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Melanie Bazan

Professor Beadle

English 115

30 October 2017

Changes Throughout Time (Graded Essay)

As time goes by, society follows and whether there are technological or global

adjustments, it is evident that progression takes place everyday to advance society. Changes

throughout time, especially in the span of 60 years can be found in both the films of Godzilla

and Shin Godzilla. The 1954 film, Godzilla, directed by Ishiro Honda, is the original film that

came out showing destruction as a result from the influences of WWII. Due to the significance

and success of this original film, there have been countless amounts of versions created after. A

more recent film, Shin Godzilla, produced in 2016, left yet again another realization on how

rapid changes occur over time. Although both films have similarities, grasping the main idea of

destruction and rebirth, the new film has a twist to captivate the audience and demonstrate their

differences. Godzilla has been portrayed as a monster that seeks a pure teardown of society,

which informs the audience to be aware of the dangers of technology, weapons, and science.

Even though both films have the same purpose, the director of Shin Godzilla, Hideaki Anno

creates a change in order to comprehend the concept of evolution on nuclear issues, in

comparison to the first where the director mainly describes the effects adapted from WWII with

the focus on Japan. Change, is also seen to occur through the advancement of

technology, and the adjustments that include CGI, Computer Generated Imagery with the

differences of color, characteristics, and settings.

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The main ideas that are seen in the original film such as the teardown of society, rebirth,

immortality, are still present, in which others believe and argue that there no are changes found

at all. In addition, this allows for the audience to only see the similarities originated within the

films. While it is true that the topic of destruction is still perceived, it is proven that there are

great deals of differences to be developed as a result of being able to appeal to the newer era.

Also, the differences found, lay a foundation of the significance to inform and create a sense of

awareness on real world issues in which society fears.

Changes between the films occur and is known as the natural process of evolution, which

is one of the many major ways all the films of Godzilla are seen to be unique. From the original

film, to the most recent, the changes are evident through production, technology, and methods of

being able to capture innovate touches. The demonic character in this film is portrayed as a

destructor in which, Godzilla looks, sounds, and most importantly, feels like a giant monster

(Zevallos). Starting off with the beginning of Godzilla, the monster itself has already been

developed into the vicious character that had erupted from the water with society unsure of what

had occurred (Honda). However, in the recent film, Shin Godzilla, Anno uses different methods

to introduce the monster as it slowly develops, scaring the civilians. The character, Godzilla

himself is very different from how it's begun and it is seen to develop over time (Zevallos). In

Shin Godzilla, the monster begins its journey through Tokyo as a small character with no arms,

just stubs, demonstrating the drastic growth over time allowing society to see how critical time

can be (Anno). In addition, Anno, allows the film to demonstrate how Godzilla evolves and

takes a more powerful form after his first appearance, enhancing the dangers (Donaldson).
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As a result of change, the way the films are carried out are also found to be different

because of the use of CGI, where computer graphics are generated to enhance media, images,

and visual representations which is found in both films. The original Godzilla was produced as a

black and white film in an earlier period giving off the mythical vibes to prove the fiction of the

storyline. However, the modern day film was produced in color, making it look surreal and

giving off a different type of appeal due to the advancement in technology. The featured

publication, Shin Godzilla brings the monster back written by Chris Davidson, mentioned that

overall, Shin Godzilla is a masterpiece of modern filmmaking and design (Davidson). This

allows for the audience to see the outcome of modern day edits and how they are being used to

capture the idea of change. In addition, the differences in physical effects are shown as a result in

the graphics of the recent film. For example, Davidson describes a scene of the film where a

plume of roaring fire that sets Tokyo ablaze, turning into a stream of pure energy slicing through

the airborne bombers (Davidson). The critic emphasizes that through the use of edit the physical

changes of Godzilla are shown in a new way due to the changes over time.

