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My Bucket List

To kick the bucket is an idiom that means to die! We write bucket lists to remind of us of our
important goals: the things we want to do before we die. Here are a few things from my bucket
list. Some of them I have done and some I havent done yet.

live abroad learn to dance salsa

learn Spanish fluently go surfing
learn to play the guitar publish my writing
graduate from college be debt free!

1. What is your bucket list? Please include things you have already done and things you havent
done yet. Write as many as you want.

2. Please write two paragraphs. In one, tell me about some things you have done in your life
(present perfect) and when you did them (simple past). In the other, tell me about some things
you havent done yet (present perfect). Give me personal details to make it more interesting!

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