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Chi tit kt qu cc cu sai

Bn tr li p n Trng thi

24 has washes Sai

37 Listen to the teacher what says. Listen to what the teacher says. Sai

81 on at Sai

96 smaller comfortable Sai

There are not to the left many trees There are not many trees to the left
133 Sai
of Lans house. of Lans house.

Last month, held my school an Last month, my school held an

134 Sai
English festival. English festival.

143 How When Sai

148 termalon termelon Sai

150 thirsty twins Sai

156 map mop Sai

165 country my Sai

Excuse me, can you say me the

172 Excuse me, what time is it? Sai

188 early late Sai

198 wer dat Sai

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