You are on page 1of 13

18:38:41:540 20fc args: -epool eu1.ethermine.

org:4444 -ewal
0x70b8769eB64A8B8C74BB05Cdb33b4573d4A06FB9.ali0 -epsw x
18:38:41:540 20fc
18:38:41:540 20fc

18:38:41:556 20fc Claymore's Dual ETH + DCR/SC/LBC/PASC GPU Miner

18:38:41:556 20fc

18:38:41:556 20fc
18:38:41:786 20fc ETH: 1 pool is specified
18:38:41:786 20fc Main Ethereum pool is
18:38:41:786 20fc DCR: 0 pool is specified
18:38:42:887 20fc OpenCL platform: Intel(R) OpenCL
18:38:42:903 20fc OpenCL platform: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
18:38:42:903 20fc OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA
18:38:42:903 20fc OpenCL initializing...

18:38:42:918 20fc AMD Cards available: 1

18:38:42:918 20fc GPU #0: Ellesmere, 8192 MB available, 36 compute units
18:38:42:918 20fc GPU #0 recognized as Radeon RX 480/580
18:38:42:934 20fc POOL/SOLO version
18:38:42:934 20fc b370
18:38:42:934 20fc Platform: Windows
18:38:43:003 20fc start building OpenCL program for GPU 0...
18:38:43:767 20fc done
18:38:43:990 20fc GPU #0: algorithm ASM
18:38:44:416 20fc CUDA initializing...

18:38:44:431 20fc NVIDIA Cards available: 2

18:38:44:431 20fc CUDA Driver Version/Runtime Version: 9.1/8.0
18:38:44:431 20fc GPU #1: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, 3072 MB available, 9 compute
units, capability: 6.1

18:38:44:447 20fc GPU #2: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, 3072 MB available, 9 compute
units, capability: 6.1

18:38:44:447 20fc Total cards: 3

18:38:46:943 20fc NVML version: 9.387.92
18:38:47:318 195c ETH: Stratum - connecting to ''
<> port 4444
18:38:47:334 20fc No pool specified for Decred! Ethereum-only mining mode is
18:38:47:334 20fc ETHEREUM-ONLY MINING MODE ENABLED (-mode 1)
18:38:47:334 20fc ETH: eth-proxy stratum mode
18:38:47:334 20fc Watchdog enabled
18:38:47:334 20fc Remote management (READ-ONLY MODE) is enabled on port 3333
18:38:47:349 20fc
18:38:47:396 195c send: {"worker": "eth1.0", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params":
["0x70b8769eB64A8B8C74BB05Cdb33b4573d4A06FB9.ali0", "x"], "id": 2, "method":

18:38:47:412 195c ETH: Stratum - Connected (

18:38:47:506 195c got 39 bytes
18:38:47:506 195c buf: {"id":2,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}
18:38:47:506 195c parse packet: 38
18:38:47:506 195c ETH: Authorized
18:38:47:506 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:38:47:506 195c new buf size: 0

18:38:47:599 195c got 248 bytes
18:38:47:599 195c buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:38:47:599 195c parse packet: 247

18:38:47:599 195c ETH: job changed
18:38:47:613 195c new buf size: 0
18:38:47:728 194c Setting DAG epoch #148...
18:38:48:213 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:38:49:244 195c got 248 bytes
18:38:49:244 195c buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:38:49:244 195c parse packet: 247

18:38:49:244 195c ETH: job changed
18:38:49:244 195c new buf size: 0
18:38:49:260 195c ETH: 10/30/17-18:38:49 - New job from
18:38:49:260 195c target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch
18:38:49:260 195c ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected:
0, Time: 00:00
18:38:49:275 195c ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s
18:38:49:510 194c Setting DAG epoch #148 for GPU2
18:38:49:510 2b04 Setting DAG epoch #148 for GPU1
18:38:49:510 2b08 Setting DAG epoch #148 for GPU0
18:38:49:525 194c Create GPU buffer for GPU2
18:38:49:525 2b04 Create GPU buffer for GPU1
18:38:49:525 2b08 Create GPU buffer for GPU0
18:38:51:489 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:38:52:114 195c got 248 bytes
18:38:52:114 195c buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:38:52:114 195c parse packet: 247

