found to have (see photo ofjatropha ortegae, p. 193).
been previously named or the name rejected for technical rea- valvate open, of petals or sepals that do not overlap.
sons. Sometimes abbreviated as syn. (pi. syns.).
valve a section of a fruit or capsule corresponding to a carpel, viviparous of seeds or asexual propagules that sprout while still
sometimes splitting at the intersections at maturity. attached to the parent plant.
var. (pl. vars.) variety. wheel-shaped rotate, arranged like the spokes of a wheel.
variety a taxon or division of a species below subspecies, which whorl a cluster of leaves or other organs densely arranged around
has distinctive characteristics that are not necessarily unique to a point or short stalk.
plants from a specific range. Sometimes abbreviated as var. (pl. whorled leaf arrangement having 3 or more leaves at a node.
vars.). wing a lateral organ, appendage, or membrane sometimes found
vascular bundle scars broken ends of the xylem and phloem tubes on stems, petioles, capsules, or seeds.
that transport water and nutrients in plants, sometimes visible xeric, xerophytic thriving in arid conditions; in horticulture: grow-
where leaves have fallen, particularly evident on palm trunks. ing without irrigation when established in favorable condi-
vellum a spongy, moisture-absorbing covering of certain aerial tions. This does not imply that these plants will thrive with
roots, often found in orchids and aroids. complete neglect or in any set of conditions.
verticillaster a pseudo-whorl of paired cymes in opposite leaf axils zingiberoid having a gingerlike habit with horizontal alternate
appearing to be one inflorescence, common in the mint family, leaves and short petioles, applied to certain heliconias. Com-
Lamiaceae (see photo of Leonotis leonurus, p. 237). pare cannoid and musoid.
vine a generic term for a climbing plant. zygomorphic bilaterally symmetrical, of a flower that can be di-
viscid sticky. vided into equal halves on only one plane, the halves are mirror

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Rauh, W. 1995. Succulent and Xerophytic Plants of Madagascar. 2 Company.
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List of Web Sites

American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania.
Australian Plants, Botany, Horticulture Home Page. Miami-Dade County Fruit and Spice Park, Homestead, Florida.
Balboa Park and Gardens, San Diego, California. National Botanical Institute, South Africa.
Betrock's PlantFinder. Betrock Information Systems. National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Database of the National
Botanical Garden links. Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. U.S. De- partment of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service.
California Exotic Pest Plant Council (CalEPPC).
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Arizona. National Tropical Botanical Garden, Hawaii and Florida.
Directory of lnternational Cultivar Registration Authorities (ICRAs). Parrot Jungle, Miami, Florida.
Fair child Tropical Garden, Coral Gables, Florida. Plant Scientific Names Glossary. American Society for Horticul- tural Science (ASHS).
The Families of Flowering Plants: Descriptions, Illustrations,
Identification, and Information Retrieval. 2000. 14th ed. by L. Wat- nomenclatureinfo.
son and M. J. Dallwitz. Published on the Internet: Quail Botanical Garden, Encinitas, California.
Florida Exotic Pest Council (FLEPPC). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Huntington Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California. San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Parks.
HEHBotanicalHome. html. South African Botanical Diversity Network (SABONET).
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Tokyo). Botanical
Code or ICBN. Threatened and Endangered Plants. PLANTS Database, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation
tokyo-e/contents.htm. Service.
International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants. Cultivated
Plant Code or ICNCP. Threatened and Endangered Species System (TESS). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
International Legume Database and Information Service. World
Database of Legumes. University of Southampton, United King- University of Hawaii, Home Page including lists of native and
dom, School of Biological Sciences. alien plants.
International Plant Names Index (IPNI). Database of plant names University of Miami, Gifford Arboretum, Coral Gables, Florida.
and bibliography. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, the Harvard
University Herbaria, and the Australian National Herbarium. Vascular Tropicos. VAST Nomenclature Database, W3Tropicos. Missouri Botanical Garden.
Invasive and Noxious Plants. PLANTS Database, U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service.
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Index of Scientific & Common Names

Abelmoschus 253 Acanthus montanus 28 Aechmea 'Blue Tango' 152 African walnut, see Schotia
Abelmoschus esculentus 253 Acanthus spinosus 28 Aechmea blanchetiana 152 brachypetala
Abelmoschus moschatus 253 Acca 282 Aechmea burle-marxii 152 African wattle, see Peltophorum
Abelmoschus rugosus 253 Acca sellowiana 282 Aechmea chantinii 152 africanum
abey, see Jacaranda acerola, see Malpighia emargin- Aechmea dichlamydea 152 Agallostachys pinguin, see Bro-
Abroma 266 ata Aechmea distichantha 152 melia pinguin
Abroma augusta 266 achiote, see Bixa orellana Aechmea fasciata 153 Agapanthaceae 42
Abroma fastuosa, see A. augusta Achras mammosa, see Aechmea fendleri 153 Agapanthus 42
Abutilon 254 Manilkara zapota Aechmea fulgens 153 Agapanthus africanus 42
Abutilon aurantiacum, see A. Acnistus 346 Aechmea julgens x A. ramosa Agapanthus minor 42
palmeri Acnistus arborescens 346 153 Agapanthus praecox 42
Abutilon chittendenii 254 Acoelorrhaphe 90 Aechmea gamosepala 153 agapanto, see Agapanthus
Abutilon macdougalii, see A. Acoelorrhaphe wrightii 90 Aechmea luddemanniana 153 Agati grandiflora, see Sesbania
palmeri acoita, see Luehea seemannii Aechmea mariae-reginae 153 grandiflora
Abutilon megapotamicum 254 Adansonia 260 Aechmea nudicaulis 154 Agavaceae 42
Abutilon palmeri 254 Adansonia digitata 260 Aechmea pineliana 154 Agave 42
Acacia 210 Adansonia gibbosa 260 Aechmea roberto-seidelii, see A. Agave americana 43
Acacia auriculiformis 210 Adansonia grandidieri 260 pineliana Agave angustifolia 43
Acacia bailey ana 210 Adansonia madagascariensis Aechmea thyrsigera, see A. Agave attenuata 43
Acacia parvifolia, see A. tortu- 260 gamosepala Agave complicata, see A. ameri-
osa Adansonia za 260 Aechmea victoriana 154 cana
Acacia sphaerocephala 210 adelfa, see Nerium, see also Aechmea weilbachii 154 Agave consideranti, see A. victo-
Acacia tortuosa 210 Thevetia peruviana Aechmea woronowii 154 riae-reginae
Acalypha 186 Adenanthera 211 Aechmea zebrina 155 Agave decipiens 44
Acalypha amentacea, see A. wil- Adenanthera pavonina 211 Aeonium 180 Agave desmettiana 44
kesiana Adenium 62 Aeonium arboreum 180 Agave echinoides, see A. stricta
Acalypha godseffiana, see A. wil- Adenium arabicum, see A. obe- Aeonium canariense 180 Agave expansa, see A. ameri-
kesiana sum Aeonium holochrysum 180 cana
Acalypha hispida 186 Adenium multiflorum, see A. Aesculus 341 Agave ferdinandi-regis, see A.
Acalypha pendula, see A. rep- obesum Aesculus indica 341 victoriae-reginae
tans var. pygmaea Adenium obesum 62 Affonsea lucyi, see Archidendron Agave filifera 44
Acalypha repens, see A. reptans Adenocalymna 134 lucyi Agave ghiesbreghtii 44
var. pygmaea Adenocalymna comosum 134 African fan-palm, see Borassus Agave glaucescens, see A. attenu-
Acalypha reptans var. pygmaea Adenoplea lindleyana, see Bud- aethiopium ata
187 dleja lindleyana African flame-tree, see Pel- Agave heteracantha, see A.
Acalypha sanderi, see A. hispida Adonidia 90 tophorum africanum lechuguilla
Acalypha wilkesiana 187 Adonidia merrillii 90 African lily, see Agapanthus Agave huehueteca, see A. g/ties-
Acanthaceae 28 Adoxaceae 41 praecox breghtii
Acanthus 28 ae-ae, see Musa 'Koae' African tulip-tree, see Spath- Agave laxifolia, see A. decipiens
Acanthus mollis 28 Aechmea 152 odea campanulata Agave lechuguilla 44


Agave miradorensis, see A. des- folia Abe distans 126 amapola, see Plumeria
mettiana Aleurites 187 Abe eru, see A. camperi Amaranthaceae 52
Agave morrisii, see A. sobolifera Aleuritesfordii 187 Aloe ferox 126 Amaranthus caudatus 52
Agave multilineata, see A. Aleurites moluccana 187 Aloe frutescens, see A. arbores- xAmarcrinum 53
lechuguilla alexandra palm, see Archonto- cens xAmarcrinum howardii, see xA.
Agave neglecta 45 phoenix alexandrae Aloe kedongensis 126 memoria-corsii
Agave parryi 45 algodon, see Gossypium Abe latifolia, see A. maculata xAmarcrinum memoria-corsii
Agave patonii, see A. parryi algodonillo, see Cochlosper- Aloe maculata 127 53
Agave picta, see A. americana mum Abe marlothii 127 Amaryllidaceae 53
Agave poselgeri, see A. alhena, see Lawsonia Abe mudenensis 127 Amaryllis 53
lechuguilla Alismataceae 50 Abe natalensis, see A. arbores- Amaryllis belladonna 53
Agave purpusorum, see A. ghies- Allagoptera 91 cens amaryllis, see Amaryllis; Hippe-
breghtii Allagoptera arenaria 91 Aloe perfoliata, see A. maculata astrum
Agave pygmae 46 Allamanda 63 Aloe pienaarii, see A. cryptopoda Amazon lily, see Eucharis
Agave roezliana, see A. ghies- Allamanda blanchetii 63 var. wickensii Amazon vine, see Stigmaphyl-
breghtii Allamanda cathartica 63 Aloe plicatilis 127 lon ciliatum
Agave seemanniana 46 Allamanda cathartica var. scnot- Abe rubroviolacea 127 Ambroma, see Abroma
Agave sisalana 46 tii, see A. schottii Abe saponaria, see A. maculata American mussaenda, see Po-
Agave sobolifera 46 Allamanda 'Cherries Jubilee' Aloe speciosa 127 gonopus speciosus
Agave striata, see A. stricta 63 Abe spectabilis, see A. marlothii American oil-palm, see Attalea
Agave stricta 46 Allamanda neriifolia, see A. Aloe supralaevis, see A.ferox cohune
Agave tequilana 46 schottii Aloe tidmarshi, see A. ciliaris Amherstia 195
Agave victoriae-reginae 47 Allamanda schottii 64 Aloe vera 127 Amherstia nobilis 196
Agave vivipara, see A. angustifo- Allamanda violacea, see A. Abe wickensii, see A. cryptopoda Amorphophallus 78
lia blanchetii var. wickensii Amorphophallus bulbifer 78
Aglaonema 76 Alliaceae 51 aloe, American, see Agave Amorphophallus campanulatus,
Aglaonema commutatum 76 alligator pear, see Persea ameri- americana see A. paeoniifolius
Aglaonema costatum 76 cana Alpinia 361 Amorphophallus gigas 79
Aglaonema 'Peacock' 76 Alloxylon 320 Alpinia calcarata 361 Amorphophallus lambii 79
Agonis 282 Alloxylon pinnatum 320 Alpinia formosana 361 Amorphophallus paeoniifolius
Agonisflexuosa 282 allspice, see Pimenta dioica Alpinia galanga 362 79
aguacate, see Persea aloalo, see Hibiscus rosa-sinen- Alpinia Ginosa Series 362 Amorphophallus selebicus, see
Aiphanes 90 sis Alpinia katsumadai 362 A. titanum
Aiphanes corallina, see A. min- Alocasia 77 Alpinia kumatake, see A. formo- Amorphophallus tinekeae 79
ima Alocasia xamazonica 77 sana Amorphophallus titanum 79
Aiphanes minima 91 Alocasia alba, see A. macrorrhi- Alpinia nutans, see A. zerumbet Anacardiaceae 58
air plant, see Kalanchoe zos Alpinia oxyphylla 362 anaconda, see Cordia sebestena
pinnata; Tillandsia Alocasia cuprea 77 Alpinia purpurata 362 Anamomus dicrana, see Myrci-
air potato, see Dioscorea bulb- Alocasia 'Green Velvet', see A. Alpinia sanderae 363 anthesfragrans
ifera micholitziana Alpinia speciosa, see A. zerum- Ananas 155
Aizoaceae 48 Alocasia indica var. metallica, bet Ananas bracteatus 155
ajo ornamental, see Tulbaghia see A. plumbea Alpinia zerumbet 363 Ananas comosus 155
violacea Alocasia longiloba 77 Alstonia 64 Ananas nanus 156
ajo-ajo, see Cordia alliodora Alocasia lowii, see A. longiloba Alstonia scholaris 64 ancahuita, see Cordia boissieri
akee, see Blighia sapida Alocasia macrorrhizos 77 Alstonia venenata 64 Androlepis 156
alamanda, see Allamanda Alocasia macrorrhizos var. Alstroemeria 51 Androlepis donnell-smithii, see
Albizia 211 rubra, see A. plumbea Alstroemeria caryophyllaea 51 A. skinneri
Albizia caribaea, see A. Alocasia micholitziana 78 Alstroemeria hybrids 51 Androlepis skinneri 156
niopoides Alocasia plumbea 78 Alstroemeria inodora, see A. angelon, narrow-leafed, see
Albizia julibrissin 211 Alocasia portei 78 psittacina Angelonia sp.
Albizia lebbeck 211 Alocasia zebrina 78 Alstroemeria psittacina 52 Angelonia 314
Albizia niopoides 212 Aloe 124 Alstroemeria pulchella, see A. Angelonia angustifolia 314
Albizia richardiana, see A. nio- Aloe arborescens 125 psittacina Angelonia salicariifolia 314
poides Aloe barbadensis, see A. vera Alstroemeriaceae 51 Angelonia sp. 314
Alcaea indica, see Hibiscus indi- Aloe camperi 125 Alternanthera 52 angel's trumpet, see Brugman-
cus Abe capitata 125 Alternanthera brasiliana 52 sia
Alcantarea 155 Abe cernua, see A. capitata Alvesia tomentosa, see Bauhinia angel-wings, see Caladium
Alcantarea glaziouana 155 Aloe ciliaris 125 tomentosa Anigozanthos 228
Alcantarea imperialis 155 Abe cryptopoda var. wickensii Alyogyne 254 Anigozanthosflavidus 228
alder, yellow, see Turnera ulmi- 125 Alyogyne huegelii 254 Anisodontea 254
Anisodontea capensis 255 Arabian jasmine, see Jasmi- Aristolochia littoralis, see A. eJe- Astrocaryum mexicanum 92
annatto, see Bixa ordlana num sambac gans Asystasia 29
Annona 60 Araceae 76 Aristolochia ringens 124 Asystasia bella, see Mackaya
Annona deliciosa, see Rollinia Arachnothryx leucophylla, see Aristolochia sylvicola, see A. gi- bella
delidosa Rondeletia leucophylla gantea Asystasia coromandeliana, see
Annona montana 'Fairchild' 60 Aralia elegantissima, see Schef- Aristolochiaceae 123 A. gangetica
Annona muricata 61 flera elegantissima aristoloquia, see Aristolochia Asystasia gangetica 29
Annona odoratissimus, see Arta- aralia, false, see Schefflera ele- ariza, see Brownea ariza Asystasia travancorica 29
botrys hexapetalus gantissima Arrabidaea magnifica, see Sari- Atalantia missionis, see Pambu-
Annona squamosa 61 Araliaceae 88 taea magnifica rus missionis
Annona uncinatus, see Artabo- aranhas, see Tibouchina arrowhead, see Philodendron; atapaima, see Plumeria
trys hexapetalus arbol del fuego, see Delonix Sagittaria Athanasia acerosa, see Phyma-
Annonaceae 60 regia arrowhead vine, see Syngonium spermum acerosa
anon, see Annona squamosa arbol orchidea, see Bauhinia podophyllum Atropa arborescens, see Acnistus
Anthurium 80 arboricola, see Schefflera arbori- arrowroot, culinary, see Ma- arborescens
Anthurium andraeanum, see A. cola ranta Attalea 92
xcultorum Archidendron 212 arrowroot, East Indian, see Attalea butyracea 93
Anthurium bakeri 80 Archidendron lucyi 212 Curcuma Attalea cohune 93
Anthurium bonplandii var. gua- Archontophoenix 91 arrowroot, Guiana, see Cala- Attalea zonensis, see A. butyra-
yanum 80 Archontophoenix alexandrae 91 thea allouia cea
Anthurium darinervium 80 Ardisia 281 arrowroot, Indian, see Tacca Aussie plume, see Curcuma
Anthurium xcultorum 80 Ardisia crenata 281 leontopetaloides australasica
Anthurium xferrierense, see A. Ardisia crenulata, see A. crenata arrowroot, Queensland, see Australian fuchsia, see Correa
xcultorum Ardisia elliptica 281 Canna indica reflexa
Anthurium floribundum, see Ardisia escallonioides 282 Artabotrys 61 Australian pine, see Casuarina
Spathiphyllum floribundum Ardisia hirtella, see A. nigrescens Artabotrys hexapetalus 61 autograph tree, see Clusia rosea
Anthurium xhortulanum 80 Ardisia humilis, see A. elliptica Artocarpus 277 ave de paraiso, see Strelitzia
Anthurium hybrids 81 Ardisia nigrescens 282 Artocarpus altilis 277 reginae
Anthurium scherzerianum, see Ardisia revoluta 282 Artocarpus heterophyllus 277 Averrhoa 306
A. xhortulanum Areca 92 Artocarpus integer, see A. heter- Averrhoa bilimbi 306
Antidesma 187 Areca aJba, see Dictyosperma ophyllus Averrhoa carambola 306
Antidesma bunius 187 album Artocarpus integrifolius, see A. avocado, see Persea americana
Antidesma collettii, see A. bu- Areca catechu 92 heterophyllus awapuhi, see Zingiber zerumbet
Areca lutescens, see Dypsis lutes- Arum bulbiferum, see Amorpho- awapuhi melemele, see Hedy-
Antigonon 317 cens phallus bulbifer chiumflavescens
Antigonon guatemalense 317 Areca oleracea, see Roystonea arum, giant, see Amorphophal- azucena, see Amaryllis; Cri-
Antigonon leptopus 317 oleracea lus gigas num; Eucharis; Hippeastrum
Antigonon macrocarpa, see A. areca palm, see Dypsis lutescens arum-lily, see Zantedeschia azulejo, see Clitoria
guatemalense Arecaceae 89 Asclepiadaceae, see Apocyna-
anturio, see Anthurium 80 Arecastrum romanzoffianum, ceae (formerly Asclepiada- baby booties, see Sesbania
Aphelandra 28 see Syagrus romanzoffiana ceae) grandiflora
Aphelandra colorata, see Ruellia areira, see Schinus terebinthifo- Asclepias 73 baby jade, see Crassula ovata
chartacea lius Asclepias curassavica 73 bag-flower, see Clerodendrum
Aphelandra hartwegiana 28 Argemone 308 Asclepias gigantea, see Calotro- thomsoniae
Aphelandra sinclairiana 29 Argemone mexicana 308 pis gigantea bagnit, see Tristellateia austra-
Aphelandra squarrosa 28 Argemone rosea 309 Asclepias physocarpa 73 lasiae
Apocynaceae 62 Argentine trumpet-vine, see xAscocenda 298 bagras, see Eucalyptus deglupta
Apocynaceae (formerly Ascle- Clytostoma callistegioides Ashanti blood, see Mussaenda Bahama whitewood, see Ca-
piadaceae) 72 Argyreia 177 erythrophylla nella winterana
apostle plant, see Neomarica Argyreia nervosa 177 ash-plant, see Leucophyllum Bailey palm, see Copernicia bai-
caerulea Aristea 235 frutescens leyana
apple-blossom cassia, see Cas- Aristea ecklonii 235 Asok, see Polyalthia; Saraca Bailey's thorn-tree, see Acacia
sia javanica Aristolochia 123 Asoka, see Polyalthia; Saraca baileyana
apple, velvet, see Diospyros Aristolochia elegans 124 Aspalathus ebenus, see Brya ebe- bala de canon, see Couroupita
blancoi Aristolochia gigantea 124 nus guianensis
Aptenia 49 Aristolochia gigas, see A. grandi- Asparagus draco, see Dracaena balazos, see Monstera delidosa
Aptenia cordifolia 49 flora draco bald head, see Leonotis nepetifo-
Aquifoliaceae 75 Aristolochia globijlora, see A. Asphodelaceae 124 lia
Arabian coffee, see Coffea ara- ringens Asteraceae 128 balloon cotton-bush, see Ascle-
bica Aristolochia grandiflora 124 Astrocaryum 92 pias physocarpa

