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Josh Udy

Mr. Bergeson

ENGL 322

17 November, 2017

The Forest

It was 10 in the morning by the time I rolled out of bed. I grabbed a t-shirt off the ground

and slipped it on over my head before sliding my phone off my night stand and stuffing it in my

pocket. I put on my sneakers and my way out my bedroom door. Chatter from the kitchen and

the clanging of dishes rang in my morning sensitive ears. I made my way into the kitchen and

rubbed my eyes, still shaking off the sleepiness. My little sister Ava was just finishing off the last

piece of bacon and my mom was cleaning off the table after a breakfast that I must have missed.

My dad was reading the daily and looked up at me over his reading glasses. Its about time you

woke up.

Yeah. I replied annoyed. My dad was an early riser. He grew up on a farm when he

was a kid so was always up at 5:30 am sharp and he always makes sure everyone knows it.

You know, when I was younger, I had to get up early every morning and feed the pigs


-milk the cows. Yeah, yeah, I know. Im gonna go see Sev and Mack. I interrupted.

Ava looked down, hiding a smile. He frowned and pulled the newspaper higher to cover his eyes.

Alright wise guy, why dont you go ahead and take out the trash. I knew better than to

say anything else, so I grabbed a piece of toast in one hand and the garbage bag in the other and

made my way to the door.

Be back by dinner! My mom yelled as I headed out the door.

It was a perfect summer day. It was warm, but not hot and there was a bit of a breeze.

The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. I jogged to the end of the driveway and flipped

open the garbage can and threw in the bag. I finished my last bite of toast and wiped my hands

off on my shorts. I was heading to the spot where Sev, Mack, and I always met: outside the local

drug store on the corner. It was the exact same distance from all our houses. We spent a full day

last year figuring that out. I picked my bike up off the front lawn and made my way to the drug


The suburb I lived in was comprised of dozens of identical houses. Children were out

playing in their yards and parents sat in their lawn chair watching over them. The houses were a

blur as I sped through the suburb. A little cocker spaniel chased me to the edge of the suburb

before giving up and trotting back in the opposite direction. Two minutes later I was pulling up

to the drug store corner. The building was older than my parents and showed it with vines

growing through the old bricks on the side of the building. The front of the building was white

and in dire need of a paint job with the previous layer peeling off near the edges. The historic

part of town was considered antique or vintage to many, but to me it was just a dump. There

were people out about in town taking advantage of the beautiful weather.

Sev was already there leaning up against the patterned red brick wall of the drug store

with a wad of gum in his mouth. He had his dark blue Astros baseball cap on that he always

wore. He was wearing a long-sleeved Nike shirt with cargo shorts and high-top sneakers. He was

a bigger guy, but not big like Mack was. Sev was a linebacker on our schools varsity football

team and has been since freshman year. He was not someone youd want to mess with. He was

opening and closing his pocket knife he always carried with him, but slipped it back into his

pocket when he saw me approaching. I braked and screeched up to a stop along the curb.

What up, Sev? I hopped off my bike and leaned it up against the stop sign on the


Hey, any idea if Macks coming? Sev asked while chewing his gum.

He should be, I responded. He told me last night he was gonna get out of going to his

cousins birthday somehow. As if on cue, Mack came flying around the corner a block down the

road on his bike. He was wearing cargo shorts, a baggy sweatshirt, and his strap on sandals he

always wore. They were the nerdiest thing ever, but I never had the heart to tell him. He was

breathing heavy as he hopped off his bike and lifted it up onto the curb.

Hey guys, sorry Im late. Got stuck at the party a little longer than expected. Mack


Its all good, I said, I just got here. Do you guys wanna go to the dunes and hit some

jumps? Sev just shrugged seemingly more interested in a ladybug crawling up the wall near him

than what I was saying.

Eh, Im not really feeling it today, Mack replied, still trying to steady his breath from

the ride here. Oh, I know. My cousins friend, Bobby, was talking about how north of town in

Elm forest theres been a lot of weird sightings. At least 3 people swear they saw some type of

bear-looking thing at the edge of the forest. We should check it out.


Alright, I started, First of all, theres no way theres gonna be a bear here in Iowa.

Even if there was actually a bear in those woods why the hell would we want to find it. We all

know who would fall behind and get mauled if it was chasing us down. Mack made the most

offended face he could muster and looked at Sev hoping he would come to his defense.

I mean, hes not wrong, Sev said trying his hardest to suppress a grin. Mack whirled

around clearly upset.

Screw you guys. I was having more fun at my cousins party anyways. Mack said

swinging his leg over his bike.

Oh, come on buddy! It was just a little joke! Sev and I cooed trying our best to get back

on Macks good side. After a minute of apologizing and consoling we finally were able to

convince him to stay.