18:38:52:114 195c ETH: job changed
18:38:52:114 195c new buf size: 0
18:38:52:129 195c ETH: 10/30/17-18:38:52 - New job from
18:38:52:129 195c target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch
18:38:52:129 195c ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected:
0, Time: 00:00
18:38:52:129 195c ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s
18:38:54:451 2b08 GPU0 DAG creation time - 4855 ms
18:38:54:451 2b08 Setting DAG epoch #148 for GPU0 done
18:38:54:779 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:38:57:633 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:38:57:633 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:38:57:805 195c got 248 bytes

18:38:57:805 195c buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:38:57:805 195c parse packet: 247

18:38:57:805 195c ETH: job is the same
18:38:57:805 195c new buf size: 0
18:38:57:852 194c GPU2 DAG creation time - 8198 ms
18:38:57:852 194c Setting DAG epoch #148 for GPU2 done
18:38:58:055 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:38:58:055 2b04 GPU1 DAG creation time - 8402 ms
18:38:58:071 2b04 Setting DAG epoch #148 for GPU1 done
18:39:01:342 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:02:963 194c ETH: put share nonce 31b188003ac28b2
18:39:02:963 194c ETH round found 1 shares
18:39:02:978 195c ETH: 10/30/17-18:39:02 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 2)
18:39:02:978 195c send: {"id":4,"method":"eth_submitWork","params":

18:39:03:057 195c got 39 bytes

18:39:03:057 195c buf: {"id":4,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}

18:39:03:057 195c parse packet: 38

18:39:03:057 195c ETH: Share accepted (78 ms)!
18:39:03:057 195c new buf size: 0
18:39:04:619 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:07:647 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:39:07:647 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:39:07:647 195c send:


18:39:07:897 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:39:08:115 195c got 248 bytes
18:39:08:115 195c buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:39:08:115 195c parse packet: 247

18:39:08:115 195c ETH: job is the same
18:39:08:115 195c new buf size: 0
18:39:08:412 195c got 39 bytes
18:39:08:412 195c buf: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}

18:39:08:412 195c parse packet: 38

18:39:08:412 195c new buf size: 0
18:39:11:183 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:11:464 195c got 248 bytes
18:39:11:464 195c buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:39:11:464 195c parse packet: 247

18:39:11:464 195c ETH: job changed
18:39:11:464 195c new buf size: 0
18:39:11:480 195c ETH: 10/30/17-18:39:11 - New job from
18:39:11:480 195c target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch
18:39:11:480 195c ETH - Total Speed: 75.249 Mh/s, Total Shares: 1, Rejected:
0, Time: 00:00
18:39:11:480 195c ETH: GPU0 25.097 Mh/s, GPU1 25.087 Mh/s, GPU2 25.064 Mh/s
18:39:13:244 194c ETH: put share nonce 4a19ae800124b825
18:39:13:244 194c ETH round found 1 shares
18:39:13:259 195c ETH: 10/30/17-18:39:13 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 2)
18:39:13:259 195c send: {"id":4,"method":"eth_submitWork","params":

18:39:13:838 195c got 39 bytes

18:39:13:838 195c buf: {"id":4,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}

18:39:13:838 195c parse packet: 38

18:39:13:838 195c ETH: Share accepted (578 ms)!
18:39:13:838 195c new buf size: 0
18:39:14:463 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:14:463 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:14:463 2698 GPU1 t=56C fan=55%, GPU2 t=60C fan=55%
18:39:14:463 2698 em hbt: 0, fm hbt: 0,
18:39:14:478 2698 watchdog - thread 0 (gpu0), hb time 172
18:39:14:478 2698 watchdog - thread 1 (gpu0), hb time 375
18:39:14:478 2698 watchdog - thread 2 (gpu1), hb time 0
18:39:14:478 2698 watchdog - thread 3 (gpu1), hb time 94
18:39:14:478 2698 watchdog - thread 4 (gpu2), hb time 16
18:39:14:494 2698 watchdog - thread 5 (gpu2), hb time 125
18:39:17:665 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:39:17:665 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:39:17:774 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:39:18:149 195c got 248 bytes
18:39:18:149 195c buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:39:18:149 195c parse packet: 247

