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One of Judaism's great figures is the man called Moshe Rabbenu ('Moses our teacher') in
Hebrew. The first five books of the Bible are traditionally ascribed to him. Moses is the channel
between God and the Hebrews, through whom the Hebrews received a basic charter for living
as God's people.

Other faith note

Moses is a significant character in other religions - not only Christianity but Islam too. He is an
important prophet for Muslims, who call him Musa.

1300 BCE - the beginning of a religion

Over a thousand years after Abraham, the Jews were living as slaves in Egypt. Their leader was
a prophet called Moses.

Moses led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt and led them to the Holy Land that God had
promised them.

On behalf of Israel, Moses received torah, traditionally translated 'law'. This is not law in the
modern sense but rather authoritative teaching, instruction, or guidance.

Moses role in the freedom of jews:

As an adult, Moses reacted against the unfair treatment of his own people and killed an
Egyptian guard. Moses was then forced to flee from the wrath of the Pharaoh. He was driven
into exile in the land of Midian and worked as a shepherd for forty years. One day, when he was
in the desert, Moses heard the voice of God speaking to him God asked Moses to lead his
people out of slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land. God gave Moses special powers and
inspired by this, Moses returned to Egypt and demanded freedom for his people.

At first, Pharaoh and Moses had an argument and Moses had ordered the release of the people
of Israel. Pharaoh called upon a meeting for Israelites and told them that Moses was a poor
man , and he cannot provide one with anything. The Israelites believed Pharaoh and continued
to work for him. Allah showed Pharaoh, and the people of Israel the ten plagues:

First Plague: The Nile waters Turn to Blood

Second Plague: The frogs

Third Plague: The Lice

Fourth Plague: The Flies

Fifth Plague: Pestilence - The Disease of Livestock

Sixth Plague: The Boils kind of skin disease

Seventh Plague: The Hailstorm

Eighth Plague: The locusts

Ninth Plague: The Darkness

Tenth Plague: The Death of the Firstborn

Through these signs, many people became believers while many just became for a certain
period of time and then turned their backs from Allah and His messengers. The Pharaoh tries
his best to stop the preaching of Moses, but he failed to acquire this goal. Pharaoh used his
forces, weapon and wealth to stop their way . Allah then gave permission to Hazrat Musa, and
his followers to leave Egypt

In the morning, Hazrat Musa and his followers reached the red sea which they were supposed
to cross Allah commanded Hazrat Musa to stroke the staff on the beach which resulted in a way
between the Red Sea. Hazrat Musa and his followers started to move through the Red Sea , and
the Pharaoh army followed. As soon as the Army followed the seas way closed which result in
death of Pharaoh and his army. Pharaohs body was seen in the western bank of the sea which
made many people follow Hazrat Musa and Allah.


Mossa serve almost all his life for the freedom of jews and face so much difficulties on this path
but he always stand with the truth and put all his efforts and only because of their efforts and
guidence Jews get freedom from pharaoh .

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