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Jennifer Huerta

Professor Doutherd
English 5M
6 October, 2017

Rhetorical Analysis (Sociology)

Part 1
Universal health care has and will always be a topic many people will either agree or
disagree on. My senior year in high school, meanwhile the debate of health care was roaming
due to Trump's reform of wanting to remove Obamacare, my AP Gov teacher challenged us to
write our views on having universal health care and I chose to write a persuasive essay on Pro
Universal Health Care. The purpose for my paper was that despite the claims made against UHC,
a universal system will save lives and encourage the health of all Americans. My main urgency
was to convince people that universal health coverage would mean that all people and
communities can use the promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative health services they
need, of sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that the use of these services does
not expose the user to financial hardship. Many classmates would question my word and try to
go against me and I would respond with things such as why should our nation be more focused
on the profits then providing health care at all costs?, and Are profits and high premiums
more important than the value of human existence?, and they would start questioning
themselves. As Richard Straub says, The paper is not yours; its the writers. She writes. You
read (17). Besides my teacher and classmates, my audience for this essay was to convince
people who do not face the same struggles as low income families or families that just can't
afford health care that universal health care should be accessible to all. To conclude my final
thoughts I still encouraged my classmates to come at this topic with an open mind and put
themselves in the people far from the top 1%ers shoes. I ended up expressing my views on this
issue and got a decent amount of great feedback.
Part 2
In sociology, besides studying social problems and conducting observations and studying
human behavior some focus a lot of the time making sure everything one writes is well analyzed
to convey such ideas very precise. What many don't know is that sociology is also about the way
you use data to help expand ideas about social concepts while applying multiple research
resources and theories. Sociologists use data when researching to able to come up with
generalizations on claims made about social concepts. Data can be anything from statistics to
theories used by the development of information given by many resources in many being
interviews and groups. These threshold concepts, exigence, context, and audience help describe
what is being discussed, why it's being discussed and how it helps to convey ideas to students,
other social scientists and the general populace. In the csus handbook for Writing and
Researching in the Social Science, it is also learned that students use these concepts as to
Why? What is the relationship between your personal history and the history of society? What
are the social forces that are creating a social problem? to let the students use their sociological
stance to influence their writing.
Part 3
Sociology majors are often required to use integrated writing to describe the study of the
development, structure and the function of human society. These people use many mechanisms
for evidence such as quantitative data from multiple researches while following patterns and
evidence to conduct in the research that is being studied. The persuasive essay on why universal
health care should be applied around the world would be a considered piece a soc major might
tie in into by analyzing and using data/research to help show evidence to persuade the reader. In
the first part of this analysis we reflect on why having universal health care could potentially
save the lives of many and for those battling to stay alive at low premiums. Having universal
health care is a social problem that relates to the whole meaning of sociology. Sociologists study
from interpersonal social problems within the community to larger things such as nation and
country being said having universal health care could grant many people from around the world
access to medical aid.
The argument on why pro universal health care could help others benefit a healthy and
secure lifestyle but also bring up conversations about global problems and conversations like
these could open doors to new strategies and data to help these social problems. Why having
healthcare explains and gives statistics on multiple ways one can be left with no medical
attention whether they have the funds or not. They must help others even though these social
issues can only pertain to certain groups of social class things like these can help bring awareness
that you can be left without health care for any reason. By usings this information this paper can
be deemed a good sociology major written essay due to its data used, connections, theories and
opening discussions on the related topic.
In both papers whether it's an essay about a miscellaneous subject or an important one
sociologists consider their work to be very professionally research based. They use methods just
like the ones used in the persuasive essay for prohealth care that help form a correlation between
the writings. Data is used in the pro essay when stating, more than 50 million Americans have
no health insurance and out of those 50 million almost 18,000 will die in result, this is data and
research made and used as evidence, just like the one's social scientists use. An example of
theory used in the essay is when stated, If we raise awareness to these issues we can reduce and
decrease bankruptcy or poverty due to medical costs, all people will have equal access to health
care which promotes equality and fairness, and small businesses who cannot afford to provide
their employees with health insurance will be able to keep their premiums at a lower cost and
maintain employees, just like the quote the practice of social science can be full of evidence and
facts but in some cases theories are also key terms they use when conducting something. In the
future some related writings i want to make sure I come around besides these principles is to
focus on other factors that could also be applied to sociology but not entirely.
Jennifer Huerta
Professor Doutherd
English 5M
6 October, 2017

Cover Letter

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