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Todas Ibamos a ser reinas But none of us became a queen

We were all suppose to be queens Not en Arauco, not even in Copan

We were all suppose to be queens Rosalie kissed a sailor

Of four kingdoms by the sea Who was married to the sea
Soledad with Efigenia And in the Guaitecas, the kisser
And Lucila with Rosalie Was taken by a storm

In the Valley of Elqui, encircled Soledad raised seven brothers

By a hundred mountains or more, And left her blood in the bread,
Like offerings or tributes And her eyes fell black
Burning of red and saffron For never have seen the sea

We talked of it, thrilled In the vineyards of Montegrande,

And we truly believed With its pure golden gulf
That we would all be queens She rocks the children of other queens
And we would reach the sea Having never rocked her own

With the braids of a little girl Efigencia met a foreigner

And gowns of pastel cotton In her way, and without a word,
Chasing flyaway birds Chased after him, without knowing his
Under the shade of the fig blossom name,
Because the man looked like the sea
The four kingdoms, we said,
Would be so vast and praiseworthy And Lucila, who talked to rivers,
That as certain as the Koran, mountains, and the beds of reed,
They would reach the sea. In the moons of her craziness,
Her true kingdom she received
We would marry four husbands,
At the time when we should wed In the clouds she has counted ten children
And they would be kings and poets And in her bad luck, her crown,
Like David, king of Judea In the rivers she has seen her husbands
And in the storm, her gown
And our kingdoms would be vast,
And they would have, without a doubt, But in the valley of Elqui, where
Green seas, seafoam seas, There are hundred mountains or more
And the fairy-like pheasants The women that came sung
And those that come will sing:
And it would have every fruit imaginable
A milk tree, and a bread tree, In the earth we will be queens,
We wouldn't cut the guayacan tree And truly we will reign.
Nor would we bite the metal And being so vast our kingdoms,
The sea we will attain.
We were all going to be queens,
And really reign;
Mi experiencia a traducir el poema Todas bamos ser reinas era muy divertida y ms
difcil que imagin. Yo encontr que necesitaba buscar muchas palabras que ya saba su
significado pero no pude expresarlo en una manera clara o concisa; adems, lo que me
sorprendi era al buscar el significado de una palabra que pens que ya saba y encontrar que
lleva otros significados adems de lo que pens, por ejemplo, cuando busque loca encontr
que tambin quiere decir fairy o queen no solo crazy. En mi proceso de traducir, intent
escoger palabras que comunicarn el sentido de la nostalgia y el perdido de lo que nunca tuvo
para mantener el tono del poema original y a veces necesitaba cambiar la forma de verbo, por
ejemplo, traducir eran como would be para mantener este tono. Tambin, me di cuenta que
no pude siempre traducirlo palabra por palabra, sino muchas veces necesitaba ser traducido
sentido por sentido y en algunos casos cambi palabras como mares de alga (seaweed) a
sea of seafoam porque creo el imagen de seafoam es ms lindo en ingls que sea of
seaweed. Me gust que este poema no tena una esquema de rima, sino en el ltimo verso e
intent preservar este rima porque era una cancin. Era muy difcil obtener una rima en ingls
que comunic el mismo sentido y necesitaba buscar por muchos tesauros hasta encontr
attain que rima con reign, no es una rima perfecta pero funciona aqu. Sent tan buena por
crear una rima que intent hacer esto con algunos otros versos y era exitosa pero necesitaba
reorganizar el verso a veces para obtenerla. En el fin, me gust la experiencia de traducir un
poema y creo que al traducirlo y escudriarlo, me ayud entender el poema mejor.

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