balsa, see Ochroma pyramidale cata bejuco de murcielago, see Mac- Bignonia spathacea, see Doli-
balsam, see Impatiens Bauhinia caribaea, see B. divar- fadyena chandrone spathacea
balsam apple, see Clusia rosea icata bella sombra, see Phytolacca Bignonia tulipifera, see Spath-
balsam pear, see Momordica Bauhinia corymbosa 199 dioica odea campanulata
charantia Bauhinia divaricata 197 belladonna, see Amaryllis bella- Bignoniaceae 134, 345
Balsaminaceae 132 bauhinia emarginata, see B. donna bijao, see Calathea crotalifera
balsemkopiva, see Bulbine fru- semla bell fire-bush, see Hamelia cu- bilimbi, see Averrhoa bilimbi
tescens Bauhinia fassoglensis 197 prea Billbergia 156
balso real, see Ochroma pyra- Bauhinia forficata 197 bell-bean tree, see Markhamia Billbergia bicolor, see B. pyrami-
midale Bauhinia galpinii 197 zanzibarica dalis
bamboo, heavenly, see Nand- Bauhinia grandidieri 197 bell-bush, forest, see Mackaya Billbergia 'Catherine Wilson'
ina domestica Bauhinia jenningsii 197 bella 156
bamboo palm, see Chamaedo- Bauhinia kirkii, see B. fassoglen- bellflower, see Abutilon hy- Billbergia distachia var. macu-
rea seifrizii; Dypsis lutescens sis brids; Portlandia grandiflora lata 156
banana, see Musa Bauhinia monandra 198 bellota, see Calliandra haema- Billbergia kuhlmannii 156
banana-plant, see Nymphoides Bauhinia porrecta, see B. divari- tocephala Billbergia nudicaulis, see A. nu-
indica cata bells, yellow, see Tecoma stans dicaulis
banano, see Musa Bauhinia punctata, see B. galpi- Beloperone flavicoma, see Justi- Billbergia pyramidalis 157
Banara 224 nii cia fulvicoma Billbergia viridiflora 157
Banara vanderbiltii 224 Bauhinia purpurea 198 Beloperone guttata, see Justicia bird-flower, see Crotalaria
Banksia 320 Bauhinia retusa, see B. semla brandegeana laburnifolia
Banksia hookeriana 320 Bauhinia roxburghiana, see B. Beloperone 'Super Goldy', see bird-of-paradise, see Strelitzia
Banksia integrifolia 320 semla Pachystachys lutea bird-of-paradise bush, see Cae-
Banksia menziesii 321 Bauhinia semla 198 Bengal clock-vine, see Thunber- salpinia gilliesii
Banksia prionotes 321 Bauhinia tomentosa 198 gia grandiflora bird's-eye bush, see Ochna
Banksia spinulosa 321 Bauhinia ungula, see B. aculeata ben-oil, see Moringa bird's-nest anthurium, see An-
banso, see Samyda dodecandra Bauhinia vahlii 199 Bentinckia 94 thurium bonplandii
baobab, see Adansonia digitata Bauhinia variegata 199 Bentinckia nicobarica 94 biriba, see Rollinia deliciosa
barba de capuchino, see Til- Bauhinia yunnanensis 199 Berberidaceae 134 biscochito, see Ruprechtia cori-
landsia usneoides bay-rum tree, see Pimenta race- Bermuda palmetto, see Sabal acea
barba de gato, see Tacca integri- mosa bermudana Bismarck palm, see Bismarckia
folia bead-tree, see Melia; Sophora Berrya 270 nobilis
Barbados cherry, see Malpighia beaked yucca, see Yucca ros- Berrya ameliae, see B. cubensis Bismarckia 94
emarginata trata Berrya cubensis 270 Bismarckia nobilis 94
Barbados gooseberry, see Peres- bear-grass, see Dasylirion Bertoni bean, see Vigna cara- bitter gourd, see Momordica
kia aculeata wheeleri calla charantia
Barbados holly, see Malpighia Beaucarnia 333 be-still tree, see Thevetia peruvi- Bixa 146
coccigera Beaucarnia ameliae, see B. pli- ana Bixa orellana 147
Barbados lily, see Hippeastrum ables betel-nut palm, see Areca cate- Bixaceae 146
puniceum Beaucarnia glauca, see B. stricta chu black olive, spiny, see Bucida
barbed-wire fence, see Brome- Beaucarnia guatemalensis 334 bien vestido, see Gliricidia sep- spinosa
lia pinguin Beaucarnia pliables 334 ium black-eyed Susan, see Thunber-
Barleria 29 Beaucarnia recurvata 334 bignay, see Antidesma bunius gia alata
Barleria albostellata 29 Beaucarnia stricta 334 Bignonia aequinoctialis, see Cy- bleeding-heart, see Cleroden-
Barleria cristata 30 Beaumontia 64 dista aequinoctialis drum thomsoniae
Barleria lupulina 30 Beaumontia grandiflora 64 Bignonia argyreo-vilescens, see bleo, see Pereskia bleo
Barleria micans, see B. oenothe- Beaumontia multiflora 64 Macfadyena unguis-cati Blighia 341
roides Beccariophoenix 93 Bignonia callistegioides, see Cly- Blighia sapida 341
Barleria oenotheroides 30 Beccariophoenix madagascarien- tostoma callistegioides bloodleaf, see Iresine diffusa
Barleria querimbensis, see B. sis93 Bignonia capreolata 134 blood-lily, see Scadoxus multi-
repens beefwood, see Casuarina equi- Bignonia cherere, see Distictis florus
Barleria repens 30 setifolia buccinatoria bloodwood, see Corymbia
Barringtonia 244 Begonia 133 Bignonia chinensis, see Campsis blue-bell, see Barleria cristata
Barringtonia racemosa 244 Begonia hybrids 133 grandiflora blue-bells, Mexican, see Ruellia
bat-flower, see Tacca chantrieri Begonia nelumbiifolia 134 Bignonia comosa, see Adenoca- tweediana
Bauhinia 196 Begoniaceae 133 lymna comosum blue-daze, see Evolvulus glomer-
Bauhinia aculeata 196 bejuco Colorado, see Cydista Bignonia hymenaea, see Man- atus
Bauhinia acuminata 196 bejuco de ajo, see Mansoa soa hymenaea blue ginger, see Dichorisandra
Bauhinia xblakeana 197 bejuco de conchitos, see Clito- Bignonia magnifica, see Sari- thyrsiflora
Bauhinia candicans, see B. forfi- taea magnifica blue sage, see Eranthemum pul-
chellum Bougainvillea 291 briar-tree, see Bucida spinosa Brya 2l5
blue stars, see Aristea ecklonii Bougainvillea arborea, see Bou- bridal bouquet, see Poranopsis Brya ebenus 215
blue weed, see Echiumjudai- gainvillea sp. paniculata Bryophyllum pinnatum, see
cum Bougainvillea glabra 292 bridal-flower, see Dyschoriste Kalanchoe pinnata
blushing bromeliad, see Neo- Bougainvillea hybrids 292 hygrophyllodes bubble-gum vine, see Podranea
regelia carolinae Bougainvillea sp. 293 bridal-wreath, see Stephanotis ricasoliana
bo tree, see Ficus religiosa Bougainvillea spectabilis 293 floribunda bucare, see Erythrina
bodhi tree, see Ficus religiosa boundary tree, see Newbouldia Brisbane box, see Lophostemon buccaneer palm, see Pseudo-
Boer-boon, weeping, see Scho- laevis confertus phoenix sargentii
tia brachypetala bouton blanc, see Alternan- brocha de afeitar, see Pseudo- Bucida 174
Boerlagiodendron lineare, see thera brasiliana bombax ellipticum Bucida spinosa 174
Osmoxylon lineare Bouvardia discolor, see Rondele- Bromelia 157 Buddha's hand, see Citrus med-
bois cannelle, see Canella win- tia leucophylla Bromelia balansae 157 ica
terana bower-vine, see Pandorea jasmi- Bromelia humilis 157 Buddha's lamp, see Mussaenda
bolaina, see Luehea seemannii noides Bromelia pinguin 157 philippica
Bolivian sunset, see Gloxinia bowstring hemp, see Calotro- Bromelia pyramidalis, see Bill- Buddleia, see Buddleja
sylvatica pis', Sansevieria bergia pyramidalis Buddleja 345
Bombacaceae, see Malvaceae boxwood, seejacaranda cae- Bromeliaceae 151 Buddleja davidii 345
(formerly Bombacaceae) rulea Browallia jamesonii, see Strepto- Buddleja lindleyana 345
Bombacopsis quinatum, see Brachychiton 266 solen jamesonii Buddleja madagascariensis 345
Pachira quinata Brachychiton discolor 266 Brownea 199 Buddleja nicodemia, see B. ma-
Bombax 260 Brachychiton xfordii, see B. Brownea ariza 200 dagascariensis
Bombax aquatica, see Pachira xhybridus Brownea capitella, see B. cocci- Buddleja xweyeriana 346
aquatica Brachychiton xhybridus 266 nea subsp. capitella buffalo-horn, see Burchellia
Bombax ceiba 261 Brachychiton xroseus, see B. Brownea coccinea subsp. capi- bubalina
Bombax ellipticum, see Pseudo- xhybridus tella 200 buganvilea, see Bougainvillea
bombax ellipticum Brachychiton rupestris 267 Brownea princeps, see B. ariza bulang, see Gmelina arborea
Bombax fendleri, see Pachira Brahea 95 Brownea rosa-de-monte, see B. Bulbine 128
quinata Brahea armata 95 ariza Bulbine caulescens, see B. frutes-
Bombax grandiflorum, see Pseu- Brahea filamentosa, see Wash- brown-turkey fig, see Ficus car- cens
dobombax grandiflorum ingtonia filifera ica Bulbine frutescens 128
Bombax malabaricum, see B. brarna, see Crateva religiosa Brugmansia 346 bull-bay magnolia, see Magno-
ceiba Brasilettia africana, see Pelto- Brugmansia arborea 348 lia grandiflora
Bombax pentandrum, see Ceiba phorum africanum Brugmansia aurea 347 bullhorn acacia, see Acacia
pentandra Brasilettia violacea, see Caesal- Brugmansia xcandida 347 sphaerocephala
Bombax schottii, see Ceiba pinia violacea Brugmansia xinsignis 347 Bulnesia 373
schottii Brasiletto, see Caesalpinia vio- Brugmansia suaveolens 347 Bulnesia arborea 373
Bombax vitifolium, see Cochlo- lacea Brugmansia versicolor 348 Bunchosia 250
spermum vitifolium Brassaia actinophylla, see Schef- Brunfelsia 348 Bunchosia armeniaca 251
bonga, see Areca catechu flera actinophylla Brunfelsia americana 348 bungor, see Lagerstroemia ma-
Boraginaceae 147 Brassicaceae 150 Brunfelsia australis 348 crocarpa
Borassus 94 xBrassocattleya 298 Brunfelsia densifolia 348 Burbidgea 363
Borassus aethiopium 94 Brazil redwood, see Caesalpi- Brunfelsia fallax, see B. ameri- Burbidgea schizocheila 363
Borassus flabellifer 94 nia echinata cana Burchellia 325
bottlebrush, lemon-scented, Brazilian flame-tree, see Pelto- Brunfelsia grandiflora 349 Burchellia bubalina 325
see Callistemon citrinus phorum dubium Brunfelsia hopeana, see B. uni- Burchellia capensis, see B. buba-
bottlebrush, weeping, see Cal- Brazilian oak, see Posoqueria flora lina
listemon viminalis latifolia Brunfelsia lactea 349 bush-lily, see Clivia miniata
bottle-palm, see Hyophorbe Brazilian plume, see Justicia Brunfelsia nitida 349 busy Lizzie, see Impatiens
lagenicaulis carnea Brunfelsia parvifolia, see B. ni- Butea 216
bottle-plant, see Jatropha poda- Brazilian rose, see Cochlosper- tida Butea frondosa, see B. mono-
grica mum vitifolium Brunfelsia pauciflora 349 sperma
bottle-tree, hybrid flame, see Brazilian snapdragon, see Ota- Brunfelsia plicata 350 Butea monosperma 216
Brachychiton xhybridus canthus caeruleus Brunfelsia uniflora 350 Butia 96
bottle-tree, narrow leafed, see Brazilian torch, see Ruellia Brunfelsiopsis americana, see Butia bonnetii, see B. capitata
Brachychiton rupestris rosea Brunfelsia americana Butia capitata 96
bottle-tree, Queensland, see breadfruit, see Artocarpus atilis Brunsvigia rosea, see Amaryllis buttercup bush, see Turnera
Brachychiton rupestris Breynia 188 belladonna ulmifolia
bottle-tree, scrub, see Brachy- Breynia disticha 188 brush-box, see Lophostemon buttercup tree, see Cochlosper-
chiton discolor Breynia nivosa, see B. disticha confertus mum vitifolium

butterfly bush, see Buddleja; Caesalpinia violacea 201 crosia aurantiaca Cape leadwort, see Plumbago
Hamelia Caesalpinia yucatanensis 201 Callistemon 283 auriculata
butterfly dendrobium, see Den- cafecito, see Samyda velutina Callistemon citrinus 283 Cape primrose, see Streptocar-
drobium bigibbum cafeto, see Coffea Callistemon lanceolatus, see C. pus xhybridus
butterfly gardenia, see Taber- Cajanus 216 citrinus Cape silver tree, see Leucaden-
naemontana divaricata Cajanus bicolor, see C. cajan Callistemon viminalis 283 dron argenteum
butterfly ginger, see Hedy- Cajanus cajan 216 Calodendrum 338 capelo juguerillo, see Cornutia
chium Cajanus flavus, see C. cajan Calodendrum capense 338 obovata
butterfly palm, see Dypsis lutes- Cajanus indicus, see C. cajan Calophanes hygrophyllodes, see Capparidaceae, see Brassica-
cens cala, see Zantedeschia Dyschoriste hygrophyllodes ceae
butterfly tree, see Bauhinia mo- calabash, see Crescentia Calopyxis 175 Capparis 150
nandra calabura, see Muntingia cala- Calopyxis grandidieri 175 Capparis cynophallophora 150
butterfly vine, see Stigmaphyl- bura Calotropis 73 Capparis erythrocarpus 150
lon ciliatum Caladium 81 Calotropis gigantea 73 Capparis henryi, see C. micra-
butterfly weed, see Asclepias Caladium bicolor, see C. xhortu- Calotropis procera 73 cantha
curassavica lanum Calyptranthes 283 Capparis jamaicensis, see C. cy-
button flower, see Hibbertia Caladium esculentum, see Colo- Calyptranthes zuzygium 283 nophallophora
scandens casia escuknta campana, see Brugmansia; Capparis micracantha 150
Byrsonima 251 Caladium xhortulanum 81 Portlandia Caprifoliaceae 168
Byrsonima crassifolia 251 Caladium lindenii 81 campanas, see Tecoma capulin, see Muntingia cala-
Byrsonima cuneata, see B. lu- caladium, giant, see Alocasia campanilla, see Saritaea mag- bura
cida cuprea nifica Caracas big-leaf, see Wigandia
Byrsonima lanceolata, see B. calalou, see Amaranthaceae; Campsis 134 urens
crassifolia Xanthosoma Campsis grandiflora 135 carambola, see Averrhoa ca-
Byrsonima lucida 251 calanchoe, see Kalanchoe cana comestible, see Canna in- rambola
Calanthe 298 dica cardamom, see Elettaria carda-
cabbage palm, see Sabal pal- Calanthe vestita 298 canafistolo, see Cassia fistula momum
metto Calathea 271 canang odorant, see Cananga cardinal-creeper, see Ipomoea
cabo chancho, see Helicteres Calathea allouia 271 odorata horsfalliae
guazumifolia Calathea burle-marxii 271 Cananga 61 cardinal's crest, see Odonto-
cacao, see Theobroma cacao Calathea crotalifera 271 Cananga odorata 61 nema cuspidatus
cacho de toro, see Acacia sphae- Calathea cylindrica 271 canario, see Allamanda cathar- cardinal's guard, see Pachys-
rocephala Calathea loeseneri 271 tica tachys coccinea
Cactaceae 163 Calathea warscewiczii 271 Canary Island date-palm, see Cardwell lily, see Proiphys am-
cacto de Pascua, see Schlumber- caliandra, see Calliandra Phoenix canariensis boinensis
gera calico flower, see Aristolochia candelillo, see Senna alata Caribbean royal palm, see Roy-
cactus intergeneric hybrids elegans candlenut tree, see Aleurites stonea okracea
163 califa, see Acalypha moluccana Caribbean thatch-palm, see
Cactus microdasys, see Opuntia California poppy, see Eschschol- candle-tree, see Parmentiera Thrinax radiata
microdasys zia californica cereifera caribwood, see Poitea carinalis
Cactus pereskia, see Pereskia California tree-poppy, see Rom- candy-corn correa, see Correa caricature plant, see Grapto-
aculeata neya coulteri reflexa phyllum pictum
Caesalpinia 200 caliz de oro, see Solandra canela, see Canella Carissa 65
Caesalpinia bicolor, see C. cassi- Calla aethiopica, see Zantedes- Canella 167 Carissa grandiflora, see C. ma-
oides chia aethiopica Canella alba, see C. winterana crocarpa
Caesalpinia cacalaco 200 calla, see Zantedeschia Canella winterana 167 Carissa macrocarpa 65
Caesalpinia cassioides 200 Callaeum 251 Canellaceae 167 Carludovica 183
Caesalpinia dubia, see Peltopho- Callaeum macropterum 251 canistel, see Pouteria campechi- Carludovica atrovirens, see Di-
rum dubium Calliandra 213 ana cranopygium atrovirens
Caesalpinia ebano, see C. punc- Calliandra emarginata, see C. Canna 168 Carludovica drudei 183
tata tergamina Canna edulis, see C. indica Carludovica utilis 183i
Caesalpinia echinata 200 Calliandra guildingii, see C. Canna hybrids 168 Carolina jessamine, see Gel-
Caesalpinia gilliesii 201 tweediei Canna indica 168 semium sempervirens
Caesalpinia granadillo, see C. Calliandra haematocephala 213 Cannaceae 167 Carolineafastuosa, see Pseudo-
punctata Calliandra inaequilatera, see C. cannonball tree, see Courou- bombax ellipticum
Caesalpinia mexicana 201 haematocephala pita guianensis Carpentaria 96
Caesalpinia pukherrima 201 Calliandra surinamensis 213 Cape chestnut, see Caloden- Carpentaria acuminata 97
Caesalpinia punctata 201 Calliandra tergamina 213 drum capense carpet-plant, see Episcia
Caesalpinia vesicaria, see C. Calliandra tweediei 213 Cape honeysuckle, see Tecoma carpet-weed, see Aizoaceae
echinata Callipsyche aurantiaca, see Eu- capensis Carpobrotus 49

Carpobrotus deliciosus 49 Cassia xnealiae 202 Ceiba pentandra 262 chain-of-love, see Antigonon
Carpobrotus edulis 49 Cassia roxburghii 202 Ceiba pubiflora 263 chalcas, see Murraya paniculata
Carpodiptera ameliae, see Ber- Cassia spectabilis, see Senna Ceiba schottii 263 chalice-vine, see Solandra
rya cubensis spectabilis Ceiba speciosa 263 chaltecoco, see Caesalpinia vio-
Carpodipterafloribunda, see Cassia surattensis, see Senna ceibo, see Ceiba pentandra lacea
Berrya cubensis surattensis ceibo de jujuy, see Erythrina Chamaedorea 98
Carpodiptera simonis, see Ber- castanon, see Pachira falcata Chamaedorea donnell-smithii,
rya cubensis castor-oil plant, see Ricinus Celosia 52 see C. seifrizii
carrion-flower, see Stapelia; communis Celosia argentea 52 Chamaedorea erumpens, see C.
Orbea Casuarina 169 Celosia cristata, see C. argentea seifrizii
Caryota 97 Casuarina equisetifolia 169 cenizo, see Leucophyllum Chamaedorea metallica 98
Caryota cumingii 97 Casuarina glauca 169 Centaurea canariensis, see Cnei- Chamaedorea seifrizii 98
Caryota mitis 97 Casuarinaceae 169 rolophus canariensis Chambeyronia 98
Caryota monostachya 98 cat's moustache, see Orthosi- Centrostemma multiflorum, see Chambeyronia macrocarpa 98
Caryota no 97 phon aristatus Hoya multiflora Chamelaucium 283
Caryota nymphiana 97 Catalpa 135 century-plant, see Agave Chamelaucium uncinatum 283
Caryota obtusa 97 Catalpa longissima 135 Cephalanthus orientalis, see champaca, see Michelia cham-
Caryota sobolifera, see C. mitis catawba, see Catalpa longissima Nauclea orientalis paca
Caryota urens 97 caterpillar plant, see Spathi- Cerbera ahouai, see Thevetia champak, see Michelia cham-
cascabel, see Thevetia carpa sagittifolia ahouai paca
Cascabela thevetia, see Thevetia Catesbaea 325 Cerberafruticosa, see Kopsia chandelier plant, see Kalanchoe
peruviana Catesbaea spinosa 325 fruticosa Chasmanthe 235
Cascabela thevetioides, see The- Catharanthus 65 Cerbera peruviana, see Thevetia Chasmanthe floribunda 235
vetia thevetioides Catharanthus roseus 65 peruviana chaste tree, see Vitex agnus-cas-
cascada de jade, see Strongylo- Catherine's wheel, see Scado- Cerbera thevetioides, see Theve- tus
don macrobotrys xus multiflorus tia thevetioides chaya, see Cnidoscolus chaya-
Casearia 224 cat's claw, see Macfadyena un- Cercidium 205 mansa
Casearia bahamensis, see C. ni- guis-cati Cerdana alliodora, see Cordia cheese-wood, see Nauclea ori-
tida cat's tail, see Bulbinefrutescens alliodora entalis
Casearia nitida 224 cat's whiskers, see Capparis mi- Cereus 164 cheflera, see Schefflera
cassava, see Manihot esculenta cracantha; Orthosiphon; Cereus hildmannianus 164 Cheirolophus 128
Cassia 201 Tacca Cereus peruvianus, see C. niJd- Cheirolophus canariensis 128
Cassia abbreviata, see C. afrofis- Cattleya 299 mannianus chenille plant, see Acalypha
tula Cattleya bowringiana 299 Cereus undatus, see Hylocereus hispida
Cassia afrofistula 201 Cattleya xguatemalensis 299 undatus chenille plant, trailing, see
Cassia alata, see Senna alata Cattleya labiata var. percivali- Cereus uruguayensis, see C. foiJd- Acalypha reptans
Cassia arborescens, see Senna ana, see C. percivaliana mannianus cherere, see Distictis buccinato-
sulfurea Cattleya percivaliana 299 cerezo, see Bunchosia ria
Cassia artemisioides, see Senna Cattleya skinneri var. boivringi- ceriman, see Monstera deliciosa Cherokee-bean, see Erythrina
artemisioides ana, see C. bowringiana Cestrum 350 herbacea
Cassia bahamensis, see Senna catuche, see Annona muricata Cestrum aurantiacum 350 cherry, Barbados, see Malpi-
ligustrina; S. mexicana Cecropia 170 Cestrum chaculanum, see C. ghia emarginata
Cassia beareana, see C. afrofis- Cecropia adenopus, see C. aurantiacum cherry, Brazil, see Eugenia bra-
tula Cestrum diurnum 350 siliensis
Cassia bicapsularis, see Senna Cecropia pachystachya 170 Cestrum elegans 350 cherry, Surinam, see Eugenia
bicapsularis Cecropia peltata 170 Cestrum nocturnum 350 uniflora
Cassia didymobotrya, see Senna Cecropiaceae 170 Cestrum paucinervium, see C. cherry mahogany, see Mimu-
didymobotrya cedrat, see Citrus medica aurantiacum sops balata
Cassia ekmaniana, see Senna cedro espino, see Pachira qui- Cestrum purpureum, see C. ele- cherry palm, see Pseudophoenix
racemosa nata gans vinifera
Cassia fistula 202 cegador, see Opuntia chestnut, Cape, see Caloden-
Cassia glauca, see Senna surat- Ceiba 261 Chadsia grandidieri, see C. gra- drum capense
tensis Ceiba caribeae, see C. pentandra vei chestnut, Indian horse, see
Cassia javanica 202 Ceiba casearia, see C. pentandra Chadsia grandifolia, see C. gra- Aesculus indica
Cassia marginata, see C. rox- Ceiba chodatii 261 vei chestnut, wild, see Pachira qui-
burgnii Ceiba crispiflora 261 Chadsia gravel 217 nata
Cassia microphylla, see Senna Ceiba insignis 262 Chaetothylax rothschuhii, see chestnut-leafed elder, see Teco-
polyphylla Ceiba insignis aggregate, see Schaueriaflavicoma ma castanifolia
Cassia nairobensis, see Senna Ceiba chaff-flower, see Alternanthera chicalote, see Argemone mexi-
didymobotrya Ceiba Kampong Series 262 chaguaramo, see Roystonea

