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Process Book

National Park Poster

Brian Nguyen
Table of Contents

Research 2

Study 3

Computer Sketch 4

Credit 5
Park Research

Voyageur in French means traveler. The national park was named after and derived off of
the voyageurs carrying trade goods and fur between the Canadian northwest and Montreal
area. They were one of the first Europeans to explore the northwest territory and to talk to
the ingenious people and trade furs which was lacking in the east. The trade and travels
were done through canoes. Most of the furs came from beavers which the animal currently
resides at. An attraction to the park is the northern light or otherwise called the aurora
borealis. A description of the park is water lapping on rocks and wind in the pines. This
national park is located in Minnesota.

Kettle Falls is the hotel and has a vibrant looking red roof. Ellsworth Rock Garden made by
building contractor Jack Ellsworth, made a grotto to show his love for the lake country. It's
on the north shore of Kabetogama Lake. Other place of interest include Lake Kabetogama,
Little American Island, and Voyageur park lodge.

An idea I was thinking of doing is creating silhouettes and shadows of a canoe and having a
person on the boat. The person will look up to northern lights and the whole setting will be
dark, mystic, and nature feel. Usage of colors will be brown because of the history of
canoes. Black and green will be used for the shadows and the aurora borealis. Going to try
to add motion to the design to get a movement like feel to it. Maybe add fur to the design as
nod to its history of trading fur. Brown can again be used for the fur, so brown will be the
main color for this design possibly.

Park Study






Computer Sketch

National Park
National Park

Credit Brian Nguyen
Oregon State University
Fall 2017
Gd 200

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