18:39:18:149 195c ETH: job is the same
18:39:18:149 195c new buf size: 0
18:39:21:042 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:24:317 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:27:617 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:27:664 195c send:
18:39:27:679 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:39:27:679 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:39:28:211 195c got 39 bytes

18:39:28:211 195c buf: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}

18:39:28:211 195c parse packet: 38

18:39:28:211 195c new buf size: 0
18:39:29:336 195c got 248 bytes
18:39:29:336 195c buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:39:29:336 195c parse packet: 247

18:39:29:336 195c ETH: job is the same
18:39:29:336 195c new buf size: 0
18:39:29:508 2964 ETH: put share nonce 85c5d8b80d47b84c
18:39:29:523 2964 ETH round found 1 shares
18:39:29:539 195c ETH: 10/30/17-18:39:29 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 1)
18:39:29:539 195c send: {"id":4,"method":"eth_submitWork","params":

18:39:30:905 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:39:31:545 195c got 248 bytes
18:39:31:545 195c buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:39:31:545 195c parse packet: 247

18:39:31:545 195c ETH: job changed
18:39:31:545 195c new buf size: 0
18:39:31:561 195c ETH: 10/30/17-18:39:31 - New job from
18:39:31:561 195c target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch
18:39:31:561 195c ETH - Total Speed: 75.139 Mh/s, Total Shares: 3, Rejected:
0, Time: 00:00
18:39:31:561 195c ETH: GPU0 25.083 Mh/s, GPU1 25.001 Mh/s, GPU2 25.055 Mh/s
18:39:32:467 195c got 39 bytes
18:39:32:467 195c buf: {"id":4,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}

18:39:32:483 195c parse packet: 38

18:39:32:483 195c ETH: Share accepted (2938 ms)!
18:39:32:498 195c new buf size: 0
18:39:34:188 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:37:472 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:37:706 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:39:37:706 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:39:37:862 195c got 248 bytes

18:39:37:862 195c buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":
18:39:37:862 195c parse packet: 247
18:39:37:862 195c ETH: job is the same
18:39:37:878 195c new buf size: 0
18:39:40:755 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:44:033 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:47:336 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:47:336 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:47:336 2698 GPU1 t=57C fan=55%, GPU2 t=61C fan=55%
18:39:47:351 2698 em hbt: 0, fm hbt: 63,
18:39:47:351 2698 watchdog - thread 0 (gpu0), hb time 172
18:39:47:351 2698 watchdog - thread 1 (gpu0), hb time 359
18:39:47:351 2698 watchdog - thread 2 (gpu1), hb time 63
18:39:47:367 2698 watchdog - thread 3 (gpu1), hb time 172
18:39:47:367 2698 watchdog - thread 4 (gpu2), hb time 94
18:39:47:367 2698 watchdog - thread 5 (gpu2), hb time 188
18:39:47:685 195c send:

18:39:47:716 195c ETH: checking pool connection...

18:39:47:716 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:39:48:060 195c got 39 bytes

18:39:48:060 195c buf: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}

18:39:48:060 195c parse packet: 38

18:39:48:060 195c new buf size: 0
18:39:48:653 195c got 248 bytes
18:39:48:653 195c buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:39:48:653 195c parse packet: 247

18:39:48:653 195c ETH: job is the same
18:39:48:669 195c new buf size: 0
18:39:50:664 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:53:957 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:57:239 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:39:57:740 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:39:57:740 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:39:58:224 195c got 248 bytes

18:39:58:224 195c buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:39:58:224 195c parse packet: 247

18:39:58:224 195c ETH: job is the same
18:39:58:240 195c new buf size: 0
18:39:58:364 2b08 ETH: put share nonce d4d63150138dba9b
18:39:58:364 2b08 ETH round found 1 shares
18:39:58:380 195c ETH: 10/30/17-18:39:58 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 0)
18:39:58:380 195c send: {"id":4,"method":"eth_submitWork","params":

18:39:58:833 195c got 39 bytes

18:39:58:833 195c buf: {"id":4,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}

18:39:58:833 195c parse packet: 38

18:39:58:849 195c ETH: Share accepted (468 ms)!
18:39:58:849 195c new buf size: 0
18:40:00:533 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:03:832 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:07:107 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:07:701 195c send:

18:40:07:748 195c ETH: checking pool connection...