chicle, see Manilkara zapota Dypsis lutescens Clerodendrum paniculatum 239 cock-a-doodle-doo, see Tecoma
chinaberry, see Melia azeda- chulta, see Dillenia indica Clerodendrum philippinum, see capensis
rach cigar-flower, see Cuphea ignea C. chinense cock's comb, see Erythrina
chinchonchillo, see Cajanus Cineraria xhybrida 129 Clerodendrum quadriloculare crista-galli
cajan Cineraria maritima, see Senecio 239 cock's wattles, see Pogonopus
Chinese boxwood, see Murraya cineraria Clerodendrum siphonanthus, speciosus
paniculata cineraria, wild, see Pericallis see C. indicum coco-de-mer, see Lodoicea mal-
Chinese evergreen, see Aglao- webbii Clerodendrum speciosissimum divica
nema cinnamon, wild, see Canella 240 coco de mono, see Couroupita
Chinese fan-palm, see Livis- winterana Clerodendrum xspeciosum 240 guianensis
tona chinensis Circassian bean, see Adenan- Clerodendrum splendens 240 coconut, double, see Lodoicea
Chinese fringe-flower, see thera pavonina Clerodendrum superbum, see C. maldivica
Loropetalum chinense ciruela costena, see Phyllanthus splendens coconut palm, see Cocos nuci-
Chinese hat, see Holmskioldia acidus Clerodendrum thomsoniae 240 fera
sanguinea ciruela Espanola, see Spondias Clerodendrum ugandense 240 Cocos 100
Chinese lantern, see Abutilon purpurea Clerodendrum wallichii 241 Cocos arenaria, see Allagoptera
Chinese laurel, see Antidesma ciruela silvestre, see Bunchosia climbing ylang-ylang, see Arta- arenaria
bunius armeniaca botrys hexapetalus Cocos capitata, see Butia capi-
Chinese trumpet-creeper, see Cistaceae 170 Clitoria 217 tata
Campsis grandiflora Cistus 111 Clitoria coccinea, see Periandra Cocos nucifera 100
chirlobirlo, see Tecoma stans Cistus xcorbariensis 111 coccinea Cocos romanzoffiana, see Sya-
xChitalpa 135 Cistus creticus 111 Clitoria ternatea 217 grus romanzoffiana
xChitalpa tashkentensis 135 Cistus xdansereaui 111 cocoswood, see Brya ebenus
chocolate tree, see Theobroma Cistus incanus subsp. creticus, Clivia miniata 53 cocotero, see Cocos
cacao see C. creticus clock- vine, Bengal, see Thun- cocotero doble, see Lodoicea
Chonemorpha 65 Cistus xlusitanicus, see C. xdan- bergia grandiflora maldivica
Chonemorphafragrans 65 sereaui clock-vine, bush, see Thunber- cocoyam, see Xanthosoma maf-
Chonemorpha macrophylla, see Cistus xpurpureus 111 gia erecta fafa
C.fragrans citron, see Citrus medica clock-vine, orange, see Thun- Codiaeum 188
chope, see Gustavia superba Citrus 339 bergia gregorii Codiaeum variegatum 189
Chorisia 261 Citrus medica 339 clover, Mexican, see Richardia Coffea 325
Chorisia chodatii, see Ceiba cho- clamshell orchid, see Encyclia grandiflora Coffea arabica 325
datii radiata clown-fig, see Ficus aspera Coffea canephora 325
Chorisia crispiflora, see Ceiba clavelina, see Ginoria glabra clubfoot, see Pachypodium la- coffee, see Coffea 325
crispiflora Clavija 356 merei coffee, wild, see Psychotria ner-
Chorisia insignis, see Ceiba in- Clavija integrifolia, see C. nu- Clusia 172 vosa
signis tans Clusia lanceolata 172 coffee-shade, see Inga; Glirici-
Chorisia speciosa, see Ceiba spe- Clavija nutans 356 Clusia rosea 172 dia; Erythrina
ciosa Cleome 150 Clusiaceae 171 cohune palm, see Attalea co-
Christmas berry, see Schinus Cleome hassleriana 151 Clytostoma 135 hune
terebinthifolius Cleome spinosa, see C. hassleri- Clytostoma callistegioides 135 cojojo, see Acnistus arborescens
Christmas bush, see Senna ana Cnidoscolus 188 cojon, see Stemmadenia lito-
bicapsularis Clerodendranthus spicatus, see Cnidoscolus chayamansa 188 ralis
Christmas cactus, see Schlum- Orthosiphon aristatus CoccoloballS cola de camaron, see Justicia
bergera Clerodendrum 238 Coccoloba uvifera 318 brandegeana
Christmas cattleya, see Cattleya Clerodendrum aculeatum 239 Coccothrinax 99 cola de gatito, see Acalypha rep-
percivaliana Clerodendrum bungei 239 Coccothrinax argentata 99 tans
Christmas cheer, see Sedum Clerodendrum chinense 239 Coccothrinax argentea 99 cola de gato, see Acalypha hisp-
rubrotinctum Clerodendrum fallax, see C. spe- Coccothrinax barbadensis 99 ida
Christmas flower, little, see Eu- ciosissimum Coccothrinax crinita 100 Colchicaceae 173
phorbia leucocephala Clerodendrum foetidum, see C. Coccothrinax dussiana, see C. coleo, see Plectranthus scutellar-
Christmas kalanchoe, see bungei barbadensis ioides
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Clerodendrum fragrans, see C. Cochliostema 176 Coleus blumei, see Plectranthus
Christmas palm, see Adonidia chinense Cochliostema odoratissimum scutellarioides
merrillii Clerodendrum indicum 239 176 Coleus verschaffeltii, see Plec-
Christmas pride, see Ruellia Clerodendrum minahassae 239 Cochliostema velutinum 176 tranthus scutellarioides
macrantha Clerodendrum myricoides, see C. Cochlospermaceae 173 coleus, see Plectranthus scutel-
Christmas rose, see Dombeya ugandense Cochlospermum 173 larioides
wallichii Clerodendrum nutans, see C. Cochlospermum orinocense 173 Colocasia 81
Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, see wallichii Cochlospermum vitifolium 173 Colocasia antiquorum, see C. es-

culenta repens Costus afer 363 Crateva lophosperma, see C.

Colocasia esculenta 81 coralillo, see Antigonon Costus ananassae, see Tapeino- magna
Colocasia indica, see Alocasia coralita blanca, see Poranopsis chilos ananassae Crateva macrocarpa, see C. reli-
macrorrhizos Corallodendron coralloides, see Costus barbatus 363 giosa
coloradillo, see Hamdia Erythrina coralloides Costus curvibracteatus 363 Crateva magna 151
colorin, see Erythrina herbacea Corallodendron crista-galli, see Costus cuspidatus 364 Crateva membranifolia, see C.
Colvilka 203 Erythrina crista-galli Costus dussii, see C. lucanusi- religiosa
Colvillea racemosa 203 coral-pea, see Adenanthera anus Crateva nurvala, see C. magna
Colville's glory, see Colvillea pavonina Costus elegans, see C. malortie- Crateva religiosa 151
racemosa coral-plant, Jatropha multifida; anus Crateva roxburghii, see C. reli-
Combretaceae 174 Russelia sarmentosa Costus igneus, see C. cuspidatus giosa
Combretum 175 coral-tree, see Erythrina Costus lucanusianus 364 Crateva tapia 151
Combretum aubletii, see C ro- coral-vine, see Antigonon Costus malortieanus 364 creeper, cardinal, see Ipomoea
tundifolium coral-wood, see Adenanthera Costus pulverulentus 364 horsfalliae
Combretum coccineum 175 pavonina Costus speciosus 364 creeper, coral, see Barleria
Combretum grandidieri, see Ca- corazon de fuego, see Bromelia Costus spicatus 265 repens
lopyxis grandidieri pinguin Costus talbotii 364 creeper, emerald, see Strongy-
Combretum grandiflorum 175 Cordia 147 Costus uniflorus, see Monocos- lodon macrobotrys
Combretum indicum, see Quis- Cordia alliodora 147 tus uniflorus creeper, malu, see Bauhinia
qualis indica Cordia boissieri 147 Costus varzearum 364 vahlii
Combretum rotundifolium 175 Cordia goeldiana 148 Costus woodsonii 365 creeper, Munzerabad, see
Commelinaceae 176 Cordia lutea 148 Costus zebrinus, see C. malor- Thunbergia mysorensis
Complaya trilobata, see Sphag- Cordia nitida 148 tieanus creeper, New Guinea, see Mu-
neticola trilobata Cordia sebestena 148 cotton, see Gossypium 255 cuna bennetti
Compositae, see Asteraceae Cordia superba 148 cotton-bush, balloon, see Ascle- creeper, scarlet, see Ipomoea
Congea 241 cordoncillo, see Piper auritum pias physocarpa hederifolia
Congea tomentosa 241 Cordyline 246 cotton-palm, see Washingtonia crepe jessamine, see Tabernae-
Congo coffee, see Coffea cane- Cordyline fragrans, see Dra- filifera montana divaricata
phora caena fragrans cotton-rose, see Hibiscus muta- Crescentia 135
Congo pea, see Cajanus cajan Cordyline fruticosa 246 bilis Crescentia acuminata, see C. cu-
Conopharyngia pachysiphon, Cordyline terminalis, see C. fru- cotton-tree, red, see Bombax jete
see Tabernaemontana pachy- ticosa ceiba Crescentia alata 136
siphon Coreopsis 128 Coulteria mexicana, see Caesal- Crescentia arborea, see C. cujete
Consolea 164 Coreopsis leavenworthii 128 pinia cacalaco Crescentia cereifera, see Parmen-
Consolea corallicola 164 corkscrew flower, see Vigna Couroupita 244 tiera cereifera
Consolea moniliformis 164 caracalla Couroupita guianensis 244 Crescentia cujete 136
Consolea spinosissima 164 corn-plant, see Dracaena fra- cow-okra, see Parmentiera acu- Crescentia pinnata, see Kigelia
Convallariaceae, see Ruscaceae grans leata africana
Convolvulaceae 177 Cornutia 241 cow's-tongue, see Bauhinia jen- Crescentia trifolia, see C. alata
Convolvulus pentantha, see Cornutia grandifolia 241 ningsii cresta de gallo, see Isoplexis;
Jacquemontia pentantha Cornutia obovata 241 coyure, see Aiphanes minima Pogonopus; Warszewiczia
copa de oro, see Solandra coroba, see Jacaranda cuspidifo- craboo, see Byrsonima crassifo- crinodonna, see xAmarcrinum
Copernicia 101 lia lia Crinum 54
Copernicia baileyana 101 Coromandel, see Asystasia gan- cranberry, tropical, see Hibis- Crinum asiaticum 54
Copernicia hospita 101 getica cus sabdariffa Crinum asiaticum var. sinicum
Copernicia macroglossa 102 corona de Cristo, see Euphorbia crane-flower, see Strelitzia regi- 54
Copernicia torreana, see C. ma- milii nae Crinum bulbispermum 54
croglossa Correa 339 crape myrtle, see Lagerstroemia Crinum 'Ellen Bosanquef 54
Copernicia wrightii, see Acoelor- Correa reflexa 339 Crassula 180 Crinum giganteum, see C.jagus
rhaphe wrightii corteza, see Tabebuia guayacan Crassula arborescens 180 Crinumjagus 54
copey, see Clusia rosea Corymbia 284 Crassula argentea, see C. ovata Crinum kirkii 54
copperleaf, see Acalypha wilke- Corymbiaficifolia 284 Crassula falcata, see C. perfoli- Crinum pedunculatum 54
siana Corymbiaficifolia x C. calo- ata Crinum procerum, see C. asiati-
copperpod, see Peltophorum phylla 284 Crassula ovata 180 cum
pterocarpum Corypha 102 Crassula perfoliata 180 Crinum 'Queen Emma' 54
coq du levant, see Artabotrys Corypha umbraculifera 102 Crassula portulacea, see C. ovata Crinum scabrum 54
hexapetalus Corypha utan 102 Crassulaceae 179 Crinum zeylanicum, see C. sca-
coral-berry, see Aechmea Costaceae 361, 363, 367, 371, Crateva 151 brum
fulgens; Ardisia crenata 372 Crateva hygrophylla, see C. Crocosmia 235
coral-creeper, see Barleria Costus 363 magna Crocosmia xcrocosmiiflora 235

Crossandra 30 dota dancing-girl, see Globba winitii desert-rose, see Adenium obe-
Crossandra infundibuliformis 30 Curcuma harmandii 366 dancing-ladies, see Ruellia sum
Crossandra nilotica 31 Curcuma inodora, see C. zedo- tweediana desert-spoon, see Dasylirion
Crossandra undulifolia, see C. aria dasheen, see Colocasia escu- wheeleri
infundibuliformis Curcuma petiolata 366 lenta devil's coachwhip, see Stachy-
cross-berry, see Grewia occiden- Curcuma phaeocaulis 366 Dasylirion 335 tarpheta
talis Curcuma rabdota 366 Dasylirion pliables, see Beaucar- devil's cotton, see Abroma au-
Crotalaria 217 Curcuma roscoeana 367 niapliables gusta
Crotalaria laburnifolia Curcuma sp. 367 Dasylirion strictum, see Beau- devil's ivy, see Epipremnum
croto, see Codiaeum; Cordyline Curcuma sumatrana 367 carnia stricta devil's trumpet, see Datura
Croton grandifolius, see Maca- Curcuma zedoaria 367 Dasylirion wheeleri 335 metel
ranga grandifolia curry-leaf, see Murraya koenigii date-palm, see Phoenix dactylif- devil-tree, see Alstonia scholaris
croton, see Codiaeum variega- Cuspidaria callistegioides, see era Dichorisandra 176
tum Clytostoma callistegioides date-palm, Canary Island, see Dichorisandra thyrsiflora 176
crown, king's, seejusticia car- custard-apple, see Annona Phoenix canariensis Dicranopygium 184
nea squamosa date-palm, dwarf, see Phoenix Dicranopygium atrovirens 184
crown-flower, see Calotropis gi- Cyclanthaceae 183 roebelinii Dicraspidia 279
gantea Cydista 136 date-palm, Senegal, see Phoe- Dicraspidia donnell-smithii 279
crown-of-thorns, see Euphorbia Cydista aequinoctialis 136 nix reclinata Dictyosperma 103
milii Cymbidium 300 datilera, see Phoenix dactylifera Dictyosperma album 103
Cruciferae, see Brassicaceae Cypella caerulea, see Neomarica Datura 351 Dieffenbachia 82
cruz de Malta, see Ixora caerulea Datura affinis, see Brugmansia Dieffenbachia cultivars 82
cry-baby tree, see Erythrina cypress-vine, see Ipomoea qua- aurea Dietes 235
crista-galli moclit Datura aurea, see Brugmansia Dietes bicolor 235
Cryptanthus 157 Cyrtosperma 82 aurea Dietes iridioides 236
Cryptanthus zonatus 158 Cyrtospermajohnstonii 82 Datura Candida, see Brugman- Dietes vegeta, see D. iridioides
Cryptostegia 73 Cyrtostachys 102 sia xcandida Digitalis 314
Cryptostegia grandiflora 73 Cyrtostachys glauca 103 Datura gardneri, see Brugman- Digitalis canariensis, see Iso-
Cryptostegia madagascariensis Cyrtostachys lakka, see C. renda sia suaveolens plexis canariensis
74 Cyrtostachys renda 103 Datura maxima, see Solandra Digitalis purpurea 314
cuajiniquil, see Ingajinicuil maxima Dillenia 184
Cubanola domingensis, see Port- dagga, wild, see Leonotis leonu- Datura metel 351 Dillenia indica 184
landia domingensis rus Datura mollis, see Brugmansia Dillenia suffiuticosa 184
cucumber, wild, see Momor- dagger-plant, see Yucca aloifolia versicolor Dilleniaceae 184
dica charantia dahl, see Cajanus cajan Datura pittieri, see Brugmansia Dimerocostus 367
cucumber-tree, see Averrhoa Dahlia 128 aurea Dimerocostus elongatus, see D.
bilimbi Dahlia arborea, see D. imperi- Datura suaveolens, see Brug- strobilaceus
Cucurbitaceae 182 alis mansia suaveolens Dimerocostus strobilaceus 367
cunure, see Calliandra tweediei Dahlia imperialis 129 Daubentonia tripettii, see Sesba- Dimocarpus 341
cup-and-saucer flower, see Dais 357 nia punicea Dimocarpus longan 341
Holmskioldia tettensis Dais cotinifolia 357 dawn-flower, see Ipomoea in- Dioscorea 185
Cuphea 246 daisy, Canary Island globe, see dica Dioscorea bulbifera 185
Cuphea barbigera, see C. llavea Globularia indubia day-lily, see Hemerocallis Dioscorea macrostachya, see D.
Cuphea hyssopifolia 246 daisy, Mexican bush, see Titho- dead-rat tree, see Adansonia
Cuphea ignea 246 nia diversifolia gibbosa Dioscorea mexicana 185
Cuphea llavea 246 daisy, oxeye, see Sphagneticola Delonix 203 Dioscoreaceae 185
Cuphea miniata, see C. llavea trilobata Delonix regia 204 Diospyros 185
Cuphea platycentra, see C. ignea daisy, tree, see Montanoa Delostoma 136 Diospyros blancoi 185
Cuphea schumannii 247 daisy-tree, see Podachaenium Delostoma integrifolium 136 Diospyros digyna 186
cup-of-gold, see Solandra eminens Delostoma lobbii 136 Diospyros discolor, see D.
Curculigo capitulata, see Moli- Dalechampia 189 Delostoma vargasii, see D. lobbii
neria capitulata Dalechampia aristolochiifolia Dendrobium 300 Dipladenia boliviensis, see Man-
Curcuma 365 189 Dendrobium aggregatum, see D. devilla boliviensis
Curcuma alismatifolia 365 dalur, Burmese, see Crateva lindleyi Dipteracanthus squarrosus, see
Curcuma australasica 365 magna Dendrobium bigibbum 300 Ruellia squarrosa
Curcuma cordata, see C. petio- dalur, marsh, see Crateva reli- Dendrobium lindleyi 300 Dissotis 272
lata giosa Dendrobium phalaenopsis, see Dissotis rotundifolia 272
Curcuma data 366 dama-de-la-noche, see Brunfel- D. bigibbum Distictis 136
Curcuma flaviflora 366 sia Derris indica, see Millettia pin- Distictis buccinatoria 137
Curcuma gracillima, see C. rab- damiana, see Turnera diffusa nata Distictis xrivers 137

Dizygotheca elegantissima, see oleifera Echium 148 hookeri 165

Schefflera elegantissima Duabanga 247 Echium bourgaeanum, see E. Epiphyllum stenopetalum, see E.
Dodonaea 342 Duabanga grandiflora 247 wildpretii phyllanthus
Dodonaea viscosa 342 Duabanga sonneratioides, see Echium candicans 149 Epipremnum 82
Dolichandrone 137 D. grandiflora Echium decaisnei 149 Epipremnum aureum 83
Dolichandrone spathacea 137 duchess protea, see Protea ex- Echium fastuosum, see E. candi- Epipremnum pinnatum 83
Dombeya 267 imia cans Episcia 227
Dombeya burgessiae 'Seminole' duck-flower, see Aristolochia gi- Echium judaicum 149 Episcia cupreata 227
267 gantea Echium nervosum 149 equelite, see Erythrinafolkersii
Dombeya cacuminum 267 dumb-cane, see Dieffenbachia Echium wildpretii 149 Eranthemum 31
Dombeya elegans, see D. burges- Dunalia arborescens, see Acnis- Ecuador laurel, see Cordia Eranthemum nervosum, see E.
siae 'Seminole' tus arborescens alliodora pulchellum
Dombeya pulchra 267 Duranta 358 eggfruit, see Pouteria campechi- Eranthemum nigrum 31
Dombeya rosea, see D. burges- Duranta erecta 359 ana Eranthemum pulchellum 31
siae 'Seminole' Duranta plumieri, see D. erecta Egyptian star-cluster, see Pen- Eranthemum 'Twilight', see
Dombeya xseminole, see D. bur- Duranta repens, see D. erecta tas lanceolata Ruspolia 'Twilight'
gessiae 'Seminole' dusty miller, see Senecio ciner- Eichhornia 319 Eranthemum wattii 31
Dombeya spectabilis 268 aria Eichhornia crassipes 319 eranthemum, false, see Pseud-
Dombeya wallichii 268 Dutchman's pipe, see Aristolo- Elaeis 105 eranthemum carruthersii
Don Diego del dia, see Ipomoea chia grandiflora Elaeis guineensis 105 Ericaceae 186
indica dwarf date-palm, see Phoenix Elaeis madagascariensis, see £ Ervatamia, see Tabernaemon-
Doodia crinita, see Uraria cri- roebelinii guineensis tana
nita dwarf poinciana, see Caesal- Elaeis melanococca, see E. Erythea armata, see Brahea ar-
xDoritaenopsis 301 pinia pulcherrima guineensis mata
Dorstenia 277 Dypsis 104 Elaeis oleifera, 105 Erythrina 217
Dorstenia bahiensis 277 Dypsis decaryi 104 Elaeophorbia 189 Erythrina arborea, see E. herba-
doum, see Hyphaene compressa Dypsis leptocheilos 104 Elaeophorbia drupifera 189 cea
down-tree, see Ochromapyra- Dypsis lutescens 105 elder, see Sambucus canadensis Erythrina xbidwillii 217
midale Dyschoriste 31 elder, yellow, see Tecoma stans Erythrina caffra 217
Doxantha unguis-cati, see Mac- Dyschoriste hygrophyllodes 31 elderberry, see Sambucus cana- Erythrina constantiana, see E.
fadyena unguis-cati Dyschoriste sp. 31 densis caffra
Dracaena 335 elephant-apple, see Dillenia; Erythrina coralloides 218
Dracaena americana 335 ear-pod acacia, see Acacia auri- Limonia Erythrina crista-galli 218
Dracaena cinta, see D. margi- culiformis elephant-creeper, see Argyreia Erythrina falcata 219
nata earth star, see Cryptanthus nervosa Erythrinafolkersii 219
Dracaena deremensis, see D.fra- zonatus elephant-ear, see Alocasia; Cal- Erythrina hastifolia, see E.
grans Easter lily vine, see Beaumontia adium; Colocasia humeana
Dracaena draco 338 grandiflora elephant-foot tree, see Beaucar- Erythrina herbacea 219
Dracaena fragrans 336 Easter violet, see Securidaca di- nia Erythrina humeana 219
Dracaena marginata 336 versifolia elephant-yam, see Amorpho- Erythrina humeana 'Raja', see
Dracaena reflexa 336 ebano, see ebony phallus paeoniifolius E. humeana
Dracaenaceae, see Ruscaceae Ebenaceae 185 Elettaria cardamomum 361 Erythrina humei, see E. hume-
Dracontium 82 Ebenopsis 213 Embothrium wickhamii, see Al- ana
Dracontium dressleri, see D. so- Ebenopsis ebano 213 loxylon pinnatum Erythrina indica var. orientalis,
conuscum ebony, American, see Brya ebe- emerald pagoda, see Curcuma see E. variegata
Dracontium soconuscum 82 nus harmandii Erythrina insignis, see E. caffra
Dracula-flower, see Tacca chan- ebony, brown, Caesalpinia empress-tree, see Paulownia Erythrina lysistemon 219
trieri punctata kawakamii Erythrina monosperma, see
dragon's eyes, see Dimocarpus ebony, green, seejacaranda Encyclia 301 Butea monosperma
longan caerulea Encyclia radiata 301 Erythrina parcellii, see E. varie-
dragon's blood, see Dracaena ebony, mountain, see Bauhinia Epidendrum 301 gata
draco acuminata', B. variegata Epidendrum ibaguense 301 Erythrina princeps, see E. hume-
dragon's tears, see Scutellaria ebony, Texas, see Ebenopsis Epidendrum radicans, see E. ana
costaricana ebano ibaguense Erythrina pulcherrima, see E.
dragon-tree, see Dracaena ebony, West Indian, see Brya Epiphyllanthus 167 crista-galli
draco ebenus Epiphyllum 165 Erythrina speciosa 219
Drimyspermum 357 Echites grandiflorus, see Beau- Epiphyllum hookeri, see E. phyl- Erythrina variegata 220
Drimyspermum macrocarpum montia grandiflora lanthus Erythrina variegata f. picta, see
357 Echites scholaris, see Alstonia Epiphyllum oxypetalum 165 E. variegata
drumstick-curry, see Moringa scholaris Epiphyllum phyllanthus var. Erythrochiton 339

