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1. What is imperialism?

a. A policy of extending a countrys power and influence through diplomacy or military force
b. A policy of extending a countrys power and influence through negotiations or by simply asking
c. A policy of decreasing a countrys power and influence through diplomacy or military force
# of students who answered correctly

2. Which is not an example of imperialism?

a. Forcing another country to give you their resources so you can sell them.
b. Assassinating another countrys leader and replacing them with one who likes your country
c. Giving another country money after a natural disaster.
d. None of the above

3. The United States controlled all of these territories with imperialism except

a. Hawaii
b. Alaska
c. England
d. Cuba

4. The way of travel for exporting goods from the United States to other countries/territories was

a. Train
b. Coal Powered Ships
c. Submarine
d. Plane

5. Countries like Guam, Puerto Rico, and Philippines were obtained by the United States during

a. True
b. False

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