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List of Some Important Autocad

3DARRAY Creates a three dimensional array in rows, columns and levels
ARC Draws an arc
AREA Calculates area and perimeter
ARRAY Draws multiple copies in rectangular or circular pattern
BHATCH Fills a closed area with associative hatch pattern
BLOCK Groups objects into a single object
BOX Creates a 3D solid box
BREAK Breaks object in to parts
CAL Starts AutoCAD built-in calculator
CAMERA Sets a different camera and target location
CHAMFER Chamfers corners of lines or surfaces
CHANGE Modifies the properties of an existing object
CHPROP Modifies the common properties of the object
CIRCLE Draws circle
COLOR Sets default color for new objects
CONE Draws a solid cone with circular or elliptical base
COPY Copies objects
CYLINDER Draws a solid cylinder with circular or elliptical base
DDEDIT Displays dialog box to edit text
DDIM Controls dimensioning settings
DDINSERT Displays dialog box for the INSERT operation
DDLTYPE Displays dialog box for loading line types
DDMODIFY Displays dialog box for editing properties of the objects
DDOSNAP Displays dialog box for Osnap settings
DDPTYPE Displays dialog box for choosing point style
DDRMODES Displays Drafting Settings dialog box
$$$ Part F Appendix 3

DIM Starts dimensioning mode

DIM1 To use a single dimension command
DIMALIGNED Dimensions as aligned linear
DIMANGULAR Dimensions an angle
DIMBASELINE Dimensions from a base line
DIMCENTER Draws a center mark for an arc or a circle
DIMCONTINUE Dimensions in continuation to a linear dimension
DIMDIAMETER Dimensions diameter of a circle
DIMEDIT Move/Rotate the dimensions text
DIMLINEAR Draws horizontal, vertical or rotated linear dimensions
DIMORDINATE Draws ordinate point type of dimensions
DIMOVERRIDE Overrides the dimension system variable
DIMRADIUS Dimensions a radius of an arc or a circle
DIMSCALE Controls scale of linetype and dimensions
DIMSTYLE Creates and modifies dimension style
DIST Displays the distance between two specified points
DIVIDE Marks points at regular equal segments
DONUT Draws a circle with a wide line
ELLIPSE Draws an ellipse
ERASE Deletes the selected objects
EXPLODE Breaks a group of objects in separate entities
EXTEND Extends an entity up to the specified boundary
EXTRUDE Draws a solid by extruding a 2D object
FILL Controls visibility of filled objects
FILLET Rounds off the corners or adjacent edges
FILTER Allows to select object by their properties
FIND Finds, replaces, selects, or zooms to specified text
FOG Provides visual cues for the apparent distance of objects
GRAPHSCR Toggles from text screen to graphic mode
GRID Sets grid settings
HATCH Fills a closed area with non-associative hatch pattern
HELP Informs about the commands and operations
INSERT Inserts a file or a block
INTERFERE Creates a composite 3D solid from the common volume of two or more
LAYER Offers layer control at command line
LEADER Draws an arrow
LENGTHEN Modifies length of objects and included angle of arc
List of Some Important Autocad Commands $$%

LIMITS Sets the drawing limits

LINE Draws lines
LINETYPE Controls line-type settings
LINEWEIGHT Controls line weight to objects and layers
LIST Displays object properties
LWEIGHT Sets the current line weight, line weight display options, and line weight
MATCHPROP Copies the properties from one object to one or more objects
MEASURE Puts mark at regular intervals
MINSERT Inserts blocks in a rectangular array
MIRROR Creates a mirror copy of the selected object
MIRROR3D Creates a mirror image of objects about a plane
MLEDIT Edits multi-lines
MLINE Draws multi-lines
MLSTYLE Defines style for multiline
MOVE Moves a selected object
MTEXT Write a para of text
OFFSET Draws parallel copies of object
OOPS Undoes the last erasure
ORTHO Forces the lines to be horizontal or vertical
OSNAP Permits exact selection of the geometry of an object
PAN Moves the current display
PLINE Draws a 2D polyline
PLOT Plots a drawing file
POINT Draws a point of the selected point style
POLYGON Draws a polygon of the specified number of sides and size
PROPERTIES Displays Properties dialog box
QUIT Exits AutoCAD
RAY Draws a semi-infinite line from a specified point
RECTANG Draws a rectangle
REDO Reverses the last undo command
REDRAW Refreshes the display
REVOLVE Creates a solid object by rotating a 2D object about an axis
REVSURF Creates a surface by revolving an object about an axis
ROTATE Rotates an object about a specified point
ROTATE3D Rotates a 3D object about a specified axis in space
RULESURF Draws a 3D mesh between two curves
SAVE Saves a drawing
$$& Part F Appendix 3

SCALE Modifies the size of object

SHADE Shades 3D models
SKETCH Allows sketching
SLICE Slices a solid at the specified plane
SPHERE Draws a 3D solid sphere
STRETCH Stretches an object from the vertices
SUBTRACT Creates a new solid by subtracting a solid object from other solid object
TOLERANCE Puts geometric tolerances
TORUS Creates a 3D solid of the shape of a car tube
TRIM Trims the objects extending beyond a specified boundary
U Undoes one command at a time
UCS Controls User Coordinate System
UCSICON Controls User Coordinate System Icon
UNDO Undoes commands in reverse order
UNION Creates a new solid by adding solid objects
UNITS Selects the unit style
VPOINT Defines a view point to view 3D objects
VPORTS Divides screen in vports in Model Space
WBLOCK Saves a block which can be used by other drawing files
WEDGE Draws a solid wedge tapering along X axis
XLINE Draws a line from minus infinity to plus infinity through a specified point
ZOOM Increases or decreases the apparent size of objects in the current view port

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