Erythrochiton brasiliensis 339 Euphorbia heptagona 190 fan-palm, Mexican, see Brahea mimosifolia
Eschscholzia 309 Euphorbia ingens 190 armata; Washingtonia ro- flamegold tree, see Koelreuteria
Eschscholzia californica 309 Euphorbia leucocephala 190 busta elegans
escobilla, see Combretum ro- Euphorbia leucodendron 190 fan-palm, ruffled, see Licuala flame-of-Jamaica, see Euphor-
tundifolium Euphorbia xlomi 190 grandis bia punicea
escutelaria, see Scutdlaria Euphorbia milii var. bevilanensis farolito Chino, see Hibiscus flame-of-the-forest, see Butea
espatifilo, see Spathiphyllum 192 schizopetalus monosperma
espatodea, see Spathodea Euphorbia milii var. hislopii 192 Fausto, see Thunbergia grandi- flame-tree, see Erythrina varie-
espinillo, see Parkinsonia Euphorbia milii var. imperatae f. flora gata
estefanote, see Stephanotis lutea 192 faveiro ou Sobrasil, see Pelto- flame-vine, see Pyrostegia ve-
estrellas, see Beaucarnia stricta Euphorbia milii 'Minibell' 192 phorum dubium nusta
estreptocarpo, see Streptocar- Euphorbia oncoclada, see E. Zeu- Feijoa sellowiana, see Acca sell- flame-violet, see Episcia
pus cocfendron owiana flaming Katie, see Kalanchoe
estrofanto, see Strophanthus Euphorbia pulcherrima 193 felt-bush, see Kalanchoe beha- blossfeldiana
Eilingera 368 Euphorbia punicea 193 rensis flaming sword, see Vriesea ensi-
Etlingera elatior 368 Euphorbia splendens, see E. Ferdinanda eminens, see Poda- formis
eucalypto, see Eucalyptus; Co- milii chaenium eminens flamingo-flower, see Anthu-
rymbia Euphorbia viguieri 193 fern-tree, seejacaranda mimo- rium xcultorum; Justicia
Eucalyptus 284 Euphorbiaceae 186 sifolia 139 carnea
Eucalyptus camaldulensis 285 Euphoria longana, see Dimocar- Feronia elephantum, see Limo- flax, yellow, see Reinwardtia in-
Eucalyptus deglupta 285 pus longan nia acidissima 340 dica
Eucalyptusficifolia, see Corym- Eurycles sylvestris, see Proiphys Feronia limonia, see Limonia fleur d'amour, see Tabernae-
biaficifolia amboinensis acidissima 340 montana divaricata
Eucalyptus multiflora, see E. de- evening primrose, see Onagra- Ficus 277 fleur de Dieu, see Petrea volu-
glupta ceae Ficus aspera Tar cell' 277 bilis
Eucalyptus rostratus, see E. cam- Everglades palm, see Acoelor- Ficus carica 278 floating heart, see Nymphoides
aldulensis rhaphe wrightii Ficus pumila 278 floradora, see Stephanotis flori-
Eucharis 55 Evolvulus 177 Ficus racemosa 278 bunda
Eucharis amazonica 55 Evolvulus glomeratus 177 Eicus religiosa 278 flor de caliz, see Hylocereus un-
Eucharis moorei, see E. ama- Evolvulus pilosus 177 Ficus repens, see E. pumila datus
zonica fig, see Eicus flor de ilan, see Cananga odor-
Eucharis ulei 56 Fabaceae 195 fig, cluster, see Ficus racemosa ata
Eucomis 234 Fabaceae (Caesalpinioideae) fig, common, see Ficus carica flor de la reina, see Lager-
Eucomis bicolor 234 195 fig, creeping, see Ficus pumila stroemia speciosa
Eucrosia 56 Fabaceae (Mimosoideae) 210 fig, Red River, see Ficus race- flor de Mayo, see Plumeria
Eucrosia aurantiaca 56 Fabaceae (Papilionoideae/ mosa flor de murcielago, see Tacca
Eugenia 285 Faboideae) 214 fig, sacred, see Eicus religiosa chantrieri
Eugenia brasiliana, see E. uni- Fagraea 225 filodendro, see Philodendron flor de novia, see Stephanotis
flora Fagraea berteriana 225 fire-bush, see Hamelia flor de Pascuas, see Euphorbia
Eugenia brasiliensis 285 Fagraea ceilanica 225 firecracker, see Cuphea pulcherrima
Eugenia jambolana, see Syzy- fairy-duster, see Calliandra ter- firecracker plant, see Crossan- flor de rosa, see Brownea coc-
gium cumini gamina dra cinea subsp. capitella
Eugeniajambos, see Syzygium fairy water-lily, see Nymphoides firecracker plant, horsetail, see flor de seda, see Asclepias curas-
jambos cristata Russelia equisetiformis savica
Eugenia javanica, see Syzygium false aralia, see Schefflera ele- firecracker vine, see Manettia Florida clover-ash, see Tetrazy-
samarangense gantissima luteorubra gia bicolor
Eugenia lucescens, see E. lusch- false heather, see Cuphea hysso- fire-lily, see Clivia miniata Florida holly, see Schinus tere-
nathiana pifolia fire-spike, see Odontonema binthifolius
Eugenia luschnathiana 285 false hops, seejusticia brande- fire-tree, see Alloxylon pinna- flowering maple, see Abutilon
Eugenia malaccensis, see Syzy- geana turn forest bell-bush, see Mackaya
gium malaccense false sisal, see Agave decipiens fire-wheel tree, see Stenocarpus bella
Eugenia uniflora 285 fan-flower, see Scaevola aemula sinuatus fortnight iris, see Dietes bicolor
Eugenia wilsonii, see Syzygium fan-palm, African, see Borassus fishtail palm, see Caryota fountain-plant, see Russelia
wilsonii aethiopium Fittonia 32 equisetiformis
Euphorbia 189 fan-palm, Chinese, see Livis- Fittonia verschaffeltii 32 four-corners, see Grewia occi-
Euphorbia alluaudii, see E. Jeu- tona chinensis Flacourtiaceae 224 dentalis
codendron fan-palm, desert, see Washing- flag-tree, see Warszewiczia coc- foxglove, see Digitalis purpurea
Euphorbia bevilanensis, see £ toniafilifera cinea foxglove-tree, see Paulownia
milii var. bevilanensis fan-palm, Hawaiian, see Pritch- flamboyan, see Delonix regia kawakamii
Euphorbia gymnonota 190 ardia aylmer-robinsonii flamboyan azul, seejacaranda foxtail-palm, see Wodyetia bi-

furcata naemontana divaricata ginger, red, see Alpinia purpu- pensis

foxtail-violet, see Dyschoriste garland-flower, see Hedychium rata Gmelina philippensis 242
sp. coronarium ginger, red pinecone, see Zin- Gnidia 357
franchipan, see Plumeria garlic, society, see Tulbaghia vi- giber zerumbet Gnidia madagascariensis 357
Franciscea pauciflora, see Brun- olacea ginger, shampoo, see Zingiber Goethea cauliflora, see Pavonia
felsia pauciflora garlic-pear, see Crateva religiosa zerumbet strictiflora
frangipani, see Plumeria garlic-vine, see Mansoa hymen- ginger, shell, see Alpinia ze- Goethea strictiflora, see Pavonia
frangipani, Australian, see Hy- aea rumbet strictiflora
menosporumflavum gebang palm, see Corypha utan ginger, snap, see Alpinia calca- GoetzealSl
frangipani-vine, see Chonemor- Geiger tree, see Cordia sebes- rata Goetzea elegans 351
phajragrans tena ginger, spiral, see Costus gold birds, see Burbidgea schi-
freckle-face, see Hypoestes phyl- Gelsemiaceae 225 ginger, Thai, see Alpinia ga- zocheila
lostachya Gelsemium 225 langa golden dewdrop, see Duranta
freijo, see Cordia goeldiana Gelsemium sempervirens 225 ginger, torch, see Etlingera ela- erecta
French oak, see Catalpa longis- Gentianaceae 225 tior golden glory-climber, see
sima Geraniaceae 226 ginger, wild, see Zingiber ze- Thunbergia gregorii
Freycinetia 307 geranio, see Geranium; Pelargo- rumbet golden net-bush, see Pseuder-
Freycinetia cumingiana 307 nium gingerbread palm, see Hypha- anthemum carruthersii
fried-egg tree, see Oncoba spin- Geranium 226 ene compressa golden shower, see Cassia fis-
osa Geranium maderense 226 ginger-lily, see Hedychium; tula
frijol de arbol, see Cajanus geranium, cranesbill, see Gera- Kaempferia golden shower, autumn, see
fringe-flower, see Loropetalum nium Ginoria 247 Cassia afrojistula
chinense geranium, ivy-leafed, see Pelar- Ginoria glabra 247 golden shower, dwarf, see Cas-
fruta de condessa, see Rollinia gonium peltatum gladiolus, wild, see Watsonia sia afrojistula
deliciosa geranium, storksbill, see Pelar- borbonica golden vine, Brazilian, see Stig-
Fuchsia 297 gonium Gliricidia 220 maphyllon ciliatum
Fuchsia hybrids 297 Gesneriaceae 227 Gliricidia maculata, see G. Gomphocarpus physocarpus, see
fuchsia, Australian, see Correa ginger, see Zingiberaceae sepium Asclepias physocarpa
reflexa ginger, beehive, see Zingiber Gliricidia platycarpa, see Hebe- Gonatopus 83
fuchsia, tree, see Schotia spectabile stigma cubense Gonatopus boivinii 83
hrachypetala ginger, bitter, see Zingiber ze- Gliricidia robinia var. sepium, Goodeniaceae 227
Furcraea 47 rumbet see G. sepium good-luck plant, see Oxalis tet-
Furcraea macdougalii 47 ginger, blue, see Dichorisandra Gliricidia sepium 220 raphylla
thyrsiflora Globba 368 Goodyera discolor, see Hae-
galangal, see Alpinia galanga ginger, butterfly, see Hedy- Globba atrosanguinea 368 maria discolor
gallinita, see Callaeum macrop- chium Globba leucantha subsp tricolor gooseberry tree, see Phyllan-
terum ginger, Chinese, see Zingiber 368 thus acidus
gallito, see Erythrina crista- officinale Globba schomburgkii 368 Gossypium 255
galli, Securidaca diversifolia ginger, crape, see Costus specio- Globba winitii 368 Gossypium barbadense 255
Galphimia 252 sus; Dimerocostus strobilaceus Globularia 314 Gossypium hirsutum 255
Galphimia glauca 252 ginger, culinary, see under Zin- Globularia indubia 314 Gossypium mexicanum, see G.
Galphimia gracilis 252 giber gloria de la manana, see Ipo- hirsutum
Galpin's leucadendron, see ginger, dancing lady, see moea indica Gossypium peruvianum, see G.
Leucadendron galpinii Globba winitii Gloriosa 17 4 barbadense
gandules, see Cajanus ginger, Indian, see Alpinia cal- gloriosa lily, see Gloriosa su- gout-plant, see Jatropha poda-
Ganges primrose, see Asystasia carata perba grica
gangetica ginger, Indian-head, see Costus Gloriosa superba 174 granadilla, see Passijlora
Gardenia 325 woodsonii glory-bower, see Clerodendrum granado, see Punica
Gardenia augusta, see G.jasmi- ginger, Indonesian wax, see Ta- glory-bush, see Tibouchina granolino, see Calliandra
noides peinochilos ananassae glory-flower, trailing, see Disso- graptofilo, see Graptophyllum
Gardenia coronaria 325 ginger, Malay, see Costus specio- tis rotundifolia Graptophyllum 32
Gardenia jasminoides 326 sus glory-tree, purple, see Tibouch- Graptophyllum pictum 32
Gardenia jovis-tonantis, see G. ginger, pineapple, see Tapeino- ina granulosa green-goddess anthurium, see
ternifolia chilos ananassae Glottiphyllum 49 Anthurium hybrids
Gardenia taitensis 326 ginger, pinecone, see Zingiber Glottiphyllum linguiforme 49 green-velvet alocasia, see Alo-
Gardenia ternifolia subsp. jovis- spectabile Gloxinia 227 casia micholitziana
tonantis 326 ginger, pink, see Alpinia purpu- Gloxinia sylvatica 227 Grevillea 321
Gardenia thunbergia 326 rata 'Eileen McDonald' Gmelina 242 Grevilleajuniperina 321
gardenia, see Gardenia ginger, pinstripe, see Alpinia Gmelina arborea 242 Grevillea robusta 321
gardenia, butterfly, see Taber- formosana Gmelina hystrix, see G. philip- Grevillea 'Robyn Gordon' 322

Grewia 270 Gustavia marcgraaviana, see G. hedge-cactus, see Cereus hild- Hemerocallidaceae 234
Grewia caffra 270 superba mannianus Hemerocallis 234
Grewia occidentalis 270 Gustavia superba 245 hedgehog, see Gmelina philip- Hemerocallis hybrids 234
grigri, see Aiphanes minima Guttiferae, see Clusiaceae pensis hemp, see Agave sisalana
grumixama, see Eugenia brasil- Guzmania 158 Hedychium 369 hemp, bowstring, see Calotro-
iensis Guzmania lingulata 158 Hedychium coccineum 369 pis; Sansevieria
guabo, see Ingajinicuil Guzmania sanguinea 158 Hedychium coronarium 369 henna, see Lawsonia inermis
guacamayo, see Caesalpinia Guzmania wittmackii 158 Hedychium cylindricum 369 Heptapleurum arboricolum, see
pulcherrima Hedychium flavescens 369 Schefflera arboricola
guacimo, see Luehea Habranthus 56 Hedychium gardnerianum 369 herald's trumpet, see Beau-
guaiac, see Guaiacum Habranthus xfloryi 56 Hedychium glaucum, see H. montia grandijlora
Guaiacum 373 Habranthus robustus 56 gracile herringbone-plant, see Ma-
Guaiacum guatemalense, see G. Haemanthus 56 Hedychium gracile 369 ranta leuconeura
sanctum Haemanthus albiflos 56 Hedychium horsfieldii 370 hesper-palm, blue, see Brahea
Guaiacum officinale 373 Haemanthus albomaculatus, Hedychium 'Luna Moth' 370 armata
Guaiacum sanctum 374 see H. albiflos Hedychium 'Pink V 370 Heterocentron 272
Guajacum, see Guaiacum Haemanthus katherinae, see Hedysarum crinitum, see Heterocentron elegans 272
guajalote, see Parmentiera acu- Scadoxus multiflorus Uraria crinita Heterocentron sessilis, see H. ele-
leata Haemanthus natalensis, see Heeria elegans, see Heterocen- gans
guamacho, see Pereskia Scadoxus puniceus tron elegans Hevea 73
guanabana, see Annona muri- Haemanthus puniceus, see Sca- Heliconia 229 Hibbertia 184
cata doxus puniceus Heliconia angusta 229 Hibbertia scandens 184
guanacaste, see Albizia niopoi- Haemaria 301 Heliconia angustifolia, see H. Hibbertia volubilis, see H. scan-
des Haemaria discolor 301 angusta dens
guardia civil, see Clerodendrum Haemodoraceae 228 Heliconia aurantiaca 229 hibisco, see Hibiscus
indicum hala, see Pandanus Heliconia bicolor, see H. an- Hibiscus 255
guarumo, see Cecropia peltata Hamamelidaceae 228 gusta Hibiscus abelmoschus, see Abel-
guarupa, seejacaranda mimo- Hamelia 326 Heliconia bihai 229 moschus moschatus
sifolia Hamelia cuprea 327 Heliconia bourgaeana 229 Hibiscus arnottianus 255
guava, pineapple, see Acca sell- Hamelia erecta, see H. patens Heliconia caribaea 229 Hibiscus brackenridgei 256
owiana Hamelia longipes 327 Heliconia champneiana 230 Hibiscus calycinus, see H. caly-
guava, Spanish, see Catesbaea Hamelia nodosa, see H. patens Heliconia chartacea 230 phyllus
spinosa var. glabra Heliconia collinsiana 230 Hibiscus calyphyllus 256
guava, strawberry, see Psidium Hamelia patens 327 Heliconia episcopalis 230 Hibiscus coccineus 256
cattleianum Hamelia patens var. glabra 327 Heliconia 'Golden Torch' 230 Hibiscus huegelii, see Alyogyne
guava, wild, see Samyda dode- Harpullia 342 Heliconia griggsiana 230 huegelii
candra Harpullia arborea, see Harpul- Heliconia indica 'Spectabilis' Hibiscus incanus, see H. mos-
guava, yellow, see Psidium gua- lia 231 cheutos
java Harpullia pendula 342 Heliconia latispatha 231 Hibiscus indicus 256
guayaba feijoa, see Acca sellow- Hartmannia speciosa, see Oeno- Heliconia lingulata 231 Hibiscus moscheutos 256
iana thera speciosa Heliconia mariae 231 Hibiscus mutabilis 257
guayabo, see Psidium guajava hat plant, Mandarin, see Holm- Heliconia metallica 232 Hibiscus palustris, see H. mos-
guayabo pesgua, see Syzygium skioldia sanguinea Heliconia mutisiana 232 cheutos
cumini hat-palm, Puerto Rican, see Heliconia orthotrica 232 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 257
guayacan, see Bulnesia; Guaia- Sabal causiarum Heliconia pogonantha 232 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var. ker-
cum; Tabebuia hau, see Hibiscus tiliaceus Heliconia psittacorum 232 messinus 257
guest-tree, see Kleinhovia hos- Hauya 297 Heliconia rostrata 233 Hibiscus rugosus, see Abelmos-
pita Hauya heydeana 297 Heliconia sarapiquensis 233 chus moschatus
Guiana chestnut, see Pachira hawthorn, enchantress, see Heliconia spissa 233 Hibiscus sabdariffa 257
aquatica Rhaphiolepis xdelacourii Heliconia stricta 233 Hibiscus schizopetalus 257
Guinea gold-vine, see Hibbertia hawthorn, Indian, see Rhaphi- Heliconia vellerigera 233 Hibiscus tiliaceus 257
scandens olepis indica Heliconia wagneriana 233 hibiscus, blue, see Alyogyne
guineo, see Musa acuminata hazelberry, see Loropetalum Heliconia xanthovillosa 234 huegelii
gul mohur, see Delonix regia chinense Heliconiaceae 229 hibiscus, Chinese, see Hibiscus
gular, see Ficus racemosa heather, false, see Cuphea hys- Helicteres 268 rosa-sinensis
gum tree, see Eucalyptus; Co- sopifolia Helicteres guazumifolia 268 hibiscus, fringed, see Hibiscus
rymbia heavenly bamboo, see Nandina Helicteres mexicanus, see H. schizopetalus
Gurania 183 domestica guazumifolia hibiscus, Hawaiian white, see
Gurania makoyana 183 Hebestigma 220 helmet-flower, see Scutellaria Hibiscus arnottianus
Gustavia 244 Hebestigma cubense 220 costaricana hibiscus, Hawaiian yellow, see
Hibiscus brackenridgei tettensis Hymenocallis tubiflora 57 Inga pulcherrima, see Callian-
hibiscus, Japanese lantern, see Holmskioldia tettensis 242 Hymenosporum 313 dra tweediei
Hibiscus schizopetalus holy-wood, see Guaiacum sanc- Hymenosporumflavum 313 Inga radians, see Ljinicuil
hibiscus, lilac, see Alyogyne hu- tum Hyophorbe 106 lochroma 351
egelii Homalocladium platycladum, Hyophorbe lagenicaulis 106 lochroma cyaneum 351
hibiscus, miniature sleeping, see Muehlenbeckia platyclada Hyophorbe verschaffeltii 106 lochroma warscewiczii 351
see Malvaviscus arboreus var. Homalomena 83 Hyphaene 106 ipe, see Tabebuia impetiginosa
drummondii Homalomena rubescens 84 Hyphaene compressa 107 Ipomoea 177
hibiscus, parasol, see Hibiscus honeysuckle, see Lonicera Hyphaene coriacea 107 Ipomoea aquatica, see Ipomoea
schizopetalus honeysuckle, Australian, see Hypoestes 32 Ipomoea batatas, see Ipomoea
hibiscus, sea, see Hibiscus tilia- Banksia integrifolia Hypoestes phyllostachya 32 Ipomoea cairica, see Ipomoea
ceus Hong Kong orchid-tree, see Hypoestes sanguinolenta 32 Ipomoea carnea 178
hibiscus, sleeping, see Mal- Bauhinia xblakeana Hypoxidaceae 234 Ipomoea cathartica, see I. indica
vaviscus penduliflorus Honolulu rose, see Cleroden- Ipomoea coccinea 178
hidden-lily, see Curcuma drum chinense Icacorea paniculata, see Ardisia IpomoeaJistulosa, see I. carnea
hierba santa, see Cestrum hop-headed barleria, see Bar- escallonioides Ipomoea hederifolia 178
higo, see Ficus leria lupulina ice-cream bean, see Inga Ipomoea horsfalliae 178
higo marino, see Carpobrotus hop-seed bush, see Dodonaea ice-plant, see Aizoaceae Ipomoea indica 178
higuera comun, see Ficus car- viscosa ice-plant, tongue-leaf, see Glot- Ipomoea microdactyla 178
ica hops, false, seejusticia brande- tiphyllum linguiforme Ipomoea pauciflora 178
Hippeastrum 56 geana ilang-ilang, see Cananga odor- Ipomoea quamoclit 178
Hippeastrum bijidum, see Rho- horn-of-plenty, see Datura ata Ipomoea tuberosa, see Merremia
dophiala bifida metel Ilex 75 tuberosa
Hippeastrum equestre, see H. horseflesh mahogany, see Lysi- Ilex cassine 76 Iresine 52
puniceum loma sabicu Ilex paraguariensis 75 Iresine diffusa 52
Hippeastrum evansiae 57 horseradish tree, see Moringa impala-lily, see Adenium obe- Iresine herbstii 53
Hippeastrum hybrids 57 oleifera sum Iresine lindenii, see I. diffusa
Hippeastrum puniceum 57 horse-tail tree, see Casuarina Impatiens 132 Iridaceae 235
Hippocastanaceae, see Sapin- Hottentot fig, see Carpobrotus Impatiens auricoma 132 Iris bicolor, see Dietes bicolor
daceae edulis Impatiens pseudoviola hybrids Iris martinicensis, see Trimezia
Hiptage 252 Hoya 74 132 martinicensis
Hiptage benghalensis 252 Hoya angustifolia, see Hoya Impatiens New Guinea Group iris, African, see Dietes iridi-
Hiptage madablota, see H. ben- pottsii 'Rosetta'132 oides
ghalensis Hoya multiflora 74 Impatiens oliveri, see I. sodenii iris, marica, see Neomarica
Hqffmannia 327 Hoya obscurinervia, see Hoya Impatiens sodenii 132 caerulea
Hoffmannia ghiesbreghtii 327 pottsii imperial philodendron, see iris, Spanish, see Dietes bicolor
hog-palm, see Pseudophoenix Hoya pottsii 74 Philodendron xevansii iris, walking, see Trimezia mar-
sargentii Hoya purpureofusca 74 Indian almond, see Sterculia tinicensis
Hohenbergia 158 hummingbird tree, see Sesba- foetida iris, wild, see Dietes bicolor
Hohenbergia nudicaulis, see nia grandiflora Indian arrowroot, see Tacca iron-cross, see Oxalis tetra-
Aechmea nudicaulis hunter's robe, see Epipremnum leontopetaloides phylla
Hohenbergia rosea 159 aureum Indian bean, see Catalpa longis- ironwood, see Casuarina;
Hohenbergia stellata 159 hurricane palm, see Dictyosper- sima Mesua
hoja de cobre, see Acalypha wil- ma album; Ptychosperma ma- Indian beech, see Millettia pin- island-rose, see Malva assur-
kesiana carthurii nata gentiflora
hoja del aire, see Kalanchoe Hyacinthaceae 234 Indian date, see Tamarindus in- Isoplexis 314
pinnata Hybanthus 361 dica Isoplexis canariensis 315
Holarrhena tomentosa, see Hybanthus prunifolius 361 Indian horse-chestnut, see Aes- Ixora 328
Wrightia arborea Hydrocleys 50 culus indica Ixora easel 328
holiday-cactus, see Schlumber- Hydrocleys nymphoides 50 Indian mallow, see Abutilon Ixora duffii, see I. casei
gera Hydrosme gigantiflorus, see palmeri Ixora Jindlaysoniana 328
holly, dahoon, see Ilex cassine Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Indian shot, see Canna indica Ixora hybrids 328
holly, Florida, see Schinus tere- Hylocereus 165 Indian tulip-tree, see Thespesia Ixora parviflora, see I. pavetta
binthifolius Hylocereus escuintlensis 165 populnea Ixora pavetta 328
holly, Indian, see Leea rubra Hylocereus tricostatus, see H. indigo, Mexican, seejusticia Ixora 'Super King', see I. casei
holly, miniature, see Malpighia undatus spicigera ixora, giant, see Ixora casei
coccigera Hylocereus undatus 165 Inga 214 ixora, Siamese white, see Ixora
Holmskioldia 242 Hymenocallis 57 Inga edulis, see Inga Jindlaysoniana
Holmskioldia sanguinea 242 Hymenocallis caribaea 57 Ingajinicuil 214 izote, see Beaucarnia guatema-
Holmskioldia speciosa, see H. Hymenocallis littoralis 57 Ingapaterno, see Ljinicuil lensis