Alright, back to our little adventure, I began again, Im pretty sure Elm forest is where

that 5-year-old kid from out of town went missing a few years ago. I dont know about you but

being in that forest would kind of creep me out.

Oh, come on. Youre overthinking in it. That kid probably just ran away from home.

Nothing bad actually happens in this town. What do you think Sev? Dont you think it would be

cool to check out? Mack asked.

Sev looked up from the ladybug that had now made its way up to the windowsill. Oh, I

dont know. I think it would be pretty cool.

See! Even Sev thinks it would be cool! Thats a majority! Mack went on excitedly.

Alright, alright, Im still not sure about it, but I respect the majority vote. Lets get going

then. Its a bit of a ride. I grabbed my bike and they followed suit and soon we were pedaling

out of town on our way to Elm forest.

It took us about 20 minutes for us to reach the path off the main road that led to the

forest. Further off to the north there were dark clouds looming on the horizon. The forest was

heavily wooded and layered with all sorts of hardwood trees. A brown-eared rabbit froze just

behind the tree line beside us before darting away deeper into the forest. It was very quiet except

for the occasional gust of wind. Not a rustle or a birds song could be heard. We slowed to a stop

at the end of the path where the brush started to thicken.

Alright, here we are. Now what? I said.

I suppose we go in and take a look around, Sev said from behind me.

I looked over my shoulder still straddling my bike, Well whatever we do we better

hurry. It looks like that storms coming from the north and I dont wanna be out here when it

hits. On that note we stashed our bikes behind some bushes and made our way into the forest.

The first thing I noticed when we got under the cover of the trees was the eerie silence over the

forest. With the trees blocking out the gusts from the north not even the wind made a sound. An

earthy smell accompanied the silence. In the gaps in the canopy the sun dipped behind the first of

the clouds bring upon a grey shade to everything. It would have almost seemed peaceful if not

for the tension in the air from the approaching storm and unnerving thoughts. My mind kept

wandering back to the boy that went missing in these woods and it was making me uneasy. I

glanced at Sev beside me and I could tell by the look on his face he was just as on edge as I was.

Come on guys, keep up! Mack, on the other hand, was as peppy as ever leading us

deeper into the forest. He walked ahead of us talking excitedly about he was gonna get a picture

of the bear and send it into the local newspaper and become famous. We lived in a small town.

Small enough that everyone knew everyone. It didnt take much to stand out in a place like that.

Dead leaves crunched under our feet as we made our way down the winding path. The sun was

now completely hidden by clouds and thunder boomed off into the distance.

Uh, maybe we should start heading back, Mack. The storm is gonna hit any minute. I


Oh, come on, we have at least 30 minutes before it really starts. We can handle a couple

rain drops here and there and then we can outrun the storm on the way home on our bikes. Well


Whoa! Sev jumped back and bumped into me. Did you guys see that?

What? Did you see something, I asked trying to keep my voice steady.

I couldve sworn I saw something move over by those bushes. I think we should get out

of here, Sev said.

No way man! This is what we came here for. We have to check it out, Mack said

grabbing Sev by the wrist. Im gonna go see what that was. Mack started towards the bush

confidently then slowed as he approached. He hesitated for a moment as his nerves caught up

with him. He bent down and grabbed a fallen branch and held it out in front of him defensively.

Sev and I held our breath as Mack approached the bush. The first drops of rain started falling

through the leaves. He poked at the bush cautiously and took another step forward when nothing

happened. He again poked the branch into the brush and suddenly a creature lunged at him from

the bush.

Ahh! Mack yelled as he stumbled back falling to the ground. Sev and I breathed in

sharply then all at once let it out in a burst of laughter. Before Mack sat a rabbit, its nose

twitching curiously. Oh, screw off, Mack got to his feet and marched back to us. Sev fell to the

ground laughing and I was wheezing like I was having an asthma attack. At least I had the guts

to actually check what it was! You chickens just sat back here shaking in your shoes.

What would we do without you Mack, Sev began, Who else would protect us from all

the terrible rabbits! And dont even get me started on the squirrels! Sev and I again burst into

another fit of laughter.

Whatever, forget you guys, Im going to the bathroom. Mack marched off behind some

trees without looking back.

The rabbit stayed seated where it jumped to from the bush. You really gave him quite

the scare didnt you little guy, Sev said eyeing the rabbit. This is the first animal weve seen

out here. Pretty odd huh? I gave the rabbit another look. Brown ears. This is the same rabbit I

saw earlier on the way into the forest. The rabbit seemed to be looking straight at me and an

uneasy feeling flooded my body. The rain evolved into a steady fall and thunder boomed off in

the distance. We had to get going. He looked at me for another second before hopping away in

the direction Mack stormed off in.

