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Establishing a Joint Committee on Moderator Actions in the official Londinium Discord server.
December 4, 2017
The delegate from the Federation of Southern Aurgediam (for himself and the Dominion of Lady
Cari) submitted the following bill to the Assembly of All

Establishing a Joint Committee on Moderator Actions in the official Londinium Discord server.
Whereas, moderators on the official Londinium Discord server have operated largely without
Whereas, this lack of official oversight has been to the detriment of members holding dissenting

Resolved by the Assembly of All (the Parliament Concurring)


There is hereby established in the Legislature a Joint Committee on Moderator Actions

(hereafter referred to as the Joint Committee).


(a) IN GENERAL.The Joint Committee shall consist of 5 members appointed as follows:

(1) The moderation team of the official Londinium Discord server shall appoint one
moderator to serve on the Joint Committee.
(2) The Speaker of the Assembly of All and the President of the Parliament of
Londinium shall appoint one member of the Legislature to serve on the Joint
(3) The members of the official Londinium Discord server shall elect three members
to serve on the Joint Committee.
(1) CHAIR.The members of the Joint Committee shall elect one member to serve
as the chair of the Joint Committee for a three-month term.
(2) VICE CHAIR.The members of the Joint Committee shall elect one member to
serve as the vice-chair of the Joint Committee for a three-month term.
(c) PARLIAMENTARIAN.The members of the Joint Committee shall appoint a
parliamentarian to advise the chair on rulings under the parliamentary authority.
(d) VACANCIES.A vacancy in the Joint Committee shall not affect the power of the
remaining Members to execute the functions of the Joint Committee, and shall be filled in
the same manner as the original selection.


(a) REVIEW OF MODERATOR ACTIONS.The Joint Committee shall review all

moderator actions on the Londinium Discord server that have been challenged by a
member or moderator.
(1) Upon challenge of any moderator action, the committee shall immediately
schedule a hearing on the action.
(2) Following the hearing, the committee shall issue a full report and decision on the
(3) All members and moderators of the Londinium Discord server shall comply with
the decisions given by the Joint Committee.

(a) In carrying out its duties, the Joint Committee is authorized to

(1) Hold hearings, to sit and act during the sessions, recesses, and adjourned periods
of the Legislature.
(2) require the attendance of such witnesses and the production of such books, papers,
and documents, administer such oaths, take such testimony, procure such printing
and binding as it deems necessary; and
(3) make such rules respecting its organization and procedures as it deems necessary.
(b) MEETING PLACE.The Joint Committee shall hold meetings on a separate Discord
(1) The Discord Server shall have two text channels and one voice channel.
(A) One text channel shall be dedicated to debate during the hearing, the other
shall be dedicated to announcement of decisions made by the Joint
(B) The voice channel shall be dedicated to verbal debate during a hearing.
(c) RECORDING OF PROCEEDINGS.All proceedings occurring in the seperate server
shall be recorded.
(1) Following the announcement of a decision, the text channel dedicated to debate
shall have its contents recorded and stored in an easily accessible online archive
of proceedings by the chair; following the recording, the channel shall be wiped.
(2) Argument occurring in the voice channel shall be recorded by the chair.
(d) VERBAL ARGUMENT.If a member wishes to conduct the proceedings of the hearing
verbally, they may present a motion to do so before the chair.
(1) The motion shall be considered a subsidiary motion, given priority above the
motion to limit or extend limits of debate.
(2) The motion shall pass only through unanimous consent of both the voting
members of the Joint Committee and the hearing participants.
(e) HEARING PARTICIPANTS.Hearing participants shall be given the same rights as
full members of the committee, however, they shall not be able to vote on motions unless
otherwise specified in this document.
(f) PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY.The parliamentary authority of the Joint
Committee shall be Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised (11th Edition). The chair or
the parliamentarian shall have the parliamentary authority on hand at all times during a

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