Godzilla has always stuck with the power of destruction however, it is evident that in

Shin Godzilla there are more of a variety of powers given to the monster. Due to the changes of

the development, it is proven that there are a significant amount of powers given to the monster

because of the graphic effects to show that Godzilla forges a path through Tokyo, leaving

behind a wake of caustic black smoke (Zevallos). His powers are found as the fully evolved

Godzilla spews its iconic atomic breath and the descriptions convey the special powers given as

it starts as a gaseous inferno unstoppable beam of nuclear energy (Zevallos). This reveals

that the powers are new to the film grasping a more modern touch. In addition, it has been shown
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that Godzilla also has the ability to fire atomic lasers from almost anywhere on its body to

show its capability of firing that is also new to the recent film (Zevallos). The powers given to

Godzilla, give the audience the ability to see how uncareful the monster truly is. In the film of

Shin Godzilla, the critics demonstrate how Godzilla feels scary because of his actions and how

careless he is. Furthermore, this gives the impression on how hes a magnificent force of

nature which is new to society, not being able to destroy him because of the strange and

unknown behaviors coming to Japan (Tokyo of Terror).

Changes in setting of both films creates a new feel, becoming another reason why there

are differences, making an appeal to the audience. Although the recent film is a considered to be

similar to the original Godzilla from 1954, there are also a great amount of changes, as being

set in modern-day Japan and changing Godzilla's origins and design (Shin Godzilla). The

attempt to give the modern day setting, defines the growth of the film overtime. In addition, Shin

Godzilla, nothing like Godzilla had ever been seen before, shirking the tradition of all previous

Godzilla productions shows the audience that the recent film was based on creating a new and

updated film to relate to issues going on in modern day (Zevallos). This not only gives

credibility, but it also demonstrates how the changes overtime in the films have been a

contribution to the differences, giving a variety of storylines. The modern day film has given a

political scramble of Japan trying to handle the Godzilla threat while facing intense pressure

from the international community, notably the United States and this is considered to

be a major thread of the drama ...when the United States insists on using a nuclear bomb to

eradicate Godzilla (Zevallos). Shin Godzilla, like no other focusses on the political
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aspect of society tying into relations with nuclear issues and the push from the United States with

major characters such as the prime minister whereas the first film did not focus too much on the

government at all.

As time goes by, changes all around happen daily whether it is has to do with society, the

government, technology, or world issues. Although both films focus on different aspects whether

it is WWII or the advancement of technology and nuclear issues, both films create an immense

awareness to the audience. The films represents the issues going on in the world and due to

civilization evolving daily, it is clearly seen throughout time that negative world issues are more

popular more than ever. The changes found throughout the films are shown to be significant

because of the relations to modern day. With the rapid advancement of technology, it is seen that

hacking, threats, terrorist attacks, and many more dangerous concepts are becoming more

acceptable. However, in reality, that should never be thought of. Especially with all the chaos

currently happening all over the world. It gives the opportunity to creates awareness in order to

defend ourselves in society, which is a major lesson shown throughout both films. These issues

that are demonstrated in the films of Godzilla, demonstrating the reality of life. Although these

films are fictional they relay off of real world problems that are being faced in society.

Furthermore, the films carry out the main idea of destruction and the changes differentiate the

films of how time affects the portrayal of them. The monster represents the fears that the

Japanese had whether it was about WWII or the horrors of nuclear advancement, it gives the

ability to provide a great amount of knowledge for society to be informed with the world issues.
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Works Cited

Anno Hideaki. Shin Godzilla. Toho, 2016.

Donaldson, Chris. "'Shin Godzilla' Brings the Monster Back." University Wire 21 Oct. 2016:

ProQuest. Web. 5 Nov. 2017 .

Honda Ishiro. Gojira. Toho, 1954.

"Terror of Tokyo Returns With Shin Godzilla." University Wire [Carlsbad] 30 Nov. 2016:

University Wire, Nov 30, 2016. Web.

Zevallos, Keith. "Shin Godzilla Review." University Wire [Carlsbad] 18 Oct. 2016: University

Wire, Oct 18, 2016. Web.

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