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WKNJ Newscast

Date: Dec. 13,2017

Allison Yuschik

Good afternoon, its Wednesday December 13th, 2017 at _____________ oclock and youre

listening to 90.3 WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey, and Im _____________ with the news.

In Local News

Governor elect Phil Murphy has nominated Gurbir Grewal currently acting Burgen

County Prosecutor for New Jersey Attorney general according to News 12 New Jersey. When

looking for a attorney general Murphy said someone who would fight the Trump administration

on a wide range of issues was who he was looking for said News 12. In 2016, Grewal was

appointed as acting prosecutor by Governor Christie and is a former criminal division United

States attorney for New Jersey and prosecutor in Eastern New York said News 12. If the

nomination is confirmed Grewal would be the first Sikh Indian to hold the position in New

Jersey, the New Jersey state Senate will hold hearing on the nomination in the new year

according to News 12

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In more local news

New Jersey rock band Bon-Jovi is headed to the Rock and Roll hall of Fame. Bon Jovi

has been eligible for the past nine years but finally made the cut for 2018 said The band

originally from Sayreville formed in the early 1980s and have sold more then 130 million

records worldwide and making them one of the best rock bands of the last 35 years said Some of the bands most well-known songs are Livin on a prayer, you give love a bad

name, have a nice day and its my life. Bon Jovi joins the Cars, the Moody Blues, Dire Straits and

Nina Simone in the 2018 Hall of Fame Class according to

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In National news

Wildfires continue to burn in Southern California. There are six fires currently in

California according to with the Thomas fire being the biggest. The fires have burned

at least 230,000 acres in Ventura and Santa Barbra counties and many people have

had to evacuate their homes in the areas. Strong winds have caused the fire to spread but

conditions have improved over the weekend according to as of Monday, about 93,243

people were under mandatory evacuation orders in Ventura and Santa Barbra counties Fire fighters from Colorado, Arizona, Washington state, Idaho and Oregon have

come to California to help battle the fires according to

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In more national news

In Alabama, the election for senator took place yesterday. The seat became open when

Jeff Sessions (Senator from Alabama) became United States Attorney General said the . The two

candidates on the ballot were Democrat Doug Jones and Republican Roy Moore. As the results

came it they began to show that Doug Jones was going to win which was confirmed later in the

night according to the New York Times. The Washington Post reported back in November that

the Republican candidate Roy Moore had made sexual advances toward four teenage girls while

he was a local prosecutor, others came forward to say the same leading up to the election

according to the Times, Moore denies the claims. Once Mr. Jones it sworn in it will leave the

Republicans with 51 seats in the Senate according to the Times.

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In international news

In British Colombia Canada, a human foot was found washed up on the beach. On

Thursday morning was man out walking his dog on the beach and the dog farted toward the bone

said the New York Times. The man called the police and brought the bone back to his home, so

it wouldnt wash away, the police came Around on Friday said the Times. This time of year, the

waves are higher on the beach known as king tides so different things wash up on the shore

such as whale bones said the Times. Since 2007 13 feet have washed up on Canadas shores

including this current find and has become an interest into how they ended up in the ocean.

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In more international news

On Tuesday many world leaders and philanthropists met for a new summit on how to

combat climate change according to the Washington Post. Frances President Emmanuel Macron

spoke at the summit saying that Were losing the battle Were not moving quickly enough

We all need to act in reference to climate change according to the Post. The summit was

focused on different ways of meeting climate goals without the participation of the U.S.

government earlier this year President Trump said the U.S. would be pulling out of the Paris

Accord the only nation to reject a global agreement said the Post. Different Philanthropists and

organizations said they would put different action in place such as, Bill gates saying the he

would put 300 million toward struggling farmers in Asia and Africa with the effects of climate

change and AXA the third largest insurance company in the world said they would cut back

more on investing in coal said the Post.

More news, sports, and weather coming up

(Play PSA #1 here.)

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In Sports

The New Jersey Devils beat the LA Kings 5-1 last night in regulation. The Devils opened

up the game with two goals in the first period from Travis Zajac and Taylor Hall who scored a

power play goal according to The Devils continued their scoring in the Second with

goals from Taylor Hall again and Brian Boyle said The Kings finally responded in the

third with a goal from Torrey Mitchell long Devils Goalie Corey Schneider a shut-out according

to Devils Brian Gibbons scored a short-handed goal in the last seconds of the game

bringing the final score of 5-1 ending the LA Kings 8 game winning streak according to

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Now your WKNJ weather update

Its cold out there today so its best to bundle up if heading out. Currently the temperature

is 24 degrees, but it feels like 10 degrees according to The wind is blowing 18

mph adding to the cold feeling according to Later in the day it will reach a high of

31 but feel like 18 and it will be in the 30s for the rest of the week according to

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In Entertainment

Jimmy Kimmel came back to his late-night show Monday. While holding his son

Kimmel discussed the childrens health Insurance program or CHIP and said that it would be cut

next month due to lack of government funding said E! Online. Kimmels son was born with a

heart condition and required three open heart surgerys the second being recently completed.

Kimmel Thanked the childrens hospital where his son was and urged his viewers to call their

local senators and say not to let CHIP end according to E! Online.










1. 1) (x ) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.

2. 2) ( x) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other classes, I clearly

explain that in the paper.

3. 3) (x ) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around those words, or used

indentation and citation within the text.

4. 4) (x) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in the bibliography in the

text of the paper.

5. 5) (x ) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.

6. 6) (x ) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be stated in another way. I

cited the source within the paper and in the bibliography.

7. 7) (x ) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks interpretation or originality.
8. 8) (x ) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully transparent about the research

and ideas used in my paper.

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