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Justin Henry

DDE Instructional Document

After writing two assignments about different types of rice I decided to start searching
for something different. So, when I was assigned an instructional document I thought This is
easy Ill just do a recipe. From there I remembered how the book frequently brought up rice
pilaf and thought Ill write about that. So, to prepare for this paper I look online for other
recipes to make rice pilaf some of which were very strange one even included cooking it while
wrapped in a towel. After seeing enough of these I decide I wont take the common elements
and make a composite recipe.
As I began writing my composite recipe I broke it down into the common ingredients
and then found the most basic way to cook it. I included optional ingredients that generally
served the same purposes. This step existed only because of previous experience with cooking.
Unlike other assignments there was little planning in the layout of the assignment.
Peer review mostly left the assignment unchanged due to the simplicity of the recipe.
The final revision of the paper was the addition of an introduction paragraph alongside format
changes and the reduction on the degree of warnings for small notices.

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