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0 Executive Summary
This business plan seeks to generate a significant increase in company sales and profits from
the servic es of engineering, proc urement and c onstruction (EPC) of power generation and
power delivery projects over the prec eding year. This plan highlights a sales- revenue target
for the next five years. This target is seen as attainable through a proac tive approac h, by
teaming up with a projec t financ ing provider, partnering with reputable loc al and regional
engineers, suppliers, and c onstruction firms to reduc e c ompetition, and improving pric ing
while reduc ing risks. The required market ing budget for the duration of this plan will grow
somewhat eac h year. Based on the c ompany's c ash flow and previous profits, the c ompany's
expansion c an be c arried out without any further increase in financ ial leverage.

1.1 Objectives

1.2 Mission

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