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Regina Wesseh

Gustavo Ibarra

HLTH 1050

October 30,2017

Discussion 4

What I learned was in the 18th Amendment in the U.S constitution allowed the manufacture,

transportation and sale of intoxicating liquor to be banned being the first in the American history

as prohibition. In 1933, the Congress were trying to come up with a resolution proposing the 21st

Amendment the one that took over the 18th Amendment. Which did end up happening, 21st

Amendment caused the end for the prohibition bringing the era to be shut down. Main was the

first state to pass their prohibition law in 1846, than other states started passing theirs also.

Alcohol was causing issues with families and marriages, its what people started to notice.

Woman played a strong role in the temperance movement. With just the excise taxes in 1933 it

brought $500 million that went into finance social welfare programs etc. Also found out that

Utah provided the 36th vote for ratification.

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