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Lobos !

Lobos, Andy

English 115

Professor Beadle

December 7, 2017

Godzilla is Japan

Godzilla has changed throughout the history from its original origins in 1954 to the new

Shin Godzilla in many different ways. From new CGI improvements to make him look even

more frightening and realistic, to how the Japanese handled the situation they encountered.

Whether it was the 2016 version, in offices strategizing how they will defeat Godzilla in

comparison to the 1954 version where there was constant trial and error. Each version of the

movie has tons of interesting outcomes of how the people of Japan overcame the monster.

Although, each film has its own significance due to the time period they were filmed in. The

1954 film was significant because of the representation of when the United States bombed Japan

and what outcomes came from it which ultimately was a benefit to Japan. In comparison the

2016 version of the film is also significant because of how the United States was perceived to not

be a monster to them, although their contributed efforts led to success in defeating Godzilla.

There are many differences as well as the similarities in each film that show the difference in the

time period portrayed. There are many significant outcomes between the two films and why

Godzilla is called the monster.

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In 1954, a hydrogen bomb that was being tested on by the United States government had

polluted Japanese waters which then causing the people of Japan to have trouble using sea for

fish as food. This hydrogen bomb was significant because it resulted in a lack of resources of

food for the Japanese which also caused many of their boats motors to fail when they were out

on the waters. The United States had then dropped a nuclear bomb onto Japan because of the war

which caused destruction a long with radiation throughout the city. The people of Japan were

devastated it had not only destroyed their homeland it also resulted into many deaths, major

repairs and improvements to be made in order to recover. This inspired the Japanese movie

company to develop and produce the film Gojira. Some reasons why they made this film is

because it was a interpretation of a nuclear testing gone wrong. A huge lizard, known as

Godzilla, with an amazing laser heat source within his body that has a breath filled with

radiation that then attacks Japan and its citizens. Then resulting into new nuclear weapon that

japan had developed, formerly known as the oxygen destroyer, which then defeats Godzilla.

In this film Godzilla was a representation as to what the United States had done to japan

during the war. With all the blood and destruction, Godzilla was the metaphor for the bomb that

was dropped upon japan, which resulted into completely destroying their land just as Godzilla

did in the film. Having this beast or bomb come into their homeland and completely wipe out

everything they had was tragic because it left them having to rebuild the city and everything in it.

But also as stated, towards the end of the film the oxygen destroyer that ended up defeated

Godzilla, was a new creation that benefitted Japan in the long run. That weapon was a symbol

that not only defeated Godzilla but it was a representation of how Japan got through this war.

This weapon was significant because it was how japan developed new technology and
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weaponry that provided them with motivation to start and establish a new city along with

political power. The film as a whole was significant because it is a way for the individuals of

Japan that were affected by this war to show other countries what Godzilla was capable of

doing. Known for them, it was a representation of what the U.S. was capable of doing in war but

more importantly it was also how Japan could retaliate back.

As we fast forward to the new 2016 film Shin Godzilla , it still has the same aspects of

destruction and confusions that pays its dues to the older 1954 film. The new CGI and motion

takes this monster known as Godzilla and brings him to life with creating a new but reminiscent

theme as in the prior Godzilla films. These new features are the new problems that Japan is

facing in this point of time which is focusing on the foundation for a new country that wants new

political power. The reminiscent theme is the involvement of the US and how they contributed to

the film, meaning also how they helped Japan so they could gain the political power that they

needed. Godzilla illuminates how the monsters of the past and present can be defeated by heroes

of the future. These heroes of the future are the new weapons and army that Japan has and is

building to defeat monsters such as China or North Korea that are powerhouses in political 36

power. But also how japan is constantly growing on its own in order to maintain its power from

any other Godzilla that comes along to destroy its country.

The movies plot and dialogue is what absolutely sets it apart from the 1954 film.

Throughout the film it shows how Japan is dealing with its new problems of Godzilla but its true

interpretation is how japan is handling their independence power between China and North

Korea. With a majority of the film taking place in discussion rooms and offices, these scenes
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give the film significance because japan is attempting to hold its political power by having

discussions with its government officials on ways to improve their army to make sure China and

Korea do not conquer them. The film interprets this by showing how soldiers and government

officials attempt different techniques such as using trains or using blackbirds in order to hurt and

even defeat Godzilla. The film also shows how America helps Japan to maintain their

independence. The producers accomplished this is by putting in scenes of Japan government

officials contacting the U.S. for help with Godzilla and showing the measures US took in order

to do that, such has bombing him from the air. The difficulties brought by this Godzilla is

shown through the terror of people reacting to the outrageous plans that were set out by

government official approval. Those of which are actual nuclear testing in certain areas of Japan

and armies like Korea and even their own, invading cities. This results in running and screaming

just as the 1954 film, but also carries its own political meaning into the story on why Japan is

making these life changing decisions for their people.

The reason every Godzilla or Gojira film is important to the people of Japan is because it

was a way for them to let out their feelings on how they felt towards each major change they

have had in their country. Whether it was through the war, or trying to keep their political power

from China and Korea, each film has its purpose of letting the viewers know what they are going

through. From time periods of them gaining new power of army and repairing cities or

maintaining powers within themselves. Both films capture a different point of a view as to what

they saw during each time period and have carry very strong metaphors of what they experience,

that metaphor is always Godzilla. This is the reason why they made these movies of Godzilla,

because Americans or any country would not show films of them destroying Japan or Japan
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creating new armies that will win at war against them. So Godzilla was made in order for Japan

to show the world their history, wether it is past or present. It is something interesting and

important because we get to see the protective of Japan with an actually visual presentation of

each historical scene that took place in their country. But as stated by Inverse Entertainment,

The film shows the divide between the old generation who it suggests are washed up and

dont know how to handle a crisis and the younger and more idealistic generation,. This is

interprets to how each film has handled their situation at the time wether it was the War or

holding political power, we can see how Japan has handle it, according to its time period.

Godzilla has much significance to history, this was Japans way of showing us the time

periods in which they had gone through. The film shows the prospective of Japan during the war

against the U.S. and what they had to endure during that time period. Although the 2016 version

also gave people around the world insight on how Japan was when it is now recovered and trying

to keep its political power over powerhouses such as Korea and China. Then interprets how the

U.S. is helping them which matters in this film because you can see the people of japan are

thanking America of the help they gave them during the political war they had between Korea

and China. That is why these changes throughout each film of Godzilla matters because it has

changed with new and improved CGI but in reality it is how Japan has changed with new and

improved technology and political power. As said by the BBC , Godzilla is not only a huge

lizard destroying cities, it is Japans history breaking through countries all around the world.

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