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Addie model in HRD Video script

Video Intro ( 30 Seconds) *show picture of ADDIE model* Music

What is the ADDIE model? The ADDIE model is a paradigm used by instructional designers
which lists the processes for developing successful training and performance tools. I have
personally used the ADDIE model in the past, I think you will find it helpful too. In the following
video I will define the ADDIE acronym, explain each of the 5 phases, and lastly show you to use
the ADDIE model in example of my own.

ADDIE acronym (10 Seconds) TEXT

The ADDIE acronym stands for its five phases, which are:

ADDIE explained (1 min) Voiceover

*Slides with pictures*

In the analysis Phase, the instructional problem is identified, goals and objectives are
developed, and an assessment of the learners prior knowledge and skills are identified.
The Design Phases is the second phase, during this phases, storyboards, prototypes, and visual
design are created. In the development phase, Programmers develop necessary technologies,
debugging is performed, and the project is revised per feedback. The fourth phase, (pause) the
implementation phase, is for the facilitators and learners. (Pause) During this second to last
phase training procedures which will cover curriculum, outcomes for learning, and testing
procedures are adopted. The final stage of the ADDIE model, Evaluation phase, is made up of
two evaluations: formative and summative. While formative is used during each stage of the
ADDIE Model, the summative is developed for the feedback of the end users.

An example of Instructional training using the ADDIE model (70 Seconds)

*Emotional Content*
Perhaps you were an instructional designer hired to develop a successful training and
performance tool for the National Kidney Foundation. You would want to identify the goals and
objectives of your trainings end user. As part of the Analysis phase, lets say the training is to
inform users of the burdens of kidney disease, and the stresses the disease puts on patients.
The design phases is where you as a designer can get creative, perhaps you want to develop a
storyboard in which you show a person with kidney diseases day from start to finish, perhaps
the patient has lost independence, or is battling depression as a secondary symptom of their
kidney disease (show clip of patient, soundtrack in background). The next step in the ADDIE
model is for programmers to perform necessary debugging, pause lets say the instructional
design gets stuck on one part of the training, this is the time when this issue is to be addressed
and repaired. The Fourth phase, the implementation phase, covers the curriculum training
procedures, outcomes for learning. What do you want your learners to take away from this
training? Finally, you may want to perform a summative evaluation, get feedback from your
users, did they like the training? Was the training easy to understand? What were their

Video Outro (10 Seconds)

So, there you have it, in under 5 minutes, the ADDIE model! I hope you get a chance to use it
soon with your own instructional design. Thanks for watching!

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