jaboticaba, see Myrciaria cauli- bura jessamine, night-blooming, Kalanchoe tubiflora, see K. dela-
Jlora Japanese privet, see Ligustrum see Cestrum nocturnum goensis
jaca, see Artocarpus heterophyl- japonicum jessamine, orange, see Mur- kangaroo-paw, see Anigozan-
lus Japanese rubber-tree, see Cras- raya paniculata thosjlavidus
Jacaranda 137 sula ovata jessamine, Paraguay, see Brun- kanluang, see Nauclea orien-
Jacaranda acutifolia, see J. mi- jaras, see Cistus felsia australis talis
mosifolia jarul, see Lagerstroemia speciosa jessamine, pinwheel, see Ta- kapok, giant, see Ceibapentan-
Jacaranda arborea 137 jasmin de Arabia, see Jasmin- bernaemontana australis dra
Jacaranda caeruka 137 urn sambac jessamine, wild orange, see Ta- kapok, red, see Bombax ceiba
Jacaranda cuspidifolia 138 jasmine, see Jasminum bernaemontana arborea karanja, see Millettia pinnata
Jacaranda jasminoides 138 jasmine, angel-wing, see Jas- jewel-of-Burma, see Curcuma karapincha, see Murraya koeni-
Jacaranda mimosifolia 139 minum laurifolium roscoeana gii
Jacaranda ovalifolia, see J. mi- jasmine, star, see Jasminum jewel-of-Thailand, see Curcu- Kennedia 221
mosifolia laurifolium ma petiolata Kennedia nigricans 221
Jacaranda sagraeana, see J. cae- jasmine, windmill, see Jasmin- jewel-orchid, see Haemaria dis- kerky-bush, see Crassula ovata
rulea um laurifolium color Kigelia 139
Jacaranda tomentosa, see J. jas- Jasminum 296 jicara, see Crescentia alata Kigelia africana 139
minoides Jasminum laurifolium 296 Joaquin, see Cordia sebestena Kigelia pinnata, see K. ajricana
jackfruit, see Artocarpus hetero- Jasminum nitidum, see J. lauri- jocote, see Spondias purpurea king-palm, see Archon-
phyllus folium Joewood, see Jacquinia keyensis tophoenix alexandrae
Jacobinia aurea, seejusticia Jasminum sambac 296 Joseph's coat, see Acalypha wil- king-protea, see Protea cyna-
aurea Jatropha 194 kesiana roides
Jacobinia candicans, seejusticia Jatropha dulcis, see Manihot es- Justicia 32 king's crown, seejusticia car-
candicans culenta Justicia aurea 33 nea
Jacobinia carnea, see Justicia Jatropha hastata, see J. integer- Justicia betonica 33 king's mantle, see Thunbergia
carnea rima Justicia brandegeana 33 erecta
Jacobinia coccinea, see Pachys- Jatropha integerrima 193 Justicia callistachya, see Odon- Kleinhovia 268
tachys coccinea Jatropha multijida 193 tonema callistachyum Kleinhovia hospita 268
Jacobinia mohintli, seejusticia Jatropha ortegae 193 Justicia candicans 33 knight's star, see Hippeastrum
spicigera Jatropha pandurifolia, see J. in- Justicia carnea 33 ko'ako'a, see Hibiscus schizope-
Jacobinia spicigera, seejusticia tegerrima Justicia coccinea, see Pachys- talus
spicigera Jatropha podagrica 194 tachys coccinea Koelreuteria 343
Jacquemontia 179 Java-apple, see Syzygium sama- Justicia comosa, see Justicia ful- Koelreuteria bipinnata 343
Jacquemontia pentantha 179 rangense vicoma Koelreuteria elegans 343
Jacquinia 356 Java-olive, see Sterculia foetida Justicia fulvicoma 33 Koelreuteria elegans subsp. for-
Jacquinia aurantiaca 356 Java-plum, see Syzygium cu- Justicia lutea, see Pachystachys mosana 343
Jacquinia keyensis 357 mini lutea Koelreuteria formosana, see K.
jade-plant, see Crassula ovata Java-tea, see Orthosiphon arista - Justicia spicigera 34 elegans
jade-vine, see Strongylodon ma- tus koki'o-ke'oke'o, see Hibiscus ar-
crobotrys jelly-palm, see Butia capitata Kaempferia 370 nottianus
jade-vine, red, see Mucuna ben- Jerusalem-thorn, see Parkinso- Kaempferia decora, see Siphono- Kopsia 65
netti nia aculeata chilus decorus Kopsia Jruticosa 65
jakfruit, see Artocarpus hetero- jessamine, Cape, see Gardenia Kaempferia pulchra 370 Kopsia pruniformis 65
phyllus jasminoides Kaempferia roscoeana 371 Kopsia vinciflora, see Kopsia fru-
Jamaica caper, see Capparis jessamine, Carolina, see Gel- Kaempferia rotunda 371 ticosa
cynophallophora semium sempervirens kahili ginger, see Hedychium kopsia, see Kopsia; Ochrosia
Jamaican cherry, see Muntingia jessamine, Ceylon, see Taber- gardnerianum koraalboom, see Erythrina
calabura naemontana divaricata kakaw, see Theobroma cacao Kosteletzkya 258
Jamaican kino, see Coccoloba jessamine, Chinese star, see Kalanchoe 180 Kosteletzkya virginica 258
uvifera Trachelospermum jasminoides Kalanchoe beharensis 181 kudu-lily, see Adenium obesum
Jamaican rain-tree, see Brya jessamine, Confederate, see Kalanchoe blossfeldiana 181 kukui, see Aleurites moluccana
ebenus Trachelospermum jasminoides Kalanchoe daigremontia 181 187
Jamaican sweet pepper, see Pi- jessamine, crape, see Tabernae- Kalanchoe delagoensis 181 kurrajong, see Brachychiton
menta dioica montana divaricata Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri 181
Jamaican vervain, see Stachy- jessamine, day-blooming, see Kalanchoe globulifera, see K. Labiatae, see Lamiaceae
tarphetajamaicensis Cestrum diurnum blossfeldiana laburnum, Indian, see Cassia
jambolan, see Syzygium cumini jessamine, Indian, see Quis- Kalanchoe grandiflora 182 fistula
jambosa, see Syzygium sama- qualis indica Kalanchoe pinnata 182 lacebark, Queensland, see
rangense jessamine, Madagascar, see Kalanchoe rosei 181 Brachychiton discolor
jam-tree, see Muntingia cala- Stephanotisfloribunda Kalanchoe thyrsiflora 182 Lady Doorly, see Ipomoea hors-

falliae cana Leucospermum hybrids 322 Litchi 343

lady-of-the-night, see Brunfelsia Laurus winterana, see Canella Lexarza funebris, see Litchi chinensis 343
lady-palm, see Rhapis excelsa winterana Quararibeajunebris little blue-boy, see Otacanthus
Lagerstroemia 247 lava-plato, see Solanum erian- Libidibia punctata, see Caesal- caeruleus
Lagerstroemia elegans, see I. in- thum pinia punctata little Christmas flower, see Eu-
dica Lavatera assurgentiflora, see Licuala 107 phorbia leucocephala
Lagerstroemia floribunda 248 Malva assurgentiflora Licuala grandis 108 Livistona 108
Lagerstroemiaflos-reginae, see L. Lawsonia 249 Licuala peltata 108 Livistona chinensis 108
speciosa Lawsonia alba, see I. inermis Licuala peltata subsp. lluvia de oro, see Cassia fistula
Lagerstroemia grandiflora, see Lawsonia inermis 249 sumawongii 108 202
Duabanga grandiflora Laxmanniaceae 246 licuri palm, see Syagrus coro- lluvia de orquideas, see Congea
Lagerstroemia indica 248 leadwort, Cape, Plumbago au- nata tomentosa
Lagerstroemia loudonii 249 riculata lignum vitae, see Guaiacum lobster-claw, see Heliconia bihai
Lagerstroemia macrocarpa 249 leadwort, crimson, Plumbago Ligustrum 296 lobster-claw, painted, see Heli-
Lagerstroemia speciosa 249 indica Ligustrum coriaceum, see L.ja- conia rostrata
Lagerstroemia turbinata, see L. leaf-flower, see Breynia disticha ponicum Lochnera rosea, see Catharan-
floribunda Leavenworth's tickseed, see Ligustrum japonicum 297 thus roseus
Lagos spinach, see Celosia ar- Coreopsis leavenworthii lilac, Mexican, see Gliricidia locust-berry, see Byrsonima lu-
Lebbeck tree, see Albizia leb- sepium cida
Lamiaceae 236 beck lilac, tropical, see Lonchocarpus Lodoicea 108
Lamiaceae (formerly Verbena- lechoso, see Calotropis; Stem- violaceus Lodoicea maldivica 109
ceae) 238 madenia lilly-pilly, see Syzygium wilsonii Loganiaceae 345
Lampranthus 49 lechuga de agua, see Pistia lily, queen, see Curcuma sp. Lomandraceae 246
Lampranthus aureus 49 lechuguilla, see Agave lechu- lily, tree, see Vellozia bahiana Lonchocarpus 221
Lampranthus deltoids 49 guilla lily-of-the-Incas, see Alstroeme- Lonchocarpus violaceus 221
Lampranthus zeyheri 50 Lecythidaceae 243 ria longan, see Dimocarpus longan
Lamprococcus victorianus, see Leea 245 lily-of-the-Nile, see Agapanthus long-John, see Triplaris cumin-
Aechmea victoriana Leea brunoninan, see L. rubra praecox', Zantedeschia aethi- giana
lancepod, see Lonchocarpus vio- Leea coccinea, see L. guineensis opica longyen, see Dimocarpus lon-
laceus Leea guineensis 245 lily-pad begonia, see Begonia gan
Languas oxyphylla, see Alpinia Leea linearifolia, see L. rubra nelumbiifolia Lonicera 169
oxyphylla Leea polyphylla, see L. rubra lily-thorn, see Catesbaea spinosa Lonicera hildebrandiana 169
lano, see Ochroma Leea rubra 245 lily-turf, see Liriope muscari Lonicera japonica 169
Lantana 359 Leeaceae 245 Limnocharis humboldtii, see loofah, see Luffa aegyptiaca
Lantana camara 359 Leguminosae, see Fabaceae Hydrocleys nymphoides Lophostemon 286
Lantana montevidensis 359 Leichhardt tree, see Nauclea Limonia 340 Lophostemon confertus 286
Lantana sellowiana, see I. mon- orientalis Limonia acidissima 340 Loropetalum 228
tevidensis Lemonia spectabilis, see Ravenia Limonia missionis, see Pambu- Loropetalum chinense 229
lapacho, see Tabebuia guayacan spectabilis rus missionis Loropetalum indicum, see L.
Lasiandra granulosa, see Tibou- lemon-vine, see Pereskia acule- Limonium3l6 chinense
china granulosa ata Limonium perezii 316 loto, see Nelumbo
Lasiandra semidecandra, see Ti- lengua de suegra, see Sansevi- Linaceae 245 lotus, see Nelumbo; see under
bouchina urvilleana eria hyacinthoides Linum trigynum, see Reinward- Nymphaea
lasiandra, see Tibouchina lengua de vaca, see Bauhinia tia indica lotus-leafed begonia, see Bego-
Lasiosiphon madagascariensis, jenningsii lion's ear, see Leonotis leonurus nia nelumbiifolia
see Gnidia madagascariensis Leonotis 237 lion's tail, see Leonotis nepetifo- loulu, see Pritchardia aylmer-
Latania 107 Leonotis leonurus 237 lia robinsonii
Latania loddigesii 107 Leonotis nepetifolia 237 lion's whiskers, see Tacca love-charm, see Clytostoma cal-
latanier balai, see Coccothrinax leopard-palm, see Amorpho- leontopetaloides listegioides
argentea phallus gigas lipstick-tree, see Bixa orellana Lucita Wait's palm, see Ptychos-
latan-palm, blue, see Latania Leptospermum 286 lirio de cinta, see Hymenocallis perma waitianum
loddigesii Leptospermum nichollsii, see L. lirio, see Neomarica caerulea lucky-nut, see Thevetia peruvi-
Lauraceae 243 scoparium Liriope 336 ana
laurel, Chinese, see Antidesma Leptospermum scoparium 286 Liriope graminifolia, see L. mus- Ludisia discolor, see Haemaria
bunius Leucadendron 322 cari discolor
laurel negro, see Cordia allio- Leucadendron argenteum 322 Liriope muscari 337 Ludwigia 297
dora Leucadendron galpinii 322 Liriope platyphylla, see L. mus- Ludwigia peruviana 297
laurel-bay magnolia, see Mag- Leucophyllum 346 cari Luehea 270
nolia virginiana Leucophyllumjrutescens 346 lis rouge, see Hippeastrum Luehea seemannii 270
Laurus persea, see Persea ameri- Leucospermum 322 puniceum Luffa 183

Luffa aegyptiaca 183 ceiba Mandevilla cereola, see M. boli- solen jamesonii
Luffa cylindrica, see I. aegypti- malanga, see Xanthosoma maf- viensis Marsdenia floribunda, see Ste-
aca fafa Mandevilla hybrids 66 phanotisfloribunda
Luffa gigantea, see I. aegyptiaca Malay apple, see Syzygium mandioca, see Manihot escu- marsh-mallow, see Hibiscus
lulo, see Solanum quitoense malaccense lenta coccineus
lupuna, see Ceiba insignis mallow, salt-marsh, see Manettia 329 Martha Washington pelargo-
Lycaste 301 Kosteletzkya virginica Manettia bicolor, see M. luteoru- nium, see Pelargonium xdo-
Ly caste dowiana 302 mallow, South African, see bra mesticum
lychee, see Litchi chinensis Anisodontea capensis Manettia inflata, see M. luteoru- masarocco, see Echium candi-
Lydanthes 351 mallow, wax, see Malvaviscus bra cans
Lycianthes rantonnei 351 arboreus Manettia luteorubra 329 Mascagnia macroptera, see Cal-
Lysiloma 214 Malpighia 252 Mangifera 58 laeum macropterum
Lysiloma acapulcense, see I. Malpighia armeniaca, see Bun- Mangifera indica 59 mast-tree, see Polyalthia longi-
watsonii chosia armeniaca mango, see Mangifera indica folia
Lysiloma latisiliquum 214 Malpighia coccigera 252 manicillo, see Dalechampia matabuey, see Goetzea elegans
Lysiloma microphylla, see I. Malpighia crassifolia, see Byr- aristolochiifolia matal, see Asclepias curassavica
watsonii sonima crassifolia Manihot 194 mataraton, see Gliricidia sepium
Lysiloma sabicu 214 Malpighia emarginata 253 Manihot carthagenensis subsp. matilija poppy, see Romneya
Lysiloma watsonii 214 Malpighia glabra, see M. emar- esculenta 194 coulteri
Lythraceae 246 ginata Manihot dulcis, see M. esculenta Maximiliana, see Attalea
Malpighia punicifolia, see M. Manihot glaziovii 194 maypan coconut, see Cocos
ma'o-hau-hele, see Hibiscus emarginata Manila palm, see Adonidia mer- mazapan, see Malvaviscus pen-
brackenridgei Malpighiaceae 250 rillii duliflorus
mabolo, see Diospyros blancoi malu creeper, see Bauhinia Manilkara 343 Medinilla 272
Macaranga 194 vahlii Manilkara zapota 343 Medinilla magnifica 273
Macaranga gran difolia 194 Malva 258 manioc, see Manihot esculenta Medinilla miniata 273
Macarthur palm 114 Malva assurgentiflora 258 Mansoa 139 Medinilla myriantha 273
Macfadyena 139 Malva capensis, see Anisodontea Mansoa alboviolaceum, see M. Medinilla scortechinii 273
Macfadyena dentate 139 capensis hymenaea Megaskepasma 34
Macfadyena unguis-cati 139 malva rosa, see Malva assurgen- Mansoa alliacea 139 Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
Mackaya 34 tiflora Mansoa hymenaea 139 34
Mackaya bella 34 Malvaceae 253 Mansoa verrucifera 139 Melaleuca 286
Madeira geranium, see Gera- Malvaceae (formerly Bombaca- manteco, see Gustavia superba Melaleuca bracteata 287
nium maderense ceae) 260 manto de rey, see Thunbergia Melaleuca lateritia 287
madre brava, see Erythrina co- Malvaceae (formerly Sterculi- erecta Melaleuca leucodendron, see M.
ralloides aceae) 266 manzana rosa, see Syzygium quinquenervia
madre de cafe, see Gliricidia; Malvaceae (formerly Tiliaceae) jambos Melaleuca linariifolia 287
Inga', Erythrina 269 maple-leafed bayur, see Pteros- Melaleuca monticola, see M.
Magnolia 249 Malvastrum capense, see permum acerifolium bracteata
Magnolia xalba, see Michelia Anisodontea capensis maracuya, see Passiflora edulis Melaleuca nesophila 287
xalba Malvaviscus 258 Maranta 271 Melaleuca quinquenervia 288
Magnolia champaca, see Miche- Malvaviscus arboreus 258 Maranta arundinacea 271 Melastoma 273
lia champaca Malvaviscus drummondii, see Maranta galanga, see Alpinia Melastoma malabathricum 273
Magnolia grandiflora 249 M. arboreus galanga Melastomataceae 272
Magnolia virginiana 250 Malvaviscus penduliflorus 258 Maranta leuconeura 271 Melia276
magnolia, southern, see Mag- mamey Colorado, see Pouteria Marantaceae 270 Melia azedarach 276
nolia grandiflora sapota margarita, see Tagetes lucida Meliajaponica, see M. azeda-
magnolia, sweet-bay, see Mag- mamey sapote, see Mammea marigold, see Tagetes lucida rach
nolia virginiana americana marilopez, see Turnera ulmifo- Meliaceae 276
Magnoliaceae 249 Mammea 172 lia membrillo, see Gustavia su-
maguey, see Agave americana Mammea americana 173 Markhamia 140 perba
maharajah palm, see Cyrtosta- mammee apple, see Mammea Markhamia hildebrandtii, see Menyanthaceae 276
chys renda americana M. lutea Menyanthes cristata, see
mahoe, see Hibiscus tiliaceus mamon, see Dimocarpus lon- Markhamia lutea 140 Nymphoides cristata
mahogany, cherry, see Mimu- gan Markhamia platycalyx, see M. mermelada, see Streptosolen
sops balata manaca, see Brunfelsia uniflora lutea jamesonii
majagua, see Hibiscus tiliaceus mandaram, see Erythrina varie- Markhamia zanzibarica 140 Merremia 179
Majidea 343 marlberry, see Ardisia escalloni- Merremia tuberosa 179
Majidea zanguebarica 343 Mandevilla 65 oides Mesembryanthemum, see Lam-
Malabar simal, see Bombax Mandevilla boliviensis 66 marmalade-bush, see Strepto- pranthus aureus