Yeah, odd, I replied, looking off in the direction the rabbit went. Hey, listen, Im

gonna go check on Mack quick. You know, to make sure he doesnt wander too far off. We gotta

get going.

Suit yourself. Ill be here. Sev sat down under the cover of a tree and pulled out his

pocket knife and began etching something into the tree. I started off in the direction of Mack. I

pushed some branches out of the way and pushed ahead. There was no natural path here, so I

tried my best to follow the broken branches which Mack must have left in his wake. I looked

around but couldnt see Mack anywhere. I couldnt imagine he would go any further off the path

than this. A sudden patter of steps caught my attention. A small shape exited the brush and

stopped a few feet from me. It was the rabbit again. It looked flustered and was breathing heavy.

Whats your deal, buddy? Why do you keep following us? I asked. The rabbit just sat

there staring at me with wide eyes. He hopped back in the direction he came from and looked

back at me. How strange. Its like it wanted me to follow. He then jumped through the brush

where he came from. I looked around once more. Its as good a place as any to look for Mack I

suppose. I sighed and pushed through the brush. There were more broken branches up ahead. I

must be going crazy, following a rabbit. I pushed ahead where it appeared there was an opening

in the brush. I pushed a branch aside and stepped through a clearing. Sure enough, it opened up

to a rather large opening about 25 feet across. I looked off to one side and breathed a sigh of

relief. Mack was standing off to one side of the circle.

Yo, Mack what are you doing? We gotta get going. The rains getting heavy, I shouted

from my side of the circle. Mack was close enough to hear me, but he didnt acknowledge I said

anything. He didnt even move. He stood motionless looking towards the center of the circle.

Mack! I shouted again. Again nothing. I squinted and followed his gaze over the center of the

circle to the other side. When I saw what was on the other side my heart jumped up into my


It was the bear. No, not a bear. It was too thin to be a bear and it didnt have any hair.

The rain was a downpour now. I squinted against the rain. The creature glistened in the rain with

what looked like scales covering its body. It was pitch black and looked like a cross between a

wolf and a bear, except bigger. The beast snarled revealing wolf-like teeth with fangs protruding

from each side of its mouth. Its front legs were slender, but it had paws almost as large as my

head. Its hind legs, however, were massive. Its muscles rippled in its hind legs with power Ive

never seen before in an animal. But its most terrifying feature wasnt its 3-inch-long claws or its

stance of an animal about to pounce, but its eyes. They were a deep dark red with small dark

pupils which were currently locked with Macks.

Mack, run! I shouted again, preparing to run, myself. He stood there motionless, frozen

by fear. The beast gave an unearthly howl and pounced, ripping the ground before it with its

claws, its eyes locked on its prey. I made a split-second decision and ran. I ran as fast as I could.

I ran to Mack. I had the angle to reach him before the creature, but it was so fast, much faster

than anything Ive ever seen. I reached Mack and dove towards him knocking him to the ground

as the beast swiped the air with its claws where Macks head had just been. The creature slid to

stop and turned to face us again. It snarled angrily at being deprived of its meal.

I bent down and picked up a thick branch from the ground next to me. Adrenaline was

pumping through my body as I stepped in front of Mack holding the branch out in front of me.

The creatures mouth almost seemed to curl into a toothy grin as it snarled once more. He

crouched and started its attack again. I held the branch like a bat and waited until it got close. It

pounced, and I swung as hard as I could, feeling the branch connect to the body of the creature.

The branch made contact and shattered against the hard armor like scales. I fell backwards as the

beast soared over us and landed softly on the other side, completely unharmed. Its impossible to

hurt this thing. Its scales are too hard and its too strong. I sat by Mack watching the creature

circle us. Playing with us. Mack was scared stiff. We couldnt run. It was hopeless.

They creature reared up once again and looked us over. Then it sprung, coming at us

quickly and began its leap. My life flashed before my eyes as the beast towered over us mere

inches away. Then suddenly there was a flash out of the corner of my eye as Sev came out of

nowhere, pocket knife brandished, and slammed into the creature from the right, stabbing his

knife into the side of the creature. Time seemed to move in slow motion as the tip of the knife

managed to slide underneath one of the scales, removing the scale sending it flying free through

the air. Sev and the creature came crashing down onto the muddy ground hard. The creature

recovered quickly and leapt on Sev before he had the chance to get up. Sev held the knife ready

and prepared to swipe at the creature again from the ground but the beast swung its paw at him

knocking the knife out of his hand and leaving a nasty cut along his chest. The knife flew in my

direction and stuck in the mud a foot from me. I grabbed the knife and stood. The creature raised

its paw again to give Sev one more fatal swipe.

