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Reading Response #9

Emily Heredia

McCarthy, Lucille P. A Stranger in Strange Lands: A College Student Writing across the
Curriculum. Research in the Teaching of English 21.3 (1987): 233-65. Print.

In the article A Stranger in Strange Lands: A College Student Writing across the
Curriculum by Lucille P. McCarthy, McCarthy is explaining a study and its process. The study
experiments how one individual takes a language and understands its context in how it occurs in
various courses.

An important thing that a peer outside of this course would benefit from knowing is how
similar certain tasks can be.
Having this understandment will prepare them to write in a way that not only the
instructor wants, but in a way that they incorporate their own thinking.

All three said that the purpose was not so much for students to display specific
information, but rather for students to become competent in using the thinking and
language of their disciplines (line 40-43).

In the article A Stranger in Strange Lands: A College Student Writing across the
Curriculum by Lucille P. McCarthy, McCarthy is explaining a study and its process. An
important thing that a peer outside of this course would benefit from knowing is how similar
certain tasks can be. Having this understandment will prepare them to write in a way that not
only the instructor wants, but in a way that they incorporate their own thinking. In this article,
McCarthy states, All three said that the purpose was not so much for students to display specific
information, but rather for students to become competent in using the thinking and language of
their disciplines (line 40-43). In other words, students should write their own ideas, but also be
able to connect them to the subject they are originally writing about.
1. Coherence; the quality of being logical and consistent; Fifty-four percent of his
expressed concerns were for coherence of thesis and subpoints, coherence within
paragraphs, and sentence cohesion.

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