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Alopecia = baldness
Candida = thrush
Dyspepsia = indigestion
Hemorrhoids = piles
Herpes zoster = shingles
Edema = swelling
Rubella = German measles
Urticaria = Heat spots, hives, nettle rash
Arteriosclerosis = arteriosclerotic vascular disease, hardening of the blood vessels
Cerebral palsy = to be spastic
Eructation = Belching ( nu inteleg de cand e o boala, dar fie :)) )
Halitosis = bad breath
Infectious mononucleosis = glandular fever = mono
Poliomyelitis = polio
Rubeola = morbilli, measles (pojar)
Varicella = chicken pox
Bursitis = housemaids knees
Flatulence = wind
Herpes simplex = cold sore
Tendonitis = tennis elbow
Verrucae = warts
Mumps = infectious parotiditis (oreion)
Allergic rhinitis = hay fever
Fever = to stop (?), pyrexia
Pyrexial = febrile, feverish
Cyanosis = bluish discoloration
Pneumonia = pneumonitis
Sinus congestion = stuffy nose
Chills = rigor
Heart burn = pyrosis
Cough = tussis
Whooping cough = pertussis
Cold = coryza
Stroke = Cerebral infarction = cerebrovascular accident
Belching = Eructation
Itching = Pruritus
Asphyxiation = suffocation
Concussion = brain injury
Melanoma = cancer of the skin
Muscle tumour= rhabdomyoma
Torticollis = Wryneck
Sepsis = Blood infection
Scar = Cicatrix
Malaise = Nausea
Nodule = Lump
Faint = pass out
Fit of cough = paroxysm
Fracture = Broken bone
Closed fracture = simple fracture
Open fracture = compound fracture
To sternutate = To sneeze
Renal calculi = kidney stones
Stiffnes = ankylosis
Cardiac stop = Cardiac arrest
To rupture = to herniate, to burst, to tear
Atrophy = degeneration
Phlegm = sputa
Allergy = hypersensitivity
Intolerance = abnormal sensitivity/ allergy
Anaphylaxis = severe allergic reaction
Contagious = communicative, communicable, infectious
Unhealthy = sick, ill, afflicted
Slurred speech = mumbling, dysarthria
Impairment = Deterioration
To metastasize = To spread
Malignant = cancerous
Obstruction = Blockage, congestion
Degenerative = progressively damaging
Lumbago = Lower back pain

Forme combinatorice
Angio blood vessels
Athero Hardening of the arteries
Pyo pus (puroi)
Dys-- = difficulty (ex. Dyspnea)
--oma cancer (ex. Adenocarcinoma)
--dia through ?
--gram (ex. Phonocardiogram)
--graph (ex. Electromyograph Instrument used in the diagnosis of some disorders)
--graphy (ex. Arteriography)
Surgery suffixes
--plasty repair (rhinoplasty)
--trophy development of an organ (hypertrophy / hypotrophy)
--otomy cutting into (ex. Laringotomy)
--orrhaphy repairing (ex. Myocardiorraphy Suture of the myocardium)
--ectomy removal (ex. Histerectomy, orchiectomy = removal of testicles)
-- ostomy = creation of a hole (ileostomy, colostomy, urostomy)
--centesis = puncture (amniocentesis)
--pexy = fixare
--scopy = examinare, explorare
--rrhea discharge (rhinorrhea)
--odynia = pain
--plegia = paralysis
scler-- stiff (ex. Sclerosis)
- Scrub nurse cu ustensile
- Orderly brancardier
- Circulating nurse lucreaza in afara ariei sterile
- Chief nurse asistenta sefa


Tongue = glossa, lingua

Incus = anvel (nicovala)
Thumb = Polix
Index = Forefinger
Pinky = Baby finger
Tarsal = bone of the ankle
Limb = member ??
Gall Bladder = Cholecyst
Skin = Integument
Nasal = Rhyno
Bone cell = osteocyte
Osteoclasts = large bone cells
Nose = Nasal cavity
Vagus nerve = pneumo-gastric nerve
Fascia = fibrous tissue
Synapse = junction
Sight = Vision
Root = Radix
Reproductive = genital
Epithelial tissue = epitelium
Lipid = fat
Cricoid = ring-shaped
Squamous = pavimentous
Squama = scale, solze
Tight junction = Occluding junction
Myocyte = muscle cell

Druggist = chemist, pharmacist

Pharmacy = drugstore
Medicine = drug = medication
Over the counter (OTC) = non-prescription drugs
Steroidal =/= non-steroidal
Prescription = medication
Dose = Quantity, amount
Injection = Shot
Analgesic = painkiller
Antiemetic = anti-vomiting
Stimulants = PEP pills (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis)