18:40:07:748 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:40:08:107 195c got 39 bytes

18:40:08:107 195c buf: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}

18:40:08:107 195c parse packet: 38

18:40:08:123 195c new buf size: 0
18:40:08:573 195c got 248 bytes
18:40:08:577 195c buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:40:08:581 195c parse packet: 247

18:40:08:581 195c ETH: job is the same
18:40:08:581 195c new buf size: 0
18:40:10:394 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:13:678 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:16:923 195c got 248 bytes
18:40:16:923 195c buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:40:16:923 195c parse packet: 247

18:40:16:923 195c ETH: job changed
18:40:16:923 195c new buf size: 0
18:40:16:938 195c ETH: 10/30/17-18:40:16 - New job from
18:40:16:938 195c target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch
18:40:16:938 195c ETH - Total Speed: 75.026 Mh/s, Total Shares: 4, Rejected:
0, Time: 00:01
18:40:16:938 195c ETH: GPU0 25.084 Mh/s, GPU1 24.943 Mh/s, GPU2 24.999 Mh/s
18:40:16:970 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:17:763 194c GPU #2 got incorrect share. If you see this warning often,
make sure you did not overclock it too much!
18:40:17:779 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:40:17:779 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:40:18:951 195c got 248 bytes

18:40:18:951 195c buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:40:18:951 195c parse packet: 247

18:40:18:951 195c ETH: job is the same
18:40:18:951 195c new buf size: 0
18:40:20:248 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:20:248 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:20:248 2698 GPU1 t=58C fan=55%, GPU2 t=62C fan=55%
18:40:20:263 2698 em hbt: 0, fm hbt: 62,
18:40:20:263 2698 watchdog - thread 0 (gpu0), hb time 265
18:40:20:263 2698 watchdog - thread 1 (gpu0), hb time 78
18:40:20:279 2698 watchdog - thread 2 (gpu1), hb time 94
18:40:20:279 2698 watchdog - thread 3 (gpu1), hb time 188
18:40:20:279 2698 watchdog - thread 4 (gpu2), hb time 172
18:40:20:294 2698 watchdog - thread 5 (gpu2), hb time 93
18:40:23:571 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:26:863 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:27:723 195c send:

18:40:27:801 195c ETH: checking pool connection...

18:40:27:801 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:40:28:113 195c got 39 bytes

18:40:28:113 195c buf: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}

18:40:28:113 195c parse packet: 38

18:40:28:113 195c new buf size: 0
18:40:28:551 195c got 248 bytes
18:40:28:551 195c buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:40:28:566 195c parse packet: 247

18:40:28:582 195c ETH: job is the same
18:40:28:582 195c new buf size: 0
18:40:29:020 2964 ETH: put share nonce 3520e7b408ee1354
18:40:29:020 2964 ETH round found 1 shares
18:40:29:035 195c ETH: 10/30/17-18:40:29 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 1)
18:40:29:035 195c send: {"id":4,"method":"eth_submitWork","params":

18:40:30:158 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:40:30:173 195c got 39 bytes
18:40:30:173 195c buf: {"id":4,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}

18:40:30:189 195c parse packet: 38

18:40:30:189 195c ETH: Share accepted (1156 ms)!
18:40:30:204 195c new buf size: 0
18:40:30:736 194c ETH: put share nonce f2233180a3de23f
18:40:30:751 194c ETH round found 1 shares
18:40:30:767 195c ETH: 10/30/17-18:40:30 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 2)
18:40:30:767 195c send: {"id":4,"method":"eth_submitWork","params":

