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How To Make Fire Works

-Iron Sand._

Used to give corruscations in fire-works, is far better than iron or steel-filings. It is

made by beating cast steel or iron into small pieces on an anvil. These are sifted into 4
sizes, the smallest for the smallest pieces; and vice versa. The corruscations produced
by these are exceedingly brilliant. The sand should be kept in a dry place in a
wellclosed bottle as any rust damages it. Fireworks containing it should not be made
very long before using.


Soak unglazed paper in a solution of nitre in vinegar or water. The stronger the
solution, the faster will it burn. A good plan is to dip it in a wet solution, dry it, try it,
and if it burns too slowly, make the solution stronger and dip it again.


Is made by immersing lamp-wick in a solution of saltpetre with meal powder, winding

it on a frame, and afterwards dusting with meal powder. To 1 lb. 12 oz. of cotton, take
saltpetre, 1 lb.; alcohol, 2 qts.; water, 3 qts.; solution of isinglass (1 oz. to the pint), 3
galls.; mealed powder, 10 lbs.

_Port Fires._

Take of sulphur, 2 parts; saltpetre, 6 parts; mealed powder, 1 part. This is rammed into
cases of from 6 inches to 2 feet long, and 1/2 inch internal diameter. They should be
lightly rammed. To give a brilliant flame, add 1 part of iron sand; for a dark flame, 1
part of powdered charcoal.


Common.--Saltpetre, 1 lb.; sulphur, 4 1/2 oz.; antimony, 4 oz.; isinglass, 1/2 oz.;
camphor, 1/2 oz.; alcohol, 3/4 oz.

White.--Mealed powder, 4 oz.; saltpetre, 12 oz.; sulphur, 6 1/2 oz.; oil of spike, 2 oz.;
camphor, 5 oz.

The above are to be made into balls, rolled in grained powder and dried in the sun.
Used in Roman candles, rockets, etc.

_Trailed Stars._

Saltpetre, 4 oz.; sulphur, 6 oz.; sulphate of antimony, 2 oz.; rosin, 4 oz.

With Sparks.--Mealed powder 1 oz.; saltpetre, 1 oz.; camphor, 2 oz.

_Colored Stars_
May be made by using any of the receipts for colored fires, with a solution of
isinglass, 1/2 oz.; camphor, 1/2 oz.; and alcohol, 3/4 oz. Make into balls of the
requisite size, roll in gunpowder, dry in the sun.

_Roman Candles._

Meal-powder, 1/2 lb.; saltpetre, 2 1/2 lbs.; sulphur, glass dust, each, 1/2 lb. This is
rammed in cases as follows: Put at the bottom of the case a small quantity of clay,
then some gunpowder, then a wad of paper, then 1/6 of the height of the case of the
composition, then a wad and powder and a star or ball, then more composition, and so
on till the case is filled. The wads must be loose (only to prevent the mixing of the
composition and gunpowder), and the ramming should not be begun until the case is
1/3 filled, and then should be gentle lest the stars be broken.

_Chinese Fire._

Red.--Saltpetre, 1 lb.; sulphur, 3 oz.; charcoal, 4 oz.; iron sand. 7 oz.

White.--Saltpetre, 1 lb.; mealed powder, 12 oz.; charcoal, 7 1/2 oz.; iron sand, fine, 11

_Golden Rain._

Mealed powder, 4 oz.; saltpetre, 1 lb.; sulphur, 4 oz.; brass-filings, 1 oz.; sawdust, 2
1/4 oz.; glass powder, 6 drs.

_Silver Rain._

Mealed powder, 2 oz.; saltpetre, 4 oz.; sulphur, 1 oz.; steel-dust, 3/4 oz.

_Wheel Cases._

Mealed powder, 2 lbs.; saltpetre, 4 oz.; steelfilings, 6 oz.

_For Rockets._

Four-Ounce.--Mealed powder, 1 lb.; charcoal, 1 oz.; saltpetre, 4 oz.

Eight-Ounce.--Mealed powder, 1 lb. 1 oz.; saltpetre, 4 oz.; sulphur, 3 1/2 oz.; charcoal
1 oz.

One-Pound.--Mealed powder, 1 lb.; charcoal, 3 oz.; sulphur, 1 oz. Two-Pound.--

Mealed powder, 1 lb. 4 oz.; saltpetre, 2 oz.; charcoal, 3 oz.; sulphur, 1 oz.; iron filings,
2 oz.

Four-Pound.--Mealed powder, 1/2 lb.; saltpetre, 15 lbs.; sulphur, 2 lbs.; charcoal, 6


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