Mesembryanthemum bulbosum, Miltoniopsis, see Miltonia morera negra, see Morus nigra Musa acuminata 280
see Trichodiadema bulbosum Mimosa 214 Moreton Bay tulipwood, see Musa balbisiana 280
Mesembryanthemum cordi- Mimosa martin-delcampoi 214 Harpullia pendula Musa cavendishii, see M. acu-
folium, see Aptenia cordifolia Mimosa tortuosa, see Acacia tor- Moringa 279 minata
Mesembryanthemum deliciosus, tuosa Moringa oleifera 279 Musa coccinea, see M. uranosco-
see Carpobrotus deliciosus mimosa, see Albiziajulibrissin Moringaceae 279 pus
Mesembryanthemum deltoides, mimosa, golden, see Acacia morning-glory, dwarf, see Evol- Musa 'Koae' 280
see Lampranthus deltoids baileyana vulus glomeratus Musa lasiocarpa 280
Mesembryanthemum edulis, see Mimusops 344 morning-glory, ocean-blue, see Musa nana, see M. acuminata
Carpobrotus edulis Mimusops balata 344 Ipomoea indica Musa ornata 280
Mesembryanthemum zeyheri, Ming tree, see Bucida spinosa morning-glory, star, see Ipo- Musa uranoscopus 281
see Lampranthus zeyheri miracle-fruit, see Synsepalum moea quamoclit Musa velutina 281
Mesua 173 dulcificum morning-glory, tree, see Ipo- Musaceae 279
Mesuaferrea 173 mirasol, see Tithonia moea pauciflora Musella lasiocarpa, see Musa
Metrosideros 288 mirto, see Murraya; Myrtaceae morning-glory, woolly, see Ar- lasiocarpa
Metrosideros excelsa 288 mock orange, see Murraya pa- gyreia nervosa musk-mallow, see Abelmoschus
Metrosideros tomentosa, see M. niculata, Pittosporum tobira morning-noon-and-night, see moschatus
excelsa mohintli, see Justicia spicigera Brunfelsia Mussaenda 239
Mexican blue-bells, see Ruellia molave, see Vitex parviflora morro, see Crescentia alata Mussaenda coccinea, see
tweediana Molineria 234 Morus 278 Warszewiczia coccinea
Mexican bush-sage, see Salvia Molineria capitulata 235 Morus nigra 278 Mussaenda erythrophylla 329
leucantha Molineria recurvata, see M. ca- mosaic-fig, see Ficus aspera Mussaenda flava 329
Mexican creeper, see Antigonon pitulata Parcell' Mussaenda frondosa 329
leptopus mombin, purple, see Spondias mosaic-plant, see Fittonia ver- Mussaenda hybrids 330
Mexican fan-palm, see Brahea purpurea schaffeltii Mussaenda philippica 'Dona
armata Momordica 183 Moses-in-the-bulrushes, see Aurorae' 330
Mexican flame-bush, see Calli- Momordica charantia 183 Tradescantia spathacea mussaenda, American, see
andra tweediei mon reve rose, see Samyda do- moss-rose, see Portulaca Pogonopus speciosus
Mexican flame-vine, see Pseu- decandra mother-of-thousands, see Ka- Myrcianthes 288
dogynoxys chenopodioides mondo grass, see Ophiopogon lanchoe delagoensis Myrcianthes fragrans 288
Mexican indigo, seejusticia spi- monkey-bread tree, see Adan- moth-orchid, see Phalaenopsis; Myrcianthes fragrans var. simp-
cigera sonia digitata xDoritaenopsis sonii, see M. fragrans
Mexican marigold, see Tagetes monkey-brush, see Combretum Moullava 205 Myrciaria 289
lucida rotundifolium Moullava spicata 205 Myrciaria cauliflora 289
Mexican milkweed, see Ascle- monkey-plant, see Ruellia ma- mountain-pear, see Berrya cu- Myrciaria vexator 289
pias curassavica koyana bensis Myrsinaceae 281
Mexican sunflower, see Titho- monkey-pot, see Lecythidaceae mountain-rose, see Brownea Myrtaceae 282
nia diversifolia monkey-tree, see Erythrina ariza myrtle, crape, see Lagerstroe-
Mexican tree-daisy, see Monta- humeana mountain thistle, see Acanthus mia indica
noa hibiscifolia Monochaetum guatemalensis, montanus myrtle, giant crape, see Lager-
Michelia 250 see Heterocentron elegans Mucuna 221 stroemia macrocarpa
Michelia xalba 250 Monocostus 371 Mucuna bennetti 221 myrtle, queen's crape, see
Michelia champaca 250 Monocostus ulei, see M. uni- mucuna vine, see Mucuna ben- Lagerstroemia speciosa
Mickey Mouse plant, see Ochna florus netti myrtle, western tea, see Mela-
mignonette tree, see Lawsonia Monocostus uniflorus 371 Muehlenbeckia 318 leuca nesophila
inermis Monstera 84 Muehlenbeckia platyclada 318 myrtle-of-the-river, see Calyp-
milk-barrel, see Euphorbia hep- Monstera adansonii 84 muelle, see Schinus molle tranthes zuzygium
tagona Monstera deliciosa 84 mulberry, black, see Morus nigra Myrtus dombeyi, see Eugenia
milkweed, Mexican, see Ascle- Monstera pertusa, see M. adan- Muntingia 279 brasiliensis
pias curassavica sonii Muntingia calabura 279 Myrtus zuzygium, see Calyp-
milkweed, swan, see Asclepias Monstera tuberculatum 84 Muntingiaceae 279 tranthes zuzygium
physocarpa Montanoa 129 Munzerabad creeper, see Thun-
milk-wood, see Alstonia schol- Montanoa grandiflora 129 bergia mysorensis na, see Mesua ferrea
aris Montanoa guatemalensis 129 murici, see Byrsonima lucida naked ladies, see Amaryllis bel-
milkwort, see Polygala Montanoa hibiscifolia 129 Murraya 340 ladonna
milky-way tree, see Stemmade- montbretia, see Crocosmia Murraya exotica, see M. panicu- nance, see Byrsonima crassifolia
nia litoralis Moraceae 276 lata Nandina 134
Millettia221 Moraea bicolor, see Dietes bicolor Murraya koenigii 340 Nandina domestica 134
Millettia pinnata 221 Moraea vegeta, see Dietes iridi- Murraya paniculata 340 Napoleon's cocked hat, see
Miltonia 302 oides Musa 280 Bauhinia monandra

naranjilla, see Solanum quito- Solanum erianthum Ochrosia elliptica 66 Opuntia moniliformis, see Con-
ense night-shade, Paraguayan, see Ochrosia parviflora, see O. ellip- solea moniliformis
narrow leafed bottle-tree, see Lycianthes rantonnei tic Opuntia rufida 166
Brachychiton rupestris nightshade, Wendland's, see octopus-tree, see Schefflera ac- Opuntia spinosissima, see Con-
naru, see Aesculus indica Solanum wendlandii tinophylla solea corallicola
nasturtium-bauhinia, see Bau- Nile cabbage, see Pistia stra- Odontadenia 67 orange-ball tree, see Buddleja
hinia galpinii tiotes Odontadenia grandiflora, see O. xweyeriana
Natal plum, see Carissa macro- Nile trumpet, see Markhamia macrantha orange-eye, see Buddleja davidii
carpa lutea Odontadenia macrantha 67 Orania nicobarica, see Bentinc-
Naucka 330 nispero, see Manilkara zapota Odontadenia speciosa, see O. kia nicobarica
Nauclea cordata, see N. orien- Nolina guatemalensis, see Beau- macrantha Orbea 74
talis carnia guatemalensis Odontonema 34 Orbea variegata 74
Nauclea orientalis 330 Nolina recurvata, see Beaucar- Odontonema callistachyum 35 Orbignya, see Attalea
Navia 159 nia recurvata Odontonema cuspidatum 35 Orchidaceae 298
Navia arida 159 Nolinaceae, see Ruscaceae Odontonema geminatum, see O. orchid-cactus, see Cactus inter-
necklace-pod, see Sophora to- no-me-toques, see Impatiens callistachyum generic hybrids; Epiphyllum
mentosa nopal, see Opuntia Odontonema strictum 35 orchid-tree, see Bauhinia
needle-flower, see Posoqueria nopal cegador, see Opuntia mi- Odontonema tubaeforme, see O. Oreocallis pinnatum, see Alloxy-
latifolia crodasys strictum lon pinnatum
Ndumbium speciosum, see Ne- nun's orchid, see Phaius tank- Oenothera 298 orpine, see Sedum
lumbo nucifera ervilliae Oenothera 'Childsii', see O. spe- Orthophytum 160
N dumbo 291 Nyctaginaceae 291 ciosa Orthophytum gurkenii 160
Nelumbo nucifera 291 Nymphaea 293 Oenothera speciosa 298 Orthosiphon 237
Nelumbonaceae 291 Nymphaea capensis 294 'ohai-'ula, see Delonix regia Orthosiphon aristatus 237
Neodypsis, see Dypsis Nymphaea hybrids 294 oil-palm, African, see Elaeis Orthosiphon stamineus, see O.
Neomarica 236 Nymphaea nelumbo, see Nelum- guineensis aristatus
Neomarica caerulea 236 bo nucifera oil-palm, American, see Attalea ortiguilla, see Dalechampia
Neophloga, see Dypsis 104 Nymphaea zanzibariensis, see cohune aristolochiifolia
Neoregelia 159 N. capensis okra, see Abelmoschus esculen- Oscularia caulescens, see Lam-
Neoregelia carolinae 159 Nymphaeaceae 293 tus pranthus deltoids
Neoregelia concentrica 159 Nymphoides 276 old maid, see Catharanthus Oscularia deltoides, see Lam-
Neoregelia cruenta 160 Nymphoides cordata 276 roseus pranthus deltoids
Neoregelia hybrids 160 Nymphoides cristata 276 old man palm, see Coccothri- Osmoxylon 88
Nerium 66 Nymphoides indica 276 nax crinita Osmoxylon lineare 88
Nerium divaricatum, see Taber- Nymphoides peltata 276 Oleaceae 296 Osteomeles 324
naemontana divaricata oleander, see Nerium oleander Osteomeles anthyllidifolia 324
Nerium indicum, see N. olean- oak, Brazilian, see Posoqueria oleander, climbing, see Stro- Otacanthus 315
der latifolia phanthus gratus Otacanthus caeruleus 315
Nerium odoratum, see N. olean- oak, satin, see Alloxylon pinna- oleander, yellow, see Nerium; otaheite gooseberry, see Phyl-
der turn Thevetia peruviana lanthus acidus
Nerium oleander 66 oak-leafed bear's breeches, see Onagraceae 297 Ouratea 295
nerve-plant, see Fittonia ver- Acanthus mollis Oncidium 302 Ouratea tuerckheimii 295
schaffeltii Ochna 295 Oncidium sphacelatum 302 Oxalidaceae 306
net-bush, golden, see Pseuder- Ochna atropurpurea, see O. ser- Oncidium, see also Psychopsis Oxalis 306
anthemum carruthersii rulata Oncoba 224 Oxalis deppei, see O. tetraphylla
New Zealand Christmas tree, Ochna kirkii 295 Oncoba spinosa 224 Oxalis tetraphylla 306
see Metrosideros excelsa Ochna mossambicensis 295 Ophiopogon 337 Oxera 242
New Zealand tea-tree, see Lep- Ochna multiflora, see O. serru- Opuntia 165 Oxera pulchella 242
tospermum scoparium lata Opuntia engelmannii var. lind- oxeye daisy, see Sphagneticola
Newbouldia 140 Ochna serratifolia, see O. serru- heimeri 166 trilobata
Newbouldia laevis 140 lata Opuntia herfeldtii, see Opuntia oyster-plant, see Tradescantia
Nicodemia madagascariensis, Ochna serrulata 295 rufida spathacea
see B. madagascariensis Ochnaceae 295 Opuntia lindheimeri, see O. en-
Nicolaia elatior, see Etlingera Ochroma 263 gelmannii Pachira 264
elatior Ochroma bicolor, see O. pyrami- Opuntia linguiformis, see O. en- Pachira aquatica 264
Nidularium dale gelmannii Pachira macrocarpa, see P.
Nidularium innocentii Ochroma lagopus, see O. pyra- Opuntia lubrica, see O. rufida aquatica
night-blooming cereus, see midale Opuntia macrocalyx, see O. mi- Pachira quinata 264
Hylocereus undatus Ochroma pyramidale 264 crodasys pachote, see Pachira quinata
nightshade, mullein, see Ochrosia 66 Opuntia microdasys 166 Pachypodium 67

Pachypodium baronii 67 palm-lily, see Cordylinejruti- paradise-poinciana, see Caesal- Passiflora xiikzodz 311
Pachypodium cactipes, see P. ro- cosa pinia gilliesii Passifloraceae 309
sulatum palmyra palm, see Borassusfla- paraiso, see Melia azedarach passion-flower, see Passiflora
Pachypodium lamerei 67 bellifer parakeet heliconia, see Helico- passion-fruit vine, see Passi-
Pachypodium kalii 67 palo borracho, see Ceiba cho- nia psittacorum flora edulis
Pachypodium rosulatum 68 datii parasol flower, see Holmski- pata de chivo, see Bauhinia di-
Pachypodium rutenbergianum palo de cruz, see Brownea ariza oldia sanguinea varicata
68 palo de nigua, see Cornutia parchita de culebra, see Passi- pata de elefante, see Beaucar-
Pachypodium saundersii, see P. obovata florafoetida nia
lealii palo de orquideas, see Bau- Parkinsonia 205 pata de vaca, see Bauhinia
Pachystachys 35 hinia Parkinsonia aculeata 205 pataste, see Quararibeafunebris
Pachystachys coccinea 35 palo de Ramon, see Banara parlor-ivy, see Senecio tamoides patol, see Erythrina herbacea
Pachystachys lutea 35 vanderbiltii Parmentiera 140 pau Brasil, see Caesalpinia echi-
pagoda-flower, see Cleroden- palo de velas, see Parmentiera Parmentiera aculeata 141 nata
drum paniculatum cereifera Parmentiera alata, see Crescen- pau d'arco, see Tabebuia im-
pahutukawa, see Metrosideros palo garinga, see Moringa ole- tia alata petiginosa
excelsa ifera Parmentiera cereifera 141 pau formiga, see Triplaris cu-
paina de seda, see Ceiba cho- palo hormiga, see Triplaris cu- Parmentiera edulis, see P. acule- mingiana
datii mingiana ata pau santo, see Guaiacum sanc-
paineira, see Ceiba chodatii palo santo, see Guaiacum parrot-flower, see Heliconia tum
paintbrush, see Crassula perfoli- palo verde, see Parkinsonia acu- 'Golden Torch'; H. psittaco- Paulownia 311
ata leata rum Paulownia kawakamii 311
paintbrush, red, see Scadoxus Pamburus 340 Parsonsia llavea, see Cuphea Paulownia thyrsoidea, see P. ka-
puniceus Pamburus missionis 340 llavea wakamii
paintbrush, royal, see Scadoxus Panama hat plant, see Carlu- partridge-wood, Caesalpinia Paulownia tomentosa 311
puniceus dovica drudei punctata Paulownia viscosa, see P. kawa-
paintbrush, white, see Hae- Panama hat plant, dwarf, see Pascuita, see Euphorbia leucoce- kamii
manthus albiflos Dicranopygium atrovirens phala Paulowniaceae 311
painted fingernails, see Neore- Panama rose, see Rondeletia Passiflora 309 Paurotis wrightii, see Acoelor-
gelia cruenta Pancratium amboinense, see Passiflora alata 'Ruby Glow', rhaphe wrightii
painted nettle, see Plectranthus Proiphys amboinensis see P. phoenicea paurotis-palm, see Acoelorrha-
scutellarioides Pancratium caribaeum, see Hy- Passiflora Amethyst' 309 phe wrightii
palanco, see Quararibea fune- menocallis caribaea Passiflora amethystina 309 Pavia indica, see Aesculus in-
bris pandan, see Pandanus Passiflora xbelotii 309 dica
palas, see Butea monosperma Pandanaceae 306 Passiflora coccinea 310 pavilla, see Cornutia grandifolia
pale stopper, see Myrcianthes pandano, see Pandanus Passiflora edulis 310 Pavonia 259
fragrans Pandanus307 Passiflora foetida 310 Pavonia bahamensis 259
Palicourea viridis, see Psychotria Pandanus odoratissimus, see P. Passiflorafulgens, see P. coc- Pavonia xgledhillii 259
viridis tectorius cinea Pavonia multiflora 259
palrna Africana, see Elaeis gui- Pandanus tectorius 307 Passiflora 'Incense' 310 Pavonia strictiflora 259
neensis Pandanus tectorius var. sinensis Passiflora 'Lavender Lady', see pea, black coral, see Kennedia
palnia Christi, see Ricinus com- 307 P. Amethyst' nigricans
munis Pandanus utilis 307 Passiflora macrocarpa, see P. pea, blue butterfly, see Clitoria
palma culona, see Beaucarnia Pandanus veitchii 307 quadrangularis ternatea
palma datilera, see Phoenix pandanus, flowering, see Frey- Passiflora pallidiflora, see P. pea, Brazilian glory, see Sesba-
dactylifera cinetia cumingiana edulis nia punicea
palma de cinta, see Pandanus Pandorea 140 Passiflora phoenicea 310 pea, cattail, see Uraria crinita
palnia de viajero, see Ravenala Pandoreanjasminoides 140 Passiflora punicea, see P. vitifo- pea, pigeon, see Cajanus cajan
madagascariensis Pandorea ricasoliana, see Podra- lia pea, red butterfly, see Periandra
palma real, see Roystonea regia nea ricasoliana Passiflora quadrangularis 310 coccinea
Palmae, see Arecaceae pangar, see Aesculus indica Passiflora sanguinea, see P. viti- peace-lily, see Spathiphyllum
Palmer's abutilon, see Abutilon Papaveraceae 308 folia peach-wood, see Caesalpinia
palmeri papelillo, see Bougainvillea Passiflora tetragona, see P. qua- echinata
palmetto, saw, see Serenoa paper-bark, see Melaleuca quin- drangularis peacock-flower, see Caesalpinia
repens quenervia Passiflora toxicaria, see P. cocci- pulcherrima
palm-grass, see Molineria capit- paper-bark, flax-leafed, see Me- nea peanut-butter plant, see Bun-
ulata laleuca linariifolia Passiflora velutina, see P. cocci- chosia armeniaca
palmier royal, see Roystonea Paphiopedilum 302 nea Pedaliaceae 312
regia paradise-flower, see Solanum Passiflora violacea 309 peepul, see Ficus religiosa
palmillo, see Dracaena fragrans wendlandii Passiflora vitifolia 311 Pelargonium 226

Pelargonium cucullatum 226 Persea gratissima, see P. ameri- Phoenix reclinata 110 Pistia 85
Pelargonium xdomesticum 226 cana Phoenix roebelinii 110 Pistia stratiotes 86
Pelargonium peltatum 227 Persian acacia, see Albizia Phyllanthus 194 pita, see Agave americana
pelican-flower, see Aristolochia julibrissin Phyllanthus acidus 195 pitanga, see Eugenia uniflora
ringens Persian shield, see Strobilan- Phyllanthus distichus, see P. pitaya, see Hylocereus undatus
Peltophorum 205 thes dyerianus acidus Pitcairnia 161
Peltophorum ajricanum 205 Peruvian lily, see Alstroemeria Phyllanthus nivosus, see Breynia Pitcairnia grafii 161
Peltophorum brasiliensis, see psittacina disticha Pitcairnia sanguinea, see Pe-
Caesalpinia violacea Peruvian mastic, see Schinus Phymaspermum 129 pinia sanguinea
Peltophorum dubium 206 molle Phymaspermum acerosa 129 pitch-apple, see Clusia rosea
Peltophorum ferrugineum, see Peschiera arborea, see Tabernae- physic-nut, seejatropha multi- Pithecellobiumflexicaule, see
P. pterocarpum montana arborea fida Ebenopsis ebano
Peltophorum inerme, see P. pte- Peschiera australis, see Taber- Phytolacca 312 pito, see Erythrinafolkersii
rocarpum naemontana australis Phytolacca arborea, see P. dioica pitomba, see Eugenia luschna-
Peltophorum pterocarpum 206 Petrea 359 Phytolacca dioica 312 thiana
Peltophorum vogelianum, see P. Petrea arborea 359 Phytolacca populifolia, see P. di- Pittosporaceae 313
dubium Petrea volubilis 359 Pittosporum 314
pencil-tree, see Euphorbia leu- petticoat palm, see Copernicia Phytolaccaceae 312 Pittosporumflavum, see Hyme-
codendron macroglossa; Washingtoniafil- pica-pica, see Acacia tortuosa nosporumflavum
Pentalinon 68 ifera pickerel-weed, see Pontederia Pittosporum tobira 314
Pentalinon luteum 68 Phaedranthus buccinatorius, see cordata Plantaginaceae 314
Pentas 330 Distictis buccinatoria pigtail-anthurium, see Anthu- plantain, see Heliconia; Musa
Pentas lanceolata 330 Phaeomeria magnifica, see rium xhortulanum plantanillo, see Heliconia; Ca-
Pepinia 160 Etlingera elatior Pimenta 289 lathea
Pepinia sanguinea 160 Phaius 303 Pimenta dioica 289 Platyaechmea distichantha, see
pepper, black, see Piper nigrum Phaius tankervilliae 303 Pimenta officinalis, see P. dioica Aechmea distichantha
pepper, Brazilian, see Schinus Phalaenopsis 303 Pimenta racemosa 289 Platyaechmea zebrina, see Aech-
terebinthifolius Phalaenopsis violacea 303 pimienta, see Piper nigrum mea zebrina
pepper, California, see Schinus Phaleria 357 pimienta dulce, see Pimenta Plectranthus 237
molle Phaleria macrocarpa, see Dri- dioica Plectranthus ecklonii 238
pepper, ear-leafed, see Piper au- myspermum macrocarpum pimiento falso, see Schinus Plectranthus scutellarioides 238
ritum Phaleria perrottetiana 357 molle Pleomelefragrans, see Dracaena
pepper-berry, see Schinus tere- Phaseolus bertonii, see Vigna pinang, see Areca catechu fragrans
binthifolius caracalla pincushion-flower, see Leuco- Pleroma splendens, see Tibouch-
peppermint willow, see Agonis Phenera variegata, see Bauhinia spermum ina urvilleana
flexuosa variegata pindo palm, see Butia capitata plum, Natal, see Carissa macro-
pepper-tree, see Schinus molle Philippine violet, see Barleria pine, Australian, see Casuarina carpa
pera de agua, see Syzygium cristata pineapple, see Ananas comosus plum, Spanish, see Spondias
peregrina, seejatropha integer- Philodendron 84 pineapple, miniature, see purpurea
rima Philodendron 'Autumn' 85 Ananas nanus Plumbaginaceae 315
Pereskia 166 Philodendron bipinnatifidum 85 pineapple, variegated, see An- Plumbago 316
Pereskia aculeata 166 Philodendron xevansii 85 anas bracteatus Plumbago auriculata 316
Pereskia bleo 167 Philodendron glaucophyllum, pineapple-guava, see Acca sell- Plumbago capensis, see P. auric-
Pereskia corrugata, see P. bleo see P. hastatum owiana ulata
Pereskia grandifolia 167 Philodendron goeldii 85 pineapple-lily, see Eucomis bi- Plumbago indica 316
perfume-tree, see Posoqueria Philodendron hastatum 85 color Plumbago rosea, see P. indica
latifolia Philodendron hybrid 85 pink ball, see Dombeya wallichii plume, giant, see Curcuma
Periandra221 Philodendron lundii, see P. bip- pink panther, see Heliconia elata
Periandra coccinea 222 innatifidum mutisiana Plumeria 68
Pericallis 129 Philodendron selloum, see P. bi- pink siris, see Albizia julibrissin Plumeria alba 69
Pericallis xhybrida 129 pinnatifidum pinwheel jessamine, see Taber- Plumeria bahamensis, see P. ob-
Pericallis webbii 129 Philodendron speciosum 85 naemontana australis tusa
periquitos, see Heliconia psitta- Philodendron williamsii, see P. pina, see Ananas Plumeria hybrids 69
corum hybrid Piper 313 Plumeria inaguensis, see P. ob-
periwinkle, Madagascar, see Phloga, see Dypsis Piper auritum 313 tusa
Catharanthus roseus Phlomis nepetifolia, see Leonotis Piper nigrum 313 Plumeria obtusa 69
Pernambuco wood, see Caesal- nepetifolia Piperaceae 312 Plumeria pudica 69
pinia echinata Phoenix 109 Pirigara superba, see Gustavia Plumeria rubra 69
Persea 243 Phoenix canariensis 110 superba Plumeria stenopetala 69
Persea americana 243 Phoenix dactylifera 110 pisnay, see Erythrinafalcata pochote, see Ceiba schottii 263

