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Alondra Blanco

English 102 (V25031)

Professor Holly Batty
December 11, 2017
Short Reflection on Essay #3 (250 Words):

The third essay that I am revising is my monster novel analysis, while this essay did not have

major mistakes, there was still of few things that I had to do in order for the composition of the

essay to flow better. The points that I had made were strong and on topic to my thesis, my thesis

was interesting, however the subtopic that I had chosen were straying from my thesis. I had to go

back and make sure that they were on the right path and relate them back to my original thesis.

My subpoint werent to off topic but they didnt relate to my topic sentence, so with some editing

they flowed better. There was misconnection with my thesis because I had said that humans were

the actual monsters in the novel, but then proceeded to talk about the Androids as monster

anyways. This was fixed by simply adding in an explanation as to how the androids reflected

what was monstrous about humanity. I did try to be very precise with definitions and make sure

that everything was well defined, but then got rid of some definitions that werent needed and

focused more on explaining harder definitions. I had useful quote from scholarly sources, the

only problem was that I had forgotten to quote the actual novel, I did have a couple of quotes

from the book accept that that they hadnt been actually quote. My paragraphs needed some

organization and editing for clarity, I went back and made sure that everything went and

transitioned smoothly. And lastly, I fixed the work cited page by making sure to include the

monster novel, alphabetically organize the list, and indent all the sources.

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