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Toilet training, or potty training, is the process of training a young child to use
the toilet for urination and defecation, though training may start with a smaller toilet bowl-
shaped device (often known as a potty). (
retrieved on 6th February 2011).


It is to help a child learn to stay clean and dry. In training toileting, two goals must be met in
order to achieve independent and appropriate toileting skills: (1) continence, where an individual
must be able to recognize the sensation for elimination and (2) mastery of the entire chain of
behaviors accompanying a toilet visit (i.e., going to the bathroom, removing clothes, excreting
into the toilet, redressing, flushing, and washing hands; (Lott & Kroeger, 2004; Taras & Matese,

A child is toilet trained when (timing):

He/she knows when he/she needs to shit or pee (make stool or urine) and has learned to
hold on so he/she does not go in his/her clothing or on the floor. (Bowel and bladder
He/she tells people when he/she needs to do his/her toilet or
He/she takes himself/herself to a special place (pot, toilet, latrine or at least outside the
house), removes necessary clothing, goes, cleans himself/herself in the customary way,
puts his clothing back on, and does whatever may be necessary to get rid of the waste.


Spina bifida (lack of bowel and bladder control)

Spinal cord injury (lack of bowel and bladder control)
Mental retarded
Developmental slow
Learning disabilities
Handicapped child
Pervasive developmental disorder

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