HEY! I shouted. The creature stopped mid-swipe and turned its head towards me. Im

not through with you yet! My face was twisted with rage. I held the knife firmly in my right

hand and stared the beast down. It stepped away from Sev and turned its attention towards me.

The rain poured relentlessly, and lightning cackled just above. I know what I have to do. It took a

step towards me and I widened my stance in preparation. For the last time, the creature reared up

and attacked. It jumped through the air and I made my move. I dodged right and swung the

pocket knife and connected.

I drove the knife through where the creature was missing the scale from Sevs attack. The

knife went cleanly into the monster all the way to the base of the blade. I fell sideways into the

mud as the creature came down hard and came sliding to a stop. It gave out one last chilling

screech and then was quiet. I sat for a minute in disbelief of what had just happened. I groaned as

I finally pushed myself to my feet. The rain calmed to a sprinkle. Mack was still in shock. His

whole body was shaking. I looked over to Sev and he was struggling to sit up with one hand

while using his other to stop the bleeding from his chest.

Give me a hand will ya? Sev groaned from his spot on the ground. I gave one more

look at Mack and made my way over to Sev. The cut was shallow and couldve been much

worse. I hooked my arm around Sev and helped him to his feet. Then we made our way over to


You alright buddy? I asked. Mack just looked up at me then back towards the middle

of opening again and pointed. I looked over to see the rabbit from before. What are you? The

rabbit just sat there staring. Then suddenly the rabbits figure started fading leaving only its

shadow. Then just as suddenly the shadow started growing into a different figure. It grew into the

figure of a young boy, which then became taking form. Ive seen this boy before in the

newspapers. This was the boy that went missing in this forest years ago. He must have been a

victim of this monster and was trapped in the form of a rabbit this whole time. The figure of the

boy smiled and waved as the beams from the sun finally were able to break free through the

clouds and shine over the field. I blinked, and just like that, the boy was gone. Mack, Sev, and I

looked at each other in disbelief. Then, without a word, we helped Mack onto his feet and we

made our way out of the forest.

The songs of birds could be heard as we exited the canopy of the forest and retrieved our

bikes from the bushes where we left them. We biked home slowly, each of us left alone with our

thoughts. When we finally reached the drug store on the corner we said our goodbyes and went

our separate ways, agreeing to tell no one about what went on in the forest that day. I biked home

and left my bike on the front lawn where I always did. I walked up to the front door and sighed. I

took a deep breath and made my way inside.


Process Reflection

For this short story, I got the original idea from a different short story prompt that I did

earlier this year where a boy and his brother got lost in the woods and then got attacked. That

was my backbone for this short story, but I also branched off from that idea and made it into its

own story. I knew right away I wanted it to be a first person story because I prefer first person

stories. I think they are easier to read and with first person stories its easier to put yourself in the

narrators shoes which makes it more interesting. Once I started the story it was pretty easy

write. I did not even know how the story was going to go while I was writing it. I just started

writing and hoped for the best. About half way through the story I finally figured out what I was

going to do with it and where it was going to end. I just had to fill in the parts connecting the big

events together.

I knew I was going to do the fight scene, so I put a lot of thought and effort into that so

that what I thought was happening in my head would be conveyed to the reader clearly. The

interesting twist at the end was not even planned until about 2/3 of the way through the story. I

already had the rabbit in the story the first time it was seen, and I decided that I could work off of

that and make it a twist at the end of the story. One part that was difficult to me was adding a lot

of detail to parts in the story that were more just used to connect the major events. I feel like

once I figured out what I wanted to do with the story I rushed through some parts to get to the

more interesting and fun to write parts. I did end up going back and adding more detail where I

could. I think the weakest part of my story is the falling action. I think that I built up to the

climax and that the climax was good, but I feel like the falling action was weak because I was

not sure where else to go with the story, so it was ended without much more detail and it ended

rather abruptly as they were all heading back home.


Overall, I think I did a good job connecting the different parts of the story so that it was

easy to understand and that nothing felt unnecessary or irrelevant. I think I did a good job of

sprinkling conflict throughout the story. Mack was partially a source of conflict because the he

and the main character differed on a lot of different views. Obviously, the main antagonist and

source of conflict was the beast. I think that the conflict was sprinkled through the story well

enough to keep it interesting throughout. However, I think that I may have lacked in the area of

character development. The only character that might have developed a little bit throughout the

story was Mack and the development was not very good since it was more all at once than a

gradual change it mood of the character. I do believe that I kept the story interesting and in my

opinion, that is the most important part of writing a story. I think the dialog in my story was very

natural and well written. I believe the dialog is one of the strongest parts of the story along with

the conflict.

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