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22 Manningfield Drive

Fletcher, NC

December 5th, 2017

Professor Malcolm Campbell
University Writing 1104
319 Library Ln
Charlotte, NC

Dear Professor Malcolm,

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for being my teacher this year. It has truly
been an honor having you as my writing teacher. In high school, I struggled with creative
writing, and was plagued with the five-paragraph-essay format. Thank you for allowing me to
dig deeper than the surface of just conventional writing and formatting. This has greatly affected
my persona as a writer in a good way.
Your informal writing assignments, namely the class free-writes, taught me to speak my
mind and to get my ideas on paperformatting can come later. The studio assignments you
assigned were excellent for reflection on my work. They taught me to parse down what Ive
written and essentially rebuild my work with a stronger backbone, and more effective,
supporting information than before. Another aspect of the class that I loved, but did not have the
luxury of having in High School was peer review. Peer review, I realized, greatly opens up our
minds to new ideas. Its much easier to critique other peoples work than it is our own, at least it
is for me. Through this process, I was able to provide useful, constructive criticism for my peer
buddies, as they did the same for me on several of my papers.
The studio assignments were one of my favorite class assignments throughout the course
of this semester. In particular, Studio 6-Revision greatly helped me to realize just how long it
can take to get a paper perfect. I hesitate to even use the word because perfect is a point of
view in many aspectsparticularly in writing. Once we get a decent rough draft on paper,
sometimes it seems impossible to find flaws in our work. This is because we are used to it!!
Once we recite something in our minds enough, it becomes exceedingly more difficult to find
flaws in it. However, if we take a break, and come back to it at a later time, this can help us to
find the flaws that we could not see previously. This is exactly what Studio 6 did for me.
My topic proposal for my Extended Inquiry Project was not as difficult to decide on as some of
my other topics in the past. The reason for this however was our free-writing assignments. One
of our guides was. I am interested in [ ] During this free-write, I came up with many topics of
interest including cars, and smartphones. By the time my EIP topic proposal assignment came
around, I already knew what I wanted to write on; smartphones. Smartphones have always
interested me since my dad got his first one in 2010. It was the HTC Droid Incredible.
Ultimately, I am pleased with the topic I chose whereas I was able to find a good amount of
information on it.
The Annotated Bibliography was probably my least favorite assignment. This was not because
of the bibliography itself, but the formatting for it. Surprisingly, this was the most difficult
assignment for me aside from my final E-Portfolio. It seems as if whenever I would write more
on my EIP, I would always be acquiring more and more sources for it. In the end, this was a
good thing because it provided me with more information for my topic. The Annotated
Bibliography helped me to acquire several useful sources for my EIP, although not all of them
were included in the Annotated Bibliography because this assignment was completed before my
EIP final draft.
The Extended Inquiry Project was probably my favorite assignment throughout the course of this
semester. Not only was I able to convey the knowledge I already knew on smartphones, but I
was also able to share what I learned in the process of writing about them. While revising my
EIP, I noticed a number of careless mistakes in my writing. I learned from this quickly, and
made sure to remove these errors from my Final EIP draft and prevent new ones from rising as I
added more information. I realized throughout writing my EIP that smartphones really are
changing a lot. More than we realize in fact. As new materials are on the rise, smartphones are
soon to see drastic improvements that will change the tech world forever. My final E-Portfolio
was definitely the longest, and most tedious assignment of the semester for this course. I did
learn however, how to better convey my thoughts with this assignment through the production of
a reflective website. This website includes all of my major assignments of the semester, as well
as some that interested me.
I would like to thank you so much for being my UWRT 1104 professor this semester. I learned a
great deal from your teachings on concision, organization, and particularly reflection. These are
key elements that I did not acquire in high school. Thank you so much for teaching me the
importance of these, and I hope to see you again sometime soon!!
Your Friend,
Kendall Jackson

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