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Rembrand Paul Pardo

Shauna Hatfield



Reflection Paper

This semester, I had the opportunity to study and write a report paper on IBM company for my

Financial Accounting II class. The assignment, although it was a little hard and complicated at

times, it has taught me a lot about accounting.

Throughout the semester, we have learned how to interpret different ratios that calculate,

measures and represents a companys long and short financial risk, efficiency, profitability and

stockholder/investor relation. The new knowledge learned during the semester made me possible

to write the report paper on IBMs 2016 annual report. As I mentioned earlier, this was

sometimes a complicated takes due to the report was from a real company. In class we have

observed annual reports and some examples from imaginary companies that our text book

provided. Even though, the examples we have seen in class were similar to an actual companys

financial statements, a real annual report has more information and details which makes it more

difficult to understand.

Overall, the assignment has provided me with a real financial accounting experience. I could

apply all the new knowledge learned during the semester, and how to understand a companys


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