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Which one of the following types of cloud is most likely to produce heavy precipitation

2. From the list below, select the Low, Medium and High clouds in ascending order.

[A] Nimbostratus, Cumulonimbus, Cirrus.

[B] Stratus, Altocumulus, Cirrus.

[C] Altostratus, Altocumulus, Cirrus.

[D] Cirrus, Cumulonimbus, Stratus.

3. The use of the suffix "nimbus" or the prefix "nimbo" means?

[A] Dark and threatening.

[B] Wispy, detached or fiberous.

[C] Medium cloud.

[D] Rain bearing.

4. Precipitation produced by stratus is normally? [A] Heavy showers. [B] Drizzle. [C] Heavy rain. [D]
Light showers.

Visibility is defined as the ability to see and identify prominent unlighted objects by day and
prominent lighted objects at night, and is expressed in statute miles, hundreds of feet, or meters.

Why does visibility is important to all aviators?

Visibility is important to all aviators since it plays an essential role in takeoffs, approaches, and

Define the following

Flight Visibility

Weather briefing and the provision of weather reports is very crucial if the aspect of weather
impacts on the aviation industry is anything to go by. Numerous reports and investigations of airline
accidents show that to be a major contributor to air related accidents. According to FAA statistics,
weather is the cause of approximately 70 percent of the delays in the National Airspace System

Discuss how does weather affect the safety and operations.

How Does Weather Affect the Safety and Operations of airport and aviation

Delay in departure and arrival times of aircraft are constantly experienced when cloud ceilings are
low or visibility is low.

Deicing of aircrafts due to ice buildup on planes on the ground before flight, may lead to delays.

Sometimes planes have to be coated with a fluid that prevents ice buildup, this can turn to be
expensive. P

lowing and treating runways to make them suitable for landing and taking off of planes.

Lighting low temperatures, and wind chills prevent workers, ground handlers and fuelers from doing
their work due to rules and regulations put in place that allow them outside for short periods of

Volcanic ash and thunderstorms can result to routes being closed or costly re-routes.

How Does aviation industry Work to Manage Weather-related Effects?

Ensuring passenger safety is every airline's priority, thus the aviation industry should put more
resources in establishing agencies that can keep tabs on changing weather patterns and offering

pilots have to also take the imitative and be more proactive in gaining the most from weather
briefings in order to be able to file their flight plans.

They should also be constantly enquiring on weather changes during the flight.

Organizations such as the National Weather Service for Forecasters and National Aeronautics and
Space Administration for Pilots, with knowledge in training should take up the role as lead agencies
in the consolidation of aviation weather training that cuts across the industry.
Training should be constantly reviewed and undertaken to ensure that there is no gap in skill levels
across agencies. This is because of the ever changing and diverse weather phenomenon.

The government should come up with policies that enhance passenger safety and also safety in
general for the aviation industry by requiring agencies both government and private to consolidate
their work on weather reports and make them available to other stakeholders in the industry.

The industry should be able to rectify this by updating weather databases frequently.

Pilots should also fill in weather in flight reports clearly. This will help shed light on how the weather
changes and how different pilots reacted thus the industry is able to come up with new ways to
avert looming disasters.

List 6 Hazards associated with convective weather

thunderstorms with severe turbulence, intense up- and downdrafts, lightning, hail, heavy
precipitation, icing, wind shear, microbursts, strong low-level winds, and tornadoes

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