18:40:32:838 195c got 39 bytes

18:40:32:838 195c buf: {"id":4,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}

18:40:32:838 195c parse packet: 38

18:40:32:838 195c ETH: Share accepted (2078 ms)!
18:40:32:854 195c new buf size: 0
18:40:33:448 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:36:723 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:37:817 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:40:37:817 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:40:40:023 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:40:41:523 195c got 248 bytes
18:40:41:523 195c buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":

18:40:41:523 195c parse packet: 247

18:40:41:523 195c ETH: job is the same
18:40:41:538 195c new buf size: 0
18:40:43:299 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:46:579 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:47:739 195c send:

18:40:47:833 195c ETH: checking pool connection...

18:40:47:833 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:40:49:864 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:40:51:284 194c ETH: put share nonce f2233181988ff5c
18:40:51:284 194c ETH round found 1 shares
18:40:51:300 195c ETH: 10/30/17-18:40:51 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 2)
18:40:51:300 195c send: {"id":4,"method":"eth_submitWork","params":

18:40:53:175 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:40:53:175 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:53:175 2698 GPU1 t=59C fan=55%, GPU2 t=63C fan=55%
18:40:53:191 2698 em hbt: 0, fm hbt: 94,
18:40:53:191 2698 watchdog - thread 0 (gpu0), hb time 250
18:40:53:191 2698 watchdog - thread 1 (gpu0), hb time 47
18:40:53:191 2698 watchdog - thread 2 (gpu1), hb time 172
18:40:53:206 2698 watchdog - thread 3 (gpu1), hb time 94
18:40:53:206 2698 watchdog - thread 4 (gpu2), hb time 141
18:40:53:206 2698 watchdog - thread 5 (gpu2), hb time 47
18:40:56:507 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:40:57:842 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:40:57:842 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
18:40:59:782 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:03:070 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:06:354 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:07:745 195c send:

18:41:07:854 195c ETH: checking pool connection...

18:41:07:854 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:41:09:629 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:41:12:921 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:16:207 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:17:867 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:41:17:867 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:41:19:492 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:41:22:790 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:26:072 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:26:072 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:26:072 2698 GPU1 t=59C fan=55%, GPU2 t=64C fan=55%
18:41:26:088 2698 em hbt: 0, fm hbt: 78,
18:41:26:088 2698 watchdog - thread 0 (gpu0), hb time 281
18:41:26:088 2698 watchdog - thread 1 (gpu0), hb time 93
18:41:26:088 2698 watchdog - thread 2 (gpu1), hb time 172
18:41:26:088 2698 watchdog - thread 3 (gpu1), hb time 78
18:41:26:104 2698 watchdog - thread 4 (gpu2), hb time 188
18:41:26:104 2698 watchdog - thread 5 (gpu2), hb time 94
18:41:27:761 195c send:

18:41:27:901 195c ETH: checking pool connection...

18:41:27:901 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:41:29:401 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:41:32:701 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:36:002 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:37:939 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:41:37:939 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:41:39:278 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:41:42:553 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:45:845 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:47:786 195c send:

18:41:47:958 195c ETH: checking pool connection...

18:41:47:958 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:41:49:130 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:41:52:421 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:55:700 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:57:983 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:41:57:983 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:41:58:999 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:41:58:999 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:41:58:999 2698 GPU1 t=60C fan=55%, GPU2 t=64C fan=55%
18:41:58:999 2698 em hbt: 0, fm hbt: 79,
18:41:59:014 2698 watchdog - thread 0 (gpu0), hb time 312
18:41:59:014 2698 watchdog - thread 1 (gpu0), hb time 109
18:41:59:014 2698 watchdog - thread 2 (gpu1), hb time 0
18:41:59:014 2698 watchdog - thread 3 (gpu1), hb time 94
18:41:59:030 2698 watchdog - thread 4 (gpu2), hb time 47
18:41:59:030 2698 watchdog - thread 5 (gpu2), hb time 141
18:42:02:314 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:42:05:610 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:42:07:802 195c send:

18:42:08:005 195c ETH: checking pool connection...

