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Reflection 3

October 12, 2017

Today was interesting and I have such a perfect time to observe the
students and mu MST. There were guests from Costa Rica who come to see Al Asimah
School. I really like what the school prepares for them. There was a big Costa Rica flag in the
front of the building and there was a board that represents welcome to the visitors. It also
shows their pictures and their name on it. When I enter the school hole, I saw a beautiful
traditional Majlis which they prepare it to sit with guests from Costa Rica. While I attend the
assembly, I noticed that grade 4 and grade 5 students are practicing to show offers to the
visitors about traditional dance in UAE. They also wear a Kandora which is the traditional
cloth for the Emiratis male. They practice to dance a dance call ALyolla, but I didn't see their
offer when the guests come to school because I was helping my MST in the class. The break
time for the students was changed , it was in the morning at 8:15 instead of
9:35 because the guests will walk around grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3 to see
them. However, they came to our class ( 1 D) at 10:50. Before
that She taught the students new words that how to say good
morning in the Spanish language which is " Beunos Dias". She
asked them to repeat it more than twice to remember it when
the guests are coming to our class. After that, she asked me to
put their books which is about Costa Rica on their suitable
groups. When the guests were in our class the teacher asked
the student to say the greeting to them but in different languages. The
languages are English, Arabic, and Spanish languages the students said
"Good morning" and they responded " Good morning", the Ss said " Slam Alekm" and they
said " Slam Alekm" also the Ss said " Beunos Dias" and they said " Beunos Dias". I really was
happy because all the students behaved well and they were focused on the teacher's
explanation when the guests were in our class. Some master students read the story that
about Costa Rica and the guests observed them. The guests thanked my MST and said:" the
lesson was very good and we liked it".

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