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Gullion 1

Seth Gullion
Professor Intawiwat
ENG 111
Final Draft Essay #3
As human beings, we want a purpose in life. This includes doing what we love, being

accepted by others, and being involved in the world around us. Some are born into a life that was

already chosen for them by society, while others must find their purpose on their own. An

example of this is Jon Snow, a character in the novel A Game of Thrones. It is the first book in

the Song of Ice and Fire series written by George RR Martin. The book is a medieval fantasy,

filled with magic and adventure. However, it is a book that focuses on the characters as well, we

read chapters that are seen through the perspective of many characters. One of the characters Jon

Snow, struggles with hardships of this world. Someone can be lost without no purpose; but they

shouldnt stop looking, for there are better days to come.

The character Jon Snow is the son of Eddard Stark, the Lord of Winterfell. However, Jon

is a bastard, someone born outside of marriage. He lives within the castle, but he will not inherit

anything when his father dies. He also around his half-brothers and half-sisters who love him

dearly. However, he is hated by their mother, Catelyn Stark. The lady of Winterfell hates Jon

because he is a reminder of her husband cheating on her. Jon is filled with sadness as a result of

this, everyone knows that he is a bastard. Throughout the book he is insulted by others for being

a bastard. He is lost in his life, a man with no purpose; a warrior in a world with nothing to

inherit. However, he decides to find his purpose on his own. I believe that finding purpose in life

is helping one self. Dr. Murray Feingold agrees with my previous statement when he writes,
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Whatever the reasons, you should try make a greater effort in finding purpose in life


Knowing that nothing will change at Winterfell, Jon decides to join the Nights Watch. It

is an organization of soldiers who defend the country on a giant wall. What Jon is doing is good

for him. Paul Latimer agrees with my previous statement when he writes Many studies have

demonstrated the positive effects of having a strong sense of purpose in life (Latimer); in other

words, Paul Latimer believes that it is good to have a purpose because it would lead to good

results in life. There is a better life for Jon if he joins the Nights Watch because they accept

anyone. He can also proof that he is worthy by defending his country from invaders north of the

wall. Through this, he will be part of something bigger than him, being part of the world in a

positive way. If he stayed in Winterfell he would just remain in sadness, accepting his bastard


In the end, believing in a purpose can drive us to pursue something bigger in life. Many

can relate to Jon Snow because they are in the same position. Getting stuck in life and deciding

to do something about it.

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Works Cited

Feingold, Murray. "Having A Purpose In Life Keeps You Going." Standard - Speaker (2014): n.

pag. ProQuest. Web.

Latimer, Paul. "Latimer: Having a Purpose in Life Key to Finding Happiness." Kelowna Capital

News (2016): n. pag. ProQuest. Web.

Martin, George R. R. A Game of Thrones. N.p.: Bantam, 2016. Print.

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