18:42:08:005 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:42:08:902 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:42:12:202 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:42:15:502 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:42:18:024 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:42:18:024 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:42:18:805 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:42:22:096 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:42:25:398 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:42:27:816 195c send:

18:42:28:051 195c ETH: checking pool connection...

18:42:28:051 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:42:28:676 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:42:31:967 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:42:31:967 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:42:31:967 2698 GPU1 t=60C fan=55%, GPU2 t=64C fan=55%
18:42:31:982 2698 em hbt: 0, fm hbt: 16,
18:42:31:982 2698 watchdog - thread 0 (gpu0), hb time 375
18:42:31:982 2698 watchdog - thread 1 (gpu0), hb time 172
18:42:31:982 2698 watchdog - thread 2 (gpu1), hb time 63
18:42:31:998 2698 watchdog - thread 3 (gpu1), hb time 172
18:42:31:998 2698 watchdog - thread 4 (gpu2), hb time 157
18:42:31:998 2698 watchdog - thread 5 (gpu2), hb time 63
18:42:35:299 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:42:38:061 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:42:38:061 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:42:38:576 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:42:41:863 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:42:45:153 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:42:47:832 195c send:

18:42:48:082 195c ETH: checking pool connection...

18:42:48:082 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:42:48:441 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:42:51:720 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:42:55:002 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:42:58:085 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:42:58:085 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:42:58:304 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:43:01:597 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:43:04:890 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:43:04:890 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:43:04:890 2698 GPU1 t=60C fan=55%, GPU2 t=65C fan=55%
18:43:04:905 2698 em hbt: 0, fm hbt: 31,
18:43:04:905 2698 watchdog - thread 0 (gpu0), hb time 16
18:43:04:905 2698 watchdog - thread 1 (gpu0), hb time 203
18:43:04:905 2698 watchdog - thread 2 (gpu1), hb time 94
18:43:04:905 2698 watchdog - thread 3 (gpu1), hb time 0
18:43:04:921 2698 watchdog - thread 4 (gpu2), hb time 46
18:43:04:921 2698 watchdog - thread 5 (gpu2), hb time 140
18:43:07:843 195c send:

18:43:08:109 195c ETH: checking pool connection...

18:43:08:140 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:43:08:218 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:43:11:275 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:43:11:684 194c ETH: put share nonce f22331882020d2b
18:43:11:688 194c ETH round found 1 shares
18:43:11:691 195c ETH: 10/30/17-18:43:11 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 2)
18:43:11:694 195c send: {"id":4,"method":"eth_submitWork","params":

18:43:14:298 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:43:17:333 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:43:18:163 195c ETH: checking pool connection...
18:43:18:172 195c send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id":
3, "method": "eth_getWork"}

18:43:20:361 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

18:43:22:959 194c ETH: put share nonce f2233188a743d2f
18:43:22:963 194c ETH round found 1 shares
18:43:22:967 195c ETH: 10/30/17-18:43:22 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 2)
18:43:22:971 195c send: {"id":4,"method":"eth_submitWork","params":
18:43:23:386 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:43:26:414 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:43:27:850 195c send:

18:43:27:930 195c Socket was closed remotely (by pool)

18:43:27:934 195c ETH: Connection lost, retry in 20 sec...
18:43:29:441 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:43:32:709 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:43:36:006 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:43:36:006 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:43:36:006 2698 GPU1 t=61C fan=55%, GPU2 t=65C fan=55%
18:43:36:021 2698 em hbt: 8078, fm hbt: 47,
18:43:36:021 2698 watchdog - thread 0 (gpu0), hb time 78
18:43:36:021 2698 watchdog - thread 1 (gpu0), hb time 281
18:43:36:037 2698 watchdog - thread 2 (gpu1), hb time 141
18:43:36:037 2698 watchdog - thread 3 (gpu1), hb time 47
18:43:36:037 2698 watchdog - thread 4 (gpu2), hb time 172
18:43:36:037 2698 watchdog - thread 5 (gpu2), hb time 78
18:43:39:329 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:43:42:661 2698 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0
18:43:44:115 2310 Cannot get Overdrive capabilities for adapter 0

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