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GENERAL INFORMATION Cysts or abscesses that come back usually need an

Bartholins gland is located immediately outside of the operation.
entrance to the vagina. The gland produces a slippery The treatment for a Bartholin cyst abscess is to drain
liquid that travels through a very small tube (called a the pus in it, or to open it wide and purposely leave
duct). This fluid helps keep the entrance to the vagina it that way (this is called marsupialization).
lubricated. One gland empties on the right side and the If a symptomatic Bartholin cyst is not infected, then
other on the left. the treatment is to remove it entirely.
Sometimes this small duct gets plugged, and the fluid Abscesses of the gland that come back even though
cannot get out. The duct forms a sac (called a cyst) they were drained properly need to be removed after
filled with this fluid. This fluid can become infected, the acute infection is treated.
producing an abscess. After careful consideration of all factors, the
recommendation is that you have an operation to
correct your problem.

An examination of your blood, urine, heart (EKG),
and lungs (chest x-ray) may be done.
Do not eat or drink anything for 8 hours before the
You may be asked to douche on the morning of the

For an Abscess of Bartholins Cyst
This may be performed in the doctors office or as an
outpatient procedure.
You will be positioned on the table, the same as for a
pelvic examination.
The area around the abscess will be painted with an
antiseptic solution and draped with sterile towels.
A very fine short needle will be used to inject an
anesthetic in the skin over the abscess. This will
make the area numb.
The abscess will be opened and drained. You should
Figure 1. Typical location (arrow) of a Bartholins cyst abscess. get pain relief very soon. If the abscess is
marsupialized, the abscess edges will be sewn open
COMMON SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS to help prevent recurrence.
Early on, a Bartholins gland cyst might not produce You should be able to go home directly after the
any symptoms at all. If it is small, many women dont operation.
even know it is there. If it gets larger, it can cause Arrangements will be made for any antibiotics or
pain with sexual intercourse or with walking and pain medicine and for a follow-up office visit.
sitting. The doctor will discuss with you the possibility of
If the cyst becomes infected, it becomes swollen and having this cyst removed entirely after things quiet
can be extremely painful to touch. down.

DIAGNOSIS For a Noninfected Bartholin Cyst

Usually, the diagnosis can be made by taking a You will be given medicine that will make you feel
detailed history and doing a thorough physical drowsy before you are brought to the operating
examination. room.
The cyst can be seen just next to the opening of the The operation will be done under general anesthesia
vagina. It can be felt easily with the fingers. It is not or a spinal-epidural block.
usually confused with anything more serious. You will be positioned on the table the same as for a
regular pelvic examination.
THERAPY The area around the cyst will be painted with an
Many Bartholin cysts may be treated conservatively antiseptic solution and draped.
with warm sitz baths. Often this helps the cyst to The entire cyst will be removed and the skin closed
open and drain on its own. with absorbable suture.

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You will wake up in a recovery room. When your Be careful that you do not become constipated.
blood pressure, pulse, and breathing are stable, you Include enough roughage and liquid in your
will be taken to a regular hospital room. diet.
You should be able to go home the next day. You may need a mild laxative (example: milk of
Arrangements will be made for any antibiotics or magnesia), a stool softener (Colace, Surfak), or a
pain medicine and for the follow-up office visit. glycerine suppository.
As with any operation, complications are always You may return to work when you feel up to it.
possible. With your type of operation they can Driving your car is all right, but do not do so if you
include bleeding and infection and possibly others. are taking pain medicine that reduces your alertness.
During your follow-up visit, lets discuss when you
HOME CARE may resume sexual activity.
Resume your usual activities. CALL OUR OFFICE IF
You may eat as you did before the operation. The area becomes red or swollen, and there is
You may shower as you wish. drainage from it.
You may wish to take sitz baths to relieve discomfort You develop a temperature higher than 1007F.
in the area. You have any questions.

66 BARTHOLINS GLAND ABSCESS q Copyright 1999 by WB Saunders Company. All rights reserved.

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