Medical care = healthcare

Cause = etiology
Inspection = looking
Palpation = touching
Percussion = tapping
Auscultation = listening
Ambulatory care setting = outpatient clinic
Pertaining to = related to, belonging to
Reciprocal = mutual
Oral examination = Viva voce
Bandage = dressing // to dress (a wound) = to bandage
Ultrasound = echography
Autopsy = Post mortem examination
Bioassay = biotest
To operate on = to perform surgery
Cannula = Branule
Curative = healing
Pacemaker = Cardiac stimulator
Blood test = Analysis
Myomectomy = fibroidectomy
To supervise = to oversee
Device = Machine
Intravenous = Parenteral method of introducing drugs

Fellowship = Subspecialty training

Paramedical = Health allied personnel
Paramedics = EMT, emergency medical technicians
Porter = Orderly, carrier (brancardier)
Dietician = Nutritionist
Outpatient = Ambulatory patient
Inpatient = Hospitalised patient
Personnel = Staff
Internship = Hands-on hospital training
Intern = physician in training
Residency = Speciality training
Resident = Specialist in training
Family doctor = family physician, general practitioner, GP
Clinician = Physician

To lessen = To decrease, to reduce

To recover = To get well, to convalesce
Few = Insufficient
A few = A small amount
Slob = Lazy
Sequelae = consequences
To ascertain = to determine, establish
Complication = aggravation
Accurate = precise
Microbe = Germ, pathogen, microorganism
Inadequate = inappropriate
Conversion = transformation
Unable to = Incapable of
Sympathetic = fight-or-flight
Improve = Enhance
Set off = start, trigger
Distinguish = differ
Characteristic = feature
To collect = to gather
To establish = to set up
Normal = physiological
Gross anatomy = macroscopic anatomy
To convey = to generate, to transmit
Tract = tube, duct, shaft, tunnel
Immuable = unchangeable
Inflexible = rigid
Growth = development
To ease = to alleviate, to soothe, to calm, to palliate, to mitigate
Prognosis = outcome
Compassion = empathy
Result = outcome
Specimen = sample
Paralysis = plegia
Fatal = Lethal, deadly
Tight = firm
Function = role
Establish = set up
Neutralisation = inactivation
Branch = divide, ramify
Coiled = spiral-shaped
Synthesis = formation
Energy = stamina = endurance
Intolerance = allergy, abnormal sensitivity
Unlike = dissimilar
Drawback = consequence
Synergia = Cooperation, working together
Sluggishness = slow movement
Routed = directed, distributed
Vital = Indispensable
Span = Duration (ex. Life span)
Inability = incapacity
Disability = handicap
Ward off = Prevent
Form = shape
Curable = incurable
Debris = waste
Thich = dense
Job = role, task, function
To fight off = to resist
Minimize = reduce
Eventually = In the end
Further = mixt
To switch = to swap
Deoxygenated = oxygen-poor
Oxygenated = oxygen-enriched
Network = system
Suture = immoable joint
Hematopoiesis = formation of blood cells
Thread = rope
Stretchy = Elastic
Shorten = reduce, construct
Pump = push
Hollow = empty
Branch = ramify, divide
Focal = central
Constant = even
To put off = delay, postpone
Scanty = insufficient
Paleness = palour
To range = to vary
Presume = assume
Increase = accelerate
Activate = trigger, induce
Embedded = Included
Lack = Deficiency, absence
To inhibit = to supress
Watery = aquous
Stored = deposited
Available = accessible
Nutrient = nutriment
Routed = directed
To dissipate = To scatter
Shrouded = hidden, secret
Covenant = pact, promise
Decrease = Drop
Deposit = Storage
Obstruction = Blockage, occlusion
Perched = attached
Tract = fiber bundles
Striking = dramatic
To prod = to induce
To tuck away = to store, to hide
Diffuse = spread, scatter
Oversee = supervise, monitor
Chief = main
Conversely = On the other hand
Stretching = extension
Bending = flexion
Turning = rotation
Groove = depression, sulcus
Walking = ambulation
Stripe = striation
Serum = liquid
Distend = englarge
Leak = Outflow
Inhibit = suppress
Potent = active
Similar = alike
Tightened = contracted
Recurrence = reappearance
To prevent = To avoid
Fragile = Brittle
To erase = To wipe out, to stop
Waste = debris
Convent = agreement
Disadvantage = drawback

Class (school) = Lesson

To abandon = to quit = to drop out
To skip classes = to cut class = to miss a class
To be good at = to excel in = to be proficient in
To Grade someone = to mark someone
Licence = bachelors degree


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