Podachaenium 130 Pontederia lanceolata, see P. Pouteria sapota 344 see Eranthemum pulchellum
Podachaenium eminens 130 cordata powder-puff, see Calliandra Pseuderanthemum sinuatum 36
Podranea 141 Pontederiaceae 319 powder-puff, glossy, see Syzy- Pseudobombax 265
Podraneabrycei, see P. ricasoliana ponytail tree, see Beaucarnia gium wilsonii Pseudobombax ellipticum 265
Podranea ricasoliana 141 poppy, see Papaveraceae prayer-plant, see Maranta leu- Pseudobombax grandiflorum
Pogonopus 330 Porana paniculata, see Pora- coneura 265
Pogonopus spedosus 331 nopsis paniculata Prestonia 69 Pseudogynoxys 130
Poindana gilliesii, see Caesal- Poranopsis 179 Prestonia glabrata, see P. mollis Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides
pinia gilliesii Poranopsis paniculata 179 Prestonia mollis 69 130
Poindana horrida, see Caesal- porcelain-flower, see Etlingera prickly pear, bunny-ear, see Pseudomussaendaflava, see
pinia cacalaco elatior Opuntia microdasys Mussaendaflava
poinciana, dwarf, see Caesal- Port St. John's creeper, see Po- prickly pear, cow-tongue, see Pseudophoenix 113
pinia pulcherrima dranea ricasoliana Opuntia engelmannii Pseudophoenix lediniana 113
poinciana, royal, see Delonix Portea 161 prickly poppy, see Argemone Pseudophoenix sargentii 113
regia Portea petropolitana 161 pride-of-Barbados, see Caesal- Pseudophoenix vinifera 113
poinciana, yellow, see Peltopho- Portea-tree, see Thespesia pop- pinia pulcherrima Psidium 289
rum ulnea pride-of-Bolivia, see Tipuana Psidium cattleianum 289
Poinsettia pulcherrima, see Eu- porterweed, blue, see tipu Psidium guajava 289
phorbia pulcherrima Stachytarphetajamaicensis pride-of-Burma, see Amherstia Psidium littorale, see P. cattlei-
poinsettia, see Euphorbia pul- Portlandia 331 nobilis anum
cherrima Portlandia cocdnea 331 pride-of-India, see Melia azeda- Psychopsis 303
poinsettia, Bahamas, see Eu- Portlandia coriacea, see P. cocd- rach Psychotria 332
phorbia gymnonota nea pride-of-Madeira, see Echium Psychotria nervosa 332
poinsettia, wild, see Warszewic- Portlandia domingensis 331 candicans Psychotria undata, see P. ner-
zia cocdnea Portlandiagrandiflora 331 pride-of-the-Kaap, see Bau- vosa
poison-bulb, see Crinum asiati- Portulaca 319 hinia galpinii Psychotria viridis 332
cum Portulaca oleracea 320 primrose, evening, see Oeno- Pterospermum 268
Poitea 222 Portulacaceae 319 thera Pterospermum acerifolium 268
Poitea carinalis 222 Posoqueria 332 primrose-willow, see Ludwigia Ptychosperma 114
pokosola, see Ochrosia elliptica Posoqueria latifolia 332 peruviana Ptychosperma alexandrae, see
politician's flower, see Turner a potato, air, see Dioscorea bulbif- prince's vine, see Ipomoea hors- Archontophoenix alexandrae
subulata era falliae Ptychosperma elegans 114
polka-dot plant, see Hypoestes potato, talingo, see Amorpho- princess-flower, see Tibouchina Ptychosperma macarthurii 114
phyllostachya phallus paeoniifolius princess-palm, see Dictyosper- Ptychosperma waitianum 114
Polyalthia 61 potato, wild, see Ipomoea mi- ma album pua wood, see Fagraea
Polyalthia longifolia 61 crodactyla Pritchardia 112 Puerto Rican hat-palm, see
Poly'gala 316 potato-bush, blue, see Lycian- Pritchardia aylmer-robinsonii Sabal causiarum
Polygala apopetala 317 thes rantonnei 112 pulai, see Alstonia scholaris
Polygala xdalmasiana 317 potato-tree, see Solanum erian- privet, Japanese, see Ligustrum punga-oil tree, see Millettia
Polygalaceae 316 thum japonicum pinnata
Polygonaceae 317 potato-tree, Brazilian, see Sola- privet, West Indian, see Clero- Punica 249
Polygonum uvifera, see Cocco- num wrightii dendrum aculeatum Punica granatum 249
loba uvifera potato-vine, giant, see Solanum privet, wild, see Senna ligust- punk-tree, see Melaleuca quin-
pomegranate, see Punica gra- wendlandii rina quenervia
natum potato-vine, purple, see Sola- Proiphys 57 punty, see Senna artemisioides
pomegranate, wild, see Bur- num seaforthianum Proiphys amboinensis 57 purple bignonia, see Saritaea
chellia bubalina Pothoidium 86 propeller-plant, Crassula perfoli- magnijica
pomerac, see Syzygium malac- Pothoidium lobbianum 86 ata purple queen, see Tradescantia
cense Pothos aureum, see Epiprem- Protea 323 pallida 'Purple Heart'
pompom bauhinia, see Bau- num aureum Protea cynaroides 323 purslane, see Portulaca
hinia divaricata 'Rosea' pothos, see Epipremnum Protea eximia 323 Pyrostegia 141
pompom tree, see Dais cotinifo- Pothuava mariae-reginae, see Protea latifolia, see P. eximia Pyrostegia ignea, see P. venusta
lia Aechmea mariae-reginae protea, giant, see Protea cyna- Pyrostegia venusta 141
Pondoland hibiscus, see Hibis- Pothuava nudicaulis, see Aech- roides
cus calyphyllus mea nudicaulis Proteaceae 320 Quamoclit pinnata, see Ipo-
pongam, see Millettia pinnata Pothuava pinelianavar. minuta, provision-tree, see Moringa; moea quamoclit
Pongamia pinnata, see Millettia see Aechmea pineliana Pachira Quararibea 265
pinnata poui, see Tabebuia Pseuderanthemum 35 Quararibeafunebris 265
Pontederia 319 Pouteria 344 Pseuderanthemum carruthersii 3 6 quebracho, see Tabebuia impe-
Pontederia cordata 319 Pouteria campechiana 344 Pseuderanthemum pulchellum, tiginosa

queen-lily, see Eucrosia auranti- reed-orchid, see Epidendrum rock-rose, see Cistus; Portulaca Roystonea regia 117
aca ibaguense, Sobralia decora rododendro, see Rhododendron rubber, Ceara, see Manihot
queen-of-flowering-trees, see reed-palm, see Chamaedorea Rollinia 62 rubber, Para, see Hevea
Amherstia nobilis seifrizii Rollinia deliciosa 62 rubber-vine, see Cryptostegia
queen-palm, see Syagrus ro- regadero, see Ipomoea quamo- Romneya 309 Rubiaceae 324
manzqffiana clit Romneya coulteri 309 Ruellia 36
queen's wreath, see Petrea volu- regret-vine, see Merremia tube- Rondeletia 332 Ruellia affinis, see R. speciosa
bilis rosa Rondeletia leucophylla 333 Ruellia amoena, see R. brevifolia
Queensland bottle-tree, see reina de la noche, see Hyloce- Rondeletia odorata 333 Ruellia brevifolia 36
Brachychiton mpestris reus undatus Rondeletia speciosa, see R. odor- Ruellia brittoniana, see R. twee-
Queensland lacebark, see Reinhardtia 115 ata diana
Brachychiton discolor Reinhardtia latisecta 115 Rondeletia strigosa 333 Ruellia chartacea 36
queen-spiderwort, see Dichori- Reinwardtia 245 rooster-flower, see Aristolochia Ruellia coerulea, see R. tweedi-
sandra thyrsiflora Reinwardtia indica 245 ringens ana
Quesnelia 161 Reinwardtia trigyna, see R. in- rosa amarilla, see Cochlosper- Ruellia colorata, see R. char-
Quesnelia arvensis 161 dica mum tacea
Quesnelia marmorata 161 Renanthera 303 rosa de madera, see Merremia Ruellia elegans, see R. rosea
Quesnelia quesneliana 161 retama macho, see Spartium rosa de montana, see Antigo- Ruellia graecizans, see R. brevi-
quiche, see Guzmania lingulata junceum non folia
quisqual, see Quisqualis indica Rhaphidophora pinnata, see rosa del sol, see Aptenia Ruellia macrantha 36
Quisqualis 175 Epipremnum pinnatum Rosaceae 324 Ruellia makoyana 36
Quisqualis indica 175 Rhaphiolepis 324 rose-apple, see Syzygium jam- Ruellia malacosperma 37-38
Rhaphiolepis xdelacourii 324 bos Ruellia multisetosa 37
rabo de leon, see Agave stricta Rhaphiolepis indica 324 rose-bay, see Nerium oleander Ruellia pereducta 37
rainbow bark, see Eucalyptus Rhapis 115 rose-cactus, see Pereskia Ruellia rosea 37
deglupta Rhapis 'Akatsuki', see R. excelsa rose-dipladenia, see Mandevilla Ruellia speciosa 37
rainbow-shower, see Cassia Rhapis excelsa 115 hybrids Ruellia squarrosa 37
xnealiae Rhodocactus bleo, see Pereskia rose-grape, see Medinilla myri- Ruellia tweediana 37
rain-tree, Franciscan, see Brun- bleo antha Ruprechtia 318
felsia americana Rhododendron 186 rose, Panama, see Rondeletia Ruprechtia coriacea 318
rain-tree, Jamaican, see Brya Rhododendron laetum 186 roselle, see Hibiscus sabdariffa Ruscaceae 333
ebenus Rhododendron Vireya Group rose-mallow, see Hibiscus mos- Ruspolia 38
rain-tree, Serpentine Hill, see 186 cheutos Ruspolia 'Twilight' 38
Brunfdsia densifolia rhododendron, Singapore, see rose-mallow, Confederate, see Russelia 315
Rangoon creeper, see Quisqua- Melastoma Hibiscus mutabilis Russelia campechiana, see R.
lis indica Rhodognaphalon 260 rose-mallow, scarlet, see Hibis- lilacina
Raphia 114 Rhodophiala 58 cus coccineus Russelia equisetiformis 315
Raphiafarinifera 114 Rhodophiala bifida 58 rose-mallow, swamp, see Hibis- Russelia juncea, see R. equiseti-
Raphia pedunculata, see R.fari- Rhoeo discolor, see Tradescantia cus moscheutos formis
nifera spathacea rose-of-Venezuela, see Brownea Russelia lilacina 315
Raphia regalis 114 Rhynchospermumjasminoides, coccinea Russelia sarmentosa 315
raphia, see Raphiafarinifera see Trachelospermumjasmi- rose-of-India, see Lagerstroemia rusty-shield tree, see Peltopho-
rata, see Metrosideros excelsa noides macrocarpa rum pterocarpum
rat-bean, see Moullava spicata ribbon-bush, see Muehlen- rosewood, see Tipuana tipu Rutaceae 338
rattle-box, see Crotalaria labur- beckia platyclada Roupellia boivinii, see Strophan- Ruttya 38
nifolia Richardia 332 thus boivinii Ruttyafruticosa 38
rattlesnake-plant, see Calathea Richardia grandiftora 332 Roupellia grata, see Strophan- XRuttyruspolia 38
crotalifera Ricinus 195 thus gratus xRuttyruspolia 'Phyllis van
Ravenala 354 Ricinus africanus, see R. com- royal climber, see Oxerapul- Heeden' 38
Ravenala madagascariensis 354 munis chella
Ravenea 115 Ricinus communis 195 royal palm, see Roystonea regia SaballlJ
Ravenea rivularis 115 Riedelia 371 royal palm, Caribbean, see Roy- Sabal bermudana 117
Ravenia 340 Riedelia sp. 371 stonea oleracea Sabal causiarum 117
Ravenia spectabilis 341 riqui-riqui, see Heliconia carib- royal paulownia, see Paulownia Sabal palmetto 117
ray-flowered protea, see Protect aea kawakamii sabal palm, see Sabal palmetto
eximia robin red-breast bush, see royal poinciana, see Delonix sabicu, see Lysiloma sabicu
red cloak, see Megaskepasma Melaleuca lateritia regia Sabinea carinalis, see Poitea
erythrochlamys roble bianco, see Tabebuia rosea Roystonea 116 carinalis
red hot cat's tail, see Acalypha roble cimarron, see Tabebuia Roystonea data, see R. regia sacred lotus, see Nelumbo
hispida haemantha Roystonea oleracea 116
sage, Mexican bush, see Salvia Sansevieria kirkii 338 Schlegelia parasitica 345 Sempervivum holochrysum, see
leucantha Sansevieria metallica 338 Schlegeliaceae 345 Aeonium holochrysum
sage, purple, see Lantana mon- Sansevieria thyrsiflora, see S. Schlumbergera 167 Senecio 130
tevidensis hyacinthoides Schlumbergera hybrids 167 Senecio candicans, see S. ciner-
sage, red and yellow, see Lan- Sansevieria trifasciata 338 scholar-tree, see Alstonia schol- aria
tana camara Santa Rita, see Ixora aris Senecio cineraria 130
sage, Texas, see Leucophyllum Sapindaceae 341 Schotia 207 Senecio confusus, see Pseudogy-
frutescens sapodilla, see Manilkara zapota Schotia brachypetala 207 noxys chenopodioides
sage, wild, see Gmelina philip- Sapota zapotilla, see Manilkara Schotia latifolia, see S. brachy- Senecio tamoides 131
pensis zapota petala Senecio webbii, see Pericallis
Sagittaria 50 Sapotaceae 343 Schotia semireducta, see S. bra- webbii
Sagittaria landfolia 51 sapote 343 chypetala Senegal date-palm, see Phoenix
Sagittaria montevidensis 51 sapote, black, see Diospyros Schwarzkopf, see Aeonium ar- reclinata
Sagusfarinifera, see Raphiafa- digyna boreum Senna 207; see also Cassia
rinifera sapote, mamey, see Pouteria Scindapsus aureus, see Epiprem- Senna alata 207
Sagus ruffia, see Raphiafarinif- sapota num aureum Senna artemisioides 207
era sapote amarillo, see Pouteria Scotch attorney, see Clusia Senna bicapsularis 207
Salicaceae 224 campechiana rosea Senna bracteata, see S. alata
Salmalia malabarica, see Bom- Saraca 206 scrambled-egg tree, see Senna Senna chapmanii, see S. mexi-
bax ceiba Saraca indica 206 surattensis cana
salmwood, see Cordia alliodora Sargent's cherry palm, see screw-nut tree, see Helicteres Senna coluteoides, see S. pen-
salt-marsh mallow, see Kostelet- Pseudophoenix sargentii guazumifolia dula
zkya virginica Saritaea 142 screw-pine, see Pandanus Senna corymbosa 207
Salvia 238 Saritaea magnifica 142 Scrophulariaceae 345, also see Senna didymobotrya 208
Salvia leucantha 238 satin-oak, see Alloxylon pinna- Plantaginaceae Senna ligustrina 208
Salvia 'Red Fountain', see Scu- turn Scutellaria 238 Senna mexicana var. chapmanii
tellaria costaricana sauco, see Sambucus canadensis Scutellaria argentata, see S. cos- 208
Sambucus 41 sausage-tree, see Kigelia ajri- taricana Senna pendula var. glabrata 208
Sambucus canadensis 41 cana Scutellaria costaricana 238 Senna polyphylla 208
Samyda 225 savila, see Aloe vera sea-grape, see Coccoloba uvifera Senna racemosa 209
Samyda decandra, see S. dode- Scadoxus58 sea-lavender, see Limonium pe- Senna spectabilis 209
candra Scadoxus multiflorus subsp. rezii Senna sulfur-ea 209
Samyda dodecandra 225 katherinae 58 sea statice, see Limonium pere- Senna surattensis 209
Samyda rosea, see S. dodecan- Scadoxus puniceus 58 zii Serenoa US
dra Scaevola 228 sealing-wax palm, see Cyrtosta- Serenoa arborescens, see Acoel-
Samyda serrulata, see S. dode- Scaevola aemula 228 chys renda orrhaphe wrightii
candra Scaevola humilis, see S. aemula sea-rosemary, see Limonium Serenoa repens 119
Samyda velutina 225 Scaevola sericea, see S. taccada perezii Sesbania 222
Sanchezia 38 Scaevola taccada 228 seashore-palm, see Allagoptera Sesbaniaformosa 222
Sanchezia glaucophylla, see S. scarlet comb, see Combretum arenaria Sesbania grandiflora 222
parvibracteata coccineum seaside-mahoe, see Thespesia Sesbania punicea 222
Sanchezia nobilis, see S. parvi- scarlet ipomoea, see Ipomoea populnea Sesbania tripettii, see S. punicea
bracteata hederifolia Securidaca 317 seso vegetal, see Blighia sapida
Sanchezia parvibracteata 38 Schaueria 39 Securidaca diversifolia 317 Setcreasea pallida, see Trades-
Sanchezia speciosa 39 Schaueria calicotricha, see S. sedas, see Sedum cantia pallida
Sanchezia spectabilis, see S. spe- flavicoma Sedum 182 shaving-brush tree, see Pseudo-
ciosa Schaueria Jlavicoma 39 Sedum guatemalensis, see S. bombax
sandalwood, red, see Adenan- Scheelea, see Attalea rubrotinctum shell-flower, see Pistia stratiotes
thera pavonina Schefflera 88 Sedum rubrotinctum 182 she-oak, see Casuarina
sandia de la passion, see Passi- Schefflera actinophylla 89 Seemania sylvatica, see Glox- shimbillo, see Inga
flora quadrangularis Schefflera arboricola 89 inia sylvatica shin-dagger, see Agave lechu-
sandpaper-leaf, see Petrea; Cor- Schefflera elegantissima 89 selloum, see Philodendron bip- guilla
dia Schinus 59 innatijidum shoe-black flower, see Hibiscus
sangre de toro, see Ruprechtia Schinus molle 59 semaphore-cactus, see Conso- rosa-sinensis
coriacea Schinus terebinthifolius 60 lea corallicola shower, golden, see Cassia fis-
Sansevieria 337 SchippiallS Seminole dombeya, see Dom- tula
Sansevieria cylindrica 337 Schippia concolorllS beya burgessiae 'Seminole' shower, pink and white, see
Sansevieria guineensis, see S. Schizocasia portei, see Alocasia semla, see Bauhinia semla Cassia javanica
hyacinthoides portei Sempervivum canariense, see shower, rainbow, see Cassia
Sansevieria hyacinthoides 338 Schlegelia 345 Aeonium canariense xnealiae

