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oil density po 47.

water density pw 63.76
gas density pg 5.1
oil Viscosity uo 0.73
Oil FVF Bo 1.1
oil column thickness h 65
depth from GOC to TOP of perforation Dt 25
well perforated interval hp 15
wellbore radius rw 0.25
drainage radius re 660
oil effective permeability ko 93.5
horizontal and vertical permeability kv 110
oil relative permeability kro 0.85

Kh 50


Qoc ko/Uo Bo h2-hp2 ln (re/rw) h2-hp2/ln (re/rw) pw- po (po-pg/pw-pg)^2

17.09189 116.438356 4000 7.878534 507.70865 16.26 0.522453

Chierici-Ciucci Digunakan saat Kv dan Kh berbeda

Db = 25 rde = 15.06059 e= 0.230769

delta Pow= 16.26 delta Pog= 42.4 2.607626

Qow h^2 (pw- po)/Bo Uo (kro*krh)*w
20.85856 85552.3039 4.9555

Qog h^2 (po- pg)/Bo Uo (kro*krh)*g

54.39132 223088.418 4.9555


Analitik Numerik

Qoc Ko (pw- po)/Bo Uo

44.87791 1893.288

Chaney et al
Qoc ko(Pw-Po)/UoBo Q curve
29.0339451 1893.288 290 Qgc

Chaperson Digunakan saat Kv dan Kh berbeda

Qoc kh (h-hp)^2/UoBo Pw-Po Qc a"

20.1146063 155666.3 16.26 1.014927 6.845722


Qoc (Pw-Po) ko(H2-hp2)/UoBo 3,142/ln(re/rw) (h/re)^0,14

17.0950681 7573151 0.398805 0.722889
Bandingkan Qo limit agar tidak terja
1 Meyer-Garder
2 Chierici-Ciucci
3 Hoyland-Papatzacos
4 Chaney et al
5 Chaperson
6 Schols
Apabila menggunakan data tambah

po-pg 1- (po-pg/pw-pg)^2
42.4 0.076835

n Kh berbeda

dho g= 0.38461538 dho w= 0.384615

dimensionless water dimensionless gas

w 0.053 g 0.053
Ko (pw- po)/Bo Uo (1- (hp/h)^2)^1,325 h^2,238 (ln(re))^-1.99
0.930056 11410.38 0.024173

Qoc ko(Po-Pg)/UoBo Q curve

38.31299 4936.986 290
an Qo limit agar tidak terjadi water dan gas coning menggunakan metode:

menggunakan data tambahan, tentukan asumsi-asumsi dengan jelas

Q curve= 290 bbl/day

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