shower-of-gold vine, see Tristel- skullcap, see Scutellaria costari- xSophrolaeliocattleya 304 split-leaf philodendron, see
lateia australasiae cana sorrel, see Hibiscus sabdariffa Philodendron bipinnatifldum
shower-of-orchids, see Congea skunk tree, see Sterculiafoetida sorrel, wood, see Oxalis tetra- Spondias 60
tomentosa sky-flower, see Duranta erecta phylla Spondias cirouella, see S. purpu-
shrimp-plant, see Justicia; Pa- sky-vine, see Thunbergia gran- sorrowless tree, see Saraca in- rea
chystachys diflora dica Spondias mexicana, see S. pur-
shrimp-plant, red, see Ruellia smoke-bush, see Buddleja ma- sotol, see Dasylirion wheeleri purea
chartacea dagascariensis sour fig, see Carpobrotus deli- Spondias purpurea 60
Siam diamond, see Curcuma snail-flower, see Vigna cara- ciosus spray-of-gold, see Galphimia
harmandii calla soursop, see Annona muricata gracilis
Siam tulip, see Curcuma alis- snake-plant, see Sansevieria soursop, mountain, see An- spurge, see Euphorbiaceae
matifolia hyacinthoides nona montana St. George's lance, see Sansevi-
sickle-plant, see Crassula perfo- snakeweed, see Stachytarpheta Spanish bayonet, see Yucca eria cylindrica
liata snapdragon-tree, see Gmelina aloifolia St. Thomas tree, see Bauhinia
Sida 259 arborea Spanish broom, see Spartium tomentosa
Sida eggersii 259 snow-bush, see Breynia junceum St. Vincent's lilac, see Solanum
Sideroxylon sapota, see Pouteria disticha, Euphorbia leucoce- Spanish guava, see Catesbaea seaforthianum
sapota phala spinosa Stachytarpheta 360
siete cueros, see Tibouchina snow-flower, see Spathiphyllum Spanish ladies, see Ruellia Stachytarpheta jamaicensis 360
urvilkana floribundum tweediana Stachytarpheta mutabilis 360
silk-cotton tree, see Ceiba pen- snow-in-summer, see Spanish moss, see Tillandsia Stanhopea 304
tandra Melaleuca linariifolia usneoides Stanhopea tigrina 305
silk-floss tree, see Ceiba speci- snow-in-the-jungle, see Pora- Spanish shawl, see Heterocen- Stapelia 75
osa nopsis paniculata tron elegans Stapelia ambigua, see S. grandi-
silk-tree, see Albiziajulibrissin snuffbox tree, see Oncoba spin- Spartium 222 flora
silky-oak, see Grevillea robusta osa Spartium junceum 223 Stapelia gigantea 75
silky-oak, white, see Stenocar- Sobralia 304 Spathicarpa 86 Stapelia grandiflora 75
pus sinuatus Sobralia decora 304 Spathicarpa sagittifolia 86 Stapelia leendertziae 75
silver and red foxtail, see Celo- Solanaceae 346 Spathiphyllum 86 Stapelia nobilis, see S. gigantea
sia argentea Solandra 352 Spathiphyllum floribundum 87 Stapelia variegata, see Orbea
silver bush, see Sophora tomen- Solandra longiflora 352 Spathodea 142 variegata
tosa Solandra maxima 352 Spathodea campanulata 142 Stapelia wilmaniae, see S. leen-
silver jade, see Crassula arbores- Solanum 352 Spathodea laevis, see Newboul- dertziae
cens Solanum erianthum 353 dia laevis starfish flower, see Stapelia;
silver leaf, see Leucophyllum Solanum macranthum, see S. Spathodea longiflora, see Doli- Orbea
jrutescens wrightii chandrone spathacea star-flower, see Grewia occiden-
silver palm, see Coccothrinax Solanum quitoense 353 Spathodea lutea, see Markha- talis
argentea Solanum rantonnetii, see mia lutea star-fruit, see Averrhoa caram-
silver palm, Florida, see Cocco- Lycianthes rantonnei Spathodea nilotica, see S. cam- bola
thrinax argentata Solanum seaforthianum 353 panulata star-grass, see Molineria capitu-
silver pimento-palm, see Schip- Solanum verbascifolium, see S. Spathoglottis 304 lata
pia concolor erianthum Sphagneticola 131 star-nut palm, see Astrocaryum
silver-top, see Coccothrinax Solanum wendlandii 353 Sphagneticola trilobata 131 mexicanum
argentata Solanum wrightii 353 spider-flower, see Cleome hass- Statice perezii, see Limonium
silver tree, see Leucadendron Solena latifolia, see Posoqueria leriana perezii
argenteum latifolia spider-flower tree, see Crateva Stelago bunius, see Antidesma
silver trumpet-tree, see Tabe- Solenostemon scutellarioides, see tapia bunius
buia aurea Plectranthus scutellarioides spider-lily, see Hymenocallis Stemmadenia 70
silver vase, see Aechmeafasci- solitaire palm, see Ptychos- spiderwort, see Tradescantia Stemmadenia bella, see S. lito-
ata perma elegans spinach-tree, see Cnidoscolus ralis
simpoh, see Dillenia indica Sonerila 274 chayamansa Stemmadenia litoralis 70
Simpson stopper, see Myrcian- Sonerila picta 274 spindle palm, see Hyophorbe Stenocarpus 323
thesfragrans Sophora 222 verschajfeltii Stenocarpus sinuatus 324
Singapore holly, see Malpighia Sophora havanensis, see S. to- spiral flag, African, see Costus Stenolobium stans, see Tecoma
coccigera mentosa lucanusianus stans
Sinningia speciosa 227 Sophora littoralis, see S. tomen- spiral ginger, see Costus Stephanotis 75
Siphonochilus 371 tosa spiral ginger, giant, see Stephanotisfloribunda 75
Siphonochilus decorus 371 Sophora occidentalis, see S. to- Tapeinochilos ananassae Sterculia 269
sisal, see Agave sisalana mentosa spiral ginger, yellow, see Mono- Sterculia cerarnica 269
sisal, false, see Agave decipiens Sophora tomentosa 222 costus uniflorus Sterculiafoetida 269

Sterculia luzonica, see S. ceram- Surinam cherry, see Eugenia Tabebuia heterophylla 144 Tamarindus 209
ica uniflora Tabebuia impetiginosa 144 Tamarindus indica 209
Sterculia tragacantha 269 Swartzia longiflora, see Solan- Tabebuia ipe, see T. impetiginosa Tamarindus occidentalis, see T!
Sterculiaceae, see Malvaceae dra longiflora Tabebuia lepidota 144 indica
(formerly Sterculiaceae) sweet mace, see Tagetes lucida Tabebuia ochracea 144 tambor, see Ochroma pyrami-
Stigmaphyllon 253 sweet potato, see Ipomoea Tabebuia pallida 144 dale
Stigmaphyllon ciliatum 253 sweet-scented marigold, see Tabebuia palmeri, see T. impeti- Tanaeceum parasiticum, see
Stigmaphyllon sagraeanum 253 Tagetes lucida ginosa Schlegelia parasitica
stinkwood, see Gustavia superba sweet-shade, see Hymenospo- Tabebuia pentaphylla, see T. het- tania, see Xanthosoma maffafa
stonecrop, see Sedum rumflavum erophylla taparo, see Crescentia cujete
strawberry begonia, see Episcia sweetsop, see Annona squamosa Tabebuia rosea 145 Tapeinochilos 372
strawberry fire-tails, see Acaly- sweet-Willy, see Ipomoea qua- Tabebuia umbellata 145 Tapeinochilos ananassae 372
pha reptans moclit Tabernaemontana 70 Tapeinochilos queenslandiae, see
strawberry-guava, see Psidium Swinglea 341 Tabernaemontana arborea 71 T. ananassae
cattleianum Swinglea glutinosa 341 Tabernaemontana australis 71 tapeworm plant, see Muehlen-
strawberry snowball, see Dom- Swiss cheese plant, see Mon- Tabernaemontana coronaria, beckia platyclada
beya cacuminum stera adansonii; M. deliciosa see T! divaricata tapioca-plant, see Manihot escu-
strawberry-tree, see Muntingia Syagrus 119 Tabernaemontana corymbosa 71 lenta
calabura Syagrus coronata 119 Tabernaemontana divaricata 71 taro, see Colocasia esculenta
Strelitzia 355 Syagrus romanzoffiana 119 Tabernaemontana holstii, see T. taro, giant, see Alocasia macror-
Strelitzia juncea, see S. parvifo- Syagrus sancona 120 pachysiphon rhizos
lia Syagrus tessmanii, see S. san- Tabernaemontana litoralis, see taro-vine, see Monstera adan-
Strelitzia nicolai 355 cona Stemmadenia litoralis sonii
Strelitzia parvifolia 355 symbol-flower, see Gardenia Tabernaemontana orientalis, see tassel-flower, see Calliandra
Strelitzia reginae 355 taitensis T. pandacaqui tassel-tree, see Dombeya wal-
Strelitziaceae 354 Syngonium 87 Tabernaemontana pachysiphon lichii
Streptocalyx subnuda, see Aech- Syngonium auritum, see S. ne- 71 tassel-tree, white, see Archiden-
mea woronowii glectum Tabernaemontana pandacaqui 71 dron lucyi
Streptocarpus 227 Syngonium neglectum 87 Tabernaemontana schippii, see tea myrtle, see Melaleuca neso-
Streptocarpus xhybridus 227 Syngonium podophyllum 87 T. arborea phila
Streptocarpus rexii 227 Synsepalum 344 tabog, see Swinglea glutinosa teak, see Gmelina arborea
Streptosolen 353 Synsepalum dulcificum 345 Tacca 355 teak, bastard, see Butea mono-
Streptosolenjamesonii 353 Syzygium 290 Tacca chantrieri 355 sperma
Strobilanthes 39 Syzygium cumini 290 Tacca integrifolia 355 tea-tree, see Leptospermum
Strobilanthes dyerianus 39 Syzygium jambos 290 Tacca leontopetaloides 356 Tecoma 145
Strongylodon 223 Syzygium malaccense 290 Tacca palmata 356 Tecoma augustatum, see T. stans
Strongylodon macrobotrys 223 Syzygium samarangense 290 Tacca palmatafida 356 Tecoma bahamensis, see Tabe-
Strophanthus 70 Syzygium wilsonii 291 Tacca pinnatifida, see T. leonto- buia bahamensis
Strophanthus boivinii 70 petaloides Tecoma capensis 145
Strophanthus divaricatus 70 Tabebuia 142 Taccaceae 355 Tecoma castanifolia 146
grains 70 Tabebuia argentea, see T. aurea taffeta-plant, see Hoffmannia Tecoma guayacan, see Tabebuia
Strophanthus preussii 70 Tabebuia aurea 143 ghiesbreghtii guayacan
Suessenguthia multisetosa, see Tabebuia avellanedae, see T. im- Tagetes 131 Tecoma incisa, see T. stans
Ruellia multisetosa petiginosa Tagetes lucida 131 Tecoma jasminoides, see Pando-
sugar-apple, see Annona squa- Tabebuia bahamensis 143 tail-flower, see Anthurium reajasminoides
mosa Tabebuia caraiba, see T. aurea xhortulanum Tecoma mollis, see T! stans
sultana, see Impatiens Tabebuia 'Carib Queen' 143 tail-grape, see Artabotrys hexa- Tecoma ricasoliana, see Podra-
summer-lilac, see Buddleja da- Tabebuia chrysantha, see T! petalus nea ricasoliana
vidii ochracea talingo potato, see Amorpho- Tecoma xsmithii 146
summer-torch, see Billbergia Tabebuia chrysotricha 143 phallus paeoniifolius Tecoma stans 146
pyramidalis Tabebuia dugandii, see T. impe- talipot palm, see Corypha um- Tecomanthe 146
sundial, see Pentalinon luteum tiginosa braculifera Tecomanthe dendrophila 146
sundrops, see Oenothera Tabebuia eximia, see T. umbel- talipote, see Corypha umbracu- Tecomanthe venusta, see T. den-
sunflower, see Tithonia diversi- lata lifera drophila
folia Tabebuia gaudichaudii, see Te- tallow-tree, see Millettia pin- Tecomaria capensis, see Tecoma
sun-plant, see Portulaca coma castanifolia nata capensis
sun-rose, baby, see Aptenia cor- Tabebuia guayacan 144 tamarind, see Tamarindus in- tecomate, see Crescentia alata
difolia Tabebuia haemantha 144 dica teddy-bear palm, see Dypsis lep-
sunshine-tree, Erythrina varie- Tabebuia heptaphylla, see T. im- tamarindo, see Tamarindus in- tocheilos
gata petiginosa dica telcon, see Berrya cubensis

temple-tree, see Crateva reli- Thunbergia kirkii 40 see T. Andersoniana Group tulip-tree, African, see Spatho-
giosa, Plumeria Thunbergia laurifolia 40 Tradescantia Andersoniana dea campanulata
teresita, see Montanoa grandi- Thunbergia mysorensis 41 Group 176 tulipwood, Moreton Bay, see
flora Thunbergia togoensis 41 Tradescantia pallida' Purple Harpullia pendula
Tetrazygia 274 Thymelaeaceae 357 Heart' 177 tumbo, see Passiflora quadran-
Tetrazygia bicolor 274 ti, see Cordylinejruticosa Tradescantia spathacea 177 gularis
Texas ebony, see Ebenopsis tiare, see Gardenia taitensis travelers' tree, see Ravenala tuna, see Opuntia
ebano Tibouchina 274 madagascariensis Turk's cap mallow, see Malva-
Texas ranger, see Leucophyllum Tibouchina clavata 274 tree-daisy, see Montanoa viscus penduliflorus
frutescens Tibouchina 'Edward 11' 275 tree-lily, see Vellozia bahiana Turk's turban, see Cleroden-
Texas umbrella-tree, see Melia Tibouchina elegans, see T! cla- tree-tobacco, see Acnistus arbo- drum indicum
azedarach vata rescens Turner a 357
Texas wild olive, see Cordia Tibouchina grandifolia, see T. tree-waratah, see Alloxylon pin- Turner a diffusa 358
boissieri heteromalla natum Turnera elegans, see T. subulata
thatch-palm, Caribbean, see Tibouchina granulosa 275 tres cueros, see Tibouchina hy- Turner a subulata 358
Thrinax radiata Tibouchina heteromalla 275 brid Turnera trioniflora, see T. subu-
thatch-palm, Florida, see Thri- Tibouchina hybrid 275 triangle-palm, see Dypsis de- lata
nax radiata Tibouchina multiflora, see T. he- caryi Turnera ulmifolia 358
Theobroma 269 teromalla Trichodiadema 50 Turnera ulmifolia var. elegans,
Theobroma cacao 269 Tibouchina urvilleana 275 Trichodiadema bulbosum 50 see T. subulata
Theophrastaceae 356 tiger's claw, see Erythrina varie- Trimezia 236 Turneraceae 357
Thespesia 259 gata Trimezia lurida, see T! martini- twin plum, see Ochrosia ellip-
Thespesia populnea 259 Tiliaceae, see Malvaceae (for- censis tica
Thevetia 72 merly Tiliaceae) Trimezia martinicensis 236 twinberry, see Myrcianthes fra-
Thevetia ahouai 72 Tillandsia 161 trinitaria, see Bougainvillea grans
Thevetia neriifolia, see T. peruvi- Tillandsia capitata 162 Triplaris 318
ana Tillandsia cyanea 162 Triplaris cumingiana 318 'ulei, see Osteomeles anthyllidi-
Thevetia nitida, see T. ahouai Tillandsia dyeriana 162 Tristania conferta, see Lophoste- folia
Thevetia peruviana 72 Tillandsiafiliformis, see T! usne- mon confertus umbrella-tree, see Schefflera
Thevetia thevetioides 72 oides Tristellateia253 umbrella-tree, Texas, see Melia
thevetia, broadleaf, see Theve- Tillandsia funckiana 162 Tristellateia australasiae 253 azedarach
tia ahouai Tillandsia ionantha 162 trompillo, see Ipomoea hederifo- Uncarina312
thevetia, giant, see Thevetia the- Tillandsia stricta 162 lia Uncarina grandidieri 312
vetioides Tillandsia usneoides 162 tropical hydrangea, see Dom- Unona odorata, see Cananga
thistle, mountain, see Acanthus tipu, see Tipuana tipu 223 beya odorata
montanus Tipuana 223 trumpet, golden, see Allaman- unitas, see Macfadyena
thorn, false, see Moullava spi- Tipuana speciosa, see T. tipu da cathartica upside-down-tree, see Adanso-
cata Tipuana tipu 223 trumpet, Nile, see Markhamia nia
thorn-apple, see Datura metel titan-arum, see Amorphophal- lutea Uragoga viridis, see Psychotria
thorn-tree, see Acacia lus titanum trumpet-bush, orange, see Te- viridis
thorn-tree, Bailey's, see Acacia Tithonia 131 coma xsmithii Uraria 223
baileyana Tithonia diversifolia 131 trumpet-creeper, see Campsis; Uraria crinita 223
thread-palm, see Washingtonia toa, see Casuarina 169 Distictis Urceolina ulei, see Eucharis ulei
robusta Togo thunbergia, see Thunber- trumpet-flower, evening, see Urechites lutea, see Pentalinon
Thrinax 120 gia togoensis Gelsemium sempervirens luteum
Thrinax barbadensis, see Cocco- torch-aloe, see Aloe arborescens trumpet-flower, Nepal, see Urechites pinetorum, see Pental-
thrinax barbadensis torch-tree, see Ixora pavetta Beaumontia grandiflora inon luteum
Thrinax garberi, see Coccothri- tortugo, see Ravenia spectabilis trumpet-tree, see Tabebuia; uva rosa, see Medinilla magni-
nax argentata totumo, see Crescentia cujete Dolichandrone; Cecropia fica
Thrinax radiata 120 toupinambour, see Calathea al- trumpet-vine, see Clytostoma; Uvaria longifolia, see Polyalthia
Thryallis gracilis, see Galphimia louia Podranea longifolia
gracilis tower-of-jewels, see Echium tube-flower, see Clerodendrum Uvaria odorata, see Cananga
Thunbergia 39 wildpretii indicum; C. minahassae odorata
Thunbergia alata 39 Trachelospermum 72 tube-flower, violet, see lochro- uvero, see Coccoloba uvifera
Thunbergia battiscombei 39 Trachelospermum asiaticum 72 ma warscewiczii
Thunbergia erecta 40 Trachelospermum grandiflorum, Tulbaghia 51 Vaal River lily, see Crinum bul-
Thunbergia fragrans 40 see Chonemorpha fragrans Tulbaghia violacea 51 bispermum
Thunbergia gibsonii, see T. gre- Trachelospermum jasminoides tulip, Siam, see Curcuma alis- Vanda 305
gorii 72 matifolia 365 Vanda luzonica 305
Thunbergia grandiflora 40 Tradescantia 176 tulipan Africano, see Spatho- vaquero bianco, see Cydista ae-
Thunbergia gregorii 40 Tradescantia xandersoniana, dea campanulata quinoctialis

varnish-leaf, see Dodonaea vis- volador, see Triplaris cia auriculiformis yam, wild, see Dioscorea bulb-
cosa voodoo lily, see Amorphophallus wax flower, see Chamelaucium; ifera
vegetable-hummingbird, see paeoniifolius Etlingera yautia, see Xanthosoma maffafa
Sesbania grandijlora Vriesea 162 wax jambu, see Syzygiumjam- yellow bird, see Heliconia
vegetable-mercury, see Brunfel- Vriesea conferta, see V ensiformis bos 'Golden Torch'
sia uniflora Vriesea ensiformis 163 wax rose, see Pereskia grandifo- yellow candles, see Pachys-
vegetable-sponge, see Luffa ae- Vriesea geniculata, see Alcanta- lia tachys lutea
gyptiaca rea glaziouana wax-leafed ligustrum, see Ligu- yellow candle-wood, see Senna
Veitchia 120 Vriesea glaziouana, see Alcanta- strumjaponicum bicapsularis
Veitchia arecina 121 rea glaziouana Wedelia trilobata, see Sphagne- yellow elder, see Tecoma stans
Veitchia macdanielsii, see V. are- Vriesea imperialis, see Alcanta- ticola trilobata yellow poinciana, see Peltopho-
cina rea imperialis Wercklea 260 rum
Veitchia merrillii, see Adonidia vriesea, giant, see Alcantarea Werckleaferox 260 yerba anis, see Tagetes lucida
merrillii imperialis West Indian cherry, see Cordia yesterday-today-tomorrow, see
Veitchia montgomeryana, see V nitida; Malpighia emarginata Brunfelsia grandijlora
arecina Wagatea spicata, see Moullava West Indian lilac, see Tetrazy- ylang-ylang, see Cananga odor-
Vellota miniata, see Clivia mini- spicata gia bicolor ata
ata wahane, see Pritchardia aylmer- whistling bean, see Albizia leb- yoke-wood, see Catalpa longis-
Vellozia 358 robinsonii beck sima
Vellozia bahiana 358 waimanolo, see Alpiniafor- Wigandia 150 yuca, see Manihot esculenta
Velloziaceae 358 mosana Wigandia caracasana, see W. Yucca 47
velvet-apple, see Diospyros blan- walking tree, see Pandanus urens Yucca aloifolia 48
coi wampee, see Pontederia cordata Wigandia urens 150 Yucca draconis, see Dracaena
velvet-leaf, see Abutilon Warszewiczia 333 wild cucumber, see Momordica draco
palmeri; Kalanchoe beharensis Warszewiczia coccinea 333 charantia Yucca gloriosa, see Y. aloifolia
velvet-plant, trailing, see Ruel- Warszewiczia pulcherrima, see wild pear, see Dombeya spec- Yucca rostrata 48
lia makoyana W. coccinea tabilis Yucca thompsoniana 48
Venus-slipper orchid, see Pa- Washington palm, see Wash- willow-myrtle, sweet, see Ago- Yucca yucatana, see Y. aloifolia
phiopedilum ingtonia nisjlexuosa yucca, beaked, see Yucca ros-
vera wood, see Bulnesia arborea Washingtonia 121 window-palm, see Beccario- trata
Verbena jamaicensis, see Stachy- Washingtoniafilamentosa, see phoenix; Reinhardtia yuquilla, see Canna indica
tarphetajamaicensis W.filifera wine-palm, see Butia capitata; yuraguana, see Coccothrinax
Verbena mutabilis, see Stachy- Washingtonia filifera 122 Pseudophoenix vinifera argentea
tarpheta mutabilis Washingtonia robusta 122 winged beauty, see
Verbenaceae 358, see also La- water-bonnet, see Pistia strati- Dalechampia aristolochiifolia Zantedeschia 87
miaceae otes winged calabash, see Crescentia Zantedeschia aethiopica 88
Victoria 294 water-hyacinth, see Eichhornia alata Zantedeschia elliottiana 88
Victoria amazonica 295 crassipes wisteria-tree, scarlet, see Sesba- Zantedeschia pentlandii 88
Victoria cruziana 294 water-lettuce, see Pistia strati- nia grandijlora zedoary, see Curcuma zedoaria
Victoria hybrid 294 otes Wodyetia 122 Zephyranthes 56
Vigna 223 water-lily, see Nymphaea; see Wodyetia bifurcata 123 Zephyranthes grandijlora 56
Vigna caracalla 224 also Ndumbo woman's tongue, see Albizia Zephyranthes robusta, see
Vinca rosea, see Catharanthus water-lily, fairy, see Nymphoides lebbeck Habranthus robustus
roseus water-lily, giant, see Victoria wood-apple, see Limonia acidis- Zeuxine 305
vinca, see Catharanthus roseus water-platter, see Victoria sima Zeuxine strateumatica 305
vinca, shrub, see Kopsiafruti- water-poppy, see Hydrocleys wood-rose, see Merremia tube- Zingiber 37 2
cosa nymphoides rosa Zingiber neglectum 372
vine-lily, see Gloriosa superba water-snowflake, see Nympho- wood-sorrel, see Oxalis tetra- Zingiber spectabile 372
Viola prunifolia, see Hybanthus ides phylla Zingiber zerumbet 372
prunifolius water spinach, see Ipomoea Wormia suffruticosa, see Dil- Zingiberaceae 361
Violaceae 360 Watsonia 236 lenia suffruticosa Zombia 123
violet, Easter, see Securidaca di- Watsonia borbonica 236 Wrightia 72 Zombia antillarum 123
versifolia Watsonia pyramidata, see W. Wrightia arborea 72 zombie-palm, see Zombia an-
violet, foxtail, see Dyschoriste sp. borbonica Wrightia tomentosa, see W. ar- tillarum
violet, Philippine, see Barleria watsonia, pink, see Watsonia borea Zulu cherry, see Dombeya
cristata borbonica burgessiae
vireya, see Rhododendron Vi- wattle, African, see Peltopho- Xanthosoma 87 Zulu giant, see Stapelia leen-
reya Group rum africanum Xanthosoma maffafa 87 dertziae
wattle, Cootamundra, see Aca- Xanthosoma sagittifolium 87 Zygocactus, see Schlumbergera
Vitex agnus-castus 243 cia baileyana Zygophyllaceae 373
Vitex parviflora 243 wattle, Darwin black, see Aca- yam, see Ipomoea

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